#if it's exactly my clothes than i'm never getting the shirt back from winn
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majordetectiveagent · 8 years ago
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” With Director Sanvers before they get into a relationship, everyone gets drunk and the next morning Lucy is naked on the bed and Alex is acting like the baby gay she is and Maggie is like damn and maybe they flirt a little and then discuss if they want to be in a relationship thing??? Also btw your fics rock and I'm reading them like I'm breathing air so I hope you have a nice day!
The plus side to leaving her party girl days behind meant Alex actually remembered what happened the night before. Sometimes, that wasn’t always great given what could’ve happened the night before, but at least she no longer woke up hungover to hell and back. A little dehydration and a sour mouth were a much more reasonable price to pay for a late night with too many low alcoholic beers.
Of course, this all meant Alex’s mind was a bit more awake in the morning. She was a bit more aware of how something was a little bit off in her bed. While she and Maggie enjoyed cuddling, they had gotten over their koala phase when actually asleep, and didn’t exactly enjoy the extra body heat when drunk. There was a body with breasts wrapped around her, and it wasn’t her girlfriend. Maggie’s hair was to her left, as was her soft, utterly cute, drunken wheeze.
Alex squeezed her eyes tight for a moment. Whoever it was was under the blankets. Kara had taken Vasquez home, James and Winn had left, and Alex knew neither J’onn nor M’gann would ever crawl into her bed no matter how drunk they were. So. Process of elimination. She lifted the edge of the blanket, peered, and dropped it again while her eyes went wide.
Goddamnit, Lane.
Alex reached out and gently tugged on Maggie’s hand. The drunken wheeze turned into a soft snort as she woke. “Whu…?”
Maggie heaved in a deep breath and rolled over with a grump. She barely had one eye open, but then she caught sight of the human-sized growth on Alex’s other side. Alex lifted the edge of the blanket for her, realizing that while Maggie might be wide awake now, she had little desire to actually move. Maggie whistled low. Alex rolled her eyes and tapped Lucy on the temple gently.
Lucy grumbled and snuggled deeper against Alex. Maggie snickered and Alex sighed. “Luce. Lucy. Lane, wake up.”
“Why?” The gravely demand was more cute than threatening.
“Why are you naked in my bed?” Alex kept her voice soft because of the possible hangover, but it was no less demanding.
Lucy cracked an eye open, barely glanced around, and shut her eye again. “Sleeping in clothes sucks.”
“Well I’m gonna need you to put on a shirt.”
Lucy’s pout was almost epic. “Don’t like what you see, Danvers?”
Alex stuttered and looked at Maggie for help, but her girlfriend was too busy shaking with laughter. Alex huffed and half heartedly smacked Maggie on the arm.
Lucy smirked. “I’ll take that as a compliment. Forgive me, Maggie?”
“This once, but next time I expect a meal before you cuddle my girlfriend naked.”
“I know a breakfast place that delivers, if you accept payment after the fact.”
“When there’s a pretty woman in bed, I do.”
Alex managed to find her voice. “Do I get a say in any of this?”
Lucy opened both eyes to look up at her. “If you are truly uncomfortable, I will find my clothes and put them on.”
“No, you’re fine-”
“Am I now?”
“Goddamnit, Lane. I’m not upset, just surprised. I don’t expect Napoleonic power mongers to cuddle naked.”
Lucy looked over at Maggie. “Is she ticklish?”
“That’s for me to know for you to-”
Alex shrieked and shoved Lucy away from her. “Maggie you traitor!”
Maggie wrapped her arms around Alex. “I’ll protect you, I promise.”
“I have a feeling you’re lying to me.”
“Never about the important things. Maybe about this.”
Lucy snagged her phone off the side table. “I’m getting waffles with strawberries. What do you want?”
They listed off some food and Lucy placed the order. It would be about an hour, so Maggie decided coffee was necessary. “Don’t traumatize Alex while I’m away.”
“Like to watch, do you?” Lucy asked.
Maggie just winked. Alex turned red and retreated to the bathroom for a few minutes. Lucy found her shirt and tugged it back on, but kicked the rest of her clothes out of the bed. She had no intention of getting dressed unless asked. The bed was warm and her clothes were far too restrictive for lounging after a night of drinking.
Maggie returned with three mugs of coffee. Lucy called her a goddess and was infinitely pleased when Maggie slid into the bed next to her. Alex returned and narrowed her eyes at Lucy, as if she suspected Lucy had purposely put herself in the middle. Lucy just smirked; she would happily take the blame. Alex rolled her eyes and climbed back in next to Lucy. As much as she wanted to say something, Lucy refrained from making a joke that might get her kicked out for how lame it would be.
They fell into an easy silence, mugs in one hand and phones in the other. After making sure nothing needed her immediate attention, Lucy pulled her knees up and settled her phone on the blankets at just the right angle for hands-free watching. She put the Maru YouTube videos on random and settled in to wait for the food. Lucy’s cute animal video addiction was no longer a secret from Alex and Maggie, and James was still sworn to secrecy. Maggie eventually put her phone down and leaned her head against Lucy’s shoulder to watch as well.
“Why these videos?” Maggie asked after a while.
“Cute but calm. No jarring noises, nothing that makes me question if the animal is okay. Perfect hangover videos.”
“Kara wanted a Scottish Fold after watching a few of these,” Alex said.
Lucy laughed. “I haven’t known her long, but I bet she wanted a Golden Retriever after seeing Marley and Me.”
Alex snorted. “You’re not wrong.” She waited for the current video to end before asked, “Have you ever seen Simon’s Cat?”
Lucy immediately tapped at her phone. “It’s been a few months since I’ve caught up.”
They were surprised out of their impromptu YouTube party, which had transferred over to Alex’s laptop, when there was a knock at the door. Maggie, by virtue of wearing the most clothing, was sent with Lucy’s wallet to answer the door. She brought all the food back to the bed, not even bothering with plates or real utensils. They set up a ten minute compilation video of funny animals so they could focus on their food.
“So how long has it been since either of you watched Homeward Bound?” Maggie asked after putting the leftovers in the fridge.
“I refuse to watch the first one without a tub of ice cream,” Lucy said.
Maggie stopped lifting the sheet. “First one?”
“You’ve never seen the second one?” Alex asked, not knowing if she should be scandalized or in awe.
“They made a second one?”
Lucy and Alex scrambled to type on the laptop at the same time. Lucy poked a finger into Alex’s ticklish spot to get her to let go. Alex retaliated and Maggie rescued the laptop from the ensuing struggle, wondering when her girlfriend was going to remember Lucy was only wearing a shirt. She found the movie and set it to play just as Alex pinned Lucy. Alex had all of two seconds to feel victorious before Lucy wrapped her legs around Alex’s waist. Alex dropped her weight to make the roll almost impossible to pull off. Lucy smirked and eyed the side of Alex’s neck. Lucy was surprised to feel fingers run through her hair and gently tug close to her scalp.
“Breakfast bought you naked cuddling, not biting permissions.” Maggie was amused by their antics, but she knew Alex would flip out just a little if Lucy got her teeth into more sensitive spots.
Lucy pouted but relaxed, even as Alex reeled back in a half panic. “I was only going to nip a little.” She let her legs drop off Alex’s waist, watching Alex turn pink at the reminder Lucy was pantsless.
“I hate you,” Alex muttered, blushing as she rearranged some pillows against the headboard.
“You could never,” Lucy declared as Maggie let go so Lucy could scoot back up.
Maggie set the laptop down so they all could see it. “Watch the movie, you giant flirt.”
“There are worse ways for me to make up for my lack of height.”
“So you are going to admit to that?” Alex teased.
“Bite me, Danvers.”
“Pass, you’d like it too much.”
Lucy opened her mouth, but Maggie cut her off. “You two were so eager for me to watch this, so can we watch it?” She had the subtitles on, but she knew Alex and Lucy would NOT stop unless someone stepped in. The first time Maggie had experienced their back and forth, she had been both impressed and confused because how in the world did Alex not know Lucy was into her? Lucy did not interact that way with anyone else. Alex tolerated it from no one else.
There was a time Maggie would feel threatened by Lucy’s actions. A year ago, she would be worried that Alex would leave her. But after all she and Alex had been through, after seeing time after time how Lucy and Alex supported each other, Maggie knew her relationship with Alex was safe.
They decided Chance was Kara, Sassy was Cat, and Shadow was J’onn. Lucy refused to be assigned a character. Alex didn’t fight what was given to her. Maggie only gave a token protest. Maggie should’ve taken her cue from Alex when she hid her face against Lucy’s shoulder. Maggie cussed them out for not warning her about that scene until it was over.
When Lucy took a bathroom break, Maggie looked over at Alex and asked, “You do realize Lucy’s been pantless this entire time?”
Alex blushed. “Yeah, um, should I have said something? I mean, I haven’t picked up on you minding?”
“I don’t mind. But it seems neither do you.”
“It’s Lucy. She's…” Alex shrugged, frowned, and sighed. “Have I been…?”
“Flirting? On and off. Lucy isn’t taking it seriously, but…”
Alex gulped. “But?”
“I don’t think she’d mind if you were serious.”
“Maggie I would never–”
“I would be okay with it, too.”
Alex went offline. Maggie was only a little apologetic. Lucy returned, looked between them, and sat at the foot of the bed, pulling the comforter over her lap.
“I’ve only seen Alex system crash once.”
“I pointed out she was flirting with you. And that I’m okay with it.”
Lucy nodded. “Yeah, that would do it. Is this a conversation that requires pants?”
Maggie decided pants would be best and pointed her to the drawer with the sweats. “Ally, you with us?”
Alex snapped back to reality just in time to see Lucy pull pants over her ass. She squeezed her eyes shut and sighed. “Yeah, I’m a lesbian.”
“That’s a comfort,” Maggie said, smiling and shaking her head.
Lucy grabbed them some water while she was up. When she curled up at the foot of the bed again, she gave Alex a calm look. “I have been flirting with you, but I picked up really quick you either weren’t catching on to it or weren’t seriously interested.”
“You’re fine.”
Alex smirked. “Am I?”
Lucy rolled her eyes and looked at Maggie. “How have you not gagged her?”
“She’s not into that.”
“Not the way I want you screaming my name, babe.”
Alex huffed. “I hate you both.” She looked between them. “What would it mean if the flirting was serious?” Her voice was steady, but they could hear the uncertainty.
Lucy looked at Maggie. “Have you done the poly thing before?”
Maggie nodded. “The one time I did actually worked out pretty well for me. But the others involved got jobs in other parts of the country and I didn’t feel like uprooting my life at the time. We still talk.”
“I never have,” Lucy said, “but I think between the three of us, we could make it work. Alex?”
“I’ve done some reading, a few years ago, out of curiosity. A boyfriend at the time… I haven’t, but, with you two, yeah.”
Maggie smiled at Alex. “You sure?”
“Yes,” Alex said, sounding confident now.
Lucy launched herself back between them and took control of the laptop. “Great. Someone cuddle me.”
Alex rolled her eyes. “How about I smother you instead?”
“Dinner first,” Lucy said with a wink.
Alex stumbled over her words before settling on glaring. Maggie shook her head and settled in. She didn’t see this being a bad thing, but it would damn well be interesting
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