#if you hear something that sounds like an alarm
sleepykye · 3 days
Handsome idol..
Kinich x reader
Part 1 | Part 2
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Thank you for 300 followers ! I truly am grateful, knowing that it took me blood, sweat, and tears to get me this far. Although I do not post much, I still am truly grateful! ❤️
The light from the window shone onto your body as you lay in bed, not wanting to get up from bed as your alarm kept on ringing. With a groan, your hand turned the ringing sound off, reluctantly sitting up as you rubbed your eyes. Your hair was all messy, some locks falling over your face. The dorm provided by the school was cold, and the air conditioner was turned on 24/7.. it felt like you were in a freezer. You slowly got up and prepared yourself for the long day. Heck, you even regretted joining this prestigious academy. As you got dressed and left the dorm room, you overheard some students talking about an idol that was joining the school..?
"Have you heard.. we're gonna have an idol transferring here today!!"
"Oh my gosh, yeah! I heard he's reaaaaally hot, too...!!"
You rolled your eyes at their overexcited gossips, sighing as you got to class and sat down, fishing out your phone as you scrolled through Instagram reels. Most of them contained couples, holding hands, kissing, and even some posting about themselves going on expensive dates with their boyfriends or girlfriends. It got to the point where your entire for you page was filled with them, as if even the online world is mocking you for your lonely butt. You closed your phone as soon as the lecturer walked in. But as soon as the lecturer walked in, you noticed a figure that looked.. dazzling if you were to admit, walking after the lecturer. The lecturer instructed him to sit beside you since it was the only empty seat. He gave a small nod before sitting beside you. The lesson soon began, and you could hear small chatter, most likely about the new guy. Most girls were drooling over him, if not all, except for you, that is. You wanted a normal school life, a normal romantic life as well. Not one that would consist of your significant other being famous or something, just a normal, typical man that would love you from the bottom of his heart.
The lecturer couldn't care less if people weren't paying attention. He was just there to teach. It wasn't any of his business if the students didn't want to listen. After all, they'd get kicked out of the school if they fail twice a row anyway. Your eyes slowly drifted to the person beside you. He was quiet, his skin pale, and his eyes were those of a beautiful emerald hue paired with a bit of yellow, fully showcasing how captivating his eyes itself were. After a minute or two of staring, you looked away, already noticing the girls in class staring daggers ar you. After class, you were immediately pushed out of your seat, multiple girls swarming your new desk mate as they tried to make conversations with him. He didn't appreciate it much at all. He gave all of them a cold look before speaking, his tone icy cold as he narrowed his eyes slightly at them
That single word was enough to leave pouts and whines on the girls. They all left, sulking as they went to have their lunch. You then noticed him turning to you, offering you a hand as he witnessed how they had pushed you off just to get a seat next to him
"...are you okay?'
Blinking a few times, your own hand slowly accepted his, getting up from the floor as you offered him a small smile and sat down again next to him
"Yeah, thank you"
He gave a small hum, turning his head away, cutting off your line of sight from seeing his face. You couldn't notice it, but his cheeks were slightly red. He hadn't gotten that flustered over a girl before..
He spoke. It was a single word, but you got what he meant by it, obviously it being his name. After exchanging names with him, he didn't talk much after that. But whenever looking away, he would sneak small glances at you. He wanted to get to know you better. He didn't know what this foreign feeling was whenever his heart skipped a beat in his chest from seeing your little smile, but whatever it was, he wanted to more of it.
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ask-me-later23 · 1 day
Weathering the Storm.
Spencer Reid x Reader in which Spencer comforts reader while they work through their intense storm anxiety.
Warnings: severe anxiety/fears of thunder and lightning.
A/N: I know this isn't everyone's cup of tea but hurricane is currently hitting FL and this is how I am coping. It might not help everyone but it helped meeee.
The noise was too much. It was all too much.
Between the quick flashes of light, the intense roars that followed, and the incessant scraping of branches against your window, it was all just too much.
It didn’t start off slowly, as you were used to with storms. No, this morning it seemed like the perfect fall day when you went to get coffee just down the block. You could even remember enjoying the soft breeze that brushed against you as you walked. This all seemed so far ago, so far away. 
The clouds rolled in quickly, followed in suit by the zips of lightning in the distance, and the grumbling that seemed to mock you. You hardly made it back inside before they began taunting you in full force. 
At any other moment you might have found this scene humorous. You’ve seen true horrors everyday, come face-to-face with real life monsters on a regular basis, yet here you are: sobbing and quivering over a thunderstorm. Brought to your knees by mother nature. 
But it is not any other moment. Right now you can’t even think straight. All you can focus on is how loud everything is. You clamp your hands over your ears in attempts to muffle the world around you, but it seeps through. It always does. 
A loud rapping at your door startles you, forcing out a loud whimper. Panic begins to set in. What happened? Is someone hurt? What’s going on? All questions you had no answers too. You hear the raps again, softer this time.
Suddenly, through the panicked haze, you remember Spencer was supposed to come over and drop off some case files. You attempt to move towards the door from your corner, but find all of your limbs refuse to answer to you anymore. Your fingers remain clenched to your head, and your legs are stuck curled up in front of you. Another whimper escapes your lips.
A moment passes and you think he gave up on you and left, but then you can hear the soft creak of the door being opened. How did he get in here? What if it isn’t him? What if it’s an intruder? What if-
“Y/N? The door was unlocked, I thought I heard something. Are yo-” Spencers concerned voice suddenly halts and footsteps begin rushing over to your currently hunched over body. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” You feel him kneel down next to you, a warm hand places itself on your knee, but your body jerks away from the sudden contact. His gaze burns a hole into the top of your head, but you can’t force yourself to look up and open your eyes. 
Suddenly another loud BANG goes off outside, sounding every single alarm inside your head once more, and you recoil from the noise. You hear Spencer readjust on the cold floor.
“The storm,” he whispers. Despite the softness to his tone, there is no question or uncertainty to his voice. 
You hear more shuffling, followed by footsteps walking away, and are suddenly worried he’s going to leave you. He didn’t sign up to be here for this, for you. He just came to drop off files. You might have a close bond but that does not mean he’s obligated to help. A soft sob escapes your lips, and then you hear the footsteps coming back towards you. 
“Shhh… It’s okay.” You feel him sit back down next to you. “You know it’s actually a myth that lightning can’t strike two places in the same spot. There are hundreds of places where lightning can strike twice. The Empire State Building gets struck about 100 times a year.” He moves closer. “Astraphobia is the actual name for an intense fear of thunder and lightning, and it is the third most common phobia in America. However, your actual chances of being struck by lightning are about 1 in 12,000.”
Slowly, you feel him brushing your back gently. This time you do not flinch. 
“In 1955 there was this huge thunderstorm in Belgium that set off over 40,000 pounds of explosives left over from the battle of Messines in World War 1. But the only casualty was a single cow.” You are enveloped in warmth that you didn’t know you needed as he slowly places a blanket over your shoulders. 
You can slowly start to feel yourself relaxing as you focus on his words. You stop shaking and your breathing begins to slow. “There’s a thunderstorm that forms regularly over Tiwi Islands that they named ‘Hector the Convector’ from September to March.” He pulls you in closer, hugging you tightly with one arm through the blanket. You slowly regain feeling into your limbs and lean into him. 
“Aristotle used to believe that thunder was caused by a collision of the clouds,” he continued his rambling as he cupped his other hand across your face.
“Thank you,” you manage to croak out. He wipes the tears away from your face and you finally manage to look up at him. His disheveled curls looked all over the place, yet framed his face perfectly. His brows were pushed together and the corners of his lips turned down in concern. “You don’t have to stay…it’s okay.”
As if wanting to make you seem a fool, mother nature sent another loud roar your way, causing you to shrink right back into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere until I know you’re okay.” His arms gripped you securely. 
You both stay there for the rest of the night, even after the clouds dissipate and the storm calms. You don’t say much, just sit wrapped in each other’s arms in comfort.
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cherrycolored-punk · 2 days
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NHTK - Chapter Two
pairing: brother's best friend! Eddie Munson x fem! Reader, reader is Reefer Rick’s little sister.
w/c: 6.2k
author's note: this is a repost from my previous blog @strangemagicc but somewhat re-written, some of their story has changed. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please reblog if you did, support is always appreciated!
warnings: angst, mention of cheating (technically not reader), mention of anxiety and a past car accident, brief mention of money issues for reader
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“Fucking shit!” 
Eddie can hear the worry in your voice as he rounds the corner. The sound of his heavy boots against the tiled floor catches your attention.
The fear is vibrant in your eyes when you turn to him, a quiet cry for help and he can’t help but chuckle at the scene. At the state of your brows pushed together, face twisted in horror.
He looks over your shoulder, noticing that the popcorn is overfilled and smoke is billowing from behind the glass doors of the machine. Charred pieces of popcorn fall into the vat; the burnt smell wafts around you and fills the air.
“Way to go, Little Lipton,” he laughs and moves around you to turn off the machine.
“Shut up,” but the words come out like a whine.
You’re already annoyed that he caught you creating a mess and even more peeved that he’s looking at you with that cocky smirk of his.
“Alright,” he sighs heavily, “this one is going to be out of commission for a bit, so we’ll need to make sure that one is always prepped with fresh kernels,” he tilts his chin to the only other popcorn machine and leans against the counter with his arms crossed.
“Out of commission?” Your voice raises an octave, face twisting in horror as his words make alarms blare in your skull.
“Yeah,” he chuckles as though his next words are obvious.
“We have to clean this one before we use it, or all the other batches are going to taste like shit, and that’s not the easiest or fastest task.”
“He’s going to kill me,” you groan and drop your head back.
He being your manager and a major pain in your ass since the day you started working here. Mark wanted things a certain way; candies lined in a specific direction, cups displayed for the customers to see, popcorn made to perfection and not burnt until it turned to dust.
“Probably not kill, just maim,” Eddie shrugs with a crooked grin, a glint of amusement in his chestnut eyes as he stares down at you.
“You never told me what to do if I burnt the kernels,” you abruptly look up at him and swat at his arm. 
His smile grows wider at your display.
“That’s because I told you not to overfill the kettle and never thought you’d ignore that tidbit,” he sighs dramatically, “guess that’s what I get for thinking.”
Reflexively he moves out of arm’s reach before you can do any serious damage.
Eddie enjoys the way your lower lip juts out, how your forehead creases between your eyebrows when you are mad, and fuck, were you pissed.
It had been nearly two weeks since you started working at Hawk Theater, trying to save up for the new camcorder you’d been eying, and Eddie had been assigned to train you.
Or his form of training, which was a lot of “this is how they want us to do it, but this is what works.”
The problem was that you’d been distracted.
It was the way his smile lifted to the side and the way he tied his long curls into a messy ponytail. How he’d look at you when you caught onto something quick or the reassurance he’d quickly give when you didn’t. And sometimes, the sun would shine through the windows and hit his eyes just right, making them look like molten honey.
You couldn’t help the nervous flutters that sprung to life when he was near, your childhood crush resurfacing with teeth and taking hold of you.
It made it hard to listen and remember the instructions he told you, like not to fill the kernels past the very obvious line or else.
He never expounded on the or else, but negative consequences were heavily implied.
“You’re such a jerk,” you rebut, but the venom fell flat, the insult sounding endearing to Eddie’s ears.
“You already knew I was, sweetheart. Don’t know why you expected anything different now that you work with me,” he begins cleaning out the popcorn machine. Dumping the burnt kernels into the trash can before adding the cleaning solution to the kettle.
Your heart is still fluttering, replaying the single pet name over and over again.
“Guess that’s what I get for thinking,” you mimick him and begin helping him clean so the two of you would be ready for opening in thirty minutes.
Eddie watches you from the corner of his eye, the way your gaze is lit with mischief as you tease him, and he can't help but smile to himself.
“Are you two trying to set this place on fire?” Mark Huntzberger, the manager, bellows as he came down the stairs from his office. He eyes the mess you made with a stern, critical eye that shifts over the concession stand and back to you.
The air still smells of burnt kernels and puffs of smoke still swirl in the air - highlighted by the afternoon sun peeking through the windows.
You can’t help the way you shrink under his scrutiny.
“I know this may just be some summer job to you, but this is my livelihood. If you can’t get it together by the end of the week, I will make sure this one fires you.” He points a fat finger at Eddie before turning his attention to him. 
Munson’s face has gone flat, eyebrows set in a straight line. Jaw tense.
“It was an honest mistake,” Eddie interjects.
“Clean it up,” Huntzberger orders before disappearing into the ticket booth.
“Why did I think this was going to be easy or fun?” You question more to yourself than to Eddie, shoulders tense as you tie the trash bag containing the burnt kernels before pulling it from the bin.
“Because the town fuck up works here, how hard can it be?” He nudges you with a wink, wiping the inside of the soiled popcorn machine with a clean rag.
“Move over, Eddie. Someone’s about to take your place,” you giggle and walk towards the exit doors that lead to the alley behind the cinema.
Eddie drops the rag into the popcorn machine, following you outside.
The summer air is suffocating with its humidity—the sharp stench of spoiled food wafting from the dumpsters causing you to wince as you approach the dumpster.
“Don’t do that. It’s the only thing I got going for me,” his grin grows wider as he walks in step with you.
He was all self-deprecation all the time, and you begin to wonder how much of it he really believes—the thought causing a pang of sadness to twist in your gut.
You lift the bag over your head, but he stops you, taking it from your grasp and hoisting it into the metal canister.
“Y’know it’s not true, Ed’s,” you begin, brushing your hands off and looking up at him. Eyes nearly squinted closed from the intensity of the sun.
“What’s not?” He questions, leaning against a brick wall that hid the dumpsters from the rest of the alley.
You stand in front of him, toe to toe, trying to hide the way your gaze dances over his face. Tracing the freckles that line his nose and admiring the dimple pushed into his cheek as he smiles at you.
And fuck, he’s caught you staring.
“That you don’t have anything else going for you,” you clear your throat, “you have lots of talents-“
“Ah, yes, I am known for my natural ability to annoy and antagonize,” he interrupts, and you roll your eyes.
“You’re so annoying,” but the words sound more affectionate than irked.
“I’m being serious,” you begin again, “I mean, I don’t know many people who can learn a new song on the guitar half as fast as you. Didn’t you learn Master of Puppets in like a week?”
You shrug, doing your best to be nonchalant.
“And what about all the stuff you know about cars? Or the random tidbits about pop culture and music? You’re like an encyclopedia britannica,” you continue with a small laugh.
“For all things useless,” he corrects. 
You poke his side causing him to flinch away from your touch, swatting your hand in the process.
“I mean it!” You insist, gaze holding his. 
It’s the exact look you get when you’re excited about something, and Eddie chuckles, ears turning a shade of red from the attention you’re giving him.
“You’re just trying to flatter me so I don’t fire you,” he jokes, but you continue to look up at him with a dramatic bat of your eyes, inching closer.
“Is it working?” You retort, exaggerating the breathiness of your voice.
For a brief moment, you see his confident facade falter - his eyes darting between your eyes and the plush of your lips as he swallows hard. 
But in an instant, it returns.
“Flattery always works with me, sweetheart,” he winks and turns back to the building.
There it was again.
Your heart stops, skips, and starts again as you will your legs to move. You watch his retreating frame, eyes boring into the back of his head.
“You coming?” He doesn’t stop walking, and you take wide steps to catch up with him.
Before you walk back through the door, you grab his arm and turn him to face you. He’d successfully evaded your compliments before, but you needed him to know it wasn’t empty praise.
“I meant what I said, Eds.” 
He looks at you with a questioning perk of his eyebrow but doesn’t verbalize his confusion so you continue on.
“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” you squeeze his arm softly so he can feel your sincerity.
When he doesn’t say anything, you release his appendage with an uncertain grin and pull open the door, the cold cinema air greeting you.
Eddie watches your retreating frame for a moment, a little taken aback, before following you to the concession stand.
The two of you fall into an easy silence as you work. 
You wipe the counters and finish cleaning the popcorn machine, carefully following Eddie’s instructions while he sets up the rope dividers in between each register, making sure things are organized just as Mark liked before the doors opened.
He looks at you every so often, and you try to hide the way his subtle attention affects you, keeping your head down and focused on counting your till. Having to recount when you catch him looking again.
But finally, you’re ready for the day; doors unlocked, and fresh edible popcorn ready for the masses. A small line of moviegoers already stood in front of the ticket booth.
The two of you rest your backs against the counter, waiting for the first customer to approach, when Eddie leans over to you, warm breath fanning your ear.
“Thanks, (Y/N).”
It was the first time he said your name. Acknowledged you as something other than Little Lipton.
The first time Eddie saw you as more than just his best friend’s little sister.
Eddie clamors into his trailer, heavy boots dragging across the worn carpet as he trudges to the kitchen and swings open the fridge, grabbing a six-pack that is nearly gone.
He spreads out on the couch and chugs one can before reaching for another, eyes darting around his home. Uncle Wayne had been gone for nearly a week on another cross-country drop-off, and Eddie usually enjoyed having the place to himself, but now the silence engulfed him.
The clock on the wall ticks loudly as the seconds pass, his thoughts clashing into each other.
Eddie tries to keep his attention on the TV as you enter the room for the fourth time that afternoon.
Rick shakes his head, taking a quick absent look in your direction.
“Dude, I think my sister might like you,” your brother laughs as you disappear back into your room.
Eddie scoffs at his words, but the thrum of his heart would’ve given him away if Rick could hear it.
“I’d never date your sister,” Eddie nudges his arm against Rick’s, eyes still trained on the video game as he sniped an enemy target, but his mind wanders behind the wood of your door. Wondering what you’re doing and if Rick might actually be right.
“Like I’d let you,” he chuckles, breaking Munson’s train of thought.
Eddie’s brow twists in confusion, and it isn’t lost on Rick. 
He turns to his friend with a flippant roll of his eyes and a gentle nudge against the metalhead’s shoulder. Prepared to emphasize his point.
“Oh, come on. I love you, man, but there’s no way in hell I’d let my sister date a guy like you.”
Eddie chuckles along with Rick to conceal the sting of his friend’s words.
He knows all the things that people don’t like about him. His hair, his tattoos. The bad reputation he’d more than earned, but to hear it from his best friend made it sting more.
He can’t help but wonder if you see him that way, a loser with no future—just the town freak. 
And in that moment, he promises himself that he’ll never put himself out there to know.
Eddie presses his palm to his eye, a headache building behind his orbital bone. 
Rick’s words reverberate off his skull as he grapples with the feelings he’s long ignored. The feelings that had sprouted and made a home of him since the summer he worked with you.
Eddie can still feel your lips against his, the electricity still humming in his veins, and fuck, he wishes it had lasted a moment longer.
He made a mistake, a huge mistake, and winces every time he thinks about the look on your face when he pushed you back into the passenger seat.
Eddie knows that if it went further, you’d only regret it once the sun rose and you’d sobered up. Once the realization hit that you’d slept with the pariah of Hawkins and he couldn’t live with you seeing him that way, with you regretting him.
Not when he already saw it in so many eyes around town.
He isn’t exactly someone you could take home, someone you could brag about or show off a picture of. He knows that much, has been told that much, and already accepts it as truth.
When girls got with Eddie, they expected fun. They expected drugs and a quick hookup.
Some of them never talked to him again, pretended they didn’t know him when they ran into him in town, and others told him that being with him made them realize they’d hit rock bottom.
God, he couldn’t handle you telling him that he was your rock bottom.
Eddie decides that it’s better to ignore it, to ignore you. Better to pretend it didn’t happen despite the way he feels. To spare himself from the regret he knew you’d eventually feel.
It’s a rainy day, and fat drops bounce off the windshield as your father drives. Faster than usual. 
In a hurry but you don’t know where to.
The air conditioner is off, creating a layer of condensation on the windows. Making your legs stick to the leather seats of your family’s beat-up station wagon.
You draw butterflies on the glass, a small finger tracing against the cool pane. Grinning wide as your drawings expose the gray sky and the way the dark clouds roll quickly against its expanse.
The low hum of Strawberry Fields Forever plays over the radio, but your parent’s voices are louder.
Your mom sniffles, and you lean up in your seat to see if she’s crying, but the length of her hair conceals her face from view.
“Mama,” you push against her seat with your sneakered foot, but she doesn’t respond.
“Jude, please pull over. I can drive.” Your mom insists, tugging at your father’s arm, but he shoves her off. 
You unbuckle your seat belt and pull at your mom’s shirt, trying to get her attention.
But your voice is cut off, muffled below the volume of the radio as your dad’s hand reaches for the dial turning it until your ears ring.
You shrink back into your seat, lower lip jutted as you look between the two of them. No longer able to understand what your parents are saying, the scene in front of you a mix of gestures and twisted faces making you more confused.
Your mother pulls on your dad’s arm again, and he shoves her off, turning his head to look at her. Mouth wide as he speaks, but you still can’t understand what he’s saying.
Everything else becomes a blur of lights and pain—endless pain shooting from your leg and throughout your body.
Your cries wrack your body but are silent to your own ears. The scene around you a mix of broken glass and lifeless eyes.
Then darkness.
You wake up in a cold sweat, wild gaze darting around the room as sit up in bed. The fabric of your tank top clings to your sweat-slicked skin uncomfortably, and your head pounds behind your eyes. A rhythm that matches the way your heart is beating against your ribcage. 
Bile rises in your throat, the nausea that always accompanies the nightmare.
The sting of your leg a reminder of the accident, of the pain from that day.
You press a palm into the skin of your thigh, massaging the muscle marred by a thick scar that’s a shade lighter than the rest of your flesh. It aches like it just happened, like you are ten years old and trapped in that car again. 
You groan uncomfortably and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to bring yourself back to the present. Trying to ground yourself with the distant sound of the coffee maker and the smell of burnt toast. The soft song of the birds outside of your window.
Slowly you become grounded, heart settling into a steady rhythm, and open your eyes.
Sunlight streams through your sheer curtains in brilliant rays, yellow hues creating a soft glow along your pale blue walls and highlighting the dust that dances through the air.
You throw your head back against the pillow, not ready to face the day. 
Images of the night before flooding your vision.
Simon and Rachel, her mouth pressed to his. The way she smiled up at him, held his hand.
The scene too familiar for a random drunken hook-up.
You press your palms into your eyes, rubbing until you see swirls. Until you are reminded of Eddie’s stunned face when you sat in his lap, hands pressed to his chest. The way he bucked into you.
The way he pushed you back into the passenger seat.
“Fucking idiot,” you groan with embarrassment and pull your pillow over your face, letting out a muffled scream.
You stay concealed under the pillow, contemplating jumping into the lake and disappearing altogether. Definitely not ready to face Simon and Rachel. Or Eddie.
You flail your body around as another wave of embarrassment rolls through you, causing your pillow to fall from your face.
The incessant buzz of your phone catches your attention, and you glance over at its illuminated face. The screen full of notifications that you can see without grabbing it.
Hesitantly you reach for it, eyes pouring over all the texts.
Simon: Guess you decided not to come tonight?
Simon: helloooo?
Simon: so you’re just going to ignore me now cos I asked you to go out?
Simon: not like we can’t do date night another time, wanted to go have some fun for once
Simon: so you did show up
Simon: you left with MUNSON?
Simon: you’re really just going to ignore me?
Rachel: (Y/N)?
Rachel: Simon is really worried about you
Simon: We need to talk
Rachel: Text me when you’re awake
You swallow the emotion that arose and wonder if their guilt had kept them awake, if it had eaten at them or settled into their chest. Felt whenever they breathed.
Were they even capable of that?
Slowly you push the sheets off the bed and force your legs over the edge one by one until your feet are planted firmly in the plush carpet, your back still pressed against the mattress. Phone forgotten, lost somewhere in your purple comforter.
You will yourself off the mattress and clamor out your bedroom door. Mind focused on getting a glass of water to cure your dry mouth.
The throb of your head returns as the smell of burnt toast grows stronger, and fuck, why did you drink so much last night?
You can only assume the assault on your nose is your brother’s fault.
“Is it really that hard to cook toast, Rick?” You complain loudly as you stumble into the kitchen and throw open a cabinet door, reaching for a glass on the top shelf.
You turn towards the sink, blissfully unaware that there is a set of eyes on you. Watching as you whistle and fill your glass to the brim. Foot tapping to a song that only you can hear.
Eddie watches you, a little petrified like a deer caught in the headlights.
He knew he’d see you, it was your house after all, but he wasn’t prepared for how much he’d see.
His eyes trace over your legs, stalling on the swell of your ass. He watches as you lean over the counter to get a better view of the lake from the window just above your sink. The angle exposing a glimpse of your butt cheeks.
It’s like you know what you’re doing, know that he’s watching and driving him just a little bit insane.
He swallows harshly, refocusing his attention back on his breakfast. Doing his best to ignore you like he’d planned.
“If it isn’t little miss sunshine,” your brother greets, his words dripping with their usual sarcasm.
You turn around to mock him but stopped in your tracks, eyes practically bulging from your skull when you notice Eddie, and you grip your cup harder.
Had he been sitting there the whole time?
He quietly nibbles on a piece of bacon. Avoiding your eye contact entirely.
The embarrassment you felt before flares awake, and god, you want to crawl into a hole and disappear entirely.
Blinking rapidly, you shift your gaze back to Rick.
He sits at the table, grabbing a plate and shoveling food onto its surface. Eggs, bacon, and the incredibly burnt toast.
“Have work today?”
“Like I do every Saturday,” you shrug, tone bored and doing your best not to glance at the metalhead out of the corner of your eye.
You sip your water, focusing on how its cool temperature slides across your tongue—trying to focus on anything else.
“I’m not going to be able to take you to work. Mrs. Wheeler needs me to take a look at her car and then I’m picking up some extra hours at the shop.”
You had yet to overcome your fear of driving, already having a hard time just being a passenger. 
“Can’t mom take me?” you question, but Rick’s head is already shaking as you get the words out.
“The transmission is acting up in her car. Need to look at it,” he states around a mouth full of food.
“Then how is she getting to work?” You set your cup onto the counter sharper than you intended and fold your arms over your chest.
“She’s not, has one of her headaches again,” he gestures to his head and shovels more food into his mouth.
“That’s why I need the overtime and for you to go to work, we need the cash. Next deal isn’t coming in before the light bill is due.”
Your shoulders sag—the constant stress of bills weighing heavy on you.
“I can just walk or get an uber,” you suggest with a tight smile, reaching over to grab a piece of bacon. 
The walk isn’t that long.
“Your uber is already here,” he points his head towards Eddie, and your eyes nearly bulge out of your head at his suggestion.
Not happening.
“I can just walk,” you reaffirm quickly, causing Eddie’s eyebrow to quirk.
“Why are you acting like such a brat?” 
You roll your eyes.
“I’m not, just don’t want to make Eddie go out of his way for me.” You unfold your arms and gestured absently towards him.
It was mostly true anyway, you didn’t like the idea of returning to the scene of the crime or spending the twenty minutes it would take for him to drive you to work in awkward silence.
“He’s not, stop being weird.”
“I’m not being weird,” you scoff, voice rising slightly and definitely being weird.
“Besides, I can just ask Simon to give me a ride,” you shrug nonchalantly, taking another bite of bacon. 
Rick doesn’t need to know that you aren’t talking to Simon and definitely wouldn’t be getting a ride from him.
Eddie’s elbow settles against the wooden dining table as he watches you and the way you so easily lie to your brother.
“Jesus, fine, whatever.” Your brother holds out a hand to get you to shut up and chugs his orange juice. 
You reach for another piece of bacon but this time off his plate. Rick grabs your hand, shaking the piece out of your grasp, and turns to you—his face twists in disgust when he notices what you’re wearing for the first time.
“Go put some clothes on before Eddie gauges his fucking eyes out.” He wipes his mouth and waves a dismissive hand at you, chuckling at his own lame joke before biting into the bacon that you tried to steal.
Eddie chuckles along with your brother, his pale cheeks blossoming pink. His faux laugh disappears when he notices you sneering in his direction.
“Oh, I’d really hate for him to do that,” your voice drips with sarcasm as you roll your eyes, taking quick steps back down the hall and to your room.
You press your back against the wooden door, a mix of anger and annoyance filling your chest. Overtaking any embarrassment you previously felt.
No, Simon wouldn’t be giving you a ride but neither would Eddie. You’d rather risk showing up a sweaty mess than sit in a car alone with him.
What you didn’t plan on was for it to start raining ten minutes in. 
Large drops had fallen from the sky in quick succession, dark clouds covering the warmth of the sun and creating a chill in the fall air. One of Indiana’s infamous sporadic showers.
The maple leaves are already starting to turn yellow, their brightness a contrast against the gray sky. The air smells of the evergreens, the sharpness of their leaves mixing with the sweetness of the maple trees.
Your feet trudge through the mud, splashing dirt onto the cuffs of your jeans. The road feels longer in the bad weather.
The white of your assistant manager shirt clings to your skin, revealing the pink of your bra, and you cross your arms over your chest in an attempt to conceal it.
There’s a small part of you that wishes you had just taken the ride from Eddie, but there’s a bigger part, the more prideful one, that is glad you hadn’t.
Not after the way he’d laughed at you, chuckled at the thought of even being attracted to you. When you’d just mauled him the night before and this would be the perfect time for lightning to strike you down.
To end your misery, the embarrassment clinging to you once again like the fabric of your shirt.
In the distance, you can hear a car approaching, and you move further into the dirt to avoid being hit. 
Hoping it isn’t a creep or a new serial killer looking for his next victim.
But it’s worse.
It’s Eddie.
Smiling at you from his rolled-down window, van driving slowly on the road's edge.
“Are you that fucking stubborn?” He questions, although he already knows the answer.
“Go away, Munson.”
You don’t look at him, eyes focused on the road ahead.
“Simon a no-show, huh?”
You click your teeth, trying to appear nonchalant. Like the words didn’t dig at you.
“Looks like it.”
His shoulders drop as you continue to ignore him, and he decides to appeal to your sensible side instead.
“You’re going to get sick.”
And why did he think you could be sensible?
He groans and speeds up a little, parking the car just before you to block your path. You stop in your tracks, listening as he climbs out of the driver’s seat and rounds the car.
“Are we really going to do this again?,” he questions as he trudges toward you. Boots slamming into the mud. Curls a little wild and starting to cling to his face when he looks at you.
“Do what?” You give him an innocent smile, eyelashes batting dramatically. 
Eddie closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Just get in the fucking car,” he states through gritted teeth, his annoyance only making your grin widen.
“Sure you wouldn’t rather gauge your eyes out?” Your voice drops low, mocking Rick’s tone. 
You drop your smile, gaze a little cold as it meets his, and push past him to continue your walk to work.
He throws his head back, face to the sky. Of course, you were pissed about that.
“I’m sorry, okay?” He turns to you, watching as you get a little further way from him.
“For driving me home last night and making out with me or for laughing at me this morning?” You turn around and begin to walk backward, arms lifting from your side. 
A little tired, a little defeated, and you stop beside his van waiting for his answer - concealed from the rest of the road.
“Laughing at you,” his voice is earnest, “I didn’t mean it.”
You nod, his words a salve to that wound but still, there was the mortifying way he’d pushed you away from him.
Eddie began to walk towards you, drawing closer. The scent of his cologne invading your senses.
“Sure you aren’t sorry about the making out part?” You question, eyes trained on his amber gaze as he approaches.
He swallows roughly and debates whether he should be honest. 
“I’m,” he pauses and sighs heavily, “I’m not sorry about that.”
You shrug your shoulders in an attempt to appear flippant, to seem as though his reassurance doesn’t affect you the way that it did. Heart hammering wildly, legs a little wobbly because Eddie Munson didn’t regret kissing you.
“Well that’s good, I’m glad neither of us regretted it,” you turn back around, missing the way his gaze lit up at your words. The reassurance that he needed.
“Now you can go on your merry way and pretend that you gave me a ride. I promise I won’t tell my brother that you didn’t.”
His hand is warm against your arm as he spins you around to look at him.
Your shoes slide against the wet earth from the force, and it is for a brief moment that you see him before you crash into the soft mud.
“Fuck-“ your curses are synchronized as you fall and pull him atop you, his weight causing you to groan from the sudden impact.
Eddie’s knee is slotted between your legs as he lifts his weight onto his forearms, brown gaze boring into your eyes. An apology on his lips when you begin to laugh. Giggles filling the air around you.
You looked at the evidence of your fall, your white shirt now painted brown. Ruined, and marred from the mud. Your hair is a mess of dirt that clings to your face.
Eddie is nearly devoid of any filth. The only evidence he’d fallen is the mud that soaks through the pants of his jeans. 
And it’s a little bit annoying how he isn’t as muddy as you.
Slowly you reach your finger up and slide it across his pale skin with a wide mischievous smile. Chuckling at the way his eyebrows marry at your actions, the way his jaw juts to this side and he shakes his head.
“You brat,” he lifts a hand and attempts to copy your actions as you try to wiggle away. His free hand stills you, holding you by the waist, as he drags the other across your cheek.
His playful smile mirrors yours.
“You jerk, I have to get to work!” But your tone doesn’t match the light in your eyes.
“I don’t think Huntzberger wants you hovering over the popcorn, let alone walking into the building, like this.”
His eyes roam your body, noticing the way your nipples are pebbled against the pink lace of your bra, easy to see through the sheer fabric of your shirt. The way your jeans hug the flare of your hips as you squirm beneath him.
Your breath hitches as you watch the way his gaze dances over your frame, chest rising and falling at a quick pace that isn’t lost on Eddie.
“How much time do you have before work?” His voice is a little gruff, affected, and it takes a moment for you to form a coherent thought.
You blink rapidly, hands resting on his chest absently, and clear your throat.
He lifts off of you and reaches a hand to help you up, but you pull him down into the mud beside you.
“You little shit!” Eddie looks at himself, the mud that clings to his jacket and jeans.
“Oops,” you shrug and lean out of his way as he throws mud at you.
“I have like two hours,” you laugh, looking at him completely amused.
“How long did you think it was going to take you to walk?” He lays there defeated, chuckle matching yours.
“I don’t know, it was just in case-“
“In case what? You had to fight a pack of wood rats to get through?”
“Shut up,” you shove his face from yours, mud caking his cheek.
Eddie gasps at the same time you do, realization dawning as he tackles you back into the mud.
It was like the whole world fell around you, ceasing to exist except for you and Eddie. His muddied face hovering above yours, long fingers digging into your sides as you try to wiggle away from him.
Your giggles fill the air, and you push at his chest.
“Stop! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Tears spring in your eyes as you push against his chest once more, dirt seeping further into your clothes as you lay there at his mercy.
“Say please,” he insists, and you shake your head, hands gripping his shirt.
For a moment, he stops, fingers stilling at your sides and he smiles at you mischievously. Face moving half an inch closer, and your smile falters briefly, gaze darting to his lips and back to his eyes. Their deep brown staring back at you, a light in them you hadn’t seen.
“You don’t regret it?” He questions, needing to hear it again. His breath fanning against your face.
You shake your head, already knowing the “it” that he thought you regretted. 
Eddie leans closer, his lips a whisper above your own. Shaky breaths mixing with yours.
Your heart skips as you anticipate the first touch, your eyes fluttering closed.
Eddie pulls away, slowly. Hesitantly.
“Think we should get you back home,” he looks down at your dirtied clothes and chuckles, face hovering above yours. You try to hide your disappointment as you nod in agreement.
He pushes himself off of you wiping his hands along his jeans before stretching out his hand to help you up.
Your palm slides against his, caked dirt pressing against his warm hand, and he pulls you against him. Sliding his hands down until they settle on your waist.
His nose traces yours as his fingers dig into your hips, and he swallows hard.
The composure he’d always managed to maintain quickly slipping away.
You tilt your face and run a hand against his jaw, cupping his chin. Thumb lazing against his stubbled flesh drawing circles in his skin.
“Fuck it,” Eddie breathes, and his lips push against yours.
The press of them makes you gasp, they’re just as soft as you remembered but more fervent than before.
His tongue presses at the seam of your lips, swiping against yours when you open for him.
He tastes sweet like spearmint, and you hum.
Exhilaration thrums through you, and you pull him closer, arms wrapping around his neck.
Chest to chest.
Hearts synchronized, each beating at a rapid pace, and you want the moment to stretch on.
For the kiss to never end.
Thunder cracks in the air and the two of you pull apart, looking up at the darkened sky just as the rain begins to fall again.
Eddie looks back at you, his dimpled grin wide as the first drop hits his cheek, and you yelp as another drop cascades down your face.
He presses a quick kiss to your lips, enjoying your surprised gasp. The way you instantly melt into his touch.
“Will you please get in the fucking car now?” 
You nod rapidly, your hand slipping into Eddie’s warm palm. Allowing him to pull you towards his van and into the passenger seat.
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goblinontour · 3 days
Alone, Together
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cooking, eating, fucking
part 1
warnings: lawyer!alex, smut, just normal fucking, alex & his cocobolo (less this time, but still present)
word count: 7.2k
It was a rare occurrence that Alex was cooking. You perched on one of the bar stools at his island, watching him with an amused smile. The kitchen was immaculate, each appliance gleaming as if it had never seen anything but coffee and reheated takeout. Because, that was the reality. Today, though, there was something simmering in a pot that had your curiosity piqued.
“Is this a special occasion?” you called out, leaning back casually, arms crossed.
He glanced over his shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips. “Nope…Maybe. Just thought I’d waste some time like a normal person.” he said, stirring the sauce with exaggerated motions. “Though honestly, I still think it’s a dumb idea.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “You still think cooking is just a fancy way to waste time?”
He turned back to the pot, his shoulders relaxing as he stirred. “Exactly. Why spend an hour cooking just to spend another hour eating? I’d rather order in and only waste half of that time.”
“Right. You know, Alex, then you’re wasting someone else’s time cooking for you.” you pointed out. 
He chuckled, a warm sound that echoed in the space, and turned to you, eyebrow raised, as he set the spoon down momentarily. “But they’re getting paid for it, so it’s not wasting time. Simple economics, babe.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile. “Only you would make that argument.”
He leaned back against the counter, arms crossed over his chest. “And only you would let me win it.”
“Or it just means you’re being lazy.” you countered, tilting your head playfully.
“Lazy? I like to call it efficiency. Lazy or efficient, you decide.” He shot you a grin before returning to the pot, his brow furrowing in concentration. “Speaking of efficiency, how’s the case with, uh, Henderson was it? How’s that going? Any breakthroughs?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Not as much as I’d like. He’s being uncooperative, as usual. I swear he enjoys dragging things out just to test my patience.”
Alex nodded. “Sounds about right. You should hit him with a motion. It might scare him into cooperating.”
“Yeah, maybe.” you replied, leaning forward. “But I don’t want to show all my cards too soon. Plus, I might need to save that for when he really pisses me off.”
He laughed, the sound warm and rich. “Just don’t let him get under your skin. You know how I feel about letting clients dictate the pace.”
“Right, right.” you said, smirking. “I remember that time you told a client they were being ‘insufferable’ during a meeting.”
He feigned innocence. “I was merely being honest! He needed to hear it.”
You shook your head, still smiling. “Honesty doesn’t always get you a good outcome.”
“Maybe not, but it does feel fucking good in the moment.” he winked, his eyes sparkling. 
As he continued, you felt a sudden impulse to be closer. You stood up and moved behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He paused mid-stir, humming softly at your touch, leaning back slightly against you.
“Hey there.” he murmured, a hint of surprise in his voice. He left the whisk in the pot, placing his hands on top of yours, rubbing over your knuckles with a gentle rhythm. “What’s going on?”
“Just wanted to be close to you while you do…whatever this is.” you said, resting your chin on his shoulder, feeling the warmth radiating from his body. 
He chuckled softly, glancing back at the sauce, steam curling up to meet his face. “It’s my attempt at culinary greatness. You know, a chef in the making.”
You snorted. “Sure, let’s go with that. I’ve seen you master a coffee maker, but cooking is a whole different level.”
He turned slightly, meeting your gaze with a teasing smile. “You underestimate my skills. I could be the next Iron Chef, is that what it’s called? Or, at the very least, I won’t set off the smoke alarm.”
You wrapped your arms a little tighter around him. “I have faith in you, sort of. What’s the secret ingredient, Chef?”
Alex glanced over his shoulder, a playful smirk on his face, his dark hair slightly tousled. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you, eh?” he quipped. “But it’s mostly just me hoping this doesn’t end up in the trash.” His expression turned slightly more serious as he leaned into your embrace. “So, are you gonna tell me what you wanted to share? Because I’m really hoping it’s what I think it is.”
You hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of your news settle in your stomach. “After dinner. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”
He sighed dramatically, though the twinkle in his eyes didn’t fade. “Fine, but you’re making me curious. It’s not like you to keep secrets.”
“Just focus on your culinary masterpiece.” you teased, pressing a quick kiss to his shoulder before stepping back to let him work.
He turned back to the pot, a contented smile still on his lips as he continued stirring. “I can do that. But you know I’ll be expecting the details afterward.”
“Deal.” you said, settling back into your stool, anticipation bubbling beneath the surface as you watched him move about the kitchen, an unexpected domesticity woven into his actions. 
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Dinner was over. Alex had just set his fork down with a soft clink against the plate. He wiped his chin and mouth with his hand, trying to catch the little specks of sauce that clung to the stubble along his jaw. The sauce had smudged slightly, and the way his lips quirked up made it clear he didn’t care about perfection. Just getting the job done.
You were still finishing the last bite of his extremely mediocre spaghetti. Spaghetti you appreciated nonetheless, more for the effort than the execution. He wasn’t even pretending to wait for you to finish. His eyes were already on you, full of expectation, his fingers drumming lightly on the table.
You sighed, glancing up at him. “What?”
“Tell me.” he said, his voice soft but eager, as if he’d been holding back for the past half-hour and was finally letting it spill out.
You raised an eyebrow, shaking your head with a half-smile. “My god, Turner, you’re like a child.”
“Come onnn.” he groaned, leaning forward a bit, his elbows resting on the edge of the table. “Please, tell me, tell me, tell me-”
“Okay! Okay, I’ll tell you.” you interrupted, laughing as you set your fork down in the almost-empty plate, still dotted with remnants of sauce. “Impatient as ever, I see.”
He grinned sheepishly, leaning back again in his chair, fingers still fidgeting with the edge of his napkin. His foot tapped lightly under the table, like he could barely contain himself.
“So,” you started, taking a breath, “about the firm-”
“Our firm?” he cut you off instantly, eyes bright with excitement.
“Yeah, our firm…” You paused for a moment, letting the words settle in the air between you. He was watching you so closely now, his brows furrowing just a little as if trying to anticipate what you were going to say next. 
You exhaled slowly, trying to find the right way to put it. “So, I was thinking…what if it wasn’t ‘us’ but…‘you’ and ‘me’?”
His smile faltered for just a second, and he blinked, processing. “Go on.” he said, though there was a slight tightness in his voice, like he wasn’t sure where you were going.
“We find an office together.” you continued, choosing your words carefully, watching the way his fingers stilled on the napkin, his eyes fixed on yours. “We share rent, expenses, everything. But…I am me, attorney at law, and you are you, Alex Turner, attorney at law. Both free to practise as we see fit.”
His mouth twitched at the corners as he leaned forward, bracing his forearms on the table, narrowing his eyes just a little, like he was trying to see the full picture. “Separate firms…under one roof?” he said slowly, tilting his head, brow furrowed.
“Yeah.” you nodded, gaining a bit of momentum. “Why not share a ride? You do things your way, and I do them mine. Not partners, exactly…”
“Solo practitioners…together.” he completed, his voice quiet, almost like he was speaking the idea into existence. He sat back again, running his fingers through his hair, ruffling it more. His lips parted, and for a moment he didn’t say anything, just stared at you with a half-lost expression, as if trying to see all the angles of this new idea you were offering him.
You bit your lip, waiting, your heart hammering just a little. “What do you think?” you asked softly, not sure how he would take it.
He stared at the table for a moment, his fingers drumming lightly again, then he exhaled a long breath. “I, uh-” He paused, looking up at you with a bit of that boyish uncertainty you didn’t see often. “I mean…yeah, I think it could work. I really do. But…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.
“But?” you echoed, feeling a knot tighten in your stomach.
“I guess I always pictured us doing it together. Like, actually together, as partners. Officially. You know, Turner &…” He waved his hand in the air, as if searching for the name that belonged next to his. “I like the idea of having you with me.”
His eyes softened, that vulnerability creeping back in as he let his hand drop to his lap. He shifted slightly in his seat, his leg bouncing under the table in a nervous rhythm. 
“Look…” you said, leaning in, trying to ease the weight you could see settling in his features. “It’s not that I don’t want to be with you. I do. But I also want to be…me, you know? You run things your way, and I need to run things mine. No compromises. It doesn’t mean I don’t want us to be-” You stumbled, feeling the weight of what you were saying. “I mean, this way, we still have each other. We still share everything.”
He nodded slowly, his gaze dropping for a second before finding yours again, that intensity returning. “Yeah, no, I get it. Really, I do. You just want-” He scratched his jaw, “You just want your space to work how you need to work. And we’d still be in the same place, so…yeah.”
You exhaled, relieved to see him processing, though the uncertainty still hung between you. “Exactly. We’d still be together. Just…independent too.”
He let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. “Leave it to you to make independence sound romantic.”
You smiled, the tension starting to ease from your shoulders. “Well, it kind of is, isn’t it?”
He raised his eyebrows, looking at you with a glimmer of amusement. “Okay, fine. I see the appeal. Solo practitioners together.” His eyes flickered to yours again, more sure this time. “I can live with that.”
You smiled, letting out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding. “Good. Because I really think this could work for us.”
He pushed his chair back slightly, standing up and moving around the table toward you. As he approached, he bent down, his hand resting on the back of your chair as he brought his face closer to yours. “You know what? I think we’re gonna be just fine.” He kissed you lightly, his lips still tasting faintly of the spaghetti sauce, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“An A for effort for the meal by the way.” you teased, pulling back just enough to meet his eyes.
He grinned, his eyes warm and soft now, all traces of tension gone. “Next time, we order in.” He tilted his head, a slow grin spreading across his face, the flicker of excitement behind his eyes growing brighter. “Solo…together.” he repeated, testing the phrase out on his tongue like it was something new he hadn’t tasted before.
He took a step closer to you, his hands still on the back of your chair, but his voice was gaining momentum. “Solo together…That’s actually…perfect.” His eyes locked onto yours, lighting up with an energy you could feel sparking through the air between you.
You could practically see the wheels turning in his head, the idea catching fire. “No one stepping on anyone’s toes…” he continued, his voice rising in enthusiasm. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could get a word out, he grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the chair with surprising strength. “This is it!” He was grinning now, practically glowing, his excitement infectious as he tugged you toward him.
Before you knew it, you were up against him, your hands pressed against his chest. He didn’t stop there, though. In one swift movement, he lifted you up, his hands firm around your waist as he effortlessly placed you on the table. The cold surface under your thighs was a sharp contrast to the warmth radiating off him.
“Alex-” you started, a laugh escaping your lips, but he was already kissing you. His mouth crashed against yours, hungry, eager. You barely had time to process the intensity before he pulled back just enough to whisper against your lips.
“Solo…together.” he murmured between kisses, his hands now cupping your face as he pressed closer. “I love it.”
His breath was hot against your skin, each word punctuated by another kiss. You could feel the warmth of his stubble brushing your cheek as he moved from your lips to the side of your neck, his voice a low, breathless murmur. “We’d be our own bosses…No one telling us what to do…”
You gasped softly as his hands slid down your back, gripping you tighter, pulling you even closer to the edge of the table. Your fingers tangled in his hair, holding him close as his mouth found yours again.
“And-” another kiss, deeper this time, his hands roaming, the intensity between you building with every second, “we’d still get to come home to each other…Every single day.”
He pulled back just long enough to look into your eyes, his pupils dark, his face inches from yours, breathing hard. “Fuck, this is such a good idea.” His voice was rough, unrestrained. “No compromises, no pressure…but still together.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, a breathless sound caught between the rapid beats of your heart. “I’m glad you like it.” you managed to get out, your voice shaky but full of warmth.
“Like it? I fucking love it.” he growled, his mouth finding yours again, more desperate now. His hands moved to your hips, gripping you firmly as he kissed you harder, his breath hot and ragged. 
You could feel the excitement vibrating through him, the way his body pressed against yours, each kiss deepening with the weight of his growing anticipation. “Solo practitioners…but always together.” he murmured against your lips, his voice filled with something close to awe, like he couldn’t believe how perfectly the idea fit.
The table creaked beneath you as he leaned into you, his hands sliding under the hem of your shirt, fingers splayed against the small of your back. His kiss was urgent, full of need, like he couldn’t get enough of the idea, of you, of everything that was spilling out between you.
“We’re going to be unstoppable.” he whispered, his voice a low, husky rasp. “You…and me.”
Your head was spinning, your fingers digging into his shoulders, holding on as his kisses grew more fervent, more insistent. His hands roamed over your body, pulling you against him like he wanted to fuse you together. Every word he spoke between kisses buzzed with that same electric energy, his excitement fueling yours.
“We’re going to be so fucking good at this.” he said breathlessly, pulling back just enough to stare into your eyes. His gaze was intense, almost overwhelming in its rawness. “Just you and me…killing it, every single day.”
And before you could respond, his mouth was on yours again, his body pressed against you, leaving no space between you as his hands gripped your waist, lifting you slightly as if he was trying to get you closer, as if you weren’t already as close as you could be. 
Alex’s excitement grew like wildfire, his hands moving with purpose as he reached for the plates still scattered on the table. With a quick sweep, he pushed them to the side, the sound of ceramic sliding across the wood sharp in the air. You barely had time to react before he gently but firmly guided you down, your back hitting the surface of the table. His body hovered above you, his face inches from yours, eyes dark with hunger.
You felt the heat of him pressing against you, his hips grinding into your thigh, the hard outline of him unmistakable even through his clothes. His breath was ragged, his lips brushing the sensitive skin of your neck as he groaned softly into you.
“You’re eager.” you managed to say. 
“You bet.” he whispered, a smile curling at the edge of his lips as he pressed his mouth to your neck, kissing his way down your body, even through the fabric of your shirt. His lips left a trail of heat as they moved lower. 
His hands slid over your hips, gripping you with a mix of tenderness and desperation, fingers brushing just under your shirt as he kissed his way further down your torso. His stubble grazed your skin as he paused at the hem of your jeans, his breath warm and steady against your stomach.
“Fuck- I wanna fuck you here.” he murmured, his voice thick with need. He pressed his face into your belly for a second, inhaling. “Can I fuck you here?” he asked, his voice low, rough, a plea that sounded more like a demand in its urgency. 
The question hung between you, his hands stilling on your waist, his thumbs tracing small circles against your skin as he waited for your answer, his eyes locked onto yours. His breath came in shallow, uneven bursts, his body tensed above you, ready to close the space between you in a heartbeat.
You swallowed, your breath catching in your throat as his gaze never wavered. “Yes.” you whispered, the word slipping out before you could second-guess it. 
His lips twitched into a grin, but it was hungry, almost feral. “God, you have no idea how much I’ve been thinking about this.” he growled, kissing your stomach again, teeth grazing the sensitive skin there. His hands were already moving, deftly undoing the button of your jeans, tugging them down your hips with a quickness that made your breath hitch.
As your jeans hit the floor, he kissed lower, over the curve of your hip, his hands kneading the flesh there before he pressed himself harder against your leg. You could feel him, all of him. 
He hovered over you again, eyes locked on yours as he nudged your legs apart with his knee. The friction between your bodies was maddening, and you could feel his impatience in every twitch of his muscles, every shallow breath. “I’ve wanted you like this, right here, all night. Now I'm just waiting until I’ll get you on my desk…in our office.” he whispered against your ear, his voice a low, hoarse rasp as he kissed along your jaw, his body pressed into yours so firmly you could barely breathe.
You couldn’t help but smirk. “Your cocobolo?” you asked, the absurdity of him obsessing over his desk even now making you bite your lip.
He lifted his head just enough to meet your eyes, his expression full of dark amusement, a cocky grin spreading across his flushed face. “That’s right.” he murmured, his voice a low, sultry growl as he leaned closer, his mouth brushing yours with every word. “Fucking on my fucking cocobolo.”
The way he said it made you laugh softly, but before the sound could fully escape, he giggled, too, vibrating against your lips. It was that kind of infectious, unguarded laugh that made your chest warm, the kind of laugh that only Alex could pull off mid-seduction, somehow. 
His hands roamed over your body, tugging your shirt higher, fingers brushing your skin, sending sparks wherever he touched. He pulled back, just for a moment, his eyes flicking down your body, taking in every inch of you laid out beneath him. “Look at you…” he muttered, almost to himself, his voice low and reverent. “Fuck, you’re perfect.”
Without waiting, he kissed you again, deeper this time, his teeth grazing your bottom lip as he tugged it gently, making you gasp. His fingers slid down your sides, hooking under your underwear, dragging them down as he pushed you further back on the table, the edge digging into your back but you barely noticed, too focused on the way he was looking at you. 
His hands were on your thighs, spreading them further open, his mouth back on your neck, murmuring into your skin. “I need to feel you.” he whispered, his breath hot and ragged against your ear as he rubbed himself against you, his erection pressing hard into your thigh through his pants. “I need to be inside you…right now.”
His desperation was palpable, but there was something tender in the way his hands gripped you, in the way he kissed your collarbone. Alex’s breath came out in sharp, ragged gasps as his hands fumbled with his zipper, the sound of it cutting through the heavy tension between you. His eyes never left yours, as he freed himself, his cock hard and straining in his hand. There was no hesitation, no teasing now. Just pure urgency.
He pushed your legs further apart, the rough edge of the table biting into your skin as he positioned himself between your thighs. And then, he was inside you. The force of it knocked the air from your lungs, his cock filling you completely, stretching you in a way that sent a jolt of pleasure-pain through you. You gasped, hands flying to grip the edge of the table as it wobbled beneath you, creaking under the weight of his movements.
He didn’t hold back. His hips snapped forward, driving himself deeper into you, fast and rough, his breath coming out in sharp, uneven pants. The table shook beneath you with every thrust, the sound of it scraping against the floor barely audible over the wet sounds of your bodies colliding, over the ragged groans that escaped him every time he buried himself inside you.
“Fuck-” he groaned through clenched teeth, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you could feel the bruises forming. His pace was relentless, his cock slamming into you over and over. “You always feel so good…so fucking tight.”
You couldn’t form words, couldn’t do anything but hold on as he pounded into you. His eyes were wild, locked on yours as he watched your every reaction, his mouth falling open in a breathless groan each time you clenched around him.
The table rocked beneath you, on and on, the legs threatening to give way, but neither of you cared. It only spurred him on, made him thrust harder, deeper, his hips grinding into you with a roughness that bordered on desperate.
His hands roamed over your body, one sliding up to grip the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him as his mouth crashed against yours in a brutal, hungry kiss. His tongue was hot and demanding, his teeth scraping your lips as he kissed you like he was trying to consume you entirely.
The pace was maddening, his hips never faltering, each thrust hitting deeper, harder, making your body tremble beneath him. 
“Alex-” you managed to gasp out, your voice barely more than a breath, but he cut you off with another hard thrust, a groan escaping him as he felt you tighten around him.
“I know-” he breathed against your ear, his voice rough, barely holding back. “I know, baby…I’m close too.” His movements became more frantic, more desperate, his body trembling as he drove into you, pushing you both closer to the brink.
Any control he might’ve had moments ago slipped. His hands were everywhere. Gripping your thighs, pressing into your hips, sliding up your sides. He needed to feel every part of you, to hold you closer. 
“Fuck.” he groaned, his voice a low rasp as he buried himself deep inside you again, harder and faster. He was losing it, his rhythm faltering as he got lost in the sensation, in the heat of you around him.
Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper, feeling the way his cock stretched you with every ragged, unsteady thrust. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, lips brushing your skin as he cursed under his breath. 
You could feel him trembling, his body straining as he teetered on the edge, each thrust messier than the last. His mouth found yours again, a desperate, sloppy kiss that was all tongue and teeth. The heat between you was unbearable now, overwhelming. 
“Fuck, baby...I’m gonna come.” he groaned, his voice breaking as he thrust into you hard, hips slamming into yours with a final, urgent rhythm. His body tensed above you, his breath catching in his throat as he lost himself in the overwhelming sensation. His body shook with the force of it, his hands gripping your waist tightly as he spilled into you, warmth flooding between your legs as he gasped against your skin.
For a moment, it was just him, messy, overwhelmed, trembling above you as he rode out the waves of his orgasm, his cock still pulsing inside you. His breath came in heavy, ragged bursts, his forehead resting against yours as he slowly came down, his body pressed against yours in the most intimate way. You could feel the rapid beat of his heart against your chest as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. 
“That…” he whispered, barely able to form the word as he nuzzled his face into your neck. “That was…Jesus, that was…” He trailed off, too overwhelmed to finish the thought, his body still draped over yours, warm and heavy, but instead of slowing down, he rolled his hips again, a slow, deliberate thrust that made you gasp. He didn’t stop.
You could feel him still hard inside you, the slick heat of him moving against your sensitive walls as he resumed his rhythm, slower at first, but with that same intensity building all over again. 
“You didn’t come yet.” he whispered. His lips grazed your ear as he spoke, his hips bucking into you again. “I’m not stopping until you do.”
You moaned softly in response as he picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming more insistent. The table beneath you creaked again, the wood groaning under the pressure of his movements, but all you could focus on was him, the way he felt inside you, the steady, relentless rhythm of his hips, pushing you closer to that edge.
His fingers slid up your sides, brushing under your shirt to find the bare skin of your waist, gripping tightly as his mouth found yours again. 
“I love you.” he groaned into your mouth, his voice hoarse as he pushed deeper, the sound of his cock sliding in and out of you loud and wet in the small space between your bodies. “So much.”
Your hands flew to his hair, nails digging into his scalp as your body arched against his, a moan spilling from your lips as you felt the tension coil tighter inside you.
Alex was laser-focused on you, his cock pounding into you harder with each passing second. “Come on, baby.” he whispered, his lips brushing your ear as he thrust deep, grinding into you just right. “Let go. I want to feel you come…Please.”
That was all it took. The pleasure that had been building finally snapped, your body tensing beneath him as the orgasm ripped through you. Your muscles clenched tight around him, a cry breaking from your throat. 
Alex groaned at the feeling of you tightening around him, his grip on your hips tightening as he slowed his thrusts, riding out the aftershocks of your orgasm. “There you go…” he breathed and he kissed you softly. “That’s my girl.” he murmured against your lips. 
He stayed there, buried deep inside you, still hard, his hips barely moving in slow, lazy circles. He groaned softly, but you could sense something building again, the tension in his body still present, still tight. His fingers dug into your hips just a little harder, his breath hitching, and without warning, his hips jerked forward, instinct taking over as he thrust deep again, making you gasp.
“Shit-” he muttered, his voice shaky, almost surprised. He didn’t stop, couldn’t stop, his body reacting on its own, still desperate for more. You could feel it too, the way his cock twitched inside you, his muscles tightening, and you knew he was close again. 
“Oh- oh god…” he gasped, his voice catching as he thrust into you hard, the pleasure building too fast, overwhelming him. He pressed his forehead against your shoulder. His entire body tensed, a ragged groan tearing from his throat as he came again, barely able to process it, barely able to hold back. His release hit him fast and hard, his cock pulsing inside you as he spilled into you once more. 
“Oh-” he groaned, his voice breaking as his hips bucked one last time, his body shaking as the second wave of pleasure crashed through him, leaving him breathless and overwhelmed. 
He stayed like that for a moment, completely still at last, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath, his cock still twitching inside you as the last of his release emptied into you. His fingers were trembling, his muscles slack as the intensity of it all finally hit him.
“Fuck...I didn’t-” he started, his voice cracking before he could finish the thought. His chest was still heaving as he looked at you, the dazed, wide-eyed look on his face betraying just how overwhelmed he was. Slowly, a lazy grin began to spread across his lips, like he was finally processing everything. “I didn’t think I’d...come like that again.” he muttered, shaking his head slightly. “You…you’ve got me all kinds of messed up.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, your own breathing still unsteady. “Oh yeah?” you teased, your voice still breathless but playful, a little proud even. “Didn’t think you had another one in you?”
His grin turned more wicked and he opened his mouth to say something more, but before he could, you clenched around him reflexively, your body still sensitive. The reaction shot through him like electricity. He tensed, his whole body going rigid, and a groan slipped from his throat as he closed his eyes and his hands clutched the edge of the table, unable to take any more.
“Shit- don’t…I can’t.” he gasped, his voice trembling. “I can’t take any more.” He pulled out quickly, wincing as he did, his legs unsteady. “Not again...you’ll break me…I’ll die.”
You chuckled softly, a shiver running through you at the sudden loss of him, but the sight of him stumbling back from the table, almost collapsing, was too good. He looked utterly spent, but there was something ridiculously cute about it.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” you teased, smirking as you shifted on the table, watching him try to steady himself.
Alex shot you a half-hearted glare, though his smile was still there. “You keep doing that, and you’ll have to carry me out of this room.” he muttered as he staggered toward the nearest chair. He grabbed it, dragging it over with a dramatic sigh and practically collapsing into it with a groan. “I swear, I was two seconds away from my knees giving out.”
You laughed, still lying on the table, legs trembling slightly as the last waves of pleasure still lingered. “My poor, poor man.” you teased, throwing him a mock pout. “The table wasn’t so bad though, was it?”
Alex leaned back in the chair, still catching his breath, and gave you a lazy grin. “Oh, no complaints.” he said. “I mean, it was touch-and-go there for a second, but I think the table and I made it through.”
You rolled your eyes, letting your head fall back against the table, and let out a sigh of contentment. “Good to know I wasn’t the only one doing all the work.”
He shot you a playful look. “Oh, come on, give me some credit. I’d say I held my own pretty well. My knees would disagree, but they’re quitters.”
“You’re the one who wanted to fuck here.”
“Fair point.” he replied. As he sat, his hands absentmindedly reached down to tuck himself back into his pants, his fingers moving with a casual ease despite how shaky he still was. Once he’d zipped up his pants, he groaned, shifting in the chair as though trying to get comfortable.
Without a word, he reached for the buttons on his shirt, popping each one open slowly, his chest still rising and falling with every deep breath. He shrugged the shirt off his shoulders and pulled it to the sides, letting the cool air hit his skin as he leaned back. 
“Much better.” he muttered to himself, his head rolling to the side to glance at you. His chest glistened slightly with sweat, his skin flushed, and his breathing was still a bit unsteady as he sat there, letting the shirt hang loose on his arms like he’d given up entirely on any formality. 
“Cooling off?” you teased. 
He chuckled, eyes half-lidded. “Trying to. You’re too damn good at making things…hot. God…I’m wrecked.” he muttered, half to himself.
You snorted, your whole body feeling warm from the banter. “Next time, maybe pick a less risky location, Mr. Turner.”
He laughed, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and shaking his head. “No way. The danger’s part of the fun.”
You laid there for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. “You know,” you said, voice still a little hoarse, “You’re dripping from me all over your floor now.”
Alex looked at you, dazed but amused, his eyebrows raising slightly as if the thought hadn’t even occurred to him. “That’s fine.” he replied, waving his hand dismissively as if it was the least of his worries. “The floor’s seen worse.”
“Worse than this?” you asked, raising an eyebrow, trying not to laugh.
“Oh definitely…absolutely.” he replied, sitting up slightly as he looked at you with mock seriousness. “I’ve dropped coffee, spilled stuff...once I even dropped a whole sandwich, oh- and, you won’t believe this one, one time I kicked over a glass of wine trying to catch a football. You’re just adding to the legacy.”
“Okay.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. “Glad to know I’m in such good company.” you said with a chuckle, too exhausted to argue, and shifted slightly, your body still feeling heavy from everything. 
The mess of the moment didn’t seem to matter as much as the calm after the storm, both of you still caught in that lingering post-high. 
“You know, as much as I’d love to keep chatting about your floor’s sordid history I-”
“I need a shower.” he interrupted, his voice rough, like it took every bit of energy to speak, as if even just that required effort.
“Yeah, that. Me too.” you echoed softly, still not moving from the table, your limbs too relaxed to even think about standing yet. You both stayed like that for a few more seconds. “Come on, get up.” you said, finally mustering the energy to sit up on the table, your legs still feeling shaky. “If you’re going to shower, you need to move.”
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Alex was glued to you like a second skin. His damp hair, still slightly mussed, was pressed against your shoulder as he half-draped himself over you. He wrapped one arm around your waist, fingers absently tracing the curve of your hip as he nestled his face into the crook of your neck, so close you could feel the soft puffs of his breath. 
“Tired?” you asked, running your fingers lazily through his hair.
He let out a low hum, not bothering to lift his head. “Maybe, a bit.” he mumbled into your neck. “I just like you like this.”
“Like what? Barely able to move under the weight of your body?” you joked, but the affection in your voice softened the words.
“Exactly.” he murmured, his lips brushing against your skin as he spoke. “Just want to be close to you...Is that a crime, counsellor?”
You smirked, shaking your head. “Not yet. But you’re on thin ice.”
Alex chuckled softly, the sound vibrating against your shoulder. “Noted. Guess I’ll have to be careful. Wouldn’t want to be thrown out of bed for being too affectionate.”
“Who said anything about throwing you out?” you teased, shifting slightly but not making any real effort to dislodge him. “I’m too comfortable to move.”
“Good.” he sighed, his body relaxing even more into yours. “I’m not going anywhere anyway. You’re stuck with me like this now.”
“I can deal with that. It’s kinda nice, actually.”
“Nice?” he muttered, half asleep but still stubborn enough to keep the conversation going. “Just nice?”
“Alright, fine.” you admitted with a smile. “More than nice. But don’t let it go to your head.”
He grinned lazily against your neck. “Too late.”
For a moment, the two of you just lay there, his body practically draped over yours. It was peaceful, the kind of quiet that didn’t need to be filled, but Alex, in true form, couldn’t resist.
“Did you know,” he began, his voice low and thoughtful, “that penguins propose by giving their mate a pebble?”
You snorted, caught off guard. “What? Are you serious?”
“Dead serious.” he replied, lifting his head slightly to look at you with an exaggeratedly solemn expression. “They find the perfect pebble, you know? And they give it to the penguin they want to mate with. It’s very romantic.”
You laughed softly. “Why do you know this?”
He shrugged, settling his head back down on your shoulder. “I don’t know, I think I saw it on some nature documentary. Thought it was cute.”
“So what, are you planning on proposing to me with a rock you find on the sidewalk?” you teased, running your hand absently through his hair again.
Alex chuckled, his breath warm against your skin. “Maybe. If I find a really good one, you never know.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “I think I’d prefer something a little more...you know, traditional.”
“It's sorted then.” he said, his voice low and sleepy again. “No sidewalk rocks. I’ll keep that in mind.”
There was a beat of comfortable silence again, the two of you just enjoying the feeling of being close, the steady rise and fall of his chest pressed against yours. His fingers resumed their lazy tracing over your hip. You felt that familiar warmth flood through you, feeling his quiet need for affection, and you turned your head slightly, pressing a kiss to the top of his still-damp hair. “I love you too, you know.” you murmured softly. 
Alex hummed, pressing his face even closer to your neck, like he was trying to burrow into you. “I know…” he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you.”
You paused, frowning a little as you tilted your head to glance down at him. “Thank you?” you repeated, your brow furrowing in confusion. “Why are you thanking me for that?”
He shifted a bit but didn’t move far, his face still pressed against you. “Hmm?” he murmured, clearly not understanding your question at first.
Even though he couldn’t see it, you smiled, brushing a few strands of hair away from his forehead. “Why are you thanking me for loving you?” you asked again. “That’s not exactly something you need to say ‘thanks’ for.”
He was quiet for a moment, and you could feel him thinking, his fingers pausing their gentle movements on your skin as if he was trying to find the right words or come up with a good reason. But then he sighed, his breath warm against your skin, and you could almost feel the smile on his lips.
 “I don’t know.” he admitted quietly. “I just…yeah, I don’t know.”
You let out a quiet laugh, not mocking, just amused by how endearing he was when he got like this. “You don’t have to thank me, Alex. I love you because I do. It’s not a favour.”
He finally lifted his head slightly, just enough so that he could glance up at you with those sleepy, half-lidded eyes of his. There was something so soft about the way he looked at you right then. “I know.” he said softly, his voice a little raw. “But still…thank you.”
You gave him a look. “You’re ridiculous.” you whispered, reaching up to brush your thumb along his cheek. “But I love you, ridiculous and all.”
He smiled, that boyish grin that always managed to make your heart skip creeping across his face. “I’m just…I don’t know. Grateful, I guess.” he murmured, fingers resuming their soft tracing along your hip. “You put up with all of my bullshit. I get clingy, I say weird stuff, and you’re still here.”
You rolled your eyes but your heart was melting a little. “I’m here because I love you, not in spite of all that. Those are the things I like about you.” you said, your tone soft but teasing. “Even the weird penguin trivia.”
“Even that?” he asked, lifting his head more to look at you with a playful glint in his eyes.
You nodded, grinning. “Especially that.”
His smile widened, and he leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “I’m really lucky, you know,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours, “To have you.”
“You’re getting too sappy on me, Turner.” though there was no denying the warmth in your chest. “But...yeah. I’m lucky too.”
He laughed softly, pressing another kiss to your temple before settling back down, his head resting on your shoulder again. “Okay, okay. No more sap. Just...let me be like this for a while.” he muttered, his body curling back into yours. 
“Stay as long as you want.” you whispered, your fingers trailing up and down his back in slow, soothing motions.
“You’re so stuck with me.” he mumbled, already half-asleep again, his breath evening out against your skin. 
“Yeah, you’re basically a human blanket right now.”
“Mmm, sounds about right.” he muttered, his voice fading into a drowsy murmur. He snuggled closer, if that was even possible. “I could stay like this forever…just you and me.”
“Me too.” you whispered. “Now sleep, Turner. I’m not going anywhere.”
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a/n: i love him. (yet another version of alex i made up and became obsessed with)
tags: @st7rnioioss @theonlyoneswhoknowsblog @rentsturner @yourstartreatment @avxoxo1 @jqsvi @turnersfav @youresodarkbabe @psychedelicrocker @aacheinthejaw @zayndrider @humbuginmybones @tedioepica
81 notes · View notes
mvrkieboo · 2 days
Old Bloodhounds : Ringing Alarms
TWs : fucked up dynamics
A/N : since y'all wanted it so much... and it's not even good written smut too...
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Woojin and Geonwoo walked into the unit to see you weren’t in the living room, so they went to your room. When they opened the door of your room, you were on your bed, folded in on yourself, face down on the sheets. They could hear your muffled sobs. The video of Jaehyun trashing you was playing through your phone. Geonwoo moved to you, placing a hand on your shoulder blades. The gesture prompted you to sit up and let him pull you into an embrace as he sat on your bed.
Woojin was busying himself with your phone. He shut the video close, and took his liberties to read the texts between you and Yuno. He wanted to throw that phone out the window, and he didn’t really mind replacing it with a new one if he decided to go along with his impulses—but he held himself back and placed it on your nightstand. The way Yuno sounded so insensitive to what you were facing because of his own bitching…
Woojin sat on your other side, caging you between him and Geonwoo. As he watched you cry into Geonwoo’s chest, the crack in his house began to get bigger.
“You should consider kicking him out.” Woojin spoke quietly, and he didn’t think it could be so quiet in Seoul at 2 p.m., here in your bedroom.
You shook your head against Geonwoo’s neck and pulled away from him. You raised your hands to wipe away the tears off your face, looking down.
“That’d be really cruel. And it’d be an overreaction.” You whispered and Woojin tilted his head up as he rolled his eyes.
Geonwoo reached from behind you to hold Woojin’s shoulders, squeezing it as a warning as he sent the younger man a glare.
The younger man couldn’t care less.
“Cruel? Overreacting? Y/N, you’re getting lambasted on the internet by his fans when they don’t even know who you are, what you’ve been through—”
“But he didn’t post the video. He didn’t even know he was being recorded! He didn’t mean for this to happen, Woojin.” From the sound of your voice quivering and wavering, you were about to burst into tears again as you defended your older brother to the men who have been taking care of you since 3 years ago.
Woojin had it. He was getting sick of you talking to him without meeting his eyes.
He held both of your shoulders, making you face him.
“He’s acting like this mess is a really annoying minor inconvenience for him. Did you read the same texts that I read? Why are you defending him!”
“Woojin!” Geonwoo chided, dumbfounded that Woojin was berating you instead of comforting you.
Your hands went to the collars of his hoodie, pulling him closer as the tears in your eyes began to swell again.
“If I'm not defending him, that would mean I accept the reality that he actually doesn’t care about me anymore—that he will never see me as his sister anymore. I can’t accept that. I don’t want to.”
Their hearts completely broke at the sight of you breaking down all over again, letting go of his collars as your body slumped forward until your face met Woojin’s chest. Woojin was frozen for a second until he wrapped his hands around you, as Geonwoo scooted closer, placing his hand on your shoulder blade like he did before. Woojin placed a kiss on your crown, mentally beating himself up for the harsh words from earlier.
You raised your head to meet Woojin’s eyes, pressing your cheek against his chest as Geonwoo peered from above you to look at your face as you spoke, “Both of you are the only real things to me right now. You’re the only ones who know everything about me.”
Something in the way you said it, the way you worded it, it got to them both in an instant. The way you looked with tears streaming down your face, the red around your eyes and above your cheeks, the way your nose was red, the way your lips were all swollen…the way you looked like you were asking for a kiss and all the comforting and distraction they could offer to get your mind off this mess. Geonwoo’s breath was stuck in his throat, while Woojin’s breathing went shallow.
There was an alarm going off inside their heads.
It was almost like you put Woojin under some sort of trance as he mindlessly placed a palm on your open cheek and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours.
You closed your eyes as it rolled back, placing a hand on Woojin’s neck as he pulled you in closer, his arm around your back coiling tighter. Geonwoo placed his hands on your waist, going under your tank top, hands going up and down until they reached the edge of your bra and shorts. At one point, he did go all the way up—hands going up to your breasts and squeezed, before going down again, making you moan against Woojin’s lips at the loss.
When Woojin released you from the kiss that started off sweet but ended in filth, he made quick work of taking your tank top off. Once that's off, Geonwoo pushed your head to the side so your face could meet his.
Guilt ate away his heart, so he placed a soft kiss on your nose first that pulled a sweet sounding giggle out of you. When that smile stayed on your face, only then did he pull you in for a more filthy kiss that urged him to consume you, your mind and heart—you wanted a distraction, he'll give you that. Because you asked, because you wanted it. Woojin and he were always willing to give you what you asked of them, even if you never did what they always wanted of you—to be happy for once in your life.
Your arms went to his hair as Woojin placed open mouthed kisses down your jaw and neck. When his lips reached your collarbone, his hand went behind you to undo your bra. The cold air from your air conditioner made you shiver, your nipples perking up. You broke the kiss with Geonwoo and covered your breasts with your arms, and Woojin merely sighed and took off his hoodie.
Then, he gently held your arms, looking conflicted.
“Do you really want this?”
You nodded, and you felt Geonwoo's chest behind you deflate in relief.
“Then don't cover yourself up. We know you too well already, Y/N.”
They've seen you at your lowest, they've seen you struggle, how you clawed and dug just to live for another day. They know you too well.
You slowly let your arms down, and Geonwoo moved you until your back was leaning against his chest while Woojin moved your legs, slotting himself between them. The sight made your whole body flush. Geonwoo placed his face next to yours, but when you turned to kiss him, he gripped your face and made sure you were directly looking at Woojin taking off your shorts, slowly sliding down the garments—but as it reached your mid thighs, he realised he needed to get off of you to take it off completely, so he opted to tear it instead.
“Those are my favourites—” You gasped, but it dissolved into a moan as Woojin latched onto your nipple as he rubbed up on your thighs.
Geonwoo chuckled good-naturedly beside you and turned his head a little so he whispered directly into your ear.
“We'd buy you new ones, okay?”
You nodded. Geonwoo gave you a playful nibble on the earlobe for being so agreeable.
Woojin lightly sucked on your nipple before letting it go and went to the other one. His hands were groping the meat of your thighs, before moving north—to meet your inner thighs. When he was satisfied with his work on your chest, he moved his lips down in a trail of hot open mouthed kisses that had you panting as Geonwoo—already finished with teasing and biting your ear—gave you hickeys on your neck.
When Woojin's lips met the edge of your panties, your leg instinctively closed around him. The action made Woojin click his tongue.
“What did we say, Y/N? You could push all the other ones away, but not us.” Woojin spoke calmly.
Geonwoo let go of suckling on a particularly sweet spot on the crook of your neck to whisper into your ear again, “Never us.”
His tone of voice, although merely a whisper, dripped with so much authority it made you open your legs for Woojin almost automatically. Woojin sent you a small smile, “Atta girl. That's our Y/N.”
Woojin's hand went to your hips, playing with the fabric of your panties, “Was this expensive?”
“Yes.” You bemoaned, knowing the fate of your undergarment.
“It's a good thing we're rich, then.” Geonwoo chuckled, pressing a kiss on your jaw.
They didn't give you a moment to grieve over your most expensive pair of panties as Woojin didn't even bother to tease you first—his lips found your cunt rather quickly, licking a long stripe from the bottom of your slit to your clit.
Your hands went straight to his head, your legs already trembling as it fought the urge to close around him.
“Woojin!” You gasped out, and Geonwoo moaned from behind you.
“I can't wait until I make you moan my name like that.” He groaned into your shoulder, before biting down on the skin.
Woojin placed his hands on your thighs seeing how it was obviously trembling, feeling gracious enough to hold it apart for you as he wrapped his lips around your clit to suck on it.
The feeling was so intense it had your upper body squirming on top of Geonwoo's person. You didn't even realise what you were doing to Geonwoo until he chuckled again, resting his forehead on the side of your head while grunting under his breath. Only then were you aware of something poking on your lower back.
Despite being aware Geonwoo's hard-on was pressed behind you, you couldn't even get shy over it because Woojin was eating you out so good it had you crying again. When Geonwoo finally noticed the tears, he sighed.
“Come here, baby. Let me kiss you.”
You obediently turned your head to kiss him again. You could feel Geonwoo's hips behind you was starting to move on its own, grinding his clothed bulge against your back for his own stimulation.
When you felt Woojin's tongue hit a particularly sweet spot inside you, it made your sanity slip momentarily—resulting in you biting down on Geonwoo's lips, hard enough that it drew blood, as you came all over Woojin's face.
He let go of the kiss, a knee jerk response to the sting and you mumbled out your apology pathetically—you had tasted his blood and you realised what you had done. Geonwoo let out a big smile and licked on the nicked part, recognising this was just you marking him like he had also marked you. He loved how the hickeys littered under your jaw and neck. Especially now as you basked in your post-orgasmic glow.
Woojin pulled himself up, wiping on the corner of his lips with the back of his hand.
“Geonwoo, is it okay if I…?” Woojin asked the oldest one in the bedroom rather calmly, like he didn't just pull out an orgasm from you just a second ago.
But the look behind his eyes was anything but calm.
Geonwoo nodded and pulled you away, taking a pillow to place it under your head before letting you down completely.
When he stood, he looked down at his pants and laughed at the stain. Woojin scrunched his brows while you stared at it dumbly, still coming down from your high.
“Geez, I cummed just from grinding against you, Y/N. I need some time to get hard again, so Woojin is gonna fuck you first, alright?” He cooed, bending down for a bit to pat your cheeks.
Woojin, now knowing that Geonwoo had given him the greenlight, started to take off his sweatpants and boxers in one go, throwing it into a pile on the floor. Geonwoo took his sweater and pants off as he walked to the armchair that was situated just three feet away from your bed.
He sat down with his legs spread open, watching you and Woojin like a hawk.
Woojin was kneeling between your legs, cock hard and already leaking some precum. When he lowered down so he could see your face directly, he saw the tear tracks on your cheeks and went to touch them.
The conflicted look behind his eyes made a return.
“You made me feel too good.” You mumbled out, your hand coming up to hold his.
You moved his hand so his thumb could rest on your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth to suck on it.
“There's no such thing as too good.” Woojin laughed a little, breathless.
And you wanted to say there were such things as too good. Like pizza, the fall season, and Geonwoo and Woojin who were always taking care of you without expecting anything back.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, “Fuck me, please.”
“And do you really want that?”
And Geonwoo and Woojin have always given in to your wants and needs. This shouldn't be anything new.
Woojin nodded and lined the tip of his cock to your entrance before slowly pushing in, shoulder almost flinching at the sound of your sigh. When he was all the way in, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.
The kiss was just as filthy as the last, a string of saliva connecting your lips as you pulled away.
“Move.” You moaned out, and Woojin nodded again.
The tempo was slow at first, so Woojin could make sure you were well adjusted to his shape and size. At the sight of Woojin fucking you, Geonwoo took out his own cock and started to pump up and down, matching Woojin's tempo. The tempo picked up when Woojin could confirm you were getting used to his cock, but you just had to be greedy for more.
Was this greediness the result of them spoiling you? Did you like being greedy? Do you want them to spoil you more? How could they spoil you more when they're already crossing the line to satisfy you—comforting you by fucking you. By baring the teeth they take no pleasure in baring?
“Woojin, I want it faster.” You gasped out, your hips moving on their own to meet his thrusts for added stimulation.
“Faster?” Woojin snipped out, eyes glaring down at you.
So greedy. So needy. But how could they say no to you? You ask and they deliver. Always.
He gave one particularly hard thrust that had the headboard slamming against the wall, and it also had you scream out his name in pure bliss.
“Yes! I want it like that!”
Wish granted and Woojin grunted. He picked up the pace, and picked up your hips every time he thrusted in, thrusted harder and harder until your moans turned into screams. He hated how your words kept him going, he lived for the way you screamed his name, the way your eyes rolled back, the way your nails scratched down his back. Geonwoo bit the finger of his free hand, until his teeth tore into the skin of his fingertip and drew blood. He stopped pumping when he felt his own orgasm coming close.
“Fuck. I never liked being hard and fast.” Woojin grunted under his breath, already feeling himself coming close.
He always preferred to fuck slow and deep, but you had asked for otherwise so he granted it.
Like he always would.
“It's okay, I'm close too.” You spoke sweetly, a pretty smile on your pretty flush face, hands raking through his hair so nicely.
“Yeah?” Woojin finally broke out into a sincere smile since this mess began.
They didn't mind crossing this line as long as you smiled like that. Smiling so prettily as if you were actually happy.
When your eyes rolled back and eyebrows scrunched in together, your fingers now suddenly pulling on his hair and scratching against his scalp, he knew he didn't need your verbal answer. Your cunt was beginning to grip tighter, like a telltale sign.
Woojin held your face, pressing a kiss on the side of your head before speaking into your ear, “Anything for you, Y/N. Whatever you want—have it.”
That's when you reached your high, arching your back off the bed, almost ripping Woojin's hair out.
He rode out your high for as long as he could before pulling out to cum on your stomach.
Your second orgasm put you into a longer haze, and when you finally came to your senses again, Woojin was already lying next to you and catching his breath while Geonwoo was the one on top of you now, but for some reason moving down your body until his face matched your lower stomach, still covered in Woojin's cum.
You were breathless when he lowered down to clean it up, licking Woojin's cum away slowly and deliberately.
“Ah, Geonwoo—” You moaned, your body still super sensitive from your earlier orgasm. Your hand reached out to his hair.
“Shhh. It's okay. Someone needs to clean you up.” He spoke, words muffled against your skin.
After he was finished, he sat up straight and pulled you up with him.
“Do you wanna go get cleaned up in the bathroom, baby?” He asked gently with a smile on his face as he stroked your face, pushing your hair back while he's at it.
You went to hug him, pressing your face against the crook of his neck.
“No. Let me ride you, please?”
He laughed and moved the both of you so he could rest his back against the headboard. Woojin watched the both of you closely.
“Since you asked so nicely.”
Since you wanted it.
You lined your slit above his cock and sunk down, both you and Geonwoo releasing a deep sigh as you sheathed yourself over him. Geonwoo gripped on your waist, pulling your attention to him.
“Do whatever you want. I’d feel good as long as you do too.” He smiled sweetly at you.
You blinked at him before looking at Woojin who was lying on the other end of the bed.
“How does he like it, Woojin?”
Woojin snorted.
“He's the one who likes to go hard and fast. Go crazy with him, Y/N.”
That's all you needed to hear.
You rode him hard and fast, and the angle made it all the more pleasurable. Geonwoo's cock was hitting so deeply inside you in a way you never thought you needed before. Lost in your pleasure, your hands on Geonwoo's chest kept slipping up so he guided them to coil around his neck instead.
He pulled you in for a kiss, and pulled away with a sigh.
“Since you're working so hard right now, you get to skip gym for tomorrow. I'm sure you already burned off more than enough calories.”
Geonwoo can be real funny when he wants to be.
“No skipping classes though, okay?” He chuckled at his own joke and suddenly decided to thrust up into you for some reason.
(He saw how you were getting tired, that's why.
Maybe they should work on your legs at the gym next time.)
He pushed his hips up as he pulled your hips down with tight grips around your waist. It'd bruise tomorrow, and it'd just be one of many marks that Geonwoo made upon your skin.
The switch up knocked the wind out of you, your mind going dumb at the angle, the harshness and the pacing. You were practically bouncing off of him too at how hard he was thrusting.
Kind, sweet Geonwoo—greedy and monstrous despite the guilt that ate away his chest.
When you scratched at his neck and shoulders, you caught how his eyes rolled back at the sting, and how his hips stuttered when you did it. He really loved to mark and to be marked.
“You close, sweetie?” He asked breathlessly.
You could barely give a nod at his question, but he could tell anyway. It was you, how could he not tell? The girl he's been taking care of with Woojin since 3 years ago, the girl who's been leaning on them ever since you met them. The girl that they're trying to help be happy again.
“Geonwoo…” You whined softly, feeling close to cumming, and he nodded as he stroked your face, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I'm right here, baby. Have what you want, since I'm right here with you, okay?”
A few more thrust and you came undone. However—because he had been staving off his own orgasm for a while now—as soon as you came, he quickly flipped you over so he could ride out your orgasm just like Woojin did, and pulled out to cum on your thighs instead of your stomach. He dropped his whole body on top of yours, slightly tired unlike your complete exhaustion.
“That felt good.” You groaned out, wrapping your hands around Geonwoo.
The alarm was ringing inside your heads.
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@nominzn @grassbutneo @pandagirl753 @spicyryujin @413ktz @sunghoonsgfreal @trfggv @naviiy @lizzieray @shiionknow @morkiee @soobinbunnie5 @bee-the-loser @johnuskglasses @oneeew @jwonsluvr @beyoursunrise @czenniesworld @calssunflower @uneviemorose @pink-milk37
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duskier · 2 days
Invisible man but it's toxic Ghoap x reader ...
cw: this is literally just ghoap mentally torturing reader and there are mentions of them intending to kill the reader 🫶
Them having access to fictional sounding levels of military technology and getting two suits of their own that allow them to go completely invisible- suits designed to even erase their shadows via a complex system of reflections and lights.
Of course, you're the first thing to come to mind when they put them on. You were their favorite barista at a café close to base. You probably didn't remember them out of your sea of regulars, but they never stopped thinking about you, a mutual fixation on you blooming between them. They start out small, breaking and entering in the middle of the night. Unplugging your phone from the charger so you wake up without an alarm, the battery long dead. Turning off power to your fridge and leaving the doors open, the food spoiled by the time you wake up.
The best part of the suits is they get to stick around and watch your devastation. Scrambling out of bed with a panicked, half asleep noise, putting on the first set of work clothes you can find. Soap leaning against your fridge so he can get a full look at your face as it crumples at the sight, your vegetables wilted and your meat already smelling.
Ghost takes it a step further after nights of keeping you awake with strange knocks around the house or precious items crashing to the floor. Soap has to bite his lip to keep from giggling as they take turns whispering your name in the night. They wait a few minutes between while they watch you peer into the dark, breath shaking in your chest in fear. You look so adorable with your eyes wide and darting about, like a pretty little thing of prey in your thin tank top and comfy panties. Like you're just waiting to be eaten.
Ghost brushes by Soap, hands reaching out purposefully to give his hand a squeeze. A silent command to stay. Soap is left waiting with you, continuing to admire how vulnerable you look. All it does is leave his cock swelling in the pants, fantasizing about ways he could get you to make that pretty frightened face for him more directly. Soap couldn't wait to get his hands on you, make you feel real weakness under his grip. They weren't going to fuck with you forever, this was just them playing with their food. A sort of foreplay. He wonders if you'd cry, if you'd beg for your life. Or would you try and play along, in hopes they'd spare you? Would you try to fight back, could you maybe land a blow on him? Soap palms himself quietly, careful to not let your now focused hearing catch him in the act. He really hopes you can split his lip or something, leave a scar to remember you by.
The both of you startle as suddenly you hear Ghost bellowing your name from somewhere on the first floor. His voice is so loud, so angry, it barely sounds human and is left ringing in your ears for a full minute after. You're paralyzed with fear, hyperventilating now. Before you could snap out of it and reach for your phone, you screamed at the feeling of a hand gripping your ankle and yanking you to the foot of the bed.
There was nothing and no one there. Even in the limited light you could tell that you were alone. This must have been a break in your psyche, you reassured yourself, just because you haven't been sleeping well and things have been going wrong in the house. No matter how you reassure yourself, you still creep down the stairs to look around for any signs of intrusion.
Every step, you pause and listen around for something, anything. Maybe a bear broke into your house for food or a thief was rooting through your office for your safe box. Maybe it was something as small and harmless as mice knocking over furniture. Every second feels like an eternity, your heart racing in your throat.
"Hello? I know there's someone here. Just leave, and I won't call the cops."
Ghost sneers at you behind the suit. What a stupid thing for you to do and say. He considers jumping the gun, ruining the mystery by revealing himself and teaching you a lesson. Soap inadvertently stops him, setting off your security alarm.
The high pitched alarm rang out, making you wince and cover your ears. Your house phone starts ringing, you scramble to pick it up. Backing yourself up against your living room wall to stare wide eyed into the darkness.
"Knight Security. Please provide your security code." The voice on the line said. The man sounded calm, kind, certain. It somehow helped to make you focus, take a deep breath. Probably why the guy worked there.
"Alright, got you. The alarms were tripped at your property. Everything alright?"
Was everything alright? Now talking to another living being, you weren't so sure. You tried to put everything you were experiencing into words but found you sounded incredibly silly... or one foot into a mental break.
"...Yeah, I'm alright."
"That's good. I'll get those sirens turned off for you and call off emergency services. Now, procedure does require me to have you walk through all possible entrances and exits in the home just to verify security. Would you mind checking the front door, love?"
Blissfully, the alarm turned off. The ear piercing sound finally gone, you let out a sigh of relief. The handsome voice on the phone asked you to check the front door, so you did. Confirmed it was locked and secure, just as you left it before bed.
He had you do the same with your garage door, the side door to the yard, and the back door.
"Perfect. You did a great job. Best customer of the night, if I may say," You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Why, thank you. You may," You quipped back, smiling to yourself in the darkness of the living room.
The man on the phone sounded like he was going to say goodbye, but he paused and made a small sound. "Oh! Before I let you go, I have one more question I have to add to the report."
"Of course, anything," You say, eager to please now that your heart had stopped racing.
"Are you alone in the home?"
Your response was immediate. "Yes."
The line went silent for a few beats. "...Are you sure?"
You could still hear the smile in his voice, but these words were spoken softly, dangerously.
"Turn around."
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bedtimescenarios · 9 hours
Hii! You asked for prompts to stay motivated, so I thought I'd share my all time favorite as a possible request?
I'm a SUCKER for an injured whumpee who's incredibly scared of the caretaker, not understanding that they just want to help them! Maybe they lash out or try to run away and have to be held down to receive the medical care they desperately need, with the caretaker trying to comfort them as best as they possibly can... You know?
/nf of course!! Have a great day!!
This is my first time requesting whump stuff, I hope I'm doing everything right aaa
hey there, anon!! thank you so much for the prompt:) it's actually helped me get to writing, and it's even a bit different from my usual stories, so i had an opportunity to diversify my writing!!
i hope you like this and that it fits the prompt well enough, and thanks again!
p.s i am supposed to be sleeping and have written this at 2 am. if there's any mistakes in there or something that needs to be re-done please let me know😭
. . .
As the door swings open with a squeak, Whumpee instinctively presses their back into the wall and lowers their head. Whumper must have had a bad day, otherwise he would've let them heal before another session. They're not getting that luxury now, they think, as the wounds on their body throb and sting with the reminder of their situation. They prepare themselves. They unclench their jaw so they won't bite down on their tongue, shifting so their knees are facing outwards,- they'd rather endure another leg fracture than be nauseous all week- and they tightly shut their eyes.
The voice that rings out is different.
They don't raise their head, but they hear the person's next footstep resound closer. Another one is their cue to cower, pressing an arm against their bleeding abdomen. Did Whumper send someone else to hurt them? Oh, God, he sent someone to finish them off. He got bored, they're finally going to die, or worse-
"Whumpee, I'm not here to hurt you." The voice says, as if reading their mind, and Whumpee takes note of the apparent gentleness of it. A trick.
They look up through the fallen strands of hair stuck to their forehead, trying to assess the amount of danger- no, pain- they're about to be in. A man stands a few feet away, and they quickly identify him as the owner of the voice. Fuck, he's strong, Whumpee thinks as they notice his buff, tall build. He could break their wrist bare handedly, without much effort. Their eyes slowly trail up to his face, noting the short, dark dreads pulled back into a ponytail that ensures an unperturbed view of his surroundings. Increased efficiency and a boost in fun. I can pair your screams with clear images, Whumper used to say.
Caretaker's obsidian eyes meet Whumpee's, and they imagine him saying that same thing to them. They ignore his manipulative attempt at an empathetic, pitying glance. Having been through this too many times already, they can recognize it from a mile away. They just want their break, at least until their wounds close. And they won't let this random stranger take it away from them. Their gaze hardens slightly, yet it's still tinged with raw fear.
"I'm Caretaker. I won't hurt you, I swear- Just- Whumpee, we need to get you to a hospital."
Another lie. But... taking them to another location? No, no no no. Whumpee's hand clenches around their wounds. Another lonely gathering of walls where their screams will echo for eternity. Whumper is giving them away for good. They're so, so tired. Death suddenly doesn't sound as bad.
Alarms blare inside Whumpee's mind, turning their world to hues of red. They feel their veins burn with adrenaline, and before they know it, they're on their feet, scratching at Caretaker's face. They use all their strength, a final attempt at freedom- one way or another. Like a wounded rabbit scratching at the fox whose jaw is clenched upon its ears.
They expect a hard blow to their temple. Or the sharp prick of a syringe. But nothing comes, except for pressure pulling their hands away from the man's face. As they're pulled away, writhing in the grip, they internally swear at themselves for omitting the possibility of backup. Only when their arms are held firmly to their sides is it that they notice themselves trembling, and only when the two people next to them lower them to their ground do they realize how much of an effort each move is. How much pain each shift brings.
As the people behind them hold them still, hands quickly shuffling through a first aid kit, they can finally make out Caretaker's expression. Beyond bloody streaks, his face is painted with genuine shock- or simply incredible acting. He doesn't step forward again as Whumpee sobs in terror, their eyes glassy and breathing labored. Though, if they look closely enough, they can distinguish tears at the corners of his eyes too. He tilts his head, and the corners of his mouth turn upwards softly.
"Shh...It's okay. We'll make you all better, and you'll be able to trust again sometime."
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aylacavebear · 17 hours
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 16
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 3374
Warnings: Angst, suspense, emotional situations, The Tension is Growing, Fluff. (You might need the tissues for this one.)
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers.
----------------------------------------- Chapter - 16
The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the hallways as Dean, Benny, and Crowley rushed towards your room; spurred on by Dean’s sudden burst of intuition, he knew you were in trouble. One moment, he had been standing in the study with the others, and the next, a sense of foreboding had taken hold of him, driving him to take off toward your room for no apparent reason.
His heart pounded in his chest, a wild, desperate rhythm that matched the flurry of his thoughts. Worry and concert sent adrenaline coursing through every nerve in his body, propelling him forward. Dean was the first to reach your door, throwing it open in a panic. 
The sight that greeted him—the empty bed and the curtains swaying slightly in the breeze from an open window—sent a chill down his spine. It was as though the world had suddenly gone cold and dark, the air thick with the absence of you.
“Damn it!” Dean cursed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. His eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail, every shadow, every flicker of movement, searching for any sign of where you might have been taken or by whom. The sheets were rumpled, and a pillow lay on the floor, but other than that, the room looked untouched.
Crowley appeared behind him, his expression grim as he surveyed the room. “They were quick,” he muttered, moving to the window and looking out at the grounds. He knew he should have anticipated something like this; the other men on the grounds had only been a distraction to keep the hounds and his security occupied while the real threat made its move. 
“Sir, you’ll want to see this,” Ketch stated, now standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable.
Dean tore his gaze away from the room and followed Ketch, a sense of dread settling in his stomach. He could feel his pulse racing, his hands trembling slightly as he walked down the hallway. Each step felt like an eternity, the air thick with tension and unspoken fears. He could still feel you, so he knew you were alive, but that wasn’t what he was worried about most.
The three followed Ketch back down to the main room, then to a side room where there were three other men, their faces illuminated by the glow of computer monitors. They were all watching the footage, their eyes glued to the screen as they went through the recordings. 
“I didn’t think he’d send his best, but I should have,” Ketch told them, pausing one of the recordings from outside your room.
On the screen, it wasn’t just one man; it was a strike team, led by Asmodeus, the Vaught family’s tactical security lead. Alastair was there too, with two others, Ramiel and Dagon. It was the best the Vaughts had. Dean’s jaw tightened as he watched the footage, his eyes narrowing with a mixture of anger and fear. The precision with which they moved, the seamless coordination of their attack—it made his blood boil. His hands clenched into fists at his side, his knuckles turning white as he struggled to keep his emotions in check.
They’d come in through the window while you had been in the study, then hid in the shadows, waiting. The alarm linked to the window had never gone off. Once you sat down on your bed, Alastair approached you silently and, with a swift, practiced motion, injected something into your neck that knocked you out instantly. They then lifted you gently, as if handling a fragile doll, and slipped back out the window.
“Olivia has already been taken into custody and is being questioned,” Ketch informed Crowley, his tone cold and efficient. “I’ve also already sent out two security teams to retrieve your guests from earlier.”
“Good. Now, to make a phone call,” Crowley replied, his voice calm but tinged with a steel-like determination. He was pleased at how quickly his security team had gotten the job done. His next focus was to get his informant to find you before the end of the following day.
Meanwhile, on the other side of town…
You woke up in a dimly lit room, your head throbbing and your body aching from where you had been roughly handled, or perhaps it was whatever you’d been injected with. You weren’t quite sure. The smell of dampness and decay filled the air, making it difficult to breathe. As you tried to get up, you realized your hands were bound tightly behind your back to the chair, and your legs were tied to the chair at your ankles, restricting your movement. Panic rose in your chest like a wave, but you fought to stay calm.
For a moment, you thought about calling out but decided to stay silent, listening instead. The sound of dripping water echoed somewhere in the distance, a steady, rhythmic plink that seemed to amplify the silence around you. Your vision was still a bit blurry from whatever had been used on you to knock you out, but you could still make out the faint outlines of the room around you. It reminded you of an old abandoned brick building. No light came in through the broken or nonexistent windows, and you let out a sigh of relief that it was still nighttime.
As you shifted a little in the chair, the ropes dug into your wrists, and you winced slightly at the burn against your skin. Your mind raced with thoughts of how you could escape your new predicament. You didn’t even have your phone on you and were still in your pajamas, which only added to your vulnerability. As your vision cleared up, you took in more details of wherever you’d been taken.
It was clear that it had been planned. To your left, you saw a desk with a small lamp on it, casting a dim, flickering light across several pieces of paper strewn across it. The immediate area around the chair you were tied to had been completely cleared of any and all debris—not even a tiny shard of glass or metal could be seen on the floor. The door on the wall on the far side of the room was closed, but you couldn't tell if it was locked.
The nightmare you’d had back at the bunker taunted your thoughts, only making your heart pound harder in your chest. Now you were worried about Dean and whether or not he was safe or if the Vaughts had gotten him too. You forced yourself to take slow, deep breaths, reminding yourself that you were more level-headed than this and could figure it out, slowly calming yourself down.
Back at Crowley’s Mansion…
In one of Crolwey’s lavish sitting rooms, Ellen, Sam, John, Mary, Bobby, and Jody were gathered. Each of them was tense; Ellen paced the room, her fists clenched, while Sam leaned against the wall, arms folded tightly. John stood beside Mary, their faces a mix of worry and annoyance. Bobby and Jody sat on the edge of their seats, their eyes darting toward the door each time someone passed by.
When Crowley, Dean, Benny, and Ketch entered, the atmosphere became even more charged. Ellen immediately moved and confronted Crowley, her eyes blazing with anger. “You were supposed to keep her safe!” she exclaimed, her voice shaking with fury.
Crowley met her gaze, unperturbed. “Relax, I’m handling it,” he replied cooly, his tone dismissive.
Ellen’s face flushed with anger. “Handling it? She’s been kidnapped, and you’re telling us to relax?” She took another step toward Crowley, her voice rising. “If anything happens to her—”
“Ellen,” Dean interjected, his voice strained but gentle, trying to calm her down. “Crowley made some calls. We have to be patient, even if it’s killing me too.” 
Sam pushed off the wall, his voice firm but tinged with frustration. “Patience? We’re supposed to sit here and wait while she’s out there with the Vaughts?”
Jody nodded in agreement, her eyes dark with worry. “We can’t just sit around and do nothing. We need to take action.” Crowley raised his hands, a gesture meant to placate them. “I assure you, we’re doing everything we can. The police and FBI have been notified, and my contacts are on the lookout.”
Ketch moved to the window, his gaze fixed on the grounds outside, watching as the shadows danced in the moonlight. He berated himself silently for not being more prepared for something like this. He wasn’t happy at the fact that Crowley had left finding you to someone he wasn’t too keen on trusting.
Unable to shake his worry, Dean walked over to the whiskey and poured himself a glass, his hand shaking slightly as he lifted it to his lips. Even with the distance between you, he could feel you—feel your fear and confusion, and it tore at him. He took a deep drink, hoping the alcohol would settle his nerves and dull the connection he felt with you. But nothing could ease the sense of dread gnawing at his heart.
Mary, noticing Dean’s distress as only a mother could, moved closer to him and placed a gentle hand on his arm. “We’ll find her, Dean,” she said softly, her voice filled with conviction. “We won’t stop until she’s back with us.” Dean nodded, his jaw clenched as he struggled to maintain his composure. “I know, Mom. I just… I should have told her a month ago, and maybe things would be different.” His voice broke slightly, and he took another deep drink of the whiskey, his eyes glistening with unshed tears he refused to let fall.
“We’ll find her, son. We’re not gonna let the Vaughts get away with this.” John added, his voice gruff but supportive.
Crowley glanced down at his phone, seeing a text come in. A pleased smile found its way to his lips—It was subtle, a mere twitch of his mouth—but it was enough to give away his satisfaction. He stayed quiet, though, knowing that the news was not yet conclusive, but it was a lead nonetheless.
Back in the Abandoned Warehouse…
You had continued to struggle against the ropes, binding your hands behind the chair. Each movement tore at the skin of your wrists, but the sting of pain was a small price to pay for the hope of freedom. The fear that had initially gripped you was slowly draining away, replaced by a fierce sense of determination.
You gritted your teeth and pulled harder against the binding, your frustration and annoyance fueling your efforts.
I can’t just sit here and wait to be rescued. I have to find a way out of this.
With each tug and twist of your wrists, you swore you felt the ropes loosening, ever so slightly. The room around you was silent except for the distant sound of the dripping water, a reminder of the isolation and danger you were in. But you refused to let despair take hold. Instead, you focused on the task at hand, using your anger and frustration as a source of strength.
Suddenly, the sound of muffled footsteps pulled your attention toward the door on the far side of the room. Your heart raced as fear and anticipation flooded back in a rush. You glanced at the door, then quickly returned your focus to the ropes, working frantically to loosen them.
What if it’s them coming back? I have to get out of here.
The footsteps grew louder, then stopped just outside the door. You held your breath, your eyes fixed on the door, but it didn’t just open. Whoever was on the other side was picking the lock, and you furrowed your brow with confusion for a moment. Then, the door began to creak slowly open as a figure stepped into the room.
“Hey, princess,” a female voice drawled from the shadows. The figure stepped forward, revealing a woman with dark, wild hair and a mischievous grin. She wore a leather jacket and black boots, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and determination.
You had no idea who she was or even why she was there, and all you could do was stare at her, confused. She quickly approached you and pulled a dagger from her boot. “You got yourself in quite the mess,” she commented sarcastically as she cut the ropes holding you to that chair.
You barely had time to process what was happening. The moment she had the ropes cut, she grabbed your hand and began leading you quickly to the door. Your mind was racing with questions, but there was clearly no time to ask them. She seemed very insistent on getting both of you out of there, quickly.
“Who—” you started to say, but she cut you off with a sharp look.
“Not now. We need to move,” she said, her voice low and urgent. 
You quickly went to the desk and scanned the papers sitting there. There has to be something useful, or it wouldn’t be here. The woman followed you, only giving you enough time to grab one piece of paper before she grabbed your hand and led you out of the room. You did manage to shove it into your pocket as the dimly lit hallway came into view. Her grip on your hand was firm, guiding you through the dimly lit corridors of the abandoned building.
Being barefoot wasn’t helping, and you winced as you stepped on the debris scattered across the floor. The pain of small cuts and bruises on the bottoms of your feet was a reminder of the urgency of the situation.  As you made your way through the building, you could hear distant voices and the sound of footsteps approaching.
We have to hurry, you thought, fear and adrenaline driving you forward.
She practically dragged you over to a sleek black car parked nearby. “Get in, we don’t have much time,” she told you quickly, worry laced in her words as she slid into the driver’s seat.
You scrambled into the passenger seat, your heart pounding in your chest. She had the car started before you even got the door closed behind you. “Buckled up,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.
As you fumbled with the seatbelt, she pulled the car out of the empty parking lot, the tires screeching as she accelerated down the street. You glanced back at the warehouse, half-expecting to see your captors chasing after you. The city lights blurred past the windows as the woman navigated the streets with practiced ease, her eyes focused on the road.
“Who are you?” you finally managed to ask, your voice still trembling slightly from the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
She glanced at you, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Name’s Meg. Crowley called in a favor. You must be pretty important.” Meg replied, her tone laced with a touch of amusement. “He doesn’t cash in a favor for just anyone.” She returned her attention to the road, her grip on the steering wheel tight, her demeanor calm and composed.
You nodded, still trying to process everything that had happened. “Thank you. Do you know if Dean is safe?” you said softly, your voice filled with genuine gratitude but also laced with worry.
Meg’s expression turned serious, her eyes flicking toward you briefly. “I was only told about you. Crowley didn’t give me any other details,” she answered plainly, her focus returning to the road and the cars around her.
Your mark burned, not realizing it was your connection to Dean, but you didn’t press the topic further. You looked out the side window, watching the city lights flicker and fade into the distance. She’d gotten you out of that place, and for that, you truly were grateful. But now, your thoughts kept drifting back to Dean and the nightmare from the bunker.
What else is he keeping from me? The question lingered in your mind, gnawing at you like an unsolved mystery.
Meg stayed silent during the drive, the car filled with the soft hum of the engine and the distant sounds of the city. She didn’t even turn on the radio. Your gaze was fixed on the passing scenery, but your thoughts were focused elsewhere, trying to piece together the missing parts of the puzzle. It was like a car just waiting for the battery to be connected—the answers were so close, but you couldn’t seem to grasp them.
The sudden stop of the car jolted you from your thoughts, bringing your focus back to the present. You found yourself at the familiar wrought iron gates of Crowley’s estate. Four guards were posted at the gate, their eyes scanning the area as Meg approached.
They recognized the car and quickly waved it through once the gates opened. As the car passed through, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief wash over you. You were safe, at least for the moment.
Meg parked near the steps and killed the engine. “Let’s go, princess,” she said, her tone light but urgent, as if there was more going on than you were aware of.
You nodded, your movements still a bit stiff from the ordeal, and slipped out of her car. Meg joined you only moments later, her posture relaxed yet alert as she scanned the area one last time. The sky was just starting to lighten with the early hints of dawn, casting a soft glow over the estate as the two of you ascended the steps. 
Before you could reach the doors, they burst open, and Dean rushed out, taking the steps two at a time. Relief and worry were etched across his face, his eyes searching for any sign of injury or distress. Without a word, he pulled you into a tight embrace, holding you close as if he were afraid to let go.
“I thought I lost you,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. The relief in his voice was palpable, and at that moment, he decided he was going to tell you everything: no more secrets and no more waiting.
You wrapped your arms around him, resting your head against his chest. His heartbeat was steady and strong, a reassuring rhythm that helped ground you. “I’m okay,” you murmured, your voice muffled against his shirt. “Meg saved me.”
Dean glanced over at the woman, recognizing the name but not her, before pulling back slightly. His hands rested on your shoulders as he looked into your eyes, searching for any signs of distress. “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “I should have told you everything from the start. No more secrets, I promise.”
You let out a sigh of relief, thankful he’d finally fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle that had been your life. Meg had already headed inside, leaving the two of you alone on the steps. The early morning light cast a soft glow around you, and the quiet of the moment felt almost sacred. 
As Dean reached down to take your hand, you winced slightly, which caused him to frown with concern. He gently lifted your hands, inspecting the cuts and irritated skin from where you had struggled against the ropes. “Let’s get these cleaned up,” he told you softly, his voice filled with a tenderness that made your heart ache.
Without warning, Dean scooped you up into his arms, cradling you against his chest. You let out a surprised squeal, followed by a chuckle. “You could have warned me,” you teased, already feeling far more relaxed, knowing that he was safe and that they hadn’t gotten him too.
Your squeal had brought a small, relieved smile to Dean’s lips. Having you in his arms finally soothed the storm that had been raging through him since you’d been taken. “I’ve got you,” he whispered, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “I’m not letting anything happen to you.” Dean didn’t care if you chose to reject him after, but first, he was going to tend to your wounds—wounds he felt he could have prevented if he’d been upfront from the beginning.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 17 - Coming soon
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whisperingthorns · 2 days
(Yandere Ticci Toby x Reader)
Charmed by Shadows:
Chapter 2: Threads of Fate
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(Y/n) (L/n) was a quiet girl. For the most part anyway. She had learned every early on that people in general preferred her that way. Watered down so they wouldn't choke too easily. In the woods though, that was her escape, she didn’t have to water herself down for the animals and the trees, they just let her do whatever. She could sit and stare at nothing and they wouldn’t even mind. Today had been a rough day, and even though she really shouldn’t go when the sun was beginning to set, she just needed that breath of fresh air to make sense of her head.
So off she went, but something had been bothering her increasingly that even the birds and the trees weren’t helping. She felt watched. By something by someone? She desperately just wanted to brush it off like the first couple of times.
She always had a sense of paranoia she never shared with anyone. How she was convinced that there was a shadow man who followed her ever since she was 10 years old, and when she moved to a new house it took him a minute to find her, but when he did he was in the crevices. Peeking at her between the furniture, the cracks of the closet. Those were just crazy thoughts she had! She didn’t believe them. This felt different than the shadow man though. This felt *physical*, it felt *real*.
At first, she thought it was a bear, then a fox maybe? The bear was more concerning she did live in Maine after all with the largest black bear population in the United States. Having said that she avoided her little spot for a couple of days until she felt it in public too. This was crazy though right? However (Y/n) (L/n) was a fan of horror movies and true crime, and every victim of a stalked case real or fictional started with ‘*Maybe I’m just crazy!*’ She so didn’t wanna be that person.
Her gut was telling her something was wrong, and (Y/n), knew better than to doubt herself. For now, though she just needed some peace. Her finger brushed the weathered wood of the bench she sat down on, she closed her eyes and tilted her head up, letting the cool breeze and the scent of dirt calm her. No. The hairs on her arm stood. No. She wasn’t alone. She wasn’t crazy! There it was the feeling again! There was- *CRRRRRRRAAAACK*. What was that noise? She looked around a bit alarmed at such a loud sound. When she saw it was nothing she relaxed slightly. It happened again. *CRRRRRRAAAACK*. Like wood grinding on wood.
A few feet away, Toby gripped the tree bark, his knuckle white. He had been observing her for weeks and finally reached a conclusion: She was the girl from his dreams. She had to be. It felt almost unreal, seeing her so close after all those weeks of silent observation.
Whatever sick god above was maybe offering something and sending those dreams as a message. Maybe he was being given a gift for all the pain he had been through. A pretty Angel to protect and love. His little angel~ ‘*Don’t worry.*’ He thought. ‘*I’ll take such good care of you,* *promise*.’
This wasn’t like the dreams. She was real, sitting there in the fading light, and for a moment, everything seemed frozen in time. *CRRRRRAAAAACK*! Then, suddenly, she stood up, hearing a distant rumble. Her eyes widened as a loose tree branch, weakened by the wind, cracked and snapped, falling directly toward her.
Toby’s body reacted before his mind did. He lurched from the shadows, darting out just in time to shove her out of the way, the branch crashing down where she had been only moments before. She gasped, her body hitting the ground with a soft thud, startled by the impact.
Her eyes found him—wild, disheveled, and breathing hard. The adrenaline coursing through his veins made his expression even more intense, a stark contrast to the fleeting sense of safety she'd felt a second ago.
‘*Fuckfuckfuckfuckdfuckfuck*!’ Toby thanked whatever twisted god was above that he had gone into town, so he wasn’t wearing his goggles and mask, he was wearing his bandage and his clean sweater, oh god did he even remember to brush his hair?! Whatever he looked like, he knew it wasn’t a proxy and for that, he was grateful.
"Are y-you oh-okay?" Toby asked, voice low and uneven. His words felt almost foreign to him like he hadn't spoken to anyone in years. He kept his gaze on her, lingering a little too long. He hated the way his voice cracked.
She nodded slowly, her heart still racing, but there was something about him—a roughness, an edge—that made her wary. He had saved her, but there was something... unsettling. His eyes never quite met hers for long, and yet they never left her either. What was haunting those amber eyes?
"Thank you... for saving me," she whispered. They were still for a second, Toby on top of her in the middle of the woods. He had underestimated how good those beautiful (e/c) looked up close. He had never been close enough to *smell* her. *‘Like vanilla and strawberries.*’ He thought. Classic some might even consider it basic, but Toby found it enchanting. Simple. Just like her.
“Ah, you can…get off me now.” She said quietly as if scared of being rude. “Oh! Ri-right!” He scrambled off and helped her up, she brushed dirt off her dress when she stood. Toby stepped back slightly, hands clenched at his sides. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. For him, this moment wasn’t about her gratitude; it was about the fact that he’d finally broken the barrier between them. Now, she knew him. She’d remember this meeting, this fateful encounter. And so would he.
“…Hello?” She looked a little concerned. “Huh?” He blinked stupidly. “Your name, I was asking your name.” Toby had a tic, and his neck gave a gross cracking noise, but he remained unfazed, the girl, however, widened her eyes slightly and seemed a bit taken aback, before realizing she was being rude and gave a smile, putting her hands together to hold her bag instead.
“T-Toby.” “Toby.” She repeated. If Toby could have melted into the earth and stayed in a blissful stupor right then and there he would’ve. He never really liked his name. Not for any particular reason it was just…him. His name. He didn’t even like that his proxy name was still his name. Not that ‘Masky’ or ‘Hoodie’ was any better, but it still separated Tim and Brian from what they did. For Toby, it was always just that: Toby. No separation. No escape from the guilt that came with it. (In his opinion he rather be called Toby than something stupid like ‘Jeff the killer’…. no offense Jeff. Actually, all offense. All offense meant.)
But when (Y/n) said it, it sounded wonderful. He wanted her to say it again and again and again. While she cried, while she was happy, when she was nervous and looking for comfort, while he was pleasing her, while in passing. Toby sounded wonderful in that voice.
“Hello?” He spaced out again. “Oh I’m s-sorry, I’m t-tired.” She nodded in understanding. “What's your name?” He asked since it would be rude not to. “(Y/n)” Toby and (Y/n) it sounded right. Sounded good.
“I didn’t realize someone came this deep into the path…since it's overgrown and all, what are you doing here Toby?” Mmmmmmmm say his name again. *Please*. “I live down th-there.” He waved off down the path in a vague direction. “J-just bought the pl-place.” (Y/n) nodded to show she was listening, that polite smile on her face.
“*Oooh*! I think that makes us neighbors! As close as can be anyway. There is no one nearby the house. It's been through some reworking but it is quite old…it’s a bit of a walk to town. Occasionally we get joggers and stuff because of the nature trail but they don’t go in this far and it seems every once in a while maybe we could-”
Toby wasn’t listening, just watching the way the gold of the sunset reflected in her face and eyes. The way she animated herself when she spoke. The way her voice rang in his ears. God, when did he get so mushy? It's okay because it's her, the princess from his dreams, and she never cared about what he did in the dreams so that must be true in real life too right? Toby felt himself relax…he felt his mind…calm to the sound of her voice.
Her phone went off and she pulled it out. “oh gosh that’s my mom, she probably like needs help with something so I have to go but oh! Since we are technically neighbors now, let's give you my number!” She grabbed his hand and quickly scribbled it down without asking, she paused after realizing what she had done. Her face darkening. “Oh gosh I’m sorry I wasn’t-” Toby grabbed her hand. “T-tis’ fine.” He smiled slightly. She smiled back for a second. Was that smile just for him? Or did she give it to everyone she met? “See you around Toby!”
As she walked away, Toby remained rooted in place, eyes fixed on the spot where she had stood. His breathing came in uneven gasps, his mind swirling with thoughts that tangled together like a knot tightening in his chest.
‘*She wasn’t afraid of me.*’
For the first time in as long as he could remember, someone had looked at him—spoken to him—as if he was human. He wasn’t the freak. He wasn’t the monster people whispered about online, the “broken” boy who would forever be a shadow in the woods. No, to her, he had been something else.
*Her protector.*
His heart raced at the thought, and he felt something twist inside him—something dark, but deeply satisfying. She was different from everyone else. She smiled at him and spoke to him like he mattered. No one had done that for years. Maybe ever.
‘*She’s mine. She just doesn’t know it yet.*’
He clenched his fists as his mind spiraled deeper, convincing himself of this new truth. All those nights he’d watched her from afar, listened to her sing, followed her through the woods—this was meant to happen. The princess from his dreams was real, and now, she was tied to him in ways she couldn’t even imagine. He saved her for a reason. She *needed* him, even if she didn’t realize it yet.
‘*She’s destined for me.*’
In his mind, he could still see the way her hand reached out to him, that simple gesture burning into his thoughts. She had touched the darkness and wasn’t afraid. That meant something. It had to.
Toby’s breath quickened as his feelings and curiosity morphed into something more. No longer was he just an invisible watcher. No longer was she some distant fantasy. She was real now, and she belonged to him. His princess. His light in the dark.
And if she ever tried to walk away? **Well, he wouldn’t let her.**
Tobias Rogers was late. Late late late. After maintaining his mission, he threw on his shoes, hopped on one foot, and headed out the door, quickly making his way into town. After searching the area he knew she would be he breathed a sigh of relief, seeing her sip a coffee, and look around for someone. Perhaps she wanted to see him?
She was looking especially cute today, with her phone held loosely in her hand. She was humming a tune as she walked. Toby paused when she did, he already knew her routine pretty well even if this wasn’t the forest path she liked so much but instead the pavements of the small town of Ravenwood. Knew exactly when she would stop, when she would pause, and where she would sit. She seemed to get distracted by some chalk art on the sidewalk.
She examined it, and once she was satisfied Tobias watched as she moved along. She liked to see the drawings the local children seemed to leave around on the dry sunny days. Until the rain washed it away and she could see a new one. This one was of a big pine tree, and a couple stick figures holding hands. One is much taller than the other.
Toby heard a slight clatter of plastic against concrete. He whipped his head over to his darling and noticed she dropped her phone, but she kept walking, not noticing. Oh dear. His Angel did need his help to keep a watchful eye on her. Tsk tsk. Well, he would just have to return it to her and strike up more conversation. It was only right. He could just text her but Toby had spent all night typing and retyping his message on the phone he had. (The one he would destroy after the mission.) But he added her contact to it, as a little treat to himself. He never did send that message…never mind that now. Toby took a step forward towards the phone and suddenly a figure passed his vision, scooping it up. “Hey (Y/n)!” A voice called out. “You dropped this!”
***Who the fuck was this guy?!***
A tall man, with skin that was almost a golden brown, and a more muscular build passed Toby. He had dark curly brown hair, and Toby couldn’t quite see his face. Toby put his head down and walked a little closer, thankful that the parks had tall bushes and fences as he pretended to check a text on his phone, Toby peeked.
*‘Please be ugly. Please be ugly. Please be ugly’*
The man was not by any means ugly. ‘*FUCK!’* Toby cursed in his head. He had a sculpted face, with intense gray eyes and just a bit of stubble. His eyebrows hung heavy, giving his eyes a more serious look, but when he smiled the man radiated warmth. He was the kind of guy you saw on the cover of romance novels.
“Oh gosh! Thanks, Kai! I didn’t even notice!” You plucked the phone from your friend. You gave him a warm smile. “Haven’t seen you in a while!” Kai’s eyes shifted away playfully. “Ah you know, been busy.”
Toby was grinding his teeth not even minding that the taste of blood flooded his mouth. His pulse picked up. He wanted to leap over the fence and shrubbery rip the phone away and shove ‘Kai’ into the street in hopes he’d get hit by a bus. Kai shoved into your shoulder gently, in a playful way. “You! Missy! Should be more careful! What if I wasn’t around to save your phone huh?”
(Y/n) laughs lightly, the sound like a knife in Toby’s ears. He can’t stand it—this boy, trying to get close to *his princess.*
From the shadows, Toby’s fingers twitch. His thoughts swirl with a sudden violent urge. 'He doesn't belong here. He shouldn’t be near her. ‘*She’s mine’*
This ‘Kai’ wasn’t in any of Toby’s dreams about (Y/n) therefore he was an anomaly. ‘*What do we do with anomalies?*’ He practically heard Masky whispering in his ear, shoving his hatchet in his hands. But Toby’s hatchets were miles away, and it was broad daylight and Masky was states away (Thankfully. Toby hated the guy even if he was helpful) He would just have to settle for sulking as Kai grabbed (Y/n)’s hand and playfully led her away somewhere to ‘hang out’. Toby knew he should follow, but the timer on his phone went off. He had something else he needed to take care of.
Toby slammed his hatchet into the body, blood spattering his face. His victim screamed, but he quickly shut them up with another blow, using his foot to dislodge the weapon.
*‘Who does he think he is’*
He landed another blow, blood spattering over the fresh clothes he had so carefully washed the precious blood out of just to run into (Y/n).
‘*Touching her*’
He thought back to Kai’s stupid smile standing too close to her, touching her phone. His mind swirled with a flood of emotions he couldn’t quite name, but they burned like fire in his chest. Tobias Rogers couldn’t feel pain but *this*! *THIS HE COULD FUCKING FEEL*!
He hadn’t anticipated this. He had watched (Y/n) for weeks now, carefully planning every moment he'd interact with her. *She was his.* Every breath she took, every step she made, Toby had been there. *Watching. Protecting.* Not this idiot, not Kai.
Toby’s breath hitched. He didn’t want to hear her laugh at something *he* said. She shouldn’t be looking at anyone else like that. His stomach twisted, and in the deep part of his brain, the voices whispered *she wasn’t meant for Kai.*
The thought was like a sharp blade cutting through his mind. She was his princess, not Kai’s, not anyone’s. Toby had already decided—she belonged to him. The dreams told him so. *Fate* told him so. And he’d saved her once already. He was her protector, her savior.
But now? This boy was trying to get between them.
Toby could feel himself twitching uncontrollably, his hatchet frozen in hand staring at his work. Their face was unrecognizable. Completely mutilated by Toby’s hands. (And hatchets)
He imagined Kai that way now.
*I could kill him. Go there. Find where he lives. Right here. Right now. Snap his neck and leave him in the dirt. It would be so easy...*
His breath quickened. The image of Kai’s body crumpled at (Y/n)’s feet danced in his head, and for a moment, a cold, twisted smile flickered across his lips. He could almost hear her crying out, could almost picture the fear in her eyes. And after...after she’d see him. She’d know what he did. She’d know how far he’d go for her.
*Would she hate me?*
That thought broke through the haze, piercing the dark fantasies brewing in his mind. No. He couldn’t scare her away. Not yet. Not until she understood—*they* were meant to be together. He had to be smart. Patient. She just didn’t know the truth yet.
But soon enough, she would.
He slammed the hatchet over and over. Pretending it was Kai he was chopping up, pretending that every splash of warm blood now drying to his skin was him reclaiming his angel's heart. Picturing her smiling face as she saved her from that *monster*. ‘*He just wants to use you*’ he’d say to her in their little spot.
‘*But I won’t! I love you just the way you are Princess!*’
‘*I know, Toby.*’ She kissed his cheek. ‘*Thank you for reminding me.*’ She giggled. ‘*And for rescuing me. What would I do without you?*’
He could practically see her, in her golden light, holding onto him. Her savior. Looking up with those big beautiful gorgeous (e/c) eyes. That was
**Pouring blood?**
“Toby” You rasped to him. Your skin, no longer beautiful and (s/c) now rotting, your thin dangly arms reaching for his face, blood poured from your mouth. Your eyes are the black pits of hell. “Toby I’m rotting.” You croaked. “WHAT THE HELL?!” He kicked away but you gripped onto his ankle. “Why did you do this to me, Toby…” You practically sobbed. “Stop…no...DONT LEAVE ME HERE!” You screeched. Your bones cracked as you crawled towards him.
Toby backed up against a tree, shaking his head frantically and hyperventilating. You were contorting in horrific ways, the pretty dress you wore was nothing but rags. Toby buried his face in his sleeves and he felt you come closer. “TOBY!” He started to sob. Feeling you come even closer and crack as you move unnaturally. Suddenly he heard you stop, but he remained in the fetal position. Sobbing into his sleeves that were covered in blood. Praying it would end.
It must have been hours before Toby even moved. He had stopped crying long ago but that didn’t stop the fear. The sickening fear crawled up his throat. When it finally faded he looked around, realizing the episode was over. The dead, mangled body of one of his targets lay a could feet away. Already rotting as flies and bugs came to investigate. He saw his hatchets dropped by them. He shakily stood and grabbed them, hooking them onto his hips and looking down at the body. He sniffled and wiped his nose with his thumb.
He gave a slight hiccup from crying and began to drag the body off…
🌹: Hi Hi! Hope you enjoyed reading. Be sure to let me know what you think it really helps motivate me to write more.
Next chapter will be released: Friday October 4th!
Let me know how you feel about asking questions or doing asks I would love to know if that’s a thing you guys would like. I’m thinking it would be more of a ‘Ask Toby’ kinda thing where you guys non canonically (if that’s how you spell it) ask him questions as just something funny to do in between chapters or if you just want one shots or something that’s fine too <3
Also let me know if you guys would be into ‘previews’ like getting just a little peek at the next chapter, but if not and you wanna be surprised by everything let me know!
I hope you have a nice day darlings.
⚠️You might be wondering why I’m posting this two days early and that is because a bad bad hurricane is coming :( idk if I’ll have power so I wanted to make sure you guys got your chapter two! Thanks for all the love on the first one it means alot! So enjoy the early upload!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 6 months
In other news, I just picked up a plastic packet full of very old spools of sewing thread and thought "okay I'll eat this and then I'll go" and my brain short-circuited for a moment. Go do what? I've no idea. It cut off completely. I'm gonna eat some sewing threads now apparently. Good for me good for me
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earlgreytea68 · 4 months
Okay. It's time for an AI rant.
My nephew is 13 years old. Whenever he writes a paper for school, I check it over and fix all of his mistakes for him. He said to me, "Maybe I'll proofread your paper for you in exchange," meaning one of the scholarly articles I write for work. I said, "Cool," and gave him the file. And he said, "Well, this is full of errors! See, you always say you have a lot to correct on my stuff, and look at all the stuff you got wrong!" And I said, surprised, "What? Where?" Because I'm sure there are typos in the draft I sent him, but not, like, that many.
And then he pointed to the screen and said, "Look at all the blue and red lines you have."
And I said, "Yeah, but those are wrong. Like, those are blue and red lines I'm ignoring because the computer is wrong." And then I paused and added, "You know you can't proofread a paper by just looking at the red and blue lines, right?" And he gave me the blankest look, because that clearly is EXACTLY what he thinks. And it became even clearer suddenly why, whenever I correct something on his paper, his immediate reaction is, "It didn't have a blue or red line."
I am so tired of being sold the idea that computers are better than humans and so we should just outsource everything to them, which is clearly the lesson my nephew is absorbing in U.S. middle school. COMPUTERS ARE NOT BETTER THAN HUMANS. Like, maybe they are better at humans at crawling through rubble to find people trapped inside. They are also better at preserving things in a searchable format. Things like that. Very limited circumstances.
I don't want to sound alarmist but everything I hear about people using generative AI freaks me out. It's not just that I'm freaked out by people being like, "I use it to write novels!" (Although I don't see how they do, I have tried to have it write fiction for me and the output was truly terrible.) But I recognize my bias around creative writing and so no one needs to credit my views on artificial writing. But! Other things are alarming, too! "I use it to brainstorm x, y, or z." But...why? Why not just...use your own brain...to...brain...storm? The computer doesn't even have a brain to brainstorm with! And you might be like, "But it comes up with things that my brain would never think of!" So would other people! You could also brainstorm with other people! Or even through Google to see what other people have thought before you (not AI). Please don't belittle the wonder of thinking.
I just feel like the marketing around generative AI boils down to "Wouldn't it be easier not to use your own brain to think about things?" Everyone. No. It would not be. Please just trust me on this. I'm not just an old person who is out of touch with technology or something. I promise. USE YOUR BRAINS. IT WILL BE OKAY.
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inkskinned · 1 year
what is with men being mad any time a woman raises her voice where did that even come from. someone posted a video of a small electrical explosion, and the top comment was of course the woman screams. the second comment is women try not to scream challenge, level impossible. i had to go back and watch the video again. there is, somewhat fainty, a little gasp emitted off-camera, more of a yelp than a scream. it is mostly lost in the crack of the explosion. afterwards, you hear her voice, shaken, say, are you okay?
i am helping one of my friends train her voice pitch lower, because she wants to be taken seriously at work. she and i do each other's nails and talk about gender roles; and how - due to our appearance - neither of us have ever been able to be "hysterical" in public. we both appear young and sweet and feminine. she is cisgender, and cannot use her natural voice in her profession because people keep saying she appears to be "vapid". we both try to figure out if our purposeful voice lowering is technically sexist. is it promoting something when you are a victim to it?
a storm almost sends a pole through a car window. in the dashcam, you can hear the woman passenger say her partner's name twice, crying out in alarm. she sounds terrified. in the comments, she is lambasted for her lack of calm. how is that even fucking helping?
in high school, i taught myself to have a lower voice. i had been recorded when i was genuinely (and righteously) upset; and i hated how my voice sounded on the phone speakers when it was played back. i was defending my mom, and my voice cracked with emotion. it meant i was no longer winning the argument: i was just shrieking about it.
girls meet each other after a long summer and let out a little joyful scream. this usually stops around 12-14, because people will not tolerate this display of affection (as it has the effect of being passingly annoying). something about the fact that little girls can't ever even be annoying. we are trained to examine each part of our lives (even joy) for anything that could make us upsetting and disgusting. they act like teenage girls are breaking into houses and shrieking you awake at 3 in the morning. speaking as a public school educator: trust me, it's not that bad, you can just roll your eyes and move on. it does not compare to the ways boys end up being annoying: slurs in graffiti, purposefully mocking your body, following you after you said no. you know, just boy things.
there's another video of a man who is not allowed to yell in the house, so he snaps his fingers when he's excited about soccer. the comments are full of angry men, talking about how their brother is unfairly caged. let him express himself and this is terrible to do to someone. eventually the couple has to address it in a second video: they are married with a newborn baby. he was trying not to wake the infant up. there is no comment on the fact women are not allowed to yell indoors. or the fact that it could have been really alarming or triggering for his wife. sometimes i wonder if straight men even like women, if they even enjoy being in relationships with them.
for the longest time, i hated roller coasters because it always felt inappropriate and uncomfortable for me to scream. one of my friends called me on it, said it was unusual i'm so unwilling. i had to go to my therapist about it. i don't like to scream because i was not raised in a safe situation, and raising my voice would have brought unsafe attention towards me. even when i am supposed to scream, it feels shameful, guilty. i was not treated kindly, so i lack a basic form of self-protection. this is not a natural response. it is not good that in a situation of high adrenaline - i shut up about it.
something very bad is happening, i think. in between all the beauty standards and the stuff i've already discussed - this one feels new and cruel in a way i can't quite express. yes, it's scary and silencing. but there's something about how direct it is - that so many men agree with the sentiment that women should never yell, even in an emergency - it feels different.
is the word shriek gendered automatically? how about shrill or screech? in self defense class, one of the first things they tell you is to yell, as loud and as shrilly as you can. they say it will feel rude. most women will not do this. you need to practice overcoming the social pressure and just scream.
most women do not cry out, even when it's bad. we do not report it. we walk faster. we do not make a scene. what would be the point of doing anything else? no matter what we do, we don't get taken seriously. it is a joke to them. an instagram caption punchline. we have to present ourselves as silent, beautiful, captivating - "valuable."
a woman is outside watching her kids when someone throws a firecracker at them. she screams and runs towards her children. in the comments, grown men flock together in the thousands: god. women are so annoying.
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kiatoru-archived · 11 months
"toru", you whisper in a slight panic, reaching out in an attempt to find your snowy haired boyfriend in the dark. you glance at the alarm clock which reads 6:32 in blaring red lights.
"toru," you say again, this time more urgently. your hands working to untangle the sheets around the both of you and shake him awake. your palms press against his cool skin as you give him a gentle push before violently shaking him.
"what the f- baby? whats goin' on?" he groans tiredly as he's jolted from his sleep. you take about half a second to swoon over his groggy, sleepy voice before another crash sounds from downstairs and you jump slightly, clinging to satoru.
"did you hear that?!"
he furrows his brows slightly and nods, smoothly unwrapping you from him and standing up.
"i'll go see what it is."
you nod and stand up as well.
"i'll come too."
"what? no- there could be a serial killer or something."
"whats a serial killer gonna do against you?"
"thats not the point-"
the both of you jump and grab the other one. carefully, satoru leads you both out and into the hallway. all is silent before a quiet gasp is heard followed by a hush and muted giggling.
you and satoru exchange a glance before creeping down the stairs and peering into the kitchen.
"megumi, you gotta be quiet," tsumiki whispers, "we'll wake gojo and y/n up!"
"you're the one who keeps dropping stuff!" megumi insists, a small pout on the little boy's face. he stands on his tip toes, peering over the top of the stove into the pan of... something.
you cock your head and try not to gag as the smell of whatever's in the pan hits you.
"do you think they'll like their breakfast in bed?" tsumiki asks with an excited smile on her face. her brother just shrugs and adds way too much salt to their concoction.
your boyfriend turns to you with a panicked expression and mouths 'breakfast?!' you elbow him softly and motion your head towards the stairs. you both creep back up to your bedroom with a soft sigh.
"i am not eating whatever the hell was on that stove."
you fix him with an icy glare.
"satoru gojo you will eat what those children have made for us and you will like it."
true to your word, an hour later when tsumiki proudly presented a tray of... breakfast , if you could call it that, with a sullen megumi in tow you both acted pleasantly surprised and choked down the food gratefully.
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kitkatscabinet · 3 months
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Summary: The boys try to get out of bed, their partner has other plans.
Pairing(s): Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, x reader
A/N: unedited
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Dick's always been a physically affectionate person, far more so than the rest of his family. It's why he'd been so ecstatic when he'd found you, a partner that was just as, if not more affectionate than him.
On more than one occasion his siblings had been given front-row seats to the snuggle show when they broke into his apartment, served them right really.
What Dick hadn't accounted for, was just how difficult it was to peel himself from your arms in the morning. Torture would hurt less he's sure.
"Ten more minutes," you whined childishly, burrowing your face into Dick's bare shoulder, tightening your arms around his torso.
"We've already said that three times." Your partner laughed, wriggling out of your hold but with far less strength than you knew he was capable of.
Both of you were fully aware just how quickly he could extracate himself from your arms should the neccessity rise. Technically speaking he did have to go to work, but surely it couldn't hurt to be a little late?
Though a quick glance at the hello kitty alarm clock on the bedside table confirmed he was already late.
"Dickie, can't you just call in? I wanna cuddle."
Fuck. How could he say no to that?
It wasn't like he really needed the money anyway.
His boss's ire is worth it to feel the way you smile into the skin of his neck, your warm breaths and little laughs as you lay tangled together.
So worth it.
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"You planning on letting me go anytime soon?" Jason grunted, though you know him well enough to hear the smile he's attempting to hide.
"Never," you mumble into the skin between his broad shoulder blades, the mattress slouching beneath the combined weight of you and your boyfriend.
Jason, undeterred by your attempts to drag him down, stands with a grunt. A cracking noise you know to be his knees rings out, and though you feel a little bad, you're unwilling to back down in your quest to get him back into bed.
Unfortunately for you, your boyfriend is built like a brick shithouse and is just as stubborn as you. Slowly, he manouevers around your small apartment all the while you hang off his back like a drunken Koala.
"Babyyyy," you whine petulantly into his ear, arms tightening around his neck in an attempt to only slightly choke him into submission.
Sighing, Jason starts to wander back into the bedroom. Just when you think you've won, he spins around, falling backwards onto the mattress and crushing you beneath his bulk.
In the minutes you spend winded, recovering, from being squished like an ant, Jason makes his escape. When you finally manage to come back to yourself you notice something incredibly distressing.
"Clothes! Why are you wearing clothes!" you wailed, sliding off the mattress and onto the floor in a pathetic slump.
Despite himself, Jason smiles at the sight, bundling you up in his arms before hopping back into bed with you. "Ok, you big dramatic baby."
Hey may have sounded put out, but the both of you knew he wanted to cuddle just as much. Besides, nothing was as important to him as you.
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He’d tried to be quiet. Truly, with years of training in the art of stealth Tim had intended to simply slip out of the bed and leave you to the sleep you needed.
He’d almost made it, both feet on the floor and the mattress no longer bearing most of his weight when all of a sudden a hand darted out, grasping his wrist.
Tim froze, slowly turning to look down at you with wide, guilty eyes. You're glaring up at him, sleep-addled face far more adorable than threatening, not that he'd ever tell you that, for fear of getting his ass beat.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" your voice is hoarse and gravelly from sleep but the threat is evident.
Mouth suddenly dry, Tim awkwardly chuckles, "Oh, babe, you're awake."
"Thanks to you," you grumbled sleepily, guilt and fear in equal measurements settling heavily in his chest.
"M'sorry, tried not to wake you but I gotta get to work on this case."
"No." You grunted, wrapping your arms around Tim's waist with freakish speed, nuzzling your face into his side.
He can't help the way his heart skips several beats at your casual affection. Tim's always been starved for touch, for the soft loving touch that you've always provided as if its as natural as breathing.
He should be used to it but despite the years worth of love and affection you've poured into Tim in the time you've spent together he still hasn't acclimated.
Tim knows, that you know, just how weak to your touch he is. It still doesn't prevent his resolve from crumbling when you refuse to let him budge, tugging him back down into your warm embrace.
"Good boy," you murmur against the skin of his neck, wrapping around his back like an octopus and trapping him against the expanse of your chest.
His skin runs hot at your words, mind numb to anything that's not your touch as he's eventually lulled back to sleep to the soothing sounds of your breathing.
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princessbrunette · 26 days
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rafe gets cuteness aggression towards you n takes it out in such a weird way … ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
he’d come home to you in the kitchen wearing the littlest n’prettiest dress — his large frame freezing in the door to watch you make the finishing touches on the cupcakes you’d made him.
“whats uh, what’s all this?” he licks his lips and your head shoots up like an alarmed baby deer, batting those long lashes at him. god, you did something to him.
“made you cupcakes… you liked the ones i made last time.” you smile, so… soft, feminine, grabbable, malleable to his every command. he drags a hand down his jaw and paces for a second like he’s tweaking as you stare nervously before he beckons you over.
“alright uh, come here… now, please.”
you pad over in those kitten heels that were going to end up slung over his shoulders in a matter of minutes, brow all tugged up in concern and soon he’s gripping you, tongue sliding over yours with his hand grasping your throat.
“fuck, you’re everything. you hear me, huh?” he practically groans against you, tilting his hips forward so you feel his thick shape growing against his slacks.
“mhm?” you sound confused, frightened like a wounded animal and it only makes him throb more. maybe he just had a kink for being doted on and listened to.
“take your panties off. g’nna fuck you right here, n’then maybe i’ll eat one of your god damn cupcakes.” you’d like to think it was a demand of sorts, but from the way he was spinning you to face the other way, hands already yanking your underwear down to your knees — you knew it was less of an instruction, and more so him telling you what he’s gonna do to you out of courtesy.
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jaewritesfic · 2 months
Melon!AU Part 2
If it had been anyone but Cass to suggest it, Bruce is certain that both Damian and Tim would have responded with an immediate and vehement, Are you insane?!
But it is Cass. It's Cass, so Damian makes a choked sound and bites out, “Help. The Pit Demon?”
Similarly, Tim chokes out, “I don't know about that one, Black Bat. I mean- it's- it looks-”
“Judging books?” Cass asks through comms, a gentle disapproval in her tone that rivals Alfred’s in effectiveness. Bruce himself feels a little cowed by it.
Diplomacy had not, after all, been on his mind before his daughter spoke up.
He should know better than to make assumptions, especially if she's right and the creature isn't as hostile as it seems.
That's still a very big if.
“Commissioner,” Bruce says lowly, turning his head. Gordon is lingering near the roof access stairway, having come up to brief them but seeming reluctant to even look down on the creature in the alley. “Have there been any casualties? Injuries?”
Jim falters, uncharacteristically rattled. Bruce can't blame him - there's a low level dread and an unsettling feeling just being in the same vicinity as the creature, and that's as a seasoned vigilante. Someone who faces death down regularly.
“Uh. No. No, it uh- it took some swipes at people who got too close, but it didn't connect. We backed off pretty fast and called you as soon as possible.”
Bruce blinks. “Not even any blood drawn?”
Gordon shakes his head. “Damn miracle. The thing is fast and those claws are vicious.”
He hears Cass hum into the comms, and he understands exactly why.
The thing in the alley is built to do damage. He has his doubts it was any kind of miracle that made it ‘miss’ any of the swipes it took.
Trying to scare them off indeed.
“Black Bat. What exactly are you reading off the creature?”
“Looking for exits. Desperate. Overwhelmed.”
Bruce hums. “Being cornered and desperate will make anyone or anything dangerous. We need to proceed carefully here. Even if it doesn't want to hurt anyone, that doesn't mean it won't if it thinks it has no other-”
The shadow that is Cass shifts in his periphery, and he looks up to the opposite roof just in time to bark, “Do not-!” as Cass steps off the roof and flips down into the alley.
Why are his kids so determined to give him a stroke?
Dick vaults up over the edge of the roof to join he and Tim, saying, “I'm here, what's-”
He cuts off and claps his hands over his ears with everyone else when the creature shrieks at Black Bat's unexpected arrival.
“Black Bat,” Bruce grits out, heart in his throat as he peers over the edge with ringing ears. “Retreat back to the rooftops now.”
One tap to the comm. No.
Bruce grits his teeth, fighting not to show his anxiety. It's not like Cass to refuse orders. Hell, he can't remember her ever disobeying an order in the field so blatantly.
The low warning noise the creature is making now is almost as bad as the shriek. Something about it sets off every alarm bell in his brain, like it was never meant to be heard by human ears. Almost a growl, almost a moan, something celestial and unfathomable.
Cass doesn't back up or get any closer. She raises a hand slowly in a little wave and says, “Hello.”
If it were possible to startle a fax machine, it would probably sound like the creature does as it jerks and snaps its mouth shut in surprise, lamplight eyes going huge and round.
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