#if i had to pick either the tower or the devil tho.
inadaydream99 · 4 years
Could I get an enemies to lovers fake dating thing with beomgyu from TXT? You don’t have to write it tho if you don’t want to 💜
Hi, thank you for this request! This is an interesting idea and I probably wouldn’t have thought of writing anything like this so I really hope you enjoy! Also, I didn’t realise how much I had written until after but I still couldn’t help adding a bonus at the end 😂
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Choi Beomgyu.
The very bane of your existence.
He is the sole reason you dread visiting your friends, knowing fully well that he is always tagging along with them wherever they go, or interrupting your hang out sessions together. And it annoys you to no end.
From the very second you met there was an air of tension, scours and snarky remarks thrown at each other like you had some unfinished business from a previous existence.
You’re not even sure why you hate each other, but it’s been going on for too long now to stop and question why. There’s been enough arguments and spiteful actions between you both to use as reason for your hatred now anyway.
One problem is though, the lines between love and hate are extremely close. Both emotions causing a burning within you and a fluttering sensation in your stomach whenever the other is seen vulnerable. Even the fierceness behind your glares could be mistaken for desire, a scorching passion that cannot be expressed through words alone.
And that’s exactly the situation you find yourself in now.
An unspoken match is playing out across the living room, your eyes sending pure hatred in Beomgyu’s direction as he menacingly smirks back at you, the last piece of chocolate dancing between his fingers before tauntingly being placed on his tongue.
“Oh I’m sorry (Y/N), did you want the last piece?” His voice drips in sarcasm, nimble fingers pulling the single square of chocolate out of his mouth with an irritating, drawn out sucking sound.
“You know Soobin saved that for me.” You all but growl back.
From an outsiders perspective this situation looks petty; it’s simply a piece of chocolate. So insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But to you it signifies far more than that. It’s a challenge to your patience, a teasing from Beomgyu as he takes what is yours.
“If you want it, come and get it.” His grin is tantalising and you want nothing more than to pace over to him and smack him around the face. But you don’t. You simply stand up and leave the room, keeping your composure until you safely enter Soobin’s room.
“What’s going on?” He twists in his chair to face you, an adorabley confused expression on his face. He’s the main reason you still put up with Beomgyu.
Soobin is your bestest friend, so caring and kind natured you know for sure you wouldn’t be able to survive without him in your life.
“Beomgyu.” You grimace, face scrunching up in distaste. “He ate the chocolate you left me.” You continue.
At this Soobin stands up, his body towering over yours as he gently pulls you into a warm hug. His scent alone clams you instantly, forgetting all your worries and fully indulging in the moment.
“I can go buy you some more if you want?” He questions softly. You tilt your head up so you can look at him properly, a warm smile on your face.
“It’s ok, I’m not that upset about the chocolate really, just Beomgyu.” You exhale a little more than you expect, letting out all the tension you have.
“Have you found a date yet for the company party next week?” Taehyun strikes up casual conversation with Beomgyu as he enters the kitchen.
“Not yet, I’m a bit stuck actually...” he sighs running a hand through his hair.
“Why don’t you ask (Y/N)? I know you want to.” Taehyun passes off the question as thought it’s nothing, Beomgyu’s eyes growing wide in shock at the youngers statement.
“Why on Earth would I ask (Y/N), she’s the last person I would ever ever ever want to date!” Beomgyu responds quickly, panic evident in his tone as he shakes his head in disagreement to emphasise his statement.
“Besides, she’s probably going with Soobin.” He mumbles the last bit to himself, posture slumping a little at the thought.
Beomgyu doesn’t realise that Taehyun takes notice of this, chuckling in amusement under his breath at how in denial his friend really is.
“Actually I already have a date.” Beomgyu’s head sharply turns to land on Soobin, his hands awkwardly in his pockets as he strides into the room further.
“You what! But what about (Y/N)?” Concern covers Beomgyu’s features before he realises, quickly falling quiet as he retracts on his exclamation.
“I was hoping you could help me out?” Beomgyu doesn’t miss the pleading look Soobin sends him, instantly feeling shy and trying to conceal the pleased smile that wants to break out on his face at knowing he is your only option if you want to go with a date.
You mind your own business, scrolling through your phone absentmindedly. After hanging out with Soobin for a while you decided to go home, needing to have some space to think.
You are aware of Soobin taking someone else as his date to the company party next week, actually feeling delighted for him. You are quite happy to go on your own, knowing that you will be hanging out with the guys anyway. But it does make you wish you had a date to go with.
“Coming.” You shout, racing to the door after hearing someone knock. Though your face falls upon swinging it open to find Beomgyu. “Oh. What do you want?” Your tone becomes flat, arms folded across your chest and impatience growing strong.
“I heard about your lack of a date for next week, thought I’d do you a favour and say you could be mine.” He bitterly states.
You don’t offer for him to enter your apartment, but he follows when you walk away without giving him a responce.
“Oh how lucky am I! You’re so generous Beomgyu.” Your overjoyed sarcasm almost makes Beomgyu laugh, but he represses it as soon as you turn around to face him once again.
“I’d rather not thank you.” You sass, eyes burning holes into each other in a stare down.
“Look.” Beomgyu sighs. “ I don’t have anyone to go with and I know you don’t either, so why don’t we just go together. It’s not even a real date anyway, no feelings involved what so ever.” He explains, his tone completely calm and serious.
You don’t know what to retort with, mulling over his words and actually agreeing with him.
“Fine.” You sulkily mumble, rolling your eyes in agitation.
“Great. See you later cutie.” Beomgyu let’s a sweet smile form on his face, the pet name falling from his lips dauntingly slowly before winking at you and leaving.
You stand in place for a moment, taking in everything that has just happened, only breaking out of your momentary daze by the door slamming shut.
“How do I look?” You spin around to face Soobin, giggling when you take in his awestruck expression.
It’s the day of the company party and you had gone to the guys dorms to get ready with them. Choosing to hide out in Soobin’s room instead of using the bathroom to get ready you overtook his desk with your makeup and numerous outfit choices instantly.
“Beomgyu is one lucky guy.” Soobin let’s his thoughts slip, mouth slightly agape. It’s the very same expression he pulls when you go to the bakery together and he gazes at all the cakes and pastries on display.
Since the day Beomgyu ever so kindly told you to be his date you hadn’t really encountered him. The only time you had partaken in conversation together being when Yeonjun payed you a visit to pick up his hat that he’d left around yours previously. Beomgyu tagged along and you found yourself awkwardly trying to fill the silence while Yeonjun went about finding his possession.
“That’s not even funny.” You deadpan, your heart sinking a little at the thought of an awkward night with Beomgyu. You weren’t entirely sure how he was planning to act around you. Was he gonna pester you all night in an attempt to make your evening unenjoyable, or was he planning on trying to get on for the sake of his image in front of everyone?
“Are you guys ready to go?” Speak of the devil and he appears. Beomgyu’s head peaks around the door frame, his eyes instantly connecting with yours.
“Woah, you tidy up better than I expected you to.” Beomgyu smirks at you devilishly, his voice laced with sarcasm. So he’s continuing as normal then.
You catch Soobin sighing and gently shaking his head dissapointedly from the corner of your eye. You want nothing more than to tear Beomgyu limb from limb in this moment, his sarcastic retort to your appearance making your blood boil. But you hold it together and plaster a smile on your face.
“We’re ready.” You respond, holding your head high as you grab your bag and follow the guys out of the dorms.
“This is insane.” You smile fondly as you hear HueningKai utter in amazement.
The party really is incredible, above and beyond what you expected it to be and it seems everyone is in agreement.
Your moment in awe suddenly comes crashing down when you feel a hand slip into yours, fingers interlacing with one another instinctively. You turn to find Beomgyu stood next to you, already looking at you expectantly. It’s as if he thought you would have some resistance to holding his hand and he is waiting for you to make a comment. But you don’t want to give him what he wants, so you simply send him a smile and pretend that nothing out of the ordinary is happening between you, despite the tingling sensation that runs up your arm, skin set on fire just from the simple action.
“Come on cutie, I haven’t got all day. Let’s go find the others.” Sarcastic as ever Beomgyu teasingly repeats the pet name from the other day, watching with a satisfied smile as you cringe. You hadn’t realised the others had all walked off with their dates, too caught up in a daze.
Jolted slightly from Beomgyu, you stumble after him a little clumsily. You know it was intentional on his part, the sly smile on his face confirming your suspicion when he looks over his shoulder at you.
“Whoops.” He comments cheekily, your scour towards him only filling him with more joy.
“I think I’m gonna head home...” you mumble, tears pricking your eyes as you desperately try to refrain from crying in front of everyone.
“What... why?” Soobin raises his head in shock as he sympathetically looks at your defeated expression.
You feel pathetic for your reasons why, but you can’t stand another agonising minute of dealing with Beomgyu. All night he had made sure to be by your side so he could annoy you to no end. It was his entertainment for the evening which was enhanced when you argued back.
“I’ve just had enough, I never should have agreed to be Beomgyu’s date...” your voice becomes wobbly and you watch with slight caution as Soobin’s face hardens in anger.
You always feel a little frightened when Soobin gets angry because it rarely happens. You watch wordlessly as he excuses himself and marches over to Beomgyu. From a distance it looks like they are bickering, Soobin scolding the younger before making his way back over to where you are stood with his date.
“Are you sure you want to leave?” He calms down as soon as his eyes land on you. You nod in response before Soobin informs his date that he is going to drop you back home and leads you out of the party.
Beomgyu watches from afar. He would never admit this out loud but he does feel kind of bad for pestering you all evening. But it’s what happens when he is around you, he gets scared of the feelings that arise and is horrible to you as a defence mechanism.
“Go and confess how you feel already.” He jumps slightly at not realising Taehyun and Yeonjun are beside him. And he knows that they are right, it’s time to face his feelings head on.
“Soobin I said I am fine-” you fall speechless mid sentence after answering your door to who you assume is Soobin, but find Beomgyu instead.
It’s not been long since you got home. Soobin was reluctant to leave you on your own but you insisted that he got back to his date. After all, just because your evening was ruined doesn’t mean his should be too.
“Can we talk?” He looks timid. It’s actually the most vulnerable you’ve ever seen him.
Debating briefly whether you should let him in or not you huff a little before opening the door wider to signify your agreement.
“I have a few things I need to get off my chest, so I’m just gonna say them all at once and then whatever happens after is completely up to you.” He speaks reluctantly, his whole aura reminding you of a defensive child.
“Ok, go ahead.” You nod, watching him warily.
“First of all, I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you. Not just for today, but from the very moment we met...” Beomgyu sincerely apologies, pausing momentarily to look at you.
“I’m not actually a horrible person, I just get scared of how I feel whenever you are around. It’s like you light up the whole room with just your smile and the feelings that overcome me are frightening... feelings I never knew someone could make me feel until I met you.” The room falls deathly silent as Beomgyu finishes his confession, air thick with nervousness.
This was the last thing you ever expected to happen. Not once did you think Beomgyu could ever feel that way towards you, and yet he does.
He sits with an awaiting expression, eyes wide and hands nervously fidgeting together as he is left in the dark as to how you feel.
“So you’re telling me that the reason you go out of your way to annoy me is because you have feelings for me?” You question, still not quite believing the situation you find yourself in. “Right.” You mutter to yourself when Beomgyu nods his head.
“I get if I’ve ruined any chance with you, but just know that from now on I have no intention to continue as we were before.” He practically pleads at you, reaching over to take your hand in his. You observe how delicately he holds it, so much affection shown just through that small action.
The tingling sensation from earlier runs through your arm again, a flustered feeling washing over you just the same as when he first held your hand at the party.
“You know I’ve always had a thing for bad boys.” You smirk, looking up at Beomgyu through your lashes. The smile that appears on his face tells you he understands what you mean and you can’t help but giggle when he scoots himself closer to you.
“And I’ve always had a thing for you.” He whispers dangerously close to your ear, goosebumps arising on your skin in the wake of his hot breath.
~ Bonus ~
“I liked it far more when you hated each other.” Taehyun complains, eyeing you in disgust as Beomgyu shamelessly presses kisses down your neck.
“Well that’s too bad.” Beomgyu sasses back, sending a warning glare over to the younger before resuming his affection.
“I need to go, I promised Soobin I’d go to the bakery with him... but I’ll see you later?” You move out of Beomgyu’s hold, his hands still clinging onto yours as he looks up at you with puppy eyes.
“I love you idiot.” You giggle when he refuses to let you go, leaning down to press a quick kiss to his lips.
“I love you more cutie.” He responds, a cheeky grin on his face as he watches you leave.
“Soobin let’s go!” He chuckles when he hears you shout to Soobin. You really have captured Beomgyu’s heart, but he’s not scared anymore.
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shadowdianne · 4 years
You wanted a prompt? The blob has a prompt! Cissamione, if that's OK. Boat ride from Azkaban -- both Narcissa and Hermione were there (the reasons are up to you) and share a Tense ride back. Bring on the angst!! (or don't! Maybe you've hit your head and become The Master of Fluff, who knows!)
Sweet sweet blob, fluff? I don’t know her!
Thanks for the prompt tho, Nara. I hope this one it’s to your liking 😉
PS: Some non-canon thingies going your way. JK can suck it. Also, pre-relationship. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you)
The soggy wood beneath her fingers gave up a fraction of an inch as Hermione grasped into it, eyes lost into the slowly disappearing Azkaban tower, the grey waters lapping mercilessly against the rocking boat that slowly made its way to shore. It didn’t matter how hard or long she stared at her back, however, as she could feel the stormy eyes that had been following her every move ever since she had looked at the enchanted boat with her feet firmly planted into the pebble-covered road that made its sinuous way towards the main entrance of the prison.
She had known what she had agreed to when she had offered up her name when rumors about Narcissa Black being permitted to visit her sister had spread all through the Ministry. Yet, when she had asked for the permit, pulling up the rank her status as one of the Golden Trio gave her, she had felt just as dirty as she now felt the back of her throat to be: as if something had gotten stuck there, a non-said spell, an almost swallowed curse. And now, as the blonde witch kept on looking at her, beyond the sea waters, beyond the invisible set of magical wards they kept on slowly trespassing as they moved away from Azkaban, she felt as if about to implode.
“You don’t need to keep on gloating.”
Narcissa’s voice reached her beyond the sound of the waves as they kept on moving: two witches aboard the only magical way left to reach and return from the dark island. She sounded defeated, tired, and the younger witch pursed her lips at the words, knowing there was very little she could say in order to defend herself. It was, after all, what could be perceived as what she was doing: staring, gloating.
She always had found difficult keeping her mouth shut, however. And knowing she already was halfway into a hopeless discussion couldn’t really make her do it.
“I wasn’t.”
She turned towards the prow of the boat, glancing at Narcissa fully for the first time since they had left the deepest caverns that took their root well beneath ground level back at Azkaban: the humidity of the air visible on the dampened rocky walls. The blonde looked paler than usual, grey tint around her usual ice-like eyes. Back straight, however, hands neatly folded on her lap, the previous Malfoy matriarch still looked very much the nobility-holding title witch she had once been.
A shadow of something close to a sneer colored the rictus on her lips, though, and Hermione couldn’t do anything but roll her shoulders, knowing the conversation they were about to have was long overdue. After all, she had expected to have it such when they first had embarked in that very same boat a few hours prior; with the blindness the still-yet-to-have met up brought with it.
But Narcissa had remained silent then, eyes piercing the horizon rather than Hermione and a part of the brunette had been happy for it. Relieved. It seemed, however, that her luck had run out.
“Don’t even try, I know you insisted on coming, Miss Granger.”
The words didn’t quite hurt as much as the use of her surname. The brunette could remember how their last lengthy conversation had ended: with them waiting, surrounding by press, witches, wizards, mages, as the Lestrange trial started beyond the Wizengamot’s closed doors. She had made a promise, after all. A deal with the devil.
She could remember Narcissa’s eyes then, blue, like gems, as she had tried to feign she wasn’t about to cry with every bit of shame and guilt making them glow with unshed magic. She could remember the way the older witch had broken, like glass against stone, the way she had used her name as she had uttered how she knew it was far too much to ask, for her, who had suffered so much back at Malfoy Manor, for, at least, the ability to be able to visit the dark-haired woman whose fate was already sealed.
And yet, when the resolution had been shared, despite her promise of trying, Hermione had eyed Harry, had eyed Ron, and she had walked away. She hadn’t felt remorse from her decision, but she had seen the eyes, the glances, the magic, the promise taken ahold inside her chest.
Lowering her eyes, she looked back to Narcissa’s fingers, to the way they were pressed together, interlocked, knuckles whiter, magic dribbling through.
“I know you had been insisting on the visit. I wanted…”
She halted there, not knowing what exactly she was supposed to say. She had asked for her being the witch assigned to the task out of a sense of duty she couldn’t quite understand after all. And so, not even explain.
Ron had gurgled out curses when she had shared what Narcissa had asked out of her, with Harry looking at her with that mix of curious and doubtful glimmering its way through his irises. She ought to have felt much more incensed, she had told to herself: the gall the blonde witch possessed of even asking maybe too much for her. Yet, she hadn’t quite reacted to the words, numbness slowly eating her insides while she merely nodded, knowing beforehand she couldn’t really give a straight answer of what she could do.
War wasn’t always about battlefields and dates that became important once they passed: it was the remains what mattered and, by the time of the trials, there were far too much fragmented pieces of her still being rebuilt for her to have been capable of answering the tiniest fraction of a question.
She also knew that Narcissa, deep down, had understood her hesitation. Yet, expecting a logical answer from either of them when Bellatrix was involved was too much on itself. And so, she let her tongue fell flat, firmly between her teeth as she tried to find a way of adding to an already rotten layer of words.
I was concerned.
That was probably the best type of answer, but it implied much more, and Hermione glanced at the foam gathered against the external walls of the boat as the tension kept on mounting: Narcissa’s eyes following her once again. She had, indeed, been concerned. About what could potentially happen to Narcissa, to Bellatrix, to the reunion that had been bound to be difficult from the start.
Because, as they had quickly confirmed, Narcissa’s own necessity of checking that her sister was alright despite her situation, her condemnation, the older Black sister didn’t feel the same. Her screams had followed them both out of the caverns, the expletives as bad as -and even probably worse than- the ones a younger Hermione had once heard in the Black mansion, when she had been little more than a teen and there still had been adults padding the way to war.
She feared what any other mage, any other wizard or witch, would have done with an obviously devastated Narcissa whose divorce had already been long and extraneous enough.
Yet, concern and pity hold the same image when reflected into the Black’s mirror and the brunette knew that it wouldn’t be accepted so she sighed, deeply, while glancing up once more, the shadow of something close to land beginning to extend at Narcissa’s back.
“You had the privilege of a visit. You deserved it.”
It wasn’t much of an explanation and she tensed as Narcissa tilted her head, eyes as piercing as before but a glow of rendition on them. The grey around them had been red before stepping into the boat, the very much mortal and human wardens around the island silently watching as they retrieved their wands from where they had needed to leave them: open mockery and hate on their postures. Hermione knew she should never mention that detail: not in her report, not to anyone else.
Looking away from the brunette for the first time, Narcissa crossed one leg over the other while remaining as upright and as unbothered by the rocky waters as before, pushing the question inside Hermione’s subconscious if she had gotten her clothes magicked in some way.
Ironing lines that weren’t truly there, picking up lint that was indeed invisible, the Black sister sighed, lips pouting for a moment, before she took into Hermione’s form once again.
“And I suppose you are expecting some grateful words due to it.”
The younger witch shook her head. She didn’t deserve them: she had been duplicitous and they both knew it, a way of both shooting the guilt she felt and the words they both had shared during the trials. She wasn’t proud of her decision, but she knew there were worse actions to take.
“But I will ask on being your assigned witch if you ever wish to come back. The permit let you such, if you wished it so.”
And, despite her words, Bellatrix hadn’t said she didn’t want to see her sister anymore so…
The blonde hummed as the boat rocked and stopped, the small bumping motion against the shore the signal they had reached their final destination with more gates to cross until they were considered to be completely clear. Standing, the older woman stepped outside the boat and looked quizzically at Hermione, following her steps while the scent of salt filled their nostrils, seagulls framing her answer.
“I suppose it’s fair. Hermione.”
And so, she turned, her footsteps leaving prints as light as smoke on the wet sand. Her words, however, heavy.
Thank you
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koreandragon · 5 years
Honestly can you just answer all of them?
Favourite Couple
i’ll just say my top three ok cause...impossible question: 
Go Dong Man and Choi Ae Ra from Fight For My Way because the friends to lovers trope is strong with this one and it’s done so well
Eun Dan Oh and Haru in Extraordinary You because they’re the cutest?? have you seen them together?? also the possibility of them being a couple in another manhwa in the past is just *chef’s kiss*
Lee Jung In and Yoo Ji Ho from One Spring Night because they absolutely destroyed me every week. the pining, the angst, the sweetness
Favourite Actor
*looks at the thousands of gifsets and pictures of Ji Chang Wook* idk man there are just too many
Favourite Actress
Park Bo Young is definitely one of them but I love Jun Ji-Hyun very much
Favourite Drama
holy shit, um...While You Were Sleeping, Strangers from Hell, Extraordinary You, Life on Mars, Black, Designated Survivor: 60 Days, Fight for My Way, One Spring Night
Favourite Trope
when for some reason they get stuck in tight spaces or accidental too close physical encounters. those drive me wild
Least Favourite Trope
is wrist grabbing a trope? no but i’m kinda sick of the “we actually met when we were like five and you did something that changed my life” trope
Favourite Genre
Crime and Romance and when these combine i go nuts
Least Favourite Genre
political (although designated survivor was the fucking best)
Favourite Idol Actor
ugh, Cha Eunwoo, Park Jinyoung, Lee Junho, Bae Suzy, Henry
Favourite Web Drama
i don’t think Wednesday 3:30pm is one but that was a short drama? i haven’t actually seen any web dramas.(is i picked up a star on the road a webdrama? it was shit but i watched it)  i have started the universe’s star tho
Worst Ending
not particularly worst but w two worlds got so messy by the end, it was really hard to watch. also Black had a pretty weird ending, the kind that kept me up at night but i loved it
Messiest Plot
w two worlds BY FAR. i know people say this about melting me softly but it will never compare to w two worlds, jesus CHRIST
Favourite Villain
Choi Yoo Jin from The K2, period
Character You’re Supposed To Hate But Don’t
Choi Yoo Jin from The K2 lmao. i actually shipped her with Jae Ha. 
An Actor/Actress You’d Watch In Any Role
Ji Chang Wook *looks at melting me softly* and Park Bo Young
Favourite Sageuk
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung, Tale of Nokdu, Love in the Moonlight
Hated Character You Loved
Nam Eun Ki from Her Private Life...although i didn’t finish the show, i never  hated him like lots of people did. 
i saw some people didn’t like Yeo Jin Woo in Memories of the Alhambra because he was a bit arrogant but i loved him so much
Loved Character You Hated
Luca from When the Devil Calls Your name annoyed THE SHIT out of me. i do not care how cute he is, he was the most annoying person i have ever seen. 
i didn’t hate Ku Chan Sung in hotel del luna but he wasn’t someone i liked either. i actually don’t like yeo jin goo at all so maybe that’s why
Anna in The K2 because her character was really bland and just idk?? she was so uninteresting to me
Ji Sung Joon in She Was Pretty was not a good character, he didn’t desrve to end up with the FL and as much as i LOVE Park Seo Joon, that role didn’t do it for me
Couple That Should Have Stayed Platonic
Jae Ha and Anna in The K2. ji chang wook usually has chemistry with everyone he plays with but yoona and him just really didn’t have it. also her character was so plain, i just wished they stopped the unnecessary romantic subplot with them
i might get shit for this but Kim Shin and Ji Eun Tak in Goblin, i have expressed many times how uncomfortable the age difference was. also they worked so well as friends?? they always bickered and joked, it was so funny? they got so cheesy when they started dating it just wasn’t doing it for me
Most Annoying Family/Parents
Lee Jung In’s dad in one spring night. yall know why
ma dong chan’s family and go mi ran’s mom in melting me softly
Favourite Sidekick
Gong Soo Chang in Two Cops
Secretary Cha in designated survivor 60 days
Min Ja in Healer
Kang Dong Cheol in Life on Mars
Ji Eun Hyuk in Suspicious Partner
Ra Do Woo in Terius Behind Me
Kim Ji Woong in Oh My Venus
Favourite Group Of Friends
the losers in Fight for My Way
Worst Kiss
oh man there are just really too many of those
Touch Your Heart was really cute but the kissing scenes were tragic and what was even more tragic, was that they did THAT to lee dong wook and yoo in na out of all people
Favourite Kiss
Suspicious Partner, hands down. that shit SLAYED my ass
A Scene You’ve Rewatched A Million Times
the umbrella scene in The K2. “lift your head. straighten your back. your enemies are watching” god tier level of tension and acting on both sides
A Drama You Enjoyed, But Will Never Rewatch
almost all of them that i enjoyed. there are very few exceptions.(currently rewatching fight for my way) they’re too long and i have many more to watch
A Drama That Had A Strong Premier But Fell Apart
W Two Worlds again. it started off great but it fell apart like a jenga tower
Automatic Mood Lift OST
as i got to this question my spotify playlist decided to play Say to Myself from when the devil calls your name, so that is one
while you were sleeping
angel’s last mission: love 
strangers from hell (The Rose - Strangers, specifically)
A Lead You’d Marry
the character or the actor? i’m gonna assume character. Jung Joon-Hyungfrom weightlifting fairy kim bok joo
Haru from extraordinary you
Ji Ho from one spring night
A Well Loved Actor/Actress Who Just Doesn’t Appeal To You
I mentioned Yeo Jin Goo before, idk why so don’t ask
An Unexpected Ship
Choi Yoo Jin and Jae Ha in The K2 (ofc it didn’t happen but i didn’t expect to ship them)
but i also didn’t expect Ji Eun-Hyuk and Cha Yoo-Jung from suspicious partner to rekindle their relationship after what happened
Song Hae-Rin and Ji Seo-Joon in romance is a bonus book
Favourite Crackship
Grim Reaper and Kim Shin
Actors You Wish Would Work Together
it’s really hard to find korean actors who haven’t worked together. i mentioned park bo young and lee jong suk before but apparently they already made a movie together, so i’ll say ji chang wook and park seo joon (tell me if they have, i don’t fucking know at this point)
First Drama
Strictly speaking, it was Secret Forest aka Stranger
Oldest OST You Still Listen To Regularly
i don’t watch old dramas because they make me cringe
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01010010-posts · 6 years
— are there still stray cats somewhere on earth, maybe?
RK900 × Reader. chapter four. word count: 1651. warnings: about the cats&dogs AU
chapter three. chapter five.
‘I trust you to know your position’ my ass. yeah, okay, you picked the lock and? is he gonna blackmail you with that stuff forever? it’s not like you were doing something bad in the first place, you were just talking to a colleague. but nooo, let’s go disturb this moment of peace only to establish dominance. what. a. bitch.
that’s all you can think about – two days in a row, now – while brushing your teeth before going to bed.
normally you’d find it difficult to fall asleep during nighttime but that wolf sure knows how to make you tired. you don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse. though the answer comes soon enough, with a light ‘ping’ from your phone.
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what the fuck. why is he always like this. does he never chill. you make an annoyed hiss and stumble out of your cozy bed. you don’t need to ask who’s texting you with such a demanding tone. you quickly get your pants on, your socks, your shoes, fuck, you really need to launder some things – for now a light cyan sweater will do.
but god what about your face? you can’t go with your whiskers out like that! fuck, you’re definitely gonna be late. and he’s not going to like that. but then again, what does he like? does he like things? well, you hope he’s going to like your pretty late face.
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you shiver, brrr, you can almost feel his growl in your head as your stereo is on, with some jazz at a very low volume. the north part of Detroit welcoming you with its white incandescent lights.
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now you’re pretty sure he’s going to slit your throat but you couldn’t care less at 1 a.m., at least you have an excuse to be awake.
aaand there you are. of course he doesn’t give the car time to park, he’s there, towering the vehicle by the passenger’s window, with his hands clasped behind his back. ohh, fancy, he’s not wearing his usual white jacket. why? the black turtleneck is better for blending in the shadows? you can’t help but snicker a bit. a bit tho, because he’s too mad, you can tell, his LED is like a sunflower. you slam the door shut “Didn’t I stress enough the fact that I don’t like when humans are late?” you stretched before going to the same side of the road. during the night you have the upper hand. he’s not so scary right now. certainly not as ghastly as he appears when he’s at his desk “Didn’t I tell you less bad vibes?” he growls and licks his lips “We’ll deal with your behavioural issues later, detective. Now I’d like to focus on the case at hand.” is he going to kill you? he’s surely going to kill you. you gulp and follow.
“What do we have, tonight?” the blue and red neons of two police automobiles brighten your face while you owlishly blink. he glimpses at you and makes a weird face, and, for a moment, you think you forgot to put on your lenses and panic. even if you’re completely sure about having them. he doesn't know why you have such a troubled expression but nevertheless finds it funny and makes you know with a smirk “Johannes Cassa, 58, of Ethiopian heritage, well known in the area.” you could tell that under all those green shards there was the face of a kind man “Doesn’t seem the type to cause trouble.” he tilted his head, a soundless question “What makes you think that?” you turned your eyes towards him “Instinct?” he raised a brown, ever so confused, how humans could base themselves on such thing baffled him “The most probable conclusion is an aggression, perhaps by a drunkard, as the glass fragments are all from alcoholic beverages.” you nodded and hummed “Yeah, might be.” you continued examining the body, his skull completely smashed: a perfect aquamarine mosaic of paper advertisement, dirt, brown blood – caramelized like sugar in a pot – and eyes. unrecognizable for you but not for your partner, he’s an advanced model, isn’t he? “Did he– did he die because of blood loss?” you tentatively asked, deep down you hoped he didn’t suffer that much “No.” your prayers were answered by a tiny noise of his lips closing together “He received a fatal blow to the head.” you sighed.
you yawned and cracked your neck, it was nearly 4 a.m now. it has been a long night and it was, again, a case without witnesses. you were growing exhausted of these “Are you hungry, detective?” you faced him with your utmost surprised glare “Uh, yeah? I’m starving, unlike you.” now that was a thing you wouldn’t expect him to ask you “I have coffee and doughnuts, if you’d like.” wow was he for real? for real? the most pestering wolf in the whole world is offering you.... sweets? he smiled. and for a moment, a moment only, you found him somewhat handsome. you must have had a very puzzled face as he gestured where to go with his index. you chased his finger with your gaze and then your body did the same. you were ecstatic at what was in your sight: a cup of coffee, a box of donuts, one with pink glaze and sprinkles on top caught your attention. you licked your lips in anticipation and tried to open the car door. it was sure closed tightly. you tried again. and again. and again “Hey, I think the car’s locked, could you open it for me?” you shouted, thinking that Nines was far back. he wasn't. and when you were about to twist your toes to look at him you found your nape against his chest. he was behind you. incredibly close. so close you could feel his breath caressing the point where the end of your cap and your hair met “What it is, detective?” a minute cloud of inconsistent air formed near your jaw, it was getting colder and it was almost morning after all “You’re not strong enough?” you fucking hated how your body would naturally paralyze when a predator like him entrapped you in a small place, between his body and the car “It’s not that. It’s closed.” you hissed through your teeth, wishing to not be seen as weak “Mhh.” his throat resonated with a mix of a buzz and a snarl “I have the keys. A pity, really, though, that this food will go to waste. Didn’t I mention that rewards are intended for good dogs? I must’ve forgotten. My bad.” you were oh so ready to punch him in the face, you didn’t care anymore about the consequences, you just wanted to wipe off his stupid grin and– you froze. you felt his claws scraping the start of your back “Had you arrived on time, detective, I would have politely given you this offer of peace.” he moved your pullover off your shoulder and lowered his fangs to place a soft bite on your skin, adjacent to where he marked yesterday “Guess I should punish you.” he sneered but he shouldn’t have done that. he really shouldn’t have. with a strong kick the heel of your shoe hit his groin and he pulled back, leaving you free from his grasp. you both knew he felt pain, you could infer that in how his face spasmed, trying to not show his emotions. but it was no use, you could clearly see in the dark. well, being too perfect has its downsides “Fucking try that again and I’ll show you why I’m a detective.” his LED an alarming red. you felt so brave now, you even thought about snatching his keys and eating your early breakfast but that would have been.... too dangerous. he was already growling like crazy. it’s better taking care of one thing at a time “Yeah, I know, you’re stuck with me, and, trust me, I know how annoying being stuck with me is but it doesn’t give you the right to–” his hand smoothly pressed around your collarbone, not applying actual pressure, it’s a warning “I did not like that in the slightest.” you bet your ass you didn’t, wolf “You’re a feisty little thing, aren’t you? I will not tolerate indiscipline in the future.” you kept your eyes locked with his, maybe this time he understood that you’re as capable as him and that his strange attempts at making friends are not welcomed “Why don’t we bet?” this is literally you signing a partnership with the devil, the same one who’s now watching you with his bared teeth “If I solve this case without your help you give me a treat.” you piqued his interest “What kind of treat?” you fleer “Treat me as a wolf.” he’s the one sneering now “A dog can’t be a wolf, no matter how much it tries to.” and he still doesn’t know that you’re not a dog either “Scared I might steal the spotlight, mr. Wolf?” he leaves your neck, this time a bruise won’t form, at least not there. you didn’t realize until now but you weren’t touching the ground, fuck, he was holding you with one hand against the car? what had you actually gotten yourself into “I’m eager to see you try, dog.”
taglist — @oddcompass-writings, @94hgh, @jamiethenerdymonster, @jaylarkson
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pettyelves · 6 years
Death at the Crossroads
It was much too late for the children to be out and Eilonwy dragged her feet with her fist balled up in her mother’s coat. Further back, Karkah stared around though at least she kept pace. 
There was a chill in the air of Dead Sun that crept up the back of Eilithe’s neck and out in front of her. She froze, only for a moment to look sharply around. 
“Min’da..” Eilonwy muttered. “You gotta go, huh?”
“That’s right, Kal’allah,” Eilithe offered quietly, before she went to moving.
At home, Karkah went off to bed without a word, but Eilonwy clung to Eilithe’s side.It her nightgown, the girl laid with her head on Eilithe’s chest. Out on the sofa, Eilithe stared at the wall at the shadows that shifted around. Her summons was finally upon her, and not a night too soon-- the salve that guarded her weakened body was gone. Sleeping was not an option, and she would keep herself awake until the moment she had to leave.
“Min’da,” Eilonwy mumbled, her eyes blinking off sleep. “One story?”
“Which one?” 
“About the land and the sea.”
The girl had heard it thousands of times by now- a story of two lovers who were separated by tragedy and the moon’s kindness. It had been Eilithe’s own favorite as a child, and the very reason she’d chosen her daughter’s name. 
“And so, Mother Moon smiled upon Eilonwy as the woman mourned her dead husband, begging that Elune take her too so that they might never be parted. But instead, the Goddess saw fit to make his body land and her’s the sea- so that when the Moon rose and pulled in the tides, the lovers would embrace each night.”
Eilithe held Eilonwy a few moments after she’d gone to sleep, until she was ready. Leaving her daughter in her own bed, Eilithe did not make for the bedroom she shared with Kurel. Instead it was the front door and cut her hand open on the front porch.
“Gra’Dighet,” she spoke the name clearly, and with intent. “I bind you here, let no harm come to the souls in this house.” On the door she wrote a sigil in blood, a crude anchor for the beast within her shadow. The bundle of sticks and basket of stones in either hand, Eilithe made for the tree line. The last thing she did, before she disappeared from view was tie a red cloth to the trees she tucked into. If things went wrong, Velerodra would know what to do with that. 
“Hurry, hurry! You’ll be late.” 
The woman’s voice followed just behind Eilithe, as though it were in the trees itself. She dared not to look at it. It was pitch black nearly, the canopy covering any moonlight that might’ve leaked through, but she walked straight, without deviation. An hour, and she kept walking. Two then, but she still heard the stir of beasts. Three, and it was almost most quiet and at the half mark towards the fourth half, she stopped.
Stillness. No bird, nor cat, nor man, nothing but Eilithe and the ghost or devil within the trees. 
“Cast off your clothes and build His mark.”
If exhaustion wasn’t licking at her heels, Eilithe might’ve complied faster. Every pull of her leathers, buckle and snap was heavy. 
“Fight it. Fight the sleep. They will devour you out here alone. Make the circle. Hurry. Hurry!” 
Eilithe pressed her fingers into the hollow of her eye, groaning against the silence as she fought through the pain. Each stone was placed side to side in a perfect circle. Next she built up the ‘x’, twisting the sticks into the shape she wanted. 
By the time she was done, her creation was simple-- too simple, she might have thought as she stood there, nude and chilled in the night air. “Now, I burn it,” she said, to the voice that followed her. 
“It’s never so simple.” The voice answer, like a whisper to her ear. “Show no fear. Show no weakness. Call to him. Call to the Lord of Deals.” 
Like hands urging her to walk forward, Eilithe knew what to do. The crack of wood as she climbed onto the intersection in the center, balanced there carefully. Armed with a book of matches, she kept her eyes open.
“He comes to the lost- and to the desperate. But it is only the strong that walk away with deals. Do it. Do it now. Say his name.”
Eilithe struck a match and held it to light the untouched matches, sparking the entire thing. “Saakes of the Crossroads, Lord of Deals- show yourself to me.” The book fell to the wood beneath her feet and engulfed the cross unnaturally- flame climbing up Eilithe’s legs, burning against her feet. Agony, but she had faith. 
It was unclear how long she’d been caught in the purgatory of half-burning half-not, resisting pain that she could not discern was real or not. No, it could not have been real, she would have passed out. Unless she’d been passed right along into death, now victim of torture of her soul for some unknown’s amusement. 
And so she had it, not in any man, nor any god, in herself. She called again. “Saakes of the Crossroads! Lord of Deals! I command that you show yourself.” It was no request nor incantation, it was an order, with clear intent. 
The red was the first to bleed out of world, then oranges and yellows. The fire was gone. So was the pain. Then the blues and greens went, leaving only black, white, and grey. 
The Other Side. 
“You got’ lotta guts zulfi,” the voice of a troll rumbled with a laugh. “Callin on me like dat.”
Under her feet was the cross she’d left behind, black lines on the ground going North and South, East and West. For eons in all directions. From that spot she couldn’t move, even as the creaking of the troll’s bone moved around her. 
“Ya surprise Saakes tho’- makin’ it dis far without much help but from one those what owe Saakes debt.” 
Eilithe looked at him then, massive tusks protruding out and hair down his back- broad shoulders and impossible in height. He looked like many trolls she’d seen in her day. What made him different were the things he carried. Six shrunken heads on either side of his belt- though strange to Eilithe their eyes were not sewn shut, as was tradition. From his hair hung down baubles, crude gambling dice, coins in various different currency. Trinkets of gamblers and drinkers. Of dealmakers. 
“Ya come here wantin’ power ta hold yaself ova’, but whatchu’ bring Saakes, E’leet’?” He jammed a nail in between his teeth and picked. 
Loa were dangerous, on whole- even the benevolent ones- but those that walked the line in between were far worse. A dealmaker all her own, she knew the game. “Do not insult me, I have come to trade service for service. No more no less,” Eilithe opened up her arms, “Ward me, Saakes of the Crossroads, from the dead who would inhabit me. Restore me to my former power. Name your price.” 
It was the last part of her request that game him pause. A disgusting grin exposing his jagged teeth. “Ya don’ mean ta before ya Harbinga’ found deat’, ya mean before. Dats a task- ya got alotta voices screamin’ for ya soul. Price be steep ta fix’ya.” 
“Then let it be steep, name it.” 
A rumble came from Saakes, before he paced around her and towered behind her. “Ol’ Saakes don’ get a break here. All dem souls what get lost along da’ whey- lost from Bwonsamedi, and tryna’ get ta’ Mueh’Zala. Tell ya wha’. You like ta’ make bets don’cha? Lez’ bet instead, ya like ya odds Eleet’?”
Eilithe sneered at him, “Name your terms, dealmaker.”
“I give ya numba’ you bring dat numba’ here, before ya deat’ an’ ya get off free from ya debt ta’ Saakes. Enjoy da’ peace o deat’ with ya brood kids an’ ya mate. In life ya have Saakes’ powa’, guidance, and ya have ya earn ya inna’ strengt’ back.”
The deal was simple and enticing, but she knew better. “And if I fail?” 
He left out a loud and shrill ‘Hehe’. “If ya fail Eleet’ ya take Saakes’ place here, makin’ deals wit’ da lost and desperate.” 
“How many.”
He answered her in a whisper and number that was surprisingly fair. Fair unless she met an untimely death. 
“Do we have a deal, Eleet’?” His hand came out and offered a shake, but Eilithe could only look- calculating for a moment. Risk eternity, gain power and gain some semblance of relief from the weight she carried. Alternatively, she could turn back-- and risk being devoured by beasts that haunted her. 
“We have a deal.” Her hand went tentatively to shake with his, but he snatched it and squeezed. Into her back, she felt a brand- two sticks crossed at equal lengths on all sides, seared into the flesh of her back. It was so sudden that she had to stifle herself- but she did not scream, nor cry. 
Left in ragged breaths, when he let go, she felt something left over in her hand. A band in silver, and a black stone Eilithe held it in a shaking hand. “What.. What is it?”
“A new pet from ya new Patron,” he let out another shrill laugh, “Saakes is a generous God. Vrede will serve ya well, protect ya” He waved a hand, “Now go back ya got work ta do an’ rememba’ when ya need ta come back, Saakes like gold, an’ rum, ya?” 
He laugh echoed and the world bent around her before it was black entirely.
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It felt like minutes, but when she awoke it was unburnt in the center of the stone circle, a blackened ‘x’ beneath her body. The ring closed in her right hand, and a searing pain across her back- she stood. It was still night... or perhaps, it was the next night. With now way to tell, she made for the trees.
@kurel-andiel @velerodra-valesinger for mentions
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justafunkylildude · 6 years
ana do all the tarot asks
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
ana, but fool works just fine
the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else?
yeah fun fact back when i was a cringy teen i thought i was too edgy for love letters so i sent my crush a love email to confess my feelings
i deleted it after i gained consciousness tho
the high priestess: what is your dream date?
sushi, snacks & chill at home, going out to a street festival (preferably a food festival) or getting lost in the city and exploring what we find
the empress: do you think you will ever get married?
maybe but i’m not hurrying, one day i will probably meet some mad idiot that wants to be with my dumb ass forever
the emperor: what are some names that you like?
mainly mythological ones bc i am That Extra
the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts?
the lovers: do you have a crush?
no thank god i’m the worst when i got one
the chariot: thoughts on astrology?
love it 
strength: what is your dream occupation? 
mediator in international conflicts or flower shop owner in a ghibli movie
the hermit: what is your favorite soda pop?
wheel of fortune: first three songs that come on shuffle?
“homem é homem” by ludmilla & gusttavo lima, “come and get your love” by redbone and “i like that” by janelle monáe
justice: favorite color of rose?
i actually hate roses but if i had to pick a color it would either be peach or light pink roses
the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack?
road to el dorado or anastasia
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
make a positive impact, learn how to speak at least 10 languages fluently and see most of the world
temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had?
i was in a classroom and we had to put on uniforms but i didn’t want to so they strapped me to a table and tried to put it on but i bailed and ran into my mom in a doctor uniform on the way and had to run away from her and a mob of classmates and teachers that wanted to catch and experiment on me and on my way out of the building i ran into a swat team that just stood there without moving an inch except one faceless dude who turned around and looked at me and i looked back at him and just ran out and turned into a cyborg sooooo yeah i have some pretty weird dreams
the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms?
yes i love them so much they are so comforting and cleansing and such an impressive force of nature
the tower: favorite colors to wear?
usually pastel colors, lots of yellow, orange, brown, green, red and blue
the star: have you ever seen a psychic?
no but i would love to
the moon: have you ever written a love letter?
afasgvgsfsg already called myself out in the magician part
the sun: do you believe in magic?
yep! wholeheartedly
judgement: do you enjoy school?
depends, i love what i study but hate studying
the world: do you like waking up early? 
early? yeah. waking up? nah.
me? dying while typing this out? it’s more likely than you
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silicia · 7 years
CELINE AND ROSE. Pick 15 among these: The Fool (I HAD TO, HEH), The Empress, The Emperor, The Lovers, The Chariot, The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune, Death, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment, The World, Reversed Fool, Reversed Magician, Reversed High Priestess, Reversed Empress, Reversed Lovers, Reversed Chariot, Reversed Strength, Reversed Hermit, Reversed Wheel of Fortune, Reversed Justice, Reversed Devil, Reversed World
The Empress: Who has been a positive female figure in your character’s life?LOL CURRENTLY??? No one important xdfggffgcfg for either of them hahaahahha
The Emperor: Who has been a positive male figure in your character’s life?Celine: Her dad, even with his problems, he still very supportive of her and loves her very much. GUILLAUME!!!Rose: Her brother Andrea and Theron are the most important ones for her.
The Lovers: Which of your character’s relationships has been the most positive? (Romantic or otherwise)Celine: GUILAUMEEEE!!!!!!!Rose: Her’s with Theron bc he’s.. So kind and caring and does so much for her….
The Chariot: What goal is your character determined to reach?Celine: She just wants to be happy….Rose: She wants to be as strong and kind as her brother.
The Hermit: Write about a time your character did some soul searching. What did they find?Celine: tbh idk how to answers this for her sorry fdfkgjdfkgdjRose: After her brother’s death, she realized how much she depends on other people and how harmful it has been. She is very considerate of other people and how they are socially, but still feels she has been extremely clingy to the people most important to her and has expected a lot from them, and is afraid of anyone else getting hurt because of her. She kind of goes about this the wrong way at first since she tries to distance herself from others, but really just makes everything harder on herself and makes everyone worry about her.
Death: When has your character had to let go of something in their life?Celine: At a young age she had to let go of the idea of having a good relationship with her mother.Rose: She’s always going to want to met her mother, but gave up on actively trying to achieve that after the clan wars happened.
The Tower: When has your character lost an ideal or relationship?Celine: I think for the most part the relationships that would count for this weren’t very solid ones to begin with, so nothing was… lost? idkRose: She never had a good or bad relationship with her dad, but when her brother died anything they had was lost because her father ends up resenting her and partially blame her for Andrea’s death. 
The Sun: When does your character sit back and enjoy themselves?Celine: She really enjoys relaxing by lakes and singing to herself.Rose: She loves to just sit outside at night and do nothing. She enjoys just listening to the quiet sounds at night.  
The World: When has one of your character’s dreams come true?Celine: When she marries the kindest boy in the world :3Rose: When that AU happens ;) dfggfdf Seriously tho probably just in modern times when she’s happy and is doing something she loves and has a lot of friends who care and look out for her is all she wants. 
The Empress in Reverse: When has your character felt dependent on another?Celine: During her time with Marcelle, bc he’s a bitch who drove a lot of people away from her so she was very lonely and relied on him for attention and all that.Rose: More like when hasn’t she dfgfhkfgjfig
Strength in Reverse: What are your character’s doubts or insecurities?Celine: She’s very insecure about her ability to fight. Both of her parents were very strong sages, and she feels she will never be able to be on the same level as them.Rose: Same can be said for Rose, she thinks she very weak and has a hard time doing things on her own, she can’t ever do something new for the first time without having someone helping her in some way.
The Hermit in Reverse: When has your character felt the most alone?Celine: When she was “dating” Marcelle :/Rose: After the clan wars when she thinks all of her friends are dead :/
Justice in Reverse: When has your character been treated unfairly or cruelly?Celine: Anytime she’s in the same room as her mom, and eventually on certain occasions when she’s around Marcelle.Rose: That One Time she meets Marcelle :/
The Devil in Reverse: When has your character suffered from refusing to break off an unhealthy relationship?Celine: The entire latter half of her time with Marcelle, though I’m pretty sure she would have suffered anyways if she broke it off with him bc he’s a Jerk and would have just been worse to her ://Rose: UHH she doesn’t have any relationships like that currently I guess so ヘ(´-`;)ヘ
The World in Reverse: What is your character holding back?Celine: Lots of hate for her mom :/Rose: Herself.
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