#if i had to pick a favorite character it'd have to be moxxie
alteredphoenix · 4 months
I started watching Helluva Boss mainly because I see the fics all the time on AO3 and went Okay Why Not let's go see what this is about and working my way through the first season, and my thoughts so far are: it's okay, but this feels like a show I would've enjoyed a lot more if I was in my teens.
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Stolas for the character ask
Sure thing! *3*
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First impression: I actually found him looking a bit weird, in his first appearance in the pilot. I was having a hard time figuring out how he was able to emote with how his face was structured. Also, with how overly thirsty he came off in there, I was left unsure of what to think about him. XD
Impression now: Man, how things change! Now I'd fight tooth and nail to make sure this owl is able to achieve the happiness he rightfully deserves! :')
Favorite moment: There's too many of them, honestly. But if I had to choose, I'd pick his lullaby to Octavia. It was the scene that fully cemented Stolas as a comfort character: despite viewing his life as finished and done, not having much hope for future happiness or love, he views his daughter as his reason to live, and reassures her in a beautiful, sweet song that gets me everytime. :')
Idea for a story: Please let Stolas bond with Millie and Moxxie! While there's enough proof that he's going to grow closer to Blitzo on a more even level, it IS true that this guy has no friends, otherwise. So I think it'd be nice to have an episode where he gets to bond with the resident happy couple, especially considering it's implied he admires their love life. I like to believe he'd especially bond with Moxxie: they share a lot in common!
Unpopular opinion: He's not a horribly written character, people. Stolas is basically an abuse victim that has been groomed all his life to be a noble who has to basically null his emotions. And the way he comes off, is honestly understandable: he's just now trying to forge his own path, to get out of his gilded jail and find his own happiness. No wonder he comes off as too intense, or has a rather narrow tunnel vision: Stolas is very well meaning, but he's bound to make mistakes, sometimes even hurting his beloved ones. That DOESN'T make him horrible, selfish or uncaring: Stolas CARES, deeply, but he's very socially and emotionally inept, not to mention abused, depressed and struggling with his sexual identity. Yeah, I feel Stolas is a character that has a lot of layers, and is thus very easy to misunderstand, but honestly, it makes me sad when people say he's horrible because he's flawed; if anything, his flaws make him more human and highlight his virtues a lot more.
Favorite relationship: I personally love his relationships with Blitz and Octavia. The more we see Stolitz as a pair, the more we learn just how much the two of them are made for each other, and as much as they have to work on themselves to be truly happy, it's also clear Stolas and Blitzo are much more alike than they think. Also, he's such a sweet father to Octavia: he may not get everything right with her right away, but knowing just how much abuse from Stella he had to endure to make sure Via was happy... THIS is fatherly love!
Favorite headcanon: Boy he's autistic. Or at the very least neurodivergent, but he's got so many details about him and how he moves and emotes that make me believe he's on the spectrum. **
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strayguitarist · 4 months
Isn't this cheating? Whatever, let's go. Favorite hot drink: Persian cardamom tea with a few sugar cubes. Nostalgic and comforting.. Favorite cold drink: Mountain Dew White Out. They don't really sell it anymore, but god it's peak. Dish: Soltaani. A Persian dish, one barg kebab and one koobideh kebab served with basmati rice, a grilled tomato and sometimes salad Shirazi! We just.. make the best food. Hands down. If you ever get the opportunity to try Persian food, do not turn it down, you'd miss out on the best experience of your life. Fruit: Me, obvs. Okay but probably red pears!! Veggie: uh.. oh gods.. that's tough.. Potatoes??? Potatoes. Mmm... Holiday: Shaab-e Yalda, Halloween, and Bonfire Night are my favorites, in that order. Hard to pick just one, so there's my top 3! Game: Fuck. This is far too broad for me to pick, so I'm going to specify video games, and say Splatoon 2 and its Octo Expansion. That's the only game I got so into that I went to official sanctioned tournaments, and my god the story and setting of Octo Expansion still rings in my head as it did the day I finished it. Runners up include RockBand 3, Pokemon Silver and TF2.
Sport: Football! Er, soccer. It's very very popular back home, and it's the only physical sport that I got into growing up. I'd probably try it again if trans-friendly groups existed..
Animal: Me! Okay, rats. I adore rats so so much and I miss having them and they go "sqk sqk chitter" and give you licks n kisses and ask for attention and cuddle so good and aaaAAAA!!! in second place is the animal my sona is based on, the Asiatic Cheetah
Flower: IDK if it counts as a flower, but the pitcher plant is my favorite. God they're so cool, a carnivorous plant!! If I absolutely have to pick a flowering plant, Atropa Belladonna, also known as "Deadly Nightshade." God the flowers are beautiful, and it's poisonous!
Weather: Rain. I adore when it's raining so hard that you can't see past your face, I love hearing it pitter patter against all the surfaces around me, I love the smell that rises from the ground, I love the way life slows down for it.. Place: Home. Iran. Shiraz, specifically. Nobody is surprised. Blorbo: Ah.. What's a blorbo? Kind of favorite character from a franchise, I think? That doesn't make it much easier, though.. Probably Moxxie from Helluva Boss. Please don't hate me for this. Meow Meow: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Unless you just want me to... Mrrowr~! Nyaa~... Mrrrr.. Meowwr! Prrrh....
OTP: Not sure if I'm 100% on what this means but I think it's about ships, and my favorite ship is Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. IDK how much it counts considering how verbosely that dynamic is actually written into the show, like. Part of the plot is them exploring their romantic feelings. But y'know. If they don't count, then it's Pearl and Marina from Splatoon hehehe TV Show: Good Omens. No contest. Movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once, Scott Pilgrim VS The World and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog all share my favorite spot. Sorry, can't pick one - management told me it's not allowed. Management is my fucked up brain, btw. Book: I AM A LIBRARY EMPLOYEE I CAN'T PICK A FAVORITE BOOK! ARE YOU INSANE?! But if I had to, it'd probably be Vinland Saga, the manga. I guess that's more of a book series, but whatever. Holy shit it's absolutely amazing. Few things make me feel as hard as that has. Musical artist: I AM A BASSIST I CAN'T PICK A FAVORITE MUSICIAN! ARE YOU INSANE?! But I can give you a top 5 in no particular order? Metallica, Lemon Demon, Mindless Self Indulgence, Jonathan Coulton, The Birthday Massacre. This was so hard to pick even just 5, but those are probably my biggest favorites.
You probably thought you were so clever for picking me so many and making me ramble about myself. Little did you know I love talking about myself, because I'm the best. Hah. thank you for asking me things I appreciate it I was worried nobody would I mean, I'm so cool.
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