#if they do want my help with either dxun or gods i'd be glad to help
vespertine-legacy · 3 years
I got to lead an ops today!
Someone in endgame wanted to know if some gracious soul was willing to lead their group through Temple of Sacrifice, so I whispered them to ask what role they needed and let them know that I could probably lead a group through it (I’ve never been an official ops lead, and I have done every story mode operation from every role, so I theoretically know all of the perspectives/mechanics, but I haven’t really had to explain them).
They needed a dps, so I brought Kestrel along, and by the time I got into the group, it had turned into also TC and Hive. Both of those went fine, but then the group member who had recruited me went afk right before we queued to actually run ToS, and we failed the ready. Which locked our group into the queue with only him able to decline. Technical difficulties ensued, but once he got back we were able to get it worked out.
Overall, ToS went very well! We had a weird glitch feature on Malaphar where after he died, we got one last set of adds. Sword Squadron went perfectly--like, I had never seen them go down more perfectly in terms of their percentages, no one went near the trail the tank on Walker 1 was leaving, no one exploded a grenade on the group, perfect. The Underlurker jumped too close to the wall and made us fail the cross a couple of times (but dps was high enough and healing was good enough that we did fine). The Revanite Commanders did their “are they or aren’t they down?” game. The main tank refused to point Revan’s attack at the pillars on the first floor because “you don’t have to in SM” (okay, but that’s the easiest way to keep the dps from getting their faces cleaved off, but you do you I guess?), but otherwise, folks did really well on the first and second floor. Third floor was a little rough with the aberrations and folks wanting to stand in the pretty purple circles, but otherwise, things went fine.
They thanked me for leading them through, and I told them to let me know if there were other things I could help them with.
“It’s funny you should ask. Wanna teach us Gods?”
Edited to add:
I forgot that during the Revanite Commanders, when they all three came down, I got Sano’s attention, but ended up with also the attention of two of the adds that do conal attacks and one of the adds that drops an orange circle, so I was just like, “oof, sorry healers, I’m standing in like seven stupid things right now.” @astrifer-bound was walking by and just started laughing their ass off, so I added, “and you should know my wife is cackling at my stupidity now.”
Also asked the tank who had Kurse how he was doing while we were finishing off Deron, and the response was, “ah, it’s fine, he hits like a kitten.”
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