#if you can guess what i asked the cards you may call me laura cause im on my way to get hrt
kisskisslovebot · 1 year
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i fucking hate tarot
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
< previous
Word Count: 2,730ish
Summary: A happily ever after just might be in the cards for the Team after all.
And oh was Peggy right. Luckily, in the Afterlife, aging isn’t a thing. 
It was about thirty years before I noticed a light turn on in the house next door. I was walking along the beach, thinking about my family and what they might be doing, when I noticed a light turn on. Curious, I slowly made my way over to the house. Climbing onto the back porch, I could hear voices talking inside. 
“It’s been so long,” Maria’s voice rang out in a joyful cry.
“I know,” a male voice said. 
The voice caused me to freeze. I hadn’t heard that voice in a long time. Far too long. Tears beginning streaming down my face as I tried to will myself to move but couldn’t. The world around me became muted, I couldn’t focus on anything. That lead to me not being able to hear the door open or my name being called repeatedly. Everything finally came into focus when a hand rested on my cheek and a met warm brown eyes. 
“Bailey, sweetheart,” Tony called. “Can you hear me?”
“Dad?” I whimpered. 
“It’s me, sweetheart.” Tears formed in his eyes as he smiled. “It’s me.” 
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“Dad.” My knees gave way but Tony quickly caught me and gently guided us to the ground. He pulled me into his chest, holding me tightly. “You’re here.”
“I’m here, honey. I’m right here.”
“I’ve missed you so much. It’s been too long.”
“Way too long.” He held a kiss to my forehead. “And I’ve missed you more.”
After calming me down, Tony then told me about the last thirty years that I had missed out on. Morgan grew into a wonderful woman. She married and had three children, naming one of them after me. The Avengers were still going, now with Peter in charge. The original Avengers had all retired and, if they had children, their children were running the program. 
“That’s all so amazing,” I stated once Tony was finished. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by me that he hadn’t mentioned Steve. “I— I missed so much.”
Tony’s hand rested against my cheek. “I wish you had been there, B, for everything. I really do. We all were constantly missing you. Especially your Old Man and, well, your other Old Man.”
I chuckled. “How’s Steve?”
“Him and Morgan are attached at the hip. Have been ever since you died. Morgan’s husband even felt the need to ask him for her hand after asking me.” I laughed. “We were both terrifying the first time he came to pick her up. We thought he was going to shit his pants and never come back. She even had us both walk her down the aisle.  Mo’s kids call him Uncle Steve. They all adore each other. I built him a house near by, but he basically lives with us.”
“Did— Did he ever—“
“He never married.” Tony looked me right in the eyes. “Told everyone he was waiting for the right partner… He told Morgan and her kids stories about you, all the time. Steve never stopped loving you.”
“And I’ve never stopped loving him.”
Pepper joined us a little more than three years later. After that, they seemed to come pretty fast. Rhodey was next. Then Happy and Aunt May. Clint and his wife, Laura, were the next to join us. Natasha came after Sam. Bucky and Steve took longer, due to the serums. Bucky showed up first, with no guesses to when Steve was going to show. He told us it could be days or it could be years. It turned out to be a few months after.
I was out on the beach, a flowy yellow dress on, blowing in the wind with my feet in the water. 
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The sun was beginning to set. Pepper found Steve first, calling everyone to gather at my house before notifying me. Steve could see me by the water, staring out at it. He wanted to rush to me, grab me and never let me go again. But at the same time, he was scared. Scared that after all these years, my feelings towards him might have changed. Everyone watched Steve, wanting to see our reunion, and were confused as to why he was hesitating. Well, everyone was confused except Bucky and Tony. The two glanced at each other, Bucky urging Tony to go up and talk to the man. Tony walked up, setting a hand on Steve’s shoulder.
“You’re luckily she doesn’t have her powers anymore,” Tony teased, “or else she’d be able to sense you from here.”
“What if she doesn’t feel the same anymore?” Steve quietly asked. “What if I waited all that time for nothing?”
“You are out of your mind, Cap. You’re forgetting, she’s waited too. She’s waited just as long as you have and with less of the family with her. She loves you. And as her father, I wouldn’t say that unless I knew it was true. I also wouldn’t give you this.” Tony dug into his pocket and pulled out a ring. 
“It’s gorgeous, Tony,” Steve said as he carefully took the ring and inspected it.
“I made it for you to give to her.”
“Are you—“ Steve quickly made eye contact with Tony. “Are you giving me your blessing?”
“Yes. Now,” Tony pushed Steve out the door, “go down there and ask her before I change my mind.” 
“Tony,” Steve called before the man could close the door. Tony looked at Steve. “Thank you.” 
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Tony simply nodded as he shut the door. Steve turned around and looked at me. He had waited for this moment for so long, he realized that he was being stupid for waiting any longer. Steve took a deep breath and began making his way towards me. I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn’t bother turning around, thinking it was Tony. 
“I think the sunset’s more beautiful today than it’s ever been since I’ve been here,” I said. “It’s just… I can’t even find the words to explain it.”
“I feel the same way,” Steve’s voice came from behind. I quietly gasped, not daring to turn around. “Except about you.” Steve walked around me, standing in the water in front of me. “I don’t think that you’ve ever looked more beautiful.” 
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“Steve,” I breathed. I slowly set a hand on his cheek, checking to see if he was my imagination playing tricks on me. “Steve.”
Steve chuckled at my reaction, gripping onto my hand that was resting on his cheek. “Hey, B.”
“You’re here.” I jumped onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. 
He quickly held onto me, trying to keep balance so that we wouldn’t fall back into the water and buried his head into my neck. “I’m here. You’re here… We’re together… Finally... it’s been too long...”
“I missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too, sweetheart.”
We pulled back enough to connect our lips in a long awaited kiss. It had been far too long in both of our opinions, but it was worth the wait. When we finally broke apart, I unwrapped my legs and Steve helped me get steady on the ground.
“I love you so much, Steve,” I whispered, tears of happiness forming in my eyes. “So, so much.”
“Well Bailey,” Steve pulled out the ring Tony had gifted him and got down on one knee, in the water. “I love you 3000 and I’ve waited far too long to began our life together. So, I dare ask you again, will you marry me?”
“Yes,” I nodded hurriedly, “A thousand times yes.”
I held my hand out and allowed Steve to slip the ring onto my finger. Before he could stand up, I jumped onto him, throwing us into the water. We laughed as we kissed. We heard cheering coming from the house. Looking over, I noticed that everyone was watching out on the porch and they seemed to be heading our way. I giggled as Steve pushed us up to kneel in the water. Once everyone reached us, we got up to receive the congratulations. 
After we celebrated, with everyone and just Steve and I, we decided to get married as soon as possible. Pepper, Maria, Natasha, and Peggy, had the wedding planned and set within a week of Steve arriving (with Steve, Tony, and I’s input of course). Steve got to introduce me to his parents, and they were also involved with the planning. The night before the big day, the women slept over at my place while the men slept over at Tony and Pepper’s. The ceremony was set up on the beach outside my back door. The women were pampering me, doing my nails, hair, and make up. The nerves were beginning to take over my excitement and, unknowingly to me, I began to tremble. Pepper was the first one to take notice. 
“B,” she quickly turned me to face her, “look at me.” I quickly met her eyes. “It’s okay. You’re just getting married today.”
“Yeah, Bailey,” Nat chuckled. “You’re just getting married.”
Pepper took my shaking hands and held them in hers on her lap. “Tell me what’s going through your head.”
“I just… is this really happening? Am I really getting married? And to Steve?”
“You are, B.”
“Did he… he really waited for me? Lived out his life alone until he could be with me?”
“He really did,” Peggy said. “He loves you a great deal.”
“And I him.” I closed my eyes and took a shaking breath. “Okay.” I opened my eyes back up and looked at everyone in the room. “Let’s get me ready. I promised Steve I wouldn’t be late.”
In the next house over, Tony and Bucky were trying their best  to get Steve to calm down.
“What if she has second thoughts?” Steve questioned, rambling as he spiraled. “What if she regrets waiting for me? I don’t think I can take that.”
“Steve,” Bucky slapped his friend in the back, “she waited for you, just like you did for her. That girl is head over heals for you.”
“But what if she realizes that—“
“Stop right there, Rogers,” Tony interrupted. “Barnes is right. And I wouldn’t tell you that unless I knew it was true. I also wouldn’t be willing to walk her down the aisle unless I knew that she loved you and that you loved her.” Tony walked up and set his hands on Steve’s arms. “Now, you need to calm down, so that when I get her, I can promise her that you’re at the end of the aisle.”
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After I was all dolled up and the dress was on, the women left me alone to my thoughts. I was still a bit nervous as I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, but I knew it wouldn’t last long and the excitement was quickly replacing my nerves. I jumped slightly as a knock sounded at the door. I looked in the mirror to see Tony poke his head through, eyes shut. 
“Is the bride ready for her father to see her now?” He teased. “I don’t want to jinks anything.” 
“Of course,” I giggled as I turned around.
He entered the room quickly, shutting the door with his back before opening his eyes. “Bailey,” he gasped, “you’re— you’re gorgeous.” 
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Tony hurried across the room and grabbed my hands. “You… I’m so proud of you. Though Rogers and I have our differences, I know he’s the right man for you. He loves you so much… But of course, not as much as I do.” His eyes slowly filled with tears as he spoke. He dropped one of my hands, resting his free hand on my cheek. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Daddy.” 
“Come here.” Tony quickly pulled me into him, holding me tight. He held a kiss to my temple. “I couldn’t have picked anyone better,” he whispered. “You’ve got that man whipped.” 
I heard him sniffling. “Are you crying?” I tried to pull back to look at his face, but he just held me tighter. “It’s okay.” I rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. “I’ll just be living next door, like I have since you got here… I’m not actually going anywhere.” We stayed like that until we heard the music start. Tony gave me one last kiss on the cheek. Tears rimmed his eyes as we studied each others faces.
“Come on,” Tony moved so that he was at my side and slid one of his arms through mine. “We best be going. Here,” he grabbed my bouquet, “let’s go before Steve thinks that I drove you away in a getaway car.”
Tony guided me out of the room and out onto the porch. I could see our friends, our family seated on either side of the aisle. Happy was under the arch, as he was officiating the ceremony, and so was Steve. I wanted Steve stand up straighter and smile wider as Tony and I stepped into his view. Tony patted my arm as we made our way down the stairs and towards everyone. As we got closer to Steve, I noticed a tear escape his eyes. I smiled at him, trying to stop myself from crying. Tony and Steve shook hands before Tony gave me a kiss on the cheek and handed my hand over to Steve. 
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“You look beautiful,” Steve whispered as he gently took my hand.
The ceremony was simple, and personal. Steve and I wrote our own vows. When we shared our first kiss as husband and wife, everyone jumped up and cheered. Steve quickly picked me up and spun me around as we kissed. We broke apart, smiling the biggest smiles we could at each other. We then ran down the aisle and onto the porch, laughing the whole way. When we stopped, Steve quickly pulled me in for another kiss.
“Wow,” I said quietly as we parted.
Steve chuckled. “So Mrs. Rogers, what should we do first?”
“I think that we should move up the reception so that we can get the honeymoon started, Mr. Rogers.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Steve smiled as he went in for another kiss.
Everyone was easily convinced to move up the reception except Tony, though Pepper quickly fixed that. As soon as the dance floor and the food was out, the party started. There were toasts not long after the party started. Bucky and Tony tried not to cry through their toasts. Afterwards, Steve and I had our first dance. As “It’s Been a Long, Long Time” played, Steve held me as close as he could, quietly whispering the song for just us two to hear.
“Never thought that you would be, standing here so closer to me. There’s so much I feel that I should say. But words can wait, until some other day... Kiss me once, then kiss me twice. Then kiss me once again. It’s been a long, long time.”
“Haven’t felt like this, my dear,” I cut him off, “since can’t remember when. It’s been a long, long time.” Steve and I looked lovingly at each other.
“You’ll never know how many dreams I’ve dreamed about you.”
“Or just how empty they all seemed without you.”
“So kiss me once.”
“Then kiss me twice.”
“Then kiss me once again.”
“It’s been a long, long time,” we sang quietly together.
Soon, Steve and I’s song ended and Tony was quickly asking Steve he he could cut it. Tony held me close as well. I could tell his was trying to put on a brave face, but fathers just tend to have a hard time at their daughters weddings.
“You don’t have to be strong for me, dad,” I smiled up at him. “You’ll allowed to cry.”
“I cried at Morgan’s wedding too… Especially as I watched her dance with Steve… It made me long for you to be there. And it made me realize that Steve is truly a great man, and that he really loves you… You picked good sweetie. No matter who much crap I gave you for years about him. You did good.”
“Well, I had help.” I reached up at kissed his cheek. “Thank you, Dad, for saving me. For raising me with love, no matter how many fights we had or how much crap happened to us. I wouldn’t be who I am without you.”
A tear ran down Tony’s cheek as he placed a kiss to my forehead. When the song ended, the music changed to something you could really dance to. As we celebrated, I studied everyone. We all were so happy, so excited. The weight of the world... the universe... was on no one’s shoulders. We were all free. We were all finally at rest.
Thanks so much for reading! I hope you continue reading through endings 2 and 3 (which can be found on the main story masterlist, as they come out). Ending 2 will begin coming out tomorrow! Please feel free to ask any questions you have about the endings. Thanks again for all the support! It means the world!
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 82
Chapter Summary -   Danielle deals with her aunt and talks to Tom as he attends Gucci's fashion show. As she speaks to Siobhan, she comes to a realisation.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @jessibelle-nerdy-mum​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @damalseer​ @hiddlesbitch1​ @winterisakiller​ @fairlightswiftly​ @salempoe​​ @wolfsmom1​​
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
"It's not happening," Danielle stated firmly. "I am not going to ignore the fact that you want me to have no say in this, as well as the obvious reason why?" Bernadette folded her arms. "Really, Miss 'no degree' thinks she has uncovered the imaginary issue does she?"
"You have Aunt Lourda bullied into selling her share, so without me, it becomes two against one, since Uncle Michael refuses to sell, meaning with me on Uncle Michael's side, you are trapped, two on two and because you are one person badgering her to sell, and myself and Michael will badger Lourda to keep it, which we know she actually does want, you will lose." Bernadette's face fell. "Seriously, if you had brains you'd almost be dangerous with your conniving, but you actually are so blatant with your ideas that it is actually embarrassing."
To her right, her uncle chuckled. "She has you, Bernie."
Bernadette's face contorted angrily. "Matthew should not have given you everything, you are too spoiled." "Dad didn't give me everything, he gave a lot to others too, just not to you because you hated one another, he had no time for you and your notions. I know you are the one that took my Mam's statues, by the way." Danielle commented. "The galling thing is, I don't actually care, I hate statues, but you having the brass neck to come into my home and take them, that was a total piss-take." "What?" Michael asked in shock, "I thought…" "I gave them to her, no, I didn't, I would have, you are the only one who actually likes those things before, for that, I actually want them back." "What'll you do with them, your mother would want them looked after." "Yeah, she would, not thieved though. Sure, look sell them to get whatever bill you are trying to get paid, paid. That's my bargain." Danielle bit her lip, it wouldn't do to call her aunt a 'mewling quim'.
"I am not in debt, how dare you, I would never…" "If you use a credit card, you are in debt." Danielle pointed out, "You opened your purse in front of us, you have three, ergo, you are in debt, but for whatever reason you want to sell the house, I am not budging. Go to the Credit Union like the rest of us."
Bernadette stormed out of the room, calling Danielle a litany of names as she went. "You've pissed her off good now," Michael commented as he put his tea in the sink.
"I don't care, Nan said specifically she did not want this house sold," Danielle stated, Michael nodded in agreement, he had been in the room when she said it. "Dad told me not to let it, and Nan told you all not to let it be sold, so as long as I am a Hughes, I will not let it." "Is the day ever going to come that we'll get to see you not be one?" "Jesus, don't you start." Danielle scoffed, seeing her uncle stick his tongue in his teeth to show her he was joking. "I am so far away from that right now." "Really, I heard Siobhan tell Deirdre you had someone in England." Danielle froze for a second, "Really?" "Yeah, some British lad, about your go, is that right?" "I don't...I did have someone, I don't anymore." "Odd, Síobhan said you seem to be smitten with him." "Síobhan's talking out her arse." Michael laughed. "You are your father's daughter, Danielle." She got to the hallway when she bumped into someone else. "Hey." "Hi." Laura gave a small smile, "I didn't see you there." "No, you're grand, have you seen Síobhan?" "No, she and Deirdre went into Galway I think." "Shit, alright, thanks, you look well by the way." "Thanks, you look good too."
The pair stood awkwardly for a moment before Danielle moved on. She walked outside and looked around. Danielle always loved her nan's, truthfully, if she could, she would buy it off her aunts and uncle and live there. The ocean was to the right, and fields of grass and cattle to the left and all around was just drips of houses every few fields and nothing else, she loved it. She bit her lips together, she was hoping that she would get to show it to Tom on their little getaway, stay a night there before moving down the country to see more people, now she would just take a few photo's, maybe if one was good enough, get it framed. Thinking of Siobhan telling Deirdre about Tom worried her slightly, but since her uncle had not mentioned a name or anything, she knew she mustn't have said too much. Thinking of Tom, she decided to see how Milan was going.
Danielle - Hey, dunno when or even if you'll get this, but how did Mac get on going to the kennels? Do you have a rug now?
Tom - Hey, I thought I sent you a message the day I left, but looking there, I never pressed send (Shame on me) he was good, seemed a little abashed we both left him, but as soon as he saw their dog, he was as happy as Larry. I also brought him to a groomer, they took out a lot of it out and recommended a brush, 'the Furminator' I like it!
Danielle - Good, though did you ever wonder who Larry was, and why the hell he is so happy? Thank you, I will pay you back for that.
Tom - I did actually :) How is Ireland?
Danielle - Complicated. How is Milan?
Tom - Good actually, the fashion show was fairly boring, but the after-party was good. I got to meet some people, exchange some numbers that may be handy.
Danielle - Good stuff, I just said I would ask how he got on, talk to you another time.
Tom - Sure, okay. Sorry, the letter didn't come when I was home.
Danielle - I'll just have to wait. Bye, Tom.
Tom - Bye Elle. X
Tom - Sorry, that was predictive text, I didn't mean to put the 'x' in.
Danielle looked at the phone, she hadn't even noticed the x if she was honest, but him putting that in stung slightly. She inhaled deeply and reminded herself that she told him she wanted to back away from everything, he was, as she knew he would be, respecting that and not trying to pressure her into anything. She had chosen this, and if something hurt, she had to remind herself that it was the result of her actions. She wondered if Tom met a nice girl there, one better suited to him. Biting her lips together, she repeated once more what she had said, if he did, there was nothing wrong with it, she had told him she was done, it still hurt though.
* Tom looked at the messages from Danielle as he stood waiting for a photoshoot to begin, she seemed more talkative, which was good surely, but she seemed to not be enjoying her trip home. He wished she would tell him, from what a text from Emma revealed, she was having a real issue with her aunt, one that was causing her more stress than was fair, but she did not tell him what it was.
As though by fate, he heard his phone go off as soon as he had put it back in his pocket, curious, he looked at it.
Danielle - just saw a picture of you at the after show, I don't know why, but that combo really works for you, loved it. :)
Tom smiled with almost childishly at that.
Tom - Really?
Danielle - Definitely, better than those grey boots by a long shot. ;)
Tom laughed. At that.
Tom - Were you Googling me?
Danielle - I may have.
Tom - I am honoured.
He had to go and do the photoshoot, so he placed his phone with the rest of his belongings and went to work.
Much to his disappointment, when he returned to it after, Danielle had not continued their conversation. Putting his phone in his pocket, he went back to his hotel.
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* Danielle walked down the path of the garden, her face almost cold. Siobhan did not see her until the last moment when she turned around, she was startled to see Danielle in her face. "Hi." "Hey, Danielle." Deirdre half smiled, half looked worriedly at her older cousin.
"Hi, Deirdre, could you excuse us a minute?" Danielle smiled, though it was not a friendly one at her.
"Sure…" Deirdre brought her shopping to the house.
"What's…?" Síobhan asked worriedly.
"Did you tell her about Tom?" Síobhan didn't say anything. "Did you tell Deirdre about Tom?" She repeated.
"I told her you have a boyfriend in London, nothing else, I swear." Danielle calmed immediately. "It came out when we were talking about Laura and Evan and if they get married and then I mentioned that you could be first?" "We are broken up." She reminded her cousin.
"You are not properly though, I mean, as soon as you and 'Rear of the Year' are back around each other, you are going to forgive him, I have seen you on the phone to him, you got all sweet and happy." Síobhan pointed out.
"Talking to him is not enough to forgive him." Danielle pointed out.
"You know, and I say this with love, you are a top-notch bitch at the best of times, so I am guessing you let out some comments yourself that make you as culpable." "I…" Danielle couldn't argue that, she knew she had been nasty back to Tom, he wasn't a fame whore, but she had dug in the knife on that one. "Yes, I did." "So kiss and make up, and in the future, introduce me to Chris Hemsworth."
Danielle's brows rose, "He's married." "Yeah, I know, but that doesn't mean I cannot look on, drooling." "Never met him." "Cumberbatch?" "Him, yes." "Is he as sexy in real life?" "I don't see the appeal personally, but he is actually really lovely; him and Sophie both are." "It's so cool you know famous people." "You saw I worked on Game of Thrones too." "Yeah, but you won't say anything about it." "I can't."
"Meanie." Síobhan got her shopping from the car. "I wouldn't tell her everything you know, I mean, I know we know each other better than you and me, because of the age difference and everything, but you told me that as leverage for the other thing, and you said nothing about me telling you." "I didn't do it because of that, I did it because I wanted to show you that I trust you too." Danielle pointed out. "I spent so much time being scared that it would get out, I told no one about it." she frowned. "I guess…" "What?" "Tom said I acted as though I was ashamed of him, I guess he's right, I never told anyone anything about us, I never made him feel like he actually mattered enough to tell anyone. I wasn't, but not telling any of you, I made it seem like I was."
Síobhan stood staring at Danielle; the girl she had seen stand stone-faced at both of her parent's funerals, who never once complained or groused at looking after both of them when they were ill, who never once said anything bad about having to quit college to do so, crying as she spoke aloud her realisation as to her wrongdoing in her relationship.
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djinmer4 · 4 years
Letter (Dresden AU)
“Bitte, grrnk!  I can bear no more, nmmmak! Shoot me, erk!  Put me out of my misery.”
“Stop whining.”
“Du Unhold!  You are enjoying this nnmph!  This inhuman torture.”
A giggling reply.  “Of course not.  I just like playing doctor.  Pity, a few snips and it will all be over.”
“Eeeungh!  Nmmph!  Glk . . . Gggnmmph!”
“Okay, okay.  I’m finished already.”
“Aaahhh, wonne.  Danke, Katzchen, danke.  Ooaah, wunderbar . . . the itch was driving me wahnsinnig.”
Kitty helped pry away the last pieces of plaster.  “You’re lucky Moira said it was okay to remove the cast, Kurt.  I’d have left it on for another month.”
“To teach me the consequences of violence, I presume.”
“No, that’s a risk we all accept.”  She carded her fingers lightly through the matted fur, carefully smoothing out some of the tangles that had formed in the past month.  “I meant you’re lucky that you heal so quickly.  Most people would take about another eight weeks to knit.  There’s no significant muscle wastage either.  How do you feel?”
Kurt stood and stretched, bringing his knee up to his chest.  “Starr.  And a little weak.  Mostly I’m just off-balance- I have grown used to compensating for the weight of the cast.”
“You’ll just have to take it easy for the next few days.”
“I have not the time.  I received a letter, via Jean Grey, from an old friend, Jutta.  She needs my help so I am leaving for Germany within the hour.”  He hesitated then looked at his young friend.  “Would you like to come?”
Kitty gave him one of her lopsided smiles.  “Sorry, I can’t.  I got a letter too, from one of my cousins.”
“Connie Barrowill, on my dad’s side.  No, you don’t know her, we’re not close.  But she’s in college right now and apparently having a bit of trouble.  Since she’s only a few years older than me, her dad asked that I fly over and see how she’s doing, maybe give her some advice.”
“Ah, well, family is family after all.  I wanted to introduce you to my friends from the circus, but it looks like it will have to wait for another time.  I will bring you back a souvenir.”
“Connie?  Connie, are you there?  It’s me, Kitty.”  Shadowcat looked around the campus.  She supposed all colleges had similarities, but while Chicago had had a mix of gothic stone and modern concrete architecture, Oklahoma was all brick, much more cohesive.  Also, flat as a pancake.
“Kitty?  Hey, I wasn’t expecting you!”  Connie was just a few inches taller than her, with blonde hair, tanned skin, and blue eyes.  She looked like a stereotypical cheerleader actually, which never failed to annoy Kitty a little.  Everyone else in the Court looked like a supermodel and she just looked like the girl next door.  And if what Thomas told her was right, she’d keep looking like that for the next hundred years or so.
“Yeah, your dad called me.  Said you were having some difficulty with . . . school and that I might be able to answer some questions for you.”  Kitty felt stupid trying to convey her meaning with pauses and eyebrows, but they were in public.
“Oh?  Oh!  Yes, just some stuff you’ll probably find easy.  Here, come in!”  Connie stopped standing in the doorway and let Kitty into the dorm.  They walked up three flights of stairs to Connie’s single room.  Kitty was surprised, there was an aura of lust in the corridor so thick she was surprised normal humans couldn’t detect it.
Once the door was shut, they both dropped the pretense.  “So what happened?”
“Well . . . I take it you know all about our-”
“Our little nutrition problem.  Yes, I do.  But you . . . “  Kitty gave her cousin a good once over.  “But you haven’t changed.  I’m surprised, Lord Raith doesn’t allow fledglings to be told about their heritage until-”
“Until it’s too late.  Yeah, that’s the thing.  Um, Dad said you . . . had an unusual transition.”
Kitty stared at her cousin.  She let out a sigh.  “Yeah.  Mind control.  A body jumper took over and he knew my background.  Decided he wanted all the perks that came with being a vampire, and arranged for the right circumstances then did the deed.”
“So there wasn’t any decision making involved,” muttered the blonde.
“Connie, what exactly happened to you?”
“Oh, um,” her cousin took a deep breath.  “I brought my boyfriend up to my room to make-out.  We didn’t go all the way,” So that explained some things.  “But it was enough to trigger the Hunger.”
“Soo . . . I don’t understand.  Do you want to complete the transformation?  Just invite the boy over and drain him.  Simple enough.”
“No!”  Then Connie’s voice dropped.  “Or well, it’s not that simple.”
“Do you not want to be a vampire?  I can understand that.”
“Maybe.  I’m not sure.  How would you go about doing that?”
“Hmph.  Normally I wouldn’t tell you this information, but since you already know about the Masquerade . . . there’s really only one chance at this.  The first time you have sex and-” Kitty side-eyed her cousin.  “-go all the way.  If you have sex with someone who truly loves you and who you truly love in return, it poisons the demon and kills them.  Then you’ll live the rest of your life as a normal human, and have normal human kids.  But if it’s anyone else, you’ll kill them and become a Pale Hunter.”  She paused.  “How did the guy last long enough that this became an issue?”
“Oh, it turns out he’s the son of a Forest Person.  Dad apparently did some mojo so I’d screw him to death, but he’s got enough resistance that he was unaffected.”
“That explains the aura out in the corridor.  Was that all you needed?”
“Er, no.  Some of the other Forest People blocked Dad’s influence, said they’d give me time to decide if I really wanted to become a vampire or not.  I told Dad that since I actually had a choice, I wanted to know more about it.  So I guess he sent you.”
Kitty leaned back in the chair she had grabbed from Connie’s desk.  “Pros and cons then.  You already know what it’s like to be human, so I’ll leave that alone.  Cons: once you turn into a vampire you have to feed, you have no choice.  If you go too long without it, or something causes you to drain your resources too low, the demon will take over and attack and kill people to feed.  And every time the demon does that, it takes a toll on your mind.  Go into a frenzy often enough, and eventually, you’ll never come out of it.  You’ll just be a mindless monster.
Are you taking notes on this?  You’ll remember it better if you write it down.”
Connie grabbed the notepad Kitty held out to her.  “You’re not worried people might come across proof of the supernatural?”  
Kitty snorted.  “The Masquerade isn’t that fragile.  If anyone asks, tell them you were brainstorming a story with me.  Shall I go on?”  The blonde nodded.  “Okay, pros now.  You get enhanced senses and strength and durability.  Feeding regularly will give you a healing factor, feed enough and you can survive being set on fire and almost being cut in half.”  At Connie’s wide-eyed look, Kitty continued.  “That’s not hyperbole, I’ve actually seen Laura do the exact thing.  It’s not the most powerful healing factor I’ve seen but it’s definitely up there.  Anyway, going on.  It enhances all your physical characteristics, strength (“You said that already”), speed, endurance, dexterity.  Your lifespan also increases, Lord Raith and Laura have lived for centuries.”
The older girl continued to make notes.  “Any drawbacks?  Sunlight and things?”
“Nope, that’s a different court.  No problems with sunlight or silver or iron or religious symbols.”  To prove her point, Kitty opened up the collar of her shirt to show Connie the Star of David she wore.  “Um, you can cross thresholds without being invited, but that does limit your abilities to human norm though.”
“So no weaknesses at all?”
“A few.  We’re definitely not as strong as the other vampire courts.  Also, we have a vulnerability to some types of positive emotion.”  Kitty though for a second.  “You and you’re dad are part of House Ashma that feeds on rage.  So trying to feed off of someone who’s serene or coming into contact with symbols of that could hurt you.
There are some other things that pertain to magic, but that’s not going to be an issue unless you actually become one.  Anything else you want to know?”
“So if I,” Connie hesitated then continued.  “If I don’t want to become a vampire, I don’t have to swear a vow of celibacy or anything like that?”
“And what’s wrong with being celibate?  But no, you just have to make sure that your first time is with someone who really loves you and who you love in return.”  
“What about your mutant powers?  Does it help those?”
Now it was Kitty’s turn to look wide-eyed.  “Charles told you that?”
“It was supposed to be a secret?”
“Well, not really I guess.  I haven’t been hiding it, but I haven’t been advertising it to the rest of the family, that’s all.”  She shook her head.  “Honestly, it’s hard to say.  I pretty much got them at the same time.  But I don’t think so?  I can still use my mutant ability even when my vampire ones are cut off, like when I go somewhere uninvited or warded with a magic circle.  And it doesn’t depend on my feeding either.”
The elder looked over her notes.  “This is all really great information, Kitty.  But it doesn’t answer my question.”  Summer blue eyes looked into paler, icier ones.  “You weren’t given a choice.  But if you had been given one, would you have become a vampire?”
She hissed out between her teeth.  “That’s a very difficult question.  On one hand, I really hate how I transitioned.  I hate the fact I wasn’t given a choice, that someone else was puppeteering my body around, that he chose to kill an innocent to kick-start my powers.  But on the other hand, I love the abilities that being a vampire gives me.  I don’t think I’d be nearly as good a fighter without those abilities and they certainly make me a much more valuable member of the X-Men and Excalibur.  And of course, on the gripping hand, there’s the whole fact I had to kill someone to be like this and can enthrall people and may kill other people in the future.”  
“That’s not a yes or no answer.”
Kitty sucked in another breath.  “If this was a question with easy answers you wouldn’t need my help now, would you?”  Connie closed her eyes and dipped her head.  “I think, when it comes down to it, I do like being a vampire.  And if I had a choice I would do it again, even with how traumatic the transitioning was.  I’d prefer to do it under different circumstances, I mean, I could think of a lot of people who need killing after all, but even if I had to do it that way, I still would.”
“Thanks, Kitty.”  If the two of them had been closer, Connie might have risked hugging the younger girl.  As is, she settled for a firm handshake.  “That’s all I needed to know.”
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seelaa26 · 4 years
6. I Warned Myself
“Do you remember when you said to not tell anybody? ‘Cause if you do, I’ll be the first to put my hands around your throat. I warned myself that I shouldn’t play with fire but I can tell that I’ll do it one more time”
As usual, I always arrived at the lab about ten minutes before my shift started so I had time to leave my things in the locker and go to the break room to make me a coffee, and if I was not alone, socialize with my colleagues. Sara was usually the first one to arrive, so we met in the break room, but this time, it was Catherine who was there.
-¡Hey, Cath! –I greeted with a smile as I walked toward the coffee machine to make myself one- Coffee?
-¡Hey Laura! –She greeted back a few seconds later- No. Thank you.
Catherine was sitting in one of the chairs and with her phone she was trying to call someone but apparently that person didn’t pick up the phone which led her straight to the voicemail.
-Are you okay? –I asked without knowing how she was going to take the question- Can I help you with something?
-Don’t worry, it’s just.. –she blew and put her hands in her head- Lindsey had a ballet performance today and I couldn’t make it in time, so the teacher called her father and now he’s with Linds and I don’t know.. I’m not calm knowing the mess Eddie is.
-Why don’t you take the night off then?
-I can’t, it’s Nicky’s night off and we’d be two people short –She breathed and tried to calm herself- Besides, we’ve got a 445A in a business building.
-What? A bomb?!
-Yes –She nodded before looking at her phone again for the last time- Sara and Grissom are already at the crime scene so we should be probably get going.
We picked up our field kit and we both climbed into the SUV that Catherine was driving. Apparently, the crime scene wasn’t far from the lab but still, we had to cross busy streets.
-You know, this is my first case with bombs.
-Yeah? You like them?
-No, I hate them –I explained myself- Besides leaving the scene in a mess, everything’s burned and in a thousand pieces. It’s a lot of work and usually I don’t mind it, but I just hate everything that goes BOOM.
Suddenly, a car coming from our left almost collided with us. Catherine stopped on the side of the road since we were both scared and with our hearts beating way too fast.
-Are you okay? –She asked putting her hand in my arm- I’m so sorry Laura. I just, I didn’t saw the red light and kept driving..
-Cath, Cath.. –I did the same and held her hands to calm her down- It’s okay. Nothing happened so don’t waste time thinking about it. Do you want me to drive from here?
She nodded so we switched places and a few minutes later we arrived at the crime scene. We met up with Brass in the front of what used to be the doors to the building. He filled us in.
-We’re all clear to go in, but here’s what we got. Couple of head wounds. Elderly guy had his arm torn off. The only fatality so far is Jake Richards, a security guard. Body’s still inside.
We turned our flashlights on as we walked through the lobby. Grissom and Sara were kneeling down besides the body. We made our way toward them and put our kits down as we looked.
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-How big you think this bomb was? –Brass asked.
-It’s not the size of the bomb –Sara answered- It’s the overpressure in the air around it.
-The Van Gogh Effect in stereo, both ears –Grissom pointed his flashlight at the dead man’s head- A perfectly symmetrical amputation. Means he was looking directly at the bomb when it went off.
-Smell the sulfur? –Catherine sniffed and took a small sample scraping of the black stuff on the body - Light this, please.
-Gunpowder –I concluded when the black powder on the knife exploded- Well, we know the propellant.
-The dirty little secret of bombs is how easy they are to make and use –Grissom stood up- Our murder weapon’s here someplace in a thousand pieces. We have to find it and put it back together again.
-Bombs explode. Weird thing is their components survive the explosion. If we can piece together this bomb, we’re closer to finding who did this.
Using a magnetic device, I started gathering the minute pieces of metal in the debris. Sara and Catherine started bagging other pieces of metal and Warrick took photos of the whole crime scene. A few hours later, we returned to the lab and Catherine, Sara and I looked at all the bomb pieces we gathered spread out on the table in front of us.
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-So all of this stuff is from a five-meter radius of the point of origin? –Sara asked surprised.
-Yep –I nodded- Graphic explanation of why I hate bombs.
-How could the victim possibly be in one piece?
-Vacuum effect –Catherine explained- The air is being pushed out so fast when the bomb detonates there’s a calm at the center.
-Did you figure out what this “FP” stands for? –Sara picked up a gear piece.
-I ran it through the ATF’s bomb database but no profile.
-So our bomber’s a newbie. Does he fit Grissom’s wack job from the bomb site? Dominic, the security guard?
-It’s too soon to tell.
Apparently, a security guard from the building in which the bomb had exploded had approached Grissom to offer his help. He was a fan of bombs. Speak of the devil.. Grissom walked into the room carrying something.
-I found something interesting –he showed it to us- Looks like a balance wheel from a clock. Bomb was time-delayed. This is a piece of a timing device.
-What about the orange stuff? –Sara asked.
-Heat of the explosion must have melted whatever it is all around the wheel. What’s orange and melts?
-I would have to investigate that –she answered with a smile.
-Hey, guys –Nick walked into the room and looked at Grissom- Can I steal you for a minute?
-I thought this was your day off.
-We’re kind of busy here, Nick.
-Yeah, I know and I’m sorry, but I don’t think this can wait.
Grissom and Nick left together, Catherine joined them a few minutes later and neither of them returned. Obviously something had happened and sooner or later we would know. Meanwhile, Sara and I discovered that the piece that Grissom had found belonged to a snoozewell and we discovered which one was, so we called Brass to track the sales of the specific snoozewell. It didn’t take long for Brass to appear in the lab with one of his ironic one-liners.
-Don’t you love the smell of sulfur in the afternoon? –he asked leaning against the door frame- You might want to take a tour of Dominic Kretzker’s house.  I tracked down the sale of SnoozeWell clocks. 926 credit card purchases in the last three months in Clark County; 7 to Dominic Kretzker.
-This guy either has serious problems getting up early or he is the person we are looking for –I mumbled as I approached Brass- You comin’ Sara?
-No, I’m going to stay here and help Warrick with the “FP” initials.
We headed to Grissom’s office and once we informed him, we set out to visit our suspect. Brass told me how intense he was, but I didn’t check it until I saw that he was waiting for us on his porch. He had a police scanner and that’s how he knew we were coming.
-What can I do for you guys?
-Dominic.. this is the type of device that was used to set off the Hansen bomb –Grissom showed him a picture- We have proof that you purchased the same make of clock. Want to show us that clock of yours?
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-Okey Dokey –he said with a welcoming smile- Come on in.
We walked into the room. Dominic walked over to the table where there was a file box filled with stuff on the floor. He put the box on the table and picked up the alarm clock. He gave it to Grissom.
-The timing device is still intact.
-Yeah, ‘cause I haven’t made the bomb yet.
-Look what I found, sulfur –Brass handed us the piece he found with globs of melted orange on it- Is this from the Hansen bomb?
-Sure is.
-You keep your key piece of evidence that could nail you? –I asked surprised.
-That’s sentimental. Historical. I collect souvenirs.. that’s my building, you know. I mean.. that was my place of employment –he started to get nervous- If I had anything to hide, I’d hide it.
-Well, maybe so but you’re under arrest.
Brass cuffed him and put him in the car.
-I can’t tell whether he’s brilliant or..nuts –Grissom said to me as we watched them get into the car.
-Yeah, me either but I’ll tell you one thing; I like him, he says “Okey Dokey”.
Back at the lab, Grissom and Brass interrogated Dominic, while I went to see Sara and Warrick, to check how they were doing with the initials. On my way, I was stopped by Catherine.
-Hey Laura, can I talk to you for a second?
-Yeah, sure –we stood to one side of the hallway to not block the way- Everything okay? Have you been able to talk to your daughter?
-Yes, Eddie finally picked up the phone. Lindsey has a ballet class in a few hours and she wants mom to take her so.. she’s not mad. Thanks for asking –Catherine gave me a warm smile- Look, a prostitute has been found dead by strangulation in her home and someone from the team was with her last night.
All my systems automatically thought of one person. Showing up at work on a day off and wanting to speak to Grissom urgently.. Warning signs. Just as quickly as I knew it was him, that quickly I was disappointed. Nick and I didn’t meet because he already had plans with a friend when he really had a date with a prostitute. He lied to me and that’s what hurt.
-Nick –I guessed and Catherine nodded as a confirmation.
-Ecklie, the day shift supervisor, is assigned to the case but they will pass it on to me. I wanted to talk to you because I may need help.
-Count me in, but why me? –Catherine didn’t answer, she just looked at me- Because I’m the rookie, right?
-We need everyone working the bomb case.. –She explained and then suddenly, she greeted someone with her hand and headed that way- Oh, hey, Conrad, Grissom’s at interrogation but I need to speak with you.. about Nick Stokes.
Ecklie seemed like he wanted to talk, but since he didn’t know me he looked askance at me indicating that he wasn’t going to talk if there was someone unknown there. I took the step and introduced myself.
-Let me guess, about his involvement with a dead hooker?
-Come one, the hooker was a person. Her name was Kristy Hopkins.
-I realize that, thank you but his prints were all over Kristy Hopkins’s house. Let’s see wine glass, bedside table, bed frame..
Ecklie was giving us a visual image when Nick appeared on the scene. He stopped as soon as he saw that we were talking with Ecklie. We exchanged a look and after taking a deep breath, he approached.
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-Nick, I don’t think you guys should be talking –Catherine advised.
-It’s no big deal. What’s up, Ecklie?
-I need a DNA sample from you, Nick. We found a condom, used.
-I assume you’re trying to prove Kristy Hopkins and I were sexually active last night. My DNA will match, no warrant necessary. I have something else for you –Nick handed Ecklie a piece of paper with writing on it- A license plate number. Vehicle belongs to Jack Willman. Had a fight with Kristy outside the Orpheus last night around midnight.
-Well, I’ll look into it but come one.. your fingerprints, your DNA.. that’s what’s going into evidence. I don’t want to believe a CSI could commit murder. Hell, I don’t even want to believe that a CSI could sleep with a hooker.
-You know what? –Ecklie’s way of talking pissed me off, so I had to say something- Nick’s private life..
-Is no longer private –he interrupted me- I’m sorry if you guys don’t like where the evidence is pointing but show me otherwise. In the meantime, I have a protocol to follow.
-Look, I’m going to get O’Riley to track down this Jack guy for questioning, but I am out on a limb for you here, Nick –Catherine said, and then she and Ecklie left together.
Nick put his hands on his waist and turned to look at me. His gaze was saddened and concerned. Mine was hurt and pissed off.
-Can we talk? –he asked me as my phone rang.
-Gotta go –I read the urgent message from Brass- There’s been a second bomb.
We made a quick little briefing after visiting the second crime scene, because it was raining, we collected the most important things and returned. Sara discovered that the orange stuff was actually orange polyester from a jacket. I ran a search looking for disgruntled employees in The Hansen Building and I found Norman Stirling, a former manager. Warrick investigated the initials and found out that they were made by an electric etcher. The manufacturer said that this etcher was only used for training purposes and Las Vegas School District was the one who bought it and Stirling’s son goes there. Last by not least, the second bomb was not remote, so Dominic was ruled out as a suspect because he was in custody. Grissom let him free to go with an advice; “Next time try not to be quite so trusting. You don’t need to be a hero”.
While Brass was in charge of finding and bringing both the father and the son for interrogation, I received a message from Catherine telling me to meet her at the DNA Lab. When I arrived, she was already there.
-How you doing, Greg? –I greeted him.
-Worried about Nick –he answered me and then looked at Catherine- It’s not your case, much as I want to help, no can do.
-That’s my case for the next twelve hours. Ask the Sheriff.
-I would never doubt your word –Greg opened the freezer and took out the envelope. He removed the slide and put it under the microscope- Nick’s little soldiers, all yours.
-Thanks Greg –Catherine looked through the scope and indicated me to look too- When did you say this sample was frozen?
-10.15 AM, why?
-What do you see, Laura?
-These guys are all heads, no tails –I answered.
-Kristy’s time of death was 6.00 AM. It takes about seven hours for bacteria to eat away at the tails..
-.. Placing the time of ejaculation at 2.00 AM –I finished.
-It doesn’t disprove Nick’s presence at the time of the homicide.
-You could be a little more supportive –I told Greg and then realized something- Do we have the murder weapon?  
-No, we don’t –Catherine denied with her head- She was strangled. If Jack killed her, it had to be something of convenience. I’ll go to the crime scene and have a look around.
-Catherine –I stopped her and gain her attention- What happens if we don’t solve this in twelve hours?
-They are going to arrest Nick –She answered honestly- If Nick’s arrested, it’s not going to matter that he’s cleared later. It’s automatic dismissal.
Catherine left to find the murder weapon and with the bombs case we were waiting for the father and son, I took advantage of the break to make a coffee. I really needed the caffeine. I put the phone on the table and went to the coffee maker. I leaned against the table while I waited but then I heard someone enter the room and close the door. I knew exactly who it was.
-Can we talk now? –I didn’t ever bother turning around- I’d like to explain.
-You don’t owe me an explanation.
-I know, but I want to –he made a small pause- Look, I don’t want you to think that I lied to you because I didn’t.
-What do you want me to think then? –I poured the coffee and turned to look at him- Nick, the fact that you slept with a hooker and she appeared dead hours later.. I’m confused, because I was starting to know you and that doesn’t sound like the person I thought you were.
-I wasn’t her client and I’ve never used that kind of services.. –he breathed and gave a step closer- I knew Kristy because of this job, I helped her a couple times before and..
-Helped her? –I interrupted her- Nick, are you aware of what you’re saying?
-I know, you listen, please –he gave me puppy eyes and I couldn’t resist them even though I tried- What I told you yesterday was the truth, I met this friend of mine and we watched the game then, when we were leaving the place, I ran into her then I drove her home and.. well, you know what happened. We had this chemistry, you know?
-Yeah, I know.
I nodded slightly and kept my gaze steady to make him understand that my answer referred to what I had begun to feel for him. Luckily or not, I could tell that he understood, but I couldn’t read further.
-I’ve been wrong about a lot of people in my life and I’ve played their game, but that has helped me learn to know when someone is double-edged.. and you’re not –Nick raised his head and looked at me surprised- I never thought you killed her. I know you didn’t. You don’t have to worry about my thoughts of you, they haven’t changed. I doubted, yes but I still think you’re good person, not a killer.
I smiled at him and for a moment I could see relief in his eyes. Then I got up to leave, but when I was at the door, he spoke.
-Thank you, I really needed to hear that.
Catherine sent me a message saying that she had found the murder weapon. She compared the cord from the curtains with the markings found round Kristy’s neck and it was match. Now, all we needed to do was look for fingerprints or a piece of evidence that indicated that Nick didn’t kill her.
-Hey Cath, that was fast! –I met her at reception.
-Yeah, everything for Nicky –The clock from reception chimed, she looked around at the sound and checked it. She realized how late it was- Lindsey. The ballet class.
-Catherine, go. C’mon.
-I..I have to examine the murder weapon. Nick’s case is running out of time.
-I’ll do it right now, don’t worry –She looked again at the clock- Go.
-If you have any doubt, call me! –She said while she was leaving- I owe you one.
-No, you don’t!
I walked down the hallway with the evidence bag in my hand, ready to apply everything I had learned, when Grissom crossed my path.
-I was about to page you –he said- Norman Stirling and his son are at the interrogation room. I was wondering, since you’ve been with us for a few months, if you wanted to do your first interrogation.
Dilemma. Grissom had just offered me to conduct my first interrogation and I really felt prepared to do it but then I looked at the bag in my hands, and I couldn’t. Proving Nick’s innocence was more important than taking another step in my career. So, I had to refuse. Running against the clock, I looked for fingerprints on the cord, but there weren’t any. Then, I had an idea.
-Kristy Hopkins was strangled with this sash –I dropped the cord out onto the table in front of Greg- It’s fingerprint-free, but the force of the pull would have scratched off epithelials from the killer’s hands, right?
-Abraded, yeah.
-And you can extract DNA from epithelials?
-If they’re fresh enough- Greg took a swab from the cord and put the sample under the microscope- Epithelials are affirmative. I’m just going to need something to compare to.
-I read on the file case that Jack Willman has a prior for sexual assault, so his DNA is on file.
Nick was pacing the floor when I walked in the break room. When he saw me, he stopped and bit his lip. He was very nervous.
-Where’s Catherine?
-She had to leave, but don’t worry, I examined the murder weapon.
Nick nodded and tried to calm himself down. I was surprised.
-What? You’re not worried that the rookie examined the piece that can send you to jail? –I joked.
-No, I trust you.
Nick was playing with his hands and even though he was almost going to have a breakdown, those words came out naturally and calm. He was telling the truth. He trusted me and knowing that just made me grow my feelings for him.  
-Jack Willman killed her.
Nick sighed and smiled as he walked towards me to give me a hug.
-Thank you.
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His arms around squeezed me a fraction tighter and we both breathed more slowly. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end.
-Hey.. I’m just doing my job.. Besides, if they’d send you to jail I wouldn’t have my promised dinner.
-Laura –Grissom’s head popped out- The kid confessed everything. He put another bomb at Summit High School, we are going now to deactivate it. Though you wanted to come.
-Right behind you –I nodded.
-By the way, about that dinner.. –Nick made a pause- Anytime.
I smiled at him and followed Grissom. When we arrived, Grissom stopped the car and we ran out with the other officers. The students were running out of the school. As the last of them leave, Dominic exited the building carrying the package. He had the bomb in his hands.
-Dominic, stop! –I yelled- Stop right there. Put it down!
-No, it’s all right –he smiled- Everyone’s safe.
-No, no, no –Grissom yelled back- Drop it. It’s active!
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Suddenly, Dominic stopped smiling and from his face I could tell he heard the clock timer ticking. Dominic looked down at the package in his hands. As we watched, the bomb exploded and we were thrown back by the impact of the explosion. Grissom checked on me a few seconds later, when we were able to sat up. Dominic gave his life for the students. He was the hero he always wanted to be.
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faithambr · 6 years
Waves #VegasStrong!
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(Author’s Note: So my original plan was to write this story based on Anna’s emotions in church, but after what had happened on October 1st, 2017 where a man had killed 58 people and wounded many more. I was going to post this during Kristanna week, but life got in the way. So after hearing the Golden Knights play in the Stanley Cup, I’ve decided to finish this and post it. Yeah sure there isn’t even a mention of the Golden Knights here, but that team has been there for our community since the tragedy of 1 October. Plus this story is based on that day I personally went to the hospital to donate. “Oceans/ You Make Me Brave” by Caleb and Kesley. I played that song for the entire day. Thank you for reading this note and enjoy reading the story. End Note: Photos on the left are mine and the ones on the left and middle were from Facebook.)
Previous prompt based on this tragedy
“Mom,” Laura said as she waited patiently at the front door, “when are we gonna go grocery shopping?”
“Just a minute.” Anna breathed as she jotted down the grocery list onto the notepad.
“Mommy!” a voice echoed down the hallway. “James took my doll!”
“James!” Anna replied while she placed the list in her purse. “Give Antonia her doll back.”
“Okay.” James replied.
“Now please get ready!” Anna had sighed as she stood alongside with Laura.
“Yes, Mommy!”
It took the family about 20 minutes for them to head to the 99 cent store. While they were heading that way, Laura made the suggestion to buy stuff that they could donate to one of the police stations nearby. Anna agreed and then told her to write down a list of things that they could donate.
“Mom,” Laura began just as her mother had parked the family van, “so I am taking Elizabeth and Antonia with me?”
“Okay.” Laura sighed just as everyone else was getting out of the van.
“Alright kids,” Anna called to her children surrounding her, “Charlie, Robbie, and James are with me. Elizabeth and Antonia, you’re with Laura.”
“Okay.” Antonia giggled as she held onto Laura’s hand. “C’mon Laura, let’s go.”
“Hold on Missy.” Anna warned Antonia.
“But Mommy.”
“No but’s.”
“Mommy,” James pulled on her arm for attention, “can I sit in the cart?”
“Honey, you’re too big to ride in it.” Anna stated as she locked up the van. 
“Ahh.” James hung his head low, as he began to walk with his family. 
Once they all had gotten to the entrance of the store, Anna handed Laura the list of donations that they were going to buy.
“Now make sure that you get everything on that list.” Anna reminds her daughters as they parted ways.
“We will Mommy.” Elizabeth had answered for them. “I’ll make sure of it.”
“Okay.” Anna smiled at her three girls.
“Alright now can we go?” Laura stated.
“Yes, you may.” Anna answered while Laura and her sisters went on their way down the aisles.
“So Mom,” Charlie folded his arms against his chest, “what do we need to get?”
“We need some milk, cereal, and some snacks.” Anna pulled out the grocery list from her purse.
Sure enough, the Bjorman family was on off buying things from the 99 cent store. Anna was making sure that the boys were listening to her directions, while Laura was busy corraling her two sisters away from the all of the toys in the toy aisle. She knew that it was tough to be the oldest out of her family, yet she was willing to put up with her brothers and sisters, only because she loves them no matter what. After shopping around for the things that they needed, they all met at the checkout station, ready to go home and get some extra sleep. 
“Mommy, look at what we got!” Antonia smiled as they all met up at the checkout station.
“Cool baby.” Anna smiled, while waiting in line.
“We got some blankets, snack bars,” Antonia began to name off the items in the cart, “rmane noodles, toilet paper, Laura’s tampons...”
“Antonia!” Laura covered her sister’s mouth while feeling her own blush creep up her neck.
“It’s alright.” Anna tried her best not to giggle in front of her family.
“Thanks Mom.” Laura blushed.
“You’re welcom.”
“Hi there,” the cashier smiled, just as the family began to place the items onto the counter, “did you find everything alright?”
“Yes.” Anna answered while fumbling through her purse to find her wallet. 
“Alright,” the cashier finished up with the last transaction, “you’re total is going to be $56.36.”
Anna smiled at the cashier while she swiped her card on the machine. 
“Have a good night.” the cashier called out, just as Anna and her kids were heading out the door with their carts in tow.
“You too.” Anna replied while trying to maintain the kids.
“Mom,” Robbie asked as they got near the van, “can I play video games tonight?”
“No.” Anna ahd answered firmly, making Robbie to be a bit annoyed.
“Cause I said so,” Anna remained firm at her word, “and it’s getting late. Plus Dad needs his sleep. You got it?”
“Yes Mom.” Robbie shrugged his shoulders as everyone was getting the groceries into the van.
After everyone had gotten into the van, Anna simply smiled at her children saying that she was happy to see them all on their best behavior.
“Thanks for taking us Mom.” Laura smiled, making mother smile even more. 
“You’re welcome.” Anna sighed as she began to back the van out of the parking space.
Anna was sure glad that she was able to spend time with her children. However, she hopes and prays that she would continue on spending time with her family. 
“Ugh.” Kristoff grumbled as he turned on over to face his alarm clock. He couldn’t even believe that he had to be up for yet another twelve hour shift. He knew that the massacre had happened that Sunday night, he would have to work long hours, with only few breaks in between. So far the breaks that he got were used mostly to sleep and reenergize for the next shift.
“Hmm...” he could hear his wife stir in her sleep.
“Just about two hours ago, Anna had gotten home after taking the kids to get some groceries at the store. Now here she is, sleeping in their bed. Oh how he just wanted to stay there, hold her, kiss her hair, and never let her go.
Yet he has to go. He has to go and do his job.
“I love you.” Kristoff kissed his wife’s forehead, just before he got out of bed to start his day.
“Good morning Mommy!” both James and Antonia had squealed out as they climbed on to the bed.
“Oh good morning.” Anna yawned as she sat up on her bed. “Why are you two up so early?”
“Laura told us to wake you up?” James rolled his eyes.
“I see.” Anna stated.
“Now I’m hungry.” James mumbled with his stomach growling.
“Alright you two go and bug your sister for breakfast.” Anna teased, making James grin from ear to ear.
“Yes.” Anna winked.
“Okay,” James exclaimed as he scrambled on off the bed with Antonia in tow, “I love you, Mommy.”
“I love you, too.” Anna smiled as she stretched her arms out while in bed.
“Hey Laura!” she could hear her son shout out from the hallway. “Mommy said that you have to make me breakfast!”
“Ugh!” Laura called out from the kitchen. “Mom, is this true?”
Oh James. Anna thought as she was busy petting herself ready for the day. You and your silly little antics.
“Yes,” James stated proudly as he sat at the kitchen table, “Mommy said so.”
“Really?” Laura rolled her eyes as she poured her brother some milk and cereal.
“Yep.” James nodded, just before he saw their mother standing at the doorway.
“Oh really?” Anna quirks an eyebrow at him. “I don’t remember telling you to tell Laura to make you breakfast.”
James’ face flushed with embarrassment.
“Seriously James!?!” Laura began to look annoyed with her little brother.
“I was hungry.” James argued.
“Well you could’ve asked.” Laura countered back as she stopped pouring the milk into his cereal.
“And?” James protested.
“And then Laura would’ve made you a nice bowl of cereal.” Anna finished the argument between the two. “Now you two eat breakfast and get yourself ready for the day.”
“Yes Mom.” they both chanted back while she went onto making herself a cup of coffee.
“And if you two continue on arguing about this,” Anna warned, “you both will be grounded. Got it?”
They both nodded at her warning.
“Great,” Anna smiled as she walked past Laura with her coffee mug in one hand, “now is everyone else ready for the day, today?”
“I think so.” Laura answered.
“Alright.” Anna took a sip of her coffee with a smile. 
As Anna was enjoying her cup of coffee, she couldn’t help but notice how her life has gradually changed within the past few days. Her husband’s past homecomings have been few and far between, mostly because of his job. However, whenever he did come home, it was mostly for him to catch up on his sleep. Since now that her husband was busy doing his job, Laura had no choice but to step up to the plate and help her mother in any way she had to. She smiled at the thought of her husband coming, to actually spend time with their family and not have to sleep during that time. Her body was aching for his touch, his lips caressing over her own, and all she is wanting for him to come home.
“Mom,” a voice had snapped her out of her dream, “are you doing okay?”
“Oh,” Anna blinked several times, “ah sorry.”
“Ya Mom,” Laura whispered in Anna’s ear, “you zoned out, almost like you were gonna give Dad the bedroom eyes.”
“Oops.” Anna blushed crimson.
“It’s okay, Mom.” Laura smiled. “I know that you miss him.”
Anna gave her daughter a grateful look.
“Just finish up your coffee.” Laura added as she handed her mother a chocolate muffin. “Oh and here’s your breakfast.”
An hour later 
She couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe that her children were having a wonderful time, singing along to Veggietales being played on the van’s loudspeakers. She wasn’t even expecting her kids to be on their best behavior while she was driving. I guess that they may have actually listened for once. she thought.
“So Mom, can I go and hang out with Savannah tonight?” Elizabeth called out from the back of the van. 
“No,” Anna reminded her while keeping an eye on the road, “it’s a school night and you need to finish up your homework.”
“Mommy,” James had called out from his car seat, “how much longer?”
“About fifteen more minutes, James.” Anna breathed while trying to keep her eye on the road.
“Okay.” James smiled as he looked out the window. “Mommy, can you play the Oceans song?”
“Yes I can.” Anna pressed the button on the radio to play the song.
“ You call me out upon the waters The great unknown where feet may fail And there I find you in the mystery In oceans deep my faith will stand “
Anna began to feel a wave of emotions within her heart, as she exited the freeway. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t drive on the freeway while looking at the strip out in the distance. She didn’t want to take a look at the valley ahead, without having to tear up. Yet she had to. She had to drive her kids to the destination up ahead. She had to be the strong one in th family. She had to make sure that the kids were going to have a great time, even if all they were doing was donating food and water to one of the local hospitals in the area. 
She wants to teach the kids the importance of a community coming together, during a time of great need. However, she wanted to teach her children that they should always donate, volunteer, and at least do something to help the less fortunate. Therefore, she hopes that her children would learn from this experience and remember it for the rest of their lives.
 “ And I will call upon your name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise, my soul will rest in your embrace For I am yours And you are mine”
Her emotions ran higher than she expected, as she exited the freeway onto Las Vegas Blvd. She gripped the steering wheel as she thought about the concertgoers that won’t be coming back alive. Instead, they’ll be heading home with their loved ones carrying them in pieces. She figures that some of the family members may carry them on flights back home, while others may stay and remember them for who they were.
“ Your grace abounds in deepest waters Your sovereign hand will be my guide Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me You've never failed and you won't start now “
She cringed at the thought of the evilness behind it all; she knew that the man behind it all was nothing but pure evil. Him killing innocent people and ruining countless lives was nothing but pure evil. His plans were definitely well thought out and yet no one would ever know the true reason why he did that.
“As your love, in wave after wave Crashes over me, crashes over me For you are for us You are not against us Champion of heaven, you made a way for all to enter in”
As they turned right onto Las Vegas Blvd, Anna could feel her tears forming. Keep it together, Anna. she thought. You can do this. Just be brave for the kids. She knew that she had to be brave for her kids on the outside, yet she was about to crumble on the inside. She didn’t want to show her emotions, only because she wanted her kids to know that the world would be a safe place. However that all changed once they had all gotten close to the tragedy. 
“Spirit, lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever you would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence my saviour (you make me brave)”
“Mom” a gentle squeeze on Anna’s forearm was all that took for her wall to crack and crumble. She openly cried over it all. She couldn’t do it anymore. She couldn’t hide the pain, anger, and frustration that was building up inside. She couldn’t be the strong one for her family; she had to be the weak one. She has to show her emotions in front of her children. She has to show that it’s okay to be hurt and afraid of the unknown. 
“Mom.” a voice had echoed through her ears and into her heart. “It’s going to be okay.”
As Anna turned her head to face Laura, she could see tears streaming down her daughter’s cheeks. She gave her daughter a teary eyed smile as she continued on driving down past the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign.
“I know.” Anna whispers to Laura. “I know.... I just..... I can’t believe that it happened.”
“Spirit, lead me where my trust is without borders (you make me brave)
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the promise’s you made.”
She felt like time had stood still, once they had stopped at the intersection of Russell and Las Vegas Blvd. She could see news stations, from all over the world, parked along the streets with their gear ready to go. She knew that this tragedy was making headlines, but she didn’t expect the news to spread like wildfire. She cried softly over the thought of Kristoff being there during that time and how he had to save lives, with the risks of putting himself in harm’s way.
“Mommy.” Antonia cries out from her car seat. “Where’s Daddy?”
“Daddy is busy right now.” Laura had answered, knowing that her own mother wasn’t able to. “Remember he’s a police officer. He has a job to do.”
“Oh.”  Antonia sniffles a bit. “I miss Daddy.”
“I do too.” Laura had tried her best to smile. “But he’ll be home soon.”
“I want Daddy!” Antonia wails, making Anna’s own heart shatter into pieces.
“I know.” Laura cooed, trying her best to calm her baby sister down.
“My soul will rest in your embrace.
For I am yours
And you are mine.”
“Daddy will be home soon.” Anna had finally managed to choke out as she turned onto Russell. “Daddy will be home.”
It took both Anna and the kids about an hour to get to the UMC Trauma hospital. At first Anna was planning on driving to Sunrise hospital, but then that all changed when a nurse told her that they couldn’t take anymore donations. So then Anna went back to the van and drove on off to UMC hospital. However, the GPS on her phone took her somewhere else. Finally after doing some redirection on her phone, Anna was able to figure out how to get to the hospital.
“Alright kids,” Anna cheers as she continued on driving down the right direction, “are you ready to go out and donate some stuff today?”
“Yes!” both Elizabeth and Robbie had chanted while everyone else was napping in their seats.
“Good.” Anna smiles brightly while she was keeping an eye on the road.
“Mom,” Elizabeth asked, “how much longer?”
“Not very long.” Anna reassures Elizabeth as they had gotten close to their destination.
“Yay!” she could hear her daughter cheer.
She knew that Elizabeth couldn’t wait to donate all of the stuff that they had bought the night before. She also knew that they would have an amazing time with her. She just wishes that Kristoff could be there with them.
“Hey Mommy!” Robbie had called out as he pointed at his window. “I think that I see Daddy!”
“Oh honey,” Anna’s smile had faltered a bit as she pulled into UMC, “that’s not Daddy isn’t working at the hospital today.”
“Where’s Daddy at then?” Robbie gave her a sorrowful look.
“I don’t know baby.”
“Is he gonna be home soon?”
“Yes.” Anna breathes just as she saw a blonde mop of hair walk on by.
That can’t be him. she thought. There’s no way.
“Mom,” Laura snaps her mother back into reality, “where are we going to park?”
“Hmm....” Anna bit her lip as she drove around the parking lot. “I’m not sure.”
“Oh,” Elizabeth had pointed out the window to a parking lot, “how about over there?”
“Where Elizabeth?” Anna squints her eyes against the sunlight.
“By the trees, Mommy.” Elizabeth had insisted as she continued on tapping the glass. “Over there.”
“Okay sweetie.” Anna sighs as she went straight into that direction.
“Mom,” Charlie began as Anna was pulling into a parking spot, “where are we gonna donate all of this stuff.”
“To the hospital silly,” Robbie had answered for their mother, “remember, Charlie?”
“Yep.” Anna winks just as she parked the van into the parking spot. “Alrighty, so here’s what we’re going to do right now; Mom is going to find out where we can drop off our donations, while you guys wait here.”
“Okay.” they all had chimed in as she got out of the van and went on her way.
It took Anna bout five minutes for her to find a person in-charge, to ask where she could drop off her donations.
“Just drop it off at the United Blood Service station over there.” the woman had pointed Anna to that direction.
“Okay thank you.” Anna yells back as she rushes on back to the family van. “God bless you! Have a great day!”
“You too!” the woman waves as Anna had made it on back to the van.
“Okay kids,” Anna huffs as she pulled open the back doors to the van, “get on out here and help me carry all of this stuff.”
“Okay.” they all had stated while they were hurrying on out the van.
One-by-one, all of the kids were given a donation item to carry. Laura was in charge of carrying a small case of water, while Elizabeth was holding onto some cereal boxes for the kids to eat. Both Charlie and Robbie were in charge of carrying bags of canned goods (like soup), while the twins were carrying small bags of small blankets for the people to use for comfort.
“So where are we going exactly?” Laura gave her mother a confused look as they walked across the street.
“You see that truck?” Anna pointed out at the truck up ahead. “That’s where we’re heading.”
“Cool.” Antonia smiles, her own eyes filled with excitement. “I can’t wait to help out people.”
“Me too.” James had stated proudly as he walked with his twins hand-in-hand.
“Oh my,” a young woman had clapped her hands cheerfully, once both James and Antonia had reached the donation station, “what do we have here?”
“Donations.” Antonia had answered shyly, while the rest of the family had shown up. “Mommy bought some stuff to donate . My twin brother and I have blankets.”
“Oh my goodness,” the young woman had knelt down to their eye level, “you did get some blankets.k People sure do love blankets.”
“Yep.” James nods while the lady took their blankets and set it on a table nearby.
“Hi there,” Anna smiled at the young woman, “we have more stuff that we would like to donate.”
“Awesome.” the lady smiled brightly as the children were handing over the donations to the volunteers. “You guys are so awesome. Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome.” Laura smiles warmly.
As the Bjorman family was helping out with the donations, the young woman began to ask some questions.
“So do you guys live here?” the woman asked Anna.
“Well,” Anna answers, “we’ve been living in Henderson for about seven years.”
“The kids love it here.” Anna sighs.
“I see.”
“Mommy,” Robbie tugs at her arm, “I wanna go.”
“Not yet.” Anna gave him a look.
“Okay.” Robbie sighed.
“Hey Mom,” Charlie calls out from outside the donation tent, “there’s a guy holding a sign offering free hugs and prayers.”
“Can I go and talk to him, Mom?” Charlie had asked.
“Go for it.” Anna smiled as she watched her boy go and talk to the man.
“I wanna go, too.” Robbie pouts up at his mother. “I wanna go and say a pray for Dad.”
“Hmm....” Anna looked around at her other children. “How about this, we all go and say a prayer for Dad, okay?”
Sure enough, Anna had quickly escorted everyone else to the man with the sign nearby.
“Hi there,” the man quickly gave all of the kids a high-five, “what can I do for you today?”
“Can we pray with you?” Charlie asks.
“Sure,” the man answers, “what would you like to pray about?”
“Daddy.” James stated, in which the man gave them a confused look.
“My husband’s a cop.” Anna reassures him. “He was there that night.”
“Oh.” the man whispers.
“Can we pray now?” Laura smiles as she held her hand out for her sisters.
“Yes.” the man answered while the family began to bow their heads and pray.
Later on that night
“Kristoff?” Anna murmurs as she rolls on over to face a shadow standing at the doorway. “Is that you?”
“Yes,” she could hear her husband say as he shuffle about in their room, “get some sleep, Anna. I’ll be in shortly.”
“Hmm...” Anna mumbles, knowing that he’ll have to be up in the next few hours.
She knew that he would have to go back to work, yet she longs for him to be home. Just be safe, Kristoff. she thought, just as she felt the bed shift with the added weight fall right behind her.
“Anna,” her husband yawns as he pulls her close to his bare chest, “are  you doing okay, love?”
“I’m doing fine.” Anna snuggles deep into his scent. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” he kisses her from behind the ear.
“The kids and I prayed for you today.” Anna breathes while trying to hold in her emotions.
“They wanted to so badly,” Anna sniffles a bit, “since they’ve missed you so much.”
“I’m so sorry.” Kristoff cooed, allowing her to spill her tears.
“But they were so great today.” Anna continues. “They helped out with donations, they prayed over a lot of people, and hugged many more, too. You would’ve been so proud.”
“I am.” he whispers as he rubbed her arms for comfort. “They did an amazing job today.”
“Yes they sure did.” Anna turns around to kiss him delicately.
They continued on laying in bed, basking in each other’s embrace, until an idea had popped into her head.
“Anna,” Kristoff mumbles as he felt her move around a bit, “what are you doing?”
“Praying.” she answers, feeling her tears form.
Slowly, he had arose from his slumber, wrapping his arms around her, and gently rocking her in place. He knew that she was trying to be strong, yet he wanted her to let go. He wanted to tell her that everything will get better, yet he prayed for the courage to tell her. He could feel her finally crumble in his arms, as he gently kissed the top of her crown. He prayed for all of the victims that were affected by the tragedy. He prayed over his colleagues, both local and nationwide. He softly listened to her words of prayer, while she was slowly breathing.
“Can I tell you something?” he finally manages to say to her.
“Yes.” she breathes as she looked up at Kristoff.
“They are in a better place now.” he kissed her nose. “A lot of the survivors are on the road to recovery and I’m going to be okay. They gave me some time off to grieve and spend time with you.”
“I love you.” Kristoff said as he settled back into bed.
“I love you, too.” Anna yawns while she relaxed into his arms.
They know that it would take some time for their hometown to heal, but for now the need to readjust to their lives, pray for their loved ones, and feel the wave of emotions go through them.
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Mermaids, Macking, and a Little Thing Called Murder
At the age of twenty-three, Ana has all the freedom of youth, and a goal to match: she wants to chronicle the facts and fictions of unsolved crimes that happen to be surrounded by rumors of something beyond the natural. Whether kidnappings mired in faerie tales or property destruction explained away as ghosts, there’s always both a mundane story and a magical one behind every mystery, and splicing the two together spoke to the local culture in a way that made Ana downright giddy.
Unfortunately for Ana, the research trip to Grandmarch Bay unveils something entirely unexpected: an actual mermaid. Even as her research into a death from over twenty years ago starts to turn up startling elements that just don’t fit, she finds herself circling closer and closer to the girl with the gorgeous laugh.
Ana’s still unraveling the story for her book, but those eyes and that voice and that pretty, pretty face may prove to be more of a distraction than she can afford.
Welcome to the first chapter of my original story and the first publicly-available installment of my “Fae Horizons” universe. Chapters will be released to tumblr a week after Patreon for those who can’t afford to pledge. For early access, become a patron now!
Chapter One
Ana lifted a hand to her head to keep her hat in place, squinting against the wind that tore down the coast. It didn’t take more than a moment’s thought to decide that the temperature was low enough to warrant her bomber jacket. She ducked back inside, pulled on the brown leather, and left. A glance at the skies as she stepped out of the Bed and Breakfast showed her only pale clouds and a handful of seagulls.
At least it wasn’t raining.
Sturdy heels thudded quietly against the cobblestone of the side road, just as grey and mottled as the sky. The scuffed brown toes of her boots peeked out from under swishing blue skirts with every step, and she felt a tiny bit of tension bleed out from her shoulders as she made it to the flatter asphalt of the main road. Cobblestone was nice, of course, but it was so much easier to trip on than a flat surface.
Ana aimed for the bakery, a small part of her perking up like a child when she heard the bell over the door tinkle as she stepped through. The small building was warm, and the smells that drifted over from the display case were comforting. There wasn’t anyone in sight, so she tucked her hands behind her back and strode up and down past the glass for a few minutes, taking the time to make her decision for breakfast.
Ana looked up and saw a woman stepping out of the backroom and into the store proper. Early thirties, maybe, probably Latina, and clearly one of the bakers, if the flour she was wiping off of her hands and forearms was any sign. Ana smiled and gave the woman a small wave. “Hi.”
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” the woman said. “I’m Janice. What can I get for you?”
“Can I get a chocolate croissant and two squares of the banana bread?”
“Coming right up!”
Ana waited at the cash register, credit card in hand. She passed it over when Janice came.
“Sorry, but I’m going to need ID if you want to use a card,” Janice said, giving her an apologetic smile. “I know everyone here by name, so I don’t need an ID most of the time, but for strangers like yourself…”
“Not a problem,” Ana said, digging out her license. “By the way, I don’t suppose you could tell me where I could go about getting information on the town’s recent history and urban legends, could you?”
“The library might be a good place to start. Or, well, the librarian, I guess,” Janice said. “I’d also give the pub a shot, in the evening. Some of the retired fishermen have a whole host of stories, you know?”
“I figured, yeah,” Ana said, smiling in what she hoped was a flattering manner. “So… can I have my card back?”
“Sure, Miss Ga…” Janice’s smile fell as she tried to read the name. “Um. Ga—”
“Ljiljana Gavrilović,” Ana cut her off, holding back a sigh. Every time. Wasn’t Janice’s fault, though, so she didn’t really deserve the bitching. “Don’t bother trying to say it; American ears can’t pick up some of the sounds properly. Call me Ana.”
“Can’t say I’ve seen a name like that in a while,” Janice said, handing the license over and moving to swipe the credit card through. “Russian?”
“Serbian,” Ana said, pulling the smile back up. “Still Slavic, but further south.”
“Serbia…” Janice made a face like she was trying to remember something. “Like the whole Kosovo thing?”
“…yeah,” Ana said, her voice almost as flat as her expression. “Like the whole Kosovo thing. Where’s the library?”
“Down the street and take a left into Hudson Court,” Janice said, passing over the card and bag of baked goods. “Are you o—”
“Thanks,” Ana said, turning and heading for the door as she slipped the card back into her purse. It swung open with a tinkle of bells that Ana did her best to ignore as she stepped back out onto the street and headed in the direction of the library.
Of course the one thing the woman knew about Serbia was the freaking Kosovo conflict. Of course it was. Why had she expected anything else?
She slowed down after a few buildings and took a deep breath, closing her eyes. The woman hadn’t known how much of a pet peeve this was. She hadn’t deserved the rudeness. And—
Ana looked down at her hands and, with conscious effort, unclenched the one that didn’t have a paper bag of goodies hanging from it. Her nails, short as they were, had dug into her skin and left deep indentations. There wasn’t any blood or ripped skin, though, so it didn’t seem like she’d damaged herself, at least.
She took another deep breath and turned, heading for the library.
“The Higgins drowning?”
“Yeah,” Ana said, leaning forward and trying on a smile. “I’m a journalist, but recently I’ve been trying to do a book on deaths that had supernatural stories attached to them. Gathering basic facts on the case is first, then local legends for context, and then the actual story.”
“Hm…” the woman tapped her pen against her lips. “I can help you find the newspapers, though they’ll be on microfiche. We’ve only got the last twelve years digitized, and this was… twenty-three years ago? It’ll be hardcopy, and I can’t let you take it out of the building since you don’t have a card with us.”
“I can work with that,” Ana said.
“You might be able to get some information from the police, if you drop by,” she continued. “There’s only about two dozen people there, and they don’t get much activity in a town this small. They’ll probably have time for you.”
“Only?” Ana asked.
“We’re not quite that small,” the librarian said with a wry smile. She shifted just enough for Ana to see the nametag on her chest. Laura. Huh. “But yes, I think I can make this work. You may want to stop by the pub on the waterfront. The retirees like to talk about this sort of thing, so you’ll be able to get the local legends out of them, for your background research.”
“I figured,” Ana said with a nod. “Are there any other possibilities, or can I start with the papers immediately?”
“I think that’s a good base for now,” Laura said, getting up. “I’ll show you the newspapers you’ll want, and once you’re done with those, I can point you in the right direction for the rest.”
“Thank you.”
“Adam! Come take over the desk for a minute!”
The microfiches weren’t in the best condition, but they were still more than workable. They gave Ana minimal information, but enough that she’d be able to turn what she’d found into the bulk of the introduction for the chapter on the Higgins drowning. She jotted down the names of the people involved, from the officers to the reporters, and made a note to stop by the newspaper’s main office and see if they had some more information.
As the clock struck noon, she reluctantly finished up what she could and moved back to her computer. Much as she loved working on the book, she did still have a day job, and while she was allowed to choose her own hours, to work from home, and to travel as she wished… she nonetheless did need to actually work. She did still have articles to write for the site.
Right. So. Today’s assignment was… compiling opinions on some new brand of lipstick. It had been out for two days already, and was from a popular enough company that there were probably reviews from makeup vloggers and on the company’s own site already.
Shouldn’t be too hard, she thought, and got to work.
On a sunny day in late August, 1995, twenty-seven-year-old William Higgins was found dead on the beach by a family out to enjoy the weather.1 Just a few hundred feet beyond the town limits of Grandmarch Bay, the death fell into the town’s jurisdiction, and was investigated by a detective from the local police department.2 The body was severely bruised, in a manner that suggested there had been a struggle with an attacker, and covered in scratches that forensics suggested occurred around the time of death. The scratches occurred in patterns that appeared to be made by either human or animal, rather than being caused by the rocks underwater after the drowning occurred.3
Higgins’ family and friends had related to the police and reporters that he had been drawing away from them recently, and visiting a set of caves north of the town. His truck was found near the caves, but the only prints found in the area matched his shoes. The case was declared a murder, but never solved, and all suspects were released due to a lack of motive and evidence.
Ana looked up from her computer, though it took a few moments for the last wisps of ‘chemical compositions liable to cause allergic reactions in those with peanut sensitivities’ to clear from the front of her mind. She blinked at the man in front of her. “Er… hi?”
“I’m Adam,” he said, leaning over the table and holding out one hand.
“Ana,” she said, reaching out to shake the hand. “What’s up?”
“I’m one of the librarians here,” he told her. “It’s a bit slow here right now, so I have some free time and figured I’d check in on how you were handling the microfiches. I was wondering if you needed some help with that project you were telling Laura about?”
“Not at the moment,” Ana said. “I shifted into doing some articles for my day job a few hours ago, so right now I’m working on that. I can come find you once I go back to the research project, if you’re still game to help.”
“Ah. Any idea when that’ll be?” Adam asked.
Ana looked down at her computer and tried to gauge the word count. “Hour and a half, maybe?”
“My shift’s over in two hours, so if you still need help and I’m still around then, feel free to call me over,” Adam said, nodding. “You’re not the first person to come through looking for information on that case, but I think you’re the first that’s trying to put together both the mundane facts and the stories.”
“I like fusing the two,” Ana said. “There’s a level of intrigue there, I think. Why twist the facts when presenting them as they are and then showing the stories alongside is just as interesting? It’s… I’d say it’s more of a cultural study than anything. I’m not trying to solve the mysteries, or declare that there were supernatural forces involved. I just want to know what the stories were.”
“Seems interesting.”
“It is, but I really do have to get back to work, so…” Ana gestured at her computer again, and smiled as Adam excused himself.
Ana went back to reading the health report.
And here I was, Ana thought as she jumped around the video from one of the beauty vloggers and tried to find the quote she’d wanted to pull, doing her best to make sure she had it word-for-word, Almost forgetting how incredibly gay I am.
It really wasn’t a good idea to get distracted by how cute the vloggers were when she was supposed to be working. That was one of the job hazards, though. Obviously.
She dropped her head onto her arms and groaned.
Holy shit, I am so gay.
Ana raised her head, and met the eyes of a little girl who couldn’t have been more than nine. “Hi?”
“Are you okay?” the little girl asked.
“I’m fine,” Ana said. “I’m just a little tired. My job is taking a while to do.”
“Okay!” The little girl said, waving as she left.
Ana pushed herself up straight and tilted her head to work out the kinks. Her neck crackled, an ugly sound that was loud enough to draw the attention of the girl from earlier, but Ana put a finger to her lips and winked at the girl, who covered her own mouth with her hands and ran off, giggling. Ana hunkered down and focused as best she could, finally finding the quote and finishing off her article. With a few minutes taken to make sure her links and references were in order, she sent it off to the editor.
Leaning back in her chair, Ana stretched and groaned. Her head fell back with a heavy sigh, and she tried to reorient her mindset towards the case she’d been researching. One glance at the microfiches was enough to have her sighing yet again, and she pulled the reader towards herself to hook it up to her computer again, and moved to reo—
Her stomach growled.
Oh. She’d skipped lunch, hadn’t she? Damn. It was almost three o’clock, and the library closed at seven…
Ana sent another look at the microfiches, biting her lip. She had the time… but she didn’t really want to put lunch off any longer, now that she’d remembered to be hungry, and she didn’t want to bother Laura to get it out again later, and she didn’t always want to rely on just the PDFs she’d saved…
Biting her lip, she got to her feet and headed for the front desk. Her things were visible from there, so it wasn’t much of a risk to leave them there for a moment or two.
“Well, hello there!” Adam said as she approached, grinning. “Something come up?”
“I was wondering if you guys had a printer on hand? I need to go to lunch, but I’m not done with the microfiches, and I don’t want to bother you for them again later. I’d like hardcopies to look over later anyway, so getting them printed would be best,” Ana explained.
“I have about fifteen minutes left,” Adam said, “Which should be just enough to help you out with that. Laura! I’m gonna go help the outta-stater!”
Laura, in the middle of checking out a book for a middle-aged man, lifted a hand in acknowledgement, but didn’t look over.
“So,” Adam said as he led the way over to the printers. “Where are you headed after your lunch?”
“Newspaper office, then police station, depending on how long the first takes,” Ana said. “After that, probably tomorrow… I’ll see about visiting people of interest, especially if the officers or reporters aren’t employed anymore, and then I’ll go down to the tavern that’s apparently on the waterfront to see if any of the older fellas have the mermaid stories I came here to find in the first place.”
“Organized,” Adam said. “Do you have those microfiche files saved anywhere?”
“I got them as PDFs on my computer,” Ana confirmed. “Can I print from there?”
“No, sorry. It needs to be from a library computer, so I was hoping for a USB,” Adam admitted. “Well, I guess we can bring the microfiches and the reader over and go from there.”
“You’re the specialist here, so sure,” Ana said.
Printing out the paper copies did indeed take the full fifteen minutes, and Ana packed away her bag with a sense of satisfaction. She’d actually gotten a lot done today.
Ana yelped, scrambling not to drop her bag and turning around.
Adam stared at her, wide-eyed. “Uh. I promise I wasn’t trying to scare you?”
Ana put a hand to her chest, willing her heart to slow down. “Holy smokes. Okay. Hi. I kinda thought you left already.”
“Sorry,” Adam said, rubbing the back of his neck. “But I figured that if you’re from out of town, then you probably don’t know any of the good places to eat. If you’re okay with eating with a stranger, I could show you someplace before you head for the police station.”
Ana squinted at him. “Like… a date?”
“Uh, no.”
“Oh, thank god,” she muttered.
“…should I be offended?” Adam asked.
“Dating while on a research trip is just a level of complicated that I really don’t feel like navigating right now,” Ana admitted. “Also… lesbian.”
“Ah.” Adam nodded for a few moments, and then said, “Trans.”
“I didn’t want to assume.”
“I’ve been on T for long enough that I don’t think most people realize it,” he said. “So…”
“I hang out in a lot of queer circles back in New York, and after a while there’s just a feel for who happens to be which shade of the rainbow,” Ana said.
“So what you’re saying is that you’ve got gaydar?” Adam said with a grin.
“And I saw the trans flag pin on your shoulder strap,” Ana admitted, nodding at Adam’s bag and laughing when she saw his mouth open and close in surprise. “So… lunch?”
“How do you feel about clam chowder?”
“So... small town, trans kid. It’s safe here?” Ana asked as they walked down the street, hands hanging off the strap to her messenger bag.
“Well,” Adam hedged, drawing the word out. “I grew up here, so there wasn’t really much of a choice in both being myself and being in the closet. Either I didn’t transition, or I got out of the closet. Or left, but I do like it here, so...”
“I think I can get that,” Ana said, nodding. “So everyone’s okay with it?”
“I think they just got used to it, honestly,” Adam admitted. “I left town for a few years when I was getting my degree, and I looked different enough when I got back that I just... I don’t know. College was good to me. Going away for that long means that I went through the in-between stages of transitioning in a safer environment.”
“But home is home?” Ana guessed.
Ana bit her lip, mulling over what the best question to ask now would be. “So... what did you study?’
“Informational sciences,” Adam said. “You?”
“Double major in journalism and anthropology,” Ana said. “I like writing and I like studying culture, so... yeah. Minors?”
“Hebrew, believe it or not,” Adam said, and then grinned when Ana raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“As someone who knows another language due to growing up with it,” Ana said. “I’m always weirdly impressed by people who learn one later in life.”
“I mean, I did know some growing up. Learned some from my parents and at the synagogue. This was just refining and expanding it and whatnot,” Adam said. “You?”
“No, no,” Adam laughed. “I mean, like, your minors.”
“Oh! Uh, didn’t have any room in my schedule since I was double-majoring, honestly,” Ana admitted. “I did do volleyball, though? Club, instead of division, but it was definitely enough to keep me in shape.”
“You could probably bench me, huh?”
Ana snorted. “Hardly. I could probably bench a kid, but not most adults.”
“Some people are smaller or skinnier than others, and I’ve got shoulder muscles for days,” Ana said, stopping to turn to Adam and flex, holding the pose for just long enough that the joke of her jacket blocking the actual view managed to soak in. She chuckled and dropped her arms, setting back off down the sidewalk. “You?”
“Track,” Adam confirmed, and then slowed down and veered to the side, holding open the door of a restaurant off to the side. “After you, milady.”
Ana blinked at him. “Really.”
“Can’t have a little fun playing with the idea of old-fashioned chivalry?’ Adam asked.
“We’re not exactly at a Ren Faire,” Ana said, but gave a shallow curtsy anyway, skirt swishing as she lifted it. She walked past him and through the open door. “Now show me this clam chowder you claimed is the best in town.”
“Damn straight I will,” Adam said with a grin, following her in.
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The Bronx: Part 7
Pairing: Reader x Peter Parker Word Count: 2.9K Warnings: Angst?, fluff, swearing
A/N: The finale! A huge thank you to everyone that showed this series love, through likes/reblogs/comments/feedback!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
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~~Peter’s POV~~
“You alright, kid?” Tony’s voice sounds in Peter’s ear. Peter finally succeeds in taking out his share of the guards, knocking the final one out with a hard punch,
“Yes,” Peter replies through gritted teeth. He didn’t mean to be mean to Tony, but he was too on edge right now to worry about being polite.
The moment Peter and Tony had returned to the compound, after seeing you dragged into the quinjet and out of reach, they started planning this mission. Peter’s first real mission; one that he wouldn’t have had to fight if it weren’t for his stupidity months ago. Getting you back safely was the only way he could fix his mistake, and he was determined to do it first try.
“Through here,” Tony informs Peter when they meet up, passed out agents littering the ground. Tony leads Peter down multiple hallways and staircases, it seemed they were going deep underground. ‘How big is this facility?’ Peter wonders to himself.
Suddenly, Tony stops dead in his tracks, causing Peter to bump into him. Peter was about to apologise, but his attention is caught by Tony’s Iron-Man helmet sliding up. Tony is staring into a room, a frown between his eyes.
“What is it?” Peter queries, not able to wait for Tony to tell him,
“I thought this was Y/N’s room,” Tony mumbles, confusion thick in his tone, “I could’ve sworn-”
“Hello?” a female voice calls out from the door behind them, making Peter jump, “What’s going on?”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Tony calls out, “Open all the doors in this corridor,”
In the next moment, 5 doors buzz and swing open. Peter’s muscles tense as he prepares for the worst - a fight against 5 enhanced kids. But no one attacks.
“What’s going on?” the same female voice from earlier says, and Peter spins around to see a petite, blonde girl in front of him and Tony. She looked to be around Peter’s age, maybe a year or two older, and she looked frightened.
Peter suddenly recognises her from the news; she fought along side you yesterday afternoon.
“I know you,” she breathes out, staring at Tony. Her eyes dart to Peter and a smile forms on her lips, “And you... Hello, Peter,”
“How do you know my name?” Peter asks, a little taken aback and scared, he was wearing his suit - how did she knew who he was?
“Y/N thought about you almost constantly,” her eyes crinkle with her smile, “It’s hard to keep secret identities a secret when I could read her thoughts. She-” footsteps from further along the hall stops the girl from continuing to speak.
Tony appears cautious as teens around Peter’s age start emerging from the other 4 doors. Peter recognised all of them, they were all enhanced. Where were you if your teammates were here?
“Hello,” Tony calls to the kids, “I’m Tony Stark, and Spider-Man here is Peter Parker,” Peter shoots Tony a ‘what-the-fuck-dude’ look for revealing his secret identity to teens that could kill him in his sleep, “We’re here for Y/N, do you know where she is?”
The larger of the two male boys steps forward - he looked almost 18 - and squares his broad shoulders, “The last thing White Queen... Um, I mean, Emma could read from Secretary Ross’ mind was that they were going to take her to some kind of raft?”
“Fuck,” Tony mumbles, “Alright, thank you,” Peter watches as the teens glance between themselves and Tony and Peter, almost like they were willing another to speak.
Peter nudges Tony’s arm, silently reminding him of the rest of the plan, “Oh,” Tony says, “If any of you wish to leave and go home to your families, follow me,”
All 5 teens grin at one another and hurriedly follow Tony as he leads the way to the exit. Peter follows last, his mind working a little slow as he tried to think of what the hell the tallest boy meant. Were they going to strand you at sea on an inflatable raft?
Emma, Laura, Scott, James, and Claire all introduced themselves to Tony and Peter once Tony’s quinjet was on its way to returning them home. Peter tried to stay interested in their conversations, but he was too sick with worry to really listen.
After Tony dropped all the teens off to their respective homes, and gave them each an Avengers business card - telling them that any time they needed help, or if Ross tried to come after them again, to give him a call - he and Peter returned to the compound. The moment Tony’s feet touched the ground, he started pacing; and 45 minutes later, he hadn’t stopped.
“Tony!” Peter finally snaps, his racing brain getting the better of him, “Can you please tell me what our next move is?”
“I will, when I figure it out,” Tony dismisses him with a frown,
“Then can you tell me what the hell kind of raft they’re putting my girlfriend on?” Peter says with exasperation,
“It’s not a raft,” Tony informs him, “It’s The Raft,” Peter looks at Tony, an irritated expression plastered on his face, “Oh, right. It’s the most secure prison on Earth. Ross took Team Cap there after Germany,”
“How’d they get out?” Peter asks,
“Cap,” Tony simply states, “That man is better than me at breaking into places,”
Peter just stares at Tony, the answer so obvious to him. Silence falls over the two of them until Tony finally glances at Peter.
“Oh, of course!” Tony grunts, clearly feeling like an idiot that he hadn’t thought of it earlier. Tony finally stops pacing and marches off to delve deeper into the compound, with Peter hot on his heels. Tony mumbles to himself as he rounds a doorway and makes a beeline to his office desk, “I know it’s here somewhere,” Peter hears Tony mumble before he snatches something out of his desk drawer with an ‘a-ha!’
“Think he’ll help us?” Peter questions, watching Tony click buttons on the ancient mobile phone,
“No doubt,” Tony says before bringing the phone to his ear.
~~Reader’s POV~~
You’ve only been locked in your cell for a day - you think - but you’d already learnt not to yell or fight. Any time you did anything that seemed threatening, you would be electrocuted. The metal collar was supposed to be removed after the mission, but Ross had changed his mind. You didn’t do what you were supposed to - capture Steve, Sam and Bucky - so Ross had you imprisoned.
You had no idea where you were, having been blindfolded once Ross decided that you weren’t returning to the facility with your friends, but your cell was cold and you couldn’t hear anything.
Suddenly, the lights around you go out, plunging you, and the circular area outside the cells, into darkness. Your heart rate picks up and you jump off of the ground. If you’re arms hadn’t been tightly wrapped around your torso, in a straight jacket, you’d have balled your hands into fists; readying yourself for anything.
Squinting out of your cell, you see figures flying across the room. You can’t hear anything, so your best guess is that someone is fighting the guards that watched over you. When you notice a figure approaching your cell, you instinctively take a few steps back, desperately writhing in the straight jacket, trying to get free just in case you had to fight.
The lights flicker on and your cell door swings open. You breathe a sigh of relief when you see Steve standing in the cell doorway.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask, worrying that he’d be caught and thrown in here with you,
“Stark called me,” Steve says as he walks around you and breaks the straight jacket with one powerful yank, “He and the kid tried to find you at Ross’ facility,”
You shake your arms out as blood starts flowing properly through them; although you don’t feel better yet, your powers are still withheld, like in Ross’ facility.
You follow Steve out of your cell, but stop dead in your tracks when Bucky and Sam walk into view. Your heart drops as Bucky stares at you.
“Bucky, I’m sorr-” Bucky stops you but holding his metal hand up,
“No need to apologise,” he smiles at you, “I clocked that collar the second I saw you in New York,”
Your hand flashes to the collar you’d completely forgotten about. You pull at it, desperate to get it off. But without your powers, there was no way you were able to break it.
“May I?” Bucky asks, his eyes flash with amusement. You nod and spin around, holding the hair off of your neck. Bucky’s metal arm whirs, and the next second, the metal collar falls from around your neck. You give Bucky a thankful nod.
“Cap, we’re gonna have company, soon,” Sam interrupts.
Steve nods, “Time to go,”
You jog along behind the three men as they make their way out of the prison. The 4 of you break out of the building and cold wind hits you in the face. The prison was in the middle of the ocean - no wonder it was so cold in your cell. The moment you step out of the floating prison, you feel your powers flow through you again, causing relief to wash over you.
You, Steve, Sam and Bucky hurry into the quinjet and take off just as helicopters come into view, fighting against the high winds. You can’t keep the relieved smile off of your face, watching the prison, and the authority that had used you, fade away.
~~Peter’s POV~~
Peter tried his best to stay focused, but he couldn’t care less about Maths right now. He was too on edge about your rescue. Thankfully, Steve, Sam and Bucky had agreed to help, and Peter knew that Cap was the best person to do the job, but that didn’t stop him worrying. There was so much that could go wrong.
Peter’s phone vibrates in his pocket, bringing him back to reality. His hand flies up in the air, “Sir, I’m not feeling well,” he hurriedly says, not waiting for the teacher to look at him. The teacher looks as though he’s going to roll his eyes, but gives Peter a stiff nod. Peter is up and out of his chair within seconds, bolting for the exit.
Peter pulls out his still ringing phone and answers it as he walks, fast paced, down the halls and out of the school, “Happy?”
“Hey kid,” Happy’s voice sounds through the phone, “A car is waiting for you,”
Peter spots the black Audi at the same time Happy had mentioned it, “Is she-” the line goes dead, making Peter groan in annoyance.
The whole drive to the compound, Peter couldn’t sit still. He’d been so worried about your safety, that he hadn’t even thought about what he was going to say when he finally got to see you. Would you be mad, or hate him? Probably. You had every right to be. It’s his fault that Ross got his hands on you, and used you for his own good. The knot in Peter’s stomach tightened as he thought about how much you’d hate him.
The car rolls up to the Avenger’s compound, and Happy is waiting for Peter’s arrival. He walks Peter through the compound, continuously complaining about this being below his pay grade. No matter how many times Peter asked about you, Happy just kept telling him to wait.
“Through there,” Happy mumbles, peeling off and leaving Peter.
Peter walks through the double doors, and he immediately spots Steve, Sam and Bucky standing together. Bucky is looking around, clearly out of place and alert, while Sam and Steve are chatting. Peter’s muscle tense as their eyes land on him. He thought he was here to see you, but if part of Team Cap were here, it could mean anything was about to happen.
“What’re you doing here?” Peter says, he tried to sound threatening, but the three men just looked at him with confusion.
Sam’s eyebrows raise, “Wait... You’re the Spider-kid,”
“It’s Spider-Man,” Peter mumbles, “Does Tony know you’re here?”
“I do,” Tony’s voice sounds from the floor above them. Peter peers up as Tony descends the stairs, looking pleased with himself, “Peter, meet Rogers, Wilson and Barnes,”
“This is the kid that kicked your asses?” Steve asks Sam and Bucky, causing Tony to laugh, and his friends to scowl,
“Tony,” Peter interrupts, “Where’s Y/N?”
“Getting dressed,” Tony says, looking proud. Before Peter can ask, Tony answers his question, “She’s fine... Thanks to Cap and his boys,”
~~Reader’s POV / Meanwhile~~
Staring into the mirror, you can’t believe that you’re seeing yourself. You looked like a totally different person, powerful and awesome, in your own superhero outfit. Tony hardly had to ask, you already knew you wanted to join the Avengers, especially now that Tony was going to get Team Cap back. It was all you wanted after Germany.
Tony had filled you in on your other enhanced friends, telling you that the moment each of them finished high school he’d be offering them positions on the Avengers and a room in the compound. You’d already rung your dad, and reassured him that you were fine. He still thought you’d been completing an internship in Washington. You didn’t want to worry him, so you kept up the lie; telling him how great it was and how much you’d learnt.
To be honest, your hero outfit was a little revealing - but still in good taste. Tony theorised that the more skin you had exposed, the easier you could use and control your powers; not to mention that the material was tedious to make, it had to be able to withstand the intensity of your powers, your fire could potentially reach the temperature of the sun.
Taking one last breath, you spin on your heel and exit the room. You can hear Tony talking, probably to Steve, Sam and Bucky. Wandering up to the upper level railing, your breath hitches in your throat when your eyes land on Peter.
He’s staring at you, his eyes wide, and fiddling his fingers. He looks nervous, but you can’t keep the smile off of your face. It was the first time you’d laid eyes on him since being taken from that alleyway, and you couldn’t be more relieved. When he sees that you’re smiling at him, a little smile dances on his lips.
You want to run to him, telling him how much you’ve missed him and love him, but you had to navigate the stairs first. Coming down them as fast as you safely can, you ignore Tony, Steve, Sam and Bucky’s looks and go straight to your boyfriend.
You throw yourself on him, your arms wrapping around his neck, and plant a kiss on him. He’s frozen for a moment, probably taken by surprised, but he soon relaxes into your frame. His arms wrap around your waist and he even lifts you off of your feet. The two of you smile in the kiss, and break apart.
“We’ll... Um, leave you two to talk,” Steve mumbles before shuffling Sam, Bucky and Tony out the door.
Your eyes drift back to Peter, and he’s chewing on his bottom lip, “You don’t need to apologise,” you say before he can voice his thoughts,
“Yes, I do,” he tells you, “I wasn’t thinking. I thought that I was doing the right thing... If I knew what Ross would do to you...” Peter trails off, looking guilty and upset,
“Babe,” you coo, placing your hands on either side of his face, “You couldn’t have known,”
“I still feel responsible,” he whispers,
“Don’t,” you tell him, “The whole thing wasn’t a terrible experience. I can control my powers better than ever... And I made new friends,”
“I’ve missed you,” he says, letting himself smile a little,
“I love you,” you blurt out, unable to stop yourself. Peter’s small smile breaks into a wide grin,
“You’re too good to me,” he shakes his head with a smile,
“I know,” you playfully tease. Peter kisses you again. You’d forgotten how crazy you were about him, just a kiss made you weak at the knees, “So,” you drawl out once the kiss ends, “What do you think of my superhero outfit?”
Peter takes a step back, and pretends to think over his answer as he looks you up and down, “Gorgeous,” he finally says, “...And the outfit is nice,”
You let out a giggle, “You going to let me fight criminals now without worrying about my safety?”
“I’m always going to worry about your safety, Y/N, I love you,” Peter tells you, making your heart skip, “But you can definitely handle yourself... Just don’t get mad if I try to protect you from time to time,”
You nod, “I think that’s reasonable... As long as you do the same,” you cock an eyebrow at your boyfriend.
He nods, “Have you seen the whole compound?” you shake your head, “Come on, I’ll show you around,” Peter slides his hand into yours, interlacing your fingers with his and leading you away.
Tags: @addictwithafandomblog, @klutzly, @hantu369mc, @leahhavoc, @meep-meep22, @redstarstan, @heismyhunter, @coffeeismylife28, @goldenlifevsgutter1996, @rosyfluffyprincess, @invisible2niall, @woww-za, @impala-moose, @stratmoxphere, @bearded-bucky, @caitsymichelle13, @pleasefixthepain, @spn-worm, @buckyobsessed, @specs15, @sebstanwassup, @wunnywho, @thedarknesswarrior, @girlwith100names, @addictionmarvel, @melconnor2007, @ipaintmelodies, @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked, @spookydoritos, @fanboyswhereare-you, @theclonewarss, @psychicwitchphilosopher, @tcmhollnd, @all-that-glitters-is-cold, @earthtomarvel​, @multifandom-slytherin​, @princeofsassgard​, @dxnaii-rxse​, @thiscuriouslymiss​, @girlygirlbishop​, @flammy-whater​, @ichbinannaaa​, @meka-meow​, @metal-armed-dino​, @youarejustmymission​, @nathalieruaudel​, @peter-spider-parker-man​, @potterjamesharry
Tags that didn’t work: @mo320, @mrs-stan-barnes
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kateera-writes-blog · 7 years
Prompt - Sunburn
Posting this a little late but I finally have my computer in front of me again! The trip to Canada wasn’t as productive as I wanted it to be, too much to see and do!
The #GobblepotSummer2017 series may have to extend into September but I still plan on writing this entire series (25 ficlets in all). Thank you to @gobblepotgazette for the bingo card prompts that started this chaos. :D
Enjoy and as always, comments are so appreciated!
Can I Kill Him, Just a Little?
Oswald paced back and forth in front of Jim's house, the time for their arrival back from Arizona repeating like a mantra in his head. Jim's nosy neighbor already came out to ask him what he was doing, her tone making it obvious that she thought he was only there to start trouble. He gave the usual, "Jim is a friend from school" answer and she huffed but didn't have any reason to call the GCPD. With a dark scowl on her face, she'd stalked back to her side of the fence. He could have cheered at the sight of a taxi cab pulling up to the driveway. Racing to the car, he held open the door for Jim's mother and she graced him with a smile. "You're such a polite boy, Waldo. Thank you," Laura said with a pat to his arm. "Be a dear and help the boys unpack the car. I need to take an aspirin." Giving her retreating form a glare, Oswald turned around and saw Roger and Jim pulling bags out of the trunk while the driver smoked from his seat. When the last bag was out of the car, the driver took off with a squeal of tires. Oswald would have written down his license plate for a little revenge but the shock of Jim's appearance overrode his senses. With his face and arms the color of strawberries, Jim looked tired and miserable and he moved as if his skin hurt. Oswald gasped loudly. "What in the heck happened to you?" With a glare at Roger, Jim said, "Someone thought I hadn't tanned enough over the last week." "Hey, it's not my fault you fell asleep in the sun," Roger shot back, grabbing his bags from the pile and heading to the house. "You should've been more careful." "You moved my shade, asshat!" Jim shouted, shaking his head as Roger shrugged and disappeared into the house. He turned back to Oswald and the disgust on his face melted into a grin. "Did you miss me?" Oswald shook his head and grabbed the large suitcase, groaning at the weight. "Not in the least. Mr. Gilzean gave me a new block to cover so I've been too busy to miss anyone." Jim clucked his tongue. "Darn, cause I missed you like crazy. Guess I can go back to Arizona then." "Don't you dare!" Oswald cried and Jim threw his head back and laughed.
Continue on AO3
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the-record-columns · 6 years
May 16, 2018: Columns
Ruth Graham—a lifetime of being good to others...
Editor’s note: The following are remarks give by Ken Welborn at the Tuesday funeral of Ruth Graham.
Record Publisher
Good morning.
My name is Ken Welborn, and I am honored to be given a few moments to speak about a truly remarkable lady, Ruth Graham.
On Monday afternoon, when I called Dickie Whittington to tell him I might be a bit late for the Rotary meeting because I was going to Ruth Graham's wake at Reins-Sturdivant, he went silent, then he drew a long, slow breath and said simply, “Heaven got another angel this past Thursday.” That reaction was universal-- sadness, and then a quick recount of something Ruth had done for them, their family or a friend.
In addition to her work as a wonderful nurse, and as director of nursing at Wilkes General Hospital, she was also involved with many outside groups and organizations, notably working tirelessly on the Dr. Fred C. Hubbard Scholarship Fund.
She had a deep abiding love of God, and for this historic church in which we have gathered to remember the wonderful soul that was Ruth Graham.
And how she loved this church (the First Baptist Church of North Wilkesboro). Her obituary noted that she was a member of the Home Health Board, a Deacon and Assistant Clerk, as well as serving on the Library Committee, the Homebound Committee, and the Benevolence Committee. Just the names of the groups on which she served speaks volumes to her kindness and sincere interest in the welfare of others. Her name would come up in the company of folks like Raymond Blevins, and U. W. Foster, just to name a couple of First Baptist icons in their own right.
There was simply no downside to Ruth Graham. If she had an enemy on this earth, they have had the good sense to keep their mouth shut about it.
Most of my life with Ruth revolved around her long-standing friendship with my second father-in-law, Dr. William L. Bundy. They had worked together for many years at the then Wilkes General Hospital after Ruth had moved to Wilkes in 1954 with her husband, James “Jim” Graham, a teacher at Millers Creek High School. While she did not work for Dr. Bundy. she certainly worked with him a great deal, most notably often making hospital rounds with him at night after his office had closed. This was a blessing for Dr. Bundy and his patients, because his hearing problems were legendary, and, while Ruth's notes were a great help, her hearing clarified many a patients concerns and conversations with the good doctor, to the benefit of all.
Circumstances create a lot of twists and turns in people’s lives. If ever the saying “when one door closes another door opens” has a home, it is in the lives of Ruth Graham and Bill Bundy. In 1989 Jim Graham died suddenly and shortly thereafter Beatrice Bundy also passed away. Call it what you may, random changes, fate, karma, but, after a few months had passed, Ruth Graham and Dr. Bundy, already friends for many, many years; were inseparable.
I already knew Grandpa Bundy to be as kind and as forgiving a man as you could ever want to know, and I soon came to know Ruth Graham as an angel on this earth. As he became more feeble, I would offer to do some task or errand for him, but he would always brush it off, “Graham knows who to call,” or “Mrs. G. has already looked after that.” The one thing I did do for him was to start putting his morning paper behind his storm door after I saw him almost fall down the front steps one morning. He did go along with that one.
Bill and Ruth went everywhere together, and it became obvious they were far more than just friends. In some ways shy, and certainly not the most demonstrative person you ever met, Grandpa Bundy never really confided his feelings to me. Then one evening when Ruth had called me to go check on him because he wasn't answering the phone, I went to his house on Cowles  Street in North Wilkesboro. As soon as I arrived, I knew exactly what the problem was--his hearing aids--because I could hear the television set outside in the driveway. His batteries had run down and he had gradually cut the sound up on the TV so he could hear the programs, and he couldn't begin to hear the phone ringing.
After I let myself in and got his attention, we changed out his batteries and he called Ruth to let her know he was all right. As I sat in the chair next to his recliner, they spoke for about five minutes. I waited patiently till they finished, because on these particular evenings I would often stay awhile and we would swap stories. He could be funnier than Jay Leno. He then closed the phone call to Ruth with “I love you, goodnight.”
Well, I don't know that I had ever heard him utter those three words to anyone since I met him as a high school student in 1965. So, with my new found opening I felt emboldened a bit and asked him if he would mind if I asked him something kind of personal. “What's that?” he replied. I told him that I had heard him say out loud something that I and everybody else already knew, that he loved Mrs. Graham.
He smiled broadly and queried, “And?” So I blurted out, “Why didn't you just marry her and get it over with?” “Kenneth,” he began, “I had no idea she could manage to keep me alive this long, or I would have.”
And take care of him she did, to the very end. Ruth, me, and a niece and nephew were at home with Grandpa Bundy when he drew his last breath on a hot Friday evening in August of 2003. Jimmy's wife, Diane, told me that the last sound Ruth made was to say, “Bill…, Bill...” just before she died.
Now that's a love story for the ages.
I'm just about finished, but I want to leave you with something that I know will have Ruth smiling down at us today.
In her obituary, when it came to the part about the family visitation at the funeral home on Monday, it said that “... those attending can help celebrate Ruth's life by wearing red.”
Well, anyone that knew her knew that she was the enthusiastic N. C. State Wolfpack fan that ever lived. She will be wearing her bright red jacket throughout eternity, complete with an N. C. State pin.
It is with this in mind that I share with you her favorite bumper sticker of all time, one which she faithfully displayed on her car. So with a nod to Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson, here it is, words to live by from Ruth Graham, “Mama, don't let your babies grow up to be Tar Heels.”
Thank you.
                                        Ruth Long Graham
                         September 8, 1925 – May 10, 2018
                                            Rest in Peace
After Mothers Day
It's the Mothers Day cards and good wishes that make Mothers Day all worthwhile.                                                                                                                    Behind the cards and sentiments is the feeling of being appreciated.  We may not do everything right but when we get the chance to see our children become parents and when they acknowledge how hard being a parent is that we realize our life’s work is worth it.  Because being a parent is the hardest work we do.  
As a grandparent I work hard at keeping my mouth shut and not constantly reminding my child that I was a Pediatric nurse, a child development specialist and a mother and stepmother of nine.  The inside of my mouth has sores from chomping down and not giving advice.  (I am not always successful as I do slip more than I care to admit)  I am reminded of the saying, “You are never a King in your own land.”  Quite frankly I found being a stepparent much easier as I could relax and just be a “buddy” and not be responsible for the outcome.  My best advice comes from living and “walking the talk.”                                                                                                                                                I try to plant little seeds of wisdom and hope they grow without me hovering and over watering the seeds.  
I like to think of myself as raising my children in the “free-range parenting style” versus the helicopter parent, but being a grandparent has challenged that theory.  I guess as we get older we worry more see the upcoming hardships and want to change the story.  What I have found is that I try and make my advice general life lessons that I have learned (usually the hard way) and stay away from the direct advice of “don’ts and do’s” they listen more.  So here goes:
What we focus on grows stronger in our life, so its important to focus on the positive and take responsibility for our happiness even when we don’t feel like it.  How do we train our mind to make the best of what we’ve got in front of us, even when it’s far less than we expected is the key.
The stories we tell ourselves change what we see in life.  When we enter an experience with a story about how life is, that tends to be what we see, even when there’s plenty of evidence against it.   So it becomes important to check our stories to make sure they are not reinforcing our own viewpoint.
How do we keep our children from letting the bad things that happen take over their thinking?  Negative thinking stops us from seeing and experiencing life’s positive and neutral outcomes, even when they happen often.  It’s as if there’s a special mental block filtering out everything except the data that confirms the negative biases we have.  The answer is to redirect towards positive thoughts ultimately helping them change their response.  There are people I know that have faced a lot of childhood adversity, yet they keep a healthy happy attitude and their lives are positive against all odds.  Then there are those that have less traumatic childhood experiences but they get stuck on the negative and tend to live very unhappy lives.  
I want my children to be able to be the ones who overcome the negative (adverse childhood experiences) and pass on a positive happy childhood to their children, so maybe I will slip in a few of these words of wisdom along the way.
Transforming the Landscape  
 Special to The Record
Right now in Israel there is much taking place.  The US Embassy has moved to from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  The Iranians are threatening Israel on her northern border with Syria and the Palestinians are rioting along the Gaza border sending firebombs attached to kites over the border fence causing Israel’s harvest to go up in smoke. Yet, even in the face of turmoil and chaos, Israel presses on leading the way in so many areas to include science and technology -  both of which are important to America’s farming communities.
 For example, Israel is a powerhouse in agricultural technology and holds an edge in genetic plant research. Her advances in gene editing (GE) have the potential to make agriculture more sustainable for the world’s booming population, despite climate change.
In arid regions of the world, drought can slash crop yields by up to 25 percent. Israeli scientists are researching desert plants such as East African natural wheat cultivars, which resist drought and intense heat. But wild wheat cultivars expose them to a toxic compound, making them useless for breeding, said Dr. Avi Perl, chief scientist for the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. “We are genetically editing these cultivars to eliminate the gene responsible for the negative traits,” he said. “Then we can safely use them to introduce drought- and heat-tolerant cultivars into commercial wheat.” 
 Safe use is key, Perl stressed, emphasizing the difference between editing genes and modifying them. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) introduce DNA from foreign species into plants, often with unpredictable results. But gene editing simply removes a gene with an undesirable characteristic that occurs naturally in one species. 
 “Genome editing mimics what God does through natural mutation,” Perl said, speaking by phone from his experimental vineyard in the Mediterranean heat. “In a vineyard growing green grapes, the farmer finds a red one of the same cultivar. This is a natural mutation in color. That’s why gene editing is a safe breeding tool.” 
 Despite scientists’ duplication of a natural phenomenon, every novel food product in Israel must pass a rigorous risk assessment and regulation process, Perl said. “We read all the genes in the plant to ensure there’s no random insertion of foreign DNA into the crop from another source. There’s a Yiddish saying, “Don’t just wear your belt, put on your suspenders too—in other words, provide an extra layer of safety.”
 Because of Israel’s risk-assessment and registration processes for GE foods, the USDA in 2017 approved it as a breeding tool, and also permits the marketing of GE agricultural products without labels. But plants and their progeny into which foreign DNA is inserted remain subject to regulations and guidelines, and require USDA consumer labeling in the United States.
 Experts agree that the safety of genetically modified foods has not been proved. But due to consumer concern about GMO safety—it’s important for the public to be informed of the facts as to the safety of GE foods, Perl said. Otherwise, resistance to innovation could curb its potential to combat hunger and disease.
 Gene editing can make our foods safer to eat, Perl said. Potatoes are popular, and children love fries and chips. But when potatoes are cooked in hot oil, temperature shock produces acrylamide, a toxic carcinogen that also disrupts hormones, stimulating premature puberty. Israeli scientists are examining deletion of the acrylamide-producing gene.
 They’re also tackling a gene in eggs that causes allergies and adverse reactions to measles, mumps, rubella, and flu vaccines, which use egg protein or cells during production. “Eliminating the gene would make eggs a valuable source of hypoallergenic protein and produce safer vaccinations,” Perl said.
 Gene editing holds promise for medicine as well. Medical cannabis research in Israel focuses on deleting the THC compound that causes hallucination, while retaining benefits such as pain relief. The new medical marijuana plant may eventually treat anxiety and depression without the risk of addiction.
 “In bigger countries, there’s often resistance to innovation when you bring a new technology to agriculture,” Perl said. “But farmers here are eager for innovation, which eases the testing process. Israel is like a small beta [product-testing] site for the rest of the world.”
 Though Israel bans commercial GE crop production, it endorses GE research and development, subject to seed-regulation laws. Israel's Ministry of Agriculture has announced the allocation of funds to subsidize GE research for breeding new fruit and vegetable varieties. 
Early Summer
Life in the Carolinas
What do you do when Summer comes early? In the Carolinas tubing and kayaking down a meandering river is a favorite for many. My niece Kaylee enjoys being in the sunshine with family, friends and no cell phones.
As it turns out the Yadkin River is a great place to meet another fun-loving nature enthusiast. 11:00am -6:00pm is a good float time. You can get a good amount of sun, and there are easy access places to stop and enjoy a picknick along to way.
One of the places that Kaylee’s group likes to put in is at the park in Ronda NC and float down to Elkin. The waters are smooth for the most part.
It’s a great way to take the edge off, and even with a group, you can get some quiet time. She says, “it’s just you and the sounds of nature.”
It’s important to know the waters you are in, and responsible floaters always carry a few extra trash bags and clean up after those who are less considerate. Kaylee said, “I would not necessarily call someone out on being a litterbug, however, “We like to leave places better than we find them.” It’s a regular part of our summer life, and it just would not be right to leave the trash for others.”
Many of our Greenways in the Carolinas join up with waterways. I have written about the calm of brackish waters of the moss-draped Live Oaks along the Waccamaw River in Conway  SC. It’s a beautiful stop on the way to Myrtle Beach.
Goat Island Park in Cramerton NC features guided and non-guided walking trails and welcomes the South  Fork River which is another favorite for many kayak enthusiasts. If you catch the park on the right day you can take part in other local activities.
Falls Park in Greenville SC offers both city dwellers and visitors a chance to enjoy a tranquil moment with nature as the Reedy River provides a natural water feature and the well-maintained trails inspires the user to leave behind the unwanted stress of the day.
It is reported that the impressive Liberty Bridge is unique in its geometry and there is nothing like it anywhere else in the United States.
Harriet Wyche brought the idea of Falls  Park to the Carolinas Foothill Garden Club and worked tirelessly with others to see that it was built.
She said “I believe having a place where city people can go is as important to a community as an economy is. A green area is absolutely vital to any urban place.”
In the Carolinas we have many places to commune with nature. The kind of places that allows us to forget about our troubles. If we are lucky, we may just leave most or all of them on the trail. I am sure they are biodegradable.
It’s easy for me to be proud of my niece for embracing nature and a since of responsibility in keeping it tidy.
Of all the things she loves, kayaking with her mother and fishing with her father are at the top of her list. These are the things that bring about her biggest smiles.  
I join the list of many others who take heart in the line from the film directed by Robert Redford. ” In life and in love all memories become one and a river runs through it.”
May we all enjoy the heat that drives us to our rivers and streams and the memories that will last a lifetime.
 Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its seventh year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturday at noon.  For more on the show visit www.lifeinthecarolinas.com, You can email Carl White at [email protected].  
0 notes
oreoassassin · 7 years
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4chan, Af, and America: Anonymous ID:+avAiycd Mon 06 Nov 2017 20:38:51 No.14832449View Report f you are avoiding assasination, the last thing you want are clothes that scream 1AM THE PRINCE OF SAUDI ARABIA Anonymous ID:avAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:00:40 No.148327163View Report help you ds thn Saud (King (1932-1953) King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz AJ Saud (Deceased):5th son of King Saud. King of Saud Arabia until his death in 2015. Successor is King Salman Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Henceforth King Salman) Current King of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). 8th son of deceased King Abdulaziz lbn Mohammad bin Salman (Henceforth Crown Prince Mohammad] Son of King Salman. Currently next in line to be king after King Salman Muqrin bin Abdulaziz (Former Deputy Crown Prince. Henceforth Muqrin):9th son of deceased King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud. Was next in line to be king f King Salman had died before being crowned king IS THE FATHER OF Mansour bin Mugrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saudt THE MAN KILLED IN THE Mansour bin Mugrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (Henceforth Mansour):Son of Muqrin bin Abdulaziz. Died 11/5/2017, the day of the failed coup on the Alwaleed bin Talal (Henceforth Talal): Billionaire businessmen Grandson of King Saud. Has ties to DNC, Clinton, Podesta. Arrested 11/4/2017 for corruption. Owns The Four Seasons at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas (Four Seasons occupy the top floors of Mandalay Bay) Owns shares in Twiter as well as other high-tech silicon valley companies. Has had spats with Trump in the past I know that's a mouthful of names, but bear with me. Just remember 4 names: Salman, Mohammad, Mugrin, and Mansour Anonymous ID1+svA1yCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:02:18 No.148327351 Do you remember how President Trump visited Saudi Arabia back in May of 20177 Do you remember how warmly he was greeted by King Salman? 1 do It was a spectacle Why was he greeted so welcomingly? Ater all. President Obama's reception was shall we say, less than grand Do you remember how ater Trump's wisit, Saudi Arabia started becoming more open in their policies? Women can drive there now. Did you notice how the Syrian reballion became quiet? Did you notice how quickdy IS S was crushed ater the isit? Why did Saudi Arabia suddenly want to get their oil companies listed on the NYSE? What could have caused this? To answer this, we have to look a ittle further back. Back to around 2010 t all goes back to fracking You see, the Kindom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has always relied heavly on its vast petrol reserves for wealth and prosperity. And they were uthless. OPEC. The cartel of gasoine. You cant count the number of times throughout history that OPEC used its power to crush govemments, manipulate prices, control supplies, and fund activities. If there ever was a international group of bullies, OPEC was it. And at KSA Then came the fracking boom. Suddenly, the world was no longer at the mercy of OPEC. This made them nervous. So, they did what they always do businesses. KSA is rich. Very rich. They figured, we'll just drive gas prices unbelievably low and take the loss until all these fracking business the Anonymous ID:+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:03:27 No.148327486 Do you remember how cheap gas got between 2013 2016? was ridiculous, wasnt it? But what they didn't count on was just how cheap fracking had become So many of these business didn't go bankrupt. So they took another step. To convince the world that fracking was bad for the evironment. So they lobbied and supplied funds to the Democratic party. Why? Because the leftist are usualy the ones who support ANY and ALL now understand why the Saudis donated so much money to the Cinton campaign? She was HEAVILY favored to win and if she did, you can bet your ass that illegalizing fracking would have been on the top of her list, returning us to dependence on arab oil. But... .this didn't work either You see, KSA had vastly underestimated the amount of total shale reserves in North America. They had no idea that so much of this stuff exists They thought maybe they could ride it out if the reserves would dry up in a decade or so. But nope. We have enough shale to supply us for at least what do you do? Anonymous ID:+vA1yCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:04:19 No.148327596 Well, there's only one thing you can do. Give up the reliance on oil production and try to use existing wealth to stay wealthy. To modernize its trade to include more than just exports af ail. They would need to build an entire industrial country from scratch. To do that, he needed the help of the USA. And that's where President Trump comes in You see and King meeting King Salman asked Trump for help Trump was more than wiling to give it ike listing the oil companies on the NYSE) but his help would come with a price. Liberalization and the stop of llegal funding. No more contributions to American poltics. No more suppling unds to terrorists or splinter groups. King Salman took the deal. Al of a sudden, women were allowed to drive. ISS was retreating. Syrian rebels suddenly ran out of Not all the rayalties in KSA are into this They dont like losing the power they once had. What's worse, they don't want to become liberal. They now start resenting King Salmon. They start plotting against him. At the foretront of this movement is none other than the previous Deputy Crown Prince Anonymous ID:+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:06:37 No.148327876 October 1, 2017. The top floors of Mandalay Bay isn't Mandalay Bay, but is Four Seasons, owned by bilionaire Talal. Who was occupying that whole foor that night? I can't remember where, but I heard that the whole floor was reserved for that week Now, no one would do that unless they were Saudi royalty. We don't know for sure, but my guess is Crown Prince Miohammad We know it wasn't King Salman, because he was in Russia The plan is to take out the crown prince. Then kill King Salman. With the King and the Crown Prince dead, who is next in ine? Yup The former deputy crown prince, Mugrin. So, posing as terrorists who wanted to buy the guns for some terrorist attack, they dupe the CIA or FBI to supply the guns to the death squad Their real plan is to climb the stairs right ater the deal and kill the VIP in the floors above them. This is why the weapons cashe was located on the 32nd floor. They would only have to climb a few stairs or take the elevator up a little to start the kiling Now, here's what Anonymous ID1+vAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:07:30 No.148327969 With the post rom u/kneejerk55, I have modified the events of the night. I think t fits much better point, Paddock is thinking this is a gun deal Only a few magazines are loaded. He merely wants to show the customers how to load the chamber etc... What he doesn't know is that the advance team was sent to secure the floor. That all but one entry point to the floor would be barricaded crucial since the reason Campos becomes suspicious of the blocked doors is what utimately leads him to investigate) The reason for the barricade s that once the assaut starts, the assassins want to maloe sure to impede the authorities as much as possible from reaching the top foors CIA/FBI (or Trump's own intelligence) got wind of the assassination that was about to take place. Immediate action is taken to round up the assassins. Remember, we're talking about an army of assassins here. You can't kall a Crown Prince who's protected by 30 armed bodyguards by ID: +avAi yca Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:08:19 No.14 Quoted Dy 3-143328163 3148328380 7/9 What the assassins didn't know was that the prince had disguised himsel as a regular dude to enjoy the nightlife in Vegas. (Saudi princes have been known to do this) He had slipped away fom the Mandalay and was at the Tropicana playing some cards As soon as the FB(or some other agency) leamed of the assassination plot, they stormed the Tropicana and extracted the prince. The video can be seen hare htps.//www. http://youtube.com/watch?v-YVHmshtmDgo They lead him out of the casino and escort him to the nearest helipad to be picked up. BUT, on the way, they encounter some resistance fom a few assassins. Hence the frefight at the airport. Eventualy, he makes it to the chopper and is whisked away This explains the fight radar reports you see all over the net Meanwhile, the FBIl has gathered up as many of the assassins as they can. A few are armed with sidearms. They don't have rifles yet because the rendezvous with Paddock hasnt occurred yet. Hence the random frefights at various casinos that night. A few are killed. Hence the Laura Loomer Anonymous ID:+svAiyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:09:04 No-148328163 B/9 The assassins already in Paddock's room gets a call. They are told that the Prince is not in his suite above. That he's being escorted out of the Tropicana. They start panicking. If they get caught in this plot to assassinate the crown prince, not only are they dead, but their employer is dead as well They come up with a plan. They will kill Paddock and start firing on the crowd below. They're gonna make him a crazy lone gunman So they koll Paddock. They break a window They pick up a rnite and start fring at the crowd below Ater a couple of mags, they realize that the other mags arent loaded Holy fuck. They start reloading as fast as possible. This is why the average time between bursts of fire is over 40 seconds One of them gets an idea Let me go to the other room and break that window and shoot at the fuel tanks at a nearby airport. This will draw the police away rom the Mandalay and they can escape. So he goes and attempts just that. Unfortunately, the tanks do not blow up By this time, Jesus Campos s knocking on the door. So they just unload on him. This is why there are (supposedly) 200 shots through the door. Campos escapes a lethal shot :4avAiyCd Mon 06 The assassins already in Paddock's room gets a call. They are told that the Prince is not in his suite above. That he's being escorted out of the get caught in this plot to assassinate the crawn prince, not well. They come up with a plan. They will kill Paddock and start firing on the crowd below. They're gonna make him a crazy lone gunman So they kill Paddock. They break a window. They pick up a rite and start firing at the crowd below Ater a couple of mags, they reaize that the other mags arent loaded Holy fuck. They start reloading as fast as possible. This is why the average time between bursts of fre is over 40 seconds. One of them gets an idea Let me go to the other room and break that window and shoot at the fuel tanks at a nearby airport. This will draw the police away from the Mandalay and they can escape. So he goes and attempts just that. Unfortunately, the tanks do not blow up. By this time, Jesus Campos s knocking on the door. So they just unload on him. This is why there are (supposedly) 200 shots through the door. Campos escapes a lethal shot is firing are thinking as soon as this barrage is done, we run. But the swat team starts knocking on the door. Fuck. The assassins reaize they're screwed So the frst one shoots himself. (This is the frst of the single shots you hear at the end). The second assassin isnt so sure Anonymous ID:avaiycd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:11:23 No.148328450 9/10 The SWAT team bursts in and finds 3 bodies. They start asking questions. But because the FBl is already there (remember, they extracted the prince) they talke over They quickly assess the situation. They realize the implications They remove the 2 assassins bodies, take a picture of Paddock is made the patsy Why? Because if a failed Saud assassination attempt was responsible for the deaths, if the FECIA had supplied the guns that killed 58 innocent people (not counting Paddock since he's an asset), then two things would happen One, we would demand that we go to war with Saudi Arabia. And two, which ever organization that Paddock worked for would be utterly dismantled Wew lads, I know Quite a story Now let's fast forward to one month later We know a missile was intercepted by the Saudi mitary on November 3 or 4th. This was probably the inal effort by the anti King Salman group This was their last ditch effort to kill him. OR, it was staged to give King Salman the excuse to round everyone up in retaliation of the assassination attempt. We know that MASSIVE raids and the rounding of Saudi princes took place on the 5th.Iwill guarantee you that al these people are ant Salman/Mohammad. And who was just kiled? Yes. The son of Mugrin, Mansour. Mansours death was retaliation. I have no doubt of it. He was Ok, now that this has happened, what's next? Well, my guess will be that we will learn all of the funding that has been coming out of Saudi Arabia for the past decade. It will expose their connections to the DNC. We will learn that they have been at the root of all the turmoil in the Middle East Anonymous ID: +ョVAyCd Mon 06 Nov 2017 21:11:SS No. 148328519 - View Report PS The story works just fine with Paddock as a private illegal guns dealer, meaning the FBUCIA only helped to foil the assassination attempt. He doesnt have to be working for an alphabet agency. However, given the clues from his Iife style (or the utter lack of t)Im betting that he was an 10/10 http://ift.tt/2AgWUSI
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fanfiction-mania · 7 years
Lucky im in Love (Chapter 10)
P.o.v Ross
I don't know if you have guessed this at all due to the fact that I met scarlet and seemed totally head over heels for her, but I'm in love with Laura. To tell the truth I'm very conflicted at the moment. I've been in love with Laura for a few years now but I highly doubt she even has the slightest of feelings for me, but then again I just can't seem to let go of the feelings I have for her. On top of that I met scarlet today in the park and I could tell without a doubt in my mind that there was something there. All problems aside, I'm waiting for Laura to come over and my nerves were driving me insane which is odd because as far as I know she isn't even interested in me so I just need to calm down. I was then pulled away from my thoughts by Rydel who was standing there with Riker. "What's shakin'?" he asked followed by giggling due to the really bad pun he just made. "Laura is coming over" I replied ignoring Riker's pun. "Yeah so" he said "someone's got girl trouble!" Rydel cut in while signalling Riker to leave the room.
P.o.v Rydel
"Yeah so?" Riker said clearly not understanding the situation Ross is currently in. "Someone's got girl trouble!" I replied ignoring Riker's comment and signalling him to leave the room. Once the door closed I spoke again "so what's wrong with Laura coming over?" I asked with a calm tone. "Well the ting is that I met this other girl today in the park and I like her a lot but I really like Laura too, and also I don't think Laura feels the same." He said. He doesn't have a clue does he. "First of all" I replied "Laura is crazy about you" I said. After i said that, a huge grin spread across his face. "And second" I continued. "You barely know this other girl, I mean at least get to know her first" I said hoping he would agree. "You know what! You're right" he said. And just then there was a knock on the door
P.o.v Laura
As I was getting ready I started thinking about my conversation with Ross. I can't believe he met one of my really good friends and practically fell in love with her as soon as he saw her, but when it comes to me, nothing what so ever! I guess it's kind of good though due to the fact that I won't have to worry about ruining my friendship with him. As these thoughts were going through my head I managed to finish getting ready for Ross'. With that all that was left to do was drive there. I then grabbed my car keys and headed on my way. During the drive I couldn't help but think that I should text or call scarlet about the whole Ross thing. On my way I finally talked myself into pulling over so I could text scarlet. Once I pulled over I took my phone out of my purse and started to type out a text "so I heard that you met a good friend of mine in the park today" I said trying to ease myself into the topic as apposed to being angry with her right away. Not long after I received a reply from her. "Yeah he's a sweetheart, I can totally see why you like him" GREAT! JUST GREAT! She likes him back! "Yeah, and it seems like you two hit it off" I replied and right after that text sent I started to type another one. "But I will have you know that like is an understatement so if at any point in time he ends up with you instead of me, you better watch your back!" with that I turned my phone off because I was already pissed off and just done with this conversation. With that I took off and finished my drive to the lynch's house.
*at the Lynch's house*
I parked my car, shut it off, and got out locking the door behind me. I walked up to the door and knocked semi nervously. After about a second or so the door opened. I was expecting it to be Ross but it was Rydel instead. "Hey Laura" she said cheerfully" I looked up at her "hey!" I said trying to hide my anger. "What's wrong?" She said while letting me in the house. "Can we maybe talk in private about it?" I asked quietly. "Yeah sure!" She replied. Right after she said that we walked through the tv room to get to Rydel's room. "Hey Laur!" Ross said as I walked by him. "Hey Ross..." I said while avoiding eye contact. Soon after that we arrived in Rydel's room.
P.o.v Ellington
I can not believe that Tomorrow will be the day that I get to see the Lynch's for the first time in nearly a month, possibly more. I'm really excited because they are all like family to me technically even more so now than before. I am also nervous about seeing them again because I know that I'm going to be swamped with questions about what happened and also I don't want them finding out quite yet that Rocky and I are together. It was getting later in the day but not quite late enough that we could go to sleep without waking up really early so I decided I would show Rocky some of my favourite YouTube videos which are all by the same account which is called sourcefed nerd. It's my favourite channel because they play a lot of the game cards against humanity. I love the idea of this game because you get lots of good laughs out of it. To be honest even though I love this game I have never actually played it but I have really wanted to play this for a while now but no one that I know has the game so I have never been given the opportunity to play it. "Have you ever actually played this game?" Rocky asked. "No but I have wanted to for a while now but no one I know has the game. The next thing I knew Rocky had his phone out and he was texting someone. "Sorry about that." He said "it's okay" I replied now kind of curious about who he was texting and what it was about but I decided to leave it. After watching a few cards against humanity videos we came across some other youtubers playing it as well. I have to say apart from the sourcefed nerd videos we watched, my favourite cards against humanity video was the one were dan howell and Tyler Oakley played the game. But I think that Rocky and I could both agree that our favourite one of all was when joe did the tune of the American gladiators theme after he won. Anyways... Moving on from that. "So what part of which one did you like the most?" I asked even though I had a pretty good idea of what he was going to say. "I thought it was funny when joe was doing the American gladiators theme after he won that one time" he said. See! I knew he would say that! "I had a feeling you were going to say that" I replied while smiling.
P.o.v Scarlet
I was sitting on my couch daydreaming about Ross when all of a sudden I got a text. I was kind of hoping it was from Ross but it was from Laura. "So I heard you met a good friend of mine in the park today" at that moment I knew she was referring to Ross. Shit! He probably told her that we met and exchanged numbers today. "Yeah he's a sweetheart, I can totally see why you like him" I replied. Right after I sent the text i realized that it might have been a bad idea to say that because that girl can read me like a book whether it's in person or in text she's gonna find out that I like him too! FUCK! Right on cue I got a text back from Laura. "Yeah it seems like you two hit it off" to be honest I'm kinda scared shitless that she probably hates me now because I knew for a fact before hand that she's in love with Ross and she probably thinks I'm trying to steal him from her on purpose. And soon enough I will know for sure if that is what she thinks. In mid thought my phone went off again. "But I will have you know that like is an understatement so if at any point in time he ends up with you instead of me, you better watch your back!" Ok now it's official, that bitch is insane!
P.o.v Rydel
Once Laura and I got into my room I shut the door. "So what's wrong?" I asked her. "Ok so I have this friend named scarlet" she began and I nodded for her to continue. "And well she met your brother yesterday..." We both knew which of my brothers she was referring to so there didn't need to be any further explanation as far as that goes. "He hit on her didn't he?" I asked. "Yeah and I'm just guessing but I bet they have even exchanged numbers" she replied. "Oh crap!" I said. "What is it?" She asked. "Don't hate me but I may have kinda sorta told him to get to know her, and In his mind I bet he thinks I meant to forget about you and go after scarlet! I'm so sorry! I wasn't thinking when I told him that!" She gave me a forgiving look "it's okay I just don't want any friendships to get ruined, that's all." She said. All of a sudden there was a vibration from my pocket. "Hold on a sec!" I said. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked my notifications. "It's a text from Rocky!" I said happily due to the fact that this is the second text from him that I've gotten since he left. "What does it say?" Laura asked. I then began to read the text. "Can you please do me a favour? It's just that Ellington was showing me videos of people playing cards against humanity so I asked him if he's ever played and apparently he has wanted to but no one that he knows has the game so I was thinking maybe you could order the game online as soon as possible so I can surprise him with it cause he sounded pretty bummed when he said he's never played it, please order it as soon as possible and put it under Ellington's name so that way it will be kind of like a present or something. thank you, and see you all tomorrow" after I finished reading the text I began to type a reply. "And you are going through all of this trouble because?" All of a sudden I got another text. "I'll explain tomorrow" I read out loud. "Wait... Do you know what this means?!?!" I asked excitedly. "ROCKLIFF IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!" We yelled and squealed like fangirls.
P.o.v Rocky
After watching a few cards against humanity videos Ellington fell asleep in my arms. He looks so adorable when he's sleeping. I mean he's adorable to begin with but when he's sleeping he just curls up like a little kitten. I was pretty tired myself but sleep just didn't seem to take over quite yet so I decided to just lie there with the love of my life in my arms until it did. After about an hour or so I finally fell asleep.
*the next day*
I woke up and Ellington was still asleep in my arms. All of a sudden I felt him stirring a bit and then he opened his eyes slightly. "Good morning sexy" i said "good morning babe" he replied with his sexy tired voice. After that he pecked my lips softly. God do I ever love that! "I really love you, you know!" I said. He smiled with his face going red and he buried his face in my chest. "It's true" I continued. With that he looked back up at me. "I love you more than you will ever know and I always have" he replied. After that I didn't really know what to say so at first I just kissed him passionately. When we pulled away I spoke again. "I have to admit I can't top that." After that we both laughed followed by us both getting out of bed to start our morning routines. Once the both of us finished our morning routines we headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast before we would head back to my house. We walked into the kitchen holding hands and that's when Ellington's mom looked at us, looked down at or hands, looked back up at us and said "the love birds are finally awake!" Ellington rolled his eyes at her but I just smiled while lightly squeezing his hand. "So what are you two up to today?" Ellington's dad asked. "Well we are planning to go to Rocky's to see everyone" Ellington said. "That's nice!" His dad replied. After Ellington and I finished eating we said goodbye to his parents and headed off to my house to see my family.
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