#if the English doesn't make sense dw I'm juust about to go to sleep
biggentlemenking · 19 days
I've been kinda obsessed with pregnant Sam fics for some reason?
Like I've never liked pregnancy fics too much (especially if they're graphic and describe the process of the pregnancy) but the last few days I keep looking for fics about Sam being pregnant and Dean looking after him and being all possessive and freaky.
It's not even the sex (if I find it I actually skip) or the kids, it's just Dean taking care of Sam and Dean possessing Sam in the ultimate way.
(((Also I would find them for other characters and ships but wincest is the one that delivers the best with all Sam and Dean's codependency and obsession which is already in canon and fics just make it more somehow which is what I love about it.)))
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