#if the breeding thing wasn't obvious enough by the fact he oogles his load EVERYTIME im EVERY CHAP LMFAOO
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vyzz-undercover · 4 months ago
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(11,000ish words) (MAXED OUT SPACE LMFAO)
•no dubcon (growth!!!)
•hints of size kink
•references to masturbation
•oral [f receiving]
•intercourse [M/F]
•discussions on contraception
•discussions on pregnancy
•breeding kink (finally someone admits it)
•mild violence [on reader]
•degrading language
•tumblr's horseshit concept of copy paste formating
WHATS UP???? IM ALIVE ENJOY THE FUCKING SHITSTORM OF CATO FINALLY ADMITTING HES A WIFE GUY BASICALLY!!!!! oh and here's the taglist ily all mwah mwah!!! @mothiir, @moodymisty, @bispecsual, @the-raven-lady, @thevoidscreams, @pluvio-tea, @lemon-russ, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams, @passionofthesith, @historitor-bookshelf, @cosmic-cryptid-from-beyond, @ma1dmer, @scriberye, @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan, @undeaddream, @beckyninja, @yestheantichrist, @sinistermojo, @vivacious-hyena, @grimdark-racoon!!!! if anyone wants on or off taglist lmk no pressure!!! enjoooooyyyy i love u alllllll :3
For all intents and purposes, everything is going swimmingly.
Cato is happier these days—and so are you, apparently.
So when he is called to the Command deck by his Primarch, he is somewhat unsure of what to make of the matter. Paranoia rises in his gullet like bile, but ever since the slip up in front of Guilliman, you've both been spotless.
Cato strides up the parapet and demagnetises the locking pins keeping his helm secure, tugging it off his head and letting it nest in the crook of his arm.
Slicking his hair into some semblance of order with a free hand, he sighs.
Ugh, he needs a haircut—it's starting to get in his eyes if he doesn't swipe it back. But he can't—because you seem to approve, and stubborn as he is, if keeping it this length means he receives dainty Ambassador fingers as a comb sometimes, then so be it.
It still pisses him off, though.
Regardless, Cato carries on his way—and the first face he sees upon entering the discussion area is the Chapter Master's, and two of his subordinate Victrix Guard hovering behind.
The Primarch's lesser-used vessel Dawn of Fire has been given to Calgar, and has been trailing behind the Macragge's Honour for a month and a half now; meaning the situation has granted a fair few more audiences than normal amongst them.
Nemus bows his head in unison with Lethro, the gesture familiar and practiced, while Calgar simply tips his chin down at him.
Cato reciprocates with a curt, martial bob and takes his place nearby his Primarch at the central control booth.
A few menials are fiddling with the specifications of the lithocast display before it flickers into life, the green-tinged projection juddering for a second before stabilising to a clear motion pict link.
Lo and behold, Severus Agemman's shiny bald head and pinched face.
The mere sight is enough to make Cato disinterested; and when he hears the First Captain speak his greetings to the Primarch, Cato abruptly considers himself deaf.
He turns away, looking aside, and finds you.
You're leaning on the railing of the raised observation deck while his Primarch gives feedback Cato doesn't heed.
You've dressed a little different than your usual ship-attire—clad in that same old blue robe but armed with a big navy shawl, and he suspects you've done so expecting the chill of the upper deck.
Cato's dark brow quirks as he gazes towards the high, arching, star-flecked windows. Throne, he feels like he's being hypnotised by the white shifting whorls—there is a humility to gazing up, every so often. A reminder of perspective. Cato has seen some objectively beautiful sights in the galaxy; stars and asteroids and planets untouched by Humanity, and Xenos, and Chaos alike; but none really compare to watching you stare up at the wide glass panels, absentmindedly connecting the dots between distant gas giants.
For a moment it feels like everything is unimportant.
He wants to stand beside you. Lean down and rest on the railing, and bask in the smile you'd shoot up at him.
He wants to ask which cluster of far off planets you think prettiest, perhaps if you recognise any—or if you'd like to see how the stars look glittering off the mighty oceans of his home-world—but it is not appropriate to behave that way with the current company, despite how it aches to deny himself the sentiment.
"No," Guilliman sharply answers a response Cato hadn't been listening to.
And only then does Cato realise himself, gaze and focus tearing back to reality and sticking to Guilliman's big, tired blue eyes, as he digresses, "No, no—the moment the Drukhari know we are onto them, they will butcher through the populace for sport—and the elites will cripple the dwarf planet to spite them. Farrim is a major port world, the set back of going off course, even temporarily, is worth the delay."
There are several billion inconsequential people on that rock. And all they have to thank for not being sentenced to slavery and death is the benefit of being close by.
The locale would surely not be high priority if not for the chance it is practically adjacent to Agemman, and he can simply scare off the assault with an extremely minor detour—and then obliterate the fleeing Xenos like chaff before the wind.
The only real problem is orchestrating how to go about it.
Bombard them into their base particles before they even get their hand in the jar? Or let them begin, and then close the trap to watch them squirm and suffer in it like salted leeches?
Cato knows he would chose the latter, but he's not about to dignify Severus with any sort of advice on such meagre matters.
Cato exists beyond the normal chain of discipline, as Commander of the Victrix Guard—which means felating Agemman is Sevastus Acheran's problem as Captain of the Second Company, now.
The planetary governance's reaction must be considered also—he knows of Farrim, vaguely. There are a series of vast docks in geosynchronous orbit, and that means they are host to all sorts of satellite criminal activities. It is surely a rat's nest rife with Rogue Traders returning from deep dives into hell; and that means heretical practices, like engaging in interspecies dealings; of tack, of weregild—of flesh.
Cato knows well the horrible desperation of the weak for some form of certitude in a galaxy run mad, even if the only certitude possible was that of complete degeneration. A greedy baseline would sell their kin to Xenos to eat another day. That is the reason for law. It is one of the reasons for Astartes. It is a basic truth. Because a cornered beast would sooner kill itself in the struggle of fleeing than face its pursuer—and humanity in masses are oft worse than if they were caged in a cramped pen with a starving Termagant.
But he hopes, beyond reason, that the moronic rulers that allowed the Drukhari so close would suffer far more than just the panic of the chase before succumbing to their vermin fear in such a way. Punishment would be harshly imposed, because treating with Xenos ever yielded foul results. Simply writhing in their own terror was not enough justice for their enactures, and Cato will gladly watch the meting out of greater judgement upon them soon.
Consequently, Cato had come to find almost all Aeldari are cunning, vapid, spineless rabid dogs. Naught but misery-merchants, worthless and parasitic enough to be slaughtered en masse without hesitation.
The Lord Primarch did not wholly agree with this, of course. But he had his own reasons for such beliefs, after having met with them himself. He said there are, allegedly, good and bad ones amongst the lot—then he went on to say one should ever be considerate of their fey, mercurial motives.
Cato knows a knife-eared witch had implored much of Guilliman, and his father is nothing if not a good listener.
But Guilliman is also a master tactician, and is more human than most of the Imperium is led to believe.
At times, he behaves more human than his gene-sons—but his Father was reared well, so he says. And maybe that's why he insists on assessing the uncouth. Like hearing out dribbling Xenos hierophants, or keeping you as a pupil pet.
Cato believes the Primarch favours you, truly.
He has projected his meagre hope of a kinder future on your success, against all the impossible odds.
Guilliman is a brilliant leader, and an even better teacher.
He is just, and personable—but stern.
Cato is the opposite.
He bites, and he always has.
Martinet to his core, Cato is ever succinct; almost to a sociopathic degree at times. He's never truly understood how to speak with his Father's finesse. But he can mimic it. He knows the gist of what to say, and when to say it. Largely by predicting the next words. As an Astartes, he is not inherently made to be a statesman, even if he is the Grand Duke of Talassar.
Nevermind the fact a vast majority of political dissidents opponents would sooner grant themselves the Emperor's mercy than try argue policy with him, an Ultramarine. He knows he is sullen and bad-tempered and easily aggravated in casual conversation, even amongst his Brothers—but he's not about to admit things like that out loud; and where he once sought out discourse—he's become despondent reclusive compared to his previous confidence.
He swallows down the harsh reality that he knows the exact tipping point.
He tries to forget that Damnos was the first pebble before the rockslide; the agonising strike of a Necron lord's war-scythe in his side, not to mention the sting of Severus Agemman's proverbial sabaton up his ass.
And, most importantly, he ignores the hint of tinnitus in his ears. The echoing across the decks of the Emperor's Will that sound like screa—
You yawn, and look over your shoulder to Guilliman with a weary curiosity.
You are everything Cato isn't, and he knows that now.
Perhaps that is the real allure of you, in the end; beyond the aspects of his lust, and your own affections.
Sweet, endearing—trusting to a fault, and... small.
He almost snorts to himself at that because, Throne, you really do look tiny amongst so many ceramite clad trans-humans.
The Primarch flashes you a soft glance and directs his gaze back to the lithocast.
You approach Guilliman with a preppy, yet cautious sort of diligence; standing beside him not a moment later as he listens to Agemman prattle on, and on—and on.
Agemman doesn't acknowledge your entrance in the slightest, hell, he doesn't even blink. He doesn't know you by face—but Cato knows you know him; because in Guilliman's quest to have you absorb as much information as possible, you've interacted by writing many times. But the First Captain clearly wrongly assumes the woman in his holo-field of view is a lowly attendant, not the Ambassador he's had several dissertation-long discussions with by note.
You're looking up at Agemman with a soft smile, like one would reserve for a friend—and he does not return it.
Seemingly aware of the fact your gesture is for naut, your expression withers to a sad little frown.
At that, Cato's eyebrows furrows harshly, embittered by seeing you suffer the rejection.
He ought to—
But then a bundle of data-slates are lifted off the hexagonal interface surrounding the projection system, held out to you in far, far larger gauntlets than Cato's own; and you take them into the cradle of your arms.
It's too many for you to comfortably hold, and Cato can tell solely because there's that familiar, tiny crease between your brows that only ever appears when you're unsure of something.
"I will be back en-route with the First as soon as the threat is cleared, and—" Agemman's raving wavers periodically, hologram gaze tilting down.
Cato winces a bit when the topmost slate slips out of your bundled arms and clatters to the deck loudly.
In response, the First Captain's hologram rakes you with a nigh appalled sneer that has Cato puffing up at the hackles like an angry carnodon.
"A-Apologies, my lords..." You shrink back, seeking an exit, in that frightened-mouse way of yours that Cato would've once delighted in long ago. But it's a grating, bastardised comparison when he knows Agemman's disgust is entirely, baselessly genuine unlike Cato's had been.
Another slate falls in your timid outburst, and Agemman snorts angrily at you.
More than willing to take the heat, Cato immediately steps forward into the threshold of the holo-cast's vision breadth and snorts back.
It's a standoffish moment where the First Captain becomes aware of him and turns his head.
"Cato," Agemman says sharply in that typical, dismissive tone; but his expression betrays a brooding aggravation.
He scowls, lips curling much like his fingers into a fist, "Severus."
He can play this game, because unlike prior altercations—he's not being held to a rapport of failure.
Cato answers to Calgar and Guilliman now, and yes, he's to heed Agemman—but he's not to abide orders like he'd had to during his Captaincy of the Second.
And neither Calgar nor Guilliman have stopped him as of yet for this outburst.
In fact, Calgar is apparently more interested in trying to rub away a speck of grime on his power-fist.
While the Primarch... well, the Primarch has currently shut his eyes, grimacing softly.
It appears Cato's simply keeping the peace.
And on the surface, to onlookers, it's not at all indicative of any ulterior reason aside from petty distaste for Agemman—even if Cato's real motive is possessive defensive, and solely intent on taking the attention off you.
"Enough," The Primarch grumbles at last, and opens his eyes as he leans down—his great height folding—dutifully collecting the two, small fallen objects with mild hassle. Guilliman sighs at you remorsefully as he sets the data-slates in a better position, unperturbed by your clumsiness. "The Ambassador has done me no insult, she was merely over encumbered. The galaxy as we know it has not imploded, as of yet."
Agemman blinks, "...Ambassador?" he mumbles—with the revelation, in a fraction of a second he's entirely placid and defanged, reigning himself back in and cringing slightly—unlike Cato, who returns to glaring murderously at him.
"That means you, too," Guilliman starts aloud, and he apparently knows he needn't clarify more.
Cato grinds his teeth and tears his gaze away, letting it fall aside as he unclenches his fists.
You take a step back, a pitiful sigh leaving you as you set about trying to balance with the data-slates. The Primarch finally realises that it's too much for you, just like Cato had to begin with.
"Sicarius," Guilliman says flatly, "Give her a hand."
A hand?
Oh, he's given you more than hand.
He feels himself bristle with want, an abrupt , mad rush of eager heat besieging his body as he sets his shoulders stubbornly.
In or out of armour, he's done it—and Cato is caught daft at the sudden eidetic memory of having you straining against his big forebrace shoved hard under you to keep you in place. Squirming frantically against as many fingers as he would deign allow you, drooling on his armour as you suffer a cleverly turned thumb; so wanton and pretty as you finally, finally give him his prize and cry out for—no—no, no—shut up, shut up.
At that, he tersely inhales; and remembers he's surrounded by other Astartes.
Nobody's noticed, thank fuck.
"Cato!" Guilliman snaps.
Cato blinks, "What—uh, pardon me, my lord?"
"You are utterly impossible," he half-chastises, half-laments, with little more than a sigh. "Help. Her."
Cato nods stiffly, silently panicking, and approaches you.
"Stop snivelling like a useless dog, and pull it together, woman, you're embarrassing yourself," he accosts loudly, overcompensating for his own screw-up, and it's cruel—he knows it is because you flinch a little, and one of the gathered high-ranking brothers behind you huffs in surprise at just how brutish he's acting—but he cannot show the comfort you wish of him under the circumstances.
You regard him with a profound sadness in your eyes, and he can't bear to meet your gaze; so he casts it aside.
And immediately meets the Primarch's eyes.
A strange, angered confusion has graced his Father's features. A sort of stunned disappointment—and Cato supposes that tracks, given the fact Guilliman though he'd gotten over his gripe with you.
"Check your anger, Commander Sicarius." Guilliman says with a cold discontent, and Cato immediately drops the act.
Cato holds out his helm, turned plume-down, the inside proffered up as a bucket.
The task of shovelling the data-slates in is tedious at best, but it's easy when he joins in.
When all's done, Cato practically dumps his helmet in your arms.
"It's alright, don't fret," Guilliman chuffs, smiling at you tiredly, trying to seem supportive. "Just be on your way, Ambassador."
You look back at the Primarch, stunned for a moment—who smiles at you again, and tips his chin to the exit hallway.
Nodding, you shakily curtsy at the gaggle of Astartes and stumble away with the heavy weight of Cato's helmet and it's new contents in your grasp.
Cato frowns at the entire display, and Guilliman seems to notice that too, because he immediately grits out, "Commander Sicarius, if the safety of your helmet worries you so, go make sure she doesn't drop anything else."
"Of course... yes, my Lord Primarch," He straightens up, surprised at the dismissal but certainly not about to argue.
in his mind, Guilliman is sending him to cool off. That much Cato is sure of, which works to his favour.
Promptly, he knocks his breastplate in respectful farewell and trails after you; now a little ways down the grand and lofty adjoining chamber hall.
Cato strides with his chin held high, but promptly drops it when he rounds the corner and is out of view of the Primarch a few moments after you.
You say nothing to him when Cato catches up and matches your slow march to your quarters.
Cato's practically drags his boots across the regal carpeting as he walks.
And when the carpet runs out, he scrapes his heels on steel like a petulant child.
He knows he's taken the charade too far.
Head hung low much like his, you don't look at him—and it eats away at what meagre actual backbone he's got left around you.
It continues for a while; you pass servitors, serfs, staff, and Astartes alike; not acknowledging anyone.
They acknowledge Cato of course, but he ignores any nods or salutes like he's got blinders on.
He knows the path you're taking well—it's a shortcut, but a tedious one with the load you're carrying. And when the passersby thin out to nothing eventually, you're still trudging along like a lobotomite.
You look appear much like a sullen little arming serf carrying his helmet as you are. The coarse broom-spread of his helm's Suzerain mane brushes the fabric atop your thighs—and Cato can tell it's annoying you, because you slow a little when it itches; trying to shimmy it up higher in your grasp to no avail.
Your breathing is heavy with strain, now a few paces behind him; and Cato groans when you both round a corner and he sees a flight of stairs ahead.
He pauses, and rounds about-face.
"Give it to me," he snaps.
You immediately sigh, "Why?"
"Because it's mine," Cato grumbles. "Now give it to me."
You pout, "I don't need help."
He scowls harshly, "I wasn't asking."
A gasp leaves you as you're suddenly being advanced on by an Astartes, stomping you down—and he catches the data-slate filled rim of his helmet with a gauntlet.
He's honestly surprised you hold on while he pulls it away from you.
"Let go," he hisses.
"No," you hiss back.
"Let go, now." Cato shakes the helmet around, trying to dislodge you; going so far as to lift it until you're dangling off the side.
"No," is all he receives again.
Tiny, stubborn, cunt of a waif.
He cannot sustain subtlety when he is rebutted on something. Not without pause. He's aggravated now, and it shows when he snarls, "Why are you acting like this?"
"No," you bark.
A very real temper is flaring as he says, "No, what? That's not an answer—"
"Fuck off, Cato!"
He's never heard that tone out of you directly. It stuns him for a second, because he's never actually made you genuinely angry. He can't explain why it makes him suddenly decide to play disciplinarian like you're an unruly Scout, but it does. And you're going to explain exactly why you thought to voice that opinion, Emperor help you.
"Enough of this groxshit," He tugs the helmet high, and you up with it, scooping a vambrace under your midsection to carry you like a keg under his arm; prying you and the helm apart.
"Put m-me down!" You kick out wildly behind him, snarling insults and slamming your fists back against his plate on his core, to no avail.
It's a good thing you're actually close to your quarters, because the scene you're making is more than enough to be flagged for gross insubordination if anyone saw. Striking an Astartes is of no meagre consequence. It'd be death, for anyone but you.
It takes him a try more than usual to input his locking override code, given your squirming—and him only being able to manage a pointer free on the hand holding his helm.
Your door slides open nonetheless, and Cato ducks in with you still secured, despite your tantrum; and in his seething, he fully calculates the effort it'd take to hog-tie you with your own robes.
You're hissing and carrying on as if you're a pissy little neophyte hopped up on stims for the first time, and Cato ignores you periodically to lock your door behind you both.
He empties his helm of the data-slates on the nearest pile of clothes, magnetises the bucket on his hip; and practically tosses you onto your bed.
You yelp at the rough handling and scramble to reach your nightstand.
Instead of scampering off like he honestly expects, you grab a book; and when he leans over the bed and reaches for you, you start to bat his armoured hand away with the hardcover front.
"Do you honestly think that will work?" Cato snarls, but despite himself, he recoils and starts eyeing you. "Are you that fucking dense, woman?"
You grumble sourly and hold the novel up, like it's an actual weapon.
"Fine, be that way," he rolls his eyes, and with trans-human speed, catches you by the ankle and reels you in.
You bleat out a warbling cry at being yanked, and manage to toss the book at his head in a lucky shot.
He cops the hit to the brow harmlessly, then it lands on the covers below him beside where he's dragged you under.
You freeze for a second as he brackets your arms upward above your head in one large gauntlet.
"Stop," he bites out, "Just stop struggling."
You start fighting him again regardless, legs kicking out—knocking the book sidelong into the headboard with a thud.
Cato glances at source of sound, and then he's suddenly fixated on the wall above it.
His dagger's been hung up.
It's a little crooked, but that's expected when the hooks the sheathe and blade are lodged against aren't actually drilled in place. It's done with adhesive—it's your doing.
Cato can't exactly name the feeling that washes over him as he stays staring at it, but it feels thick, and viscous in his chest. Like pain, almost—like he's hurt himself. His tongue feels leaden in his mouth. Every ounce of retaliatory anger at your earlier antics dissipates into nothingness.
The shackles his large mitt's made on your wrists falls away.
"I didn't think you'd actually do it," He mumbles, before taking a deep breath—and his armour creaks at the gesture; servos humming as he settles into a crouch at your bedside, half strewn over the duvet—staring at you pinned under him.
The bed protests, because of course it does to that amount of bulk, but it still holds regardless.
You huff sourly, and suck your bottom lip into your mouth as you avert your gaze.
With a tired sigh, Cato leans close to you and frowns—straining to tuck his nose against your neck and scoop a vambrace under you to hold you close.
"I may have," he starts slowly as he smothers himself against you. "Overreacted."
A scoff escapes you, but you rest your cheek to his temple regardless.
You take a big breath in; and the politician in you jumps out—even if the politician is currently a little bit shaky.
"I-I am aware that... it's tedious to have me around given my bearing, amongst your kind," you stammer, gaze flittering to and fro from his eyes to his pauldron to the desk behind him. "I can take a snort and a scoff, but you made it worse, at the end—" your voice trails off, and you sit up; scrubbing your cheek with your palm, fussing. "It's easy to hear criticism from a stranger, but not—not from you. Not after... all of this, in a situation like that."
There was a time when Cato would've flat out turned his nose up at the prospect of apologising. He has done so to maybe ten baselines in his entire life, and he's including his parents in that number purely by an assumption—and Vedeah.
"Even in the moment," he says carefully, and tries not to think too hard about the wider implications of doing so, "I realised it was a cruelty, and I am sorry for it."
You simply hold onto him for a moment, and Cato buries his face closer; your hand combing across the side of his head.
"It's alright," you tut softly, "Seeing y-you... you getting all huffy about the First Captain for me was funny though... Throne, I feel so stupid sending him all those letters now."
"You weren't to know Agemman's a prick," he sniffs, laying a gauntlet on your thigh. "I've been on the receiving end of his sour judgment just as you, earlier."
"Were..." you start, voice hesitant. "Were you like that, when you were Captain of the Second?"
The question catches him off guard, which makes him harrumph.
Cato sets his jaw and leans back to look at you, frowning softly, "You would not have liked me in the slightest."
You look a little taken aback at his admission, and Cato feels the need to clarify before your habit of asking too many questions seizes you.
"I was..." Cato begins abruptly, cringing, "...reckless, and a lot more vain; always seeking victories at any cost despite the odds," he says, begrudgingly explaining himself and feeling a lot like his own Primarch was simply speaking through him, "I probably would have petitioned to have you tried for the simple crime of... being, despite my actual... ahem—predilection."
You eye him for a moment, and there's a familiar warmth in your gaze despite the fact he just admitted, out loud, he'd have you put to death for the crime of stirring his cock in another set of circumstances.
"Why do you think that?" You ask, curious.
Cato raises a brow, "I would have painted you a Slaaneshi temptress, like I had thought originally."
"You thought that? Really? I hadn't even—" You scoff, looking at him with a quizzical little grimace.
The deadpan expression on his own face answers you before you can even get it all out.
"Okay," you groan. "Okay, I get it."
He gives your leg a squeeze, and pulls back.
"Good," he hums and moves to stand.
"Wait, Cato—stay," you mumble, "Please."
At full height in your cramped room, he furrows his brows, "I cannot remain here, not tonight, not in this."
You sit yourself on the edge of the bed and look up at him, and Cato's forced to peer over his gorget to catch the full extent of the pleading, doe-eyes you're putting into action.
Cato has to fight back a dopey smile at the insistent, honeyed look you grace him with as you stare up at him.
So pretty, even when you're playing at guilt-tripping him.
It's risky, and quite frankly his dumbest, most thinking-with-his-cock moment; but he still offers it.
"You could accompany me, instead?" He dithers, and eventually acquiesces.
Your head cocks to the side excitedly, "...to where?"
"My quarters," Cato says matter-of-factly.
You're suddenly up and scrambling off the bed to stand beside him, and he hands you his helmet off his hip. You take it without complaint nor reason, even though Cato'd been prepared to give you an excuse.
Oh, it's an alibi, oh, it's this—it's that—it's the simple fact you looked irresistible amusing carrying his helm.
He unlocks your door, and shuffles out—with you tailing him eagerly.
Laterally, it's not too far from his quarters, but it is tedious given the levels between; and it has to be done quickly—if not for the fact if others see they will gossip, he'd throw you over his shoulder like a dead-weight and break into a run. So you need to keep up with his rush, given you wanted to follow.
He hastens down the corridor, and up a flight, and you keep pace, surprisingly.
Your breathing is a little heavy, but Cato attributes that to you having just scaled a fair amount of stairs, for a baseline.
He lingers at the top, in the elevator bay; and you bumble up to him and take the spot behind him.
Cato activates the lift and sighs as it begins to grind it's ascent into existence.
He's stunned to have not heard a peep out of you yet, and honestly that—hold on—there's a hand on his rear, and small fingers depressing the bodysuit over his left glute.
"Get off of there," he snaps, "We are in public."
"I'm just leaning to catch my breath," You huff, squeezing him a little.
Fifteen minutes ago you were sulking and seething, and now you're straight back to bothering him for entertainment.
"Don't start," he sighs, and takes a step aside from you—desperate to not dignify the heat crawling up his neck.
"What will you do?" You scoff, and he all but whips around at your snarky tone, "Snort and sneer me to death? I just fought you off with a book."
Cato rolls his eyes.
"I can and will use things against you," he says, a slight hint of a growl trailing his words.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Such as?"
"I know how easy it is to render you docile and silent, as you ought to be," Cato scowls harshly, putting some finesse into appearing menacing.
It does not work.
"You think I'm some animal to be scruffed?" Your laugh is painfully endearing, but—but he's firm in his rapport. At least, he's trying to be firm. One part of him certainly is firm and hard... and straining against his inners—stop.
"Much the same, seeing as you would preoccupy a single hand at most," he grits out flatly, but his temper wavers when he realises his own statement's double meaning—his cheeks feel a little warm, and it aggravates him that he reacts so easily.
You raise an eyebrow, staring at him, "Just your hand?"
He fights the urge to pout at the sheer cheek of you, and the lurid smugness you're letting show so brazenly.
It's a common situation now: you say something erring on insult, smile a tad, and then the brain in his cock takes the reigns from the one in his head. He thought he was past swooning starting at your antics by now; or at least he hoped to have become a lot more immune to it.
But no—despite being the belligerent, bitter bastard he is, you still manage to ferret out a weak spot for yourself in his hearts.
"I ought to take you over my knee," he says so softly it's practically an oath to himself.
Nonetheless, you apparently catch it—and blink dumbly up at him for a few seconds; a slow, creeping flush steadily finding it's place on your cheeks as you swallow so hard he hears the cartilage in your throat click.
The lift comes to a halt, and he all but harries you off it.
Thankfully, it is standard rest hours for the Victrix; that is to say those who aren't bedded down are likely on jaunts elsewhere in the ship.
It's the perfect opportunity to sneak you inside, in short.
The grand, carpeted corridor is empty, and you ogle it; and it's likely your first time having been near higher standard Astartes accomodation.
"I'll be back—" He opens the door in a quick input of numerals and ushers you in swiftly before huffing; "Don't open for anyone, not even Guilliman."
You nod and step inside, looking back at him a little sheepishly with his helm held to your chest; as the sliding mechanism activates, clicks shut, and promptly dead-locks behind you—while he quickly thumbs in his security code.
He breaks into a sprint to the nearest armour chamber, which is thankfully on this level; if not an eight minute jog at Astartes speed.
At first, Cato asks the mechanicum disarming staff to show some haste in doffing him from his panoply of ceramite—but he quickly loses patience and growls at the serfs who try to drag out the whole ordeal with longwinded rights and sermons while the adepts' machines hex-key open his vambraces. Part of the ordeal ends, war-gear shed, and Cato practically hisses at the gathered attendants when he starts to wrestle out of his body-glove and they try to smear him with unguents. He does, however, allow them to administer local numbing agents and analgesics for the more tedious, biological matters of unlinking from his interfacing.
They hose him down instead of scrubbing him at least, and Cato's glad that someone in that Void-damned room is listening to him.
He hurriedly lathers his arms and legs, dipping a cupped palm back into the presented urn of warm, fragranced oil to cover his neck and underarms—and bending, creasing points, as is typical.
He feels a little wobbly as he puts his sandals on at the hasty loss of the armour's weight—and in that aforementioned hurry, he trips a little while he tugs his tunic over his head and knocks over the servitor, who then knocks over one of the serfs, who then knocks over the tech adept.
It's not Cato's finest moment, surely, but he's in about as much of a rush to get moving as an Astartes can be in a non-combat environment.
He doesn't stop, because he has better things to do—more specifically, he has you to do.
He makes his way down the long winding halls, sprinting between the gaps in onlookers eyelines, stop-starting, like a fool. But damn, if he isn't on a mission with the thought of you waiting on him hanging over his head.
"Sicarius," the Chapter Master's voice abruptly greets curtly.
Cato swallows a scream and takes a step backwards, immediately entering grappling stance.
The aging Primaris seems to realise he's genuinely surprised him and raises a grey brow.
Cato rights himself with a forced cough and stumbles a little, "Lord Calgar?"
A huge power fist comes to rest on his tunic'd shoulder to steady him, "I did not intend to shock, but there is something you must hear of," Calgar says, manoeuvring to allow space for him to walk beside.
Cato matches the broader strides of the Chapter Master, although with him being a Primaris and Cato out of his war-gear—it's a tad more effort than normally required given the size disparity.
Marneus Calgar is typically a man of few words when he's not seized by his passion for monologuing... but he certainly has plenty words when he has gossip.
"I have a suspicion," Calgar huffs.
Cato swallows the lump in his throat, playing along, "And I assume you're not at all responsible for that suspicion travelling to other ears."
"Of course," The Chapter Master shoots him a downward, sidelong glance with his good eye. And if Cato didn't know any better, he'd have been amiss to the glimmer of amusement there.
Abruptly, Calgar pauses in step and quietly remarks, "One of our brothers is aberrant."
The metaphorical leaden brick that hits Cato in the temple works in his favour, because it makes it seem like he's in disbelief rather than panic.
"Corruption?" He hisses, eyes narrowing.
Calgar's grey brows furrow as he shakes his head, "Aberrant, Cato—not chaos-tainted, insofar as I am aware."
"How?" Cato snaps, and again, his bemusement that Calgar didn't equate the two for some reason surely works in his favour, making it look like a sincerely shocked reaction—but the problem remains that he, personally, would equate them. Throne, there—there must be a reason he's acted on his urges, there must be something he can blame.
Calgar purses his thin lips and sighs, "I have on good reason to believe there is a sort of... fraternisation is occurring."
"Really?" Cato huffs, he's simultaneously stunned and horrified that this conversation is even happening. Because if Marneus doesn't think it's the work of the Warp's wiles, then it can't surely have just been his own love partiality for you—that damnable, incessant yearning to have you close, and warm, and tucked against his side.
"And by that," Calgar starts, "I mean that one of them is engaging in baser ventures."
He tries very hard not to laugh out of sheer mortification, and the mental pict of Calgar clutching a string of pearls like a senile ecclesiarch.
"Are you certain?" Cato says, despite the looming dread.
The Chapter Master nods stoically, "I chanced upon an area reeking of Astartes sweat and... intercourse."
When every word may damn you, it is better to say nothing at all. And Throne, he can't bring himself to speak regardless of the fact; because his balls are in his throat. Even if it sounds as though Calgar's largely oblivious to the truth that the Astartes is him—Cato Sicarius—and although he is partially thankful he's in the clear; if Calgar's got your room identified as the source, you're in the hot seat. Every facet of your little existence would be so over for you it's almost unfathomable. Even if you escape the judgement of the Legionnes, you would be hunted down by the Assassinorum, in and beyond any Imperial system; fuck, he's going to have to smuggle you—
"I was sequestered elsewhere urgently, and I did not chance where it was coming from," Calgar continues, "But I know it occurred somewhere in the northeastern apartments."
Cato fights for his life not to sputter out a relieved sigh and buckle at the knees, boneless on the floor.
The ventilation systems must have dispersed the smell, which would have thrown off Calgar's vomeronasal organ.
He rejects most aspects regarding godhood placed upon the Master of Mankind ever since his agonising jaunt in the Warp, and from his conversations with Guilliman—but surely the Emperor must have leaned over on His throne and pelted a holy, righteous wrench at Calgar's big nose that morning.
The Emperor protects, albeit when He comedically feels like it.
"I will keep an eye out for... un-sanctioned behaviours."
"Report them to me, or Guilliman, should you find anything—no chaplains," Calgar says at last, and comes to a halt in a fork in the hallway. "Nonetheless, keep your wits about you—I must get going."
Cato blinks as Calgar rounds on his big heel, "Another vox-haling?"
"No," he sighs. "A meeting, for the next six hours."
"With the planetary governor?"
"No," Calgar says again, face completely dead-pan like a corpse, "With my cot—and if anyone needs me, tell them to piss off unless Guilliman's dying. Again."
Then he shoots him that wry, amused side-eye once more and stomps off down the adjacent passage.
Cato stands stunned in the hall for a brief time, genuinely flabbergasted.
Then he's a trans-human on a mission, thundering down the corridor—his mind immediately concocting several protocols to prevent the previous situation occurring again.
Firstly, the instant he gets to his quarters, he's going to stuff his incense burner into the ventilator grate.
Sound won't be an issue, he knows his chambers are proofed—surely not because he's woken screaming in that room without anyone saying anything. But that's besides the point, because the only screaming that's to be happening is his final plan of action; namely that, lastly, he's going to slide into you and have you crying his name—
Cato doesn't even consciously remember arriving at his door, nor coding in his numerals and doing the same behind him; but he's certainly in the present when he sees you.
Something in his chest lurches to a halt at the sight of you tucked in his sheets, the thundering of his twin heartbeats slowing and easing to a lulled calm.
There's less candles in his room than yours, but what little of your hair that peaks from beneath the blanket is bathed in flickering, warm light when he approaches.
His helm's lying against you atop the thin cover, and you're snoring softly.
Cato nears, and—with nobody to judge him, including you, simply stares.
Throne, he could live this scene out every day of his life and never tire of it—but matters need attending before he can bask in the domesticity.
Dutifully, he grabs his incense holder and follows through with his plan of action.
He doesn't intend it, but he wakes you at some point while jamming the vent back into place; and you groan softly, rubbing your eyes as you stretch and sit up.
The sheets over you slip away as you do, and he daftly fixes his haze at the drowsy, stark-naked Ambassador in his bed.
He swallow the proverbial bolt round lodged in his throat and grunts.
"When..." you pause to yawn, "When did you get in?"
It takes him a second to register the question with how intensely he's focused on ogling your tits, but eventually "...a few minutes," leaves him as an answer.
You blink lazily and harrumph, then slump back—and he's sure it's intentional, because the way your body curves with the motion is almost like you're presenting yourself. The sheets are low on your hips—not low enough that he can really take an eyeful, but the temptation of it raw and syrupy in his mind. What he can see is the warm, soft skin of your navel and stomach offered up to his roving gaze like a hunk of meat. It's bait, and it's obvious, and he's a slavering, starved dog in that instant.
He sits himself on the edge of the thin mattress, kicking off his sandals—and leans over you, breathing controlled but fast.
He splays a palm on your side, dragging it up, tracing.
You fuss a little, wanting.
He manoeuvres himself atop you, and you pout, as your elbow digs into the mattress.
He can tell in some fey way you're about to comment on the state of his bed—or rather, the lack of a real bed. Well, maybe not fey, it's mere prediction given your habit of complaining. You've probably been stewing on making a remark about it the entire time you've been dicking around in here. There's no headboard, no duvet. It's closer to a big, thin cushion on a fold out, bolted to a hinge on the wall at the top end.
You grumble, "This is the worst bed I've ever actually lain on," and there it is—the nagging, the backtalk.
"My mattress on Talassar is far nicer," he hums, nosing into the crook of your neck and sighing contently.
Your voice is barely a mumble as you say, "Well, we're not on Talassar—that's for sure."
"We could be," Cato mouths against your skin as he ventures lower.
"What?" You sit up a little and displace him enough that you can meet his gaze, and your eyes lock onto his in a hasty, focused manner—then Cato feels translucent again. As if you can see him for everything he is: prideful and doltish, disgustingly predictable—you've got him eating out of your hand.
"We... we could go to Talassar," he blurts out, one of your breasts against his chin. Then he ducks lower—planting a kiss just above your bellybutton. His voice comes out muffled against your skin, swallowing thickly, cotton-mouthed. "I'm sure I could... find an excuse, logistically."
The look you're giving him is just as flushed as his own face feels.
Cato Sicarius, High Suzerain of Ultramar, babbling—once again. Reduced to an illiterate, juddering wreck. His Astartesian dignity, honour and status petering to nothing. You have him swooning, on the back foot. Earnest and vulnerable—Throne, it makes him hot under the proverbial collar.
Cato stalls for a second, pursing his lips before digressing, "I could... I could petition an excursion to Glaudor to Guilliman, and then... arrange docking at Perusia."
Why does he feel so heated talking about this? Why is he, a several hundred year old, trans-human killing machine, flustering saying these things out loud?
"I don't actually know much about Talassar, aside from—well, aside from Guilliman's assigned readings on the Void Tridents, really."
Cato huffs, "I am distantly related to their Lord Commodore, Theodro Vethrus."
"Really? Huh..." you squint, trying to parse out his expression, "So do you... like him?"
Cato nods, "He's competent."
"High praise from you," you laugh softly, and wriggle yourself down—closer to eye level with him. "So what w-would we do? On Talassar, I mean..."
He breaks eye contact and stares at your lips instead, rearing up from you a little, "Well, there's a large hinterland that's quite nice in spring when it's not raining... and my Ancestral seat, on the coast. People sometimes swim and such, there—"
"I've never actually swam at a beach, before."
Cato harrumphs, "Really?"
"Never," you pout.
He smiles softly, "That can be remedied."
From the higher rooms of his duchy's fortress, you can get a good look at the long isthmus that sometimes peaks out from afore the sea walls when the waves calm down bi-yearly.
It's nicer on the other side where it's too small of a cove to support vessels, where the submerged canyon redirects the immense tidal forces sidelong.
You can swim in the carved rock lap pool, like he used to.
Because he's not about to run into the waves with his Tempest Blade should one of Talassar's less hospitable locals swim under the marine nets.
That, and to hell with picking the sealant-putty out of his interfacing ports. The annoyance of that is almost as bad as to be without it, and chock full of sand at exposed nerve points. With that mental deliberation settled, he lays both palms flat to the mattress supporting him either side of your shoulders, and raises a brow when your hand touches his chest.
Absentmindedly, he weighs the pros and cons or giving you the leeway to continue groping; it feels nice—but there's an aspect of mischief to your eyes he finds suspicious.
You start squeezing at his pectoral, fingers bearing down; watching the dense muscle contort and bulge.
"You really ought to bind these," you hum abruptly.
He scowls down at you, "I am not binding my chest."
"Why not?" You retort.
Cato sniffs derisively, "They are not breasts."
"Riiiight..." You drawl, dragging out the word still pawing at his left pectoral. "In my professional opinion, they seem pretty breast-like to me."
"They are not. Fucking. Breasts," Cato snarls, enunciating himself sharply while puffing up.
"No need to get defensive," you trail off, eyebrow quirking up slyly; laying the faux-pas down heavily, purposefully trying to irritate him by nipping at his metaphorical heels. "It's just that—well, even though they're hairier, they do feel simi—"
"That's enough talking out of you," he says, and promptly seizes you by the chin with his mitt, closing your mouth with his hand and effectively silencing you.
But stifling you had not wiped the smug, leering smile off your face. Yes, he can fucking feel it, you little bitch.
"You aren't funny," he hisses.
You grunt at him, huffing and puffing through your nose as you attempt speech even though your maw is held shut.
"Don't say something stupid," Cato frowns, and loosens his hold enough for you to get a few words out.
"I'd wager you could lactate w-wuh—with—" you race to say, thrashing as he quickly manages to shut you back up with his palm.
Cato tries not to grumble at the fact you're wheezing hysterically through your nose.
"Every time I think you are above something, you find a way to sink lower."
In response, you start thrashing, writhing enough in his grip to get four single words out from between his big fingers, "Sink—i-into your–cl—uh–eavage—" you manage to sputter, laughing behind his hand.
"I'll sink into you in a moment, if you do not stop," Cato growls openly.
You go still almost immediately, and whine against his palm.
"Really," he sneers, flabbergasted as he pulls his hand away and raises a brow, "Are you getting off on this, you degenerate?"
The comment clearly also stirs something in you, because then you're swatting at his face—missing, yes—but the effort still infuriates Cato to no end.
He rears back in avoidance, still keeping you nice and muzzled by his palm, but you manage to clap a hand around his mouth.
You push at him and squirm, fussing.
Then he inhales.
It's a little surprising his nose finds your fingers smell of molasses, and that means slick—the lingering hormonal melody of 'please?' is so blatant it's almost pathetic.
Cato raises an eyebrow and moves his hand from your face to ensnare the one you have on his, keeping it close.
"Is that why you're being such a scathing bitch? You're just impatient?" He scoffs, purposefully trying to taunt as he sniffs them again, just to be sure—and then licks across the underside of your pointer and middle, "Were these not big enough to entertain you while I was gone?"
You whine, flushed red with embarrassment, and try to wretch your hand away pointlessly.
A belated snort escapes him and he gives you a long, judgemental glare, letting you boil in your own shame.
"Don't start," you huff, petulant.
Cato huffs darkly, "I didn't say anything."
You frown knowingly—and his head descends, lower and lower.
You're all too willing to let him arrange you near his face.
Sure, you wriggle and flush and grumble at him as he makes sure to make a dramatic gesture of the act, but you're eager—and he knows it.
With an Ambassador's plump cunt to his mouth, Cato can't complain. But you certainly try to, despite the juddering thighs squeezing fruitlessly against the sides of his head. It's hopeless to try to fend off an Astartes, especially like this.
"C-Cato, just—"
He rolls his tongue over your clit again and again, delighting in the blissful hormone feedback lighting up his brain and the sounds you're making adding to it.
Some part of him'd be content lapping at your swollen nerve for hours, until you're a boneless mewling wreck. Tormenting you, letting you beg for him while he just roils in the simple goal of getting you to your end a dozen or so times.
"Please, just f-fuck—" you sob, squirming as he laughs against your sex at how toothless your frustration is. "Fuck m-me, Cato, stop being a-a—"
He drags over your clit again and feels your hamstrings tense, a fresh surge of slick wetting his chin.
"I'm—I c-can't," a shuddering whine leaves you, desperate.
The air practically vents out of your lungs like you're winded as he sucks; until you're so terribly close, all he'll need to do is bottom out in you to make you cum.
And that's exactly what he does.
He organises your legs off his shoulders and about his mid section as quickly as he can manage and then—
"F-f—fuh—uck," You writhe, head thrown back while you squirm at the heavy press of him rocking inside you, making your breathing stutter for a second. It's the familiar, obscene view of watching the massive slab of cock press into a cunt that's almost too small for him. But given the fact you take it so well, who's Cato to deny you? You love it, and that's the real thrill. A surge of pleasure sends you bucking; legs moving mindlessly where they're hooked over his hips, but he keeps still, simply letting you suffer your end on the thick length of him—all the while enjoying the feeling of being stuffed in you the whole ordeal.
It's only a quick orgasm, but damn if it isn't a hell of a show.
You're panting deliriously, trembling on his cock; and Cato's about to start drooling at the tightness he's being treated to.
When you stop trembling around him, you fight to steady your breathing—huffing out; "I—I ought-t-ah... squeeze you o-out."
"You'd need a dozen Dreadnauts to drag me loose right about now," he snorts and tips his head close, nudging his temple to yours a second later before smirking proudly.
The heavy swell of his balls sit flush against your ass, and you arch up, scrambling to pull him down into an embrace.
The small hands on his back are a nice counterpoint, and he moans when your fingers glide up to his shoulder; trailing the side of his neck before cupping his cheek. You pet him against the slightly grown out grain of his stubble with a skrrch skrrch, and he hums contently—and when that little hand rises to his pet his hair, it's sublime.
Your touch shifts away and he grumbles.
"I didn't tell you... to stop, damn it."
"So you are enjoying y-yourself, hm?" You smile, cupping his jaw and petting slowly.
"I don't... don't know what you're talking about, woman," he lies, nigh beside himself; pressing his bulk against you while pawing and groping at whatever he can.
He'd try for one of your tits in his mouth if the angle he's currently reaming you out at didn't make it impossible.
You work kisses across the high point of his cheek and down the heated column of his throat; seemingly emboldened by the dulcet, appreciative hums and rumbles that escape from Cato the entire time.
Doused in affection like this, he struggles to form sentences, damn it all.
He lets his head rest close, assailed with honest desperation.
"But, I..." he starts quickly, feeling a weight in his chest. His brain wants him to finish with a whole other word he refuses to even think of; because even if he's itching to say that he—he loves adores you—he's too stubborn to say it without sufficient prodding; but there's an arrow of longing lodged in his gullet and thankfully it doesn't dare to leave his mouth. "But, I do enjoy... you."
The prettiest whine escapes you in answer, and the flutter your tight cunt around him proves that for once, he's somehow said the right thing.
You swallow thickly and dither for a second, genuinely flustered but still able to get the words out, "I-I enjoy you, too."
A heady rush of heat fans across his face as he tries to properly process the information. The road travels both ways, and everything is serene, he's happy—you're happy, and that's all he ever needs. The duty and the honour, and the courage, seem inconsequential to it all in that moment.
He turns and kisses you swiftly, before leering away.
You rear up trying to close the distance again, but then Cato finally thrusts—and your eyes swim in their sockets, thighs shaking, mouth open with the heady gasp that leaves you.
So he nears, and gives you the other kiss you were eager for.
It's far messier than the former; his big tongue sticking in, dragging across yours and stifling you, saliva smearing down your chin as Cato practically laps the moans out of your mouth.
When he arches back at last, you're flushed and red at the lips, fluttering your lashes at him; eyes falling half-lidded under his gaze.
"C-Cato, move," You whine, imploring, and there's another eager clench around him when he obligingly ruts forward.
Cato can see the lurid glee on your face as your focus shifts suddenly to the point you both meet. Folded under him, it's given you a perfect vantage of the slab-of-meat that is his cock absolutely jammed down to the base in your guts.
You shimmy a bit and moan, "M-More?"
The scoff that leaves him is disbelieving, but he's well aware you're goading him to really set about fucking you insensible.
"If I fucked you as hard as you liked, you'd be getting augmetic hips tomorrow," he snarks, punctuating his point my pushing forward a little, so he's jammed riiiight against the soft ring of your cervix.
A soft gasp is all the receives for a second before you're suddenly grinning, "You're n-not that big."
It's so blatantly a lie he doesn't even dignify it with an answer. Instead, he shifts back a hint so only a third of himself stays inside you, letting you grow irate at the denial.
"I w–uh-was joking, Cato... please, don't s-stop," You whimper mournfully, raising yourself a little in attempt to coax him to slam in... and suddenly, there's a small hand on his flank.
Cato ignores it, focused on getting some much needed humility out of your darling mouth; then the hand claws at his rump.
"Needy bitc—" His would-be snarky sentence cuts short as he jumps a little, surprised, and clenches his rear; causing him to buck forward, sinking down to the hilt in you.
The thrilled gasp you make is priceless, and the shivering heat around his cock is sublime—but damn you for using that instinctive muscle reaction on him—you clever little bitch.
"Stop grabbing my ass," he grumbles, scowling down at you.
A crooked smile graces your lust-dumb features before it contorts into a flushed keen—surely not because Cato grinds deep to wipe the smirk off your face.
"This ought to keep your hands busy," He chides, rearing back and reaching sidelong for his discarded helmet on the far side of his cot.
You eagerly take it into your embrace, and Cato's impulse control violently derails seeing your tits sandwiched to the side panel; the white and red plume brushing your cheek—and you looking up at him with wanton lust.
Oh, Throne of Terra—that looks...
Cato swallows the saliva that suddenly over-accumulates in his mouth.
It's lecherous, and a glaring hypocrisy to everything the Legiones Astartes stands for—but there's something painfully enthralling about the visual that riles him up to strain at the bit like a warhorse.
Throne, he wishes he could fuck you in full-plate; just to see you drip and squirm, the adamantine of his thigh plating against your tender rear—the gooseflesh cold ceramite earns out of you to contrast the big hot slide of him into you. If only there was a way to keep the comfort of familiar war-gear upon him and the bliss of your soft skin on his simultaneously.
But he's got more than one round in him, and you've signed the warrant to be fucked to hysterics with all your insufferable antics earlier, no matter how cute you're acting now.
He's not going to last long.
Not like this.
Not with you so painfully eager, and pretty, and warm, and sweet.
He can't help acting on the urge to absolutely plough into you like his life depends on spilling inside.
"Ca–ah—to, Cato, C-Cato—" you drool, eyes shut tightly, fingers white with the exertion of keeping a grip on his helm's respirator. Each time you cry out his name it's followed by the sticky plap-plap-plap of his balls against your rear, and it's enthralling feeling you twitch and cramp on his length in rhythm with each stroke.
"Aren't you such a good little fucktoy," Cato pants, grinning when you nod on instinct. "Holding an Astartes' helm for him... while taking his cock."
A strangled 'y-yes' escapes you, breath fogging condensation against the cold steel of his helm.
"Perfect," he grunts, "My perfect... little whore," gritting his teeth, "You'll let me fill you, won't you?"
Another gorgeous few bleated notes of 'yes, y-yes, yes' meet him in answer.
"You want it here?" Cato hisses, breathlessly punctuating himself with a grind, "That's it... that's what you want?"
And that comment apparently does you in at last.
The pathetic little sob that pairs along with your frantic nodding makes him salivate like a rabid dog.
Your thighs judder as he pulls back to slam in, fruitlessly trying to lock at the ankles around the wide span of his hips; vainly attempting to keep him still—squeezing tighter and tighter as he keeps driving home into you—and the feeling is ecstasy, much like the view. You're so red across the cheeks it's almost the same colour as his plume, and you're hugging his helmet close, making the sweetest hiccuped sobs of pleasure against it.
He grits his teeth at the tightness that rewards him for pushing you to finish, helpless to it doing the same. Rutting into you, filling the eager hole he's sheathed in.
Cato slumps forward, shivering; careful to not squish you and his helm beneath his bulk despite the daze of him emptying a load in you—keeping pace even when the stimuli becomes unbearably tender and your heels dig into his flanks.
Heaving, he halts at last after the pleasure begins to really hurt, and meets your hazy gaze with a long, content sigh.
"C-Cato," you start softly, and nose against his cheek.
"Yes?" He begins in an airy tone, looming close to your ear and letting his exhale taper off into a long, curious hum.
"Your helm's d-digging into my ribs..." you cringe, and he immediately lifts himself away with a strong hand and pulls his helmet away and to the side.
Redness in the vague outline of the ceramite is imprinted on the soft skin of your side and he tuts, hand tracing the minor injury.
Kneading the area a little, you start to squirm, and Cato's suddenly hyperaware he's still inside you; and looks down.
He's fucked your combined fluids into a frothing mess.
With an air of unimpressed amusement, you snort at the show he makes of pulling out—he grabs you with a mitt on the underside of each thigh, functionally spreading you as inch after thick inch drags free so slowly it's almost jarring just how much of him you fit. The flushed head of his cock pops out, dripping a final fat rope of cum across your vulva; and then your overfilled insides start leaking more.
"Still got the implant?" Cato queries, using his thumb to pull your labia aside and eye just how deep he's emptied into you.
"Yes," you snicker weakly, "Y-Yes, I do—why?"
"It's a simple question," he tuts.
"I know w-what you're really asking, Cato."
He raises an eyebrow, "It's got nothing to do with the fact you're hard to avoid finishing inside."
A laugh leaves you like a bark, "You've never tried to a-avoid it."
"You'd throw a fit," he shoots back, and shuffles over to lie beside you on his back.
With a disgruntled huff you retort, "H-How would you know?"
"I remember your opinion on a certain... 'theoretical hypothetical scenario' quite well," Cato says slowly, and prides at the flustered smile you fight to hide in his peripheral vision.
"I... I stand by that statement," you sigh, still half-smirking.
He pouts, "You do, do you?"
"Yes," you huff, "Because now there's the t-temptation of leave to a seaside paradise on the proviso of being gravid," you say pointedly, and roll onto your side to face him—worming closer until your cheek rests on his pectoral. "Which becomes more tempting by the minute."
"You lazy little shit, I never said you had to be pregnant to get there," he scoffs, grinning, sitting up and resting his back to the wall. "Besides, I can assure you Guilliman's homework will find you even on a barren death world."
"I'm sure I can come up with something," you say, glaring at him with a conspiratorial smile. "And what was that about me not having to be knocked up to get this vacation?"
"The stipulation is I'd have you squirming on my lap daily," Cato rumbles, eyeing you arranging yourself to settle atop him. "Hourly, even; and the side effect of that may very well be a procreational one—"
"Such an egalitarian bargain," You snicker softly, saddling yourself on his hips instead of remaining prone—lifting your legs, straining to splay yourself wide enough to let him slot between them. "You're a better statesman than I thought, Commander Sicarius."
He rumbles a smooth subvocal sound of assent, and the big palms on your hips slide to cup the flesh atop your thighs.
The simple feeling of your warm skin pressed to him, and he is panting softly through his nose already. You kiss him then, with a tender sigh—more a sweet thing than a desperate scramble.
Cato stares when you pull away, keen eyes lingering on your own as you look up at him.
Something about that look plays havoc with his mind, and your next words double down on the heat in his blood, "Does the Grand Duke want for heirs so badly?"
"Fuck, yes—well, no—but... should one of your gene-stock occur by chance, who am I to object," he jumbles his words a tad when you reach down to hold his cock straight.
Throne, he wants it; he really does. Even if it's more likely considered a luxury well beyond anything he deserves, he wants you beside him in whatever way, shape, or form you'll allow.
"So," you snort, and the thick head of his length catches at the rim of your still-dripping cunt, "I'm to be an infant factorum?"
"Duchess," he groans, bristling at your soft lips against his cheek in unison with you sinking down, down, down to the hilt on him. "You're to be... a Grand Duchess, moron."
The languid sigh you make when he's buried in you is so content he's genuinely giddy as you ask, "I-Is that so, Cato?"
"You're going to adore every second of it," Cato rumbles softly, palming your ass. "Spoiled little heifer, that you are."
You make a strangled sound at the harsh grope of your rear and smile against his jaw, "...what's a heifer?"
"A female bovine that's never calved," he expects a slap for that—and yet it never comes.
You lean away, looking deeply unimpressed, and he sulks a little because it's not the reaction he was after. But it's a reaction nonetheless.
"Why do you, as an A-Astartes, even know that?"
"When Guilliman's mood ebbs to a trough, he lectures me on farming techniques," he says offhandedly, "He does so for hours."
Cato feels strange talking of his Father, the Lord Primarch, when his balls are currently smooshed against your perineum and his cock is playing whack-a-mole with your cervix.
"Would t-that make you a male bovine, then?"
Cato considers for a second before arching close to drag his tongue across your throat, grinning.
"So this i-is a breeding attempt b-by you?" You laugh with a daft, pleasured sort of delight and lift yourself a little, fucking yourself on him at your leisure.
"Yes," Cato pants, and rolls his hips upward—meeting you in the middle.
The contact makes a lewd plap along with a mixed combination of his moan and yours.
"W-Well," you sigh, "You're really trying—ah—aren't y-you, Cato?"
"For once," he rasps, mouthing a nice big bruise onto the soft skin on the side of your neck, "Keep talking."
"S-So, how m-many do—" you start meekly, stuttering a little with hesitation; your mouth to his ear. "How many do y-you want?"
The question makes Cato's head spin.
A sound that he can only assume is a braying moan escapes his gullet, because all his focus is cross-haired on the implication you've just given him on a platter.
"You're... you're going to get that implant removed next cycle," Cato pants, raring. "And," he bites out as he struggles not to just give in to the moan trapped in his throat and forsake words altogether. "You'll let me... let me breed this eager cunt of yours, won't you?"
The shaky gasp that leaves you in answer is divine, and Throne, aren't you the perfect little wife whore.
Then you nod, and that fucked-out smile is the most gorgeous thing Cato's ever seen.
It's conjecture, it's fantasy. Because Guilliman's going to skin him if anything like that ever gains actuality—and he may still very well be chemically sterile, after all of this; but it feels right to indulge in that impossible want at this instant. He'd take you as a bride, by the sea—in the high courtyards that look down at the great harbour. He'd have his pretty little wife, maybe a dozen bairns as stubborn as himself and as insufferable as you—and everything'd be perfect. He doubts you'd allow that many, but it's a discussion point. He'll barter—hell, who's he kidding. He'll take anything, even if it's just the two of you.
Whatever you'd ask he'd give; because in the end, he'd enjoy nothing more than to have you with him—and whatever boon might come from that conjunction—something made out of love, that he's not supposed to have.
He takes a firm hold of your hips on either side and bounces you, managing to steal a kiss on the up-lift and ripping a moan out of you on the down-pull—again and again; until you're squirming, slumping forward, squeezing on his cock as you're forced into a racketing orgasm.
Overwhelmed, you all but squeal, scrambling at the wide expanse of his shoulders in an effort to lock him closer, clawing at his deltoids.
It's the last push he needs.
Cato empties his balls right where you want it, groaning and heaving in desperate gulps of air as he slumps back against the wall; dragging you with him.
Your head rests limply against his shoulder and you wriggle, overstuffed—taking every drop.
He grits his teeth as each shudder milks him dry, arcs of pleasure lighting up his nerves.
It leaves him huffing and puffing into your nape, grumbling to himself.
"Perfect," he whispers, nuzzling against your neck. He can feel the sticky heat of his cum dripping out of you and onto his thighs and balls.
Cato supposes if this is what de-facto baseline marriage is like, it's not half bad.
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