#if this stumbles in the tag at a random time and you want to read it I put it in the roscest tag on my blog
glitterynebulas · 9 months
Holy shit I rambled about Joshua and Clive so hard I hit the tag limit djdj
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he-calls-me-kitten · 3 months
Sugar, Spice and a Tempting Vice (1)
VA! MC x OM! Characters
TW: Eh it's more fluffy than smutty I'd say, but minors DNI. Loads of random lore for the sake of immersion. Now to brainstorm the rest of the characters.
Tagging: @romaissa @eliciana @your-favorite-god @april-notthemonth69 @ikevampharem @k8tznd8wgz @futureittomain @m-majoko @the-auguer @yurinayumi @i-am-empress-irish @deepazur @rippedbutnotamasterpiece @pomegranateboba @ra1ns70rm @anjodedesgostoeerros @sammywo @annoyingbiscuitathleteland-blog @ourfinalisation @creativecupcake @snowthatareblack @angelofbooksworld
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"After a freak accident, you and a group of 5 people get teleported into a fantastical world together. Who will you team up with to try and leave this place? Or will they convince you to stay and have a new life with them here instead? Or will you stumble across the biggest secret that this new world holds...?"
You read out the summary for them at a group dinner at Diavolo's castle. Apparently, it was to celebrate your debut as a VA. They all clapped and bombarded you with questions. You tried to answer as many as you could without any spoilers.
They were supposed to have already started playing the game but the game servers got a little overwhelmed and had to go under maintenance with so many people downloading and making accounts at the same time. So Diavolo hosted this party instead.
"So how many endings can you get with a single character?" Simeon inquired.
"Well on an average there's around 12 endings per character, but there's a varying number of endings depending on the character you choose. I'm not sure I remember for all of them-"
"We just want to know yours." Belphie smirked.
"Oi come on, it makes it sound like you're all just going to play my character, don't do that! The other characters are also incredibly well written!"
The sheepish grins and side glances told you that they were clearly going ignore your last advice.
"Honestly you guys, one of the characters here has a teleportation ability, one can read minds, and another one has insane fighting skills - the only thing you know about my character is that I don't have a name!"
"Omg this means they are definitely building you upto to have the most OP ability of them all!" Levi exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh yes that's usually how it goes in these tropes. The most unassuming character ends up giving you the secret ending." Solomon nodded in agreement.
"Both of you, shush! Just play the game normally okay?! You will get to interact with all the characters anyway until the second phase." You reprimanded, sighing, knowing no one would listen anyway.
Lucifer - Saved by the Belle
"Before Tyla takes us home tomorrow, would you like to spend your last day here with me, Lucifer?"
Lucifer and you worked with loyalty and rigor under Tyla, an old world Sorceror. It was because of you two specifically that Tyla's magic was powerful enough to create a portal back home. Your character was so much like you - it felt like he completed this whole journey of freedom with you, and not just an image on screen.
> "Of course, MC. In fact...I would like to spend the night with you too."
MC blushed on screen, looking away and nodding. "Oh? Well then... I'll look forward to it."
He enjoys this way more than he thought he would. He visits for the last time, all the places you both had been together. The first tavern, the first forest path, the first temporary abode - the HumbleBee Inn.
> "It's late. Should we go back here again, for old times sake?"
"Why not? Maybe they'll accidentally put us in the same room again and get overbooked so we have no other choice. Maybe this time it'll be a bit more...eventful." You said with a sly and knowing smile as you skipped ahead.
Lucifer's knee jerked upwards, hitting the table. Just what kind of lines are these? And what are those expressions? Who else was in there listening to you when you recorded this? The way your voice sounded, Lucifer was convinced you were thinking about someone special. If only you saw the effect you were having on him.
> "I've been holding back all day. Forgive me if I'm too rough."
Lucifer pushes you against the wall, caging your body. You blush in the dark, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. It was driving him insane. He could feel his pants getting tighter at the crotch.
Last time he endured the sexual tension of sharing the bed with you, constantly trying avoid your body even though he was desperate to feel it's warmth. This time there wasn't any reason to deprive himself.
"It's okay...I can take it. Please don't hold back..."
Oh hell, you were about to be the death of him. These...are these really the sounds you'd make in bed? Godamnit you are ruining his mind. He can't relax until he's jerked off now. And it's all your fault.
The next couple days, you notice Lucifer hesitates to keep eye contact with you. In fact, he has a rather visceral reaction every time you simply call his name, standing at his door. Only he knows how badly he wants to pull you into his bed to ravage you - practice your lines with him, why don't you?
Mammon - Stranded Together
"Guess they didn't want either of us huh, Mammon?"
Nah Mammon was mad at this ending. He gets why the group left him behind - he made too many questionable choices like stealing the last reserves of food or money (so you never went hungry), running away from the monsters instead of staying and fighting with the group(with you ofc so you wouldn't be in any danger), finding new shelter and not telling anyone (except you).
> "I'm so sorry...it's because of me that they left you too. You did nothing wrong yet...no this will not stand! I'll go threaten them into taking you too!"
"Mammon wait- no don't! Alright fine I was lying! They didn't leave me...I chose not to go!"
Mammon was stunned. He stared at your character blushing and looking elsewhere while holding onto his arm. His heart beat just a little bit faster.
> "Wait...what? But you wanted to...don't you want to go back and keep looking for your family?!"
"Who knows if the family I was looking for even exists?! But you...you are real. And you are so kind to me, and so great. So..."
Your character moved in closer and closer to him. Mammon leaned back too far from the screen, falling backwards on the floor. He was not ready for what was about to come.
"If I really want a family that bad...I can just make one here...with you. But only if you wanted that too ..."
> "I do! Of course I do! We can both find work and home in the kingdom now that big monsters are all dead! I'll be yours and you'll be mine!"
Mammon pressed it on instinct, not knowing his character was gonna grab yours and pin them to the ground. His face burnt up in excitement seeing you all cornered like this. You blushed and whispered as you leaned in to kiss him.
"Hehe...Mammon...I'm all yours already. But there's others ways you can claim me if you like..."
Your sleeves fell loose, and off your shoulders and his hands began to wander. Mammon almost screamed the house down, grabbing at his sheets, humping his pillows, struggling to look away from the screen. But he couldn't stop.
How the fuck was he supposed to face you tomorrow at the breakfast table?! Yet, Mammon re-played that part at least 30 times. And now every time you whispered to him in class, Mammon had to grip his knees and stop himself from imagining the unholiest things.
Leviathan - Power of Friend-ship??
"We did it! We actually did it, Levi! Can you believe it?! Look even the people are cheering for us!"
Levi punched the air in glee, he definitely must have gotten the best ending right?! That was such an intense combat scene - he almost cried when he thought you got swallowed by the Giant of The Depths, then he watched you burst out of its stomach with all the other victims while he slashed through its neck. You and him - the two underdogs dealt the final blow. At this point, every other character was shipping you two together.
> "Let's go Army of the Third Lord!"
MC cheered and high fived him from the screen, while the rest of the group danced in celebration! Ah MC had already become one of his favourite characters of all time. He had already preordered the action figures, posters and a body pillow (yes the ecchi one).
"Come on Levi, won't you join the celebration feast!? Everyone is calling for you!"
Oh no this was Levi's nightmare. Loud and crowded parties - but it was you asking him to go, what if he missed out on an important secret ending. Just to be safe he chose a neutral option to see what you would prefer.
> ... I'm not too sure.
"Then...would you like to celebrate in private with me? I know a quiet place with a good view."
Levi almost fell out of his seat. It's happening. This is where he unlocks the hidden erotic ending. The blush on your face, the way you held out your hand for him to take - biting down on his knuckles in excitement.
> I'd really prefer that! Thank you!
You smile and nod, leading him by the hand to a nearby pond. The moonlight shimmered on the water, the reflections dancing on your skin as you both lay down next to each other. Levi could feel himself falling for you all over again.
"Look Levi, in the pond! The Gloriees are back! Aren't they beautiful?"
Levi looked at the pond in awe, glowing orange fishes swam around in the waters, jumping in and out. He watched the fishes swim around the hand you put in the water. It was like you and hundred Henries in the water.
> "So beautiful..."
"They are my absolute favorite....they have the same color as your eyes..."
Your hands reach up to touch his face, pulling him closer and Levi feels all his self restraint jump out the window. He tried to grab and kiss you but ended falling in the water with you instead.
"Oh? I didn't know I excite you so much... don't worry, it makes me really happy..."
You rose from the water, laughing and coughing slightly, your entire body now laid bare through the transparent white cloth. And if that wasn't already bad enough, he heard your moans as his character started going at it with you in the lake. You were so professional, so skilled at it...he thought he was prepared for it but he clearly wasn't.
Levi couldn't resist jerking himself off there and then, soiling his computer screen with light ropes of his cum. Now every time you announced you were going to shower, this image just popped into his mind, giving him instant boners at the most unfortunate times. And god forbid he sees you walk out of the shower with your hair wet - he'll have to rush to his room to hide that he's creamed his pants.
Satan - Bridge to Televithyia
"Satan, I will be waiting for you always. I know if fate wills it, I'll definitely get to see you again."
Satan cursed himself for this ending, almost chucking his phone at the wall. His magical powers no longer worked since the portal now connected him to his own world. And while you could use all your magic here, it would lose all power in his world. With both worlds needing help after a long and destructive battle, you both knew it was selfish to abandon your either of them - especially since you two were the only Great Guardians left.
> "I will find a permanent path between our worlds. I swear upon my life, MC."
Damnit this game had better not cut his story short. He was willing to keep going, trying to fix the playthrough so he could make a good ending out of this. Just you wait MC, he's not letting you go. A part of him wanted to go into your room and hug you, just to make sure you're there atleast in real life.
Satan rubbed furiously at his eyes as you waved him goodbye. His total playtime could rival Levi's. After gathering enough resources and magical knowledge - he could finally get started on creating the bridge. But to his pleasant surprise, he only needed to build half of the bridge, because there you were standing on the other - building your own path towards him too.
"Satan...is this a dream? Are you really back? Or is this another magical illusion again...?"
Satan blushed as you rushed to hug him peppering kisses all over his face. He had to physically get away from the game, walk around, and silently scream into his hands before he could calm himself down. Because he knew even better things were yet to come.
> "It's really me, MC. I'm sorry did I make you wait too long? I missed you so terribly...I have so many things to tell you about..."
"Come with me, we've been rebuilding our town. I know a place we can catch up...it's a special place I helped build with you in mind."
Satan follows you, your arms intertwined. You point out places to him - old renovations and newer projects. You tell him about everything that's been happening since he left.
How some endangered species came back to life, how the remaining smaller beasts were tamed and how the cursed were given peace. You stopped suddenly in front of a quaint little cottage.
"Welcome to my humble abode. I'm sorry I didn't prepare a separate room for you...because I thought you wouldn't mind sharing a bed with me..."
He blushes and grips your hand as you open the door to your room. He sees pictures of both of you on the wall and next to the bed.
> "You already built a home...with me in mind. *Smiles* Yet...the bed looks in it hasn't been slept in for a while? Did you get no sleep for the past few days?"
"Actually I haven't slept in the bed yet. I sleep on the sofa - I know it's silly but I really don't like sleeping alone in a place of two..."
Satan grips the phone tighter, as he makes his character push you on the bed. How sweet - you both get to enjoy it together for the first time. He climbs after you, trapping you underneath him.
> "Good thing I'm here now, MC."
He cups your face and trails his hands downwards, undoing some buttons on your clothes. You kiss his palms and tug down his collar.
"It's a pity though...I don't think we'll be using the bed for sleeping tonight afterall..."
He watched the screen, slack-jawed as I heard your sultry voice echoing through his room. He fell back on his pillow, hurriedly attaching his earphones. It proved to be more lethal. He could almost imagine you in his bed right now, kissing your way down his chest, while he fondles your bottom.
When you approached him later asking if he liked your work in the game, he had to cover half his face to hide the redness. He couldn't possibly tell you that he had downloaded snippets of all your moans and saved them to a secret folder. Or that he listened to them quite frequently.
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cupids-chamber · 10 months
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— " 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 " | Listen to this on loop for full experience.... ★. Content tags/warnings , 1.1k+ words, gender neutral reader, technically everyone x reader (including staff/not so much RSA), can be seen as both platonic and romantic, angst, mentions of food/eating less (reader no longer has an appetite), reader is tired, reader is having a really bad day, reminder: I haven't written in awhile.
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Today was a difficult day, many days have challenged you in so many different ways, yet a keen feeling of gloominess had washed over you this particular morning. Your alarm rang blankly into the silent room, you let out a groan of displeasure as you sat up on your bed, staring blankly at the wall feeling a churn in your gut. The curtains were closed, a small ray of light shone through the empty space between your window and the fabric of the curtain; you took a moment to sit and stretch. 
Mentally you cursed yourself, reaching a hand to shut off your phone alarm. Perhaps it was a bad idea staying up late after all, yet how could you resist the urge to finish that new Twisted Wonderland fanfic you found on AO3 recently; The reader resonated deeply with you, and the author's writing was just what you needed. Your eyes stung, you felt like banging your head into your headboard just to stop it from ringing and aching, not to mention you could practically feel the weight of your eyebags.—had you known your body would behave in such a way, you'd have slept at least a bit earlier—Well that's what you're saying now at least, you knew you'd probably repeat the same mistake tonight if another storyline enraptured you just as much as the previous did. 
You began standing up, your whole body woozy from the lack of sleep, you found yourself stumbling over something you left on the floor. You recall how tired you were, too done with the day to be bothered to pick it back up. You walked right past it, 'today was going to end badly' you thought to yourself, since your morning had been a dead giveaway. 
You pocketed some random snack, as breakfast; Running a bit later as per usual. You'd lie to yourself, saying that you'd get up a bit earlier tomorrow but you knew for a fact that unless a miracle happened, you wouldn't. 
The rest of the day was but the same routine, you felt tired all throughout your morning classes, on edge. You would've fallen asleep but you tried to keep your eyes open, as your professor was going over some important project intel that you really didn't want to miss—though you were only half understanding what they were saying—their words felt like gibberish for your only half-functioning brain.
Lunch felt like a chore, despite it usually feeling like a break. You felt like something bad was definitely going to happen, which made you feel anxious; The churn in your gut made it difficult to eat, chew, or drink. Your lunches weren't all that gigantic, as you disliked the feeling of being bloated, yet you barely could find it in yourself to eat. You took a deep breath, you logged into tumblr, perhaps one of your favorite fanfic writers uploaded something new? Anything to distract this heavy mind of yours. 
You checked @kalims page first, they hadn't uploaded in a while—It's been a couple days since they've posted; you figured they'd be busy with school… You pondered on the following page for a while, checking @spadecentral‘s blog, they were far more active then most other blogs you’ve been following and their soft and sweet writings was perhaps just what you needed in this tim—They haven’t uploaded in a while as well? You looked at your screen, maybe everyone was just busy with their finals and/or finishing up midterms at this time. 
You hummed, scrolling frantically through your follows, you sighed softly, maybe today wasn't the day to read fluff, you started checking yandere blogs; ‘nothing like obsessive men to calm you down’ you thought as you clicked on @writingforatwistedworld‘s blog, you scrolled down.. 
‘Weird, nothing new..’, it was as if the whole world had conspired against you today, you took a sigh, perhaps @honey-milk-depresso had uploaded something new on her art blog, after all their wholesome tsundere ship art was just the perfect source of serotonin—And if you were just a bit lucky, perhaps she’s uploaded writing onto her main blog an—Oh.. She hasn’t uploaded either?..  
Your brows furrowed letting out a tired sigh, maybe you should just listen to some music. ‘How bad could this day possibly go?’—you consoled yourself with those words, as you tried finishing up at least a small portion of your meal. 
You forced yourself to clean up and change, crashing onto your bed afterwards. It always felt softer on these sorts of days. Like a welcoming warm embrace, that you didn't want to leave. You took a few moments to vent your stress onto one of your poor pillows, before getting nice and cozy with your warm blankets. 
You laid down on your bed, burying yourself in the blankets, as you grabbed your device from near you, turning the brightness to the lowest possible setting, perhaps you should finish your general tasks on Twst before you take a nap.. 
10 minutes passed and you let out a groan, where did the app go? You never heard of an app disappearing randomly; perhaps you miss-clicked and hid it by accident? A few minutes passed, and you still couldn't find the Twisted Wonderland app, you desperately opened up your computer.. Typing in panic, and yet the official website was gone as well—perhaps it’s just going through some weird update?—Maybe this was only happening to certain servers. You logged into tumblr once again, checking your mutuals profiles and.. some of them were gone? Most of the blogs had nothing from Twisted Wonderland left, the tumblr tags for Twst were completely empty. 
Two hours had only passed and your panic grew, it was odd. You scrolled through your mutual’s blogs for minutes on end hoping to find one post about the game which put a smile on your face on the daily... Yet none... You went on AO3 and even checked other websites which you'd only go to out of sheer desperation for content... Yet nothing...  
You took deep breaths, your breathing pacing as you scrolled till your fingers began to sting from pressure and stress.. Your back arched, as you stared at the screen with an intense expression, desperately tapping away…  finally you entered the app store hoping this was a weird dream or update, like those movies and manga’s and yet.. the app was gone. No mention of it.
You couldn’t even trace a single picture of the game down, not even on Pinterest where everything deleted was still sometimes somehow available. 
'Were you crying? You couldn't quite tell, you felt tired, perhaps this fictional world was just something you created as an escape, yet you didn't think you'd get this attached to some characters on a screen, and now that's it's all gone you feel... kind of.. empty.' 
‘Maybe it was all just a fragment of your imagination…’
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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cloudluvrrr · 3 months
boothill childhood sweetheart headcannons.
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a/n: A PROMISE IS A PROMISE 🤞🤞🤞 and I delivered 😍💪 srry ab being mia been busy playing splatoon. My bootyhill is almost MAXXED out yall 😛😛.Boothill gives me Adrianne Lenker vibes yk I can’t be the only one help anyways enjoy this 😛 long asf and I don’t believe in proof reading.
— Precyborg: Boothill x g/n reader
tw warning : fluff and sad ending bc we can’t have a happy one according to hoyoverse !! 💕
ingyadar - Adrianne Lenker
my kind of women - Mac de Marco
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - ARTMS
-I feel like you and Boothill would be childhood lovers yk? Like you two were close friends and ended up catching feelings (I would too) always hanging around each other and getting into trouble l together.
-because to me he grew up in a small town with a big family (I think of like those towns in cowboy movies 😭)
-especially in highschool, but not for long. I’d think Boothill dropped out during freshman year(?) to help with his dads but you continued your studies.
-when confronted about it he scoffed and said ‘don’t need no fancy algebra or biology.’ He’d say.
-he’d see you at school (during lunch) and you two would usually hang out after school. Or during festivals or parties.
You two would always sneak away to the lake when it would get boring, giggling and laughing along the way. This time it was during a town festival, everyone in town went so of course no one would notice if two highschools went missing.
So off you two went giggling as you stumbled behind him holding his hand (in a platonic way ofc). “Boothill wait up!” You’d giggle as you slid down the hill. “Hurry or the sheriff will get us!” He’d shout as he helped you up, and the two of you began to splash water on each other. Up until night and his dads caught him with you again
-things like that would often happen, anytime one was missing they’d always assume the other would tag along
-your families of course always shipped you two. And knew eventually you’d date (spoilers you do)
- he’d confess to you on a random summer afternoon. While you two sat on his bed in his room
— you two sat on his bed looking around nervously and awkwardly. It was never like this, Boothill would usually say something but he didn’t, he’s open his mouth but nothing came out. His mouth felt dry, unable to confess. But he mustered up the courage.
‘hey.. I, uh” he began before sighing “I really.. really REALLY like you” he finished with a red face as he looked you in the eyes. As you’d giggle nervously and soon turned into a good laugh. “I really like you too Boothill” you said softly kissing his cheek. As he nearly fainted and tackled you into a hug. ‘Finally’ he’d think to himself
- now that you two are dating nothing much has changed. Other than kisses and leaving the door open when you two hang out (his dads are concerned about him doing funny stuff to you)
-not a day went by that you wouldn’t be with him, at his house or yours.
-he liked pet names mostly using ‘baby’ or your name.
-he knew how to play guitar they taught him in school, but he learned it on his own and would often serenade to you.
-he’d love cuddling though, in his bed specifically. Yours is too crowed for his liking. (He has one pillow). And play a few records he managed to snag that were imported from a different planet
- the sun painted the sky a pink and orange hue, as your laid in boothills arms dozing off to the soft music in the background. As he whispered sweet nothings to you and some jokes that kept you up giggling. “Your cute you know” he chuckled kissing you temple as she squeezed you
-an example of how you’d spend your days, other than teasing and bullying each other 😜
-he was dirt poor. So often he’d ask you for money, which would end up in you hitting his head. But giving in as long as he got you something (most of the time it was burgers 😔)
— up until your graduated, he’d always say how he wanted to leave his dads and live alone with you. So secretly (somehow I don’t know) he’d built a small house with his buddies. ( I feel like you’d move until you were like 20 ig)
-so you’d pack up everything and moved in to the small Cabin. It was small a two small rooms and bathrooms with a big enough kitchen. Also including a farm (of fucking course). Housing his horse, two cows, and a chick coop. A barn dog and cat :3
-you lived comfortably and happily, you’d stay at home and he’s venture off to help others or sell your farm goods.
-he couldn’t propose, he barely had any savings left after buying your couch. So it often got postponed, you didn’t mind (your parents did)
-it was a winter night. Boothill was god knows where and you worked in the kitchen making a simple stew. As your pregnant house cat meowed for a piece of beef, you were scolding the cat as Boothill entered the home with a small bundle of blankets in his arms as he closed the door. “Your home.. what’s that?” You’d asked before he walked over showing you the small girl.
“WHOS KID DID YOU KIDNAP” you shouted, startling the little who began to fuss “you idiot I found her..!” He hissed “we don’t have anything for a baby boothill, you know that” you said sighing “I know.. but I couldn’t leave her out there! That’s how my dads found me ya know, aren’t you glad they didn’t leave me to die?” He asked huffing “..sometimes” you shrugged.
— there began your journey as parents, you’d sew dresses and onesies for her. As well as ask both of your parents for old baby things, Boothill had a rough time setting up basically everything
‘You can build a house but not a crib’
‘Shut up nerd’
You stood outside putting the laundry out to dry on the clothesline. And watched from the corner of your eye the little one and Boothill. As he sat in the shade holding her small guitar he’d made for her, as she sat in the middle and giggled at the kittens playing around her. She’d grown, about 8 months and beginning to walk.
“Da” she said pointing to a certain kitten “yup that’s a kitty” he chuckled watching her gently touch the fluffy ball of fur and giggled. Eventually waddling up to him and falling into his lap as she snuggled him and fell asleep. The sight tugging at your heart strings.
-most of your days were spent like that, her playing with the cats. Her waddling around the home or her touching her guitar Boothill made her.
- up until that fateful day, he’d planned to propose to you before he overheard the damn ipc officers joking about burning the town. He didn’t believe it until he saw it. Everything covered in flames, making sure to leave no survivors. And all he could do was watch as the tears fell from his eyes.
- after
he’d often lay in a run down hotel room, in his own head. Admiring the cheap ring he’d finally gotten you, and one you’d never get to wear. Fiddling with it with his metal fingers as he returned it to the small box.
‘I miss you baby’
_ 😜😜
STREAM ARTMS 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
THIA IS CHAOTIC BUT these r my thoughts
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I’m not ready for Ruan mei & Argenti rerun 😔💔
my requests open 🤞 look at my pinned post for rules and who I write for 😈😈
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
rewrite the stars
Characters: Leona, Azul, Jade, Idia
Synopsis: if the stars say we're not meant to be, then why don't we just rewrite the stars?
Tags: horoscopes, reader is insecure, crack(?), fluff, comfort, not proofread
Word count: 1.4k+
Notes: rewrite the stars got stuck in my head then this idea popped up hehe
Disclaimer: i don't really know a lot about astrology, so most of the things i say are from google searches. in general, take astrology with a grain of salt yeah.
but also my sign and jade's sign are compatible hehehe
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it's not easy being confident in love, and sometimes when you get so lost in your fears, you let anyone and anything tell you what you fear to admit, without a care for how truthful those words may be.
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truthfully, if you were dead serious and broke up with him, he'd just grumble out a "whatever" and put up the façade that he doesn't care
but he'd actually be so mad at himself for pushing you away and how nothing in his life could ever go smoothly
but your eyes are swollen and tears are threatening to spill as you whisper those words
he silently approaches you, and instinctively reaches to brush your tears away, but his warm, calloused hand only makes you cry harder at how much you love the man before your eyes
he pulls you into his arms and holds you close as you sob into his chest
he doesn't say anything and waits for you to elaborate, there's a part of him that's afraid if he asked you why you wanted to break up with him, he couldn't bear how his own self-hatred
once you've calmed down, you start explaining how you two are incompatible in astrology, that he's a leo so it's easy for miscommunication to happen and other issues that have plagued you since you read about them
he's heard all this make believe astrology personality stuff before, but never before has he been glad of how ridiculous the idea is
you hear leona let out a big sigh, and the tension in his shoulders immediately lessens
pulls away from you to stare deep into your eyes, his face completely serious and solemn
"Herbivore, are you happy with me?" he asks. At you confused face, he repeats the question, his expression unchanging. When you nod firmly, he smiles slightly and asks again. "Then what else matters? As if I would let the souls of the past kings or some random star talk decide who I'm gonna love," he scowls at the idea. He leans forward and rests his forehead against yours. "You're stuck with me now, I'm not lettin' ya go that easily," he whispers.
He pulls you with him as he falls back onto the mattress, cradling you in his arms. "Sleep. You're not a baby anymore so don't go crying yourself to sleep," he teases, but he gently kisses the remainder of your tears away.
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azul.exe has stopped functioning
blubbering like a fish out of water (wait...) he's lost and hurt and confused and panicking all at the same time
"w-w-what have i done to upset you angelfish????"
the tweels walk into azuls office just to see the two of you crying and confused, azul trying to ask you why and he's sad and crying, you're stumbling over your words and sniffing and crying
ok after a glass of warm water (thank you jade) the two of you calm down to actually have a proper conversation, though azul is still very obviously tense
you explain that he's a Pisces and that means you two not compatible with how sensitive he is and he's a water sign and so on
azul is very confused about how stars can determine people's personalities, but he does fit the description of a Pisces, and if his beloved Angelfish is stressed over astrology, then it must be a reliable tell (azul no)
he asks for you to give him some time, to actually understand your reasonings and of course, to give him a chance and prove to you how willing he is to work out a relationship with you
the next day, azul visits you with very deep dark eye circles, but the glint in his eyes shows full determination and confidence
azul businessman mode on!
sits you down and pulls up a slideshow
azul ashengrotto is now an astrology expert!
he's determined to show you that you two have maximum compatibility and whatever issues you have? he'll always work them out with you
"Darling, you mentioned our Sun signs yesterday, but I think it's crucial to also discuss our rising, moon, and star signs." He declares as he points to a star chart. "Now, following the calculations of our birth dates and locations..."
An hour later, you sit completely convinced that astrology all but supports your relationship with Azul, and you can't help smile and jump into his arms. Azul, sleep deprived and running on anxiety, somehow manages to not fall over, but soon leans his weight on you. "See? We're perfectly compatible with each other," he murmurs against your ear. His arms wrap around you, squeezing you gently, "so please don't leave me, I wouldn't know what to do without you..."
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eyes wide slowly blinking like "... I beg your pardon?"
honestly jade doesn't look that surprised/hurt
but really he's suppressing the turmoil of emotions inside him
ever the logical thinker, he'd ask a calm "May I ask why, my dear?"
and you surprise him again with flowing tears and a trembling voice
though he's listening very patiently as he's diligently wiping away your tears with his handkerchief, soft careful movements to avoid causing discomfort
asks questions when he doesn't understand what in astrology is going on, genuinely making an effort to understand this field of academics
in a sense, he's distracting you from being upset with academic discussion
okay, he's a Scorpio, which makes him good at manipulating people??? and he's very bold??
now while he finds all this very interesting and slightly accurate, it still feels pretty whimsical that the time you're born in determines your personality
particularly as he's so different to Floyd! and they were born at the same time!
whichever the case, the more pressing issue is his dearest lover sniffing and whining that you could never be happy together with how incompatible you are
he pulls you into his chest for a bit, rubbing soothing circles into your back and leaving gentle kisses you until your sniffing quiets down
"Dearest, won't you look at me?" he murmurs against your ear. You look up to see the most tender expression you had ever seen on him, his mismatched eyes filled with warmth and affection.
"While it is indeed extremely unfortunate that our star signs are incompatible, I don't believe there's a single person out there who could love me better than you do," he says as he kisses your hand. "I promise that your happiness will always be my utmost priority, so won't you continue to love this silly eel?"
"Now, while I will always find you enchantingly beautiful, I do believe a smile shines the brightest on my lovely pearl," he smiles while brushing the remaining wetness away from your eyes.
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simply put, idia panics immediately
every day he thinks the fates have been far too kind to him for you to even reciprocate his feelings
he's always mentally preparing himself if you want to break up or you need to leave him
so he puts up a brave face when you say you can't be together
but wait... you actually look really upset and on the verge of tears???
"Hold up, why are you the one crying?"
please don't tell him those are tears of joy i think he'd die on the spot
through sobs and sniffs, you tell him that you were curious about your compatibility based on astrology
and okay...? he's a fire sign??? explains the hair
okay so you're telling him, you're breaking up with him solely because you think this thing might be right and not because you hate him, right?
brb gotta blow up some stars
starts mumbling about some plans to build space missiles and blow up some stars that make up his sign or something
he can't be an asparagus(??? idia no it's sagittarius doesn't matter) if the constellation no longer exists, right?
you stop him (thank god) by cupping both of his cheeks to make him stare straight at you
he's flushing up instantly and every fiber of his being yearned to turn away but your teary gaze makes him stop squirming
"You know," he begins, his voice earnest and steady, "everyday, I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. If you're unworthy of me, then I'm unworthy of you."
He lets out a chuckle, that rumble echoing right into your ear. "I suppose I can put those star destroyer blueprints on hold, at least for the time being. But if the stars ever mess with us again, it's game over for them."
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Random Hazel Callahan headcanons that have been rotting my brain for the past couple of days:
Pairing: Hazel Callahan x female! reader
Summary: Not needed
Genre(s): a little angsty at first, after that's it's just pure fluff
Warnings: mentions of trauma and maladaptive daydreaming
A/N: I'M GONNA WRITE MORE FOR HER BECAUSE I NEED IT SO STAY TUNED, also I listened to False God by Taylor Swift the entire time I wrote this.
Taglist: @aemonds-holy-milk , join tag list here
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• She has horrible listening skills, usually her house has been a pretty noisy and chaotic place, even before her parents divorced, so she's learned to mute the outside world.
• It tends to annoy pretty much everyone else outside the fight club, the only exception being PJ, she perhaps got annoyed more than anyone.
• When you first noticed you had to repeat yourself at least five times whenever she was around, you tried to come up with different ways for her to keep up, like texting her as you spoke so she could read it as much as she needed to.
• Later on you found out it wasn't just about losing track of a conversation, as you asked to borrow one of her headphones one time, you were shocked her ears weren't bleeding right then and there.
"Fucking hell, Hazel! Are you trying to break your ears or something?" your ears hurt for a second.
"It's not loud at all" She placed them on her neck.
"Baby, I can hear the music coming out of those things like a concert speaker,"
• You decided to invite her over to your house as often as possible, demanding a no-headphones rule.
"Why not?!" she complained.
"Because you're gonna be completely deaf at the age of 40!"
"And you'll be there to teach me sign language, right?" she hugged your waist.
"You're saying you prefer not hearing my voice for the rest of our lives?" you lifted a brow.
• The realazation dawned on her.
• To this day she hasn't worn headphones a single day in her life.
• Maladaptive daydreaming is also something she struggles with, not as much now as she used to in middle school and the first two years of high school, but it still happens sometimes.
• You found out when you decided to surprise her by coming to her house one day
• Mrs. Callahan said she couldn't get in contact with Hazel, for whatever reason.
• Most likely her phone turned off since it was out of battery.
• So she texted you she was gonna be missing all night, permitted you to stay the night, and told you to take care of Hazel.
• You found her in the kitchen yelling, it sounded as if she was yelling at someone.
"Are you ever gonna choose me over a booty call?! How is it that Jeff's dick is more important than me?! Your daughter! You fucking pushed me out and you still can't even ask me how my grades are doing and shit!"
• Your first thought was —Her mom's plans must've been canceled—
• As you approached the room as quietly as possible, you looked through the rim of the entrance, there was no one.
"Hazel," you spoke quietly through her screams.
A shiver went down her spine, he face turned white, she blinked a couple of times before turnind her head, "How much of that did you hear?" she avoided your eyes.
"I've never heard you like that," was all you could mutter as you approached her slowly and then embraced her in a hug, "I know you're not insane by the way," you whispered in her hair.
She began to cry.
• She didn't want to talk about it for the next few days
• When she did, she stumbled upon her words, talked too fast, and teared up every once in a sentence.
"Call me first," you cupped her face, "I'll never judge you for whatever you have to say,"
• She wanted to kiss you right then and there, but just rested her forehead on yours, an act of ultimate intimacy.
• I could get into the divorced parents' trauma for hours because same
• But for now I'll move on to the happy part
• Physical touch is the absolute most pure form of love she can give
• If she's not hugging your waist at all times, she's holding your hand, resting her head on your chest, shoulders, legs, etc. pretty much everywhere she can
• If you have long or medium hair she'll attempt to braid your hair, keyword attempt
• If you have short hair she'll buy little elastic ponytails to tie them around your head everywhere she can
• Her reasoning behind this is that her favorite plants are cactuses
• That's it, that's all the reasons she needs
• If you happen to be bald she'll rub your head while singing the chorus to Diamonds by Rihanna
• She plays ukelele
• She knows how to make a few origami figures and if she tries a new one, as crumbled and sweaty as it is she gives it to you
• You have a whole shelf in your room dedicated to every piece of folded paper she's ever done for you
• If you're more of a fem! girl, she'll try something of yours whenever she comes over and stare at her reflection for hours
"Good thing, god didn't make me straight, she knew I would be a menace,"
• You can only roll your eyes and laugh at her twirling and pretending to dance ballet in your dresses and skirts
• If she happens to go shopping without you, she'll try something you'll like and send you the photo after
"If it looks this good on me, imagine how AMAZING it'll look on you,"
• She once asked you to put makeup on her, she'll say she was just curious how she'd look
• She wasn't lying, but she also didn't mention she just wanted to recreate this picture:
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• If you happen to be more of a masc! girl, you'll trade clothes as often as you can think
• More than once you have arrived at school with something she likes and just drags you to the bathroom to for you to make the exchange
• It's not her clothes and your clothes anymore, everything you own is hers and vice versa
• More often than not you're no longer sure what used to be only yours
• This goes for accessories and shoes as well, even if they don't fit her, she'll fill them up with toilet paper until they fit just fine
• You'll match AT LEAST once a week, as per her request of course
• She tries all kinds of chips (or crisps for my British luvs) she has tried every flavor and seasoning, but her favorites and the flaming hot ones, even if she ends up chugging your waterbottle after finishing the bag
• Although her parents are rich and taught her from a young age to be a precise wine taster, she's a tequila and vodka girl
• She hates gloomy and rainy days because they bring down her mood, but spending the day binge-watching cheesy movies and stuffing her stomach with all the snacks o her house makes it up
• She's ABSOLUTE SHIT at Karaoke, but my god does she have the spirit
• Her go-to song is Lies by Fleetwood Mac, but if she's drunk enough to gain confidence she'll request Easy On Me by Adele
•  If she insists for long enough and you decide to sing with her, she 100% will try to recreate the following musical numbers:
• Lay all you love on me -Mamma Mia
• Every duet there is in Teen Beach Movie, her favorite childhood movie
• The cellblock tango -Chicago and Ex-Wives -from Six, if the rest of the fight club joins as well
• Popular from Wicked, strangely enough, she's Glinda
• Seventeen -Heathers
• Candy Store -Heathers featuring Isabel as Heather Mc Namara, Josie as Martha Dunnstock, and PJ as Veronica (She was heavily forced to after Brittany suggested it)
• Smooth Criminal -The Glee cast cover
• If you're a good singer, or at least a decent one, at the end of the song she'll hype you up more than anyone in the crowd, even carry you (this also applies to my plus size! lovelies, DON'T YOU WORRY, she has muscles)
• If you're a bad singer, then you'll be shit together, the worse your voices sound, the better you'll enjoy it
• Onto the kissing and overall more stereotypical relationship stuff, aka the not-so-comfortable part of my asexual-spectrum girlies.
• As previously shown in the original material
• Kissing is slow and passionate, she likes to enjoy your lips as much as possible, taking in every movement, taste, and breath
• Hands on your jaw  and neck EVERY FUCKING TIME
• The first few times you offered her some chapstick or lipstick, or lipgloss, or lip oil, or anything, she would kiss you making you chuckle in surprise
• Now you don't even need to ask, she'll just be like
"Hey, your lips look beautiful," and peck you on the lips
• If you're alone it definitely turns into a whole makeout session
• She just claims it tastes too good not to do it
• Every once in a while she'll hug you from behind and aggressively kiss your cheek
• Good luck kisses before every test
• Her favorite kind of dates are picnic dates
• She takes pictures of the sky whenever she feels it matches your vibe
• She takes A LOT of pictures of you ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, she even went as far as to buy a film camera because they make everything more magical
• She reads A LOT
• She obviously knows too much about social injustices and everything regarding that realm, but she likes other things as well
• Avid fantasy reader, I DON'T MAKE THE RULES,
• Going back to this need for escapism, she was heavily raised by George R.R. Martin and Leigh Bardugo
• Definitely screamed, jumped, and overall looked like she was in a sugar rush when both Game of Thrones and Shadow and Bone came out
• She wasn't exactly allowed to watch Game of Thrones at the time it came out, so she watched when she was 16 instead
• Shadow and Bone, however, oh boy, it was whole event
• She cosplayed Sturmhond and made you cosplay as Zoya
That's it for now children, if I come up with anything else I'll do a part two or even better write something more complete
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suddenlybambi · 1 year
use me ♥ kenny mccormick
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pairing : kenny mccormick x vampire!reader
nsfw (smut) - minors DNI!!! - aged up characters (18+)
tags : mentions of blood, biting, blood drinking (all that usual vampire stuff iykyk) , mild praise kink, afab reader, mild sub/dom dynamics
word count : 3.1k
summary : mysterion just wants to keep the streets safe and y/n just needs to feed - he has an idea, but she refuses it until she has no other choice
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a/n - bambi stop turning men into subs challenge 💀
this isn't proof read because its 1am and i wrote this in a haze, so lemme know if you catch any mistakes please and thank you xoxo
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The body crumpled to the floor of the alleyway as Y/N let go, doing her best to wipe her mouth clean of the blood. They weren’t dead, she was always able to stop herself before it went that far, but they would probably be a little woozy once they were conscious enough to get up again.
In her usual act of what she considered to be kindness, she slipped an iron supplement into their mouth, making sure they swallowed it in their half-conscious state. 
Leaning down and lifting her mask up slightly, she held their eyes open to look into them to work her literal charm. 
“You are going to forget you ever saw me; you just passed out on your way home,” She instructed. She could tell by the expression on the man’s face that it was working. They would always get this weird dopey look to them. “You are also going to drink more water because you are a bit dehydrated. Probably best to get some iron supplements for yourself while you’re at it, just for good measure.”
The person nodded, and Y/N knew her tracks were covered. Slipping her mask back down to cover her eyes, she let the man go and watched as he brushed himself off and stumbled away, wobbling a little as though he were drunk. Turning around, she began walking the opposite way down the street to return home. She would be satisfied for another week if she was lucky and didn’t over-exert herself.
“I assume the red on your lips isn’t lipstick?” Mysterion stepped out from the shadows as Y/N passed him. She knew he was there; she could smell him and hear his breathing from down the street, watching her feed. “You just couldn’t help yourself?”
“You know I don’t have a choice,” Y/N sighed, having had this conversation before on several occasions. She walked past Mysterion, but he followed her, never one to give up easily.
“I gave you a choice,” He corrected, trailing slightly behind her. “You just didn’t choose it.” 
“That was a one-time thing out of necessity,” The words were routine to her by that point. She used to bribe Chaos to distract him on the other side of town while she fed, but he had caught on to the trick. “It’s not safe.”
“What’s not safe is for you to be roaming the streets and picking people at random,” He interjected. “For the public or for you.”
“And your suggestion is any better?” Y/N stopped and turned around. Even past the mask that covered her eyes, he could see the anger brewing from the slight red tint her eyes had started to assume. “We don’t know the long-term effects it would have on either of us.”
Mysterion had been right about it not being safe for her to pick people at random. There was a time when she fed from a man on some sort of drug that she had a horrible side effect from. She thought she was finally dying, but that was when the masked hero appeared. She couldn’t explain what was happening to her, but he seemed to understand well enough to know that she needed clean blood to heal, so he offered his own. His blood was like nothing she had ever had before, it was blissfully intoxicating, and she couldn’t stop.
The next night, when she saw him again, she thanked him but said it could never happen again. While Mysterion couldn’t die, at least not for more than a day, the guilt for killing again after she had sworn not to ate at her more than the new craving for his blood.
“I thought you enjoyed experimenting?” His tone was teasing, but that just angered her more.
“Just…” She sighed, trying to calm herself down as best as possible before she really flipped out on him. She knew that was what he wanted. If she did, she’d attack him. If she attacked him, she’d end up feeding from him. It had almost happened a few weeks after the initial incident, and he’d been provoking her ever since. “Just leave me alone. I’ve been doing this for longer than you could ever imagine.” She turned around again and started to walk, but his next words stopped her after only two steps.
“376 years, right?” He phrased it as a question but said it as more of a statement. How did he know that? “That’s just if I’m going based on your death certificate. Took a lot of digging, but it was easier when I found that you were born in England.”
“Congrats, dude,” She waved her arms up a little in a mixture of disbelief and frustration. She didn’t want him to see the genuine shock. She felt that he had taken time to research her. Modern technology was amazing, but that was still a difficult thing to do. “What do you want? A prize for being a top-notch stalker?”
“If you want me gone, why don’t you just charm me away?” Mysterion had inched closer to Y/N as he spoke. She could see his eyes through his mask, his pupils blown out in the dark of the night. “Unless you can’t?”
He was right. She couldn’t. She had tried before, tried to make him forget her. She didn’t think he was aware that it had been an attempt to charm him instead of just another plea to leave her alone, but she was suspecting he knew more about her than she wanted him to.
“Stay out of my business, and I’ll stay out of yours, Kenny,” She hoped the use of his real name would throw him off his tracks enough to make an escape. She had known the moment she saw Mysterion that it was Kenny. His blood had a distinct smell that she had always picked up in class. She assumed it must have been something to do with his immortality.
Immortality did strange things to the body, she would know.
“Your business is my business when you roam these streets looking for victims,” He slowly pulled away from her, giving her some space as he looked around to make sure they hadn’t been spotted. “Let me walk you home?”
“Get fucked,” With that, Y/N jumped up and transformed into a bat, flying off over the empty streets. It was a terrible idea, but she needed to get away. It drained her energy and, subsequently, her thirst at ten times the rate as just going about her normal day, which would inevitably lead to her having to feed again within the following few days, where the entire conversation with Mysterion would repeat itself, just as it always did.
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It had been too long since she last fed. 
Going to school for the first time had caught up with her unexpectedly. She lost track of time studying in the evenings. She had managed to obtain a necklace that allowed her to walk in the sun 17 years ago and that had opened up the world to her again after 350 years of living in the shadows. There was so much to learn that she had never gotten the chance to before when education wasn’t readily available, least of all for women. She relished the opportunity to learn and lost track of the days.
She hadn’t even thought about feeding until the first drop of blood from the fight between two students in the halls hit her like a tonne of bricks. She could smell it from the opposite end of the hallway.
Instinctively, she closed her eyes, knowing they would have already turned red from the thirst. The thirst was overwhelming. She needed to get out of there before she lost herself, but she couldn’t will her legs to move. The need to hunt was driving her mad.
A hand grabbed her arm while her eyes were closed. She knew from her already heightened sense of smell that got even stronger while hunting, that it was Kenny. He didn’t say anything to her, just started to drag her away. Y/N kept her eyes closed as she let him pull her through the halls, trusting him to do what was best for everyone by getting her far away from the people she could hurt. 
She didn’t know where they were going until the fresh air hit her, and she heard a car unlock. She finally felt safe enough to open her eyes, climbing into the back of Kenny’s car. The backseat had tinted windows. She had seen him get into the car on enough occasions to know that. No one would be able to see her blood-red eyes and her protruding fangs if she stayed in there.
The panic was short-lived as it resumed in full force when Kenny climbed in next to her. He needed to get away from her, and he needed to do it fast. His scent was intoxicating, and she would very quickly lose herself. She could hear his racing heart pumping blood through his veins.
“You need to leave. I haven’t-” She started to explain as fast as she could, but he interrupted her.
“You haven’t fed in 2 weeks. I know,” He finished for her. Y/N’s anger started to slowly simmer within her. He knew that, but he was still taunting her? Whatever game he was playing was a stupid and dangerous one, and he needed to stop. “I’ve kept an eye on you.”
“Stalker,” She mumbled, somewhat half-heartedly. She thought she had caught the scent of him in her yard, but she had brushed it off as her imagination. “I’ll go tonight. Just let me calm down alone for a bit, and I’ll be fine to go back in.” She emphasised the alone as much as possible.
“We’re not taking that risk,” Kenny refused, reaching over the front seat to lock the doors. She felt trapped, like a mouse in a trap, but the cheese was Kenny fucking McCormick. He may as well have been trying to serve himself up on a platter. “Just feed on me.”
“Is this fucking funny to you?” Y/N could feel how sharp her teeth had become, almost slicing open her own lip as she spoke. The thirst was unbearable. She needed Kenny to leave. “Do you get off on this or something? What is wrong with-”
He cut her off again; however, this time, it wasn’t by talking. Kenny had pulled Y/N onto him, holding her on his lap with a secure grip on her waist and stopping her from talking by planting his lips on hers with a frantic kiss. She should have pulled away. She should have lept over the driver's seat, unlocked the doors, and used what little energy she could muster to run at her super speed until she found someone she could safely feed off of.
She should have done all of that, but she didn’t.
Instead, Y/N kissed Kenny back. Her body shifted into autopilot, her hands running through his hair. It was bliss until the unthinkable happened.
Her sharpened fangs cut Kenny’s lip, and a single drop of blood hit Y/N’s tongue. Panicked, she pulled away and tried to climb off of his lap, but his hands on her waist wouldn’t allow it.
Two words were all it took to break her final thread of resolve.
“Use me,” Kenny instructed in a breathless whisper. Before either of them could truly register what was happening, Y/N’s fangs were in his neck.
Kenny let out a shaky moan as the sharp pain suddenly turned into pleasure. It was one he had sought out ever since Y/N had fed from him all those months ago. She had explained it to him once when she was telling him that she wasn’t really hurting the people she fed from because her fangs would automatically release endorphins into them. She described it as a numbing feeling, but it made Kenny feel anything but numb.
The pleasure, coupled with the soft sounds of Y/N mewling as she drank from him, let alone the added fact that she was on his lap, was enough to leave Kenny rock-hard. He couldn’t control himself as his hips bucked up against her.
His heart almost stopped when she very suddenly pulled away, the feeling of her fangs no longer in his neck and the blood draining from him left him feeling empty. Her eyes were half-lidded as she looked down at him, lips stained red from blood, and her mouth hung slightly open.
Kenny thought he had died once again and gone to heaven when she, without warning, rolled her hips against his. His cock twitched desperately in his pants, and his grip on her hips would have been bruising to anyone but a vampire.
“When I asked you if you got off on this, I didn’t realise I had hit the nail on the head,” Y/N’s voice was low and seductive. Kenny had never heard anything so sexy in his life. He wanted to hear her talk all day, every day. He tried to roll his hips up to meet hers again, but her hands snapped down to his thighs, holding him in place. “Use your words, and I’ll consider giving you what you want.”
“Touch me, fuck me, use me, please,” He begged without hesitation, knowing it was the fastest way to get what he desperately needed at that moment. “Please?”
Y/N captured him in a breathtaking kiss, he could taste his blood on her tongue as it swirled with his, but he couldn’t care less. Her hands slid up his thighs until they reached his beltline, moving at superhuman speeds to impatient get her hands on what she wanted. The zipper popped open and flung across the car as she broke it, neither of them caring for a single second.
The muscles of Kenny’s thighs twitched and spasmed as Y/N’s hand slipped down his boxers, pulling his swollen cock out. The tip was red and leaking precum. Y/N ran her thumb over it without hesitation, bringing it up to her mouth, her tongue darting out to lick it up. He caught sight of her fangs, still protruding from the rest of her teeth. She was still hungry.
“Remind me to go down on you when my mouth can be trusted,” She whispered in his ear, pressing her chest against him as she leaned in. “For now, I’m impatient. We’ll have to skip to the main event.”
“Please,” He nodded eagerly, cock twitching in anticipation. Y/N took it in her hand, pumping it a few times as more precum leaked from the tip.
“You sound so pretty when you beg,” She smirked down at him. He didn’t have time to register what had happened before she sunk down onto him in one swift move. He hadn’t seen her remove her underwear. He didn’t know if she had done it at super speed without him seeing (though the panties were nowhere in his car to support that theory) or if she just hadn’t been wearing them in the first place. The latter drove him crazier than he already felt.
Just as she sunk down onto him, her teeth sunk back into his neck. Kenny was the most delicious meal Y/N had ever had, and she couldn’t help herself from going in for seconds.
Painfully slowly for Kenny, she lifted herself up and down on him. She kept a tortuous speed, her strength stopping his desperate attempts at thrusting up into her.
Reaching for his hands, she pried them off of her hips, slipping one up her shirt and under her bra to fondle her breasts and manoeuvring the other so his fingertips brushed up against her clit. He took the hint instantly, switching between each breast with his left hand to make sure they both received adequate attention and rolling her nipples in between his fingers, revelling in the louder moans that his neck was barely muffling as she fed from him.
His right hand slowly circled her clit, starting slow at first but speeding up as soon as she picked up the pace, sliding herself up and down on him. He felt whenever he hit her g-spot as her walls would clench around him, causing him to repeatedly hit it as the pleasure became unbearable.
“So close,” He managed to choke out, his movements becoming slightly sloppy as he started to lose himself. Y/N pulled her fangs from his neck, lifting her head just slightly so she could whisper in his ear.
“Cum for me,” He did so instantly, a loud moan escaping his throat, his head tilting back as he filled her up. He felt her walls clamp around his dick as she reached her own peak, her eyes rolling back slightly.
When she looked back at him, her eyes had returned to their natural colour, and her teeth had once again dulled down. He was completely struck by her beauty but struggled to keep his eyes open to admire her as he felt woozy from the blood loss. He heard her curse as his eyes drooped closed, his head lulling to the side.
Kenny wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he woke up to Y/N curled up against his side in the backseat of his car. She appeared to have done her best to clean him and herself up while he was passed out, but since she had broken his zipper in the heat of the moment, his jeans were still open.
He stretched a little as he woke up, Y/N lifted her head to look at him, and he could see relief flooding her face.
“I was worried I had taken too much,” She sighed a breath of relief, a hand reaching up to cradle his face. She intently examined his eyes, looking for confirmation that he was okay. “I’m so sorry; I lost control.” Kenny pulled her in for a kiss, far sweeter than the passion-filled ones they had shared earlier.
“I’m immortal, remember?” He reminded her softly as they pulled away. “You can’t kill me for long.”
“But we don’t-” She was about to protest again about how they didn’t know what would happen to either of them if she continued to drink his blood since he wasn’t a normal human, but one look at the pure adoration in his eyes stopped her in her tracks. “You should have just told me that was what you had in mind when you said you wanted to experiment. We could have been doing that for months.”
“Well…” Kenny grinned as the words processed in his mind, the implications clear as day. “We have an eternity left to catch up on missed time.”
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tulipfantasies · 7 months
night on the town ✩ n.romanoff
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pairing; natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary; a simple night on the town leads to the discoveration of pain and addiction.
characters; (mentions) og 6 and a woman named maria (not hill).
warnings; 16+ (just to be safe), use of alcohol and cigarettes, (mentions) underage smoking, (mentions) addiction, (mentions) natasha's past at the red room, (mild) swearing, (mild) jealous r, nat is ooc again, (minor) angst and fluff. 
my notes;  please, if any of the topics in bold make you uncomfortable or trigger you, do not read onwards. i don't want to upset anyone so consider it your warning. i don't think i like this one. can anyone spot the small pop culture reference??
word count; 2.6k ao3
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A ‘simple night on the town’ turns into 1:04 am. 
The entire length of the streets of New York was bathed in a soft amber glow, all thanks to the street lights that were situated on every corner of the Avenues. 
Midtown, or at least the side you all find yourselves on, was eerily calm given the environment (and the atmosphere hidden on the inside) that was nestled amongst the usually busy streets.
No car horns were heard for miles on end.
For the middle of spring, the air was bitterly cold yet so freeing. In stark contrast to the air behind the secured doors, which was heavy and suffocating.
Tony, among one of his genius plans, had decided that you all deserved to take a break from your demanding and life-saving lives.
He described it as a ‘simple night out on the town’, but we all know that in Tony’s dictionary, that was an excuse for him to get shit-faced. 
So, naturally, you all tagged along to keep him out of trouble and to have a little fun yourselves.
Who could pass up a free drink and the chance to unwind anyway?
Now, none of the team members that tagged along were anywhere in sight except for those who were strictly keeping sober or physically couldn’t get drunk.
The sensible ones.
The only remaining ones were around the table in the VIP booth that Tony rented in the club.
2:45 am.
It’s been 1 hour and 41 minutes since you last saw her dancing with some brunette, who has definitely drunk more than the legal requirement.
1 hour and 41 minutes of scanning through the hot and heavy crowd in search of a single sign that she was still dancing with the brunette or getting another drink at the bar.
“Y/n? Where are you going?” Steve’s voice calls out over the booming music as he watches you snatch your phone from off the table impatiently.
“Need fresh air.” You reply hastily before throwing a small smile over your shoulder and in his direction.
“She’s going to find Nat,” Clint’s voice could just about be heard over the music as he was talking to Steve and you were walking further away. “Like always.”
The music was practically deafening to the ears; the last thing on a drunken mind was the volume of the music.
Sex and more alcohol always are. 
You were just silently thanking yourself that you had entered the club with a lot more self-control and had only ended up getting tipsy this time around.
Unlike Tony who was completely shit-faced.
Pushing through the thick sea of plastered couples (who were dancing in a way that was even too much for you) was a task in itself but you finally managed to reach the front doors to the club.
Soft, yet bright, light was emitted in your direction causing you to wince. 
You let out a large sigh of relief the further away you stumble from the raging nightclub, random shot glass in hand, and into the bitter air that pierced the exposed skin on your arms and legs.
A small shiver runs down your spine.
“Fancy seeing you here,” A sultry voice brings your, slightly blurred, attention away from the empty shot glass in your hand and toward the direction where it came from.
The dimly lit alleyway. “Got tired of being in there?”
“Nat!” You exclaim in relief as you slowly make your way over toward the alleyway. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you for like the past hour.”
The closer you reach her, the more of her outline you can make out.
She’s leaning up against the masonry while nursing a half-empty bottle of tequila (or vodka, it was too dark to make it out) in one hand and a lit cigarette in between her index finger and middle finger on her other.
A dangerous combo for a dangerous woman.
“I’ve been out here the entire time, detka.”
“Oh? With that brunette who was all over you like some desperate-”
“Careful now,” She cuts your words off with a smug grin and a tsk sound. “You had a lot to drink, detka?”
“Uh, yeah, a few but I’m not drunk like Tony.” You reply as you make a move to lean up against the wall opposite to her.
No other words were spoken as she raised the cigarette to her lips to take a long drag. 
Drag after drag, she slowly puffs the lethal smoke out towards the right of her while she makes sure that not once does she take her emerald gaze from off of you.
It was an intense gaze.
“But that’s beside my point, who the hell was that brunette dancing with you?” You ask abruptly with a raised brow. She chuckles in amusement at your clear jealousy. “Because she was getting way too cosy with you.”
“No one important, just someone who drunkenly came up and started dancing with me,” Natasha replies as if it never bothered her because it didn’t bother her. “Think she said her name was Maria or something.” 
Maria. “Hm, you seemed to get pretty handsy with her, do you like her?”
“Where’s all this jealousy coming from, Y/n/n?” She asks in an amused tone which is followed by a chuckle. Oh, she was enjoying this. “To be fair, it’s amusing seeing you go all green over some random girl, especially one I don’t know or have an interest in.”
“Y’know, I’d rather not discuss it.” You say, brushing off her question and ignoring her comment as you turn to face away from her so she can’t see you roll your eyes.
There’s a pregnant pause before you clear your throat and look back toward her with a slightly softened gaze.
The cigarette remains firmly pressed in between her fingers.
“Have you always smoked?” You ask, to change the subject, as you fold your arms over your chest.
Natasha doesn't reply straight away but takes another drag.
She drops the remaining bit of her cigarette onto the ground so that she can stamp harshly on it, with the sole of her shoe, just to make sure that it’s out.
“Mhm,” she hums with a shrug of her shoulders. “Just kept it to myself, I guess.”
Taking your bottom lip in between your upper front teeth, you nervously chew on it as she leans forward to slip the shot glass from out of your hand and into hers.
Without any sounds, she lets the clear liquid trickle out of the bottle and into the shot glass before gently handing it back to you.
You bring the rim of the shot glass to your lips before knocking it back in one go. Straight tequila. 
“Oh, god, that’s tequila.” You state in a strained voice and with a noticeable grimace as the liquid burns the back of your throat.
Natasha chuckles at the sight of your grimace before smiling softly as you clear your throat. “You okay there, detka?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You reply before sighing and reaching up to give your temple a quick but firm rub. “You know smoking is bad for your lungs, right? And besides, what are you out here drinking tequila straight for?”
With her fingers curled around the neck of the tequila bottle, she brings the rim of the bottle up to her lips intending to tip it back to take another swig.
But she doesn’t. 
“You only get one chance in life, detka,” she replies nonchalantly, ignoring your second question, before finally taking a swig of the alcohol. “I’ve learnt that the hard way.”
Given what she was forced to witness and trained into doing while growing up, it made some sense for her to be wishing away her life like this.
That amount of trauma is often immovable and can only be numbed by the effects of drugs and alcohol.
The Red Room raised those girls into being their bloodthirsty puppets, the ones who were forced to believe that they had no place in the world and yet here Natasha is, with her foot in the world, throwing it all away just to numb her feelings.
You never really know what you’ve got until it's too late.
The thought of going through what she had growing up made your skin crawl.
“How long have you been smoking for?” You ask cautiously as you stare at the redhead who lets out a long sigh.
From that sigh alone, you can tell it wasn’t a habit that she had recently picked up. 
“Listen, I didn’t come out to get interrogated about my unhealthy habits, so just drop it, alright?” She defends herself before she extends the neck of the bottle back over to you.
You decline with a shake of your head.
One shot of tequila is enough. You can’t stomach anymore tonight.
“How long have you been smoking, Nat?”
She lets out a defeated sigh. “Not sure. Since I was, like, 14 or 15.”
You would say that you’re surprised to hear that she’s been smoking so young but by the looks of it, smoking has become an unhealthy coping mechanism for the shit life she’s got.
You just wish it wasn’t her that was suffering like this.
“A cigarette is the least of my worries.” She replies with a shrug before closing her eyes to relive the memory.
“They drugged me with all kinds of things in the Red Room so I added to it by stealing a cigarette from a packet in a guard’s pocket. I can still remember getting in trouble now.”
Silence comes from her end as her gaze flickers down to the squashed cigarette on the floor before glancing back up at you, who peacefully analyses her.
She can’t stop.
“And it’s turned into a habit that you now can’t break.”
“Yeah, I guess you could put it that way.” 
“Does smoking and drinking like this at least make you feel better?” You ask curiously but cautiously.
When it comes to Natasha, you have to choose your words carefully.
Natasha doesn’t let her guard down around anyone yet here she was, in a dingy alleyway, letting you see the regret and pain shining in her eyes.
No, it doesn’t.
Your heart aches for her; all the cigarettes and alcohol that she’s taken over the years (outside and inside of you knowing her) haven’t numbed the pain in the way she hoped it would.
It just put her at ease for a certain amount of time.
“Oh, Tasha.” 
She doesn’t say anything else but instead, her gaze flickers away from your eyes (which she always finds herself lost in) and down to your soft-shaped lips.
So kissable. 
She could practically taste the bitterness and sweetness of the alcohol on the tip of her tongue.
At that moment, she knew that she wanted, no, needed to kiss you more than ever. 
Without any hesitation, she takes a step toward you so she can place her hands on your hips (despite still holding onto the bottle) so she can gently tug your back away from the masonry.
Her blurry gaze rests on your lips, memorising the shape and softness of them before she dips her head down slightly.
Her lips were inches away from yours. 
“-Shut up and let me kiss you.” She growled before pulling you in closer so that her hot breath was fanning against your lips. 
The moment her lips crash against yours, your hands instinctively reach up to comb through her soft red locks.
She tastes like 5 different alcohols and nicotine all in one go; normally you’re not into that but, right now, you crave her. 
You didn’t want her to break the kiss any time soon but she did and instead of moving away from you, she rested her forehead against hers.
The both of you were panting softly.
“Are you addicted to them?” You whisper as your hands drop from her hair and down to cup her rosy cheeks. “The way they make you feel numb or how they make you act?”
Her forehead drops against yours as her head hangs low and the warmth her body was radiating disappears as she takes a step back from you.
A small nod confirms everything you need to know.
She’s addicted.
She stares at you as she extends her arm out so that she can carelessly throw the empty bottle of tequila as far away from her as possible.
Your grip on your shot glass loosens so the shattering noise rippling through the alleyway increases just like the pile of glass shards.
“I–I don’t know how to stop.” 
The alcohol in her system has weakened the walls she put up for her protection to the point where they were trembling.
“You’ll be okay. Everything will be okay.”
You take a short step toward her to go back to gently cupping her cheeks in your soft hands.
She leans into your touch as a thick singular tear rolls down her cheek. 
Here she was, standing in front of you, looking vulnerable and broken. And boy, did the people of her past break her.
“I want to stop. I do but I can’t.” She admits in a soft tone as if she is worried about other people hearing her. “I’ve tried so many times.”
The glass shards crunch under your footing as you drop your touch on her cheeks to wrap your arms around her torso.
She instantly wraps her arms around you in return. 
“I promise you, I am going to help you out of this.” You whisper your promise as she buries her head into the crook of your neck.
You’re wearing the perfume that drives her crazy.
It felt as if your promise was empty but the determination flooding through your system tells you that you will not let it be empty.
You are going to help her through this, like it or not.
“Let’s go get some water so we can sober up, yeah?” You whisper as she pulls away to give you a nod of agreement. “You’re stuck with me, now, Nat.”
“There’s no one I would rather be stuck with, detka.” She whispers back as she slips her hand in between yours to squeeze it before following as you both sluggishly walk out of the alleyway.
The alleyway that you stood in, kissed in and where she bit the bullet and admitted defeat. 
The streets remain silent as the two of you stumble down them, hand in hand.
The bitter air no longer bothered you or the exposed skin that you were showing, not when you were wrapped underneath Natasha’s arm. 
“Thank you,” She says, after silence, as you two stumble onto the corner of the street to call a taxi. Thankfully there was one in the distance. “For not judging me and sticking by me. Even in my darkest times.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Natasha.” You reply as a taxi pulls up in front of you. You both climb in and mutter your destination to the driver before you turn back to look at her. 
“Yeah, because I’d do anything for the people that I love. And it’s safe to say that I’m in love with you.”
She smiles softly at your, slightly drunken, confession before bringing your hand up to her lips so she can press a soft kiss on the inside of your wrist and then against your palm. 
“I love you too, detka,” she whispers as she moves her head to catch your lips in for a sweet but short-lived kiss. “More than anything in this world. I love you.”
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Angel | I.N 
-> Pairing: Nephilim!Yang Jeongin x Reader
-> Request: No
-> Synopsis: Y/N's suspicions about her boyfriend being more than just human are confirmed.
-> Warnings: Fallen Angel/human hybrid stuff. Mention of the bible. Poorly written near death experience.
-> Word Count: 671
-> Requests: Open.
I.N Masterlist | Tag List Sign-Up | Requesting Guidelines
©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy, modify and/or repost anywhere.
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Y/N walks along the bench seat that’s placed beside the ledge of her apartment buildings roof, her arms stretched out from her sides to help her balance.   
Her boyfriend, Jeongin, watches her nervously. It isn’t like her to be so reckless. He’s moved closer to her, getting himself ready to catch her if her clumsy ass somehow falls. “Can you please get down and come back over to me?”  
“Scared I’m going to fall?” She teases. Y/N has her suspicions about her boyfriend not being fully human.   
Since they met a year ago and started dating not long after, strange things she finds hard to explain have happened. She had small cuts and bruises heal when he touched her. When she’s sick, his hugs cured whatever illness she has. He does things as if he is reading her mind and would disappear at the most random times. Not to mention the feathers that she would find on her balcony. After spending hours researching bird feathers and finding none matching the ones she found, she ends up searching a different species known to have feathery wings. She can’t remember why she started looking up angels but that’s where her search ended up. Everything she learned lead to more suspicions.   
“Yes!” he replies. “Your clumsier than a toddler.”   
She quickly turns to face him but proves his point when she stumbles and falls backwards over the ledge. She screams loudly as she starts to fall the 8 storeys. She closes her eyes tightly, bracing herself for the impact that would surely kill her.   
The impact never comes as a loud whooshing sound surrounds her. She feels the impact of someone catching her and lifting her back onto the roof but she’s too scared to open her eyes. Clinging to the body that’s holding her, she feels the familiar contours of her boyfriend’s body.   
Not knowing what she’s about to see, she hesitantly opens her eyes and the sight before her leaves her breathless. Standing, holding her Jeongin, looking ethereal, a yellow glow surrounds him, large black feathery wings that are almost double his size protrude from his back. His look of panic quickly turns to one of anger.   
“Never do that again,” his voice is thunderous and commanding as he stands her on the roof. All she can do is nod to let him know it’ll never happen again even if the falling part wasn’t intentional. He pulls her in for a tight hug. “I guess I have some explaining to do.”  
“You guess?” she asks pulling away enough to look up at him.  
“Let’s go back to your apartment and I will tell you everything you want to know,” he suggests.  
They make their way back down to her apartment, his wings disappearing as they walk through the door to go back inside.   
“What do you want to know?” he asks as they walk into her apartment.  
Y/N goes straight to the fridge to grab a couple bottles of water. “What are you?” she replies and hands him one of the bottles. “An angel.”  
They both sit down on the couch.   
“In a way,” he replies. “Have you heard of Nephilim?”   
“Like the ones in the bible?” she asks, remembering back the stories she learnt in Sunday School. “They’re said to be the offspring of fallen angels and humans.”  
“My mother was a guardian angel until she met my father,” he tells her. “She gave up being an angel for him.”  
“She must really love him,” Y/N says as she thinks about Jeongin’s parents and how they always seem to be so in love.  
Jeongin nods. “And he really loves her.”  
“So, you’re half angel?” she smiles. “That explains so much.”  
“How so?”  
She smiles lovingly at him. “Why you look so beautifully angelic and ethereal. It’s because you literally are.”  
“You can thank my mom for that.”  
She leans forward and places a soft kiss to his lips. “I love you, angel.”  
He rolls his eyes, smiling. “I love you, too.” 
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TAGGING: @staytiny2000 - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @oddracha - @alexxavicry
@rainydayteacups - @tinyelfperson - @laylasbunbunny - @skz1-4-3 - @pinkies-things
@kayleefriedchicken - @everythingboutkpop - @beefcakebarnes - @summergirlsmj - @instabull
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finduilasclln · 3 months
Welcome to my BuckTommy / Tevan Fic Rec List!
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Disclaimer: Always read the tags and warnings! Also, tastes differ. These are my personal favorites, which doesn’t mean they’ll automatically be yours of course.
If you want to reblog and add some of your own favorites that fit the category, please be my guest! I always love discovering new fics. I will also add new recs of my own whenever I stumble upon them.
One last thing: Please like and comment when you’ve had a nice read. It means so much to authors to hear your thoughts! And don’t hesitate to share this post and spread the love for these fics around!
BuckTommy /Tevan Fic Rec List
an outlier that should not be counted, by dadvans (@dadvans) || 7429 words ||
Buck knows a lot of random trivia. Tommy falls in love with him one fact at a time.
you’re just like a dream, by soyxunxperdedor || 5547 words ||
Buck wants it rough. Tommy meets him in the middle.
oh i've never done it (let's make it cinematic), by heartbeatdiaz (@loserdiaz) || 4066 words ||
Buck can't help himself and drags Tommy into a supply closet where he gives his first ever blow job. It goes better than he ever could've imagined.
of soot and sweat, by brewrosemilk (@gayhoediaz) || 3094 words ||
They’re both exhausted, hopped up on adrenaline, majority of their clothes - including Tommy’s turnouts - are thrown haphazardly all over the place, he’s still covered in sweat and soot - but Evan clearly wants to fucking devour him, and the feeling has never been more mutual. 
when Icarus fell it was spring, by lamardeuse (@lamardeuse) || 5641 words ||
The first time Evan's teeth scrape over his chin and sink in a little, Tommy knows he's screwed.
every part of you (simple as that), by withmeornotatall (@chronicowboy) || 2800 words ||
buck comes out to chris, talks to tommy about the future, has realisations about the past and finds a little peace at the wedding
this is what it feels like, by orphan_account || 1361 words ||
Buck blushes. Always has. Gets flustered easily, ducks his head with a giddy, boyish grin at any compliment. It’s poetic, really, that he’s a firefighter because he flushes bright, fire engine red every time.
Still, though. He’s not sure he’s ever blushed as much as he does with Tommy.
learn how to walk, learn how to run, by soyxunxperdedor || 2421 words ||
After Buck invites Tommy in after their date, he begins to explore the whole new world now open to him.
the icarus to your certainty (sunlight), by somnum365 (@firehose118) || 5268 words ||
Tommy has some trauma from his time in the closet that bubbles up at the medal ceremony. Buck helps him feel brave.
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double-vandammage · 2 months
Title: Rude Awakening
Word count: 2,573
Rating: 18+
Ship: Bret Hart x Shawn Michaels
Tags/Warnings: Enemies to lovers, Bret POV, Handjob, Blowjob, Alcohol
Also posted to my a03: aa_beatrix
Here is my first fanfic in probably 6 years. I'm so nervous about it, but I hope you Hartbreak shippers like it. I'm fairly new to this ship so please be gentle. 🥹 Thank you to the encouragement of my sis @taydaq, @imabillyami, @crxssjae, and @superkickme 😘
Let me know if anyone wants to be tagged in future fics, I do plan on writing more. 🫣
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Bret sat silently by his motel window, watching the rain gently glide down the glass. What a shit day he had, it was only fitting the weather was also terrible. The promo he had just cut with Shawn weighed heavily on his mind. He was so tired of the little prick. Night after night he had to observe Shawn flamboyantly parade around the stage. Not only did he have to watch the annoying spectacle, but also endure the man occasionally shake his bare ass at the crowd. The fans ate it up and he couldn’t fathom why. They were close once, it seemed a lifetime away. Thunder cracked, startling him from his thoughts. The universe was telling him to relinquish any thoughts of Shawn for the rest of the evening. He didn’t want Shawn in his head more than was required, especially while he was alone in his motel room. Bret made his way to the bed, climbing under the covers and slowly he drifted to sleep.  
Abruptly there was an aggressive and continuous rap at his door. Bret was barely able to open his eyes as he dazedly glanced at the bedside clock. The time read 2:00AM. “Who the fuck-?” he grunted as the knocking became louder. He whipped the blanket from his body while quickly swinging his legs over the mattress. “I’m coming dammit.” he spat, stumbling to the door in his sleepy stupor. He put his eye to the peephole. “Jesus Christ…” none other than a Heartbreak Kid disruption. “Hey! Big daddy cool! Open up big sexy!” Shawn half yelled, half giggled. Bret opened the door, “wrong room shithead. Some of us are trying to sleep.” Shawn was drenched. He had clearly spent some time in the rain. “Whoa.” Shawn raised both hands up in defense. “This isn’t Kevin’s room?” Bret made a show of moving his hands up and down his own frame, “clearly it isn’t you asshole, what are you drunk?” Shawn put his index finger and thumb together, “Mmmm…maybe just a pinch.” 
Rolling his eyes, Bret took in Shawn’s appearance. He was soaked, so much so he had created a pool of moisture on the motel floor. He was a mess. “Do you know which room Kevin is in?” he asked, not wanting Shawn to be his problem this early in the morning. “Hmmm…well I thought this was his room…so I guess…no.” he said with his signature smile, chuckling to himself. “You wouldn’t mind if I bunked here tonight, eh Hitman?” Shawn asked while running a hand through his wet hair. Bret thought this must be some cruel joke the universe was playing on him. The last thing he wanted in his room was a drunk wet dog named Shawn Michaels, but he couldn’t let him wander aimlessly up and down the halls, slamming on random doors, and calling for big sexy. 
Bret crossed his arms, “shit. Fine. Do not drip on anything.” Shawn grinned, “Thanks Hitman, you’re the best there is and ever will be.” he said, pushing Bret to the side and slapping him on the arm. Bret closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “The bathroom is to the left, I can get you something to change into.” He closed the door and turned to find Shawn already on the bed. “Are you fucking kidding me Michaels? You’re super fucking soaked. Get off the bed, now.” Shawn rose, propping himself on his elbows. “Oh man…I am?” he asked, real concern in his voice. “Uh, yeah. Get up.” Bret demanded. Shawn moved almost intentionally slow, the blankets getting more and more saturated. 
“Dammit Shawn. Get your ass to the bathroom.” he said, grabbing Shawn’s arm, shoving him towards the open doorway. “Alright, alright. Ya don’t gotta be so touchy.” Shawn almost immediately began stripping off his flashy costume. He shook off his vest and began removing those hideous chaps he insisted on wearing. He kicked off his boots next and in doing so Shawn had noticed Bret leaning against the door frame observing. Bret in an instant knew exactly what he was about to do. Shawn turned, his back facing him and commenced shimmying his tights down to wiggle his ass at him. “Like what ya see Hitman?” he taunted. Bret kept his face stoic, but could feel his cheeks beginning to flush. “Stop that shit and just get cleaned up would you?” he urged moving away. Shawn smirked, pulling his tights completely off. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”  
Bret began pulling the blankets and sheets off the bed, discarding them onto the floor. He could hear the water start to run and eventually steam wafted outside the door. He pulled out a plain white t-shirt and gray sweats from his suitcase for Shawn to wear. Bret climbed back into the bed to try and get some more sleep before they had to be on the road again. The shower stopped and after a few minutes, he felt the empty side of the mattress shift. “Absolutely not boytoy.” he murmured. “Oh come on Bret, there’s not even a couch in here.” Shawn whined. “Not my problem. This is already obnoxious without having dry blankets, you are not sleeping up here.” Shawn in a child-like tantrum, huffed off the bed and onto the floor with one of the pillows. Within minutes he was fast asleep.
Outside rain still poured and thunder intermittently boomed, a particularly loud burst was enough to rattle Bret awake again. The clock registered at 5:00AM. He could hear Shawn’s slow and steady breathing, surprised Shawn didn’t also wake. Rolling to the opposite side of the bed, Bret peered over. Shawn was lying on his side facing him. Long blonde hair fell down around his shoulder and pillow. His bangs draped over his eyes. Shawn was beautiful, anyone could see that. Bret found his eyes had lingered, observing the white t-shirt he let the man borrow had slightly uplifted, revealing a small glimpse of Shawn’s tanned stomach. Quickly he averted his gaze and rolled back over. Squeezing his eyes shut, focusing on the sounds outside in an attempt to stifle an unresolved hunger he had no business feeling towards the Heartbreak Kid.
Unable to rest, he again got out of bed to reside by the window in the lone chair. He needed air. He opened the window just enough to feel the cool misting of rain against his face. Minutes later he heard Shawn stirring, a small groan escaping from him as he stretched. Shawn sat upright, dreamily looking at Bret. “Can’t sleep Hitman?” he mumbled. Bret ignored him, keeping his view to the window. “I gotta take a leak.” Shawn yawned as he shuffled towards the bathroom. Bret listened as Shawn fumbled around in the dark, hearing the toilet flush and sink run. He came out in the middle of another yawn, “Fuck me, I’m gonna be sore. You think people will believe me when I say I’m sore after spending the night in the Hitman’s room?” he laughed. “Don’t even joke about that shit Shawn.” Bret spat. “I’ll kick you out right now, don’t test me.”
Shawn cautiously made his way to stand in front of him. “Come on, would it be so terrible? Maybe this is exactly what you and I need.” Shawn said, reaching out a hand to brush the inky strands of hair from Bret’s face. Bret caught his wrist, stopping him. “Don’t.” Shawn only invaded his space more, moving his leg to part Bret’s thighs. His free hand tilted Bret’s chin upward so he could meet his stare. “I know you look at me. Just like I knew you were looking at me over there.” he said, nodding his head in the direction of the bed. Bret jerked his head away irritated, but Shawn hadn’t released his grip. Shawn lowered himself, his mouth inches from his ear, “I like it when you look at me…”.
Bret felt many things for Shawn Michaels. Desire he could always snuff out, now he wasn’t so sure. Shawn closed the space between them, placing his lips to Bret’s temple. Bret involuntarily let go of Shawn’s wrist, finding he was nuzzling into Shawn as he continued to trail light kisses around the side of his face. “Touch me Bret…” Shawn sighed into him. Bret moved his hands to Shawn’s waist, tugging him forward so the younger man was situated between his thighs. Shawn moved his hands to cradle his face, lifting him slightly from the chair into an eager kiss. Bret let his own hands find their way under his t-shirt, running his fingers up Shawn’s back. “Come here.” Bret breathed against Shawn’s lips, guiding him to straddle his lap. 
Shawn smiled into their kiss, feeling Bret’s growing excitement beneath him. Shawn slid his hand down, teasing at Bret’s erection. “I knew you always had a hart on for me.” he joked. “Do you ever just shut the fuck up Michaels?” Bret gasped in between Shawn’s stroking. Their mouths fought for the upperhand, Bret captured Shawn’s bottom lip and bit down roughly. Shawn withdrew, taken aback, “Damn hitman.” he snickered, testing his lip for blood. He hated Shawn and this was probably a huge mistake, but all he wanted to do was make Shawn shut up. Swiftly he grabbed Shawn by the thighs, hoisting him up, and threw him to the bed. Shawn bounced onto the mattress, promptly grabbing at Bret’s shirt to yank him forward. Bret landed a quick peck to Shawn’s mouth before moving to devour his neck. Strategically he removed the pesky white t-shirt from Shawn, creating a makeshift tie to bind Shawn’s wrists.   
He ran his tongue down to Shawn’s shoulder; tasting sweat, motel body wash, and a hint of rain water. Not an ideal flavor, but damn did it taste good on Shawn. Bret flipped Shawn effortlessly onto his stomach, keeping hold of his bound wrists. He swept Shawn’s hair to the side, kissing the nape of his neck. Shawn arched into him, craning his neck to meet Bret’s lips. His fingers felt for the waistband of Shawn’s sweatpants, sliding his hand under the fabric, not surprised to find he wasn’t wearing underwear and grasping his cock. Letting go of his wrists, he tapped the side of Shawn’s hips, signaling Shawn to prop himself on his knees. Shawn read him easily as if inside the ring and elevated his backside, pushing against Bret’s groin, breaking their kiss and keeping his face down to the mattress.
“Holy shit, Hitman…I want you.” Shawn sputtered as Bret began to steadily pump Shawn’s dick. “Fuck, I’ve always wanted you, Bret.” he mumbled into the bed. How long had Shawn wanted him? Was it nearly as long as he wanted Shawn? Over the years he had indulged himself in the occasional sexy boy fantasy and every time he loathed himself for it. He was a complete hypocrite with each jab at Shawn for shooting that girly mag. Now he had Shawn under him, unapologetically jerking him off. He brought his free hand to clasp Shawn’s throat, easing him upward so he could relax against his chest. Bret continued his deliberate rhythm, relishing the low moans and the way Shawn began to thrust into Bret’s hand. “Jesus. Don’t stop.” Shawn whimpered, burying his face into Bret’s neck. He could tell Shawn was getting close, his panting becoming more rapid.
The feeling of Shawn nestled into his body was intoxicating. Sure, they had their physical history in the ring which was intimate in itself but maybe Shawn was right after all. Maybe this was exactly what they needed. What they couldn’t settle on the mat, they could settle behind closed doors. Bret pressed his lips to Shawn’s forehead, “You know I still hate you?” he said, his words muffled against Shawn’s skin and damp hair. “This doesn’t change anything between us.” The hold he had on Shawn’s neck became a little tighter. “Even with my…dick in your hand, you still…manage to be all business.” Shawn choked out as Bret’s pace began to quicken. Bret covered Shawn’s mouth, muting the wail expelling from him as he erupted into Bret’s hand. Shawn clawed at his hold with his own constrained wrists, his hips rutting wildly into Bret’s palm as he rode out his orgasm.       
Bret released Shawn, letting him drop to the mattress. He lay there exhausted, chest heaving and glistening with sweat. Shawn twisted his wrists from the tied up shirt, easily exiting his confines. “Bret baby…” Shawn with eyes still glazed over, rolled to face him. “Please, let me make you feel good too.” he begged, crawling between Bret’s legs to play with the drawstrings of his sweats. He lifted Bret’s shirt, kissing gently at his stomach. The touch of Shawn’s lips pressing at his skin made him shiver and the thought alone of the blonde going down on him was damn near enough to make him come. Against his better judgment, he leaned back and let Shawn take control. 
Shawn slid his sweats and underwear down, revealing his throbbing erection. Without much pause, Shawn took him into his mouth. He let his eyes flutter shut, Shawn clearly had done this a time or two. His mouth felt so warm, so good, his tongue hitting all the right places. He clutched at Shawn’s hair, allowing his fingers to entangle themselves. “God damn Michaels…” he managed to groan as Shawn licked up the length of his cock. He wasn’t going to last much longer. Shawn was unrelenting as he held tightly to Bret’s thighs, keeping him in place as his hips bucked desperately into the heat of Shawn’s mouth. He couldn’t help the mangled cry Shawn managed to pry out of him as he came. “Holy shit.” he breathed, unable to form anything else articulate. 
The rain seemed to intensify outside the window, brisk air filtering in and caressing their moist bodies. Shawn had positioned himself on top of Bret’s stomach, his chin resting on crossed arms. “I bet you didn’t hate me just now.” he purred. “Fuck you.” Bret smirked, propping a hand behind his neck. His dark eyes met Shawn’s baby blues. “What now?” Shawn asked. Bret’s other hand traveled down to brush the hair from Shawn’s face, tucking a rogue lock behind his ear. “I don’t know. We have to get up soon.” Shawn emitted a breathy sigh, “Let’s stay like this a bit longer.” he insisted. The Heartbreak Kid’s eyes closed as he leaned into the way Bret lazily threaded his fingers through his golden hair. 
Internally Bret felt the need to run, this dangerously bordered on affection. He should shove the younger man away, tell him to get lost, and figure out what to do before their next show. However, his needs and wants were very different. He had said nothing would change, but deep down he knew neither of them believed that. Would they fall back into their rivalry or back into bed? What was to follow after, they couldn’t know now and they didn’t have to address it just yet. This sweet silence was preferred to all the bullshit they put each other through. Even if they had got it wrong, they could figure out the details later. Before the other knew it, the sound of the rain mixed with their slow breathing lulled them to sleep. 
This quiet moment was theirs to keep.
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sheepispink · 1 month
Crushed Expectations are better with you
tags: leon kennedy/reader, fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, can be seen as platonic tho, they sleep together 😍, literally tho, arguing and banter they’re such cuties
When Leon and Reader fight for an opportunity to work in a real DSO taskforce, they eventually both manage to get a place in differing teams. However, when the day comes to an end, the hopes they had for the week ahead had been flattened completely. So naturally, they bicker as any sworn enemies do… and fluff ensues just like any enemies story.
Notes: this is NOT re2 leon even if it is rught after re2. Umm it’s kind of before re4 but not but kind of?;’;? also hai massive disclaimer reader and leon lowkey laugh at someone throwing up after seeing blood. THE PERSON WHO DID IT WAS AN EXPERIENCED AGENT, NOT A RANDOMER, SHE’S SEEN BLOOD PLENTY SO THEY’RE CONFUSED. theres worse stuff on this damn website but i dont want anyone to think i’m bullying them for their phobia, honest its not in that context anyway just read before i die
WC: 3.9k
You can’t remember when you first locked your heart on an opportunity like this; it seemed like your lifelong dream. The only thing that came to mind was the board meeting with the rest of the rookies you had been training beside for the past three months. A chance to prove yourself and join an actual task force—not just stupid patrols around the block but real, actual missions. It was like your mind salivated at the mere thought of it, your heart instantly picking up pace; the idea of actually wielding a handgun and fighting off drug groups or even mafia was like a seed that was deep rooted into your mind. It fills you with a bright buzz of adrenaline, but unfortunately you’re not the only one who seems to live for this high. Leon wouldn’t dare back down on such a promising idea, so when you both happened to get the place for the internship, anger and betrayal festered in your hearts quickly.
“There's supposed to be one place!”
Leon argued with the director, refusing to believe he had slaved away his life graduating from the police academy, surviving an infested city, and all of this extra‘special’ training only for you to get in regardless of his efforts. Of course you were the same, believing you should’ve been the first to be accepted due to the efforts you constantly put forward.
“Both of you, quiet. The decision is final, we need another person to fill for an injured teammate, so now there are two openings. Now shoo.”
The pair of you didn’t need to look at each other to know the glare on the other’s face. This rivalry was born in the harsh conditions this job forced you two to undertake and the reality of the state of the world right now—trust no one and fight to survive. Leon knew that far too well, and so the feud started the day he saw how fast you managed to beat his record in one of the courses. He had to be better; he promised himself that this time it would be different—it had to be.
On the first day of the job, you were brimming with excitement, arriving far earlier than recommended and even going so far as to prepare something to meet the team with. Time seems to go by quickly when you’re having fun, and while something as serious as this was hardly the idea of fun to many, it certainly seemed like this opportunity would fly by just from how eager you were to start.
If a train could run completely off the rails even with the driver built for the job and perfectly fine tracks, that’s exactly how you’d describe your current situation. An unprecedented mess.
You stumble into the common area following your fifth heavy sigh of the day and likely not the last of the week. The rookies who didn’t get a place in one of the task forces were sent off to observe and shadow a team in the Whitehouse. Also known as the most boring job ever and the superiors just trying to fob off the worst of the crop elsewhere. Luckily for you, this meant this whole space, not that it was very big, was all yours for the next week or so. It’s hardly enough compensation to even balance the scales with the crap you dealt with today, but that doesn’t mean you’ll pass off the chance to actually relax in between the craze that is known as your life. The little table that somehow turned into a snack bar catches your eyes immediately; it’s always empty due to greedy rookies with zero manners. You roll your eyes at the thought of those rowdy savages finishing the stock before the afternoon and brew yourself a cup of tea, thinking over what you could watch on the TV there before heading to bed. The possibilities are endless; hell, you could even watch My Little Pony and no one would bat an eye—perks of being the only one here, you suppose. Though not enough to lighten your flattened mood, you stir your tea anyway and settle on an action movie to actually compensate for everything you had missed out on today—especially the excitement.
“Better head back to your room, this place is mine tonight.” A cocky voice echoes out in the room and thus causes you to spin around a little too fast, instantly freezing from the hot tea splashing onto your sleeve. Surprisingly, spilling the tea was the least of your problems, as you had seemed to meet your worst nightmare on the couch, remote control claimed by his hand as he flicked through Netflix.
Your jaw is practically on the floor—why the hell is he here?! Fighting for the space in the agency, constantly belittling you during training, and even the raised eyebrows each time you failed—that you could handle, but this snapped the thread that was already thinning quickly.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” You exclaim before promptly storming over to the couch, disbelief in your voice and tea still dripping down your arms. Even though a small part of you knows he’s technically allowed to be here too since he technically got a space in the other task force, it doesn't mean you’re not allowed to be infuriated by his sudden intrusion.
“Woah, easy there, sweetheart.”
Leon’s eyebrows furrow as well as his lips turn to form a frown, and before he can even roll his eyes, they’re already swirling with something else. Someone might even argue concern.
“You dropped your hot tea all over yourself; seriously, how did you get that internship when you’re this careless?”
His hand wraps around your wrist in a firm grip as he tugs you down onto the couch, grabbing tissues from the box on the coffee table with his free hand. Thankfully, the tea wasn’t enough to burn your skin, though he thought it had for a moment. Guess you can't get mad at the crappy kettle in here anymore.
“I can do it myself—“
His actions only serve to embarrass you—you’re not some kid to be coddled; you can handle yourself. Snatching the tissues from his hands and wiping down your arms, a slightly embarrassed huff escapes, which is more annoyed at his presence than the sting of the sudden heat.
“You do realise I'm staying back here too? Just because I joined a different task force doesn't mean I'm in another country.” He scoffs, chewing down on a particularly large chocolate cookie. Settled on the couch now and having dealt with the tea long ago, you nibble at some of the cookies you never have a chance at getting. The pair of you seemed to have the same idea, having brought your duvet and pillows from your own quarters to turn the couch here into your bed. But that ultimately failed upon realising the other was there; so now you sit at opposite ends, curled up in your own duvets, and throw each other the occasional glare if you even brush legs.
“Well, still— I was here first. You should’ve just gone.” You argue, not about to just let this slide so quickly. He’d be damned if he thought you’d just allow him to walk all over you like this. Leon scoffs in response, leaning over to steal one of the biscuits you took from the snackbar.
“Yeah, as if. I got the couch first, you know; you should really just go make your little tea and run along. Oh no—I can't let you do that; you might spill it again, and I'll have you clean you up.”
Leon’s words only rile you up more, especially since he robbed one of your biscuits, the chocolate one at that. Sure, the snackbar had plenty of them, but that still counts as thievery in your books.
“Shut up about the tea already; you’re so damn annoying. I bet you’ll just go boast about the amazing day today you had too, huh?”
That pisses him off; he wasn't initially annoyed by your presence—always taking the opportunity to agitate you as much as possible—but he definitely is now. He shifts in his seat so he’s facing you directly, harsh sarcasm written in his eyes.
“Oh? I had the best day? Right—like you aren't going to one up me straight after I speak. I bet you’re just itching to tell me all about how they’re going to extend your internship.”
The pair of you go back and forth, your own crashing disappointment mixed with the horrible mistreatment fuelling this anger towards him for no apparent reason. In your head, he’s trying to spite you and brag in order to prove that he’s better. It makes your blood boil until both the blankets along with the crumbs left behind slip onto the floor.
On his side, he’s brimming with the fantasy of just punching you right there. Look at you, trying to rub it in his face. You’re so selfish and rude, and it makes his mind cloud with frustration and rage, unable to even think clearly. Neither of you can realise how stupid this argument is or the pointlessness of it all. So, the next ten or so minutes are spent spewing out every insult in the book, tearing each other down, and only making the anger shared between the two of you fester into hatred.
“You think I have a big ego? You started this whole argument to piss me off because you got the better end of the stick. You’re nothing but a selfish, disgusting—“
He shouts, practically scrambling up and ready to yank you by your collar just to put you in your place for once. He doesn't know what else he’ll do, but he wants to shut you up desperately.
“Better end of the stick?! I had the worst day anyone could ever have—I should’ve just let you take the damn position!” You cry out, frustrated and even more annoyed at how he freely insults you. You’ve had enough of that today; if you take anymore, you might just lose it.
Leon suddenly pauses, blinks at you, and just stares blankly with wide eyes. “Your day.. it didn't go well either?”
Now it's your turn to stare at him like an idiot, confused by his words. Didn't he know that already? You thought he was doing all this because he knew it hadn't gone as expected.
“Either? What do you mean? Did yours not..”
“Go well, yes. Mine was terrible too. Like trying to prove myself to a brick wall.”
That makes you let out a sudden snort as you watch him sit back slightly, finding the words very relatable in your situation as well. Snorting turns to giggling, and you’re soon full of laughter with a small grin on your face. He can't help but crack a smile too, playfully jabbing you with his elbow.
“Hey—stop, it wasn't that funny. You’re laughing at my pain now.”
“I’m laughing because I went through the same thing, idiot. What is wrong with those agents?”
Finding out you both shared a similar experience is a pleasant surprise for him, relieved that for once he can just complain without someone trying to one-up him. You’re far too tired to even keep up that hatred anyway— you’d much rather giggle at your shortcomings even though you two almost got physical.
Grabbing your duvet again and some more cookies, you relax into the couch properly now, both propped up at each end. It’s not the longest couch, so your legs brush occasionally as you sit and face each other, nibbling at snacks while you still snicker at his stories.
“I shot practically two of those damn monsters dead without hesitation, like the agency always taught us. You know what those stuck-up agents told me? I should’ve checked if they were humans first. Those things were practically growling at me!”
You laugh once more as a frustrated expression comes over his face, making your own light up as you prepare to tell him how bad your day went.“Trust me, I've been through it too. They practically ignored me for half the morning and then scolded me for scouting ahead! Not to mention, one of the girls had a serious crush on one of the guys, and she would glare at me every time I asked him for the latest intel.”
Leon’s eyes light up in disbelief, lips curving up in mirth. “No way—they actually have crushes in their own teams? I thought that was like, against every protocol.”
“That's what i thought too,” You nod your head in agreement before taking a bite out of another cookie. “It was so obvious; I was convinced they were trying to test me or something.”
“Damn, and I thought the girl throwing up over a bit of bioweapon blood was bad.”
“She threw up over blood?!”
You feel a weight off your chest as you finally rant about your day to someone else, feeling better knowing it hadn't been your fault. In truth, you were so pent up by their constant attitude towards you that you had started to wonder if you were the problem in the taskforce. Though now you have the reassurance you never thought you needed to relax. The same goes for him, his shoulders relaxing with every word as he settles into the couch. Once you both agree that in conclusion, the opportunity was a waste of time, you shake hands on it, promising you’ll never be as bad as they were. That's hardly a thought now though, already brushing up against each other like teenagers in a sleepover while you pick an action movie.
“I want to watch the new Fast and Furious.”
“Oh, come on, you know they get worse with every new one. Give me that,”
He grabs the remote control, unable to control a smirk at your shocked face, before switching genres in search of something else. “See, this is quality content.”
“Leon—you want to watch a documentary. On war. I’ve already had enough of that!”
“But the action is so much better than your one!”
It takes the pair of you a full fifteen minutes before Netflix breaks and you’re forced to watch a David Attenborough documentary on animals in tropical islands. There's a slight pout on both of your faces having been forced to watch something so.. slow after wanting to watch action and excitement.
That's when you start snickering at a funny-looking stick insect; you point at it and then look towards him.
“Hey, it kind of looks like you-“
He shoves a cookie into your mouth, causing you to splutter before quickly chewing down on it before you choke.
“What was that? Were you saying that’s your twin?”
He points to another strange-looking animal, making sure to pick the worst possible to annoy you. This creates another back and forth until the channel finally changes the film, playing a somewhat decent action movie.
“Hey..” You begin to murmur, your head drooping onto your palm as the night grows deeper.
“Y’know.. one of the girls in my team mentioned she won't be here for the rest of the time. So if you wanna.. I don't know..”
“Join your team?”
“..Yeah. If you want.”
Rubbing the bags beneath your eyes does little to soothe you as your head finally starts to sink into the soft cushions and you have to shift your position a little to see him.
“Why? You can’t survive on your own without a little friend with you?”
He watches you get sleepier and sits up, shuffling over to you; there's no way he’s going to let you fall asleep without getting under your skin just a little bit more. The mocking tone makes you tilt your head up to look at him, seeing him awfully closer but you’re too preoccupied with his insult.
“Hey- i can survive perfectly fine! It's you who was complaining; I’m being a good samaritan-“ A frown has already formed on your lip, along with nudging him with your foot, trying to get him to stop.
“Alright, alright, I get the point; stop kicking me.” He picks up one of the pens across the coffee table, playfully poking against the fluffy socks you wear and thus causing you to retract from the ticklish feeling. “I’ll come, okay? I’ll ask to switch teams, but there's one condition.”
“Which is?”
“The night we have to camp outside, we have to share a tent. There's no way I'm risking sleeping beside someone who snores or just stinks. At least I know you’re none of those things, even if you are annoying all of the time.”
You snicker at the thought of him tossing and turning endlessly, your mind returning to a year prior. Leon could never get to sleep during the extensive training with all the other recruits, that much had been clear from the dark circles under his eyes every morning. Still, you didn't provide him any mercy and continued to snicker when he fell asleep mid lunch break. So, as any sleep deprived and grumpy rival would do: he decided to ruin your sleep. He had carefully stepped into your tent that night, eyes heavy but with a determination full of vengeance, and snuck over to your mattress. Tugging at your hair, creaking the mattress, pulling the blanket off, blowing on your face—every single thing he had tried failed to wake you from your slumber. You were such an incredibly deep sleeper, lying on your side with your legs in some random position and one cheek squished onto your hand, that you absolutely refused to wake. He hadn’t slept normally for four days, and so his frustration pushed him to fall asleep right there on your mattress, absolutely exhausted. The surprise on your face when you woke was incomparable, and unfortunately all it took was the shuffle of you sitting up to wake him once more.
“Yeah, alright, deal, but I still can't believe I'm the only one you can sleep beside.”
“It’s not like that—I can sleep by myself, you’re just quiet; it’s like you’re not even there.” He scoffs quickly, nudging you to move up, which you do very reluctantly, bringing your knees to your chest and sitting up. This couch is far too small for two, but he doesn’t care; he’s already moving forward. With a few more shuffles, he’s sitting beside you, both of your backs against the armrest—closer than you had been that night.
“Did the tea actually burn you?”
He asks before you can even question his motives, his fingers trailing your sleeves as he moves them up your shoulder to get a better look. The red mark on your upper arm is noticeable even with as far as you pulled your sleeves down to cover it. His calloused fingertips are rough as they trail the sensitive skin, his eyebrows beginning to knit together in worry.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have been such a prick to surprise you and cause you to drop your tea like that.”
He murmurs, feeling a swell of guilt in his gut as his eyes flitter up to meet yours sheepishly— something you’d never expect to see a year ago.
“Thanks, but it’s okay, I don't think it’ll leave a scar. The kettle barely made the tea that hot.”
He lets out a small hum and then pulls the duvets over you a little bit more, looking down at you as you fiddle with your sleeve again.
“You think it’s always going to be this bad? You know, the missions? They treat us like we’re literally nothing to them; this isn’t what I signed up for.” You suddenly blurt out, revealing what has been weighing heavy on your chest for weeks now. It’s not like you could talk to many of the rookies, and training sessions were already tough enough; you didn't exactly need your superior breathing down your neck for simply being unhappy. “Nah,” He shakes his head and playfully puts a hand onto your head to ruffle your hair—messing up all the carefully brushed locks into what now resembles a bird's nest.
“I’ve seen the top ranking agents; none of them are that incompetent. We just gotta prove that we’re capable of being like them too by pushing through this.” His words are oddly comforting considering they’re usually targeted against every aspect of your being, but you’re not going to call him out on that. You blink tiredly and hum in agreement, nodding your head slowly with each of your words. “I guess. When you join my team, we might even overshadow the others.” You chuckle a little, imagining those incompetent people dropping their jaws. They were pretty lazy, to be fair; all you two had to do was stay alert, and that would be enough. He can't help but chuckle himself and follows you as you begin to sink down into the couch, your legs stretching out to touch the other end.
“Don't get ahead of yourself, I'll overshadow all of you singlehandedly; I don't need your help.” He remarks, a cocky glint in his eyes as he pats your shoulder like one would do to a small kid. That only makes you roll your eyes, settling onto your back as you grumble to yourself before spitting out the most childish remark you can.
“Go away, you’re so annoying.”
“I can’t; the air conditioning is broken outside my room, and it’s being much louder than usual.” He mumbles as he pulls his duvet up to his neck; his shoulders bump against yours when he shifts onto his side, cheek pressing into the pillow.
“That's why I'm here, dimwit.” Despite the insult, he can't quite find the cold tone that usually accompanies it—lost in exhaustion and the need to just relax for once in his hectic schedule.
“Are you trying to kick me off the couch? There's barely any space, you know.”
He lets out a small grunt, not saying a word as he shifts his legs to get more comfortable— ignoring the way he can see you fighting to keep your left leg on the couch. “Don't care what you do. You’re just a nuisance.”
“Yeah, because everyone cuddles up to a nuisance, don't they?” You roll your eyes and reluctantly shift onto your side so you won't fall, feeling his warmth disappear from your shoulder as you turn. “What if our supervisor comes by in the morning?”
“He won't—he’s lazy”. He grunts, one eye opening to glare at you in an annoyance that clearly says ‘Be quiet.’ He shuts his eyes again, his nose nudging you slightly. “Go turn off the light.”
“Alright, fine.”
Soon enough, just your memory of the layout of this room serves as your guide as your padded footsteps take you back underneath the covers. Getting comfortable is slightly harder when he is much taller and more muscular than you are, and even more so when he presses his nose into your shoulder properly now, cheeks squishing against your shirt. You’re practically almost off the couch, and you can guarantee you’ll be on the floor by morning, but you’re not really bothered at all today.
Then, as you whisper a soft “Night,” you realise he had fallen asleep first for once.
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ineffasaurus · 1 year
An (embarrassingly long) post of my gushing about good omens:
I’m 16, but I’m writing from when I was 12/13 So it’s almost the end of summer, 2019, I remember this moment as clearly as anything. As clear as tasting my favourite food for the first time ever.
I’m layed on the patch of fake grass on the patio, with a couch cushion to rest my chin on. I’m scrolling some good old 2019 TikTok, I see this random cosplay of a demon and an angel. This is where it all began. This was the birth of it all 😂. I didn’t know I was autistic at the time but it was and still probably stands as 1000% my biggest special interest. I just loved this show, the characters, the actors, the writing, and all the crew I researched and I especially grew this strong bond towards the two main characters .
Crowley and Aziraphale were like real people to me for a long time, their story got me through a lot, took me right through 2020 when I had no friends ; when I was stuck in most of the year, It was a perfect distraction.
I am so grateful for Neil, Michael, David and everyone in the fandom. The community wasn’t just about the show and the book, ( and the radio production lol ), it was so much more about how we all felt during this weird weird year, and how we looked forward to whatever new content Neil had for us as it helped us stay grounded in reality whilst also helping us escape into numerous worlds of fantasy. I bought the book, then the DVD, which came with these exclusive prints, that I cherished like a little weirdo and I stuck them on a piece of paper and made it into a poster, I remember tagging Neil on Twitter in which he reposted my stupid little poster and I went straight to tell my aunt who probably couldn’t care less. She did actually really support me in this obsession, she was invested as much as I was in the lives of the actors and booked tickets for me to go to a sort of comic con in Wales to see Michael in person. Me and my best friend at the time, had costumes all set up as Aziraphale and Crowley. It made me feel so special and really I’ve never had that same feeling about any other franchise. I don’t even feel that strongly about dinosaurs, but the feeling is similar. Like I happened to stumble on this perfect thing, perfect to me in a way that I still don’t understand. It just made me so happy, and that’s what I’m grateful for. I can’t believe looking back now we couldn’t see I was autistic because the way I knew every single little fact and tidbit about the show, the production, the references, the costumes etc, it was honestly something that should be written in history books.
So, back to Neil, I read about four More of his books and in doing so, fell back in love with reading for a while, Ocean at the End of the Lane was special to me, I liked how Neil did and still does blend magic with the mundane. It appealed to me. I also became interested in religious history in a way, not so much, but I liked to research the angels and demons that were represented in the show. This isn’t supposed to be an analysis of the show, although that would also be something I’d enjoy a lot. I just want to get all these words out of my head about this chunk of my life that shaped who I was because I was only around thirteen. Everything was changing in my life, I needed this one form of escapism. Thank you Neil, for good omens, it won’t be so special to everyone as it is to me, but I will always love it and I am unbelievably excited for this new season. Roll on that 2019-2021 obsession, She’s back for round two. 🫶😇😈
@neil-gaiman Thankyou :)
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liliewrites · 2 months
hi there, little love !
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" oh, it seems you've stumbled upon my cozy little space, welcome darling! "
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hello hello, i'm kylie!
you can call me any lielie or any nn, any is fine! i don't mind! you're all my little lovely lilies here!:)
i am 18, she/her and i'm 100% wlw. 🏳️‍🌈/🇵🇭
i really love strawberries, i love women and pink is my favorite color!
besides writing and thirsting over women, i am an avid gamer. besides hoyogames, ptn and r1999, i also play a lot of other games! mainly rpgs and jrpgs hehe. women..
i'm a big fan of vtubers, mainly hololive and idol corp. i have no kami-oshi nor do i have a favorite group. i love them all!
the wonderful woman in my pfp is none other than me, kylie! drawn by my lovely irl friend:))
my current favorite women are ; arlecchino (the loml), stelle, karlach cliffgate, falin and tennant (from r1999).
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requests are open, love! (rules and masterlist utc)
you are free to leave requests/asks, although keep in mind of the following rules and reminders ;
i may take a lot of time when writing your request, as i do my best to write each fic with lots of love. so i hope you don't mind waiting for awhile! rest assured, it's there and i'm still working on it. if it doesn't come out in a week or two, then you're free to resubmit your ask!
i accept one-shots, headcanons and long fics. both sfw and nsfw.
i only and only write for female x female. this blog is purely for sapphic/wlw only! (as i am a woman enthusiast-)
besides female!reader/character, i can also write for transfem!reader/character. gender neutral can be accepted, but they will be afab on default if description of genitalia/appearance is required.
strictly NO MEN. my blog is for the ladies only. i want my blog to be a cozy space for sapphics to enjoy:))
for nsfw- besides smut, i can write violence and slightly dark content. however, any controversial themes such as pedophilia, rape, abuse etc. will usually not be accepted (exceptions may vary, depending on the extremity and context). all my nsfw content will have some kind of consent!
for the baby lilies (minors), you are all free to interact with my sfw content okay? but the nsfw content are a no-no for you! i can't control your actions if you wish to read them at your own discretion, but if i find out that you are a minor interacting (sending asks, commenting, reblogging) with my nsfw content then you will be blocked. i'm sorry, little love! but my nsfw content contain things that aren't for you yet.
which woman would you like to dream of, love?
i can write for ;
hoyoverse women
jujutsu kaisen women
demon slayer women
attack on titan women
path to nowhere women
baldurs gate 3 women
just women in general. if there's a woman you want to request for from a certain fandom that i didn't mention here, you are welcome to ask if i can write for them! i love women, hihi.
lielie's masterlist | lielie's series list
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lielie's tag list
#lilac asks💜 (for asks i receive from my little loves!) #lilac writes💜 (for all my written works!) #lilac thoughts 💜 (for my random shenanigans!) #lilac garden💜 (for reblogging my own works!) #lilac announcements 💜 (for any important announcements!)
lielie's lovely little anons! 🔥💫☀️🪐
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please do not copy/repost any of my works! i only post here on tumblr and not on any other site. also consider following my editor, @crimsondawn28, whom will give any updates regarding the blog should an emergency arise again. thank you for coming by!:)
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lvrsparadise · 9 months
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synopsis - "this kid i swear."
warnings! - mentions of alcohol and being drunk, platonic all, profanity, approaching strangers (pls don't do this, stranger danger!!)
A/N - creds to @0-r-a-y-0 for saying to do a oneshot of this. sorry if it's kinda bad, i haven't written in a bit 😖. anywayyyys, idk. i'm obsessively re-reading the crave series, jaxon is so 😍😍😋 (iykyk) based on the pod today!!
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we had all agreed to go out tonight, we didn't have a reason, but did most people? We just wanted to have fun.
i see nick's lips moving, but i can't hear him over the loud music playing through the club.
"what?!" i stop moving to move my head closer to nick to try and hear what he's saying.
he shakes his head as he turns around, walking away from me, most likely to get another drink.
"you think we should let him continue? this will be his like, tenth tonight." i hear matt from behind me, turning around to face him, shrugging.
"i dunno, i don't think he's tha-" i'm cut off by seeing nick in the corner of my eye, turning my head to look at him approach a girl and her friend, both looking as drunk as he is.
"do we stop that orrrr...?" chris appears outta nowhere, but i really don't know.
i just laugh as nick and the girls head to the bar to grab more drinks, each of them laughing.
"this kid i swear." chris and matt say in unison as nick approaches another group of strangers, about 4 or 5 of them, and starts doing what he does best - be nick.
as we, all but matt, stumble out of the club, soke more than others - cough cough, nick, cough cough.
"there he goes again." i mumble as nick just falls into step with a guy and a girl, maybe best friends or siblings, not a couple though.
"that's like his 19th time walking up to random people tonight." matt sighs and laughs at his brothers stupidity before realizing chris is nowhere to be found.
"oh come on." he's turning circles for a few moments before he realizes chris is sitting on a bench, talking with a guy around our age.
"chris too?!" i just laugh at matt's shocked expression.
"matt, dude they're like fuckin 4 sheets to the wind, leave 'em be dude."
"i know but-"
"they're fine, they're both nearby so we're all good." i point to the bench next to the one chris is sitting on where nick is talking to, big shocker, another group of people, this group looking drunk too; they're all yelling and laughing.
we had intentions of having fun tonight, and we did. along with a bit of chaos from mr sociable.
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Tags ! ✮
@dwntwn-strnlo ✮ @ssturniolo ✮ @strniolo ✮ @20nugs ✮
@prettysturniolo ✮ @mxqdii ✮ @thetriplets3 ✮ @slaysturniolo ✮
@gwenlore ✮ @opheliaofficial07 ✮ @gabbylovesreading ✮
@luvsturniolo ✮ @itsaaliyah2 ✮ @strniolosworld ✮
If you want to be added to the list, all you have to do is ask ! ✮
I love you all !
And I hope you all have a good day and / or night ✮
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allforfemeclipse · 2 months
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Step.1 <> Stumble upon our account.
Step.2 <> Read the contents below.
Step.3 <> Think about if you'd like to request one or the other, and make a decision.
Step.4 <> Ask & Request which ever one you decide on (We are not 100% certain we will see your request in a timely manner or see it at all)
Step.5 <> Wait.
☆ ☆ ☆
Hello, and welcome to the contents below! Yeah, so, we're bored and want to torture ourselves. So, we've decided to run a little thing where you can request one of two things of us! What are those two things, you ask? Well, the first thing you can request is an art piece. It can be your own AU—please give detail if so—or just something you'd like for us to draw. No people. We refuse. The second thing, however, if a mini story. Once again, it can be an AU, or you can even request a sample of an AU we have—you are welcome to ask about our AUs as well. In doing this, you will help us torture ourselves even more so than we currently are.
God, we really are just acting like we have enough followers to do this... We have one. But we are happy nonetheless.... Anyways, time to put an unnecessary amount of tags so people can find this... possibly.... Oh yeah, here's a random picture. Is it drawn by us? Maybe. Maybe we just put a random picture or GIF below. If we did draw it, though, we'll tell you.
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This wall drawing was by us!
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BONUS: also by us. We want to draw this little fellow with Sun and Moon (mostly canon ver) and what their reactions would be... Maybe that could be a request.... it would be difficult since I'd be on our phone–..... Most of the requested drawings might be on paper/traditional art... or if you specifically want it on digital, you can say that as well.
ForgottenMind AU <> Eclipse wakes up in a ballpit with no memory of who he is, what he is, or where he came from. He soon meets swap personality Sun and Moon along with their mature technically younger brother Mars |still working on his design|. Newton is a character that is slightly insane at the start, then just begins to watch them from afar and begins to gain his own sentience slowly as time progresses.
Separate, Jigsaw AU |temporary name| <> Ruin isn't evil in this AU. His virus came back. He was used as a [TW] s3x t0y for three years |bc why not. We used to have no character with that trauma and backstory|. Leaning towards and is about to be Solar × Ruin.
|Not one of our main AUs, but something that you might see if you have YouTube...|
[Classified] – a diamond bodied creature with a floating head, golden rings and demon like horns with a glowing orb floating above their head which is where they harness their powers. Used to be friends with Comet.
Comet – A moth, crow, human hybrid. Overworked and touch starved thing. Pushed away others which is how they lost [Classified]. Used to be friends with [Classified]. Missing.
<???> –/Coming soon!/–
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