#if only they weren't so dang hard to draw
httyd-art-requests · 12 hours
pretty sure your requests are closed, and i am more than fine with this being put to the side (or tossed entirely) but i don't think you've drawn a crimson goregutter yet and those guys are the absoloute best!!! love them to bits. the idea of a lesbian flag coloured one of those guys is circling my brain and i had to throw the idea down somewhere.
outside of dragon-talk i love your account, your little critters are the best. thank you for sharing these little guys and i hope you have the loveliest day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon #109 - Lesbian Crimson Goregutter
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Seriously though, thank you so much! Seeing people enjoying my art this much makes me so so happy <3
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
How do I sound witty in this title
Well. I finished the drawing two days ago but did do the writing till today 💀💀 I don't really have much else to say.
I just wanted to write and draw the sillies <\\33
Antonio sat on the floor of the nursery, staring into the mirror. Wide, bright yellow eyes stared back at him. His eyes, obviously. They weren't the usual brown they were when he was born. He was still reeling at thw whole thing, but he was getting used to it. Well, as used to it as he could, he had just discovered all of this a few weeks ago. Luckily he had his primas and his siblings by his side though.
He continued to stare. His hand reached up, touching the thick fur that covered the sides of his face and most of his neck. He could feel more of it rubbing against his shirt and pants. It made him feel warm, too warm. Almost hot. It was getting to be spring, and frankly the extra hair all over him wasn't doing him any real justice. He yanked on his collar, trying to relieve the feeling but it didn't do much.
As he pulled on his shirt, he heard a small sound, a tearing sound. Of course, it wasn't very hard, not with the ears he had. They twitched as he stopped, looking down.
He had accidentally ripped a hole in his collar.
"Uh oh," he mumbled, quickly trying to oull away his hand. He tugged just a little too hard, his hand finally coming away...along with a piece of fabric. Antonio's eyes widened at the yellow piece stuck to his hand, his claws, and he flailed his hand for a moment before it fell away.
He looked at his hands. They were covered in fur, short, soft fur that was a similar color to his hair. He flexed his small hands, feeling the long nails that had grown, and frowned. What was he going to do? He already ruined one shirt, now here goes another one, ruined. He thought back to the last shirt he ruined.
He had transformed for the first time. He didn't know what was happening. He was so scared, and freaked out. And hungry. He tore his shirt apart, chewing on it and ripping it. He didn't even know he was capable of that, but apparently he was. And when Isa and Lola found him, they had to practically wrestle it away from him and give him real food before he calmed down.
Antonio leaned forward, opening his mouth. He had four sharp teeth that stuck out like sore thumbs. No hiding them. His bottom ones were longer, jutting out even when his mouth was closed. He used his tongue to feel them, wincing when he accidentally pricked it. He pouted bringing his knees to his chest as he looked in the mirror, his tail curled around him. He felt so lonely. Sure, there was his older siblings Dolores and Camilo, and his older primas Isabela, Luisa and Mirabel. But he still felt so alone.
He didn't know what to do.
He sat on the floor for a while before he heard footsteps. Typically he wouldn't be able to hear them, at least not with the door closed and from the nursery, but he could now. He panicked looking around. He yanked the blanket off of his bed, covering his head with it as he moved away from the mirror. He faced away from the door, pretending to read a book that had been laying near the toy chest nearby.
"Antonio?" He heard a voice. His oldest prima, Isabela. He stayed hidden, though he knew that she probably already knew what he was doing. "Antonio, are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Antonio said, a little too quickly and his voice a little too high. He shifted under the blanket, hoping that his tail was still hidden.
"I can see your tail," Isabela said.
Dang it.
Antonio quickly tried to tuck it in but it was already too late. Isabela sat down next to him, gently pulling away the blanket. Antonio hesitated, pushing the book away and looking toward her. "H-Hola...Isabela."
Isabela gave him a sympathetic smile. "Don't know how to change back?" She asked knowingly and Antonio looked down in shame and nodded.
"No...A-And I did try, I did! When when I tried, but it only made it worse!" Antonio said and Isabela urged him to calm down.
"Ok, that's ok," Isabela said reassuringly. "But...what happened to your shirt?" She asked, finally noticing the tear in his collar.
Antonio looked down at his shirt, seemingly to remember what happened and fiddled with the ripped collar for a moment before sighing softly. "I...I got hot, amd kept yanking on my collar. But I didn't wamna roll up my sleeves and get caught cause of my fur, and I didn't wanna do undo all the buttons and change and..."
Isabela looked at him expectantly. "And...?"
"And I...I ripped the collar..." Antonio mumbled, but Isabela heard him loud and clear.
Isabela hummed in understanding, pulling Antonio closer. "It's ok. We'll ask Mirabel if she can mend it, hm? I mean it's only a small tear. It's not nearly as bad as your other shirt incident," she said teasingly.
"Isaaa!" Antonio whined, pushing her away and she laughed.
"I'm sorry! It was right there. I'm sorry Toñito. But seriously. That shirt was beyond repair," Isabela said, staring off into the space for a moment. "How are your teeth anyway? Do they still hurt?"
Antonio hummed for a momemt, in thought before he looked in the mirror, pulling his bottom lip down a bit. "No, ut I ink ey're owing," Antonio said, his words slurred due to his lip being pulled. He stopped, turning to Isabela. "How come mine aren't as big as your yours?" He pouted.
Isabela shrugged, leaning forward. Her form began to shift, taking on a similar form to Antonio. Her dress seemed smaller, but Isabela didn't seem all that phased as she leaned forward, pulling her own cheek for a moment. "I dunno. I guess as I got older, they grew more."
Antonio leaned forward again, looking at his teeth. "I hope mine get as big as yours. Or Camilo's."
Isabela snorted, leaning back. "Camilo's are only that big because he eats so much meat all the time. And he eats it raw. I'm surprised he hasn't blown our cover yet."
Isabela wished she hadn't said that because Antonio had stars in his eyes as he rushed out of the nursery and towards the kitchen. Isabela's eyes widened, and she quickly shifted back, flying out the door after Antonio, her vines rushing after him. "Antonio, wait!"
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I'm so tired it's not even funny 💀💀 and I still got a presentation due on Sunday 😭😭
ANYWAYYYY THESE GUYS HAVE VEEN ON MY MIND...among other aus. I mean my mind is a constant of Encanto aus. There may just be one section if my mind reserved for that.
But I did draw this and decided to turn it into a omeshot. Horrific I know 🌚 besides that I'm very excited for Mermay in a couple days❗❗ Hoping to draw a lot of mer aus <33
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jeeaark · 6 months
(Omg sorry it was to answer the note below the comic about the patch updated that implied Empy didn't like us anymore, that was not a criticism, I absolutely love what you do with the comic I'm sorry it sounded otherwise I absolutely love what you do and please do take all the creativenliberties you need ♥️♥️♥️)
Ah! My Bad! Yeah, I like to think it's all words with Emps, with Greygold anyway, but after that epilogue update....Hard to tell! For various reasons!
Off-Topic Confession! I coulda lived with this time-line if it weren't for that epilogue. Woulda wrapped this dang story up with a pretty bow with only this timeline! But NAY.
Dang epilogue tossed my loophole out the window! (gonna draw it anyways because silly, but still) Got me loopy-looping the loophole with another loophole because of those patches. So. On the bright side, Greygold's story isn't over after this. The down side, heard there's officially no DLC or BG4, So. I get to officially wrap it up instead of.... Leaving things in the air. so. Here we go!
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lostanddancing · 2 years
SKZ-Replay Reaction
This was so much fun. Because I'm so new to Stray Kids and haven't had a chance to listen to much of their older Replay stuff yet, this whole album was 90% new material for me. Such a treat!
These are my first reactions to my initial listen through. I have absolutely no doubt that some of these are going to end up on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped. :D
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So darn cute, I love this. The way they hype each other up is heartwarming in the best way.  I also like the use of their voices in this. It gives all of them a chance to shine.
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Fun and catchy song. I have a feeling this one is going to get stuck in my head. It's really great to have a full song of Chan's gorgeous voice!
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I love this song. I just… As someone who has lost loved ones, and is currently praying a friend through a loss, it speaks to me. I adore how it ends so abruptly. Lee Know's vocals and emotion are heartwrenching.
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This song is so Changbin. Hard hitting and giving no quarter, but not with out his humor. With a similar theme to Maniac, but I like that it's focused on creativity. The repetitive "doodle" is a little annoying, but in the context of the song, I don't really mind. I would kill to see him perform this!
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Why do they have to keep breaking my heart? There is so much here. I had to go back and re-listen again. There is so much grief and love here.
"Maybe my universe was bright because of you
I never lost my smile in it
But now, in this dark world without stepping on a shadow
Drawing you is my only day"
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Damn Han. How did you manage to write a feeling I have struggled with so much in the last few years? I'm at least 20 years older than you. But that feeling of oppression, the desperation to just break loose and leave. The longing to just escape, regardless of the consequences to my family and responsibilities. Ouch.
"If I pretend to be sick, will I be able to sit down?"
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Boy, who hurt you? Let me at 'em
Also, that was all Felix? That boy's range is incredible, and I'm going to be listening to that song over and over just because of that alone. It's also just lovely musically. I'm impressed!
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This one might be my favorite to listen to so far. Seungmin's voice is just gorgeous, the style and the incorporation of the piano that suits it perfectly. The theme of hanging onto the happy memories even when someone is gone or a relationship is over is lovely. I just need more of his voice in my life. He works hard, and it shows.
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Nevermind, this is my favorite to listen to. So sweet, kind, healing after the rough emotional run of the last few tracks. I.N.'s voice is darling. He made me smile. He made me want to go hug someone I love, so I think that's a success.
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This is so beautiful. I just can't get over how lovely all of their vocals are. I NEED more vocal work from Changbin and Felix. It also makes me a little sad because fans can be so very unreliable (also thirsty in all the wrong ways), and as sweet as the song is as a love song for the fans, it kind of feels undeserved.
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The kind of song that dragged me into loving Stray Kids. Powerful, unapologetic, masculine. I can't help but feel like they've earned this one more since they first released it. Not that they weren't working hard before, but they have proven everything they stated in this song over and over. Also, not to be a Changbin simp, but his growls in this rattled my bones.
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Han just has a way of capturing inner monologue and feelings so dang well. This piece brought me back to my very first phone call with my husband. We met online and had never even heard each other's voices before. I was so nervous, I felt JUST like this song describes. Also it's just beautiful, and his voice is so warm it makes me happy.
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I've heard this one before, and wow. There's a reason it's a classic among the fans. The theme, the music, Changbin's ability to evoke the raw emotion needed. I am stunned again at how good this one is.
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This one hit hard. I have a close family member who has dealt for years with emotionally abusive family relationships. This song sounds so much like the constant battle of love for the person, longing for reconciliation, and resignation to the reality of the brokenness of the relationship. Also, Bang Chan's voice cut deep.
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Aside from Han just being phenomenal as always, this is just fun to listen to. I think I need to explore the lyrics more, because they don't hit me personally as hard as some others. Not that it makes the song bad or below par, because it probably does that for others, just not me. I will likely listen to this one a lot because I enjoy the rap and the music, but not as much because I identify with it.
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I watched the MV for this without subs and before I had any idea what it was about. It was immediately clear to me that it was about a beloved pet, and it makes me cry. Hyunjin's music and vocals are so beautiful and sweet.
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This one is a bit of a whiplash after "Miss You" but I love it. It's so unserious, so funny, and the perfect youngest sibling anthem. I love Changbin's "I raised you that's why you're cute" moment because I've said similar things to my baby siblings many times over the years!
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Han hitting the sore spots again. Back off, dude. I need to BREATHE. I found this piece particularly interesting in that the rest of the song absolutely contradicts the intro. I have a lot against the whole "you can be anything you want" trope, and the lyrics just destroyed it. It's hard to be anything you want when what you want is to not be lonely anymore.
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I've heard this one before, but I don't think I paid much attention to the lyrics. It's so sweet, so kind. The song I'd sing to my loved ones if I could. Changbin and Felix's voices blend so well together.
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"Sometimes I even hesitate to smile brightly
Because I'm afraid that the batteries of the bright light might run out"
This song is so comforting. I love the determination, the insistence on holding someone even during their dark times. These two sound so perfect together!
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Pretty sure I've heard this one before too. I know everyone loses loved ones in their lives, so it's stupid to think these boys haven't, but songs like this make me wonder who they lost that hurt so badly. Grief makes for beautiful music, but I wish it didn't have to happen to anyone.
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Han, honey. The angst is strong with this one. I don't think they're coming back.
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We get it guys, you are insomniacs. :D Seriously though, this is such a fun piece, and I'll be grooving to it a lot!
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NOT about driving. But soooo catchy. Such a bop.
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One of my favorites to listen to. Just so mellow, and Hyunjin's voice is so warm and delightful. I love his lyricism.
This whole album was such a treat, I have had it on repeat since it came out, and I don't think that's stopping any time soon!
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lex-dalan · 2 years
Hello Tumblr!
It's @nameless-writer-for-stories here, remember me? Dang, it's been like 5 years since I went on hiatus. My life had been nuts and still is now.
I would like to apologize to those who followed me (through these users: @nameless-writer-for-stories @rwby-dust) for the radio silence and long overdue hiatus. I did not mean to leave you all in the dark without explanations.
My previous years of Tumblr wasn't that bad, the issue was me. To be honest, I literally had no clue what I was doing despite my imaginations and urge to show my creativeness. Let's just say growing up into a full adult is a literal rollercoaster for me so I wasn't really myself at that time. There were times I tend to feel doubt in my writing and art, and experienced inferiority complex--which was definitely not good so I had to leave the social media to clear my head.
I resumed to practicing my drawing skills before I entered college in 2019. Around that time, I was late to join Arknights, a tower-defense game that was released in early January. And boy, it was the best game for me. Because of its art and lore, I got inspired to come back for creating art. I was not confident if I can make a return in Tumblr so, I decided to try Twitter with a fresh start and didn't bother posting my Tumblr works because of my insecurities. My first experience there was awkward and barely gained any followers so I was doubting myself again.
However, I stopped doubting and started thinking, "the only reason you didn't have anything is because you're not pushing to try more." Later on, I tried posting new art contents like mini comics and some of my favourite Arknights characters. It was slow progress and I only had 76 followers. Honestly, it was okay for me since it means I needed to improve more--until I got roped into League of Legends because of Starguardians2022. Not gonna lie, I was attracted to that because of the potential angst material (I'm crazy lol), especially Akali. There's just something about her that I can relate in a deeper level and I fell in love with her prime lore and SG lore.
So, I started drawing Lol content and also tried playing the game. Several days later, I finally got 100 followers! I was really happy and decided to keep it up. I'm still drawing Arknights content whenever I feel like it, and I'm planning to make a fan Star Guardian story with a little twist.
Just when I started to make more posts, the Elon Musk incident happened. I won't explain the details because I know that everyone has seen the news. Everyone in Twitter began talking about moving into different social medias but honestly, it's hard to leave Twitter behind because everyone was comfortable in speaking their thoughts and sharing things that they couldn't be able to share in real life, and I feel that way too. I came back to Tumblr with a good reason--that is to keep going. Sure, it's sad that Twitter is doomed to close but if it weren't for that site, I would have not be able to meet people who shows confidence in showing their artworks, and fan literature. Whether they're silly drawings or shenanigans, they are truly dedicated and passionate in their works. They inspired me to keep trying and show the best of what I can do.
Until Twitter does shut itself down, I will bring everything from that site to here. So, yeah---
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dumbangrypuppet · 11 months
Drawing ideas that may never come to fruition
Kake and Marceline, trying to make music together. Like I feel like Kake can write a song and give it lyrics, but never a melody. He writes a lot of poetry. Bonus: Simon on the keyboard.
Simon and Kake sitting silently and enjoying each other's company as they do things they like (Simon reading a book, Kake is writing some poetry) these two are so autistic.
Finn dragging Kake on an adventure because Kake is having a hard time trying to sleep, so Finn is like "oh here, this will tire you out!" And because Kake is not built for adventuring he's terrified the whole time. "Take me home dude please I just want my art studio!"
Marceline and Simon interactions. "Oh shit my dad is gay. Good for him, good for him." Simon is absolutely baffled.
I feel like Kake who is not good with speaking words or anything out loud would write things about his feelings. Also, my headcanon voice for Kake is Jeremy Heere from Be More Chill (the original musical, not Broadway. I will go into heavy detail why I don't like the Broadway version of BMC) that being said, I feel like he's written several love letters for Simon that he has torn up and thrown away because he felt they weren't good enough, or that Simon would never reciprocate the feelings.
Kake: I wrote a love letter to Simon,,,
Finn: Hey! That's progress!!
Kake: I tore it up and flushed it!!
Finn: [sigh]
Kake: it's still...progress..
Kake has officially taken over my little brain. He's all I think about. I feel like writing a fanfic about him but I usually feel like my writing sucks too much or that yk it's cringe. And even when I do proceed with a fic and write it I stop like halfway because I get burnt out and it never gets finished. But I feel the need to write about my little guy because the only way I'm truly going to get him fleshed out is if I write about him dang it!!!
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