#if basim didn't actually have a son
💿, 💾, 💥, 🧠?
💿 Favourite Assassin's Creed Game?
AC: Origins! It's just so beautiful and I like how the plot goes from the tragedy of a child loosing their parent (Ezio in AC2 and Ratonhnhaké:ton in AC3) to Bayek and Aya setting the world on fire for vengeance for their son's death.
💾 Most Disliked Assassin's Creed Game?
AC Valhalla: Siege of Paris DLC. It wasn't at all what I thought it was going to be and was just an overall letdown to me personally.
💥 A Controversial Opinion about anything AC-related?
Hmm, Randvi being one of the ways you can betray Sigurd in ACV. I personally wasn't into Randvi because of the cheating plotline, so I didn't romance her. Ubisoft should have had something to replace the betrayal of being with Randvi for those of us who didn't go through with it, otherwise the whole betrayal plot looks goofy because there was no actual "betrayal" situation.
Also, Yu Shu Lien being a descendant of Eivor's bothers me. it's just Ubisoft recreating Kassandra's baby storyline all over again but worse because she's just a character for a roleplaying game that won't impact the future plot at all (Elipidios was at least in a DLC). We don't even know who Eivor's child is! That's how much of an afterthought this was. If Ubisoft is going to shoehorn another baby plotline into a popular female character life, at least make it mean something to the plot.
🧠 A Personal Headcanon?
Like Eivor and Sigurd, I don't believe Basim has been completely erased by Loki. I think they have a much more solid "blending" of their memories, shown by Basim's acceptance of Nehal and the Jinn at the end of ACM, compared to Havi's violent attempt to take over Eivor and whatever was going on with Sigurd and Tyr (I personally believe that was Sigurd in charge most of the time).
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caernua · 4 years
I'm really fascinated by the camp-fire scene because yeah at first thought, it seems like Basim is Loki referring to Odin, but also... There was never an indication that Loki trusted Odin or looked to him as a mentor, their relationship seems antagonistic from the asgard quests. So I'm wondering if that really is Basim referring to his own past, whether he had a mentor who took his son (I also wonder, if so, whether his son is actually dead, since he's never referred to as dead, only 'taken'.
i'm not very well versed in norse mythology, but i do think loki might have seen odin as a mentor, given that he is the All Father and the very essence of wisdom, at least until their relationship soured. after all, they were close enough to make a blood oath.
but i agree with you that basim might have lost an actual son! one thing @mariathorpe pointed out to me (during our lengthy convos about the campfire scene 👀) is that basim names a son during the campfire scene, while later in the game, loki says he wants to get his "children" back.
other than that, i think that reincarnations work as self fulfilling prophecies, and that's when their tethers to the isu get stronger. for eivor, it was when the wolf attacked her, for sigurd, it was when he lost his arm. i know basim mentions reading something in the library of baghdad that hints at him discovering his ancestry, but i think it's entirely possible that his son died or was taken the way fenrir was, and that's what strengthened loki's presence in his psyche.
also this might be entirely incorrect but i feel like loki's presence is seen in other cutscenes and his demeanor seems... different from the campfire scene?? we can't know for sure, but when sigurd finds the saga stone, basim watches eivor as she's getting a vision and he realizes she might be a sage as well, and he has this... comically evil smirk that is 100% loki lmao. the campfire scene feels more like he's opening up to a friend?? but it's loki, so he could just be acting. 🤷‍♀️ mf is acting well if so
and since basim mentions a mentor, i don't know... the brotherhood is fanatic enough to do fucked up shit like child abduction, why not 😬 never compromise the brotherhood right? the brotherhood of paris wasn't too keen on revenge, they even banished arno for killing the traitor who murdered their master, just because he was also an assassin and assassin on assassin violence is forbidden i guess.
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justal0wk3yg4mer · 3 years
Things I've Said: Assassin's Creed Valhalla (Spoilers)
Guess what I finally finished!!! Well actually I finished this game a few months ago but I kind of procrastinated because I'm trying to keep this post mainly storyline stuff and it was gonna take me a minute to go over everything. So...yeah...this post is going to be another long one. But still, I LOVED this game! It was so much fun and there was so much to do that I never got bored. However, this meant that I would get distracted easily and run off to do some random thing instead of the story. Still, no regrets. Now, on with the post! Me:*Player/My actions* Character Dialogue
This looks so cool. End of story, no more comments...holy shit the sounds!
I fucking love that loading symbol.
This is wholesome, like the beginning of Assassin's Creed 2 wholesome...fuck.
Where the fuck is the title screen? *Literally a hour later after exploring* There it is, now I know exactly how I'm going to be doing in this game.
I promised myself I wouldn't do this but here I am, literally doing everything else BUT the story.
Hytham: Will you follow me? Eivor: Lead on. I'll follow that sweet baby cinnamon roll anywhere!
*Reaches an anomaly* Oh, I'm getting so many AC2 flashbacks.
If I could romance Valka I would. *Couple of minutes later* IF I COULD ROMANCE HYTHAM I WOULD.
I legit met this bear 5 minutes ago and I am devastated by her death.
Bigfoot! No wait this is England.
Is that? OMG it is, the saxons are playing D'n'D.
Step on me? Glad to know that was a kink back in the day.
Bad bitch, Soma's a bad bitch.
Part of me is intrigued to go find clues and hunt for Order members. At the same time, I didn't ask to play hide and seek with these MFs.
Annnnd I need an adult.
*Gets stabbed* You're askin' for it old man.
Do I sense betrayal?
There is a reason I don't fuck with zealots, don't give them my fucking name.
You tryin' to raid the raven clan? Not today son, not today.
Fight me Dag 😡
*Goes to see Hytham and sees options* Can I please have a conversation with this man?
This guy is a keeper and Valdis knows it. So you two can fuck off.
He's fine, it's just a cliff. I've seen assassins go higher.
Finnr:...and a nap. Same my dude.
Can we discuss the Dag situation? Cause if he keeps being a bitch, Imma send his ass to Valhalla sooner.
The Ratae Bureau? Oh shit I forgot these were a thing. *Cue another hour of NOT DOING THE STORY*
Wow, everyone got the message and just dipped? Were they being hunted after Imperator Honorius died or was just like 'nope, Britannia got too weird for us.'
This 'Lady' that they keep mentioning...is it Aya? *Few minutes later* It is My Queen!
BAYAK!! 😭😭
May the father--...oh that's rich.
Ubisoft, why can't I romance Hytham?
Vinland? Either it's Hytham's accent or that's just what they use to call Finland back in the day. *Checks* Oh I'm fucking stupid. It's America.
Basim, you rub me the wrong way.
Sigurd WTF
*Hears Juno's voice* Fucking bitch.
How did you get an Apple?!? Yeet it. Yeet that bitch to the farthest depths of the ocean.
That's the wall. That's the wall from AC3. *Eivor gives the apple to the tribe* That's the apple from AC--THIS IS CONNOR'S TRIBE!
Hey uh, Bishop Deorlof...that's an interesting cross you got on.
What if the woman was the mastermind? I would fucking salute her.
King getting his ass whooped with a fucking stool.
...here is an idea, what if the bishop did it? I mean, that is an interesting necklace.
That's why he kept saying Ivarr's name! My bad Bishop and Ivarr WTF?!
Basim is doing what I would be doing if I could travel back to puritan times. Mad respect. But still, fuck you Basim.
Is that a Da Vinci Code reference?
Lady Estrid be like (¬‿¬) *Few minutes later* Estrid: Is my virtue safe with you? I fucking knew it.
Why am I getting Witcher vibes? Nevermind, no disrespect Jeskier.
That's called arson...you are arsonist.
Reda, my guy, you are LITERALLY talking about Bayak and Aya and I am deeply hurt.
It almost pains me how badly I am disrespecting these fuckers in their own house.
Goodwin, you tryin' to smash?
Yes man is mortal but, if his work is passed on, is immortal. *My friend: That was deep...and you need a break.*
Why is your titty out like that bro?
*Recieved the 'We're in the end game now' trophy*...is the game trying to rush me?
Fuck Goodwin, hello Vili.
Guy is like the pervy purge trooper all over again, but I'll allow it.
You know, I've always hated Juno in the series, however you *Fulke* have taken the cake.
Sigurd you are borderline Stockholm Syndrome my guy.
Oh you're up to something...and the result sounds like your death.
This is moldy cheese...is the cake a lie?!
Not gonna lie; this is probably the most fucked up death in the game and y'all called me a murder.
Um, Sigurd. You okay bud? A little depressed?
*Watches the last anomaly* There is so much to digest here but I will ask...does Basim know?
Sigurd is 100% that dumb white friend in horror movies.
Oh no, not this Groundhog's Day BS.
Okay so Sigurd remembers. Eivor doesn't or does and just doesn't care. Basim has to know, there are too many redflags. *Few minutes later* I fucking knew it, come here bitch.
Finally giving my man Desmond some credit 😤
I'm not surprised. Should have duct taped the staff to her hand.
Desmond? 😩
Why are y'all talking to this man? I'd slit his throat, bury the body and call it a day.
You?!? That's awesome! Such a slap to the face, even bigger than Shay's betrayal.
And finally, we are at the end. There was so much to go through and sort. Too be honest, I know I said that I wanted to make this strictly about the storyline but, I was trying to remember what was story and what led into the story but I had fun so I can't complain. Thank you for stickin' it til the end!
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