#if we get definitive proof that H actually killed them then I'll bake a cake in the shape of a hat and eat it
naradreamscape ยท 19 days
The colony is trying to claim the latest 6 dead hostages were actually killed by Hamas. I hate to be one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" guys, but I really hope nobody seriously believes anything the colony's state government says anymore
We already have tons of testimonials from ex-hostages and IOF officers alike saying that the IOF will stupidly pump artillery into any situation and wantonly kill anything that moves. We saw the IOF kill those guys with a white flag. We also have the mother of a soldier who knew the IOF killed her son's platoon with toxic gas pumped into a tunnel they were investigating for Hamas members, before later claiming Hamas actually did it. I can't seem to find any word on how these latest 6 died, but I assume we're one day going to get an autopsy claiming Hamas killed them by shooting Raytheon-produced tank projectiles through the exterior wall of the building
The settlers seem to be going "WAH WAH WHY HAVEN'T WE ERADICATED PALESTINE YET" throughout all this while they continue to steal houses in the West Bank (which is internationally recognized as sovereign Palestinian land!), let polio spread in Gaza because they keep blocking the aid gates with bouncy castles and cookouts, and play on the beach in Tel Aviv and eat fresh Burger King. I don't know why it's taking them so long to realize they live in a fascist Americanized colony masquerading as my peoples' last bastion of safety anywhere in the world ("NO WE HAVE TO LIVE HERE!! NOWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD!! RIGHT IN THIS CENTURIES-OLD HOUSE WE TOOK AT GUNPOINT! OH MY GOD WHY DO THE LOCALS HATE US SO"), but I've never seen an Israeli settler brighter than a 1.5 watt bulb, so it's probably going to take a very long time to catch up
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