#if y'all have any questions ur free to ask i love talkin about em
imagibunny · 1 year
yknow what!! fuck it!!!
y'all are getting the infodump too, if no one likes it well at least here you can scroll past
hazel mae abbot - 24 (as far as you know) - she/her - bi/pan
originally from the 1600s, hazel mae was originally one of the few girls who was hanged during the salem witch trials, but managed to survive by way of an actual witch "undoing the damage" and taking her on as an apprentice. ended up being taught the ways of time magic, and in the process of trying to help her mentor she messed up the spell and is currently "stuck in time", as her body has not aged past 24 when she originally cast the spell. despite this she can still be harmed, but can simply reverse her own time to fix/heal any wounds on her own accord.
time magic is known to be illegal due to messing with the balance of life and death, and also by way of it creating problems that might expose the witch community, so she's currently in hiding. as long as she doesn't do anything big (such as reversing or skipping an entire day, or freezing an entire town) she's safe to do as she pleases
currently owns her own antique/used book store called "abbot's attic" where she also teaches a student of her own in the mean time. she's also head of the local historical society
her familliars are onyx and miss violet. onyx helps out with collecting herbs and keeping the house safe, while miss violet helps out at the store and helps with spells
officially hazel mae is a shapeshifting witch, where she can transform into any animal that she has a clear image of. due to this she can communicate with her familiars and a couple of avian friends who either live at the house or visit often (pearl the chicken and cordial the crow)
dylan goode - 26 - she/he - aro/ace lesbian
a witch from the 70s who caused a great deal of trouble in her time, and recently escaped from solitary confinement after she got a little over her head. currently under watch, she's having a fun time in the new decade and lives her new life to the absolute fullest she can, and is thrilled by how much the world has changed since her time
what caused her to get in trouble in the first time was the use of "magic of persuasion" as she put it, essentially having the ability to make the person do whatever she tells them to. this is a recurring theme with the squad, in that this magic is Also illegal, but all due to the fact it's dangerous to use for multiple reasons and can cause things to get out of hand quickly.
solitary confinement came for dylan after he girlbossed too close to the sun with a politician and almost started Something.
currently he works at heaven's gate as a bartender! she loves her job and his boss but could honestly do without babysitting keeping an eye on people. also on the historical society with hazel mae, and enjoys hanging upstairs in the book section of her store
her familiar is a parrot named rikki! not the brightest bird around (we can attest that to how many times he's flown into the window) but he's the best helper dylan could have. she loves her feathered dingus no matter how many times he's brought poison ivy instead of lavender and she WILL die on this hill
officially dylan is a witch of illusions, meaning he can make yknow. illusions. doesn't really use this in a way that'd be acceptable but hey, she's here for a fun time not for a long one <3
angel hastings - 132 (looks damn good for her age /37) - she/her - queer in some sense
officially a witch of light from the 20s, angel owns heaven's gate and is a town socialite as her best. she's a cheery sort, always in some kind of good mood and tries to keep the atmosphere of the bar light to go with it. it's unknown on how she's been around for so long, and refuses to say, but hasn't been in any trouble so is fairly enough left on her own to do as she wants, which doesn't bother her and she will happily use this fact if any of her friends end up in a pinch with the witches council.
has been friends with hazel mae since the olden days and is the only one who knows about her ex husband, and is actively trying to get her back out on the dating scene. acts like a mom to dylan and hazel, but in reality is the fun aunt type, especially to poppy.
despite her happy go lucky personality, she uses emotive telepathy type of magic, basically meaning girlie needs to keep up the good vibes or everyone is going down with her. generally speaking she does have a good handle on her magic but has accidentally used it to her advantage in one way or another, but mostly uses it to keep her bar calm and fun. is the first witch to use this type of magic so there's no name for it nor is it illegal, but she's been advised against using it.
her familiar is a poodle named scarlett. sweet old girl who's been around for heavens knows how long, but she and angel are a matching pair and there's no where else she'd rather be. she's not as good at her job as she used to be, but she can keep up with the youngins as best as she can.
poppy aka "poppet" - 16 - any pronouns - aro/ace
witch of flora and hazel mae's student, poppy recently came into their powers not long ago so the whole "witches and magic are real" thing is kinda new to him. she's a special case in that xir powers are inherited, unlike most witches who had to be taught to draw out their abilities, and because of that it has the ability to push luck into her favor.
became hazel mae's student after he went into the store looking for books specifically on witchcraft and magic after an incident at school that involved a flying lunch table. after a few visits hazel mae asked what they were looking for and after a bribery of tea and cookies, poppy went over the whole thing. hazel mae knew better to leave a witch out to dry, especially one who has no idea what he's doing, so she offered to teach him. who better then a girl who's been around for over 300 years? poppy goes to the store twice a week for lessons and slowly but surely she's getting better
no familiar as of right now, but xe does have a chiweagle named hudson and a hamster named tami. he lives with it's two moms and uncle and has no idea where her powers came from, although they do have a theory about it's father, mostly cause xe hasn't seen him in years and has little to know idea about him
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