#if i have time (lol) i'll post a more in depth character design analysis of some of the cast
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I don't have the energy to put in more effort than this but sometimes it seems like new manga updates are the only thing keeping me going you feel me
#jshk#tbhk#jibaku shounen hanako kun#toilet bound hanako kun#idk how tagging works in this community pls be patient#do the kids still use this memememe idk#but if the shoe fits#if i have time (lol) i'll post a more in depth character design analysis of some of the cast#this blog is mainly me screaming into the void about this manga tbh
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After sooo long and doing everything i could to get primogems and such, I GOT THE LOVELY FURINA AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! But then the 4.8 trailer came out and Navia is literally next on the wish banner. So while i did get my Furina, i might have to skip Navia.. I mean i’ll still keep trying but it’s very unlikely i would get her due to being guranteed for Furina earlier. Regardless if i do get her or not, im still gonna farm for Navia’s materials.
Btw any thoughts on the recent Natlan teaser? I really love the new Natlan characters and im for sure saving for the Dendro boy one but.. is it bad that i felt a bit peeved that their skins are not darker? Like Natlan is based of countries that are part of the Ring of Fire and people there mostly have darker skins. I mean the three characters we saw do still have dark skin i guess? but i dont know how to explain it. It feels like the Sumeru thing all over again but im not sure tbh. I mean i havent seen anyone talking about it but then again, i dont have twitter due to how toxic the enviroment is.
Also i hope you dont mind me adding more to my analysis on Wriothesley (on the dead child thing) but the more i reread that post, the more i feel like Wriothesley sees the reader’s existence as a mockery made by the universe to him. The first time he had a family, it turns out to be fake, the second time he had a family in his kid, it was taken away from him way too soon, and then years later, the reader appears as a mocking reminder of the what he could have right now if it werent for his child’s untimely death. Like the part where you explain his confused temper, it feels like he’s in a mix of denial, bargaining, and anger from seeing the reader. He’s obviously grieving but he’s just stuck on those three parts. My guess on how his grief in stages are like would be first Depression, then it quickly turn into Denial, then after a few years and seeing the reader, it went to a mix of a small part of denial and a huge amount of anger and bargaining. And he might be stuck in that mix possibly forever. Like i said in my analysis post, to not think about his child means that he’ll be stuck grieving for a long time unless he finally decides to move on and process it all in a healthly way.. which is kinda unlikely. (Also also im glad you like my in depth analysis ^_^)
So yeah that’s all.. hope you a great day/night and get some rest if you need it.
- Flower Anon 🌸
Woooo! Congrats on getting Furina, Flower Anon!!<33
I really hope you get Navia as well, because she's extremely strong. I'm always in awe when mine casually hits over 100k with her E skill lol.
Regarding my thoughts on Natlan... ah tbh, I honestly have non to share. I have yet to really connect to it, and from what I've seen, time will tell if I'll be impressed. The skin color part is another whole thing on its own, and I won't get into it too much, as I feel like Twitter hell is doing that enough for me lmao. But I agree that it's quite odd and may be the reason as to why I don't like the character designs that much either. I also don't like how... bright, everything seems either, but that's just personal preference, lol.
Your analysis is really spot on, btw, Flower Anon!! Wriothesleys' part is extra tragic because different than the others, he has no way of getting help or coping in a healthy manner due to being in prison. So yeah, his fate is far more depressing, as he will never even be able to escape the place his child died in to begin with.
With that said, however, thank you for your ask and I hope you have a great day/night yourself!!<33
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It's classic entitled white woman syndrome and I've dealt with my fair share of that throughout my entire life. She fucked up because I read her like an open book while she assumed I was too "forgetful" to remember the things she said.
Knowing her pattern (and as a note, all of this is pure speculation based on other people's accounts with her rancid behavior and an intentionally worst-case-scenario read) I think she wanted to 'take me down' because she was jealous June was getting more attention than all of her work combined. She either wanted to use me and Rex to make herself look good, or she wanted to have us bend the knee to her every demand.
She HATED how popular June was, for a number of reasons I can only guess. I was a "new" creator in her eyes who didn't deserve the attention I was getting since she was "so well known" in werewolf spaces (which lol I had no idea who she was until she approached me).
On top of that, I absolutely drove her crazy because I don't pay attention to social media analytics. I post and leave (because job and puppy and commissions) and come back and was "wow cool X people liked my work that's so nice aww what a nice comment and OH LOOK MUTUAL SPOTTED." I make art for myself and share it. I deadass don't pay attention to the notes outside of comments most of the time. She obsessed over her audience "not coming through for her" because she wasn't getting enough attention. She wanted that attention, and so she did what any colonizer would do, she tried to steal MY character and repurpose her into something vile and NOTHING akin to June, just what she assumed June was :/
She obviously liked June's design. That's why she had Ependa "file off the barcode" (their words) and make a cheap copy, in fact a WORSE copy (I'll do a full analysis about why I hate L*cey don't worry). Dog always wanted June, because she wanted what none of her characters had, depth. So she belittled MY WIFE by taking what she thought she was (a dommy mommy apparently ugh) and made L*cey. Ependa drew her sure, but she had no backstory. L*cey was a Darkest Dungeon adoptable as far as I'm concerned, which Dog gave a backstory. She even said "L*cey is just as much my character as she is Ependa's because I wrote the majority of her backstory" and I was like ok but you didn't make her tho, weird.
But yeah, after seeing the absolutely horrid evidence that this is a pattern for her, I HATE knowing that she was THAT obsessed with June, because by the way she views OCs, she was that obsessed with me. She assumed June was a persona on top of all of this and not an original independent character for a story. She wanted June up until she found out June was trans and then really upped the transphobia after that.
The whole situation is wild. I've had time to rest and recover and feel comfortable saying more. Especially because I want MY side documented as thoroughly as possible since she refuses to say anything, fucking coward.
DogBlud counted on me and Rex to stay silent. She thought so little of us that she assumed we didn't save information or wouldn't make a scene in "public"
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Ch.44 Review: OP is mad at Garden
(Analysis also posted on Wise HQ, feel free to chat with us over there! 🤍🖤🤍)
My my, we have a lot to unpack this week.
Again, forgive me if I say something that someone else has said, I usually work to bring something new/original to the discussion but since the hivemind is so strong it's possible we'll have the same ideas lmao''
First, I'd like to talk about our new mysterious character: The Shopkeeper.
I'm already missing Bluw's design because the assassin granny was just the best, but I can say that Endo's choice was very interesting this time. Since I'm not sure if the Shopkeeper has confirmed pronouns, I'll be using they/them when referring to them. What stands out to me about them at first is that they're, apparently, non-white and if I had to make bets, I'd say Endo wanted to code them as Indian/Middle-Eastern, considering the deep eyebags and the collar of the shirt. If we wanted to go even further, I'd dare to point out their garden doesn't look very Western to me. I don't have words to describe it well, but this garden has a more "busy", crowded and stuffy feeling when compared to western gardening styles, which usually have a lot of open areas with grass. Also, we can see that tower/turret thing at the background that has a more Indian architecture feel to it, so Idk, either Endo put a lot of depth into this character or I am reading too much into it as always lel'. If any Indian / Middle-Eastern folk can confirm or debunk my analysis of fictional gardens, please feel free to hit me up at the DMs~~
About Shopkeeper's opinion on Yor's marriage, I can't say I'm surprised about them not being 100% on board with it and how it affected her job, but it intrigues me how apparently (as Tare pointed out on Discord based on the Indonesian translation) Yor presented this as a real deal and not a scam marriage purely for hiding her Thorn Princess persona. If the Shopkeeper knew it wasn't real, they wouldn't be so worried about "testing" Yor as soon as they met, right? Maybe they're being overly cautious, who knows, but it fills me with all the sad/fluff feelings the thought that Yor presented her family as a real one to a person she shouldn't have to hide anything about, considering her job should be top priority. And talking about hiding stuff...
Garden is with the Mob... And I don't know what to say about it lol'
I had my theories they were still legal to some extent and part of a shadow government that had the official one as a puppet, but their involvement with the Mob makes things kinda tricky (we can also imagine the Gretcher organization is anti-Westalis as well but still...). In a way, I think I'm still right, otherwise I doubt Yor's manager at City Hall would be involved with this as well, so I still stand by my Legal Garden flag.
However, Yor's principles here also make me throw fire at my planning boards because sweetie, this is the f*cking Mafia. To what extent goes the gray morality of Garden and their underlings? Shopkeeper does say the Gretchers have controlled Ostania's underworld in "an honorable fashion". Just what does it mean? To shed the less blood possible? To not allow petty criminals go rampage? Or just eliminate every single enemy in the radar so now they finally managed their revenge in killing the male heirs? There's too much going on here, help.
I would also like to dedicate a minute to our new favorite milf.
God, I am going to simp for Olka hard, I bet on it. She's so pretty, just look at her! Also, sorry to rain on everyone's parade, but while I really crave some mothers bonding time between her and Yor, I have a feeling this lady will be very evil when the time comes. She shouldn't trust nobody at this point, so if there's a moment if she has to sell out Yor, even knowing she has a family of her own at the ship, I feel like she'll do it in a heartbeat, in a twisted way of showing how far a mother's love goes for their children. Again, guys, she's a Cool Mom, but she's also Mafia. Endo already has shown to not pity these gray characters with angsty pasts, so I can see this is as a good opportunity to stop this soft filter / romantization in Yor's lines of work and show what Garden really stands for.
Now, finally, the start of this chapter and arc: Yor.
Gosh, I'm worried. I'm worried for Yor and I'm worried about having too many feelings about a fictional character a.k.a Yor.
During all this time, we were under the impression Yor enjoyed her job due this sense of duty
towards her country, making it even with how it brought her a comfortable life when she was younger and had to care for Yuri. We could even point out that she enjoyed being the Thorn Princess so much she was willing to be part of a scam marriage to appear more normal and not call the attention of authorities.
However, now we see that's not all of it and apparently her worries about Yuri were the very main reason she took this life, to the point that now she realizes Yuri has a life of his own, she doesn't feel the need to do this kind of work anymore. Did she truly feel comfortable with it in the first place? The fact that she "needs to get her motivation" for it truly bugs me and makes me wonder how much of her mental state was sacrificed over these years until she got used to the killing. And while we're on the mood for angst, let's talk about a (not very plausible) scenario in which this is her last job and she manages to leave Garden. Then what is the point of their fake family? It appears to me her new most important matter is Loid and Anya and she wants to put them to safety by not being an assassin anymore, but it still worries me she'd feel out of place somehow, which is a shame because we can really see how she wants to spend real moments with them without worrying about work. Grrr, Endo better treat my girl right or else he'll get these online fists (9`へ´*)9
Well, that's all for this week, let's get our hopes up for the next chapter!! ❤️
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