#if their activity doesn't nosedive off a cliff VERY sharpish then they cannot fucking stay here
somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
i have had a terrible awful no good very bad day
they moved a bubble waffle place into the (built in) unit right behind me. and when i say right behind i mean like.... 4ft.
i've had people shoving into me all day, leaning up against the back (working side. where i work) of my stall and generally crowding right over my shoulder because there is simply no fucking room back there
which also meant it was nigh impossible for me & babs to watch each other's stalls when going to the bathroom or whatever because people were just. in the way of that line of sight all the time. at the back of the stall. where the cash and personal belongings are. i've never had to pee so much in my LIFE
couldn't even pack up when i wanted to because i couldn't get around the outside of my own fucking stall
and of course, the noise. it's been so loud all day directly behind my earballs that i haven't been able to hear anybody on the other side of my stall. they haven't been able to hear me. the result of which is massively increased foot traffic but an 80% loss in sales.
everyone in our little corner did "worse than a slow quiet day" today but i took the biggest hit on account of being the one directly in front of it. turns out it's really hard to sell things to people when you can't talk to them! or get out to go around and show them things! who knew (sarcasm)
the icing on the cake then being having theft from my stall for the first time ever bc it turns out that crowd cover will help people do that so more than half of what little i scraped in today was wiped out
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