#if she's still not eating or drinking tomorrow morning then she'll be hospitalized
pangur-and-grim · 5 months
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in a wonderful twist, the anti-nausea medicine appears to have made her more nauseous.
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psychcpomps · 5 months
🐍🐈‍⬛ 🏥 malia's schedule !! 🐍🐈‍⬛ 🏥
malia has always been a creature of habit, though when she was in school to be a nurse and caretaking for her mother it was quite hectic. while she misses those days more than anything there is also a part of her that is happy for a schedule that she knows how to deal with. most of her days are divided on her commuting to zuzu city at the hospital and then the days where she is working at the clinic. she works between 8 and 12 hour shifts in zuzu city hospital as a nurse. ( if you ever wondered what kind of nurse she is, she used to work in the emergency room before that burnt her out and now she is an action nurse, she still frequents the emergency room, but now that she's been a nurse for almost eight years she has a bit of seniority. )
4:00 a.m. — malia wakes up with often her cat bitty on her chest, her cat will meow and want food. she will tell her cat that, 'yes okay, let's go to the kitchen' because of course her cat also eats in the kitchen with her. malia will start the coffee pot, put the well rounded scoop of food in her cats bowl and then open up her snake's tank and wrap it around her neck while she figures out what to bring for lunch. ( normally something that joshua has nicely made for her, if we're being honest. )
4:30 a.m. — she will finish her breakfast ( pancakes, if she's feeling up to it but honestly mostly it's just finishing her coffee and a granola bar. ), put her snake back in it's tank and petting her cat on the head before heading to the bus where she will probably smoke a cigarette while she waits.
5:00 a.m. — granted that the bus isn't running late she will make it to the hospital and clock in and divulge with the night shift on what happened during the night and then get started on her morning rounds with her patients. ( she doesn't have very many work friends, but she does have a lot of elderly women who want to feed her and kiss her cheeks. )
6:30 a.m. — malia will have her second cup of coffee and wish that she could bring her snake to work because she thinks that some of the peds patients that she sees would like them. and then she'll get embarrassed at thinking of how fond she is of children even though she doesn't want any for herself.
10:00 a.m. — 10:30 a.m. — is one of her favourite times because that means it's lunch time! malia will eat whatever it is that joshua has made for her, or whatever old lady in her nursing station that insists that malia eats that she's made ( that's always somehow made vegetarian. it's very obvious to anyone that made it with the intent for her to eat it ) and smoke a cigarette outside on her break. it normally doesn't take long for her to eat, it's eight years into this career, she eats quick and uses the rest of the time to nap.
1:30 p.m. — if it's her eight hour shift she will get off at one-thirty and head to the bus and also will be dropped off immediately at the clinic to start her shift there until six.
6:45 p.m. — on her eight hour shift days she will likely restock everything they used at the clinic, make orders to zuzu city on what they need to be delivered, call back patients that have left voicemails, and then make her way to stardrop saloon.
7:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. — is probably the most chaotic time for malia depending on how the day went. somedays she will be stoic and drink her beer and smoke a cigarette and stare into nothing, or she will be playing darts and thinking about her dad and wishing he taught her how to play, or listening to someone that notices malia and saying how much they miss her mom and malia saying, 'i miss her too, thank you for telling me that,' or talking to someone who asks malia a medical question and her begging them to visit her at the clinic tomorrow.
10:30 p.m. — she will be back home, grabbing her snake from her tank and putting him around her neck and letting bitty trail her in her mother's garden while she listens to the sounds of nature. the porch light will be on and she can admire her mother's garden in the dark and wish that she took better care of it ( even if she doesn't know how ), and smile for a moment at how nice it feels to be surrounded by something that her mother loved and was most proud of. ( malia is included in this even if she doesn't add herself, of course. )
11:30 p.m. — malia will attempt to go to sleep. she knows that she should go to sleep early for her morning shifts, but she's also a creature of habit.
on the days that she works 12 hour shifts her schedule only change slightly.
6:00 p.m. — she will still go to the clinic even if it's closed and listen to voicemails and do inventory, and also do home visits to patients but only if needed.
8:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. — stardrop saloon, more often alone, eating dinner there and going home.
10:30 p.m. — 11:00 p.m. — malia, her snake, her cat keep normal routine. but, malia will also go to bed early and start the day over again.
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