#idris fucking elba
men-iss-vess-ull · 1 month
the phenomenon of couples having a "celebrity exception" (one famous person who they are allowed to fuck if they ever have the opportunity) is so fucking weird to me. when people talk about it like it's a normal thing I want to yell
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raptorrobot · 4 months
does icarus have a voice claim? :o
he sure does !! in fact, this reminded me to finish the updated voice reels i've made for him - so here we are, with both his angel voice and his prime soul voice !! enjoy :]
transcripts are under the cut <3
Icarus (Seraph):
"Hm.. Not bad." "Just dumb luck that I'm sitting here in one piece." "Yeah, I just need to process for a minute. It's just how I'm built. A little adversity and I need a few moments to think." "There's uh... one thing you should know." "I'll be there momentarily." "Don't we all." "Can you be sure?" "I think that's enough." "Meaning... what, exactly?" "Stop. Just stop." "I can respect that." "Wow. Rough." "It does.. but I need to make sure." "But fine. That'll have to do." "This keeps getting worse and worse." "We did what we had to." "No- you will not do that." "All good?" "I think I'm all out of words for you." "What's the hold up?" "What happened!?" "That's our queue to leave!" "What the Hell're you waiting for?!" "What the fuck?!" "For the love of-"
Icarus (Prime):
"Ha- Well well.." "You? Come on- stop pretending you would have lasted any longer." "I already died for the cause once. Not enough?" "Huh.. your silence says it all." "Who sent you?" "Why? What're you doing?" "Right.." "I don't know what I'll do- and I'm alright with that." "I don't have a vengeful bone left in me." "Forgot how that felt, but I really fucking missed it." "I'm afraid there won't be a next time." "I had to take the fall. There was no other way." "I should be saying they tried to kill me.. but sometimes, it feels like they actually succeeded." "Even deep wounds stop hurting eventually. Scar over. A few years on, they're just an itch." "As for me? Well- my time's well past." "Tell me something I don't know." "It fucking hurts. But it should hurt. Shouldn't it?" "Questions without answers.. about summed up my whole life there." "Shame we'll never know if there's any truth to that." "If I were you, I wouldn't finish that thought." "Brutal but sincere." "Nope- nuh uh. Don't do that. Just don't." "Mm, so you'd rather go the hard way. Wrong move." "We're not finished." "Don't provoke me!" "You've made a big fucking mistake!" "God damn it!" "I'll finish this without you!"
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x-heesy · 11 days
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Hell y Ass: Hollywoodstar goes tech noooo
Walk of Shame - Night City After Hours Mix by IDRIS 🎵
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upwards-descent · 25 days
I wanted Benji to have an interesting speech pattern since that shit's fun, also an iconic paladin-type deserves it, and just 🫣 can you imagine a huge beautiful angel man rolling up on you in the throes of tragedy and extending his hand while cooing "dost thou require divine aid?", I'd MELT 🤭
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undead-potatoes · 11 months
Rewatching Pacific Rim for the first time in years, and like this was truly one of the movies of all time huh
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dreadfulsanity · 8 months
Cyberpunk 2077: Celeb for Orion?
I have seen several discussion threads lately, asking what celeb people want to see in the next Cyberpunk 2077 game. And, surprise /s, most suggestions were white, male actors, with some PoC sprinkled in.
So, let's try to create a counter movement, shall we? Reblog with your female suggestion. And share for more visibility.
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Michelle Rodriguez
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Rooney Mara
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Zazie Beetz
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Uma Thurman
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Danai Gurira
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dailydris · 2 years
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mikahorror · 1 year
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*insert the i almost died meme*
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birb-boyo · 1 year
They better make a whole new Link and Zelda and a whole new ass timeline because if I see that they gave the Legend of Zelda the Avatar: the Last Airbender treatment, consider me dead (:
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website-com · 2 years
finishing mad men. starting the wire. coming to terms with the fact micheal b jordan was never a footballer turned actor like i had inexplicably decided he was for no reason (hes in the wire this makes sense ok)
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venusinmyrrh · 2 years
Jon Bernthal or Idris Elba
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due to my thing for beautiful hair and noses that look like they’ve been busted at least once, Bernthal wins, but barely.
send me two celebs and I’ll say who I prefer based on looks alone
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dragonflylady77 · 1 year
Pacific Rim: is on Netflix again
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lady-starkiller · 2 years
watching pacific rim tonight so I can feel 2013 joy and vibes
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listening to macavity and i forgot that taylor did a british accent omG
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Just saw Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty trailer.
No, not in a good way.
(Go Idris Elba 🦾)
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xxamorxexmortexx · 2 years
The perfect coloring book doesn't exis-
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