#if i do open them it'll probably be open until i get 5 requests
pandoa · 1 year
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goodomens-hints · 1 year
Episode 1 plot summary (+complete list of scenes) and more details about later episodes
SPOILER WARNING SPOILER GOOD OMEN SPOILERS BELOW i'll leave my inbox open in case anyone has specific questions about season 2 eps
Scene 1: star creation scene Crowley needs help building constellations so he calls out at a shooting star-shape that turns out to be Aziraphale, who materializes in front of him. He asks Aziraphale to hold up an open scroll with schematics for the galaxies. When Aziraphale does so, Crowley pokes the center of the scroll with his hand crank device and twists it, so that nebulae shoot out. Yes there is a scene where Crowley says "look at that, gorgeous" and Aziraphale gets flustered. They watch in awe until Aziraphale tells Crowley "you do know after 6,000 years it'll be gone right? I read about it in the Great Plan". Crowley gets upset and protests, questioning the almighty, how there should be a suggestion box where they can put suggestions, and Aziraphale advises him not to say such things. Crowley says it's not like asking questions gets you into trouble. They watch the galaxies bloom and Crowley veils Aziraphale with his wing as shooting stars fall toward them, similar to the Garden of Eden scene but in reverse. Scene 2 aziraphale goes to record shop Aziraphale gets a note in the bookshop that says there's a matter of great "ugrency" (misspelled). He visits Maggie in the record shop and she's crying because she can't pay rent, so she's prepared to move. Aziraphale says if she gives him the records he requested, that'll be equivalent to the rent she owes. Maggie asks how he can forgive her and he says "I'm all about forgiveness, actually" and leaves.
Scene 3: crowley talks to shax this is the one posted on youtube, though it's a lengthened scene that includes the beginning where a spy tries to talk to crowley on the bench and he redirects him to the guy feeding ducks. those are the guys crowley is yelling at later. there is also a part where shax implies that crowley owes her specific information? it's very vague but it's probably why she's giving him updates on hell. yup, crowley does say he hasn't seen aziraphale in a while but it's clearly a lie lol Scene 4: michael mentions book of life
in heaven, michael is arguing with someone on the phone about the book of life, i thought at first it was beelzebub on the other end but it's probably uriel
Scene 5: gabriel appears on earth maggie visits nina who remembers her coffee order (skinny latte). then they're distracted by the commotion outside wherein gabriel shows up naked carrying a box. aziraphale is listening to the records but gabriel knocks on the door of his bookshop. there's a huge crowd outside and the moment aziraphale opens the door, gabriel says "I know you! :D" and hugs him in front of everyone while still naked LOL. aziraphale gets really embarrassed and brings gabriel inside. the rest of the scene is the one on youtube where gabriel explains he doesn't remember who he is. Scene 6: muriel finds matchbox short scene where muriel finds the matchbox with Job's passage on the floor of Heaven. you can see a bit of this in the trailer
Scene 7: crowley throws mail and meets shax again Crowley is in a random street throwing the mail shax gave him into a garbage can. Suddenly shax calls and crowley picks up, snapping at her that she shouldn't call and appear suddenly at the same time. shax appears behind him and says "why not?" this is the pic where both shax and crowley are on the phone -- theyre actually talking to each other lmao. shax tells crowley there are rumors of gabriel being missing and crowley is happy. she leaves. Scene 8:
aziraphale is talking to gabriel and we get the whole trailer scene ("you know that feeling where...") but in the real ep aziraphale's reaction is SO ANIMATED, with him standing up and saying "No! definitely not! I have no idea!" LMAO it's so funny, he's so in denial. We hear FLIES when it cuts to gabriel btw so maybe beelzebub is spying? HOW SUSPICIOUS. At one point Gabriel says "I love you" out of nowhere to Aziraphale and Aziraphale says "I..." and Gabriel smiles, looking like he's expecting an i love you back but Aziraphale just says "hmm". People were laughing so hard at this.
Aziraphale calls crowley and asks to meet at the coffee shop. Crowley informs him that gabriel is missing.
Scene 9: short scene where michael and uriel argue because michael said now with gabriel gone, someone has to be in charge...
Scene 10: Maggie brings Nina a record but Nina doesn't have a record player. Nina reveals she has a partner (Lindsay) and Maggie gets disappointed and leaves. She bumps into Crowley and Aziraphale on the way out and tells Aziraphale "you're an angel" lmao.
Scene 11: Crowley is PISSED PISSED PISSED the whole time, in fact the whole ep he looks like he's about to explode. We get the coffee shop scene HOWEVER right before that Crowley asks Aziraphale "what's wrong?" and Aziraphale says "why do you think something's wrong?" all nervously and Crowley says "you only ever call for 3 reasons: one, you're bored, two, you accomplished something and want to brag about it, and three, something's wrong. And you're using your 'something's wrong' voice." YUP THIS IS THE NEW 'i know what you smell like!'. we then get the naked man convo and crowley realizes immediately that aziraphale is stressed and says "is it something i can help with?" and aziraphale nods and THEY IMMEDIATELY GET UP and go to the bookshop with a plate of eccle cakes lmao. once crowley sees gabriel he and aziraphale start fighting. crowley gets mad at aziraphale and tells him he didn't command gabriel to answer properly. He yells at gabriel "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE BOOKSHOP?!" and uses his hypnotism but gabriel just says "I'm dusting" and does the passive-aggressive feather duster motion. we get the "carved out for ourselves" convo .aziraphale says "fine, i would love for you to help, but if you won't, then feel free to leave". crowley says "i'm not helping" and storms off. he goes out into the street and says to himself "dont do anything rash... wait 10 seconds before doing anything..." but he's already emmitting smoke. We get a funny convo between nina and maggie who are watching crowley from the coffee shop. Nina's all "the man who drank six expressos! He's smoking!" and maggie says "well of course, he needs to calms down!" and nina says "no i mean actually smoking!" Crowley does the lightning thing (maggie thinks he was actually struck by lightning) and it ends up locking Maggie and Nina in the shop and killing their phones. Scene 12:
seroquel and muriel show michael and uriel the matchbox. It has "The Resurrectionist" on it. They are baffled that something material has made its way into heaven. We get the "Gabriel, I think he's gone to earth" line.
Scene 13:
Crowley's in his car and flies start buzzing. beelzebub appears in his car and teleports them both to hell using flies. This is the pic in the poster where beelz and crowley are sitting on chairs side by side. crowley is disgusted and spits some flies out lmao. beelzebub says he can come back and work for hell (and even get a promotion) if he finds gabriel, and that according to heaven, anyone involved in hiding gabriel will be erased from the book of life. crowley is teleported back to his car and begins panicking. Scene 14: nina and maggie bond while locked in the coffee shop. maggie doesn't drink wine and didn't party, nina opens up some wine and drinks it out of a teacup. she says her girlfriend makes her text if she's late by 10 minutes and that she must be freaking out right now. they see someone walking outside and try to ask her to help free them but she doesn't notice them.
Scene 15:
Crowley is mad in his car, speeding, doing the usual etc. Good Old-fashioned lover boy is playing!!!! Scene 16: Crowley arrives and Nina and Maggie catch his attention. They signal for help and he just goes "oh" and snaps his fingers, unlocking the coffee shop and bringing back the electricity. He walks off lmao. Nina and Maggie are weirded out, Nina groans because her phone is bombarded with texts from Lindsay asking where she is. Crowley enters and we get the "I'm back" scene. Aziraphale says he has to do the apology dance and Crowley is all "no way" at first but Aziraphale says "I had to do it in 1861, 1942..." and Crowley says fine and dances.
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So we get the "we need to hide him" convo and they decide to each use half a miracle so that their miracles wont be detected by heaven/hell. crowley will hide gabriel from heaven and aziraphale will hide gabriel from hell. they do the hand-holding thing (like in the pic). theyre not sure if it worked but crowley tests it by standing on a chair and poking at the space above gabriel LOL and there's a hint of a shield so he says it worked, and that he's sure heaven or hell didn't detect a thing. Gabriel is all "now i have two friends :D" and crowley says "We are not friends >:(" Scene 17: an alarm is blaring in heaven because CLEARLY they noticed the half miracle ahahahaha. michael, uriel and seraquel go to the globe and see purple smoke streaming out of the UK. they 'zoom in' and realize it's coming from aziraphale's bookshop.... (interesting that michael refers to aziraphale as a 'former angel' here)
End episode Soon I will summarize ep 2! Some hints for future eps too: -There's a big rain scene -There's an epic scene in the bookshop that took several weeks to film! (youve seen some hints in the trailer) -There are at least 3 jokes about aziraphale and crowley having sex that are scattered throughout the season LOL one of them is nina noticing crowley grumpy and saying "you look like mr. fell didn't let you top last night" and crowley's reaction is amazing. I'll say no more (for now)
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theeeveetamer · 27 days
Fields of Mistria initial thoughts
As you may or may not know I am a total sucker for farming simulator games. I don't usually go for Early Access games, but Fields of Mistria seemed extremely promising even though it's just launched into Early Access. So I want to talk about a few of the things I really like about it (and maybe a few that I don't). I will probably be drawing comparisons to Stardew Valley since it's the current preeminent Farming Sim of our time (but I'm not dissing it I love Stardew Valley as well. I think Fields of Mistria does a good job of taking what worked about Stardew and tweaking some things to improve even further)
But the tl;dr if you want it: I think this game is worth the money even in its current state
Trying to keep things as spoiler-free as possible, not that it's hard since the story isn't really too far yet in early access
Things that I like:
1 There is a wide range of cosmetics! Also, you don't have to store them anywhere. You "unlock" them, and then you can change your clothes, hair, skin tone, etc. at any time from the character customization menu. I'd have to check because I don't have the game right in front of me atm, but I think you can even change your name and the name of your farm at any time as well?
2) You don't actually need to have materials on hand to construct farm buildings, nor do you need to pre-clear the space! You buy the blueprint from the carpenter shop, which goes to your inventory. You take it back to your farm yourself and lay it down. Once you lay it down it spawns a drop box for materials, and you can put the materials in at your own pace. This makes it super easy to just drop a couple of wood in at the end of every day until it's done. This is a godsend for me especially, since I never remember to bring all the materials with me when I want to build things in Stardew
3) Speaking of convenience: you don't need to have any materials on hand when you're crafting! This is a godsend because when you initially start the game, all the crafting stations are in town and you have like no bag space. It'll just automatically withdraw things from your chest
The downside is, if you were trying to save stuff you have to be careful (the game will indicate when it starts drawing from your chests to craft the next item though, which is nice!)
4) Also speaking of convenience: shops are open and unlocked 24/7, and you don't have to have someone working there to buy things! This means if you realize you forgot to re-plant your crops at 10 pm you can still pop up to the general store to buy more seeds before the day is done
5) The romance events are all interesting and done well so far! I've only seen a couple though. It also appears that triggering them is based on completing a request on the community board, so you can't miss them like you might in Stardew
The downside is that there's so many community board quests that it's easy for these to get buried. I'm sure I've picked up half a dozen that I just haven't done yet because I haven't gotten around to knocking out some of these requests
6) I like that progressing in the mines requires you to collect items from the previous set of floors in the mines. It's good incentive to go back and collect more resources while still feeling like you're advancing
7) Dropping stuff on the ground and leaving it there won't de-spawn it. That means you can go around and "collect" resources, leave them there, and then circle back in a few hours or even a few days!
8) There's at least one older bachelor and bachelorette option! For the guys you have fellow farmer Hayden (who has a bit of a dad bod build) and the town's doctor Valen (she's a bit more masc looking). I'll take it
9) You can bang a dragon. They haven't completed the story enough to get events with him yet in Early Access, but he's a dragon. nuff said
10) You don't have to upgrade your tools in sequence, and equipment is separate from your cosmetics. This means you can skip straight from the worn pickaxe to the silver one!
Things I don't like (honestly most of these are minor nitpicks that can/might be improved upon):
1 I do wish there was some more body diversity, especially among the women. With the exception of Hayden pretty much all the romance options are pretty/handsome and slender (with pretty decently sized chests in the case of the women and pretty decently sized muscles in the case of the men)
I know they can design different body types because one of the Saturday Market vendors is a bit bigger (but she's not a romance option obviously), so why not?
2) Pretty much every item sells for less than it would if you were to craft it into something else. E.g. Iron ore sells for less than iron bars, and iron bars sell for less than an iron pickaxe
This is kind of half positive, half negative. It's good incentive to craft stuff! On the other hand, I'm a massive video-game hoarder so if I know I might be able to craft something that's worth more down the line I'll just save the item. This has turned my organization into a nightmare, and because I sell almost nothing money is much harder to come by
3) Backpack and storage management is. Woof. You start out with only ten item slots, and if you're like me and you carry all your tools all the time then that's going to fill up fast. At the start you'll only have ~2 slots to actually carry things other than tools. I think it only goes up in increments of 10 too, so even with the third bag upgrade you have about 30 slots (for reference, Stardew starts you with 12 and goes up in increments of 12 before capping out at 36)
I don't think this would be a problem if they just gave you a separate "tool bag" inventory where you could keep all your tools all the time, that didn't also take up bag space. Tools taking up bag space is honestly one of those "we should be over this by now" things in farming sims, IMO
4) Speaking of the bag... this is probably only a consideration if you play on controller, but the controls for swapping between items could use some work
If you've played Stardew with a controller then you know how it works. The left and right bumpers will swap between bag "tabs" and the triggers will move you between items in the currently selected tab. I haven't played around with trying to remap it, but by default Mistria doesn't do this.
Instead one of the triggers is to use a magic spell, the other is to throw items, and the bumpers are to swap between items in your bag. This means if you're on tab "A" and you need an item in tab "C" you need to manually press the bumper 10+ times until it scrolls aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall the way around to tab "C"
I think if you play with keyboard and mouse then you can just tap the different tabs so it's less of a problem
5) Minor nitpick, but when I play with a controller it doesn't get rid of the cursor. The cursor is pretty big and chunky so this is pretty distracting (I play on a dual monitor setup so I just move the mouse to the other monitor while I play, but it'd be nice if the cursor stayed gone while I played
6) So far the magic is a bit underutilized. I think I've only used the restore spell a handful of times when I was deep in the mines or fishing (fishing takes SO much energy). You have VERY limited magical stamina so you're probably not going to be using spells too much
I'll try to add to this if I think of more, but this is the stuff that's sticking out to me right now!
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
8 days until JWCT
I'd like to apologize in advance if this is a little hectic. I'm so excited and my mind is absolutely reeling and my thoughts are running around so if things are a little unorganized please excuse me.
So first things first, YASAMMY IS STILL TOGETHER. I'm so happy to see that. The moment where Yaz was like "ohmygosh are you okay?" was everything to me I'm actually dying inside. And it's confirmed. Ben saying, "Get in between two girlfriends?" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Yaz's "Tadaa" in the opening was so on point and in character. These characters still feel very much the same just older and I absolutely love them. They captured her adorable awkwardness perfectly. The background is absolutely gorgeous, I love these new urban settings. Sammy just trying to be a supportive girlfriend <3 I LOVE YOU SAMMY AND YOU LOOK DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
Big Ben is still a big dork <3. Him screaming from the hologram has me dying. The way Sammy is just shocked but Ben is being all extra throwing his legs up and doing another extra little scream. Oh Ben you big doofus I love you.
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Ben is my reaction to all this Chaos Theory stuff and Sammy is everyone looking at me freak out w concern.
Along with this clip we have an interview with the showrunners.
"We really wanted to focus on Yaz’s emotional journey as she dealt with the PTSD she suffered from during Camp Cretaceous, and then on what her reaction would be once the dinosaurs made it to the mainland. We had always imagined after Camp C that she would go on to college and study psychology and use her empathy and experience to help those that suffer the way she did. We really liked the idea of her using cutting-edge “immersion therapy” technology to help herself and others like her in a controlled, safe manner."
This is what most stuck out to me about the whole thing. In the beginning I was worried that they'd neglect the trauma that these kids went through but I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised they're putting focus on it, especially with Yaz who we sort of first saw suffer from PTSD in CC. With kids shows, creators usually aren't willing to dive into deep subjects and they typically follow a "one-and-done" storyline as I like to call it. They have an episode that focuses on one thing and then the next episode is an entirely different thing. And while I understand that on an audience level--- kids have short attention spans and don't stay on topic---I'm glad to see that both CC and CT are paying attention towards (consistently) acknowledging the darker sides and the trauma. Also hearing about where her character went/is going is so incredible to see and it's crazy to say that I'm proud of a fictional character but I really am. It's concerning how much I love these characters but denying that would be denying an entire piece of myself. I need this show like I need air. Y'all better be ready for the longest ass posts I'm going to make next friday. Just 8 more days. Almost one more week.
One day if you're going to be watching the first episode tomorrow. After careful consideration I do think I will attempt to watch it tomorrow. I think deep down I knew this was going to happen however with the newly released clips it showed me that watching some of the show in advanced doesn't dim my excitedness and really it only amplifies it. Obviously, if you choose not to watch it, totally valid and I respect your decision. I will keep my account "spoiler free" in that if I talk about the first episode I'll use the keep reading feature and the spoiler tag out of respect for those who don't want to or can't see it yet.
So you will catch me on Roblox tmrw. If anything it'll probably be around 4:30/5:00 cst. I don't know if it's an all day thing but that's what I'm assuming it is. If you want to join me my acc is @/greekqueendemigod (don't judge I chose the name when I was like 12) and u can just send me a friend request and if you do lmk in the comments bc i'm not always checking.
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mypoisonedvine · 1 year
I hate hate hate having to talk about this stuff because I know 98% of y'all are not the problem, and the remaining 2% are probably not going to care in the slightest. but I need to set some boundaries and explain why I'm getting frustrated before any more resentment builds.
I've been writing for cillian murphy characters since july 26 when I posted 'thoughtless', since then I've released well over one hundred thousand words of content for him. I'm not exaggerating, I counted. it's been five and a half weeks and I've posted 14 full-length one shots which means I'm posting more than twice a week. that's not even including drabbles/requests.
I'm getting concerned that this has set a precedent that people are holding me to and I'm getting annoyed by the entitlement in some of my asks and comments.
first things first, and I know nobody means anything bad by this but it's pissing me off: stop using the phrase "full smut" in your requests, it's driving me crazy. this started abruptly after I posted a bunch of drabbles in one sitting based on y'all's ideas and requests. I did that as a way to try out new ideas and appease people who hadn't had their concepts written about yet. instead of people being happy with what I wrote for them, people got frustrated that the drabbles were drabble-length and not thousands of words long like my full fics (which take me several days to write, rather than an hour or less which is the point of short requests). ever since, people won't stop coming into my inbox talking about making a "full smut" for a certain character or idea as if they're terrified that I'll only post something short. I usually don't post short things. I feel now like those drabbles were a colossal waste of time because all they did was make people afraid I wouldn't write longer stuff; I wanted to open requests again because I had fun, but now I feel like it's a bad idea because it'll just leave people frustrated when they see it's not whatever a "full smut" is and then tell me it's incomplete and I need to write more. a short drabble can very well be a complete story. stop asking for "full smut" PLEASE. just tell me what you're interested in reading and trust that, as the author, I will tell the story in the correct length of time.
secondly, the way people are asking for stories about new characters is getting out of control. I think you guys don't realize that I only post less than half of the asks I get, because they are so repetitive and constant. I have literally over 2000 unanswered asks currently. if I answered all the asks I received, I would lose followers because it clogs the dash and half of them are the same questions.
and I'm just gonna say this one explicitly: please stop asking me to write for cillian's character in the movie 'anna'. I'm not saying that I won't or that I don't want to. but I need you to understand that I get easily 3-5 asks a DAY about this character and I am exhausted. I'm not particularly interested in watching the movie. not only does it look like it's probably just not that good, but on a very personal note, I am in recovery for an eating disorder (and relapsed recently) and I just... don't wanna watch a movie with a runway model in the leading role right now. I'm sorry if that feels like body shaming or something but I've been waiting until I feel like I can watch it without feeling sick or enraged. it should come as a surprise to no one who is familiar with my work that I'm not a particularly mentally healthy person. but that's only part of it; I answered asks about this character for a while saying I wanted to write for him eventually, but I had to stop because people just asked about him every day anyways without reading my very recent posts with the same question. I'm still not ruling it out. I'm just warning you guys that it will be a while.
people are now commenting requests for new characters ON MY CURRENT FICS FOR UNRELATED CHARACTERS. how entitled and dense do you have to be to do that? I can't believe this has to be said, but comments on my fics should be... related to the content of the fic you're commenting on.
to be clear, I'm not mad at anyone for doing this stuff (except that last one, that's unforgivably ridiculous) because I think the intentions are pure. but now that I've explained why this stuff bothers me, I'm asking you to put a little more thought into how you phrase your questions and comments. to be clear: for the most part I feel incredibly supported and appreciated here and I've been very impressed by this fandom's ability to not be morality police and manage their own content consumption. a lot of you have reached out with concern about the speed at which I was producing and I totally understand and value that. I honestly think I can keep up that pace for a little while longer... I just wanted to explain why I'm getting a little irritated and hopefully decrease the amount of asks I get repeating the same two or three things.
so, tl;dr -- I've been having a lot of fun writing and I plan to keep doing it as much as I can. some people are spoiling the fun for everyone by being (usually unintentionally) entitled and impatient. I don't mind you guys showing enthusiasm for things you'd like to see from me, in fact it's helpful because it tells me what might get a good reception. but please be thoughtful in how you make these requests and please support what I've already written if you want to see more. I think non-writers have a hard time understanding how inspiration works (hell, even writers don't really understand it in ourselves lol) and so it kinda just seems like if I can write about one thing I can write about any thing. but I only write so much and so fast because I write what speaks to me and not other people's ideas. again, thank you so much for all the love and support this past month!!
p.s. I also get asks multiple times a day asking when I will post a fic, especially if I've announced it. I always post fics between 4 and 5 PM central US time. I would recommend calculating when that is for you and I promise you'll find me posting very reliably at this time on days I have fics announced. hopefully this saves us all some trouble in the future lmao
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moonyasnow · 2 months
Btw writing requests ARE open
I'm working on making chibis of my OCs rn so I probably won't be able to work TOO much on any request I get until I'm done with that, but I doubt it'll take any more than 2 more weeks until I'm done with them all 2 done, working on the third (and probably most complicated)- I think the next 5 should take way less time, especially now that I know what I'm doing and have gotten used to it
So feel free to send in a writing request if you'd like! ^^
Rules are in my pinned post, just underneath the 'tags' section
Here's also a link to my Masterlist, if you wanna read more of my stuff, or you can look at the #moony's writing tag
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this-is-spn20 · 2 years
Day 25 of Christmas: Celebrate Christmas!!
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! This was such a cool writing experience for me! I've never written this much in my life. But as fun as this was, it was exhausting. Honestly, I'll probably never do this again. But I might do something similar! It just depends! But if I do ever do this again, it'll have to be a lot of prep time around it. But maybe next year, I can collab with other writers and make this a collaborative thing! Perhaps even have you guys make submissions! Either way, Thank you to all the new people who followed me and my small blog! 51 followers! I might not be a lot to some, but I never thought I'd get this many! So thank you for spending time with me. Also worth mentioning, I will not be writing for 2 weeks, I need time to recharge. So if anyone sends in any requests, they will not be written/posted until mid-January. Yes, this means requests are officially OPEN again. I just won't be posting anything until the middle of the month.
I wish you all a prosperous New Year, and may 2023 have mercy on us all. Stay safe and healthy.
Spread Love,
The word count is 3,245. (I'm so sorry)
Today was the day!! You were finally at the most exciting day of the year! You spent all month, not just sitting around, sulking in the bunker all month long. You did so many things and had so many adventures! So many new stories and memories made by all your friends, and you couldn’t be more grateful to Sam and Dean for going along with your crazy shenanigans. When you first brought the idea up to them, you just knew they’d reject it hard. But nope! They were reluctant, but they went with it, for you. And you hoped your presents would be enough to pay them back. You’d always loved giving to people. Giving so much that you barely left any compassion for yourself sometimes. You just felt that if everyone around you was happy, so were you. If there was a problem? You’d be the first to try to handle it. You were just a bit worried the boys wouldn’t like your gifts. You’d thought about them really hard before even considering buying them. But still, sometimes all the brainstorming in the world could lead absolutely nowhere when it comes down to the mercy of the recipient. 
It was 7 am on the dot when your bed was shaking and you jolted awake, immeadiently you dug under your pillow and pulled out a pocket knife all in a flash. The person unlucky enough to be at the end of the knife was nonother than hellraiser Dean. Your knife landed on his forehead and he quickly jerked away, slightly losing his smile. You grumbled something about how you should beat his ass for scaring you silly like that. But he just laughed mockingly at you. He practically dragged you out of your bed and down the hall to the map room. Your brain and legs were barely working so you struggled to keep up with Dean’s long legs. Sam sat in one of the chairs and shook his head as he saw Dean drag you in with puppy-like excitement. You took and Dean took to sitting on the floor, eagerly awaiting Sam to do the same. Early in December, you’d all agreed with everyone getting 5 presents from each person. Meaning everyone is getting 10 presents. Which you all figured would be more than enough. You all agreed to rock paper scissors as a way to determine who would open their presents first. 
Whenever that game came into the mix, Dean always lost first. And indeed that’s what happened today. You and Sam were locked in the childish game, staring at the other’s hands intensely. Trying to decipher the other’s next move. You and Sam played the game just for fun sometimes, it was a good little mind game to occupy each other for a bit. And it was always a toss-up of who would win. Today, Sam won. Throwing his hands in the air in victory, You mumbled something about not being awake enough for the game. Dean and Sam declared you a sore loser while you helped Sam grab all 10 of his gifts. The first box Sam went for was a medium-sized box and something rattled inside a bit he didn’t shake it even more fearing it was fragile. The wrapping paper went one way and the box lid went the other. Finally, Sam slightly gasped at the light blue polaroid camera. Sam loved it if the way he held it so gently was any indication. Dean then spoke up and said, “Well for all your modern technology crap, I know you still appreciate the older things. I bought extra film in case you go overboard, like usual.” Dean smiled shyly at Sam. Sam gave Dean a subtle bitch face but thanked Dean for the gift. He really did like it. He would always be a fan of classics. Sam absolutely loved the air fryer you gave him. He’d been begging Dean for one for months to no avail. You brushed him off to avoid more blushing when he expressed his gratitude to you. He was speechless when he opened the black leather boots you got him. You noticed his current boots were hanging on their last life and thought it’d be a nice present. Sam seemed to enjoy Dean’s Bluetooth earbuds and speaker, glad he wouldn’t always have to listen to Dean’s music on the road now. He also really liked the leather messenger bag from Dean. Sam being the resident researcher meant he had to keep a lot of books, his laptop, and papers with him at all times. He wasn’t really a fan of carrying his workload with him at all times. At least he had somewhere to put his stuff on the road now. The solar phone charging bank was perfect for his long hikes. He often had to end his hikes early because of his phone battery. He couldn’t do late-night hikes either for the same reason. But now, with Dean’s gift, it was possible now and he couldn’t be happier. The last gift from Dean was a mini projector for Sam’s room. Anytime Sam wanted to watch an old movie or anything really on a projector, was now a possibility. Sam was excited and looked as if he would burst with joy. But he wasn’t done just yet. He still had to open the rest of your presents. 
Sam tore into the wrapping paper again with fervor. It was a huge package, and he couldn’t hold himself back as he let out a short but happy little giggle. You giggled too at his adorable, bright, happy face. When the package was opened, Sam couldn’t believe his eyes. It was beautiful. A gorgeous 4 feet tall bookshelf lay in front of Sam. He stuttered and stumbled with his words a bit before he just grabbed you and held you in a big, warm hug. His voice wavered even with his attempts to keep his voice steady. He whimpered a soft, shaky thank you in your ear. You told him he still had one more gift before he dissolved into a puddle of tears. He let go of you and opened his last present. He opened it to see a box of cassette tapes. He was confused until he saw the cassette player at the bottom. Sam looked at Dean who just shrugged his shoulder and sat up a bit, not knowing where this was heading either. You told Sam to play the first tape. He popped the first tape into the player and your voice played through its small, but fairly loud speakers. 
“Hey Sam, I wanted to do something special for you for Christmas. This box of tapes is me reading your favorite stories to you and singing your favorite songs to you as lullabies! I’ve included a few other songs and stories you may not know just for a little variety. I hope you enjoy it. Sweet dreams Sam.” Sam pressed pause on the tape. Sam looked over at you to see your face flushed with a shy smile on your face. You looked up and saw both boys look at you in awe. They couldn’t believe you did something so sweet for Sam. Dean had a small smile of approval. There was a hint of jealousy you saw there. But he had his own set of tapes coming. He just didn’t know that. Sam was so happy. There were tears in his eyes again and he could barely hold them back. Letting one tear slip out. His voice was soft as he said another thank you and held the tape player close to his chest. 
Dean was about to play rock paper scissors with you but you told him you’d let him go first. He was surprised but didn’t complain as you and Sam helped him gather all the presents addressed to him. Dean went to open a long present. Excited to see it was from Sam he ripped the paper off and threw the lid somewhere you didn’t register. You let out a ruckus laugh and Sam did too. Dean was pissed as he pulled a walking cane out of the box. Dean immediately gave death glares to both of you. You were pretty sure he wanted to beat Sam with it. Sam slowly stopped laughing and explained the gift hoping his dear brother would beat him while he was speaking. 
“You know when we hunt, sometimes we have to hike or set up camp. Well, I bought the cane so that it’ll be easier for you to walk through whatever terrain and have a quick weapon to defend yourself if you’re alone or you just need something quick. That and you’re old.” Sam smirked and Dean was getting ready to smack Sam in the back of the head. Sam interrupted his thoughts by telling Dean to twist the little elephant at the top of the cane. Dean was surprised that the top could come off and as he pulled the top of the cane away from the rest, there was a long, fairly thick almost sword-like blade that was attached to the elephant. You stared at the blade in wonder and Dean did the same. It was so fucking cool. He loved it Although Dean did threaten Sam with a good smack if there was another gift like that in the future. Sam laughed and brushed Dean off, knowing that he would never do such a thing. Dean moved on to his next present with slight excitement. He opened another one from Sam. It was a coffee maker! Dean tore the remaining packaging on it and admired it as he slightly sat back. The bunker’s old machine was getting worse and worse. Instead of coffee, it was producing something close to a sludge instead of a drink. So Dean having his morning cup of caffeine and sugar wouldn’t be your guy’s problem anymore. The next few gifts had Dean damn near jumping around like a little kid. Dean really liked the pair of boots you got for him, and damn near tackled you when he open his own set of your handmade winter accessories. He for some reason was very taken by the gloves. He also loved the safe you’d given him. He had a hard time finding places in his room to keep his most prized possessions. He appreciates the fact that he now has a place for all the items he holds dear. Dean opened another considerably large-sized present and he gasped when it revealed a chair hammock. Sam told him he noticed the only place in the Dean Cave to sit on was the couch and not much else. Sam hoped he could help spice up Dean’s relaxing place with a bit more comforting furniture. Dean pulled Sam into a tight, yet short hug. Clearing his throat he quickly moved on to the next present. Another long package and Sam snickered. You shook your head, knowing you’d probably have to keep Dean from tearing Sam’s head off. Dean unraveled the paper from the box and almost dropped the box in surprise. You gasped and looked at Sam with wild, yet soft eyes. Dean’s hands started shaking as he revealed the red and black electric guitar to you in pure, unadulterated excitement. Dean played a few out-of-tuned notes and hugged the instrument to his chest. The number of times Dean said thank you to Sam was uncountable. Desan felt so proud to have a brother as cool (and annoying) as Sam. Another, longer hug this time was shared between the brothers as you looked on with slightly teary eyes. When they finally broke away, Dean quickly grabbed his last present which was from you. He tore the paper apart quickly to move on from his overwhelming emotions. It didn’t help when he opened the lid to the box and saw his own set of cassette tapes and tape player. He couldn’t believe you took the time out of your days to make something like this for himself and Sam too. This just solidified what they both knew. They didn’t deserve you.
The boys sat themselves up a bit from where they sat. You were last to open their gifts You grabbed all your gifts and looked to the boys with playfully suspicious glares and started opening the first gift you laid your hand on. They were getting anxious. This was a way for them to pay you back for everything you do for them. As far as they were concerned, you didn’t need to pay them back a dime. They just wanted to show you they appreciated you. In whatever way they could. And for now, they just hoped you liked their gifts, although nothing could top what you did for them. You started off with Sam’s gift which was in another long, thick box. You opened it up and squealed loudly while jumping up and down. You were freaking out when Dean told you to pull the thing out of the box. It was an axe bass based on one of your favorite characters of all time. Marceline from Adventure Time. You loved the show and all its characters, but you loved Marceline even more. She was just such a good character and attached to her. Now you had a token of her character. Sam watched the show with you a few times and grew to love it. He saw how much you loved Marceline, so he made the move to buy you the bass, just for you little fangirl self. You were such a manic mess, you couldn’t stop smiling. Even when going for your next gift from Dean. You ripped off the paper so fast the boys swore you took it off in one swipe. You opened it to see a roll of LED lights. You were never much for following trends and the newest fads. But you just loved those lights you saw everyone had on tik tok. You just loved the idea of changing the aesthetic of your room in a few seconds. It was fun! You hadn’t stopped talking about the damn lights for a week and now that you had them, you could finally spare the boys' ears. Until you inevitably found something else to obsess over. Dean’s knife necklace was a hit with you along with Sam’s pair of daggers made for you with your initials engraved on both blades. Sam also indulging in your childish side felt nice, most considered you to be a bit too childish at times but while that could be true, you just wanted to feel like a kid again sometimes. So when your next present from Sam was a medium-sized bubble machine you nearly crushed the man in a hug. Dean’s next gift almost made you cry. You knew the boys were getting sick of you going on and on about making new things with crocheting and such. You told them countless times that trying out sewing would be a dream come true. So when you saw a cute light blue sewing machine, you screamed so loud the boys needed to cover their ears. They knew you were happy but jeez did you have a pair of lungs on you. You melted when you saw Dean had already ordered different fabrics for you. Ugh, these boys were more than you deserved. 
Sam’s last gift to you was one of the best things yet. He got you a telescope! You were so happy that you almost let a tear escape your eye. You’d always loved space and everything to do with it. Hell sometimes if you had nothing to do around the bunker, you’d look into the science of space. You loved learning about new advances made and you always wanted to look at the stars and planets. But since the bunker’s telescope only showed the different dimensions and now that didn’t work either since the departure of Mrs. Butters. You had nothing to see the stars with. Until now. Thanks to Sam you could now watch all the stars and planets you wanted. You wrapped Sam in a softer hug leaning up to whisper a thank you in his ear. He squeezed you even tighter for a moment, then let go. 
You’d opened up all your presents and thought you were done when Dean protested, saying you didn’t get his last gift. Thinking you’d missed a box under the tree you looked again until Dean told you to come with him to the garage. The dammed garage you’d been forbidden to go in since the beginning of the month. You were teaming with excitement as Sam covered your eyes and Dean grabbed your hands to lead you to the garage. Your steps were unsure and hesitant. But when you felt the cold concrete in the garage touch your bare feet, you walked even faster. Finally, Dean stopped you and positioned you to face your right. Dean counted to three and Sam took his hands off your eyes. The first thing you saw was bright cherry red 1961 Chevrolet Corvette. You screamed for the longest time and jumped up and down. You couldn’t believe it! When you first moved into the bunker, the boys gave you a tour of the place. When you first stepped into the garage you fell in love with this car only to be wholly disappointed that the car didn’t start. You quickly turned to Dean and captured him in the tightest hug you could muster. Tears fell freely from your eyes as you thanked him over and over again. When you finally pulled yourself together, you went to Sam and held him in the same way you did Dean. 
Dean asked if you wanted to take her for a spin and you quickly agreed. Not even bothering to get your stuff. You felt at peace and satisfied to hear the purr of the engine. You, Sam, and Dean drove all over town and were having a blast. Your holiday season was done, but that didn’t mean the adventures did. And you were ecstatic about the adventures to come next. With your boys at your side, you could do anything. 
TAGGING: @fooshigoomies @naturalswifty89 @imaginestuffs @of-a-chaotic-mind
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owo-shenanigans · 3 years
Hello! Could I request being Nico and Bianca's half sibling and being close with them and Hazel? Just a little backstory on the reader, (feel free to ignore or change this when needed) They always wanted to have siblings and was happy when they found out about Nico,Bianca and Hazel. Have a nice day! Fido
Cute! You didn’t specify older or younger so i’m going with (physically and mentally) older than Nico + Hazel & the same age as Bianca haha
God this has been on my worklist since july 8th bc it was so similar to that other one i did i needed time to get new ideas lmao. Anyway ty for remembering bianca exists
Hades / Pluto kids & sibling reader (PLATONIC)
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Hades, for all his flaws, tries to avoid relationships with mortal women. When he does it's with an unspoken agreement with Persephone- no more than three in a century.
You had a rare life, when you were born. In the 1800's, you were one of the most important members of camp half blood and the protection of it when you were there.
And then you died. Not even to a monster- you'd gotten shot for harboring a black family on the run from a mob for the night and helping the baby live through the night (Thanatos was annoyed when you threatened to chain him up like in the myths).
One of the perks of being a child of Hades is that unless you do something awful, you have a fast pass to elysium.
And you pass your time there, talking with your dad every few years and making sure your mother joins you when she passes.
Hades' kids are stronger in the underworld, and when you notice an odd but familiar presence in the fields, you make your way over and get a new sister. Hazel.
It takes a lot of time but you finally convince your father to give her another chance to achieve paradise. A simple mission, with your assistance, to go to a scrapyard of Hephaestus and mark the space to have a ravine open and dump it all right to the underworld.
Hephaestus owes him. So with a quick explanation of the current world, a few hundred dollars and squeezing your hands tightly, you went back up to the human world.
The trip takes a few days until you finally manage to reach the scrapyard. Yeah, you have a few auto theft charges, but who cares? You're there, you've got the markers and there are 5 other people there.
Huh. That's… that's not what you were expecting.
Okay I don't remember how Bianca's death goes so like reader and Hazel save her.
Nonetheless her leg is fucked. It'll probably recover with time and care, but even with ambrosia it'll be fragile enough a soft hit could fracture it.
You and Hazel pledge to bring her back to Camp Half Blood (you're excited to see it again), and after some convincing they're off and you're ready to ignore traffic safety once more. After marking the ravine and sending a note that you'll be back in two weeks, of course.
It takes a few days, nearly a week, stopping to rest and get gas eating up a lot of time but eventually you cruise into Camp Half Blood…. From the beach.
It's an emotional reunion between you and Chiron, and Bianca and Nico, and Hazel just kind of stands there before you bring her into the hugs.
The first quiet moment you get you ask Bianca and Nico if they know who their godly parent is. When they say no, but Bianca is pretty sure she has faint memories of their mother, you tell them your theory that they are children of Hades.
And then the skeleton shows up, holding a note and requesting that all of you return to the underworld.
Long story short, Hazel is allowed in Elysium and you both get two more siblings!
You're ecstatic. You’d never had siblings before Hazel and it was really nice clicking with them all quickly.
Bianca loves her brother, but even still she loves staying with the Hunters of Artemis. She’s really glad that you and Hazel get along with Nico- her choice to join had been impulsive but she wouldn’t change it easily.
If your and Hazels deaths hadn’t been so untimely and selfless and his own children, he likely would never have let you leave the underworld. But… He thinks you both deserve it. Deserve to be able to experience the life you didn’t have before.
Y’all are so fucking obsesssed with fast food it’s frightening. Every time y’all go up you’re ordering the biggest meal Popeyes has.
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morefandomscenarios · 3 years
Hey!! if your request is open, could i ask for a headcanon on sanji ace and zoro where they first see their jealous girlfriend then they are usually not? Sorry my English is bad..
Your English is fine dear, dw about it! Thank you for requesting ♡
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Immediately notices and will hop, skip, and jump over to your side as soon as it happens.
He's naturally perceptive of women and with you he's even MORE attentive - after all, you're his most precious and loveliest woman in the whole universe!!!
Apologizes profusely even if he wasn't the one who's at fault (and let's face it, it probably wasn't, because while bachelor Sanji swoons over every woman, he becomes very devoted once a relationship has been established).
Hugs? Anything for you, his queen. Cuddles? All night long. Kisses? None of your skin shall be left untouched.
Will cook your favorite food and snacks as an additional form of his apology.
Basically gives you extra attention than normal, which is... A lot.
Oh well. At least you now know your jealousy was unfounded.
"My love, I wish I could kick myself to oblivion for making you feel this way.... I'm sorry. What can I do to make you feel better? Whatever you wish for, I shall provide, because my whole being exists solely for you!"
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Is shocked, because you don't usually show such expressions.
Assumes he probably fucked up really bad and proceeds to cling to you like a koala bear, asking you for forgiveness every once in a few minutes until you forgive him.
"Are you still mad?" "...." *barely 5 minutes later* "..... Are you still mad?"
When he sees that his behavior isn't helping the situation, he tries to earn your forgiveness by making you laugh. He'll make a fool out of himself if he has to - it's a cheap price if he can see your beautiful smile.
If this still doesn't work, this is where he starts to panic and second-doubt himself. Maybe he's not good enough for you after all. Maybe he doesn't deserve your love. Maybe you're going to break up with him over this and find someone better.
Depending on the state of your relationship, it could go two ways: he goes to his 'brothers' (aka the Whitebeard pirates crew members) for advice, or he goes to you and basically has a breakdown.
Mmm yes angst
In the first route, he would have gone to either Marco or Thatch, and they would see how panicked and insecure he was, which should prompt them to talk to you, advise you to settle it properly with Ace because man's a wreck.
In the second route, you'll be confronted with a very insecure, uncharacteristically sad Ace who's in the edge of having a panic attack, rambling about how he's sorry and he should've acted differently to not make you uncomfortable and he's sorry for being such an idiot and a mess and for being born - Just... Stop him and forgive this man, please?
Prepare to be smothered by a super clingy and anxious Ace for a few weeks afterwards. It'll take many cuddle sessions to get this boy up and running again.
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Does not understand what's happening at first.
It takes him a while to understand why you were acting so differently than usual. Will require you to outwardly explain what you were feeling and why. Otherwise, the more sensible crewmate who was present at the scene and knows the full picture will have to explain it to him.
His first thought is that you're being childish (ouch). But when he sees that it's serious, he'll probably try to reach out and talk it out with you.
Zoro is one of the more mature and levelheaded members. Even if he doesn't express himself that much when it comes to love and isn't that well-versed in that area. But, he knows that communication is important in all kinds of relationships, so he'll make sure that you understand that you have no reason to be jealous.
He'll pull you into a private area to minimize interruptions, and sit you down so you two can talk it out. Which is saying something because Zoro doesn't talk about feelings, ever.
"Alright, listen up. Just like how Luffy is my one and only Captain, you're my one and only girlfriend, alright? I don't have eyes for anyone else, so just trust in me like how I trust you - and for the record, I'd trust you with my whole life, so take that as you will."
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skelemira · 3 years
Whew, exams are still kicking my butt xD I know it’s super cliche coming from me bc I’m, well, me, but could I get some platonic Kiki fluff? Ooor, if you’re not vibing with that, some Teddy fluff? Both of them give me the serotonin I desperately need when I’m so tired lol
B o t h
I shall do you one better, oh beloved bestie of mine. I shall do....
And just because we were talking about him the other day, I shall begin with Teddy (for context, Teddy is Queenie's version of Horrortale Sans that will eventually be introduced in their fic Like a Song Beneath the Violence which I will take every opportunity to plug it's only just begun and I adore it, also gonna plug their AO3 it is The_Angst_Queen please check her out anyways lol back to writing~)
(also just a note that requests are still open and they're pretty much always open, it's just a matter of how long it'll take me to get to them, so feel free to pop by and throw something in my ask box!!)
A Pillow? Nah, I'm the Whole Bed
You were exhausted, to say the least. After 5 exams, 2 final projects, and 3 papers, there was nothing left in your mental reserves other than the energy to move your body and recognize basic shapes. For instance, big comfy shape on couch in front of box making noises and flashing colours. Colours and noise in background on comfy shape means good rest, so you shuffled forward, not unlike a zombie, until you reached said comfy shape. You didn't have enough brainpower to figure out how to climb on top of the shape, so you kind of just stood there hoping someone would take pity on you, bumping pathetically against the shape. Thankfully, someone did take pity on you, but that someone was the..... Shape? The shape mumbled something as they (he? Voice was deep and rumbly) lifted you up onto the top of the shape, laying you down. Unfortunately, you were beyond recognizing speech at the time, and the comfort level (combined with the rumbling voice being very purr-like) of laying there was too great and you drifted off to sleep so quickly one could call you a racecar.
Unbeknownst to you, Teddy was holding in tears at how adorable you were right now. You had stumbled into the room as he was laying on the couch with the TV on, and he watched as you shuffled your way towards the couch, your eyes not even fully open. You bumped against him, clearly extremely out of it and not even recognizing him, and he held in a chuckle as he took pity on you and lifted you up to put you on top of him, your favourite nap spot.
As he lifted you, he couldn't help but make a pun, even knowing you were beyond comprehending it right now, "couldn't... take a nap... without your... teddy bear... huh..?" He couldn't hold back his snicker on that one, even as he got the tingling in the back of his memory and he felt like he'd used that pun before. Oh well, good puns were meant to be reused.
The second he laid you down fully, still snickering slightly from the pun, he could quite literally see you conk out from exhaustion. His ever-present grin drooped down just a tad, hating how you worked yourself to this point, even as he cooed at how adorable you were when you were sleepy. He didn't need his notebook to tell him that he'd talked to you about this issue before, not because he remembered, but he knew you and he knew that this was probably a regular thing. Maybe not to this level every time but.. he shook his head, clearing his thoughts and his frown. Even in your exhaustion, you had stirred slightly in your sleep, reacting to the worried intent he was giving off, so he forced himself to stop thinking about your exhaustion and try to focus on the TV. Something random was playing, he had forgotten what he had originally been watching, but by the looks of it a reality show was playing, something about.... Catching up with somebody...? Keeping up with someone? Oh well, it was something mindless and it didn't matter anyway. Teddy could feel himself succumbing to the comfy couch and the warmth of your body and he, too, quickly drifted off to sleep.
(You can bet that someone took pictures of the two of you napping together and you can ALSO bet that they're adorable. You may or may not be drooling in them~)
Hours later, you felt yourself being shaken awake gently. Your eyes slowly peeled open and shapes were brought into focus until you recognized Teddy in front of you. Still insanely groggy, you rubbed your eyes and sat up gingerly, stretching until you felt a bit more awake.
"hey..... cupcake... was just wondering.... if you had.... eaten yet... got... worried..." Teddy scratched the back of his neck, his one eyelight on your stomach, as if waiting for it to growl in response.
You'd be lying if you said your heart didn't melt a little after hearing that. You had woken up a little grumpy from not getting enough sleep yet, but after hearing that, who on earth could stay mad at that face? You confessed to him that you hadn't, in fact, eaten yet and you would love to go eat with him, causing the gentle giant to widen his eyesockets in instant worry (ignoring your reassuring in the background that you had eaten at least a snack earlier) and sweep you up into his arms, carting you into the kitchen.
You snuggled into him, still drowsy, and almost fell asleep from the comforting safety of his arms around you and the gentle hum of his soul in your ears. You could have gotten drunk off this feeling of being loved.
Alrighty!!! So that turned out way longer than I thought it would lol but uh yeah! So now onto Kiki beloved~ as usual, my brand of fluff tends to be very ambiguous when it comes to whether it's platonic or romantic (at least to me??? But I totally don't have trouble distinguishing them anyway nope aha) but since you specifically asked for platonic I'll try to lean it more towards that end a bit more!!! So without further ado........
Showing You Off
"That darned RACCOON!!!!"
You were at the end of your rope with this pesky raccoon that kept stealing your art!!! Sure, you mostly made digital art, but when you made traditional art, you were really proud of how they turned out!!!! But every time you let your guard down, one of your pieces would go missing!! You'd never actually... Seen the raccoon take an art piece of yours, but you did see him break into your house one night and rummage through your garbage!! So that sneaky raccoon must be the culprit behind your missing artworks, though you have no idea what a raccoon would want with your art pieces. To be fair, though, you also didn't know why this raccoon specifically went through your garbage when your neighbors were professional chefs and their trash never got raided. You.... Were getting off topic. You were working on a new art piece, this one digital, when you heard a splashing sound come from your living room. Given that you lived alone, and the fact that you heard this exact same noise every week, you figured Ink, or Kiki as you affectionately called him, had stopped by.
Aaaaaand speak of the devil, he burst through your doorway, Broomy in one hand and a stack of papers in the other. That spilled all over your floor when he lost control of the stack. Because of course.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Hey, Kiki, what's up?"
Ink opened his mouth excitedly, ignoring the papers scattered around him..... And promptly shut it, a confused look overtaking his skull. He sighed, setting Broomy down to rest next to your desk, making you warily eye the ink close to dripping on your notebooks you kept your writings in. You waited patiently as Ink read over the notes on his scarf, used to this sort of experience with him. As you waited, you bent down to start picking up some of the papers he scattered, not wanting their pristine white to be sullied by any ink or dirt around the place. Just as you were picking up the last paper and stacking it up neatly, Ink finally exclaimed, "Aha!!!" With no further explanation, he scooped up Broomy, making an ink portal beneath you and the papers, leaving you to freefall to the sound of rustling papers.
Well this was new, usually he would at least tell you where he's taking you before he abruptly decided it was time for you to leave. Finally you arrived at his Doodlesphere, a favourite hangout of both you and Ink. For some reason, the space just calmed you, taking away the racing thoughts that barred you from reaching your ideas sometimes and allowing you to nurture those ideas. Some of your best writing and artwork had come from in here and---
You recognized that piece laying on the ground over there. As well you should, since you made it. But you thought the raccoon...
Another one of your pieces. And another. Until you counted and realized all of your missing pieces were here. You opened your mouth to confront Ink about it when you looked over to him and saw him following where your gaze had been and seeing the painting. His skull lit up with recognition, and he bounced over to it.
"oh yeah, that's one of my favourites of yours! Thanks again for letting me display them here, Blue and Dream love looking at them whenever they visit! Plus I've made some really great pieces from them myself, you're a great inspiration!"
Well. Barring the fact that you had, in fact, NOT given him permission to display your pieces here (you chalked it up to him just forgetting to ask you, you wouldn't actually have minded), that was....
Insanely sweet.
You were going to comment, but you saw the familiar confused look on Ink again and decided to save it for later. Interrupting his remembering process only made things worse, you'd learned. Still.... You couldn't get over how sweet this all was, Kiki wanting to show off your artwork to his friends and calling you a "great inspiration"....
But that didn't seem to be what he brought you over for, so then....
"Oh, right!!!" Well, it looks like you'd get your answer. Ink's eyelights lit up a bit brighter as he took a swig from his yellow paints, his freckles brightening up a tad as well. He dragged you over to a seemingly random spot and made the ta-da gesture proudly towards something covered with a sheet, looking a little like a dog who dragged in a muddy stick to show it off. Noticing your confusion, Kiki dropped his hands, looked over to the mystery object and rolled his eyelights, grabbing the sheet and pulling to reveal...
"Oh my.... That is gorgeous, Ink, where did you get it????"
"Ooh ya like it? Found it in a random au and figured you might like it!"
You had to stay strong. He couldn't know how close you were to tears at the gesture, even if he's denser than a rock sometimes.
He got you a gorgeous vintage typewriter. The kind that makes the beautiful clacking noise and creates more of an author vibe than typing on a computer or even writing by hand. You'd always wanted one, but you could just never find the right one. This one though... It fit your vibe perfectly and.... And...
And it looked extremely well-kept for Ink to have just found it.
Even before you opened your mouth, though, Ink started rambling about the typewriter, seeming encouraged by your awestruck look.
"Oh yeah, found it in the window of some thrift shop in some AU, and Blue helped me to fix it up and restore it! That's what the papers were for earlier!" He gestured to the pile of papers that were somehow nearly stacked despite free-falling with you through the ink puddle.
Well you.... You no longer had words. You had to settle for hugging Kiki as tightly as you could and vowing to get this skeleton some of your neighbor's famous chicken vindaloo, extra spicy the way he liked it.
Ok well as usual these turned out way longer than I meant them too XDDDD but I hope you enjoy honey!!!! And congrats for finishing exams bc ik you'll be done when you read this!!!!!
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pototters · 3 years
Sleeping on Emotions Part 4
A/N: It's been a long time coming, but here's the next part! Part 5 will be up soon, too! I just have to go through the process of doing a little editing since it's being transferred from Twitter~
Here are the links for the first three parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
As always, you can follow me on Twitter for the live updates to this work, @Nightfall_Revel
This fic is also up on my Ao3 for an easier read, if you wish, under the same handle, here~!
Warnings: none? Bakugo swearing, and... nightmare? I guess?
Bakugo x Kirishima
Words: 1,772
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It wasn't until Bakugo was stepping off the platform in Chiba and calling a cab that he had no idea where to find Kirishima. Chiba was a pretty big prefecture and the redhead could literally be anywhere. He chewed the inside of his cheek thoughtfully as he waited for his cab. When it finally arrived, he decided that he would start with getting a hotel room for the night. It wouldn't do him any good to wander aimlessly through the city, and blasting around shouting his best friend's name wasn't any better. As he got into the back of the cab, he directed the driver to take him to the nearest hotel that had at least a four star rating.
He barely glanced at the driver as he buckled himself in and pulled his phone back out and immediately began pulling up different local news channels and articles, searching for anything that might mention Red Riot. Bakugo knew his best friend well enough that Kirishima wouldn't be able to stay away from hero work even if he was just volunteering. That redheaded bastard had a heart of gold. Even if he was supposed to be taking time off, the meathead would still want to be involved in keeping the public safe. However, his searches were pulling up empty. Bakugo ground his teeth with frustration as the cab came to a stop in front of a ritzy hotel. Defeated for the moment, he shoved his phone into his pocket and got out with a growl and paid the driver. It had only been two days. Something was bound to come up, eventually.
At the receptionist desk, he requested a suite, but, to his ire, they attempted to refuse him. He was young and probably looked like he couldn't afford it or might be trying to scam them. This only served to piss him off as he yelled at them for profiling. He wasted not a second as he pulled out his hero license and flashed it at them. It was almost comical how quickly their tunes changed and they nearly bent over backwards to accommodate him. They offered to charge the bill to his agency, which he refused since he wasn't in the area for business. They gave him the hero discount instead, and only charged him half price. He wanted to refuse that, too, but he was too exhausted to put up much of a fight. When he finally got into his room, it was much later than he was used to staying up. It didn't help that he hadn't slept much the night before, either. Dropping his bag on the floor, he flopped face down on the bed and fell almost immediately to sleep.
Bakugo jolted awake to loud knocking on his bedroom door. His bedroom? Had he dreamt going to Chiba? With a groan, he got up and opened the door. Kirishima was there. Bakugo blinked, puzzled, as he saw Sero and Kaminari moving various furniture out of Kirishima's room. His gaze turned back to Kirishima who smiled sadly. "Hey, man, just wanted to let you know that I've decided to move out. It'll be better this way." Bakugo's brow furrowed in confusion. Huh?
"You were too much of an asshole!" Kaminari shouted as he passed by with that stupid muscle clock that Kirishima insisted on keeping. His heart kicked up in his chest. What? Had he really taken things too far? He scrutinized the redhead's grimacing expression.
"Well, that was a bit harsh, but Kami isn't exactly wrong, either." Kirishima gave a dismissive shrug. "I'm tired of being shut out all time. You can't even be honest about how you feel about me." His expression turned sad. "Why didn't you just tell me that you liked me? Too bad it's too late, now."
Bakugo shook his head, his jaw dropping in disbelief. "Wait, you knew how I felt?"
But Kirishima didn't answer his question as he turned away. "Goodbye, Bakugo." Bakugo tried to shout, yell for him to stop, but his voice felt frozen in his throat. Unwilling to let the only person he'd ever loved just walk away, he chased after Kirishima down the hall. Lunging forward, he grabbed onto the redhead's hands with the intention of stopping him. The moment their hands clasped, however, they were suddenly soaring over Kamino. Kirishima's hand tightened around his for a moment as he gave Bakugo a sad smile. "I'm sorry, but it's time for me to let go." And Kirishima did. Bakugo found his hand empty as he began to fall back towards the earth. Tears sprang to his eyes as the wind whipped around him and the realization that he'd lost his best friend hit him in the chest.
He was unable to summon his quirk and save himself, but he was unsure if he really wanted to. The fall went on forever, it seemed, but he finally came down. Rather than landing on the hard ground, however, he was plunged into thick slime. It swallowed him up so quickly, filling his nose, ears, and mouth. It was so thick that struggling was useless. He recognized this feeling. He'd been trapped like this before. His body curled in on itself, unable to breathe and unable to hear. Kirishima would come and save him, right? Surely, he would. That's what he did as a hero. Surely... surely...
If only you hadn't been such an asshole...
Bakugo gasped as he bolted upright in the hotel bed, chest heaving as sweat drenched his skin. His hands shook as they grasped the blankets tightly beside him. Fuck. He hadn't had the sludge villain nightmare in months. Not since... Not since Kirishima had started sleepwalking and sleeping in his bed. With a heavy groan, he flopped down on his back and glared up at the ceiling. It was final, then. As soon as he could find Kirishima, Bakugo had to come clean about his feelings. If he didn't, the misunderstandings between them would never end. If his nightmare was anything to go by, he'd much rather be emotionally rejected than lose his best friend forever.
Bakugo did not go back to sleep after his nightmare, feeling much too disturbed and a bit panicky. Instead, he turned on the news and sat at the desk with his phone. He rubbed at his dry eyes, pulling up a web browser, and began to research the agencies in the area. Knowing his best friend, he ignored the bigger agencies and focused instead on the smaller ones. Kirishima would want to help where he would be most useful, but not want to draw too much attention to himself. To Bakugo's bewilderment, the redhead still struggled with his sense of self worth. Personally, Bakugo thought he was powerful and perfect.
There were several small and nondescript agencies, at least six, but there was only one that was under current scrutiny for being understaffed. If it couldn't bring on some new sidekicks soon, the agency would most likely shut down. It was the perfect agency to catch the attention of Red Riot. After a little more research, he found a small café that sat directly across the street from the agency where he could stake it out. At least he'd have coffee, and maybe something he could eat if he got hungry. With a heavy sigh, he let his phone flop flat onto the desk as he turned his gaze out the window. The sun was rising already, painting the sky in reds and oranges with its golden light. Nothing from the news had caught his attention while he had done his online search, so he clicked off the television with the remote before digging around in his duffel bag. He quickly brushed his teeth, then pulled on a baseball cap with some aviators as a disguise, made sure he had his wallet, and set out for the café so that he could watch for the redhead. Even though he'd walked, Bakugo had still managed to make it fairly early to the café. Too early for Kirishima to show up quite yet. So, he ordered his first cup of coffee and relaxed into a booth he'd requested by the front window.
As he waited and watched, it gave him a chance to reflect on his behavior over the past few years. He'd started at UA a little more than rough around the edges. Even so, Kirishima had latched onto him and refused to let go. Loyal almost to a fault. No matter what Bakugo did to shake him, the idiot kept coming back like a dog with his bone. But that didn't mean Bakugo deserved his best friend's kindness. Sure, even he could admit that he'd developed a softer demeanor towards his best friend, though that didn't stop his bad attitude and harsh insults. Kirishima just always seemed to accept that as part of who he was, calling him out only when he took things too far. As his feelings grew towards the redhead, Kirishima was able to get away with more and more around him. Everyone else he still barely managed to tolerate, and it worried him if their other friends could see through him as they often did. No one had brought it up, though, so he tried not to be paranoid.
"S....ir..... sir? Excuse me, sir?" Bakugo suddenly became aware of the waitress trying to get his attention. He turned to her with an unimpressed frown.
"Hah?" His gaze flicked behind her, noticing for the first time the TV mounted on the wall.
"I, um, I was wondering if you'd like something to eat?" She flushed softly as though she realized she might be bothering him. Before he could tell her to fuck off, he paused as he imagined Kirishima berating him for being asshole. All without actually calling him an asshole.
His heart twinged. "Ah, no." Bakugo pointed to the television. "Do you mind changing that to the local news, though? And turn it up." He paused. "Please." His chest warmed as he thought how proud Kirishima would have been of him as the waitress gave him a smile.
"Sure. I'll be around, so please let me know if you change your mind on eating anything." He watched as she hurried away to change the TV like he'd asked. He gave it enough of his attention just long enough to determine if it was the channel he wanted, then returned to watching outside. With one ear turned towards the television, he listened to what was being said while his gaze shifted through the passing pedestrians.
Part 5
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100 Follower Party
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Guess who hit 100 followers! (Now 109)
This girlll
And I wanna be sappy for a sec and thank all of you for your support on my blog. Even though 100 isn't a large number in the whole scheme of things, it's still a lot of people who enjoy what I put out. And for that, thank you guys so much for encouraging me to keep on moving forward.
In honor of this achievement, I've decided to throw a little party (as one does) Down below, I'll have listed the requirements and things that you get to do at the party!
To request, I only ask that you reblog this post! You don't have to be following me to request something, although it'd be nice.
All requests must be one of two fandoms. Up until now, I've only been writing for Harry Potter.
Now, I'm officially declaring that I'll be writing for the Netflix series Julie and the Phantoms, also. We'll see how I feel about writing for them full time, after the party.
For now, requests are open until the 21st at midnight! I may decide to change this depending on how many requests I get.
I'll happily write any gender pairings! You just have to specify pronouns in your request, or they'll probably be she/her!
I'll list the character's I'll write for below, along with "genres" I'll write for.
Harry Potter || Ron Weasley || Fred Weasley || George Weasley || Draco Malfoy || Neville Longbottom || Newt Scamander
Hermione Granger || Ginny Weasley || Luna Lovegood
Luke Patterson || Alex || Reggie || Julie || platonic!Flynn
Fluff || Angst || (some) Smut
Make sure to mention that it's for the party, or it'll get put with my other requests!
Party Games:
1) Moodboards
You send in a request specifying a house, houses, or character, you'd like it to be for, and the situation.
Ex. Slytherin moodboard for a summer wedding
Ex. Being best friends with the Weasley twins
Ex. First date with Luke
2) Ships
Send in a description of yourself (however long you like) anon or not, and I'll pair you with someone! You'll also get a small headcannon with said character. Make sure to state from which fandom!
3) Blurb
Because I take forever getting requests out, you can send in a blurb idea! This way, I can get lots of people done in a small amount of time. They will be significantly shorter.
4) Reaction
Send me an imagine, fic, etc. and I'll give my honest opinion of it! If can be yours or someone else's. (Just make sure it's one of the previously stated fandoms)
5) Request requirements
If you request for Harry Potter, make sure to include what house you are in, etc.
When requesting for Julie and the Phantoms, make sure to state if reader is a lifer or ghost, and if the character is a lifer or ghost.
6) Extra info!
I am still working on any requests that I have already received! Don't think that I've forgotten about you, because I haven't. It takes me a while to complete requests because I only want to give you guys the best.
If it makes a difference to how quick you would like to see your requests, moodboards are produced pretty quickly. Then blurbs and then ships. So be on the lookout depending on what you request!
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Escape Plan | Matsukawa Issei x F!Reader [mafia!AU]
This took me SO MUCH TIME to write aaaaaah it's not surprising that it's so long :0 i just have many many feelings for Matsukawa Issei ALSO im begging y'all to listen to the playlist before/as you read please !!
Im kinda pissed that i cant add a "read more" option since im on mobile tho :\
(Also ngl at first i planned to get one of the 2 shot but i didn't have the heart to go thru with it)
Warnings : Fluff, it starts with humor but at some point it gets angsty ???? Idk y'all tell me
- Au that could be considered as a ennemies-to-lovers type of situation
[Tags] : @raevaioli and @haikoo like i cannot stress this enough @haikoo this your main manz
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- if you could only use one sentence to describe your job to a Karen it would be : stealing from the rich in order to trick other rich people
- you had been what the people would call a spy for most of your life now, the Tokyo based Nekoma Organisation being something close to a family
- you worked with both of your very good friends, Kuroo Testurou and Kozume Kenma
- Kuroo, the leader of your little squad, had been the first one to open up to you when you joined
- he was a gifted chemistry genius and you were sure he could make any poison or soporific out of the most random stuff
- he also had insane combat and physical abilities which made him fit to act in a lab as well as on mission grounds
- Kenma was a little more reserved at first, he was the same age as you but still was really reluctant to accept you as one of his own at first
- when he saw how much Kuroo trusted you and how interested you were in his work he slowly but surely found himself caring for you
- to put it simply Kenma, better known as "apple pi" was a hacker. His job ranged from creating computer viruses to full on enabling the security of whole museums
- despite his cute appearance and shy demeanor he was probably the scariest of you three
- finally, you Y/L L/N was the infiltration and weapons expert of the group, you could weild literally anything from guns, to swords to,,,,,metal rods (but you don't wanna talk about this one) and you were of great help when deciding which infiltration angle was the best in missions
- Kuroo, under the orders of Boss Nekomata, quickly taught you the dangers and ways of the job during your first months working with them, the organisation specializing in outsmarting rich bastards and stealing their precious ressources in order to make "better use of them"
- if they were hoarding a particularly efficient brand of medicine, your goal was to steal it all, and sell it to people in need for free or a low price
- if they were in possession of some important object like let's say,,,,,the construction plans for the emperor's new vacation house, you stole it, made copies to sell at a high price to the highest bidder and your good affiliate, the Fukurodani Corporation would keep an eye on the original as part of their personnal collection, you were fine with that
- yeah they were others organisations like that in Tokyo, your friends from the Fukurodani Corp of course but also the Shiratorizawa elite crime group with who you had worked a couple times before
- ah and there was the Yakuzas too....honestly they were the only group in Tokyo with whom you were still on dangerous terms with
- they didn't like Nekoma in their affairs and you didn't like them in yours, but you tolerated each other
- your boss had established a truce with the representant of the big Yakuza group of your area, Kondo "the viper" Takara, a truly scary woman who had blasted her way to the one of the top positions of the hierarchy
- she even had a cool nickname ヾ(`ε´)ノ
- but you knew better than to mess with them
- all in all y'all kept doing your jobs well, not bothering anybody
- except for one remaining rivalry with some Miyagi group
- the Aoba Johsai Institution.
- well, rivalry would be a strong word because you kinda got along with that Iwaizumi guy, he was a great hand to hand combat fighter and you respected that
- the others however ? Trash. 👁3👁
- they seem to act like Tokyo will be their territory in the next 5 seconds flat like ??
- "they be acting like they can just swoop in and eat OUR rich" you had told Kuroo and Kenma one day over ramen
- spoiler alert : it was a bad idea cause Kuroo snorted and almost made the noodles go up his nose
- no but seriously they always seemed to take advantage of YOUR missions to attract attention
- how did they even know which missions you were on anyway ??? (Kenma and Kunimi are actually good friends cause they play video games together but he'd never tell you that)
- it's like that one time you infiltrated a business company's heir's residence and then you came across a dude named Hanamaki and you had the HARDEST time whisper shouting to him how blowing up the whole place was a bad idea to retrieve one (1) diamond
- at the end you felt so tired that you gave it to him anyway ಥ_ಥ ("just take it ffs" "really ??" "Don't make me regret this")
- they also had the single worst person ever on one of their teams.
- Matsukawa Issei
- just thinking about it made you want to take your metal bat and break something in your shared room with your two other friends
- seriously that guy was like the epitome of clownery
- he's also supposed to be his team's gun expert except that's not the best task for someone who refuses to take anything with him but his freaking FISTS
- the first time you had met y'all ended up being on the same case to assassinate some guy who had kidnapped some cute freckled kid from a place in Miyagi called Karasuno
- you had Kenma on the earbud telling you about the guy's position in the club you were currently one street away from. You were posted on the rooftop of a building with a sniper rifle ready to get done with it and go save the kid but GUESS WHO COMES IN FISTS SWINGING WHEN YOU LITERALLY HAD THE TARGET IN SIGHT
- and he had the nerve to look straight toward your rifle's aim and flip you off while smirking
- sir you're about to catch these hands🚶🏽
- he had knocked him out alright and he got the young boy out but you were NOT ready to let that slide so you quickly got down and crossed path with him at the back exit of the club
- "what exactly do you think you were doing in there ?" Listen. You may have sounded confident enough saying that but you had NO idea that this dude was like a whole ass giraffe
- and he knew he was tall so he had the audacity to say
- "sorry can't hear you so well from down there midget, i was just doing my job (▰˘◡˘▰)" if it weren't for the karasuno boy being right there you would have stabbed his kneecaps on sight
- anyway after that y'all just seemed to run into each other wayyyy too often
- insults were shared just as often tho
- "well butter my buns and call me betty broker if it isn't my sweet little midget shooting people !"
- "stfu before i choke you"
- "kinky but can you reach my neck ?"
- "you've sunk low enough"
-so yeah f u n  t i m e s
- aside from that, business was going great but Kuroo had had news of a very important mission for you but he insisted on letting Boss Nekomata tell you about it himself for some reason
- he'd never done that :(
- you were kinda hurt that your best friend was hiding stuff from you tbh :(
- and Kenma did not seem to know more than you for now
- so you spent a whole week just mopping around
- sometimes you would go and poke fun and the newbie Lev Haiba but it wasn't the same
- Kuroo and Kenma kept working on missions while you were left waiting for that one assignment that Nekomata seemed to keep you for
- until today when Kuroo finally told you that the boss was requesting you in his office
- ngl you were EXCITED
- maybe you would have to zipline down the Tokyo tower (σ≧▽≦)σ maybe he was going to let you take a chainsaw with you this time (σ≧▽≦)σ
- maybe he- "oh" you deadpanned, stepping foot into the office and seeing none other than your arch nemesis, Matsukawa Issei in all his pisces clown glory
- "why tf are you there shitty eyebrows"
- "i had a good day too Y/N ! thanks for asking :D" today was the day. You were 100% ready to kill him and the knife that was attached to your thigh strap seemed like such a good option rn-
- "stop it you two. Y/N take a sit" Nekomata gestured, as you didn't hesitate to listen to your superior even fully aware of Mattsun's eyes annoyingly following your every movement
-"Okay so. Y/N i know you may be wondering why Matsukawa's here but to put it simply we've been informed that a rich family have gotten their hands on one of Aoba Johsai's rarest item : a gold engraved katana that belonged to their first boss"
- "so what do you need us for ?" You didn't mean to use "us" but you knew better than to piss off your boss, he was like a parental figure come on
- "i need you guys to infiltrate an auction held by said family and steal it back in the span of one week. It's up to you to work together or not but keep in mind that our arrangement states that we're autorised to make copies of the katana for future sells."
- you guys nodded, after all you were professionnals before everything and you were about to leave when Nekomata put something on the table
- "here are the keys to your appartment near the auction site it'll be your hideout !"
-.....now this had to be a cruel joke-
- "id rather sleep under a bridge then live with her for a whole week"
- "wow this is the first time we agree on something Mattsun" the oh so familiar nickname dripped in venom as you said it, unsure of what was supposed to happen
- "oh yes you could but i suppose that you don't have the supplies and tools that you will definitely need during that mission :)"
- you locked eyes with the brunette for a minute before reluctantly stomping to the table and grabbing hold of the keys and adress written on a paper, storming out of the door,  letting out a loose "come on shitty eyebrows we have data to collect" to your new....partner ? Ugh it was about to be a long week
-  it turns out the appartment was a lot smaller than you hoped for, with two single person beds, a computer post and different storing purposed furniture
- it was a common thing however, because the last thing an undercover spy would want is to draw attention with a flashy hideout
- the first step was to gather information on who would be at the auction which shouldnt be too hard
- "hey ill take the lead and contact my friend so that he can determine who is going to be here" you said as you sat on the chair in front of the computer
- "mm yeah you do that ill check what kind of weapons have been provided to us" Mattsun had no difficulty finding them as the drawers well full of them....this was very promising
- Kenma had just sent you the list of people that had been invited to the event, and you recognised many names as being members of the powerful Yakuza group lead by Konda Takara, of course.....the infamous viper herself
- you called out to Mattsun to show him and briefly explained what they were up too and how they usually fonctionned
- the auction was to take place the last 3 days after an opening party, leaving the rest of the week for preparations
- they usually took their time in comitting their crimes so you thought that stopping them mid plan by taking advantage of it was the best way to get the sword
- Mattsun didn't have anything to say for the moment, seemingly thoughtful about the whole situation
- "just so you know" you started, already regretting the decision of talking in your head, "i don't plan on being friends with you anytime soon but i feel like for this we should at least try not to rip each other's hair out"
- "i never planned on that second option"
- "huh ?"
- "i hope you know that we've never had a single conversation without insults of some kind before so for the sake of both of us it would be better to actually get to know each other since we're supposed to work together"
- you hated to admit it
- but he was right
- however you didn't comment on it, opting for throwing him a dry "let's sleep" before plopping yourself on your own bed on the other side of the room
- this is about to be one hell of a week
-3 days had passed in the crammed appartement both you and Mattsun struggling to inform yourself on each specific individual that was going to be present at the auction
- right now, you were both sitting on the floor, wearing simple oversized shirts and pyjama pants and shorts, cheese pizza box laying on top of the document covered surface
- "Mattsun, pass me the paper about Okuda Takeda please" :000
- Matsukawa froze, because he knew that in 2 days of living together y'all had establised that you wouldn't be at each other's throats
- but hearing you using his nickname unironically and saying please ???? That was still something he had to get used to
- "what are you staring at ? Give me the paper shitty eyebrows >:[" ah there she was
- "thats my girl" he thought, handing you the document and resuming his own reading
- here's the catch : Mattsun was head over heels in love with you since like day 1 that Hanamaki told him about this pretty girl who let him take the diamond from his mission. He tried to repress his feelings as he had noticed that you seemed way closer with your friend Kuroo who he had seen on missions with you
- maybe you liked him
- he would understand, he seemed way more confident than him and he was also probably way smarter since he was a genius and all
- also the way you were always soft to him and not Matsukawa kinda got to him
- he wanted you to hug HIM after a mission too and NOT insult him
- but he judged it for the better as he still got to be close to you in his own way with the playful fights you always seemed to pick with him
- it was easier than confronting his feelings or rejection
- this mission proved to make things so much harder for him tho
- like yeah he saw you being a badass plenty of other times but now ?
- he got to see you being all clingy and grumpy in the morning (he never knew being called a dumbass while you were falling back asleep on his shoulder was his thing but hey) , got to see your nose scrunch up when you were focusing on mapping out the position of the vent system of the venue
- he could go on for hours about how much he loved you and your plan was not making it easy.....profiting off the yakuzas' plan took way too much waiting and he understood that you wanted it to go as well as possible but he just couldn't keep living like this until then
- it felt like torture
- and he did not want to see you in that gorgeous dress that you were supposed to wear at the auction during the infiltration
- he knew that a couple more days could drive him crazy and make him do dumb shit like kissing you
- he had thought about that a lot of times but never brought himself to do it because je knew it was pointless
- he had to take action now
- the night of the opening ceremony, the day before the Yakuzas would start their scheme
- both of you were laying in your beds, awake, that was a habit you had developped over the past nights, you were just, aware of each other's presence and then sometime you would ask him something about his life, his friends, himself
- it made his heart beat too fast everytime and he could feel himself falling even more by the second when he heard you giggling talking about the time you pulled a prank on your friend Yaku with Kuroo
- he knew that you were already very sleepy from the way you were slurring your words
- "Y/N do you hate me ?" He said, abruptly and he heard a strangled laugh coming from you followed up by the question
- "what's that for dummy ?"
- "please answer" he asked in a whisper, sounding almost desperate
- you took a second to think about it
-you had grown quite close to your tall partner in such a short period of time, even letting your guard down and stopping from being so defensive
- "i don't hate you....i could never" you said the last part more to yourself tho but Matsukawa didn't miss it, he wished he did as he heard the soft sighs coming from your now sleeping form
- his heart ached as he got up, putting on his black coat over his mathing turtleneck shirt, taking his gun and spare map of the auction venue
- you were totally going to hate him now....
- and then he left for the opening party
- the rain was pouring outside
- for some reason you couldn't sleep well that night
- that only happened whenever Kuroo was out on a mission at night or Kenma was working in his office
- you hated sleeping alone, you couldn't do it
- being alone was the one thing you dreaded the most in your life, death was nothing if nobody knew where you were, if nobody aknowledged your existence you weren't alive
- but Mattsun was there and you trusted him.
- yeah you were kind of an ass to him during like 90% of your interactions with him but you just didn't know how to talk to him ??? He was so strong and good at what he did so you couldn't help but feel admiration but also intimidation
- yet you've felt probably more comfortable with him than anyone in your life (yes even Kuroo and Kenma weirdly enough)
- it was a nice feeling
- maybe it was because you saw him differently than them...
- but anyway
- you felt like yourself around him
- and yet
- why couldn't you sleep ?
- "Mattsun ?" You called out to him, voice cracked from not having used it for a while
- no answer
- maybe he didn't hear you over the rain....?
- you had a bad feeling about this
- "Mattsun ?" You called out a little louder, sitting up
- yep definitely
- you turned on the light and to your surprise, Matsukawa was nowhere in sight
- your heart sunk at the realization
- you were alone
- what about the plan ? Ah its true that he never said anything about it
- did he not trust you enough with it ? Did he think you were too assertive ?
- you wanted to cry but it seemed as if your brain wasn't working, your body rushing on its own to check the date and time on your phone : past 10pm on thursday night.....
- the opening party !
- "shit shit shit he must have gone there to take them by surprise wtf is he thinking doing this alone?" You thought aloud, maybe it would trick your body into not being scared
- at this point you were terrified, rushing to get the red dress on as well as putting your 2 guns under each of your thigh straps
- is he alone ? Surrounded by highly trained and dangerous Yakuzas ? What if....you were too late ?
- you didn't have time to think too much about it as you knew that this kind of thoughts led nowhere.
- you had to infiltrate that party the fastest you've ever done in your life and see for yourself, luckily, the venue was only a few crossroads away from your appartment
- truth was Mattsun's plan was not so bad
- after all you had insisted on making him find info on every staff member there too so it's thanks to you if he just so happened to know what type of guy that one waitress liked in order to flirt with her and convince her that he had forgotten his watch in one of the closed off aeras of the venue
- the place was absolutly gigantic, after all it was a mansion bought will illegal money
- he hated this, he just wanted to get it over with, retrieve the sword, gtfo and go back to Miyagi forever so that he wouldn't feel the pain of the illusion of being by your side when you were clearly far ahead of him
- you'd always been anyway
- he had finally reached the generator room and opened the vents with much difficulty as the room was a mess of cardboard boxes and storage shelves
- he was just going to cut the power, which would take about 15 minutes to get back, allowing him to go thru the vents to the main hall that was right thru the wall to his side, retrieve the sword and just make a run for it
- hopefully the rain would cover most of the sound he made so that was even better
- see that would have been great if he hadn't felt the icy cold metal of a gun at the nape of his neck as he was fiddling with the generator
- he had been caught.
- it was the end.
- shit he fucked the whole mission over and now even you didn't have a chance to-
- "what exactly do you think you're doing Mattsun ?" You said coldly even tho the hurt in your tone didnt go unnoticed by the taller man
- "haha Y/N whatchu doing here on this fine night ? You look stunning btw"
- "Cut the crap shitty eyebrows i asked you a question"
- you finally lowered your gun allowing your harsh glare to show how upset you truly were
- damn, Matsukawa really felt shitty :\
- he'd never seen you like that- well not soaked from the rain but....so vulnerable to him
- all your feelings talks happened in the dark of night in your hideout, he'd never seen your face look so pained before
- "I did what was best for both us..."
- "bullshit." He wasn't sure that he believed himself either to be honest
- "what the fuck are you even doing anyway ? I thought you and i were in this mission together ?? Did nothing matter to you ? I finally think that i found someone who i could trust other than my fucking family and that's what you do ? Ditch me for your own profit ?? You did what was best for your damn self Matsukawa"
- you were upset. He got it really, his insecurities had gotten the best of him like they often did....except he didn't have the strength to confront them, to confront you about it. So he got it and he didn't retaliate.
- "so what ?? You're not even going to say anything ?? Not even TRY to fucking apologize ? Do you really don't care ?" You searched for his eyes, but little did you know that he just....couldn't talk nor maintain eye contact with you right now
- "Mattsun...i thought you and i had...something ? I don't know maybe i hallucinated or some shit but i thought we were at least friends you know ? D-did you ever tolerate me at all ?"
- your voice cracked, it got lower and it cracked, and at that moment he was sure his heart broke right at this instant too
- he wanted to tell you that that was the farthest thing from the truth
- he wanted to tell you that he loved you
- but you were too far. Once again, you were miles ahead of him, more than ever
- and the sound of voices coming from the corridor did NOT HELP
- you could not afford being found here so with the professionalism left in you, you pushed your feelings away and pulled Mattsun behind a shelf, crouching and waiting
- you were so close he could feel you shivering from the cold and he felt so so bad
- but now was not really the moment
- "didn't you hear shouting ?" Shit. Maybe you should have waited until getting out of here for your heart to heart because this guard was definitely not trippin
- there were 2, luckily they didn't have the idea to split up to search the room, all you had to do was move low and close to the walls in order reach the door and well....the katana literally could not matter less to any of y'all rn
- at this moment you really regretted going out in such a hurry completly forgetting to contact Kenma, he could have hacked into the camera system and told you were they were so easily.....
- anyway, despite that you guys were stealthy enough to get out if the room
- now the problem was getting out of here.....
- you held Mattsun's wrist loosely as you ran thru the corridor of the building, thunder raging and labored breathing filling the silence
- "Y/N we could get out from the rooftop !" Right....if you could only get there then maybe you could just parcour your way out of this by getting on other rooftops....damn you were glad Matsukawa always thought of every escape plan possible
- you didn't really mean what you said earlier
- yes, you were disappointed but, you were also scared for his dumbass
- and rn may not be the best moment to realize it as you were most likely in a life of death situation but....you loved him
- fuck you loved him so much that you were running in a goddamn dress right now
- "i truly hoped it wasn't you" said a voice from the end of the lobby
- of course it just had to be the Yakuza boss you dreaded so much
- Kondo was just standing there, arms crossed but you knew better than to take her lightly
- "did you come to retrieve it ?" Its funny how her voice seemed to dominate even the full on storm outside, the occasional lightning bolt shining light from the huge windows into the corridor
- "No....let us pass please we just want to leave" Mattsun felt how tensed you were and immediatly rested his hand on his gun handle under his coat
- "yeah sure sweetheart but only if you tell your guard dog to calm down unless he wants me to cut his fingers clean off" she threatened nonchalantly as her hand met the handle of her own katana strapped to her belt
- Matsukawa was deadass glaring at her so hard you didn't recognise him
- he honestly looked like he could take her on but...you didn't feel like testing this theory tonight
- "hey hey, it's alright" you soothed him, putting your hand on his arm and squeezing slightly
- it seemed to work because he quickly let go of his gun even tho he was still glaring
- "let us go" he said firmly
- she pushed herself out of the way and motionned with her arm as if to say "go on~" in the most theatrical way
- you passed her without issues and soon found yourself on the roofs as planned in Mattsun's escape route and made it safely to the streets, rain still pouring
- you were finally letting out a breathe you didn't know you were holding all this time
- you were alive and most importantly, so was he
- you turned around and were ready to say something when he cut you off by grabbing your arms and pulling you into a kiss
- it was short but it managed to get his point across very well as well as warm you up when he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his forehead against yours
- "i love you Y/N....i swear i didn't mean to hurt you and put you in danger like that....if i knew i would have done things differently i-"
- "i love you too Mattsun and it's never been a problem to me, i've done way more dangerous things in my life than rescue my boyfriend from getting killed dummy"
- in the end, you weren't alone
- somehow he had become, your escape plan from it
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littleliv1 · 6 years
I Was Born To Love You- Ben Hardy fanfic- Part Three
Hello, loves! Loving the feed back in getting on this series! It’s for sure a long one, but I hope you guys are enjoying it!
Summary: Leah and the crew flew to London to film the Live Aid performance. She opens up to Brian about her life.
Warnings: sadness, death, angst
Soon enough, Monday rolled around. It was 4 am. I grabbed my packed bags, pretty much filled with half my wardrobe and all of the make up and face/hair products I could take on the plane. I grabbed my passport, keys, purse, and phone and left for the guys' house. They were all staying in one big frat house that they had rented. After picking them up, I also picked up Bryan, Brian, and Roger.
'Austin has barely spoken to me since Tuesdasy.'
I drove to the airport. Everyone was asleep, after all, the flight left at 5 am. It was a long flight to say the least. I sat in between Ben and Gwilym. I connected with the two better anyways. Gwilym slept the whole time, and Ben complained that his back hurt and he was so tired that he couldn't sleep. I felt more like a babysitter at that moment. I comforted him and played with his hair until he fell asleep. I also fell asleep. I felt myself starting to dream.
There he was. My beautiful girl. I carried her with me for 9 months, she was 12 days early. She was so eager to get here. She loves playimg dress up. She was so outgoing. She had my eyes. I loved her so much more than I could imagine. I felt the love of my life behind me, holding me, kissing my neck. "We made that," I said, cradling his arms in mine. "We sure did." That wasn't Austin's voice. Who was this? I turned around to the familiar blonde who was currently next to me. I gasped.
I gasped so hard, I woke up. I woke up to my phone going crazy. Joe had tagged me in a picture on Instagram. It was a picture of the three of us; Gwil with his mouth wide open, dead asleep and mine and Bens heads against each other's sleeping as well. I smiled at the cuteness of the two, until I saw the comments.
'Who the hell is she?'
'Does he know she's married?'
'Her poor husband :('
They all assumed we were an item. I don't understand. "Um, Joe?" I said quietly. "What's up?" He said. "I really adore this picture, but would you mind taking it down? It's he comments," I said. He looked at it, and he looked shocked. "I'm so sorry, yes of course." He said. And with that, the picture was gone. Out of sight out of mind.
Hours later, we arrived in London. I had booked the hotel in advance, making sure the top floor of the nicest hotel in the area was reserved for them. The cast stayed in the rooms upstairs, the crew in the floor below. I figured it'd help with keeping the pap and crazy fans out. I made sure security was at its finest so the cast could from one place to another, safely. Once we arrived at the hotel, I showed everyone to their rooms. The guys requested to share a room, so I made sure they got the biggest room. It had two king sized beds. The guys, Bryan, Brian, Roger, and I had a quick meeting. I explained to all of them the plan, where everything was, and how transportation needed to go.
Rami raised his hand. "You don't have to raise your hand, Ram." I said. "Where are you sleeping?" He asked, the other guys responding with "yeah?" I laughed a bit. "I'm a few doors down. I've got the second biggest room." I said point to the direction of your room and flipping your hair. "Mmmm, no you need to sleep here with us." Gwilym said. "Who else will protect us?" Joe chimed in. "I'm your assistant, not your body guard." I said giggling a bit. I really was their babysitter. "Please, Leah? Pretty pretty please?" Ben whined. "I'll stay in here for as long as you want but I'm sleeping in my room, end of discussion. I'm married, remember?" I said, showing my beautiful ring. Ben looked at me, raising his eye brows. Only he knew what had happened. "I'm starving," Roger said. "Where can we eat?" "You guys can stay in my room and eat. My bags are unpacked and my room is ready, someone else is coming up here with your bags. I would unpack them for you but those are your personal belongings and I wouldn't feel comfortable with touching them. I've ordered some room service, I already know what you all like, so you guys can head over to my room," I said handing Bryan my key. "And chill out there for a bit. Just don't go through my stuff." I said. Everyone got up, Ben was the last out. Before he left, it was just us two in the room.
"How are things?" He said looking at my arm, the bruises had gone away. I nodded my head. "Okay. Could be better. Hasn't really talked to me. He's only come home before 3 am once last week." He could tell I had been holding these feelings in. "It sounds like to me you need to talk to someone about it. Get a second opinion." He said crossing his arms. I shrugged my shoulders. "Not much to talk about, really. He started to get really possessive and jealous when I took the job as assistant to Bryan. He's convinced that you all won't respect me. He didn't even care that I was leaving for a month or more. He only makes love to me when he's drunk, and it's not even passionate anymore. Just drunk, messy, and to be blunt, short. It's like he doesn't love me anymore but I know that's not true, I don't think." I said. I realized I had been rambling on for a while, I rambled myself near to tears.
I looked up at him and he seemed genuinely hurt by that fact that I'm hurting. I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a knock at the door and it opened slowly. "Bags, ma'am." A man said. "It's okay, come on in, leave them out infront if the beds, the boys can choose where they sleep." I said to him. He obeyed, and left to deliver more bags. "Sorry. I just can't really deal with this right now. It's best that we have this break, maybe this is just what we needed right now, a break. I don't want to focus on it, I want to focus on the movie." I said. I nodded at your comment. "Yeah." I said walking out of the room, into my room.
"Leah, you're a genius. How'd you know what we all liked?" Brian said. I laughed a bit. "It's my job to know." I said. I hadn't finished unpacking my bathroom bag, so I grabbed that and start to unpack it. "Hey, where's Ben?" Rami asked. "Probably still in your all's room. Your bags are in there, he might just be unpacking his. You all need to pick your beds." I said from the bathroom. Joe jumped up, running out the door. "I call next to Ben!" He yelled running to his room. The others followed. As I was unpacking, I saw some feminine hygiene things, which reminded me. I hadn't started yet. What day was it? I forgot when I started, but my period was never regular. I just knew I hadn't had one yet this month, and the month was almost over. 'Oh god please no...'  I thought to myself. I couldn't have a baby, not right now at least. Not until he was better. Because he was sick. That's why he hurts me. He's just sick. While I was staring at it, Brian came to the door, knocking quietly. He smiled nicely at me. "Everything alright?" He asked, leaning against the door. "Oh, uh, yeah." I said, throwing them in your bathroom box, it was three drawers on wheels to keep things in when I'm away for long periods of time. "Anything I can do you for, sir?" I asked, making eye contact. The way he looked reminded me of my parents. It was hard to look at him but harder to look away. He shook his head. "No, not at the moment. You don't have to call me sir, love. Just Brian will be okay." He said smiling again. I nodded your head. I didn't mean to seem tense, but I couldn't help it.
"It's just you and me in here right now, but I want to get to know you, if that's alright." He said. "Alright, what would you like to know?" I said leaving the bathroom, sitting at the small table provided in my room. He sat across from me, facing the door. "Tell me about when you first listened to Queen." He said. "Hmm," I hummed, I don't really remember Queen becoming part of my life, they just were. "I can't say I remember, no. My parents," I choked at that word. "My parents, really enjoyed the music. Went to concerts all over the world, followed your A Night At The Opera tour, even. You all were part of our family. When Freddie died, it felt like they lost someone. It was very personal to them." I explained, chewing at my lip, praying he wouldn't ask what he was about to ask. "How did they react when you told them about this movie?" He asked curiously. I couldn't help but to get mad, but I couldn't show it at all, the man didn't know they were gone, it wasn't his fault.
'They were gone,' I thought.
I laughed to myself a bit. Not because it was funny, just ironic. I looked down, trying hard to not shed the tears that were already coming. "They, uh," I started. He grabbed my hand, he could tell this was hard for me. "They're no longer here." I said, wiping away the tears to keep my make up from running. He squeezed my hand, looking shocked and feeling the pain I felt. "They passed away in this crazy train wreck, it'll be two years next week actually. It happened about three hours south of here." I said trying not to lose control. "I haven't tried avoiding you or Roger by any means. It's just so painful still, but getting to know you two, two people who I've considered family my entire life, it's been incredible. Unreal. I'm so honored to assist you both." I said, looking in his eyes, with salty tears in mine. Right now, I just wanted Lola.
I felt a bond with him. Obviously not in a romantic, gross type of way. But I haven't felt a connection, a family connection, with someone in a while and I knew my body ached for it again.
"I'm so sorry, my love." He said. I shook my head. "No it's okay, I'm fine. It's still just so hard. I didn't have siblings, my parents, who were both only child's, are gone. My only family now is my husband and he comes home smelling like alcohol and uses me as a punching bag and a sex toy and-" I stopped myself when that came out. Brian grabbed my hand with his other hand. "You need to leave him, Leah. We're your family now." He said so genuinely. I shook my head. "No I'm just your assistant. That's all I'm good at is doing stuff for others. Not that I don't want to, I love helping you guys do things when you need help!" I said correcting myself, not wanting to sound ungrateful. I couldn't help but to break down. "I'm sorry." I said, I couldn't help but sob.
With that, my phone went off. The touring manager calls. I think it's about the set, there's been a lot of issues with that. "I'm sorry." I repeated. I felt bad because my problems weren't his and I know that, I just couldn't help telling him. And I left the room.
Ahh! So exciting finally getting to share this series! I might post part four later today. Hope you all are enjoying! Xx
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