#if I reblog I'll probably share my opinions in the tags btw
whumptimemain · 3 years
Uhhh hi!
So, I accidently took a break, and then came back to a lot of new people, so in honour of being back after not posting for a while, I thought I’d re-introduce myself.
If I followed you, and you aren't a whump account, scroll down to the section "Where Else Do I Post?"
Who Am I?
I’m Sulphur, I use they/them pronouns, and I really (really) like whump.
You will mostly find scenarios or prompts here, as well as reblogs of prompts and other whump meta. Original posts are tagged with “wftwl original” and reblogs are tagged with “wftwl reblog” for your filtering pleasure. 
This is my main, so I follow and like from here!
What Do I Write?
First and foremost, I adore environmental whump. Anything from getting stuck in the rain to large scale natural disasters is on the table.
Vaguely related to that is plane crashes. I've made it no secret that plane crashes are my favourite trope, and I will literally write a plane crash fic for any fandom that canonically has planes.
I don't know if there's another term for this, but I also really enjoy urban whump, as in anything that takes place in a city. This one's a bit broad, but anything from kidnappings to a building collapsing.
Finally, I really enjoy team whump, usually in a fantasy or dystopian setting. I adore having multiple whumpees, and blurring the line between whumpee and caretaker.
Those are just my favourites though, I'll read just about anything.
Furthermore, I have a couple recurring sets of OCs that are my shmooply dooplers.
Zombie Apocalypse Lesbians:
A five man band of lesbians surviving together in the zombie apocalypse. They are also all in love with each other. Yay polycule.
Joan: Reluctant leader (she/her)
Valerie: Gutsy lancer (she/her)
Clover: Beefy tank (she/her)
Julie: Versatile brain (she/her)
Claire: Medic heart (she/her)
They all can and will be both whumpees and caretakers depending on the situation.
These guys are super special to me. I created them for Whumptober 2018, although that writing is now completely private haha. They live in a fantasy world with stone age era technology and an over complex reincarnation system, which brings in it's own politics.
The good people:
Hydrogen: Literally just trying to live his life (Whumpee) (he/him)
Helium: Mother figure with baggage (Caretaker) (she/her)
Lithium: I'm not gonna lie, he's pretty much just there to be stoic and look hot (Whumpee/Caretaker) (he/him)
Beryllium: Hydrogen's shmoopy boyfriend (Whumpee) (he/him)
Carbon: Doctor with nefarious connections (Caretaker/Whumpee) (she/her)
The bad people:
Radon: The biggest bad. Doesn't like getting her own hands dirty. Has some serious beef with a past incarnation with Hydrogen and will not let this incarnation escape her wrath (Whumper) (she/her)
Iodine: Radon's pathetic husband (Whumper) (he/him)
Cesium: Does most of Radon's work, but lord she treats him horribly (Whumper/Whumpee) (he/him)
A Valley of Letters (AVOL)
My first ever set of OC's and it shows. I started writing for them in middle school in a horrible Wattpad story, but they have since been repurposed to a resistance in a post-apocalyptic city. They've rejected the corrupt government by rejecting their names. Nobody was allowed to join AVOL after their inception for fear of corruption. The agents left are the only agents remaining from the original 26.
C: Vigilante who operates on high ranking individuals. Uses a scythe. (Whumpee) (he/him)
H: Takes out law enforcement. Wields dual revolvers. (Child) (she/her)
J: Stages getaways, performs rescues, handles high stakes thievery. (Whumpee/Caretaker) (she/they)
M: Handles public welfare interventions. Stays masked in public. (Whumpee) (he/him)
N: Leader and planner. Can't leave their base because so many people are after him. (Caretaker) (he/him/?)
S: Plunders for resources. She wields a sword. She's pretty much a pirate. (Whumpee/Caretaker) (she/her)
T: Literally nine years old. They blend in, so they spy and monitor public spaces. (Child) (they/them)
Z: Arsonist. They use fire to send political messages. (Whumpee) (they/them)
Where Else Do I Post?
I've got an AO3, though it's mostly separate from this blog. Not all the fics are whump, but they are mostly angst, so if you're curious, it's linked!
Please be wary of the tags!
I have two side blogs, Whumptimebaby and sulphurofftheclock.
Chances are, if you have no clue why I followed you, it's relevant to one of these two blogs!
Whumptimebaby is a fanblog that mirrors my AO3 account! It's pretty much a 4*Town blog at this point, and has versions of those fics, babblings about WIPs, and other things relevant to my fics!
sulphurofftheclock is a general, non-whump fandom side blog. It's mostly reblogs but there's some fun stuff over there too 👀 like Whumptimebaby, it's kinda just,,, a 4*Town fanblog, but generally speaking is where I'll reblog art and fics, and interact from!
That's All From Me!
I hope you all enjoy your stay on my blog! I’m really excited to be back and posting more regularly again. I love this community more than anything :-)
Thank you!
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