#if i worried myself over discourse every single time i posted a fic i would've never posted again
prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
nothing against you but I think you should remove the general tags from the uncle sukuna fic that you used like (sukuna x reader) bc you have a lot of followers so regardless the fic will get traction and I think it’s just past the line of things you want to pop up when people search the general tags. Like I don’t think it’ll invite only a crowd of people who read it but also the bridgaders who don’t like dc as that’s how it usually starts
this is a well meaning ask so when i say i dont really care im not saying it to be rude !!! using the general tags is 1. for blog organization for my own blog less than it is for traction 2. i have been through countless amounts of discourse over my stuff and do not feel any desire to censor myself over it at this time. i only use the same like 4 tags on all of my posts regardless of the content in them.
with respect i only tag for traction in new fandoms anyway. i appreciate you trying to look out for me!! thank you for that!! maybe ill move the tags around but i just like. genuinely do not care at all about this
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