#if the formatting on this is broken beyond comprehension no it isn't <3
enslaughts · 1 year
get to know the author. . .
name :  jean :)
pronouns :  they/them feels the most accurate but i loveee the fluidity of any pronouns forever and always amen
preference of communication :  in the tags of replies.... unfortunately. social anxiety my most beloathed. BUT discord seems to be working better than ims for now, at least !
most active muse :  right now ? tommy and cat tlou, kae newborn oc babygirl... mostly. but the muses i have the most consistently active muse for are sean and karen lis, five tua, andddd [ REDACTED, who i've actually been thinking of making a removed original portrayal fandomless sideblog for. much to think about ]
experience/how many years :  oh damn, honestly ? i think just since 2020 ? 2019 ? somehow it's felt both longer and shorter than that rip <3
best experience :  ho man, where to begin. my first blog was surprisingly my best experience in the rpc when it comes to a blog being a BLAST to run, but it was kinda lightning in a bottle ; cool as hell, but no way in hell gonna last. i was in a sweet spot mentally but it was the exception to the rule, e.g. : my incredibly poor focus and consistency on every other blog since lol. but above all, it's trulyyy the people i've met on here. even if i fall out of touch, i treasure the talent and kindness i've encountered on rp tunglr of all places no matter how long ago i encountered it <3
rp pet peeves :  lame as hell answer but my own self sabotage when it comes to overwhelming myself aha. yet i do it every time <3 it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti - hero etc
plots or memes :  okay. okay. the answer IS plots, i swear. that first blog o' mine was bursting at the seams with threads i had such incredible muse for because i somehow had the mental where - with - all to honest to god plot, but literally i haven't been able to get there since then and it drives me NUTS. brain broke, so. memes. much to my dismay.
long or short replies :  the answer should be short for my own sake but. aha. hehe. hahaha. it's me. hi. i'm the problem it's me etc
are you like your muse : well. for obvious reasons, the answer is unfortunately yes. but usually in some small, but significant way. an isolated trait magnified to whims of my projection coping methods <3 i pass out singular traits of mine to my muses like halloween candy :)
tagged by : joeyyyy <3 tagging : if you've not done it yet, @soulspent, @soulwaned, @maimedaffair, @capitolhost, @palearizonuh, @fableheld, @lingeringscars, @exclibur, @wildkissed, and you reading this ; steal it and say i tagged you :)
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greevalleysmilecare · 5 months
A Parent's Comprehensive Guide to Handling Dental Emergencies for Children
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As guardians of our little ones, it's natural to worry about their safety. Especially when it comes to unexpected mishaps involving their precious smiles. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate dental emergencies calmly and effectively. So, let's embark on this journey together and empower ourselves to safeguard our children's dental health.
Understanding Dental Emergencies:
Before we delve into the specifics of various dental emergencies, let's establish a clear understanding of what constitutes such situations. A dental emergency for children encompasses any injury or trauma to the teeth, gums, or mouth that demands immediate attention to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and promote healing. These emergencies can manifest in different forms, including knocked-out teeth, cracked or broken teeth, severe toothaches, bleeding gums, or injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth.
Common Dental Emergencies and How to Handle Them:
Knocked-Out Tooth:
Stay composed and swiftly locate the dislodged tooth, handling it delicately by the crown (the part used for chewing), avoiding contact with the root.
If feasible, rinse the tooth gently with water to remove any dirt or debris without scrubbing or disrupting any attached tissues.
Attempt to reinsert the tooth into its socket, ensuring it aligns correctly. If reinsertion isn't possible, place the tooth in a container of milk or saliva to preserve it.
Contact your child's dentist immediately for guidance and arrange for an emergency appointment. Time is of the essence in potentially saving the tooth.
2. Cracked or Broken Tooth:
Begin by rinsing your child's mouth with lukewarm water to cleanse the area and alleviate discomfort.
Apply a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a cloth to the outside of the mouth to reduce swelling and numb the affected area.
Retrieve any broken tooth fragments and store them in a container of milk or saline solution.
Reach out to your child's dentist promptly to schedule an emergency visit and receive appropriate treatment recommendations.
3. Severe Toothache:
Help your child rinse their mouth with a warm saltwater solution to soothe irritation and flush out any debris.
Encourage gentle flossing around the affected tooth to remove any trapped food particles contributing to the discomfort.
Apply a cold compress externally to the cheek to alleviate pain and minimize swelling.
Administer over-the-counter pain relief medication suitable for your child's age and weight, following the recommended dosage guidelines.
Contact your nearest emergency dentist to schedule an evaluation and address the underlying cause of the toothache promptly.
4. Bleeding Gums:
Have your child rinse their mouth gently with a saline solution or plain water to cleanse the area and control bleeding.
Apply light pressure to the bleeding gums using a clean gauze pad or soft cloth to encourage clot formation.
If bleeding persists beyond ten minutes despite continuous pressure, contact your child's dentist for further assistance and guidance.
Refrain from administering aspirin or placing any medication directly on the gums, as it may exacerbate bleeding.
Preventing Dental Emergencies:
While some dental emergencies are unforeseeable, adopting proactive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of such occurrences:
Prioritize Regular Dental Check-ups:
Schedule routine dental appointments for your child to undergo thorough examinations and preventive treatments.
Early detection of dental issues allows for timely intervention and minimizes the risk of emergencies.
2. Promote Proper Oral Hygiene Habits:
Educate your child about the importance of brushing teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and flossing to maintain optimal oral health.
Supervise young children during brushing sessions to ensure thorough cleaning of all tooth surfaces.
3. Provide Protective Gear:
Equip your child with a custom-fitted mouthguard if they participate in sports or activities that pose a risk of dental trauma.
Mouthguards serve as a protective barrier, reducing the impact of blows to the face and minimizing the risk of dental injuries.
4. Discourage Harmful Habits:
Discourage habits such as nail-biting, pen-chewing, or using teeth as tools to prevent unnecessary strain and trauma to the teeth.
Avoid offering hard candies, ice cubes, or other hard objects that could potentially damage teeth or dental restorations.
5. Maintain a Well-Stocked Dental First Aid Kit:
Assemble a comprehensive dental first aid kit containing essential supplies such as gauze pads, cotton balls, saline solution, and a small container for storing knocked-out teeth.
Familiarize yourself with the contents of the first aid kit and the appropriate steps to take in various dental emergency scenarios.
As conscientious parents, our priority is ensuring the overall well-being of our children, including their dental health. By arming ourselves with knowledge and preparedness, we can effectively navigate dental emergencies with composure and confidence. Remember, swift action, coupled with a calm demeanor, can mitigate the severity of dental injuries and promote optimal healing outcomes. Let's remain vigilant, proactive, and compassionate guardians of our children's smiles, ensuring they enjoy a lifetime of dental wellness and radiant smiles.
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