#if you can't tell... c!scott is my Love Object / the subject of my erotomania :]
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PearlescentMoon, here! ๐ŸŒ‘
๐ŸŒ• genderapathetic. call me whatever pronouns make me more appealing to you. ๐ŸŒ– i have erotomania + old (obsessive love disorder) + bpd (borderline personality disorder). ๐ŸŒ— as mentioned above, i have a delusional disorder, and i have a da to double life pearlescentmoon. but doubles are just 'swell! welcome, even :] i'm just one pearl among a universe of many! i'd love to meet others out there! shoot me an ask, aye? ๐ŸŒ˜ i identify as a fictionkin and as an irl yandere. yes, i'm getting therapy, i made this blog as a safe place to healthy handle my delusions and obsessive thoughts. don't harass me. i'm coping. ๐ŸŒ‘ mediamates are welcome! ESPECIALLY scotts. scotts PLEASE, PLEASE interact. i don't care if your a fictive, fictionkin, linker, etc, i'd love for ANY scott to interact with me. i miss you. i love you.
โœจ๐ŸŒ™ yes, i ship myself and c!scott. yes, i'm aware he's cannonically gay, but though that's what i was in canon, i don't identify as a woman anymore. i 'ship' us more in a of a queerplatonic sense that only sort of veers into romantic tension, anyway.
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