#if u don't like it i'm chill w/ redoing it! i'm just not super familiar with ur character yet sorry aaahhh
redreaps-blog · 5 years
non-verbal★ accepting ★ @devourtm
Put pressure on my muse’s wound.
Most people would go out of there way specifically not to touch somebody’s wounds. And most people would especially go out of their way not to touch them if they’d been inflicted by said person.     Then again, most people weren’t demons.     She really did just have the worst luck sometimes.     Grell didn’t mind a fight. It didn’t matter if it got rough; nine times out of ten she would come out the victor. But demons were unpredictable creatures, each one filled with abilities that varied from the last. Just when she thought she knew how they would act, they would bring out new tricks.     This one wasn’t a fight she could win, and fleeing had been her only option.     She’d thought she was safe upon rooftops, which had been a struggle for even her to reach.     She slowed down, caught her breath. And when she looked behind her...     A foot flew into her back, sending her to the ground. It pressed down into a deep wound.     ‘What the hell was that for?’ she growled. She huffed, regaining her demeanour, before continuing, ‘You just can’t give me up, can you?’
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