#if they were complaining about literally anything else i wouldn't care! but bad writing??? pot meet kettle!
harrowharkwife · 1 year
this is sooo petty but i swear to god nothing is funnier to me than the negative nancy anons shitting themselves and panicking unsolicited in random people's inboxes week after week complaining about how much the episode #sucked or whatever and yet it seems like said anon asks are always, consistently, without fail, some of the most incoherently written and poorly composed and typo-riddled messages i've ever seen on this hellsite
like generally speaking i'm not someone who gives a single fuck about spelling and grammar or whatever but like. come on now. how are you gonna bitch and moan about "bad writing" when you can't even get through writing a 25 word anon ask on tumblr dot gov. please be serious
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