#if i dont forget i'll reblog this another time when i open the squad on sunday
bluebudgie ยท 2 years
Chill Tangled Depths map completion on EU servers! Now with date!
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The poll's been closed, we got a date and time!
What will happen?
100% map completion in Tangled Depths!
No mounts required.
No prior waypoint unlocks required.
Itzel Lore IV: Itzel Poison mastery required for 100% completion, but you can still participate if you don't have the mastery.
I will probably get lost at some point. Apologies in advance.
When will it happen?
On Sunday, 04.12.2022 at 16:00 CET (GMT+1).
Make sure to get the right time for your own timezone! (This is 14 minutes after the Chak Gerent meta event ends. I'll try to progress the Rata Novus event chain far enough for the city defenses to be deactivated before we start. Don't want to have to deal with that while we pass through. And then pray we aren't forced to switch map instances.)
How to join?
Type /squadjoin Neljje in chat or /whisper Neljje should you encounter any problems joining.
I will not be listing the squad in LFG, but it will be open to join for everyone via chat command, and invites will be open as well. My tag will be visible to squad members only. I'll open the squad 30 minutes before we start.
We start near the Order of Whispers Camp waypoint [&BA4IAAA=]. This is the first waypoint you automatically unlock when you enter Tangled Depths from Auric Basin.
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See you in the jungle!
Poll results, questions and additional info under the cut!
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Date and time votes were relatively even but we got a winner in the end. I hope many of you will be able to attend at the time!
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Never say never! I can't make promises of course but I'm always down to clown in TD :D Even if it's not another planned group event, if you ever need help completing the map don't hesitate to hit me up here on tumblr or ingame and maybe we can work something out.
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You can still join, you'll just be missing two points by the end. You won't get lost on the route and we won't move on without you, I'll just have to ask you to wait for a moment while we hop into the poisoned area, grab the two points there and come back to where you're waiting. We won't be moving on to a new area through the poison.
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Thank you for your interest! And save your thanks for when we've found out if I'm actually not creating a gigantic disaster :D I've never done something like this before.
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Chak probably, chak gerent probably not.
FAQ (with questions nobody actually asked):
What exactly is "chill" map completion?
No optimized speed routes, no rushing, we make sure we stay together as a group so noone feels like they might get lost or can't keep up. For the route itself I deliberately chose a few "whacky" ways over the "fast options", just because I think it might be more interesting. A scenic tour through the jungle, if you will. See as much of the map as possible during completion without making entirely pointless detours.
If anyone wants to watch the vista cutscenes, I would like to ask that people are patient and wait.
So, no mounts...
Obviously I will not hold you at gun point not to use any mount under any circumstances, but I do ask noone rushes ahead so we don't get sprinkled all over the map. That's how people get lost. I personally will not be using mounts, unless it is to pick up / help people (turtle passenger seat etc). Or I fall. You know. That happens. Ahem.
I don't feel confident in my platforming/jumping abilities / I'm scared I won't be able to keep up.
If you ever struggle with gliding or any jumping passage, and you can't use any mount to make it easier for you, please do not be embarassed to ask for help! I'll try my best to either get you through this in the turtle mount or grab my mesmer and portal you through the passage. No questions asked. We're all here to have fun!
That said, while this is a HoT map and therefore we do have some gliding and jumping passages that are unavoidable*, most of the way is just walking. So please don't be too intimidated! I'll tell you upfront, the start of the route is probably by far the worst and most chaotic part. I apologize for that.
*(different routes have different possibilities of course, but I tried to keep a balance between interesting ways, minimal backtracking and staying on the intended paths)
Help! I lost the group and don't know how to get back to you. Real Tangled Depths moment.
Stop moving. Tell us roughly where you are. I think by now I'm fairly competent trying to decipher where people are lost. I'll come and pick you up. Alternatively I'll have to point you to the nearest waypoint we unlocked and grab you from there. (Look I know this sounds like a silly point to make but believe me I've had this happen more than once.)
And lastly... for the really interested (you do NOT have to understand this, don't worry), that's the rough plan if all goes well:
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If people are still up for it once we're done I may have a little something planned for the end (nothing spectacular) to conclude the tour in a special place that not everyone might have seen before. Depends on how we're all feeling and if the map events are playing along.
Thanks for reading!
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