#if wulf was a woman and a lesbian he'd be adora
3. Hopes || 4. Fears || 5. Crying || 6. Laughter || 10. Art || 12. Worst Enemy || 14. Eyes || 17. Scars ||22. Family || 23. Romance || 30. Sex || 31. Death || 34. Affection || 35. Guilt || 39. Secret ][For Wulf][
Wulf only tends to believe in something or a concept of it can make sense to him/work out. Wulf as a child would have never believed in santa because a man going all over the wold in one night makes so sense. Especially when Midgard is bigger than Asgard and doesn't have the same magic. It tends to surprise people when they learn that Wulf thinks this way, but he doesn't want a life and relationship based on simple hopes, he wants to earn it with his own two hands. Thinks the tooth fairy is genuinely real and believes in all his lovers for what they're worth.
Wulf is scared that something will happen to his loved ones, or that he'll never be enough for the most basic needs. It's a rather grounding fear that makes him want to do as well as he can so he can be an aid and provide for the people around him. He almost doesn't want to even consider the option of someone else providing and caring for him when Wulf is already so capable of doing it himself. It seems...selfish.
When he's upset, Wulf's hair goes completely limp from where normally it will float around. He likes to hide in high up places and curl up to cry properly just in case anyone tries to look for him, then they can't make him come down. Its...frustrating to deal with and so far Edith is the only person who so far has been able to teach and stay with Wulf when he's upset due to the fact that she can control plants and get to him almost anywhere. Wulf never wants Rhys to see him cry really, not when any of his issues seem so...unmeaningful compared to Rhys's own issues and feelings.
Wulf is very stereotypical in the fact that he has a very loud laugh like most Asgardians. But unlike most Asgardians Wulf starts to float when he's laughing, which used to be a relatively big issue as Wulf used to laugh and immediately shoot into the ceiling and struggle getting down because he kept laughing. Edith had to tie a rope around him for a month until he figured it out. Wulf still floats but that only happens when he's positively giddy or rather drunk. Maybe both.
As a hobby or to keep memories, I'd probably say that Wulf would take up painting the scenes from Midgard. He has a lot of watercolour themed ones that he likes to get up in high places to see things better. He thinks that Midgard contains an array of beauty of that needs to be captured, particularly if beauty involves a lovely boyfriend laid out on bed in bliss. Wulf likes to think that he has excellent taste in what's beautiful.
Worst enemy
I mean,,,Wulf is someome who really wants to forgive people who wrong him. But if there's a person who has properly wrong him or his family? Then Wulf will ignore the person until he dies. He hasn't gone into the pottery store his ex owns for 93 years. If anyone is rude to Rhys or Abby then Wulf gives a two hour speech on their dignity before being dragged away and he refuses to let them step foot near the insulter when he'll just take care of it and glare for ages.
Wulf uh. Tends to nap with only his third eyelid closed. Which means that people who can see him sleep ate often freaked out when he's got a literal blank stare the whole time. His eyes are more adjusted for high flights and other air related things so Wulf can go long hours without needing to blink and had GOOD eyesight. Spots any detail and knows if Rhys's is upset by his body language tbh. Wore real glasses once and they hurt his eyes so had he walked into a glass window and smashed through it entirely.
Wulf is rather hard to scar, as most Asgardians are. That's why it's so incredible to be able to get scars; you've faced something stronger than yourself and came back from it. Wulf only has long jagged scars going down his shoulders to just around the top of his ass from where he bad been slammed into a cliff side by a rock troll and forcefully dragged down it along with a bite mark at his sides. He thinks any partner that has scars is utterly enchanting and brave to have experienced and survived something that marked them so.
He's very family oriented! Families are incredibly important on Asgard for survival and creating your own family so he's always been happy to do anything to help his parents and sister. It makes Wulf incredibly sad to know that Rhys's family gave him away and he becomes a little more intent on giving him aa better experience of a family at that. When he gets shunned and hair cut, Wulf is...a bit lost and doesn't have an exact idea of what to do with himself when he's suddenly cut off from all of his most important people.
Wulf could easily be someome in love with the idea of romance. There's something beautiful and special in treating someone as they deserve. He's big on gifts and special items that can be useful, like a comb for long hair or new shoes for walking distances. If it's a special partner? he'll even bake for them and use the recipes his mother taught him. Edith and Wulf have pastries that are to die for. Not to mention the fact that Wulf will spout poetry about his lover's body and traits at any waking chance. He likes being able to spoil and treat his partner as they deserve to be treated.
Like romance, Wulf is all about treating how his partners should be worshipped. He loves taking care of them and likes to take sex however they want it, particularly for the first time. Although, Wulf likes to have a certain degree of trust and affection to them for the first time, like how he's known Rhys for a while before making an offer of sex (and he's gonna ask him out afterwards). Wulf isn't...entirely too sure about reviving or being the one to be doted and romanced on. He's...awkward. it takes him a while to learn how to take romance and to lay back and enjoy someone else pleasuring him instead of being the one used to doing it himself.
You can imagine Wulf's relationship with death is a little...odd. what with his sister being a grim reaper practically. He's a bit too casual and blunt with funerals, even on Asgard. He'd probably get kicked out of a Midgard funeral for sure after trying to celebrate someone's life. But its nice in a way, that Wulf believes in a better place for people to go when they die and he believes that he will always be with his love, even in death, and welcomes the time he's pulled to a place of rest.
He is SO affectionate. Loves friendly hugs and pulling someone close to protect them. Will happily lean in or pick someone up to shield them from rain and when dating? Always gives hand kisses, likes simply having an arm around his partner's waist and shoulders, happily let's them sit on his lap when they want and he's the sickingly sweet one who brings a diffrent Midgardian cliche gift every week. Rhys gets dragged around all the hip Midgard places and a ten foot teddy bear Wulf won for him while Abby gets a romantic fly and flowers that Wulf picked off a mountain side and reminded him of Abby's beauty. Both get homemade chocolates and pastries and a night of romantic love making.
Admittedly, Wulf feels guilt for leaving home and being so willing to go off to Midgard. Someone should have stayed behind to make sure things were fine, right? He also feels a lot of guilt for leaving Rhys at first, even if it was out of his control. Wulf tends to keep his guilt to himself as he doesn't want to burden his partner with it, which is very hypocritical when you consider how he wants his partners to always be open and to feel safe with him. Wulf is someone who probably needs it verbally beaten into his head that he should be honest if he's feeling guilty for leaving Rhys and just yanking him into a new world so suddenly.
So bad at them. Doesn't get told a out surprise parties and even Wulf agrees that's the right idea. Rhys probably learns to feign surprise at his birthday or any secret romantic gesture at this point from where Wulf either accidentally blurts out a detail of his plans or Rhys even finds what he has hidden. He shares most secrets that could hide something bad though so hardly any secret Wulf does have often means good things. I kinda like the idea that Wulf is someone who accidentally walks in on secrets or guesses surprises that are for him ridiculously well.
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