#if i'm not mistaken you don't hear a final boss theme like that again in the mario series - most of them tend to be climatic and epic
emissary-of-dog · 2 months
sometimes i look back at the super mario series and i'm like Jesus Fucking Christ they really had a song like the Elder Shroob theme in one of their games. god..
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chanfictions · 2 years
I would really like a part two to the darlings trying to run away/escape from their yandere partner. Preferably with a member of the Akatsuki or Madara. Really whichever resonates most with you. I think they’d all have interesting ways of stopping a runaway. Hopefully that’s specific enough? Love your work and hope you have fun with the new requests!
Ahh, I've been wanting to do one of these for a while now. Escaping from Madara Uhchiha? Oof. That's a tall order.
Madara x Reader
Warnings: slight yandere themes 1.6k
Faster faster faster, you silently urged the galloping horse as your heart hammered its way into your mouth, glancing over your shoulder for the third time in the last thirty seconds at the shrinking silhouette of the place you had been forced to call home. You had really done it this time, making off with Madara's fastest horse under the clamor and chaos that had engulfed the compound ahead of a joint feast being catered by the Uchiha and Senju clans to celebrate the cementing of new alliances with neighboring lands. It was your best chance at really making it this time, and you could only hope that Madara would approach your disappearance with the same flippant disregard and condescension as last time to give you enough time to get away.
These little games of yours are quite entertaining, my dear, but I'm a busy man. It's time to go home. Thinking about the sweet, mocking tone he spoke to you with every time he captured you filled your chest with a sickening ache. It wasn't a game, and you had meant every single attempt, despising the circumstances that fated you to being gifted to the leader of the Uchiha clan like a head of cattle as part of a treaty and wanting nothing more than to finally taste the sweet air of freedom. Adjusting to your new life hadn't been going well, and you just couldn't take it anymore. A pit was slowly deepening in your stomach as the creeping realization that Madara was going to react unfavorably if he captured you slithered painfully under your skin. You had stolen his horse and brought embarrassment to his clan by disrupting the festivities that were about to take place. You swallowed the growing knot in your throat as you turned your back on the setting sun once again, looking ahead into the darkening horizon as you stuffed down your terror and hoped that you hadn't made a horrible mistake. This was your last chance. __________
The sun had long since given way to a blood-red moon when you finally spotted the dim lights of a village glowing warmly in the distance. Your horse snorted and shook his head as he slowed to a lazy walk, voicing his displeasure when you tugged the reins to keep him from snacking on the brush growing at the side of the trail. "I promise you'll get all the treats you can eat when we get to town," you murmured warily with a shiver and a pat to his withers, glancing nervously over your shoulder again upon hearing rustling that was just a little too close for comfort. "Just a little further." The unnerving sound seemed to be growing closer, and it could no longer be mistaken for whispers of the wind. Voices. People. You were being followed. Cursing under your breath, you turned ahead and dug your heels with a flick of the reins. You knew these routes were frequented by misfits and malcontents and had hoped that being a quick, difficult target would be enough to deter an ambush. Madara's favorite steed, though, was as stubborn and bull-headed as he was and had decided he had quite enough of your bossing him around, dancing in place and turning on the path with a low rumble and defiant snort instead of taking off toward the town like you ordered. "Come on, big guy – don't do this to me now," you begged in a desperate whisper, eyeing the surrounding shadows with a knot of dread winding through your ribcage. He stomped and shook his head, pawing a hoof into the damp earth as the rustling and whispers abruptly vanished, blanketing the woods in a tense silence. In one last, desperate attempt to get moving again, you gave him a sharp kick to the ribs and pulled back toward the village just as something metallic went screaming past your face. Your eyes widened in horror when you realized what it was. In an instant, the path exploded violently with suffocating smoke and blinding lights, spooking your horse and throwing you from his back in the midst of the chaos. Panicked hooves narrowly missed crushing your ringing head as your traitor of a ride took off at a thundering gallop and you scrambled to find your bearings in the dirt. You coughed and sputtered, clenching eyes that watered and burned and choking on the stinging fog that tasted like acid. "Over here–" You heard someone call over the ringing in your head. The world outside of these walls is full of nothing but misery and suffering, girl. You would be wise to remember that next time you go on one of these ill-conceived adventures. Madara's mocking tone filled your head again as you began to realize just how utterly fucked you were. Your mind and heart began to race in unison as you struggled to inhale and your vision fogged over with peppery tears. "I think I've let this go on long enough to make my point." You must have hit your head harder than you realized when you were thrown from that horse, because you thought you actually heard Madara's voice as you laid shell shocked in the dirt. A scuffle and muffled gasps followed – and then silence. Your heart dropped into your stomach when the grim weight of reality began sinking in. That long, eerie quiet hung uncomfortably in the air until a tight grip closed around your arm. "Enough with the dramatics," the low voice chided as the owner dragged you up onto your feet. Eyes clenched shut in agony, you flinched when a gloved hand delicately gripped your chin. You choked out a whimper, digging your fingers into searing pain ripping through your head and shying from the next touch you felt on your face when Madara moved his hand. "Stop behaving as though I'm going to strike you." His voice became tarnished with concern when he got a better look at your face in the scattered beams of moonlight that filtered down through the trees. He tisked, his tone softening as he shifted the iron grip on your arm to pull your hand away from your eyes and retrieve a cloth from his pouch to wipe away some of the stinging residue stuck to your face. "This, my dear, is exactly what I was talking about the last time you pulled one of
these little stunts. Consider what might have happened to you had I not been here to intervene." You swallowed hard, sucking in harsh breaths and trembling in his grip. The gnawing knot of dread in your chest twisted tighter with every passing second that wasn’t filled with chastising marks. "Can't see – it burns–" "Don't open your eyes," he ordered calmly, swiping the cloth over your face one last time in an effort to dislodge more of the sticky substance that felt like acid eating at your skin. "We need running water." All you could do was stumble after him as he tugged you through the woods, chastising your foolishness under his breath in a long-winded rant that you struggled to follow. Your eyes burned. That acrid, peppery smoke still burned your lungs. The roots beneath your feet caught your boots and tripped you up repeatedly, prompting you to try to crack a teary lid to get a better idea of the terrain. "Please, M-madara, slow down–" "No future wife of mine will be left blind by something so foolish," he hissed in your ear, tightening an arm around your waist to better guide you. "Do not open your eyes until I say." After a few more agonizing minutes stumbling through the darkness, locked against Madara's side, he finally stopped. The sound of rushing water filtered into your head, drowning out the rasps of your own panicked breathing. Without a word, he dropped you to your knees on the bed of river rocks, leaning you over the rushing stream with an arm still curled around your middle to keep you from tumbling in. The sudden splash of cold against your face startled you, making you gasp and flinch away, which only earned you further scolding. He sighed in annoyance, cupping water into his palm, bringing it to your eyes to flush out the lingering residue that burned your skin. "Hold still and let me do this before your eyesight is compromised." Exhaling a quiet apology, you clung to the arm with a vice grip around your waist, trying to contain your terror over what was to become of you now that you had been captured again. "Honestly, woman, do you think I came all this way just to drown you?" He scoffed, bringing more water to your face and holding it there until he had flushed away what was left of the irritant. "Open your eyes." Holding your breath, you did as you were told, blinking through the discomfort and redness you knew likely remained with a muttered word of gratitude. The deep rumble of his laughter filled your head, warping your sense of reality as you felt a surprisingly gentle hand grasp your chin to point your face at his. Watering eyes met his cold, crimson gaze, and for a moment, time stopped. The forest began to unravel, giving way to slatted walls and the river dried up into piles of hay as it sunk back into the earth. The familiar sounds and scents of horses filled your head as you blinked again, staring up into the swirling depths that would imprison you for eternity as a gloved hand sweetly caressed your cheek. "My dear… how do you think this is going to play out when you can't even succeed in your own fantasy, hm?"
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