#if they realize they're having a nice moment they will throw soda cans at each other's heads
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everdistantstars · 8 months ago
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Happy Pride Month!
They're having a bonding moment. Nobody tell them.
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redbrickisaac · 7 years ago
Can I request an Isaac one where y/n is a human but has a falling out with her parents and they basically kick her out; Derek has become a sort of brotherly figure to her and when she shows up and tells him what went down he takes her in. Isaac and Y/n have always seemed to get on the others nerves, bickering and being snarky with each other, but when she moves in after a while they start to see different sides of the other, and how cute they look when they're half asleep in the morning etc lol?
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 Pairing: Isaac X Reader
Musical Inspiration:“Dare” – Daya
Word Count:Approx. 2.3k
Warnings:Mentions of fights with parents, mentions of Isaac’s past, insomnia maybe? 
A/n: Do you recognize any of the things reader and Isaac watch together?
You and Isaac have never gotten along. It’s just too bad forhim that you’ve been in Derek’s life longer because his Alpha already feelsprotective of you. Derek knows that your relationship with your parents hasalways been volatile and he’s always offered you a place to crash when you needto get away. Perhaps Isaac never knew the reason you’d show up for a day or twoand crash in the apartment he and Derek share. You never confided in Isaac so,unless Derek told him, he probably just though you were encroaching on theirterritory, taking up time and space in their lives that wasn’t rightfullyyours. Maybe that’s why he never warmed to you.  
The night your parents kick you out for good and Derek givesyou a place to stay is the night things start to change between you and Isaac.
When you show up with a duffle on your shoulder, Derek letsyou in with no judgement, taking your bag from you and leading you to the guestroom without a word. You hear the creak of Isaac’s door as you pass and feelhis gaze on your back but ignore it, following Derek into the room, still numbfrom the fight with your parents. You watch blankly as he tosses your bag onthe bed and turns to you, opening his arms, offering you the comfort you needbut don’t feel like you can ask for.
You sink into Derek’s hug, gripping his shirt tightly andjust concentrate on breathing. Keepbreathing.
Isaac’s door slams across the hallway, making both you andDerek turn in the direction of the sound.
“I’ll talk to him,” Derek promises. He knows there’s somestrange kind of animosity between the two of you. You really don’t get ityourself. Isaac’s just never seemed to like you much, so you’ve treated him thesame way he’s treated you. An eye for an eye, right?
“It’s fine,” you tell Derek, pulling out of his arms. Youthink you’ve done enough leaning on him for tonight. It’s bad enough he’s givenyou a place in his home until you can find your own way. You already owe him somuch. “He’s not gonna like me, no matter what you say.”
“He will be respectfulthough,” Derek grits out in a way that tells you that Isaac is listening fromhis room. “Both of you will,” he continues, looking pointedly at you. “You maynot be blood, but you’ve both become my family. You don’t have to like eachother, but you do have to be civil under my roof.”
“I know,” you assure him. It won’t be hard on your part.You’ve seen Isaac with his friends, the people he actually likes. You thinkyou’d probably like him if he hadn’t always been such a dick to you.
“Do you need anything?” Derek asks but you’re alreadyshaking your head.
“No, I’m alright,” you say, crossing your arms overyourself. Maybe it’s a silent cry for comfort but Derek can’t seem to hear itand you’re glad. You don’t want to be too needy or ask for too much.  “I think I’m just gonna go to sleep, itthat’s alright.”
“Okay. Sleep well, then,” Derek says, leaving you alone inyour temporary room, shutting the door behind him. You can hear his footstepsas he walks across the hall and stops in front of Isaac’s room but you turnaway from the noise to kick off your shoes and climb under the covers on yourbed, glad that you’re not a werewolf. You don’t think you want to hear whateverIsaac might be saying about you.
After a couple hours of sleep, you wake from a nightmare andslip downstairs. Rest isn’t an option anymore so you take a seat on the couchand turn the television on with the volume off and the closed captions on.  You find a marathon of some zombie show andrelax back into your seat to watch for a while, finding it sad that your reallife is more terrifying than a horror show could ever be.
Before long you hear movement behind you and turn to seeIsaac walking into the kitchen. He returns with a cold drink in hand and looksat the television.
“This is a pretty good one,” he says. “Have you seen itbefore?”
You stare for a moment, surprised he’s talking to you atall. “No,” you eventually answer, returning your gaze to the television.
“Hmm,” Isaac hums, moving to sit at the other end of thecouch, popping the top on his drink and looking for all the world like he planson hanging around.
You flick your gaze over to him anticipating a nasty commentor something but he says nothing, just watches the zombies on screen, so youkeep quiet too and just let it be.
After a few minutes of watching, he turns to you. “You know,a show like this is a lot better with the sound on.”
“Didn’t want to wake anyone,” You shrug.
“Well, I’m already awake and Derek will sleep through it. Atleast, I hope he does because I do this all the time.”
You hand over the remote control, let it be on Isaac if you’redealing with a grumpy alpha in the morning. He takes it from you, turning upthe volume to a reasonable level but leaving the captions on too. The volumerises and falls so frequently in a show like this, it’s better to be safe than haveto keep reaching for the remote. He sets it down between you and it feels likean offer of truce, leaving the remote where you have a choice if you want tokeep watching or change the channel.
You watch for a few episodes before you get tired again, eyesdrifting shut of their own accord. In the morning you wake with a blanketcovering you and a pillow tucked under your head, Isaac’s end of the couch is longempty.  
During the day, you and Isaac seem to tiptoe around eachother. He’s not friendly exactly, but he’s not openly hostile either. You oftenfind yourself bracing for snarky comments that never come.
When Derek comments on how nice and quiet it’s been, lookingbetween the two of you expectantly, Isaac glances your way but his gaze is gonejust as quickly. He looks almost like he’s just been reprimanded but says nothingso you can’t really be sure what he’s thinking. And you have no idea what’sgoing on so you don’t have an answer for Derek either.  You shrug and go back to your dinner.
It happens again. You have a nightmare and can’t get back tosleep so you go down stairs, only this time Isaac has beaten you to the couch.You flop down at the other end.
“What are we watching?” You ask.
“Some show about witches and vampires,” Isaac answers with ashrug, only glancing your way for a moment before turning his attention back tothe television.
“Oooh, I love this show,” You say, settling back into thecushions. “That Kaleb guy is hot.”
He doesn’t say anything, but you can see the way he rollshis eyes and gives a little shake of his head. You bite down on smile, fightingthe urge to laugh at his annoyance. It feels like a normal interaction, notsomething charged with hostility like your exchanges used to. Neither of youspeak for the next few episodes, just watching the television until Isaac getstired and goes back to bed.
Another hour and you shut off the tv, heading back to yourown room.  You catch a few hours of sleepbefore your alarm wakes you again.
You don’t realize it’s become a thing until you come downstairs one night to find Isaac occupyinghis spot with a drink in his hand and an unopened soda on the end table next toyour spot.
You pause in your steps and stare at the soda, eyes flickingto Isaac in confusion before falling back onto the drink left on the coasteryou always use.
“Don’t make a fuss about it,” Isaac says without lookingback. “It’s just a soda. I was already in the kitchen when I heard you gettingup.”
So, you don’t make a fuss about it. You sit next to Isaacand pop open your drink, keeping your eyes on the television. This time youappear to be watching some horror movie about a guy who collects people? You’vemissed the beginning so you’re a little confused.
“What’s going on?” You asks, leaning a little into Isaac’sspace.
He shrugs, indifferent as he raises his drink to his lips.“I don’t even know,” he tells you as he lowers the drink again. “You can changeit if you want.”
“Nah,” You copy him, shrugging uncaringly. It’s not themovie that you come down here for. You just need to get away from yournightmares for a little while, away from the sheets that try to tangle you upand hold you down while your fears bombard you in your sleep. “This is fine.”
You settle in to watch the movie and wake up hours laterwith your head on Isaac’s shoulder and Derek staring down at the two of youwarily.
“What?” You asks, raising your head and stretching youraching neck. The sounds make Isaac start to stir as well.
Derek merely raises a brow at you. “I didn’t say anything.”
“Your eyebrows did,” Isaac says, even though his eyes aren’tfully open and you’re not sure he’s even completely aware of the situationyou’ve woken in. His comment still makes you snort a laugh.
“Hmm,” Derek hums, glancing between you before turning awayto head to the kitchen. “You were hogging the couch.”
You don’t know when it happened but sometime during yourlate night tv sessions with Isaac, the two of you seem to have become friends.
“Oh, you wimp,” you throw popcorn at the television as theyoung knight in the movie Isaac turned on faints.
“I’m not helping you clean that up,” Isaac says with asmirk, stealing some popcorn from your bowl.
“Eh,” you shrug, uncaring. It’s just a little popcorn. “Canyou believe this guy?”
“He’s young. And he’s not used to actually having to facebattle,” Isaac reminds you.
“If he wants to see a battle, he should try living with myparents,” you grumble. You ran into your parents earlier in the day and it’sleft a cloud of irritability over you ever since. They’re the reason you aren’tsleeping right now.
“Hey, uh. I’m sorry,” Isaac says from out of nowhere and it’sgot you turning your head to raise a questioning brow at him. Seeing the lookon your face, he clears his throat and offers a clarification. “I’m sorry forthe way I treated you before. You didn’t deserve that. I, uh, I was new to thewhole werewolf thing and I’d just lost the last of my family. And I thinkeveryone knows about my history with my father by now… So, it was already hardto figure out my place in Derek’s pack and then, there you were every otherweek or so, just sort of slotting in so effortlessly, taking away some of theattention that I really felt like I needed. I was jealous and it was petty andI’m sorry. I had no idea what you were dealing with until Derek told me whenyou moved in here. It shouldn’t have even taken me that long to start actinglike an actual human being to you.”
You stare at Isaac. “I think that’s the most I’ve ever heardyou say at one time.”
He snorts and rolls his eyes as you fight a smile. “I’mtrying to apologize here,” he reminds you. “Don’t make me regret it.”
You bite your lips to hold in your smile until you just can’tanymore. “It’s okay,” you tell him, finding that you actually mean it. “I getit. I mean, I didn’t get the wolf thing, because human, but I think I sort of get it now. And apology accepted. Iknow it wasn’t entirely something I could help but— I’m sorry I made thingsharder for you.”
He shakes his head, peeling the label off of his Root Beerbottle. “There was no way you could have known.”
“Soooo, we’re both forgiven?” You ask, nudging his shoulder.
He chuckles at you. “That’s what it sounds like to me.”
“Great,” you exclaim happily, holding out your empty bottleto him. “Get me another drink?”
“Do I look like your slave?” He asks but it’s not even asecond later before he’s shaking his head again. “Don’t answer that.”
You laugh as he takes the empty bottle from you and walks intothe kitchen with it. “Thank yoooouu!”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” he answers when he returns,handing over the drink.
You turn that questioning brow on him again.
“Uh.” He says, looking like he wants the floor to swallowhim whole. “I meant—”
“You’re pretty cute too,” you interrupt him before he cantake it back or ruin it. “Especially in the morning when your hair is all overthe place and you have a fabric print on your cheek from the arm of the couch.”You reach over, drawing a line on his cheek with the tip of your finger likeyou’re tracing that invisible line.
He catches your wrist, holding your hand there. “Yeah? Wellyou look pretty cute when you’re drooling all over my shoulder.”
“Ack!” You sputter as Isaac smirks at you. “You little—”
Derek’s voice distracts you from what you were going to saywhen he yells down the stairs, “I get it, you’re both cute. Go to bed!”
You grin, leaning into Isaac’s space. He leans into yourstoo and your lips just barely have time to graze each other when Derek callsout again.
“Seperately! Separate beds. Sleep only.”
You lower your head to Isaac’s shoulder to try and containyour laughter.
The night your parents kick you out for good and Derek givesyou a place to stay is the night things start to change between you and Isaac.The night you start to fall for him is the night realize you’ve found yourhome.  
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