#if anyone has particular ideas or headcanons about the aftermath I would love to hear them!! it's so interesting to me to think about
ehlnofay · 29 days
wip wthursday
tagged by @wispstalk and @jiubilant... thank you kindly! now that summerfest is over I'm finding myself in a bit of a slump, but here's an excerpt from a project I've been picking at every now and again for a couple months (looking at what happens after the oblivion crisis, on both a societal and personal scale, from martin's sad little aspect-of-a-sleeping-god-and-personification-of-a-magical-barrier perspective. partly an exercise in worldbuilding, partly an exercise in misery. this scene is the latter. sorry)
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tagging back @everybodyknows-everybodydies @ghoulsbeard @ervona @lemon-embalmer :) hope everyone's day is going well!
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