#if for no other reason than more healer gear that isn't fucking white
asleepinawell · 2 years
had a dream that someone in a ffxiv raid told me to be an “anti-healer” which has just fed my craving for a necromancer healing job
abilities might include:
gauge fills as teammates take damage (true goth symbiosis with black mages)
pet can be summoned (zombie or skeleton or something). pet health can either be siphoned to a teammate (think faerie tether sort of idea), or pet melee attacks fill gauge
pet can be exploded for an aoe damage burst which fills gauge a chunk (emergency gauge fill for heals...sch has a similar thing with dismissing faerie). so the summon doesn’t have a time limit, but the pet can be sacrificed either by running out of health from siphoning or being exploded. there’s a cd for resummoning that starts at pet death
gauge is essentially ‘life energy’ that can be used for heals much like other healer gauges. maybe some extra benefit that fits aesthetically with necromancer
some large amount of gauge resource (maybe full bar?) allows for an instant rez of a teammate (basically free instant second rez when sc is on cd but at the cost of the instant heals from gauge)
i tried to think of a cool bonus for a teammate dying but i think that would just encourage the healers to let people die so that’s a no
lb3 summons a huge zombie or revenant type thing that blows up or turns into a hundred shades or something. it’s awesome and no one cans see anything on their screen for the duration. goth verblind
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