#if i don't get a quality shot of the tea i'm gonna be so annoying
le-trash-prince · 1 month
Food as a Motif in This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans Part 5
Part 4
The breakfast episode! I was very excited to see both of our couples get breakfast scenes this week, since breakfast has a level of domesticity to it that lunch and dinner sometimes lack. Breakfast scenes are often kept between lovers or family- people who would naturally be around first thing in the morning.
So now that Oab and Plawan have had their granita, we get to see Plawan making breakfast for Oab the next morning, and we get our daily recommended serving of gay bread.
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I feel like this is a rather sweet gesture from Plawan, considering his panic the night before over having slept with someone that he's trying to scam. There's a level of care that goes into cooking for someone this early in the morning, even if it's a simple dish like this. Frankly, this is a far cry from the person in episode 1, who invited his agent to coffee only to ask her to cover the bill. Although he's still a beginner, Plawan is starting to discover the joy behind cooking for other people.
We now have a pretty solid pattern of Oab and Plawan feeding each other in turns, but it's always Oab giving Plawan one dish and Plawan giving Oab another dish--they haven't shared the same food yet, which, again, means that even though they're getting closer to each other, they haven't fully connected. They're in a pattern of flirting back and forth without finding a mutual balance.
So this sweet moment is then disrupted by Oab's work brain: he immediately begins critiquing the dish rather than simply letting himself enjoy it. Work gets in the way of the meal, just as it is getting in the way of their relationship. Plawan asks Oab if he likes him, and Oab tells him to wait until things with the restaurant have settled down.
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But, in spite of his own doubts, Oab still makes an attempt to get closer to Plawan later in the episode, under the guise of taking the team out for dinner.
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Oab gets the connective power of food.
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And Kluer does, too.
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But Methas's contract gets in the way of Oab and Plawan's development, the same way it does every time. After initially accepting, Plawan turns down the dinner invitation, leaving Oab to eat with Kluer and Punsib.
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Punsib came here to eat, and he's gonna eat. In fact, he's the only one happily digging into the food. Kluer merely picks at the vegetables, ignoring the pork, and he comments directly on the fact that Oab isn't eating anything at all.
If eating with someone forms a connection, then not eating with them shows distrust and a lack of care, and it can damage a relationship. Not only is Plawan and Oab's relationship put under stress by Plawan's absence, but Kluer and Oab's relationship also becomes very strained as Kluer makes his intentions towards Plawan known. After this failed dinner outing, things only get worse at the restaurant.
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Meanwhile, Methas and JJ get their own breakfast scene. JJ arrives at Methas' house, finds him buried in work, and it occurs to him to ask whether Methas has even taken time for breakfast. To which Methas responds that he only ever has coffee for breakfast. This falls in line with Methas' money-oriented mindset, since he would rather be making money as early in the day as possible, instead of stopping to eat. Methas' mindset of valuing money over people isn't limited to just other people- he considers money to be more important than his own health.
Luckily JJ is there to teach him otherwise. Again, there's a level of care that goes into making breakfast for someone, and it's immediately obvious how little care Methas has had in his life, based on both his response to JJ cooking for him, and the way he says he's "never eaten breakfast" in his life.
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^ absolutely the face of a smitten man who's just had someone make him breakfast for the first time ever
JJ has only set up a place-setting for one because his intention is not to share a meal with Methas. His goal is to show Methas that people can be genuinely selfless, and this is just another example of that. He doesn't expect this to help him get closer to Methas, he just wants Methas to learn about doing nice things for other people.
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But Methas is quick to stop him and invite him to sit. And after taking a single bite, he immediately compliments JJ and starts to ask about his life. And what does JJ do? He picks up a fork from the plate of fruit.
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Let me tell y'all I never had so many feelings about a damn fork before. Because it's the way JJ doesn't even realize he's picked the fork up. He sets it down and tries to pull back, only to immediately pick it up again. JJ keeps being drawn into Methas' orbit in much the same way. Even though he tells himself he only thinks of Methas as a client, he stays later than he needs to, he makes him breakfast, and when he's not trying to bite Methas' head off... he catches himself actually enjoying being around him.
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They were SO close to forming a connection here. JJ agrees with Methas about how much he has to take care of Plawan, JJ smiles... and then Methas offers to buy a clinic for him.
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JJ has made breakfast for Methas, a domestic act of service, and Methas turns it into a moment to keep their relationship on a transactional level. And JJ immediately, definitively puts the fork down. "Are you planning to invest in me and squeeze profits from me every day?" From that point on, the conversation turns into another argument, and the connection is gone.
We are now more than halfway through a show about food, and neither of the main couples have had a proper meal together yet. Will we be seeing something different on Friday, or will the conflicts only deepen?
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strayen-fx · 4 years
》 Lee Minho x Reader
》 Angst, Fluffy end
》 Pangs of jealousy could still hit an established relationship, or where Minho is a choreographer and Y/N can't help but feel jealous because of a certain idol Minho is teaching.
》 Wordcount: 2.5k
》 Warnings: mention of overwork, insecurity
》 a/n: I'm back, hi! hihi
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Being in a relationship with Minho hasn't been the easiest thing, but for you, it has been the bestest decision you have ever made.
You were college sweethearts, both of you meeting at an audition for the school's official dance group. After graduating, Minho decided to join a famous dance studio as one of its choreographers while you chose to focus on your professional field.
Adulting didn't come easy, as the two of you were bombarded with busy schedules for almost every week on end. It hasn't been the easiest thing, but after some time, the both of you have learned to adjust and manage your time. You have also decided to move in together, because 1.) you wanted to spend as much of your free time with each other as possible, and 2.) let's be honest, rent is expensive af.
Despite that, it was still difficult for you to spend quality time together because of Minho's hectic and jam-packed sched. Even in weekends, he would be busy coming up with dance moves for the kpop groups assigned to him. Hence, you usually make up to this by visiting him in the studio and bringing him your homecooked meals. You would bring a portion for you as well so you could eat with him. This is something that he adored so much, it eventually became a regular routine for weekends.
That Saturday was no exception. Wearing your favorite casual clothes plus Minho's purple hoodie, you drove to the dance studio with packed lunch for the both of you. You greeted the other dancers you met in the building, and there you met Momo, another buddy in your college dance group.
"Y/nnieeee!!!" Momo said, approaching you into a tight hug. "I've missed you!"
You returned the hug and giggled. "We only met like last week though?"
"That is forever ago. You should just work with us here so I could always hang out with you," Momo complained.
"Once I get fired in my current job, I'll be sure to send you my resume."
"Should I use my connections to get you fired, then?"
You talked with Momo for a while, until she remembered that she left her students unsupervised and she was only supposed to get some water.
"Minho is in Studio E," Momo said. "He's assigned to teach a rookie girl group, my forte, while I'm assigned to a dorky and loud boy group. Where's justice in that?" She sighed deeply. "Anyway. I'll get going. Let's grab coffee some time!"
You waved and watched as Momo begrudgingly trudged towards Studio A. You laughed a bit to yourself before heading to the opposite direction.
When you peered through the door of Studio E, you noticed at least six ladies sitting on the floor, talking and fanning themselves. You knocked twice before opening the door. Few of the girls looked up and bowed awkwardly. They probably thought you were just a staff bringing Minho some food.
The man in question, however, failed to notice you. He was busy giving a one-on-one lesson to another girl, them being the only ones standing. It probably shouldn't have irked you so much, seeing that Minho is a choreographer and it is, indeed, his job to teach idols their choreography. However, being a dancer yourself and watching them there for a solid minute, you know that the girl was just goofing around and pretending not to understand the moves. She even laughed and slapped Minho's chest jokingly as if they were close friends. You couldn't see your boyfriend's reaction from where you stood, but what you witnessed was enough to dampen your mood.
You fake-coughed, causing Minho to finally notice you. His eyes lit up, and that was almost enough to rebrighten your mood. Almost, for you could still see the girl he was teaching earlier, with her eyebrows shot up like she was annoyed for the interference.
Minho jogged to where you stood and you gave him a quick peck on the lips. This took him by surprise--you weren't usually the type of person to show skinship when there are strangers around. This made Minho smile, though, thinking that you just missed him too much.
"Lunch break, everyone," Minho told the girls. He then took your hand and led you out of the room towards the staff's pantry.
When you got there, Minho excitedly opened the lunch you prepared, asking you about your day as he did so. You tried to act normal--afterall, you have no reason to be jealous, right? Plus, this is Minho you're talking about. You've known each other for years, he's not gonna dump you for an idol he just met.
Your head shot up, realizing that Minho was talking to you. "Yeah?"
He chuckled. "What's wrong? Stunned by my visuals yet again?"
You rolled your eyes, used to his teasing antics. "Just tired, I guess. Eat your meal before it gets cold."
His gaze softened. He reached for your hand, squeezing it a bit. "I told you, you could take some rest during weekends. You don't have to force yourself to drive all the way here to bring me lunch. You took overtime last night, I'm sure you've been busy in the office."
You smiled at him, reaching out to squish his cheeks. "And I told you, bringing you lunch would never be tiring for me if it means that I could spend time with this lovely face."
Minho grinned. "I'm irresistible, I know."
You playfully pinched his cheek. "Just eat, you handsome creature."
You watch Minho as he ate, admiring how he looked food-deprived by the way he gobbled his meal. For the nth time in your long relationship, you wondered how you got so lucky to have someone like him. At the same time, you wondered how long you would be this lucky--wondered how long you would be able to watch him up close like this. You wondered: did you really deserve him? And what will happen if he realizes that, no, he doesn't want you after all?
"Uhh.. Min?"
"Ggnnmm?" he grumbled in a mouthful of food.
You stifled your laughter, finding the moment too cute to be destroyed by your depressing thoughts. "Have I ever told you that you look like a cat when you eat like that?"
It has been days since you visited Minho's studio. He was still teaching the girls you saw last weekend, due to the fact that "the choreo was too complicated" and a certain someone named Ahra was "finding certain parts difficult and needed to be trained personally by a professional choreographer." So of course, Minho can't say no. You visited once during the week, dropping off a change of clothes Minho forgot to bring, and you saw the girl again laughing and talking with Minho comfortably. Minho didn't seem annoyed. If anything, you felt like he was enjoying her company.
It was Friday when Minho came home and told you that he had to come with the girls to Gwangju where they would hold the music fest the following week.
"But why, though?" you asked Minho, genuinely confused. "You are a choreographer, not a manager."
"I know," Minho said. He looked tired, and part of you was feeling bad for questioning him like this. But you just can't help yourself--not after seeing that Ahra's body language towards your boyfriend. "But baby, their company pleaded for me to come with them to guide the group. They're rookies. They need as much help as they can."
A part of you understood. You wanted this relationship to be rational and matured. You promised to understand each other's line of work. So you just nodded, trying your best not to show your sadness... disappointment? Jealousy? All of the above?
Weekend came. You told Minho you were going to hangout with Momo for lunch. It was one reason, but the other main reason was that you didn't want to see Ahra flirting with your man right in front of you.
Momo chose a Japanese restaurant for your weekend hangout, saying she missed the dishes she had back home. Right after you've placed your order, your friend made a show of placing her elbows on the table with her chin on her fingers, looking straight into your eyes. "Now spill the tea."
You chuckled. "What?"
"While I know that you value our friendship more than most of everything else, I know that you won't ditch Minho for a simple lunch opportunity. Now spill."
"Uhh... maybe I'm making time with you because you're gonna be away for three days in Gwangju?"
"Oh, that music fest? I'm not coming with them though," she said, casually sipping water. "I have whipped my group into magnificent perfection, they don't need me to tag along. Plus, what would I do there? Chaperone their asses on the bus? Teach them the choreo while they're sightseeing? Please."
You sighed. Yeah, it doesn't make sense for an outsourced choreographer to tag along an idol group. They have their own trainors. And the trip was for three days to allow the idols some time for broadcasted sightseeing. They won't have time for heavy dance practices.
"But Minho is coming with the group assigned to him," you mentioned.
Momo almost choked on her mineral water. "What? Why? And why haven't I heard of this?"
You shrugged. "Maybe my boyfriend is onto something--someone--else."
Momo's gaze softened. "Y/n..."
"I mean, the way that Ahra flirted with him? I wouldn't be surprised."
"C'mon y/nnie, do you really think Min would cheat on you? After, what, your five-year relationship?"
"When faced with a beautiful idol, why not?" Your eyes were starting to get watery. You weren't much of an emotional person, but right at that moment, you just wanted to bawl your eyes out. "I mean, Ahra is beautiful, right? You've seen her. Tall, flawless, gorgeous. And talented, too. I've searched about her group, and turns out she's the main vocal." You pointed at yourself. "And what do we have here?"
"YA! Don't you ever look down on yourself like that!" Momo said, slapping the table. "Have you forgotten that you're the main dancer of our dance group? That you were scouted by the leading agencies and you turned them all down? That if you decided not to focus on your academics, you would have been one of the leading dancers in the whole country? Y/N!"
"I'M NOT YET DONE. And even without considering those, do you really think Minho is only looking at a person's outward appearance? Do you really think that, y/n?"
"No..." you whispered. "Momo, I understand now, please tone your voice down a little."
Momo discreetly looked around and noticed a few people staring. She sighed, composed herself, and spoke in a calmer voice, "Do you remember when Minho courted you? He was so shy, he can't even look you in the eyes without turning beet red. Literally the entire dance group had to help him express his feelings for you."
You smiled at the memory, remembering a slightly younger Minho flushing red while holding out a bunch of flowers.
"And even months prior to that. He was so dense, his hyungs in the group literally had to smack his head for him to realize that he likes you, even when the entire campus could already notice his heart-shaped eyes whenever he's with you." Momo sighed. "My point is, do you really think a guy like Minho could cheat on you?"
You reminisced about all those years you have been together. Minho is a sweet, understanding person. He sees beauty in everything around him. He sees beauty in you even when you yourself couldn't see it. He was there through the happy and ugly times, and he never once let go of your hand. He has been patient with you through everything. He is the best man you have ever met.
Momo sighed again for the umpteenth time that day. "The biggest flaw on him though is that he's way, waaaay too dense. Remember that one time before you got together, a girl was obviously making a move on him and he didn't even know until the girl walked out calling him a jerk."
You laughed at that. "He's flirty at times but he's too numb when he's on the receiving end."
The two of you laughed at that.
Later that day, Momo texted you. She checked in with the studio staff and apparently, Minho tagging along to the music fest was a special request by the higher ups of the girls' agencies, and it was a sort of rushed request. You thanked her for the information, mentally punching yourself for ever doubting Minho like that.
The following day was Minho's trip to Gwangju. You couldn't drive him to the station due to an urgent meeting, so you just gave him a hasty farewell kiss on the lips while he was preparing his breakfast. He just smiled up at you without saying a word. That small gesture made your heart clench, feeling guilty for doubting him and not spending time with him the day prior. You made a mental note to welcome him properly upon his return.
But for now, you have to survive those three incoming days alone in your apartment.
The whole day, you couldn't concentrate at work. You kept on worrying if Minho had arrived safely in his destination, if he had eaten enough, if he was warm and hydrated enough. When you asked him all these through text, he only replied with a short "don't worry too much 💝" You didn't know what to feel about it. He certainly felt that something was off, you thought. He was probably mad at me.
When you got home, a plastic of takeout on one hand and a heavy burden on your chest, you were prepared to be welcomed by the saddening darkness and silence of the night. But instead, what welcomed you was a candle-lit dining table filled with all your favorite food, complete with wine plus smooth music.
Minho stepped out from your shared room, a bouquet of roses in hand, smiling shyly while scratching his neck.
"This isn't really my thing..." he whispered.
Meanwhile you stood there, frozen in place, your jaw slack. "W-why... Min... but you're supposed to be...?"
Minho laughed. "I asked Felix to take my place. He gladly accepted." He walked closer to you, handing you the roses. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice if my one and only jealous baby has been acting weirdly?"
Your eyes widened. You dropped your gaze to the floor, embarrassed. "I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" Minho stepped closer, caging you in a hug. "I'm the one who should be sorry for making you feel like that. I should never allow you to feel like you're lacking in any way. I should never give you a reason to doubt my love for you."
"But there was no reason. I was just reaching when I assumed you--"
"Sshh." Minho tightened the hug and kissed the top of your head. The two of you stayed like that for a while, swaying gently with the soft music.
"I love you, y/n. Longer than forever, I'm yours."
"I love you, too, Minho. I will love you longer than forever."
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The warm morning sunshine was the first thing you felt as you woke from your sleep. The bright light stung your rested eyes but with a few blinks it was manageable.
Looking over at your bedside table, the digital clock read seven sixteen. You had wanted to set the alarm to wake up earlier, but Michael always complained that the sound it made was annoying and gave him headaches.
So you had to learn to wake up early so Michael could get his beauty sleep, not that he really needed it.
Said blonde was still fast asleep on his back, arms on each side of his head and soft pink lips slightly parted as he took shallow breaths. His long eyelashes fluttering ever so gently on his cheeks as he dreamed, something good you hoped.
He was dressed in the red silk pajama suit you picked out for him last night, the first three buttons of the top undone which exposed the smooth skin of his chest.
He was so beautiful, unlike most men he was soft and loved to be taken cared of. There was nothing anyone could say or do that could make you any less in love with him, and he loved you just as much.
You protected him and never judged him for the way he was like those in his past had. They were so focused on what he was and what he was destined to do, that they never stopped to ask him who he really was outside of his father's dark shadow.
As you watched him sleep a fond smile crept across your lips, you leaned over the blonde and gently kissed the top of his exposed chest.
"Michael, it's time to wake up." You whispered placing another kiss just above the previous one.
You felt him stir and let out a soft groan as you began to kiss his neck.
"Five more minutes." You chuckled at how childish his whine was.
"Come on puppy, it's time to get up." You watched as his eyes fluttered open, ocean eyes seemed to almost glow as the sunlight hit them.
"Morning.." He greeted with a smile. You reached out you brush a few strands away from his face, enjoying the smoothness of his skin and the happiness in his eyes.
"Did you sleep well?"
"I dreamt about you. We were at the bottom of a clear blue ocean. I was lying on your lap, you were humming a song and running your fingers through my hair as I fell asleep. It was beautiful, peaceful."
He always had such strange dreams. Sometimes he had nightmares that were so vivid even you got chills whenever he'd talk about them, but you always loved the ones he got that made him smile in the morning.
"Your too cute for your own good sometimes you know that?" You kissed him and got out of bed to stretch your arms above your head to rid your body of any excess tiredness.
The grey T-shirt you wore to bed lifted as you did, exposing your upper thighs and ass which Michael gawked when he sat up. He couldn't help but think how sexy you looked wearing his shirt and nothing else.
Your skin always had a sort of glow when the sun washed over you. Every curve, your hips, your breasts, your long legs, your natural hair that framed your face made you look like a goddess in his eyes.
He'd never thought that after everything that went went in his life, all the blood and bad choices that he would find redemption and safety in the shape of you.
You were the first person to treat him like an actual human being with feelings and emotions instead of just the antichrist that was destined to destroy the world and remake it in his father's image. That part of him died the moment he gave himself to you.
"Are you going to stare at me all day, or are you gonna' get up and get ready pup?" Blush dusted his cheeks and he averted his eyes to stop from staring. He got out of bed and helped fixed the bedding before joining you in the shower.
After that you guided him downstairs to the kitchen and began to make a healthy breakfast for the both of you, while Michael sat at the counter and watched you.
French toast, eggs, sausages and a pot of freshly made lemongrass tea was on the menu and you took pride in the fact that you only took twenty minutes to make everything.
"So what do you want to do today pup?" You asked serving him his share. Since you didn't have to go into work on Saturdays, you always let Michael choose how you'd spend the day together. You owned your own business and it took up alot of your time, so you dedicated a day just for Michael since he hardly gets to have you for himself.
"I was thinking we could go to the park today, the weather's nice maybe we can have a picnic?"
"That sound like a g-" The loud ringing of your cellphone cut off the conversation and drew you away from the kitchen counter to retrieve your phone from upstairs.
Apparently one of your employees made an error at work and they needed your help to fix it before it caused problems for the software. You inquired about the error and thanked the heavens it wasn't something that you needed to leave home for.
"Michael I'm going to be in my office for a few minutes, finish your breakfast and watch some TV until I'm done OK?" You called out and got an 'alright' as his answer.
About an hour has passed and Michael was getting bored of watching TV. They were showing some low budget show about vampires and he was in no mood to sit through it.
What was taking you so long? You had said a few minutes and it's been an entire hour and you haven't left your home office.
He hardly gets to spend any quality quality time with you and now your work was getting in the way of his day. He wasn't happy.
Deciding he's waited enough, Michael clicked off the TV and marched up the stairs to the see what was taking you so long. He decided not to knock and just barged in ready to demand your attention but stopped himself as he saw you typing furiously on your laptop and talking sternly at whoever was on the phone.
"There is absolutely nothing you can give me as an excuse right now, this could completely crash the servers and we can loose Gigabytes of data because of this."
You always looked so fierce when you were pissed off about something. Your usually calm and collected demeanor was replaced by one of dominance and authority that always made his knees weak. Just the sound of you scolding your employee made him hard and made him want your attention even more.
He closed the door behind him and walks over to you, fully determined to get what he wanted despite knowing he wasn't allowed to disturb you during work.
"Y/n are you almost done, you promised that we'd spend time together today." He whined kneeling beside your chair. His big blue eyes looked up at you but you didn't even give his a side glance.
"Today is my day with you they get you every other day, can't you handle this later?" You shot him a serious glare that shut him up but it didn't deter him from his mission. Being ignored was one thing, but you brushing him off for your work on his day was the last straw.
You didn't question him when he crawled on the floor to get under your desk. You didn't even question when he spread your legs apart to make room for himself in the tight space.
What did get your attention was the sharp tug of your panties that made them snap when he tugged them with his finger. The pull was so strong it pulled you along with it.
He could be such a brat when he couldn't get what he wanted. You didn't mind it but your work couldn't wait.
You could tell he was getting impatient as you hardly reacted to his desperate acts for attention. The way his teeth nipped at your inner thighs and the wetness his tongue left in it's wake as he licked your folds with vigor.
You'd be lying if you weren't getting turned on by his efforts.
If there's one thing that Michael excelled at was pleasing you to the best of his abilities.
It took all of your will power not to moan into your phone as his tongue slipped into you, his hands wrapped around your hips to pull your lower half flush against his mouth.
"You do know there will be consequences for this, don't you?" You said into the phone while grabbing a fist full of Michael's hair, making sure that he knew she was talking to him too.
Absolute chills ripped through you as he moaned loudly against your sex. His hot breath against your dripping sex was euphoric and you could help but grind your hips into him to get more.
"Listen to me, today is my day off and I have business at the moment to take care of. I'll deal with you and your mistake tomorrow." You ended the call and threw the phone on the desktop.
You pulled away from Michael and yanked him by his hair to get out of the tight space.
"You can be a real brat sometimes you know that?"
"You were gone for so long, and I-"
"You know the rules about coming in here don't you?"
"I know. I- I'm sorry."
You sighed and gestured to him to get out from under the table and to lay down on the floor. You followed after him and took the position of straddling his hips.
He looked so adorable beneath you, eyes full of anticipation for whatever you were going to do to him at that moment, you almost felt sorry for him.
"How do you think you should be punished puppy?"
Usually you would spank him or put him on time out for disobeying you, but he was right. Today was his day and you broke your promise.
"How about I do something we'll both enjoy, but at the same time you get your punishment. And if you're good we'll get ready to go on that picnic right after, sound fair?" You asked, which he immediately agreed to.
You slowly began to ride on top of Michael, his semi erection perfectly positioned against your sex making the friction delicious between the two of you.
The hairs on your neck stood up as a wave of chills ran across your skin when Michael let out a desperate moan as you felt him grow harder under you. His brilliant blue eyes glazed over in desperation and pleasure that motivated you to move faster.
"Y/n, I.. I want more..~" He panted, gripping your waist and meeting your humping with vigor.
"I know you do puppy, but this is all you're gonna get."
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