#idol ateez
1024gifs · 7 months
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240204 hongjoong 🎸 guerrilla
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alxtiny · 6 months
can you do which ateez habit you would have picked up from being around them for too long?
I struggled with this more than I should have I’m sorry 😭😭😭😭 Happy reading!!!
Habits you pickup from Ateez
Synopsis: little habits you pick up from ateez
Pairing: ateez members x gn!reader, idol au
Genre: fluff
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: none:)
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• Hongjoong
Falling asleep in random places
You never thought you'd pick up such a peculiar habit from Hongjoong but here you were, dozing off on the couch in his studio. It had become somewhat of a routine lately. Hongjoong often found himself working late into the night, composing music and writing lyrics, and you couldn't bear to leave him alone. So, you stayed up with him, keeping him company and offering moral support.
Tonight was no different. The studio was dimly lit, save for the soft glow of the computer screen where Hongjoong was tirelessly tinkering away. You sat beside him, occasionally offering words of encouragement or fetching him a snack to keep his energy up. But as the hours passed, fatigue started to weigh heavily on your eyelids.
"You okay Y/n?" a familiar voice chimed in, bringing you back from the brink of slumber.
You blinked a few times, trying to shake off the drowsiness. "Huh? Who? What?" you mumbled, rubbing your eyes.
Seonghwa chuckled softly and gestured towards you. "You fell asleep in a chair, I think you’re spending too much time with Hongjoong. You should get some real rest before you start falling asleep in random places, like him, too."
Glancing over at Hongjoong, you realized he was completely absorbed in his work, oblivious to the conversation happening around him. You laughed sheepishly, realizing Seonghwa was right. Lately, you had indeed found yourself dozing off in various places – the couch, the kitchen table, even leaning against the wall.
"It's just... I can't leave him alone when he's working so hard," you explained softly, a small smile playing on your lips.
Seonghwa's expression softened as he understood. "I know, and I'm sure Hongjoong appreciates it too. But you need to take care of yourself as well, okay? "
You nodded, grateful for Seonghwa's concern. As you settled back into the couch, you made a mental note to try and get more sleep, even if it meant leaving Hongjoong to his work occasionally. But for now, you allowed yourself to succumb to the comforting embrace of sleep, knowing that Hongjoong was just a few feet away.
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• Seonghwa
Acting motherly towards the members
Seonghwa watched with a bemused smile as you flitted around the dorm, straightening pillows, picking up stray socks, and tidying up the kitchen. It was a sight he'd grown accustomed to – you, inadvertently taking on the role of the dorm mom, just like he did. It wasn't something you consciously did, but rather a habit you'd picked up from spending so much time around him and the other guys.
You had a thing for neatness and sometimes acted much like a mom in your friend group, but lately, you found yourself slipping into Seonghwa's shoes more often than not. It was something he found endearing and amusing, seeing you scold the other members for leaving their belongings strewn about or for forgetting to do their chores.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" Seonghwa asked, leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen.
You turned to him, a blushi tinting your cheeks, wondering just how long he had been watching you. "Oh, just tidying up a bit. It was a mess in here."
Seonghwa chuckled softly, crossing his arms over his chest. "You don’t need to do all that, you know"
You laughed, shaking your head. "I can't help it. You guys are like family to me, and I just want to take care of you."
The other members wandered into the kitchen, groaning as they saw you fussing over the cleanliness of the space.
"Come on, Y/N, we already have one Seonghwa," Yunho teased, flashing you a playful grin. "We don't need you turning into another one."
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't hide the smile tugging at your lips. "I'm just trying to help keep things organized around here. Someone has to do it."
Seonghwa wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "We appreciate it, really. Just don't forget to take care of yourself too, okay?"
You nodded, leaning into his side. "Of course. But someone has to keep you guys in line."
The others laughed, knowing deep down that they were lucky to have both you and Seonghwa looking out for them – even if it meant enduring occasional scoldings for their messy habits.
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• Yunho
Picking at or biting your lips
Yunho had always been the type to immerse himself completely in whatever task he was working on, often biting or touching his lips in concentration. You, on the other hand, had never noticed this about yourself until Yunho pointed it out one day.
You were sitting together at the studio, both lost in your respective work. You were so engrossed in what you were doing that you didn't even realize your hand had wandered up to your lips, fingers lightly touching and occasionally biting at them in a habit you had unknowingly picked up from Yunho.
"Y/N," Yunho's voice broke through your concentration, causing you to look up, startled. "Don’t do that," he said, nodding towards your lips.
Confused, you furrowed your brows. "Hmm? What do you mean?"
Yunho sighed, his expression turning slightly serious. "You keep biting your lips. You might hurt them if you're not careful."
You blinked, suddenly becoming aware of what you were doing. "Oh," you muttered, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up your neck. "I didn't even realize I was doing that."
Yunho's lips twitched with amusement, but he quickly composed himself. "It's a bad habit. You should try to stop."
You couldn't help but feel a bit defensive. "Well, you do it too," you scoffed and pointed out.
Yunho's cheeks flushed slightly, and he looked away. "I... I do?"
You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Yeah. Maybe we've just been spending too much time together," you teased.
Yunho's embarrassment was palpable now, and he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Maybe," he muttered, unable to meet your gaze.
But despite the awkwardness, there was a warmth in your chest knowing that even your unconscious habits were intertwined with his. It was just another reminder of how close the two of you had become, and you couldn't help but feel grateful for it.
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• Yeosang
Clapping while laughing
You and Yeosang had spent such a long time together and over the course of it, you became attuned to each other's habits, quirks, and gestures without even realising it. One particular habit of Yeosang's that seemed to have rubbed off on you was the way he would clap his hands when he found something particularly amusing.
The way your hands would subconsciously come together and follow the rhythm of your laughter felt natural and neither of you actually noticed how a habit, once Yeosang’s, was now shared by you.
However, that was until one lazy afternoon when Yeosang excitedly showed you his phone, "Hey, check this out," he said with a grin, pushing it towards your face.
Curious, you glanced at the screen, finding yourself staring at a Twitter thread created by an ATINY. The thread was a compilation of gifs and videos, side by side, showing you and Yeosang laughing together. What caught your attention, however, was the caption accompanying the thread: "Am I the only one who noticed that Y/N and Yeosang have the same adorable habit of clapping while laughing? #YeoY/N."
"Oh my god they’re adorable."
"They look like cute little seals when they're laughing together, it's like they're synchronised."
You couldn't help but smile and giggle as you scrolled through the thread, amused by how certain things never went unnoticed by their fans, even if you yourselves were oblivious.
Yeosang glanced over at you, his expression softening. "I guess we really do spend too much time together, huh?"
You chuckled, leaning closer to him. "Maybe. But I wouldn't have it any other way."
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• San
Covering your mouth while laughing
It was just one of those habits you picked up without even realising it – covering your face while laughing. It was something you'd seen San do countless times, his hand rising instinctively to his mouth as his laughter bubbled up. Maybe it was the contagiousness of his joy, or perhaps it was the familiarity that made you do it, but whatever the reason, you found yourself unconsciously mimicking his actions more and more as time went on.
You didn't think much of it, not until one fateful day when you and San were doing a live stream together. The comments were flooding in, a flurry of emojis and supportive messages from fans all over the world. Amidst the sea of text, one comment stood out:
"OMG, look how they laugh the same! 😍 SanYn are the cutest! 💕"
Curious, you glanced at the screen, only to see San's eyes widen in realisation. He turned to you, a playful grin spreading across his face. "Looks like we've been caught," he teased, nudging you lightly.
You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment, but there was also a warmth spreading through you, a sense of fondness at the thought of sharing such a small, intimate detail with San. "Guess we spend too much time together," you joked back, unable to suppress a smile.
But as the live stream continued, you couldn't help but notice how often you and San found yourselves laughing, your hands rising simultaneously to cover your mouths. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes about the bond you shared, the way you seemed to sync up without even trying.
After the stream ended, you leaned in to press a gentle kiss to San’s cheek, you couldn't help but giggle at how much these little quirks affected you, maybe making life more comfortable along the way.
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• Mingi
Making the 🥺 face
To the people outside, Mingi seemed to be very intimidating, with his deep voice and built 6ft stature but inside the comfort of his he couldn't be more different. He knew he was cute and he knew how to use it against people. One quick look sent your way with his puppy eyes and pouty lips and you would melt, at some point this habit of his rubbed off on you.
The members weren’t safe from it either, like when Seonghwa had just finished making a delicious batch of ramen for himself. The aroma wafted through the room, teasing your senses and making your stomach growl loudly. You and Mingi couldn't help but stare at the steaming bowl with longing eyes.
"Seonghwa hyung, that smells amazing," Mingi exclaimed, his eyes widening with hunger.
You nodded enthusiastically, finding yourself unintentionally mirroring Mingi's expression, your lips slightly pouting like the 🥺 emoji.
Seonghwa chuckled at your antics, shaking his head. "Sorry guys, this is just for me. I only made enough for one."
"But hyung, we're starving!" Mingi whined, his voice tinged with desperation.
You glanced at Seonghwa, your eyes pleading as you continued to unknowingly imitate Mingi's puppy-dog expression.
Seonghwa sighed, feeling the pressure of your combined adorable stares. "Oh no, I have to deal with two Mingis now, don't I?"
You and Mingi exchanged a glance before bursting into giggles, realising your unintentional synchronisation. Seonghwa couldn't help but laugh along with you.
"Fine, fine," Seonghwa relented, dividing the ramen between the three of you. "But next time, make your own!"
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• Wooyoung
Smacking people while laughing
You couldn't help but laugh at the way Wooyoung told a recount of the recent Wanteez episode the boys shot, adding his own commentary in between. He always had a way of making you laugh wholeheartedly, even when you fought he would be the one to apologise first and crack a joke to make you smile. However, what you didn't realise was that you had picked up one of his habits along the way.
In the midst of your laughter, your hand instinctively swung out and smacked San's thigh, eliciting a surprised yelp from him. It wasn't until he looked at you with a mix of amusement and slight irritation that you realised what you had done.
"Oops, sorry, San!" you apologised, cheeks flushing with embarrassment as you tried to suppress your laughter.
San rubbed his thigh, shooting you a mock glare. "I already have to take abuse from Wooyoung, and now you're doing it too?"
You couldn't help but giggle at his playful complaint, but Wooyoung nudged you with a grin. "Looks like my habits are rubbing off on you, huh?"
You chuckled, realising how similar you two acted these days. "I guess so. Sorry, San, I’ll try not to do that but I can’t make any promises." You winked at him.
San shook his head and scoffed at your mocking, a smile breaking through his faux irritation. "Ahh so much I have to go through,"
You and Wooyoung giggled at his words, knowing how much he loved you both the same, with the occasional physical abuse of course.
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• Jongho
Scrunching your nose while smiling/laughing
As you sat on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone, you stumbled upon a video compilation titled "JongYn Couple Moments" ,obviously your curiosity got the better of you and you clicked on it, not fully knowing what to expect. What unfolded on the screen was definitely not what you were expecting, it sent a sudden blush creeping up your cheeks.
The video was a compilation of moments featuring you and Jongho, through the fans’ eyes, complete with dramatic commentary about how cute you two were together. Especially about the way your noses scrunched and crinkles formed around your eyes as you both laughed, with your faces making the same endearing expression.
You couldn't help but be amused as you watched, realising that you had subconsciously copied Jongho's habit of scrunching his nose when he smiled.
Suddenly, you felt a presence beside you. Glancing over, you found Jongho peering over your shoulder, his eyes fixated on the screen. As he watched the video, a wide grin spread across his face, small giggles leaving his lips.
"Wow, we really do look alike sometimes," Jongho remarked, amusement dancing in his eyes.
You nodded, still giggling at the sight. "I never realized I picked up on your habit."
"It's adorable," Jongho said, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your cheek. "I guess I've rubbed off on you, huh?"
You chuckled, leaning into his touch. "Looks like it. But hey, I don't mind sharing a few habits with you."
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© alxtiny . Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my works on any platform in any way.
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edenesth · 3 months
Clumsy Hearts, Steady Love
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Pairing: boyfriend!Hongjoong x fem!reader
AU: non-idol au
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: He was a great friend but a terrible lover, and he knew it. For the longest time, he believed he wasn’t cut out for relationships. But then you came along, and for the first time, he wanted to try. He wanted to be better, to be good for you, even if it meant being clumsy along the way. For you, he was willing to learn how to love.
A/N: Only @itstheghostofmypast knows this was initially meant to be a timestamp🤡
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Don't drive today, darling. I'll pick you up from work this evening."
Those words from Kim Hongjoong echoed in your mind. For the first time in a year of being together, he offered to pick you up. Your heart soared at the unexpected sweetness from him.
It wasn't that you thought he was a bad boyfriend, but you knew his nature from the very beginning. Your friends had warned you when you accepted him; he was a workaholic, someone who would always put anything and everything before you. A good friend but a bad lover—that was his reputation. Yet, you couldn't deny the way he made your heart race, the way his presence made everything better, the way he vowed to love you as you deserved, the way he promised he would try for you.
From the start, you knew what you were getting into. You didn't expect perfection. You didn't want perfection.
You just wanted him.
But loving Hongjoong truly was not easy.
It could be exhausting. Perhaps today was another one of those days.
You had looked forward to this day for so long, hoping he would be the boyfriend he promised to be. But deep down, you knew better than to have such high hopes.
Letting out what felt like the thousandth sigh of the day, you nearly froze to death from being soaked in the rain, your ankle throbbed from a sprained heel as you stood by the bus stop outside your office building where he was supposed to pick you up.
But he was nowhere to be seen.
Every call went straight to voicemail, escalating your worry to panic. You didn’t dare move, fearing he might arrive at an empty bus stop.
After hours of agony, trying to reach him, and calling all his friends, you got the same useless response: he was unreachable, and they had no idea where he could be.
Three hours.
You sat there for three hours, sick with worry about him, when you were the one who needed care, only to end up taking the bus home. So much for the excitement and anticipation of him picking you up for the first time. You should have been furious, but the pounding headache and rising fever stole that from you. Another heavy sigh escaped your lips, the disappointment of what should have been an exciting Friday evening turning into an utter disaster.
"Enough, my darling. I'm here now, am I not?" said Kim Hongjoong.
The audacity.
You had left work to be greeted by a heavy downpour, cursing yourself for not bringing an umbrella. As if things couldn't get worse, your sprint to the bus stop where he promised to pick you up was interrupted when your heel chose that moment to snap. You yelped in pain, stumbling forward onto the wet ground, your belongings scattering everywhere. Crawling on the rough pavement to collect them, you finally stood up, only to feel a sharp throb in your ankle.
But it was supposed to be okay because seeing Hongjoong was sure to make everything better.
Ha, bitch you thought.
He left you panicking like a mad woman for hours, only to show up in the most infuriating way. When the 8pm bus finally rolled to a stop before you and the automated doors swooshed opened, you were busy dialling his number yet again.
"Come on, pick up pick up pick up—"
Wait a minute, is that...?
You did a double take when the very person you had been desperately trying to reach this whole time stepped off the bus with a sheepish smile, only for his expression to fall when he saw the miserable state you were in.
"Please throw your phone away if you have no intention of using it," you said flatly, walking past him and intentionally bumping his shoulder as you boarded the bus, no longer caring if he followed.
Of course, he did.
He cursed under his breath, noticing your limp, the heels in your hand, and your soaked, shivering form.
Settling into the last row of seats beside you, he quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around you. You were too weak to fight back or refuse. His heart ached as he pulled you close, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to warm you up. Silently, you accepted it all. Not only were you too exhausted to reject his gestures, but you also felt you deserved this and more after what you had endured. When you were warm enough, he immediately checked on your now swollen and bruised ankle, careful not to hurt you. The concern in his eyes was enough to melt your heart, but he didn't need to know that.
Once he was done fussing over you, he leaned back in his seat, offering his shoulder. Stubbornly, you turned away and leaned your head against the window instead. Knowing you needed time to calm down, he kept quiet and let you be, but not without staying close. He needed you to know he was there for you.
When you sighed again, he could no longer take it. He felt the need to explain himself.
"I know you're mad, and you have every right to be," he began, his voice soft and sincere. "I messed up, and I'm so sorry. I got caught up in something I couldn't get out of, and I swear I was going to call you, but my phone died and the stupid car broke down. God, I'm such an idiot. I should have tried harder to reach you or get to you sooner."
Still, you said nothing, your silence more punishing than any words you could have spoken. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, clearly at a loss.
"I love you," he whispered, almost to himself. "I just want to make things right."
For a moment, you softened, but the memory of the cold rain and the throbbing pain in your ankle kept your resolve firm. He had to understand the gravity of his actions.
Finally, you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. "You can't just show up and expect everything to be okay, Joong. You scared me. I thought something terrible had happened to you. And all the while, I was the one who was hurt and alone."
"I know," he said, his voice cracking. "And I'm so, so sorry, my darling. Please, give me a chance to make it up to you."
You turned to face him, meeting his eyes for the first time since he got on the bus. The sincerity and regret in his gaze were undeniable.
"One chance, Kim Hongjoong," you said firmly. "Don't mess it up."
He nodded, relief washing over his face. "I won't. I promise."
With that, you leaned back against the window, still not ready to forgive, but willing to see if he could truly make amends. And for the rest of the ride, he stayed close, his presence a silent vow that he would try his best to make things right.
As you slowly drifted to sleep, he guided your head to his shoulder, gently pressing his cheek against your forehead. Feeling your breath steady and the tension ease from your body, he allowed himself a small, relieved smile. He reached for your cold hands, stroking his fingers against your skin to warm you, finding it funny how he used to judge couples in public, but now that he had you, he realised he couldn't blame them—you were all that mattered.
The truth was, he had been late leaving work today, and to make matters worse, his car had broken down in the middle of heavy traffic. When he tried to call you, his phone had died. In desperation, he had caught the quickest bus he could find, but traffic had been relentless. He could have told you all of this, but he didn’t want to make excuses. He knew he should have done better.
Hongjoong glanced down at you, his heart aching with tenderness and guilt. He was still clumsy when it came to love, but for you, he would learn to be a better lover. Stroking your hair gently, he whispered, "I’m so sorry. I won't make you wait again. I promise to do better. I promise to always be there for you."
The bus ride continued in peaceful silence, the hum of the engine and the occasional jostle of the road the only sounds. He held you close, vowing silently to never let you down again. As the bus neared your stop, he adjusted his position, cupping your cheek softly and kissing your head, whispering, "We're here, darling."
You let out a small groan as your eyes fluttered open, unconsciously snuggling closer to his warmth and comfort as you tried to register your surroundings. If only you knew what your little actions did to his poor heart. Tightening his grip around you, he helped you up from your seat and carefully guided you out of the bus, ensuring you didn't put pressure on your injured ankle. The driver gave you a sympathetic nod as the two of you stepped off. The rain had slowed to a drizzle, and the night was calm.
As you walked the short distance to your shared apartment, you suddenly remembered what had happened and peeled his hands off you. You weren't necessarily cold to him but you still needed space to cool off. He gulped, his fear of losing you was apparent. "Please, you're hurt. Let me take care of you."
To be fair, he knew he deserved your reaction. You weren't upset merely because of what happened today; he believed this was you letting out all the frustration you had kept in for the entirety of your one-year relationship. And he knew now that if he wanted to keep you by his side, this was his sign to take things more seriously.
No more excuses.
You had been nothing but the best and most attentive girlfriend to him. So, what was stopping him from doing the same for you?
He knew you didn't want to be near him right now, but he also didn't have the heart to stay away. Offering his hand, he nodded toward it. "Come, let's go home."
Tired out of your mind, you swallowed your anger, deciding to save it for another time. For now, you needed him. You reached out with a pout, surprising him by holding onto his pointer finger. "Fine, let's go."
He chuckled, his heart bursting with affection at how cute you were. This was better than nothing. Walking slowly, he made sure you weren't hurting yourself, each step a reminder of his promise to himself and you.
As you entered your apartment, he helped you settle onto the couch, your injured ankle elevated and cushioned. He fetched a blanket and wrapped it around you, his eyes filled with concern. "I'll make us some tea," he said softly, heading to the kitchen.
While he prepared the tea, you watched him move with a newfound determination. You could see he was trying, truly trying, to be better for you. And that thought, more than anything, began to melt the icy wall you had momentarily built up in your heart.
He returned with two steaming mugs, setting them on the table before sitting beside you. He took your hand gently, his thumb rubbing circles on your skin. "I know I have a lot to make up for," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "But I promise, I will. You mean everything to me."
You looked into his eyes, seeing the honesty and love there. It was a start, and as you sipped your tea together, you felt a glimmer of hope that things could truly change.
Just as you finished your tea, you sighed and looked up at him, intending to get up and head to your room. But before you could move, he gently squeezed your hand and stood up. "Let me help you," he insisted, his voice gentle yet firm.
You hesitated, feeling torn between wanting to assert your independence and appreciating his newfound care. "I can manage," you insisted weakly.
"I know you can, darling," he replied softly, crouching beside you. "But let me take care of you this time, please."
His sincerity was palpable, and despite your initial resistance, you found yourself nodding. He carefully helped you to your feet, supporting your weight as you limped towards your room. Once inside, he waited patiently as you freshened up and changed into dry clothes, his presence a reassuring warmth in the quiet of the room.
As you emerged, feeling somewhat more composed, you glanced at him gratefully. "Thank you, Joong," you murmured, genuinely touched by his unexpected tenderness.
He smiled softly, his eyes reflecting relief and determination. "It's only my job as your boyfriend," he replied earnestly.
Returning to the living room, you settled back onto the couch together. The warmth of his tea and his presence beside you enveloped you in a sense of security and hope. Perhaps, just perhaps, things could indeed change for the better between you.
You couldn't deny his affections any longer, his pleading look was enough to melt you into his embrace. As he gently pulled the throw blanket snugly around you, drawing you closer, your heart fluttered. His actions conveyed a heartfelt apology, reminding you why you could never leave this man, no matter how tiring things became. At the end of the day, you both belonged to each other, despite his occasional clumsiness; your love remained steadfast.
Nuzzling against his neck, you breathed in his familiar scent. "How's the car? Have you contacted insurance?" you murmured, slipping effortlessly into the role of the attentive girlfriend he knew so well.
With a tender smile, he shook his head. "Don't worry about that. I'll take care of it. Take care of everything. Take care of you."
His words made your heart skip a beat, and you tightened your grip on his sweater. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Kim Hongjoong," you teased gently.
He reassured you with a squeeze of your shoulder. "I won't, my darling. Not anymore."
Looking up at your boyfriend, you could see the honesty in his eyes. You knew perfection wasn't guaranteed from this point onward, but you at least trusted that he would always give his best effort.
And that was what mattered most.
"If you say so," you whispered, your eyes closing as he leaned in to press his lips against yours. Hongjoong understood your doubts, but this was where he would begin to earn your trust.
From now on, he would do everything to be the lover you deserved. He would learn from his mistakes and grow, all for the sake of the person he loved most in the world.
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I swear, this came out of nowhere lmfao. I was supposed to be working on Jongho's TWTHH spinoff but this happened. Tbf, this has been swirling in my mind for the past week at work because something similar happened to me. I was soaked in the rain and my heel did snap. The 3-hour wait was also a past experience of mine, except that douchebag was no Kim Hongjoong HAHA
Thank you for reading and I hope you lovelies enjoyed this random little oneshot. As always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha |
@haven-cove @idfkeddieishot @vic0921 @vnessalau @apriecotte |
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slutteok · 4 months
Long Time Coming (rockstar yungi au)
pairing ✭ dom!yunho x afab!reader x dom!mingi
summary ✭ Things get a little steamy in the green room after your last show on tour
content ✭ smut 18+ MDNI
word count ✭ 9.3k
warnings ✭ smut, unprotected sex, mingi is VERY rough, choking, slapping, heavy degradation, threesome,
tags ✭ praise kink, degradation kink, rough oral sex, rough sex, thigh and ass slapping, polygamy, childhood best friends to lovers, rockstar yungi au, non idol au, dubcon, power dynamics, under negotiated kink, throat fucking, multiple fem orgasms, yunho and mingi have big dicks, size kink, cervix fucking, fluff at the very end
notes ✭ it's a little more yunho centered than mingi, but please enjoy anyways <3
When you were 6 years old, you met these two little boys. They were cute you thought, and the three of you became insanely fast friends. The older of the two had always been fond of you, always fawning, and fretting over you, he was quick to defend, protect and comfort you, while the younger of the two, usually kept his distance physically from you, but that’s not to say he wasn’t also fond of you. He loved you in his own way, much different to how he loved your mutual friend.
If you were to tell your 6 year old self that in 18 years time you’d be in a band, doing what you loved more than anything in the world, alongside those two boys, you’d never believe yourself. You’d actually call yourself a liar.
But if you were to tell yourself at 16 years old that in 8 years, you’d be lying underneath the older boy, with your legs wrapped around his waist, your nails clawing down his back so hard it drew blood, you’d believe it… mostly because even at 16 that’s exactly what you were doing.
Today was one of the last days of the tour. You and Yunho laid together in the hotel room bed, both naked, your legs still tangled with each other and the sheets. Yunho snored softly in your ear, his face half buried into your neck, as your arms wrapped around him, his fingers twitching against the bare skin on your sides, making you tense up as it tickles sometimes.
A knock on the hotel door is what inevitably wakes Yunho up. He groans, pulling away from you. You watch as he sits up, and stretches his arms above his head, groaning and arching his back. You watch in awe as his back muscles seem to taunt you. You sighs, sitting up and looking at him.
“Morning.” he lets his arms fall to his side, and he turns to look back at you. You hold the covers tightly to your chest, before leaning forward and quickly capturing his lips with yours. You both giggle a little, before another knock on the door sounds. Yunho rolls his eyes, “coming, coming..” his morning voice was deep, and gruff, something you learned gave you massive butterflies. You slip out of Yunho’s bed, pulling your clothes on from last night.
“Yunho, where’s y/n? Have you seen them?” Mingi asks, looking around from the threshold of the door for you. Yunho, now fully dressed, shakes his head as he opens the door. Mingi scoffs, rolling his eyes and storming off. Yunho closes the door, and hurries back to you, beckoning you to leave. You nod, and you follow him out into the hallway, before Yunho starts running towards Mingi, giving you an opening to hurry back into your own room.
You take a quick shower, washing off as much of Yunho that you possibly could. You could swear you still smelled like him, though, even after washing yourself 3 times. You changed into new clothes, brushed your hair quickly, and applied your usual amount of makeup before finishing up your hair.
“y/n!” Mingi knocks on your door, and you have to physically fight off the smile that is peaking through the corner of your lips. You hop out of the bathroom, and swing your door open, revealing your done up self to Mingi and Yunho. Yunho looks away from you, and you catch a glimpse of his red ears. Mingi just looks frustrated.
“What? I was sleeping. Are you dying?” You question why Mingi was so adamant on finding you this morning, but you couldn’t let him know why. Maybe someday… but probably not anytime soon. Just like you couldn’t let Yunho know about you and Mingi either.
“W-what? No? Can you focus?” Mingi scolds you, and you stifle a laugh, raising your eyebrow at the younger male, who was actually still older than you by a month or so- give or take.
“I’m focused.” You’re still a bit confused by why he was looking around for you. Your eyes dart to Yunho, and he shrugs, before walking to his room. You wanted to chase after him, you were tired of pretending. You were tired of pretending to both of them.
You were the one who wanted to tell the other about the other, but they were the ones holding back- like they were scared something terrible would happen to the group. You had a good feeling though, they had been friends much longer than before you came along. They had spent essentially their entire lives together, and you can recall that one time Yunho’s mom actually thought the boys were dating, because at that point in time- there was not one thing the two didn’t share.
“They want us down at the venue early, to do soundcheck.” Mingi snaps you back into reality, and you nod, furrowing your brows just a bit. Mingi looks you up and down, then looks to where Yunho’s room is. He smirks before grabbing your chin. A small whine leaves your lips, as he brings you closer to him. You watch his eyes flicker to Yunho's room once more, before pressing his lips against yours. Your eyes instantly shut as Mingi’s familiarity comes crashing over you.
You couldn’t lie, you were sore… so fucking sore, but that had never stopped you before. It honestly had been a while since you and Mingi were intimate, and you can tell that he’d been pent up for a while. He came looking for you this morning just to fuck you, and get on with his day.
His hand moves from your chin, down to your throat, and his tongue presses into your mouth, meeting yours in a battle of dominance as he gently pushes you back into your room. You oblige, taking a step back, while Mingi’s other hand wrapped around you, pulling you tightly to his chest.
He pulls his lips away from you, moving his hand back up to your face, his thumb stroking your bottom lip gently, before hooking on your bottom teeth. Your face twitches slightly, your eyebrows turning upwards as your lips lock around his thumb.
“Where were you, pretty baby?” He croons, leaning close to your face, his eyes focused on your lips around his thumb. He pulls his thumb out of your mouth, before pressing his index and middle finger into your mouth. You willingly take them, staring up at him as your tongue moves skillfully around his fingers. He lets out a deep sigh, his hand around you coming to your hip to squeeze you, eliciting a small moan to leave your mouth. He pulls his fingers out, then wipes them off on your shirt. You scowl at him, before rolling your eyes at him.
“I was asleep. Is that a crime?” You retort, turning around and going to sit on your bed. You weren’t lying… you were asleep, just not in your bed.
“Oh give me a break.” Mingi rolls his eyes and scoffs, sitting next to you and turning to look at you. You follow suit, turning to face him.
“You weren’t in your room, at least.” Mingi growls and you roll your eyes again.
“it's not a crime to not be in my room all the time.” You argue, and he scoffs. he puts his hands on your shoulders and quickly turns you around, before pushing you onto the bed. you gasp at the sudden movements, and you know you're about to get pounded mercilessly. though you were excited, Yunho had destroyed you the last three nights and mingi was just a tad bigger and thicker than Yunho.
“I bet you were out being a little whore, huh? you just had to sneak past not just me, but Yunho? what would your little boyfriend think of his little girlfriend getting fucked by her best friend while she's away on tour huh?” he was just throwing insults after insults at you, and you couldn't say you hated it because you were soaked through your panties.
“what would your little boyfriend do if i sent him a video of me fucking his little toy?” Mingi hisses, and there's a sharp pain in your asscheek for a split second, making you bite down on your lower lip so hard it almost broke skin. you feel mingi’s hand come down to your asscheek again, another sharp pain shooting through you- harder this time because that cheek was particularly sore because of Yunho.
“Mingi,” you choke out, and Mingi laughs at the sound of your voice dying in your throat. you let out another little moan as his hands grab your ass, spreading you apart and massaging you just for a moment. his hands release you, then you feel his hands grab your hips. your head reels at the feeling of his hands on you, completely ignoring this fact that he had flipped you over onto your back.
In an instant, as you're coming out of the daze, you look down at your body, and see he’d already taken your pants off. your eyes widen, and he chuckles, seeing your confusion.
“you're so fucking easy, y/n.” Mingi chuckles dryly, grabbing the back of your thighs, and pushing them up and against your body. He pulls his right hand from your thighs, creating space between you two again. He smiles, and sighs happily seeing you bent like a pretzel for him. “I think I should just leave you here, soaked and desperate.” Mingi taunts, and your eyes rolls into the back of your head and you groan- obviously frustrated with him.
“Mingi, i just know your cock is painfully throbbing, please let me take care of it.” you whine and pout, making sure to stay quiet as people pass by your room. Mingi laughs again, leaning over you, caging you in before capturing your lips with his. He kisses you hard, and with force, eliciting a moan out of you against his lips before he pulls away. you inhale sharply as you feel another sharp pain hit your inner thigh as Mingi’s hand makes contact with it.
“you don't know anything,” he laughs dryly, pulling his hands from you and watching as you sit up, your legs dangling off the bed. “You should be there when I need you, and we wouldn't have this problem.” he commands and your eyes widen a little. you roll your eyes though, and he scoffs.
“I have other things I have to deal with, you know. I can't just drop everything when you want to fuck.” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. Mingi rolls his eyes, and his hand grabs your chin, again, before moving down to your throat. He leans over you, putting his mouth next to your ear, his breathing tickling you.
“All you are is a hole to me, so I don't care what your excuse is. you’ll drop whatever you're doing, no matter what, if i come looking for you.” Mingi hisses into your ear, you shudder, your eyes fluttering closed and a moan leaving your pretty lips, before he forcefully pushes you down on the bed. “got it? that's our new agreement- and because you annoyed me, i’m not gonna fuck you. I'll go find something else to use.” Mingi says, looking down at your trembling shape on the bed, licking his bottom lip. you lift your head to watch him touch himself briefly through his pants, and you gulp. You wanted him, but if he was seriously about to go fuck a fan, you could easily go find Yunho, and he’d be more than happy to fuck your brains out.
Mingi rolls his eyes, turning around and swiftly leaving your room. you sit up, in a daze, wondering what the hell just came over both of you. you run your hands through your hair, and let out a shaky breath before deciding to just take care of the longer effects mingi left you with.
“y/n!” Yunho comes bounding over to you with a wide smile, he grabs your waist and picks you up, embracing you tightly. You laugh, clinging onto him tightly as he spins the two of you around. Your set had just finished for the night, it was such an amazing show- the best one you guys had yet.
You can't lie, you were exhausted. Yunho kept you up late last night, and when Mingi came into your room this morning you thought you’d have a chance to nap but Mingi had left you so bothered, you hardly had a chance to even rest- your legs had felt like jello all day.
Yunho sets you down, leaning forward and kissing your forehead, before leaning down to your ear.
“how about round 2?” he asks, and honestly, how could you deny him- not only that, you were still worked up from mingi’s words and touch. you nod, excitedly and Yunho grins, standing up straight. He grabs your hand and basically drags you into your green room. you both knew Mingi wouldn't show up to the green room after some time- he only came to the green room at the very end of the night.
As Yunho opens the door, Mingi is stood there, with his arms crossed- presumably waiting for you. Yunho instantly drops your hand, tucking his hand behind his back quickly.
“h-how did- what?” Yunho stammers, feeling embarrassed by mingi’s sudden appearance in the place the least expected it.
“Can I talk to y/n about something? privately?” Mingi asks, and Yunho looks down at you, his eyes suddenly narrowing at you, then darting over to Mingi. you gulp loudly, and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans.
“Whatever you say can be said in front of Yunho, too.” you stumble over your words a bit, and the two men look down at you- confused. Mingi shakes his head, and Yunho glances between the two of you.
“y/n!” you hear a familiar voice come from behind you, and your eyes widen to probably the size of the moon. if you turned around right now, you’d be faced with your latest boyfriend you left back at home. you did like him… just not enough to not fuck Mingi and Yunho while you were away.
“ohhh… you're here!” you turn slowly, forcing a smile on your face, and you skip over to him, you raise your arms to hug him but he stops you.
“I'm not here to hug and kiss and make up.” your boyfriend glares at you, and you feel a pit in your stomach. you felt like you were going to be sick.
“then… Why are you here? why did you come all the way out here?” you question, your voice trembling just a bit. you shoot a quick look behind you to see Mingi and Yunho; with conflicting emotions on their faces. you turn back around to face your boyfriend.
“because i’m not stupid y/n, i know there's something going on but i just don't know what. you're sleeping with someone, fans or whatever. I know you are.” he begins, and you instantly freeze. unbeknownst to you, Mingi glances at Yunho, then at you, then back to Yunho- whose eyes never once left you. Not that that was strange, Yunho had always had his eyes glued on you, but it was the way Yunho looked at you that made his heart swell in his chest. Yunho was infatuated with you… but so was Mingi. A tinge of jealousy crept through him, but he very quickly dismissed it.
“No, I'm not. you can't just claim a statement like that and accuse me of being a cheater without any proof.” you fight back, shaking your head. you could feel your emotions rising in your chest- you were still a little on edge from the adrenaline of the concert.
your boyfriend reaches for you, and grabs the collar of your shirt. Yunho and Mingi both instantly respond, and you freeze again- the older boys standing behind you to protect you if something were to happen.
“Relax your hound dogs,” your boyfriend rolls his eyes, and you can't help but smile at the nickname for the boys- it was funny. Then you remembered where you were, and who you were with the second they stepped back. He pulls your shirt down just a bit, past your collarbones, exposing the marks Yunho had left all over your chest- marking his territory.
“I fucking knew it!” your boyfriend exclaims, pulling his hands from your shirt- it popping back into place. your eyes begin to tear up, and your eyebrows furrow, shaking your head. you didn't even understand why you were crying- you hadn't been invested in him in a long time… you’d been on tour so long you almost forgot you were even dating someone. “we’re done. you're a fucking cheater. i should have known better than to date a damn musician.” he scoffs, as he walks off. you watch him with misty eyes, before Yunho steps in front of you.
Mingi is quick though, and he pulls your shirt down too. his eyes widen, his lips part slightly, and you look up at him, with fear in your eyes- hopefully he didn't recognize yunho’s mark.
“Jesus christ… is that where you were this morning? getting fucked?” Mingi sneers, his eyes flickering to yours for a moment- the jealousy flashes through Mingi again and he clenches his jaw. Yunho on the other hand, was absolutely fascinated by the marks he left- successfully marking you as his. He loved seeing it, he loved doing it, and for as long as you let him, he will continue to mark his territory.
“no, I was actually asleep this morning.” you stumble over your words, feeling your tears start to well up- you got caught in an elaborate lie and now you were terrified of Yunho and Mingi finding out about each other.
“whatever. I don't care.” Mingi mutters, dropping his hand from your shirt. He looks down at you, then at Yunho, then he leaves without another word. you sniffle, and blink your eyes a few times, watching him leave. Lately Mingi had been distant, and you wonder why- did he know about you and Yunho?
“y/n…” Yunho’s voice snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts and you look at him, feeling a little dazed. you watch as Yunho's jaw clenches, and his eyes move down your body. you shiver under his gaze.
the way he’s looked at you since you both were 16 was intoxicating. he would literally undress you with his eyes and you could see he was just thinking about pounding you into the mattress, or whatever was closest, until you were a stupid, drooling mess. But, you didn't know, he thought about this for a longer time- when you suggested it he was thrilled to know this could be reality.
“Yunho,” you start, but Yunho shakes his head, putting his hand on your chest, and pushing you back into the green room. You oblige, and watch as he kicks the door closed. “What are you doi-” you’re cut off as he grabs your hips, and smashes his lips into yours in a fevered manner. you can't help but melt into the kiss, despite your almost panicky state.
You cling to Yunho like never before as he presses into you harder, instantly deepening the kiss, a low groan coming from Yunho's mouth. He squeezes you, making you gasp, and he takes his chance to shove his tongue into your mouth- this time making you moan in response. your tongues dance together, allowing Yunho to take the lead.
You try to focus on the feeling of Yunho’s fingers on your body, relishing in every since touch he gets on your bare skin but between his fingers, his mouth, his scent, mixed with your emotions from your now fresh breakup, and even the tension Mingi had built up in you earlier that you never got rid of no matter how hard you tried, your mind was reeling. it was hard to focus all on one thing, and before you knew it, Yunho was pulling your pants off and kneeling in front of you.
“W-what are you doing?” You look down at him, and he looks up at you, with a smile. He points to his face, and your eyebrows furrow. “what?” he points again- you could swear you could see a tail wagging. “Yunho, what?” you try to ask him for clarification because you genuinely are confused.
“Sit, idiot.” Yunho laughs, grabbing you by your hips and pulling you to him. He grabs your thigh, lifting it up and placing your foot on the couch not even giving you a second to protest before his mouth is on your clit, eating you ravenously.
Your body jolts, and you catch yourself as a loud moan is suddenly ripped out of you. Yunho gave you no time to prepare for this, and that was on purpose. You look down at him, and his face is buried between your legs, his eyes closed as he enjoys himself, feeling content at the way your body responds to him so eagerly, and the sound of your moans he loves so much.
“Fuck, yunho~” you moan, and he pulls away to catch his breath, looking up at you. You run a hand through his hair, before taking a fistful of his hair and pushing him back towards your core. He laughs, before slowly, agonizingly slow, licks between your folds, until his tongue flicks over your clit- making your hips jolt.
“You're so fucking beautiful.” Yunho groans, before plunging two long, spindly fingers inside of you, making you gasp and moan loudly; not quite used to the two fingers off the bat. your grip on his hair tightens and he chuckles, attaching himself to you again, as he works his fingers inside of you.
“Fuck, Yunho,” you exclaim, moaning out his name as his fingers curl inside you, before he starts pumping them inside of you faster. You can feel yourself getting increasingly wetter with each thrust of his fingers inside of you, his fingers and even knuckles are coated in your slick.
Yunho quickly pulls his fingers out of you, and pulls away. You whine at the loss of his mouth and fingers, you glance down at him, and he has the most mischievous grin on his lips as he takes in your fucked out expression. Your breathing is heavy, and irregular, like you had just ran a mile, but all Yunho did to you was finger you and eat you out- he knew you were never this exhausted this quickly.
“I didn’t tire my puppy out, did I?” he grins, standing up to his full height. You follow him with your eyes, tilting your head back to look up at him. You shake your head, and swallow hard. Your eyes flicker to his fingers that were covered in your own fluids. “Good girl.” He whispers, before presenting his fingers to you, gently pressing the pads of his fingers on your bottom lip. You part your lips, and Yunho pushes his fingers into your mouth.
Your tongue darts around his digits, lapping up any evidence of your arousal left on his fingers. His eyes never leave your lips, he would never find the courage to tell you how many ways he’s imagined your mouth on him since he hit puberty. He was always jealous of the boyfriends you brought around when he was here all along. From as far as he knew, he was the only one to make you orgasm… more than once at least.
“You're mine.” Yunho suddenly grunts, ripping his fingers out of your mouth and grabbing your chin forcefully, making you look up at him. The grip he had on you almost hurt, but you didn’t mind it. Your hand instinctively makes its home on the groin of his pants, gently moving your hand back and forth, creating some sort of friction for Yunho.
Yunho swats your hand away, and grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling his other hand away from your chin. You swallow hard, and your eyes flicker all over his body, drinking in every single detail about the man in front of you. The way is brown hair was messy from his headbanging from the set, the fact that some of his eyeshadow had smudged and his eyeliner was definitely fucked up- all of your perfect work from earlier, messed up- but honestly you weren’t complaining. You had always preferred Yunho to look more grunge than his normal attire outside of venues.
“You hear me puppy? Mine.” Yunho growls into your ear and you let out a moan, your body jolting at his words as you are brought down to reality. Yunho holds your head at an arm's length, and he looks you up and down. He chuckles a little when he realizes he only undressed your bottom half. “Let me get you all fixed up.” He says, and you give him a questioning look as he releases your hair and takes one long stride towards you.
“Fixed up? Are you not-”
“Who is talking to you? Because I don't remember addressing you.” The words that come out of Yunho's mouth are harsh in nature, but you knew he didn’t mean it. He would spend the rest of his life listening to you talk. It was just Yunho's funny duality.
You blink in response to his words, dumbfounded. He’d only ever spoken like that to you once and you honestly weren't even sure if you liked it then, but for some reason at his condescending words, it churned your stomach and you could feel yourself getting wetter the longer you let the words sink in.
“Good pup.” Yunho praises, his hands come down on your shoulders and you watch his every move. You watch as his long, spindly fingers ghost your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake as they slip under the straps of your tank top. The veins in his hands, his arms, and all the way up to his neck, taunt you- they mock you even. Yunho wasn't even flustered for a moment, his heart wasn't pounding in his chest so hard it felt like it was going to explode.
Your breathing becomes shallow, as you feel and watch Yunho slip the straps of your tank top off of you. A sudden urge to cover yourself up crashes over you, but Yunho knew better. He swatted your hands away again, pulling your tank top down past your breasts.
“God,” Yunho groans, pushing your tank top around your waist, where it makes its home now. Yunho’s hands cup your plump flesh, and you can feel a shudder ripple through you as his thumbs pass over your nipples, making you moan. “My puppy, ever the eager one.” He giggles, making the corner of your lips twitch into a smile- but that's easily ripped out of you when his mouth makes contact with your breast, eliciting a small, quiet moan from your lips.
Your hands immediately come to the back of Yunho’s head, your fingers grasping onto his hair as his tongue flicks over your sensitive bud, making you jerk in response.
“Yun… p-lease…” The begging starts to slip out in small pleas at first, the whining and the whimpering- it wouldn't be long until the tears and the incoherent mumbling came along too. Yunho looks up at you, you were closer to tears than usual.
“Not yet, princess. You're not ready.” Yunho mumbles against your flesh, before moving his mouth to give your other breast the same attention. While he does that, he takes advantage of your pathetic state, and his hand slips between your legs. You gasp in response as you feel his fingers slide through your folds, two fingers slide into you, and you practically collapse right on top of him. “mmm, maybe you are.” He chuckles darkly, before pulling away from you completely. You blink back the tears forming and stare at him, in shock.
“Who is talking to you?” Yunho hisses, grabbing your hips and turning you around. You gasp, bewildered once again by his behavior. It was hot- but he seemed… genuinely upset… jealous even. You try to turn around again, but Yunho forces you back, then throws you down on the couch. You gasp again, turning around to look at him. You weren't scared of him, he would never ever hurt you- it took him years of convincing to even hit you.
“Yu-” You try again but your attempt is in vain, because before you can even open your eyes after blinking his lips are on yours again, in a hungry kiss. You can hear the sound of his belt unbuckling, then being thrown to the floor, the all familiar clunking is your signal that you're about to become nothing but a sex doll for Yunho… not that you could complain.
Yunho pulls away, pulling his jacket and shirt off, in two swift motions, before kissing your forehead.
“bend over.” Yunho instructs, and at first, your instinct is to say no, but Yunho is quicker than ever. You feel a sharp sting as Yunho’s hand comes down on your thigh, you inhale sharply before rolling your eyes and obeying his command. You wince at the lingering feeling, but you don't budge even still. Yunho growls, and pushes you down onto the couch.
You fall onto it, but Yunho isn't satisfied with your positioning so he leans over you. He grabs your wrists, and puts them on the back of the couch. He drags his hands from your wrists up your arms, making you shiver and shake under his touch, while he leaves a trail of kisses along your bare shoulders. You can feel your mouth watering, as your body begs him to continue to touch you, to fuck you into the couch, into the wall, wherever Yunho wanted.
Yunho’s hands drag along your waist, until his large hands cup your ass cheeks. He groans quietly, cursing under his breath as he appreciates the plush flesh. He squeezes your cheeks hard, and you let out a small whimper in response. You feel another sharp sting on your asscheek as his hand comes down. You hiss at the feeling, jolting away from him. Yunho grabs your hips and pushes you forward, making you stumble on the cushions of the couch, your knees touching the soft fabric. Yunho leans back, admiring the sight before kneeling down.
You look back, your breathing starting to get heavier and shakier. Your eyebrows furrow a little, watching him dip his head between your legs again. The feeling of his mouth on you again unexpectedly rips a loud moan out of your mouth. The feeling of him sucking on your understimulated bud, paired with the way his tongue lapped every inch of you up made you realize your orgasm was not too far off.
“Shi-” You moan out, but Yunho slaps your ass again, making you hiss in pain again, jolting away from him. Yunho grumbles, pulling you back to him as he continues to devour you. His fingers slide back inside you, curling up and hitting all the right places as another moan is choked out of you.
Your orgasm approaches fast, and hard and before you know it, you've basically drenched Yunho’s fingers and face, your moans spilling out of your mouth at different frequencies. You feel Yunho pull his fingers out, and you're about to protest, to tell him to wait to ride the rest of your orgasm out but he slams himself into you. Your body spasms around him, and you gasp loudly, your knees buckling under his sudden weight.
“Fuck, you're so tight. You feel so good, baby.” Yunho leans forward, his mouth right by your ear as he whispers praise. You moan at his words, and the feeling of him filling you up and stretching you out was just heavenly. Your breakup long forgotten about as Yunho begins to kiss along your back, leaving a lingering feeling behind as he pulls back, just a little. You moan at the feeling, and at the loss, before he thrusts his hips into you again. You curse under your breath.
His hands reach around you, cupping your breasts in his hands, before he starts to slowly pick up speed in his thrusts. Your body is still a little weak and sensitive from your orgasm a moment ago, and Yunho knows it. He knew your body better than anyone- even Mingi. He’d been with you long enough to know the signs- you were on the brink of another orgasm.
“oh? so eager to cum already?” Yunho whispers into your ear, making you shudder again. Yunho slips his hand down your body, between your legs. Your knees start to buckle again, but he catches you. “not so fast~” He chuckles dryly, watching you melt under him.
“What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing?!”
You and Yunho both instantly stop. Your eyes are wider than the moon, and you could swear you could feel Yunho’s heart just genuinely stop.
“Yunho. Y/n. What the fuck?!” He says again, this time, with a lot of anger behind his voice. You couldn't move, you were literally glued to this couch. Mingi just walked in on Yunho fucking you senseless- there was no way you were getting out of this one.
“Mingi, let me explain!” Yunho starts, his hands leave your body, and he pulls out of you, making you whine. He gently sits you down on the couch properly as he shoves his still hard cock into his pants and zips it up. Yunho even goes as far as handing you a blanket, but you didn't take it.
“No, let her explain.” Mingi points at you, and you look up at the two of them. Mingi’s eyes come across your chest, sneaking another quick peek at the marks left on you.
“Mingi, it’s not what you think…” You try to protest, but both Yunho and Mingi’s eyebrows raise, and Yunho shoots you a glare.
“What do you mean y/n?” Yunho asks, and now suddenly you're being grilled by both of them. You wondered what you did wrong in this life for this to happen to you.
“Yunho, you know what i mean, please…” You beg, and your voice cracks as you can feel your emotions start to rise. Your body was still hot with arousal, and your chest felt tight at the thought of them both leaving you.
“Mingi, I can't lie anymore.” Yunho says, and your eyes widen, you start to shake your head, and you reach out to grab his arm. He lets you take it but he doesn't look at your pathetic state. “Y/n and I have been sleeping together since high school, behind your back, behind all our partners backs.” Yunho admits to Mingi, who to Yunho’s surprise doesn't even blink.
“You think I don't know?” Mingi tuts, smacking his lips together while he looks between the two of you. “I've known you had a thing for her since we met, and well… you're both kind of really fucking awful liars, and you're terrible at sneaking around. By the way, since we live together full time, you should know by now y/n isn't very quiet.” Mingi explains, his words hitting your ears and making you blush. You weren't a good liar, but Yunho when he wasn't trying was a terrible liar. He also just generally hated lying to you and to Mingi.
“oh…” Yunho mumbles, his eyes falling to the floor. Mingi looks over at you, and smirks. He reaches out to your head, grabbing a fist full of your hair and you look up at him. Yunho notices Mingi move, and he looks up to watch what he was doing- his jaw about fell off his face when he realized what was happening right in front of him.
“What you don't know, that I know you don't know, is that we share the same toy. The same dumb, slutty little toy- but not just each other… all those stupid guys she keeps bringing into her life who are nothing but useless, anyways.” Mingi’s voice is low, almost like a growl. Yunho and your eyes are glued on Mingi’s hands, unbuckling his belt, and pulling down his pants, just slightly. His cock springs free from his boxers right in front of your face.
“So what do you say? Should we teach her a lesson, Yunho?” Mingi asks, lightly tapping the head of his dick right on your plump lips. The corners of your mouth twitch, and the heat in your belly becomes so fucking unbearable you can't stop the moan from escaping. Mingi uses this as his opening to shove his dick in your mouth, and down your throat, forcing you to choke on his thick length.
Mingi lets out a low moan, before pulling you away from him by your hair. You gasp for air, already feeling the tears start to spill over. Mingi grins, and places his hand on your cheek. You brace yourself, closing your eye on that side as Mingi’s hand comes into contact with your flesh, hard and fast, making your head spin.
“Mingi- what are you doing?!” Yunho sounds panicked after seeing this, he himself had never hit your face- he refused to. He didn't want to hurt you or make you distrust him.
“She likes it. Trust me. You're not the only one who’s fucked her for 8 years.” Mingi grumbles. He pulls away from you, and pulls you to your feet by your hair. You obey, standing up and looking between the two men- Yunho is looking at you with concern, wondering if Mingi was taking it too far but you give him a reassuring smile and just like that, he snaps back.
You feel Yunho’s hands on your back, but you can’t see him, as he’s behind you and the grip Mingi has on your is deadly- denying you from looking at Yunho.
“Think I didn't know about this little thing between you two? Yunho’s like a little lost puppy without you, following you around, wanting to always be near you, always touching you. You think I didn't notice your glances, your sneaking away with one another. The fucking hickey’s that litter your body, that I know I don't leave.” Mingi pulls you close to him, pulling you out of Yunho’s grip. Yunho looks up, and shoots a glare at Mingi, before wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Do you think I’m stupid y/n?” Mingi growls, and your eyes widen, shaking your head. You gasp, and moan as you feel Yunho enter you again. Mingi’s other hand cups your breast, his thumb and index pinching your nipple hard making you moan, and your eyes roll back as your body gives into Yunho.
The sensation of Yunho filling you up, while Mingi grills you, kneading the plush skin of your breast, was driving you crazy. Yunho’s hand coasts up from the small of your back, pushing Mingi away with his other hand as he forces you to bed back over the couch. Your body gives in, and you faceplant right into the couch. Yunho adjusts both of your bodies so now he’s on the couch behind you, as he starts to pound into you.
Mingi watches as your eyes shut, your brows furrow and your lips part as Yunho destroys you. His body twitches at the sounds of your moans, needing to touch you somehow. It was driving him insane. For a moment, he just watches as Yunho ravages you, his cock aching to feel any part of you.
“M…Mingi.” You choke out, and Mingi’s entire body goes rigid… You wanted him too? Not just Yunho? Yunho pulls you back onto him, lifting you up a little. You move your arms out, resting your palms on the cushion of the couch to hold yourself up, while Yunho’s arms encapsulate your body.
You and Yunho watch Mingi process all of this, the smile on your faces more than evident that you were literally inviting him to join. Yunho pulls an arm from around you, and reaches out to grab Mingi’s wrist pulling him closer to the two of you. He lets go of Mingi, and wraps his arm around you again.
“This is what you wanted, right, Mingi? To fuck her? To teach her a lesson? So why are you just standing there and watching? Are you that pathetic?” Yunho’s words strike a chord with Mingi, and he groans, letting his head fall back for just a second, before lifting his head up to look down at you.
Neither you or Yunho can say anything else, before Mingi’s dick is down your throat again. You moan at the feeling of being filled from both ends, and the feeling of being used by both of them is so intense, your second orgasm comes crashing down. You pull away from Mingi to catch your breath, but Yunho’s hand on the back of your head keeps you in place, while Yunho fucks into you, at a relentless pace. Mingi reaches forward, grabbing your head and pulling you back towards him, smashing your nose against his pelvis.
You try to breathe, you try to cry out, do anything, but all you can do is choke, and sputter and just cry. You felt so small between them, their hands just swallowing every part of you up as they use you for their own pleasure.
Yunho’s arms wrap around your thighs, pulling you closer to him. It felt like they were playing tug of war with you, being tugged back and forth between them. Yunho’s fingers graze your folds, feeling himself push in and out of you for a few second before finding your clit and rubbing small circles in it, making you moan against Mingi’s dick.
“Oh, Fuck.” Mingi curses, pulling out of you quickly. He bends down, and kisses you, harshly. You don't have time to even catch your breath as Mingi pushes you further onto Yunho’s dick, and Yunho bottoming out inside of you. All three of you moan simultaneously, and there's a familiar feeling inside of you, and Yunho’s grip around you tightens so hard it's painful. The warm liquid spilling inside of you, and the twitching, and pulsating makes your body clench around him naturally.
Yunho holds you in his embrace for a moment, while your lips are still locked with Mingi’s. Yunho can't help but watch, feeling something different growing in the pit of his stomach. Mingi cups your face and his thumbs pass under your eyes wiping your makeup and tear stained cheeks off.
Yunho watches in awe, before his amazement is replaced with concern as he watches Mingi strike your cheek again. This time, Yunho could feel how much you liked it. You clenched around him hard, and let out a little whimper.
“Want me to cum inside you?” Mingi asks, pulling away from you to allow you to catch your breath. You pant heavily, and you nod your head, your eyes trained on Mingi as he presses his forehead against yours. Yunho, reluctantly, pulls his arms from around you, and watches as you slide off of him, whining at the loss- even he was a little upset at the loss.
Yunho gets up, and Mingi takes his place immediately. Mingi slaps your ass, harder than Yunho had done previously, making you whimper in response. Although Mingi and Yunho were similar in length, Mingi was just a tad girthier than Yunho so watching your face contort almost in pain as Mingi pushes himself inside of you made Yunho’s heart flutter.
“A-are you okay?” Yunho grabs your face, worried that Mingi was doing too much to you. He would hate it if you got hurt by either of them. You look at Yunho, and he can't help the twitch in his cock again as he takes in your fucked out expression.
“Y-yun…” you choke out another moan, as Mingi bottoms out inside of you. Your body still raw from Yunho’s usage of it, it makes you jolt a bit, Mingi pulls you back again, forcing you to take all of him. Your head falls forward, and you reach for Yunho, who gladly takes your hand, holding onto it tightly.
“Good to know you're still so tight after Yunho uses you.” Mingi leans forward, pressing his chest against your back as he growls in your ear. You whine in response, before Mingi’s hand comes to the back of your head, forcing your head into the seat of the cushion, and Yunho’s eyes widen as Mingi literally fucks you into the couch.
“Are you just gonna watch?” Mingi tuts at Yunho, and Yunho’s eyes snap to Mingi- a little conflicted. Of course he wanted to join in again, but your safety was his biggest concern. It had always been.
“She likes it, stop worrying so much. She isn't as fragile as you think.” Mingi grumbles, before his hand comes down hard on your ass again. You let out a muffled cry, and Yunho watches as Mingi’s hand moves from the back of your head, to the back of your neck, gripping you tightly and pulling you up. “Don't you?” You pant heavily, but nod regardless. Your body trembles under Mingi’s force.
Mingi’s other hand comes around, hooking under your arm as he grabs your throat, and squeezes the sides. His hand moves from the back of your neck, down to your ass as he starts to speed up his thrusts again.
Yunho was so conflicted, but he got an idea- he stands up, taking Mingi’s former place. Mingi nudges your chin, making you look up at Yunho who towers over you. He gently pats your head, before pressing the head of his cock against your lips. You whine a little, your throat feeling raw from how rough Mingi was, but you oblige anyways, knowing Yunho wouldn't be so rough now that he has cum.
Yunho’s strokes are slow and gentle, but his hips buck as you hollow your cheeks out, flattening your tongue against his shaft. He lets out a little whimper, and as Mingi thrusts in, Yunho pulls out, making your body feel electric. Their thrusts are opposite of one another and it drives you literally insane. Mingi’s thrusts are harsh, and forceful, but Yunho’s are gentle and kind.
Mingi’s hand was still on your throat, squeezing perfectly, making you feel just perfect. Yunho get another idea, and he pries Mingi’s hand from your throat, replacing it with his own.
“Yunho? What the hell.” Mingi frowns, furrowing his brows as he halts his movements. You whine out and push against him, he growls and slaps your ass again, making you jolt forward and choke on Yunho’s cock. Yunho groans, and holds the back of your neck, pushing his cock so far down your throat, your nose touches his pelvis and he can literally feel his dick in your throat.
“Ohhh, fuck…” Yunho moans, looking down at your pathetic, fucked out state. The tears that stream down your face, and the spit bubbling at the corner of your mouth, as you choke on him.
“Look at her,” Mingi croons, smiling devilishly at you. “So pretty with our dicks inside you, huh?” Mingi whispers, making your body erupt in goosebumps. You can hear Mingi chuckle behind you as he picks his pace up once more, pounding into at a punishing force and speed, and Yunho pulls out of your mouth. You gasp for air, before a choked moan leaves your lips, your eyes closing tightly and your hands reaching for Yunho.
“You're doing so good, princess.” Yunho mumbles, moving his hands from your neck to your face. One hand holds your chin to face him, the other is wiping the tears from your cheeks, and the drool from your lips. You were a fucking mess, makeup smudged everywhere, your hair tangled, your lips swollen and abused, along with the drool coming out of the corners of your mouth as you get fucked stupid.
“So fucking good.” Mingi moans, grabbing your hips and forcing you back against him again. You cry out, and Yunho’s brows furrow with concern- never having heard you make that noise before.
“Mingi, stop.” Yunho warns, and Mingi shakes his head.
“Shut up.” Mingi strains, slamming into you once more, his painted nails digging into your hips. You reach for Yunho again, just needing something, anything to stabilize you, before you collapse as you can feel Mingi’s cum spilling inside of you. “Oh, shit…” Mingi moans, throwing his head back and letting out a loud, deep breath. Yunho holds your hand tightly, he can feel you shaking, and he wants to sweep you into his arms and protect you from everything but he wasn't quite sure you wanted to be touched after all of this.
You're left completely speechless, panting heavily with your head resting in Yunho’s hand. Hot tears still spilling out of your eyes only concern the eldest boy more and more.
“Baby, what's wrong…? Did we hurt you?” Yunho asks, pulling his hand out of yours to push your hair out of your face. Mingi watches Yunho, his heart aching a little at the sight of his best friends. Although Mingi loved you, just as much as Yunho did, he had always wondered if the bonds between the three of you were different.
“N-no, she’s okay… she usually takes a while to recuperate after we have sex.” Mingi admits, Yunho’s eyes flickering up to Mingi, giving him a dirty look, before looking back down at you. You nod at Mingi’s words, letting Yunho know the truth.
Yunho was rough with you, but not like Mingi was.
Yunho huffs in response to your nodding, before wiping your tears away from your cheeks. He places a kiss on the tip of your nose before he pulls his boxers, and pants back up, and walks over to the vanity where your makeup was. He swipes a makeup wipe off the desk, and comes back over to you, sitting in front of you.
“A-are you always this way…?” Mingi asks, a little hesitant. He didn't know what he should or shouldn't say, if anything at all. Mingi just looks down, and pulls out of you, making you gasp and whine, while Yunho shoots him another dirty look.
“She deserves to be treated well.” is all Yunho says, as he begins to wipe your makeup off with soft, and tender hands. Yunho pulls away for a second, grabbing your underwear and shorts, putting them in his lap, before guiding you to sit next to him.
“I’m so glad today was the last show.” You mutter, and Yunho chuckles, grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him again. He instructs you to look up with just your eyes, and you do. He takes the makeup wipe, and begins to very carefully clean your under eyes of makeup and tears.
Mingi watching the two of you made his heart shatter. No wonder you two were so smitten with one another. He clears his throat, catching both of your attention. He quickly gathers himself, pulling his pants back on and sitting next to you.
“We should talk about this.” Mingi offers, and Yunho and you exchange a look, before looking at Mingi again. “What?”
“Talk about what?” Yunho asks, seemingly clueless to what Mingi was trying to get at.
“What just happened…?” Mingi raises an eyebrow, and you giggle. You grab the collar of his shirt, and pull him down to you, planting a tender kiss on his lips. Mingi melts into you, both of your eyes closing at the contact, and Yunho chuckles. You pull away, and look at Yunho, then back at Mingi.
“We kind of already talked about it before…” You start, watching as Yunho sets your clothes in your lap. You pull your shirt back on properly, before slipping your panties and shorts back on.
“Talked about what? I’m really confused here…?” Mingi scratches the back of his head, and furrows his brows. Yunho shakes his head, swatting Mingi’s hand away from his head.
“Stop worrying. It’s nothing bad. Y/n and I agreed, back when we first started all this, that if you ever found out, and joined us- that it solidifies her and I’s relationship.” Yunho explains, but Mingi looks even more confused than ever.
“Wait so you're dating now? What the hell am I doing here?” Mingi scoffs, finding your agreement to be bullshit. Yunho knew Mingi liked you, just as Mingi knew Yunho liked you, and somehow Mingi is being left out? How dare his best friends.
“Mingi!” Your voice brings Mingi back to earth, and he looks at you. You looked so cute, sitting next to Yunho as he leans close to you, holding himself up with his arm behind you, just to be close to you. God… you both looked so good to Mingi.
“Can you let us explain?” You ask, gently, knowing Mingi was one to overthink and jump to conclusions. He sighs and nods, mentally shaking off the daze he was just in.
“I guess, yeah, us two are dating now… but if you want, only if you want… we want you to join us.” Yunho says, almost awkwardly- like he doesn't want to say the words. He wants you all to himself all the time, he doesn't want to share. but if he was going to share with anyone, he was glad it was Mingi.
“what…?” Mingi narrows his eyes at Yunho, then at you, before turning back to Yunho.
“be our boyfriend, or my boyfriend.” You blurt out, and Mingi’s eyes widen the size of large saucers and his lips part in shock.
“What?” He repeats himself, and Yunho scoffs, rolling his eyes.
“You can either be both of our boyfriends, or you can also be her boyfriend. I don't mind either way.” Yunho explains, but Mingi just looks as dumbfounded as ever.
“Like… polyamory…?” Mingi asks for clarification and the two of you nod. You didn't know why the boys were so scared of the outcome- you knew they'd love doing what they just did to you, but they both just refused- scared to lose their friendship with one another.
“I… I guess I can try being her boyfriend too…” Mingi finally answers after a long pause between the three of them. You smile and nod, leaning forward and kissing the corner of Mingi’s mouth.
“Great! Well, I’m starving and my throat hurts, so I’m gonna go to the bus.” You get up from between them, grabbing your phone that was discarded at some point, and swiftly leaving the room, leaving behind Yunho and Mingi.
Mingi glances at Yunho, seeing the dreamy expression on his face, and the small smile playing on his lips.
“How long have you waited to officially be her boyfriend?” Mingi asks, his voice barely above a whisper, and Yunho turns his head to look at him, the smile just growing and growing.
“19 Years.”
“Since we were 6?!” Mingi exclaims, and Yunho nods, patting Mingi’s knee before getting up and pulling his shirt and jacket back on. Yunho looks at Mingi and shrugs his shoulders, before starting to follow your footstep.
“Since we were 6, Mingi.” Yunho smirks, before turning on his heel and chasing after you with a new spring in his step.
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iannmin · 1 month
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idol!san x reader
Imagine you’re lounging at the nearby park, the light filtering between the rustling leaves above and casting playful shadows on the grass. Your gaze rests on San, who is sprawled on the picnic mat, laughing heartily as he builds a tower of colourful lego blocks with his five-year-old niece, Haru.
Haru’s giggles fills the comfortable silence, a melody of innocent joy. “Look, San! Look at the tower!” she exclaims, her eyes wide with excitement.
San grins, his face alight with a warmth that makes your heart flutter. “Wow, Haru! That’s the tallest tower I’ve ever seen. I think it might touch the sky!”
Haru’s laughter bubbles over, and she claps her hands in delight. “Let’s make it even taller!” she suggests, her small doll-like fingers reaching for another block.
You watch them, your heart swelling with an emotion so deep it almost feels tangible. The way San interacts with Haru—his patience, his boundless enthusiasm, and his tenderness—reveals a side of him that makes your love for him intensify.
He looks up briefly, catching your eye, instantly giving you the classic dimple smile that has never failed to make your heart flutter. “Honey, do you want to join us?”
You smile softly, feeling a warmth spread through you. “I’d love to,” you reply, moving closer.
As you sit beside them and help build the lego tower, San’s hand gently brushes against yours. He doesn’t need to say anything; his eyes, full of love and contentment, speak volumes. In this moment, surrounded by laughter and the simple joy of play, you realize how deeply you cherish him. The sight of him with Haru—the way he shares his boundless heart—makes you love him even more.
And as the tower reaches ever higher, you feel your love for San growing just as tall, just as limitless.
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mingigoo · 8 months
Tattoo || seonghwa (m.)
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✰ pairing ⇢ idol! (fem) reader x idol! seonghwa
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✰ summary ⇢ After a long tour, seonghwa hurries back to you—but gets to the hotel room while you’re showering. When you step back into the room, seonghwa sees that brand new, huge spine tattoo you just got—and he just can’t take it anymore.
✰ genre/au ⇢ smut, fluff, idol au
✰ warnings/tags ⇢ 18+ minors DNI, unprotected sex, cum shot, seonghwa is whipped, also he definitely has a tattoo kink, hotel sex, secret relationship, this really has no plot its just kinda filth
✰ word count ⇢ 2.0k
✰ taglist ⇢ @atinywhore @jjhmk @yukine-smx @roe-sinning @meowmeowminnie @yeritheloml @y00nzin0 @yesv01 @halesandy @shegotboreddsoo @kangyeosangelic @gayliljoong @sanshineeeeee @kodzukein @baguette-atiny @seokwoosmole @nyeatinyjunkie @juliettechokilo @pockyddalgi @justaqueerbufoin @hwaightme @likexaxdaydream @ssaboala @gtr-skyline-lover @miriamxsworld @daegale @knucklesdeepmingi @naiify @yeoyeoland @arya9111 @mdibby @8tinytings @angelicyeo @wooyoungjpg @lonewolfjinji @asjkdk @charreddonuts @mangishii @yeoyeoland @pink-hwaberry @wooyoluvrr @maru-matt @pearltinyy @loveuwoo @m3chigo @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @interweab @skz1-4-3 (if I missed you please lmk!! bold = can’t tag)
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You were desperate.
He curved his hips, arching his back, gripping the chair underneath him. Sweat dripped, his tongue danced, his eyes were shut tight.
He was god-like. You were ready to kneel for him as you watched his eyes darken, his hips snap—the curve of his muscle, his thin, delicate waist. He moved unlike anyone else, as if he were water, fluid—graceful. However, not graceful enough for you not to imagine swallowing him whole.
You couldn't take this anymore.
You shut your phone off, his half-naked body still on the screen before it went black. You tossed it aside on the huge California king bed and stood up straight.
With a sigh, you looked out towards the city. It was sparkling beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows, shining like stars in the night. Everything reminded you of him. He’s been gone for ages, months; it was all too much. 
You went into the bathroom of the hotel room you were in, turning on the water, and opting for a cold shower. You desperately needed something to cool your thoughts down—you knew he was coming soon, but you needed to get a grip. 
You felt like a delusional fan—you were, slightly. Even being an idol yourself, you still crazed over your boyfriend as if he were just a figment of your imagination. 
You let the water hit your face as you tried to keep your thoughts in check.
After your shower of not-so-clean thoughts, you step back out into the cool air of the hotel room in only a towel, your bare feet flush against the plush carpet. With a quick movement, you went to find clothes in your bag, but you caught a glimpse of a certain black-haired boy on the bed.
His eyes light up, and he jumps off the bed as quickly as possible, tackling you into an embrace. You felt a swell of happiness fill you as he kissed you all over your face, your cheeks, your lips. It was as if he popped right out of your phone—but unlike his unkept stage look, his hair was neatly groomed, his face without makeup, his smile genuine.
“I missed you,” he whispered against your lips, his arms wrapped around your towel-covered waist. His lips met yours once more, a content sigh leaving his breath. 
“I missed you, too,” you smile at him, lifting a hand to rest on his cheek, feeling him lean into your touch. He looked so calm, so clean. But his eyes—oh, they showed exactly his true form. They were fierce, feline-like. He gazed at you with imperativeness, sexiness dripping off of him. 
His hair was begging to be messed up, begging to be gripped. His lips were parted in front of you, his white teeth bared slightly, and all you could think of was how sharp his hips snapped into the air—how you imagined yourself on top of him.
But you had something important to give him—a gift other than yourself. You got him a simple, small necklace with your initial on it. You knew it would cause a sort of commotion around the fandom, as fans would immediately point fingers and come up with ideas. The thought of it made you excited—even to see him wear it would mean the world to you.
You left his embrace despite his grip. “Oh, I have something for you,” you smiled, turning around to get to your bag. “I think you’ll like it. Let me just find it here—”
The air felt colder.
“....What…is that?” he swallowed hard.
“What?” you called over your shoulder as you rummaged through your bag.
He didn't say anything. No, he approached you slowly from behind, drawing a hand down your neck, meeting the top of your towel that was falling off by the second.
“This,” he hummed, in awe. His tone was soft, but his intentions felt sinister.
“Oh?” you smirked, dropping your towel slowly. “I got a tattoo while you were gone,” you whispered, facing away from him as his hot breath danced across your skin. You were about to ask if he liked it, but you could just tell by the way his hand trailed down your neck, down your spine, dancing across the ink that looked like a star falling, shining down your skin. And his hand met the small of your back, the base of your spine, and you shivered.
“Oh, god,” he growled.
“What?” you asked innocently, turning around in his grip, watching that stone-cold, sharp gaze he had on you meet yours. His eyes were sharp, making you think back to the videos of him once again, how he thrust his hips into the air, how you imagined yourself on top of him in the chair, how you wished you couldve licked the sweat off his pretty little face.
You grazed his cheek, trailing your hand down his shoulders, down his stomach—thinking of the way he looked in his stage clothes. He chewed on his lip, his breath hitching, his muscles tensing underneath the thin fabric of his shirt.
“Am I making you nervous, baby?” you hummed, your cold fingers gliding underneath his shirt, feeling him tighten under your touch. You haven't fucked for months, the only company being your own hand, and it was the same for him. You were naked in front of him, his eyes hungrier than you've ever seen them. “You know, I was just thinking about you in the shower, about how sexy you looked on stage….”
He just seethed through his teeth, smiling like an absolute maniac. 
“God, I need you. I..… I need you right now,” he let out a guttural sound, his hands gripping your bare hips, his eyes as dark as the night. “I can't wait any longer.”
Quickly, he pushed you up against the cold window; your back pressed up against it, your exposed chest against him. He tore your mouth apart, digesting you, eating you up, his teeth nibbling at your lips. You fumbled with the hem of his shirt, tugging on it, begging him to part for one second just for you to tear his shirt off. 
You managed to pull the shirt over his head, his muscles rippling against your cold touch. One of his hands found a home tangled in your wet hair, the other wrapping around your body, running down your spine. You shivered, feeling a mixture of pain and pleasure. It all blended together, and you tugged his jeans off as fast as you could.
His breaths quickened as you pulled down his underwear, leaving him exposed to you, his hard-on aching to be relieved by you. He looked at you with desperation; his lips parted as he breathed. You gave him a small smile as you spit on your hand, watching his eyebrows raise as you gripped his cock in your hand. You found pleasure in the way he tossed his head back, the way his veins popped in his neck, his face. How he bit down on his lip to keep him from crying out.
You move your hand in slow, mind-crushing patterns, slow enough to wind him up into insanity. He saw the smirk on your face, and a pained—sex-filled expression filled his own features. He gritted his teeth, baring them like an animal, before gripping your hair and turning you around, slamming your breasts into the cold glass. You let out a moan, giggling slightly. 
“Oh, how I missed your anger issues,” you breathed, your face pressed against the window. His hand met your heat, his fingers curling up into you. One slid through you, causing your breath to hitch.
He pressed his lips against your back, your spine, his tongue licking against the inked skin, gliding over the fallen stars. “Oh, fuck,” he mumbled, his breath tickling the back of your neck. You arched your back against him as he fucked you with his finger, sticking another one in with haste. “Never thought a tattoo would turn me on so bad,” he breathed, pressing another kiss against your skin. “You should get more.”
You let out a chuckle, but your thoughts were cut short as he curled his fingers inside you, letting out a sound that nearly made you cum on the spot. You believe that he felt the same, as he let out a similar sound, his fingers moving faster as his lips sucked on your neck like a damn vampire.
“I need you inside me,” you cried out, his fingers only making you want his dick even more. Your hot breath fogged up the window, your lips leaving streaks against the glass. He slowly pulled his fingers out of you, and through the reflection of the window, you watched him suck on them, savoring your taste, closing his eyes tightly. 
“So…so hot,” his hand danced down your spine, his nails scratching your skin. You arched your back again; he let out a huff of air. “I fucking love your body. I love everything about you,” he moaned, the tip of his cock pressed against your entrance. You tilted your hips slightly, and he slowly entered you, as hard as a rock, feeling the ridges of you as he moved in and out slowly. You cried out, slamming your hands against the glass that overlooked the city. “I needed your body so bad. You have no idea how much I thought about this the whole tour…”
You moaned softly, his name on the tip of your tongue. “Did you jack off to me?” you moaned, tilting your head to the side, seeing the mess of his black hair all over his face, sticking to his skin. “Did you fuck yourself to me? Did you think about how I tasted?” you took in a sharp breath as your words clearly had an influence on him. He pushed in deeper into you, as if it were possible, and you cried out in pleasure. 
It's been so long—so long since you've felt his body move with yours, against yours, inside yours. You felt him pulse within you, your walls tightening against him as you reached your high. You came onto his dick, seeing stars and buildings and lights all around you. You felt like you were falling off the building, crashing. He let out a whimper, a moan, as he felt you tighten, and he pulled out as he came, emptying himself all over your back, on your tattoo. 
He breathed shakily, his cum dripping down your back, the wetness pooling at the base of your thighs. You couldn't breathe. You tried to inhale, but all you smelled was the sweet scent of sex, his sweat, his cologne. He was everything you needed, everything you thought of. He lived in your mind within every moment.
He stepped away to grab the towel you dropped earlier, and gently wiped away at your back. His eyes were trained on you, his breathing steadying.
You turned around, eyes meeting his. He looked beat, his eyelids heavy, his smile lazy. He looked at you like you were the best gift in the world, and his hands rested comfortably on your hips. “I missed you,” he said, again.
You flushed, as if you didn't just get railed over the city. “I know, you said that already.” You studied his face, how his eyebrows relaxed, how he was so content in your arms. You brushed away his sweaty hair, tucking it behind his ears.
“So,” he hummed, resting his head on top of yours, looking out to the city skyline. “Was the tattoo my gift?” he chuckled softly.
You let out a small laugh, smiling up at him. “I mean, no, it felt like more of a gift for me,” you thought back to how he reacted to it—just what you wanted. “But I’m glad you liked it. Makes me want to get them all over my body,” you dragged on, watching his eyes go wild.
With one look that could absolutely kill, he said,
“Don't tempt me with a good time.”
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yeosbbm · 11 months
NSFW Ateez Thoughts+ Headcanons
(some based on astrology wink wink)
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A/N: Simply a Drabble of what I think each member would be into and kinks until I finish my next fic which will probably be later tonight or tmr 😭
yes this man is a head game mvp and yes you’ll have hickies on your inner thighs
would be a tiddies man, but a leg man too tbh the size doesn’t matter either
will rip tights or fishnets off of you, lightly bite your calf while it’s balanced on his shoulder, gripping your thigh.. trailing up your leg before he finger fucks you
with his moon and venus sign I feel like he would most DEF have emotional sex, you got into an argument ? makeup sex. Haven’t seen each in forever ? He will be insatiable. You’re sad or stressed ? His mouth can help you feel better
Mommy Hwa is REALLL !
he eats shy girls UPPPPP for breakfast lunch and dinner like I need a hwa x shy listener fic made
has a photo album of you giving him brain and other freaky stuff on his phone and looks around before opening it to make sure members don’t see 💀
The jealousy/possessive sex would be crazy
He’ll either be petty as hell and make some snide remarks like after making you cum hard he’d be like “could he make you dumb like this ? probably not right ?”
Or he’d overstim you like a MADDDD MAN to prove a point
deep stroke champ like seriously
Will have you stuttering + speaking nonsense during sex by having you speak so he’ll hear you flustered..like he’ll ask about your day and then speed his hips up and while you can’t finish your sentence he’ll go “come on talk to me baby…”
will lay back and have you ride him/be on top after a longgg day at the studio
needs to be the best you ever had
He purposely gives you his clothes with the main purpose being to fuck you in them at some point of the day
after a shower you’ll ask him to bring you some clothes bc you forgot to grab some & instead of your own clothes he gives you a shirt and boxers of his and now look,, you’re in missionary with the shirt on 🫵🏽
Future Dilf Yunho is VERY VERY REAL !!
Sigh…the infamous size kink…no but he’d literally press his weight against you to keep you in place especially if you’re squirming too bad
his birth chart makes me feel like aftercare would be so rejuvenating and sweet when it comes to him ykwim like it would be amazingg
Dude I know he’s an ass man or likes thicker/curvier people
like he’d be all shy and quiet and be like “sorry I’m nervous” and then has you on the bed done and fucked out in the end while sitting there just “🙂”
I feel like he has a size kink like yunho since he’s so strong and built but not to the same extent
I am sooo for the idea that yeo likes seeing his s/o in lingerie like that’s so real
most definitely whispers in your ear with his deep husky voice during it all
hes holding your legs open while eating you and notices that you’re covering your face and holding your voice so he kisses his way up to your ear and goes “cmon love why’re you hiding from me.” while bringing his fingers in .
Gentle manhandling enthusiast
Yes, yes he is the boyfriend that keeps you from going out the house to party by fucking you before/during you getting ready to leave
You’re doing the final bits of your makeup and you have to do your hair + get dressed but allll of a sudden San comes in and asks where you going and then you say a party and nowww he’s suddenly “you’re so pretty..let me look at you.” and now your makeup is ruined and clothes are GONE !
Switch San is REAL GUYS
Crazy stamina + positions you will be taking a quick nap after you two are through and yes he will take photos of you knocked out to laugh at later
This one writer said that if San smoked he’d pass it to you during sex and man. I am so in love with that idea . This can be found on @atinysuh ‘s account !
He gives aftercare but I feel like even so he’d want to be babied after too like be sooo nice and sweet to him please
I like to imagine Mingi being into older women and if not older women, women in powerful positions or confident/dominant women
Has a huge praise kink
like think about him going down on you and lightly tugging his hair and praising him sooo much while he’s between your legs he’d go ham as soon as you utter “Fuck it feels so good Mingi..” he will make SURE you cum in the next 2 mins
This is lowkey unserious but like I imagine that pussy puts him to sleep like 💀
I personally believe he’s a switch but when he does dom he is the biggest flirt and dirty talker with the upmost confidence
Same as Mingi I like to think he’d be into older women or women in positions of power
He probably has such a random libido or finds you doing the most normal/conventional things sexy
You’ll be cooking dinner later into the evening and while you’re at the stove stirring up the food he’d come from behind and wrap his arms around you, it seems innocent until he begins kissing + nibbling on your ear and lightly pressing himself into you from behind while muttering about how sexy you look
We all know he loves to be scolded + degraded like he’ll pick small arguments just to hear you mad at him because it turns him on
You’ll tell him to slow down and him being the brat he is he’ll speed up for a bit or he will slow down but goes harder than earlier
He’s probably super into people who have an alt or at least a darker aesthetic and style
With his birth chart if you kiss his neck..he is DEFINITELY GONNA DEVOUR YOU plus he confirmed himself that he likes neck kisses
He is a thigh riding enthusiast.
Is 100% fully a dom and lowkey I feel like he cares more for giving to you rather than receiving back unless he asks
Tease him too bad and you WILL get consequences..whether it’s edging, teasing you 3x more, or even spanking you a couple times
Would take you out to eat and playfully tease you in the restaurant just so you can beg him to go home to fuck + he isn’t asking for the bill until you beg good enough
FUTURE ! SUGAR DADDY! JONGHO IS REALLL (but you’ll love giving + getting sugar from him)
Even if he wasn’t a sugar daddy he most def is the provider boyfriend
like I just know the morning after a night of sex he’ll leave before you wake up to go to work and you’ll check your phone and see he dropped a couple bands into your bank account “For being his good girl.”
Is it obvious I’m Jongho biased LMFAOO
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yuyubeans · 5 months
pillow princess
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pairing: needy mingi
genre: fluff
wc: ??
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As the evening started to settle in, mingi found himself craving attention, watched as you, immersed yourself in a book, seemingly nearly oblivious to his presence. Annoyance bubbled up within him, and he couldn't resist the urge to whine for attention.
"baby~" he called out, his tone tinged with frustration and desperation.
looking up from your book, a hint of irritation flashing across in your eyes at the interruption, it took you months to find this book, what did he want. "What is it, mingi?" you said, trying to mask your slight annoyance.
"I'm bored, and needy" he complained, a pout on his plush lips.
all you did was sigh, setting the book aside for a moment, giving him your full attention. "What do you want to do?" you huffed, trying to be patient.
"I don't know" shrugging his shoulders. "I just want you to pay attention to me."
you couldn't help but roll your eyes, you knew how important it was to make time for your relationship, it's just this book- that's when It dinged
"how about we cuddle, and I play an audio book in the background hmm princess?"
quickly grinned as he jumped into the bed, curling into your lap, inhaling your sweet scent, with a soft smile, she reached out and turned on the audio book "Okay baby, now it's us time okay?" you said, annoyance melting away as you slowly played with his hair, happy whines heard in return, spending the evening reconnecting and enjoying each other's company.
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a/n: this is saur cute
© yuyubeans 2024
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1024gifs · 9 months
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231231 sannie ᨒ mbc gayo daejejeon fairy
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a-soft-hornytiny · 2 years
Use it.
Summary: Mingi has a huge dick but is shy about it and has no idea what to do with it. 
Word count: 1.7k+
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Mingi x female!reader
Warnings: porn without plot, sub!mingi, virgin!mingi, kinda dom!reader, hand job, blow job, riding, teasing, slight begging, unprotected sex, cumming, dirty talk, breeding (let me know if I missed something) be careful while reading. 
Notes: uhmmm @star1117-archives miles you are a genius. I hope this is to your liking. Thank you for the request hehe
Taglist: under the cut (let me know if you wanna be added)
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Mister “I’m so cool and sexy” Mingi was sitting in front of you, blushing hard and not even able to form a proper sentence as you wide-eyed stared at his monster cock. Two reasons why you were completely overwhelmed. 
One: His dick was the biggest you had ever seen and you were genuinely worried if you could take him.
And two: Mingi. The man that never got shy when you teased each other. The man that never flinched away when it got heated. The man that obviously knew about his own sex appeal, was flustered as soon as you pulled down his pants. 
“I uhmm.” Your voice cracked while you got on your knees, now sitting between his legs. You wrapped one hand around the base of his cock, making him flinch. “You are…” Your second hand was now embracing the middle part of his length, his tip still being uncovered. “You are huge.” You stated in awe. 
You expected him to smile, laugh or make a joke of any kind, but instead he covered his face in his hands and let out a pretty pathetic whine. He was embarrassed. “I-I’m sorry I should- should have warned you.” He stuttered an apology as he tried to turn away from you. But you stopped him.
“You’re sorry?” You couldn’t help but laugh out loud. That was not what you had expected. Packed men were usually pretty proud of what they got but he.. it was almost like he-
“You’ve had sex before right?” You asked, already sensing the answer. However you couldn’t suppress the need to gently squeeze his length with both of your hands. 
He immediately whined again. His whole body was squealing and it was obvious that he was trying to avoid the answer. “Mingi.” You said, a certain strictness in your voice. “If you don’t answer then I will stop immediately.” 
He instantly shook his head. You smirked. From all the time you had spent together you would’ve never gathered that you were the experienced one of you both. You still remembered that time when he wore this nearly see through, skin tight, dark blue shirt under a shimmering leather jacket and fitting pants. That whole fit screamed Sex.
“Not.. not really.” Mingi finally dared to look at you. “J-Just some petting a few years ago.” He admitted but the glance he sent you, made you weak. His eyes were begging for you to stay and continue. To try and stuff yourself with his enormous cock. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath. “I can show you how to work this.” You gestured to the twitching dick right in front of you. He nodded, still ashamed. You scooted forward slightly and took his shaft into your hand. 
“Listen. While you’re in my mouth, it’s important that you don’t move. I don’t know how much I can take but it’s important that I can control it.” Your voice was soft. You sent him a little smile as he nodded before you lowered your head - even though you didn’t really need to lower it to reach him - and opened your mouth. 
Your heart was beating up to your throat as you took him in. Inch by inch. He was not only big but also girthy, which made the corners of your mouth hurt slightly. You were breathing through your nose slowly as his tip reached the back of your mouth. Half of his length was still uncovered so you took your hand to help. 
During the whole process, Mingi didn’t make a sound, which you didn’t notice since you were concentrating on “not choking”. When you finally felt comfortable to move you looked up to him, and immediately let him slide out of your mouth again. You couldn’t help but giggle as he sharply inhaled.
“When I said don’t move, I didn’t mean don’t breathe.” His face was flushed. “But otherwise it's hard not to..” He murmured, avoiding eye contact as he buried his hands deeper into the bedsheets. 
“Come on. I want to hear your pretty sounds, big boy.” You teased him before you pushed him onto his bed. He was now lying beneath you, his dick painted with your saliva and his cheeks the color of a summer sunset. 
In the course of the hot make-out session you had before, you had already lost most of your clothing, which meant that as you were straddling him he could see every single detail of your body. And he loved it. His eyes were following your every movement and he couldn’t keep his hands to himself.
And you were still confused about the contrast. Just about 20 minutes ago he had no problem ripping your clothes off of your body and relentlessly sucking on your skin with his plumb lips. He had let out the deepest sexiest groans while his lips crashed onto yours and now he was rock hard, shy and whiny. 
“I need your support now.” You said softly before positioning his hands on your waist. He nodded again but it was clear that he wasn’t 100% listening. His eyes were fidgeting all over your body, unable to find one spot to focus on. 
Without much hesitation you grabbed his dick again and positioned his tip at your wet entrance. You were very glad that you had prepared yourself for this, even though you weren’t sure if it was enough anymore. Then you slowly sat down.
The moment his tip touched your folds, both of you let out a loud groan. It was finally happening. Both of you had anticipated this for weeks. The sexual tension between you ever since your first date was ripping apart the air any time you were in a private space and you wondered why you hadn’t already jumped him before.
He started stretching you out, causing you to cry out in pleasure. His head was thrown back, pressed into the mattress, but his grip on your waist was strong. And then you passed the first 4 inches. You immediately felt how your body was protesting, sending a sharp pain through your whole body, making you whine.
“Are you okay?” Mingi instantly helped to push you up again. His eyes were big, shimmering with worry. You smiled slightly.
“Yes, it’s fine. I knew it was going to hurt, don't worry.” You reassured him before continuing to move downward. “But- but I don’t want ahhh-“ he wanted to protest but he interrupted himself with a filthy moan as his dick disappeared deeper and deeper in your warmth. 
You whined with every single movement. He felt him grind against your walls, stretching you out deeply. It was painful, but at the same time, the best thing you had felt in awhile, and the longer it took the easier it was. Slowly adjusted to his length and girth, you sat down completely. Your hands were resting on his chest, your fingernails digging into his skin. You want to be gentle, but he didn’t mind. All he saw was this you on top of him, tears running down your face as his dick fully disappeared inside you.
“Is it okay?” He wanted to sit up to caress your cheek, but you immediately push him down again. “Don’t move. It’s- it’s getting better.. fuck!” You moaned as the pain was replaced by pleasure. Mingi was looking at you with big eyes. He was scared to hurt you, but at the same time it was driving him crazy. But he listened. He didn’t move, and if he was honest, he wouldn’t know how to anyway.
And that’s when you started to carefully rock your hips back and forth. You were still trying to find the right way to move but Mingi was already a mess. Pretty moans groans and the whines were escaping his mouth as this unknown pleasure washed over his body. 
“Fuck you’re so tight..” He tried hard not to move with you but his grip on your hips was getting stronger. “I don’t think I can take this for long.” He admitted, the redness on his face re-appearing.
“Oh, don’t worry you’re not supposed to.” You wanted to sound teasing but everything that escaped your mouth was breathy. He was hitting places that never had been touched before. You clenched around him, as you felt his pre-cum leak into you.
“No seriously I mean I-“ His moans grew louder as you picked up the pace of your movements. 
Your mind went blank. The amount of pure ecstasy that was running through your body was immense, numbing. You wanted him to fill you up, not only with his cock but with his cum. 
“Cum for me.” You moaned, getting lost in your own pleasure. But Mingi couldn’t relax.
“Are you sure? I- sure? Isn’t that kinda.. dangerous?” He stuttered, trying hard not to cum then and there. You groaned. Now he’s overthinking it?
You leaned forward, setting kisses onto his skin until you reached his face. Your lips were hovering over his. 
“Come on good boy. Fill me up. Give me your precious cum.” You whispered before pressing your lips onto his. You moaned into each other’s mouths as you started moving again. Mingi was completely overwhelmed by your words but they showed an effect immediately. 
“Faster.. please..” He murmured against your lips and you let out a chuckle. “I didn’t know you could beg.” You responded, listening to him still. Your hips were now moving at the steady but fast pace and you could feel him twitch inside of you. 
“Yes.. Yes this is it.. I’m ahh I’m cu-cu-“ Mingi couldn’t help but buckle up his hips as his orgasm washed over him, making you cry out. “I’m cumming!” He whined while painting your insides white. You felt so full. Physically. You helped him ride out his high and just as he relaxed, you started moving again. He instantly cried out in overstimulation. 
“Now I’ll show you how you can use this huge dick of yours for good.” 
Tags: @jonghoisbabie @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers-writes @serialee @crimsonbubble @cometoceantrenches @em--ilysm @deja-vux @kawaiiloli00 @ddeonghwva @aaaaajonghooooo @sansbun @cookies-n-joong @plonys @hijirikaww @nari-nim @yunkiwii @mingi-ivity @racheloveyunho @seongsangsgf @jhmylove @lizsvcks @yunhobabygurl @leoninadecorazones @kerra-that-one-random-fangirl @star1117-archives
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thetypingpup · 6 months
*wakes up in a cold sweat*
playing with bad boy!seonghwa, pinning him against the wall, reaching into his pants and jerking him off. you cover his mouth with your other hand, telling him to keep quiet, feeling his cock twitch in your hands with every stern command muttered from your lips. he bucks up into your hand everytime you harshly tell him to "shut the fuck up", eyes sliding shut, embarrassed by how much your abrasive bossiness turns him on. he cums hard in his pants, his head tilting back, his back arching, his knees damn near giving out, the zippers on his jacket jingling as his body shudders. you lick up the release that smears your hands and tell him you'll text him later, leaving him completely disheveled. with his dark leather pants, no one can see the mess he made, but he can certainly feel it with every step he takes. the humiliation has his face red and his cock hardening again in no time, already craving your touch again.
*goes back to sleep*
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fairyofjaeyun · 12 days
here’s some more for y’all 😏
if none of them work try logging into twitter because I think you need to be logged in to see nsfw content now !
relentlessly teasing jaehyun while he’s tied up
trapping and pegging maid boy yangyang in the dryer (yes I’m back on this agenda)
sunghoon putting a pink ribbon on it ��
asking hyuka “who’s a good boy?” while you jerk him from behind ♡
bang chan telling you he wants your strap deeper
fingering jaehyun
jeongin sitting on your strap
edging and torturing mark’s poor cock
yeosang eating you out under the desk while you read
parking the car and giving hyunjin a ruined orgasm
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byuntrash101 · 6 months
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f!reader x switch!mingi smut | mdni 3.1k maybe mingi didn’t make the smartest choice picking a stem major? because the classes proves themselves to be rather difficult especially when mingi as to learn about the female anatomy without having any “field knowledge” on the subject. but as his tutor it’s your duty to help him study, by all means necessary. nsfw tags under the cut
loser virgin!mingi with the glasses (i love him so much it hurts), also switch sub leaning!mingi, tutor!reader, use of anatomical terms (reader takes her tutoring job v srly) + clueless mingi (he's cute), exhibitionism/voyeurism, masturbation (f), oral (f), mingi gets pussy drunk fassstttt, pet names (baby, good boy, babyboy), squirting, cum eating, cumming untouched
a/n: wrote this in a fever dream as i was crawling out of writer's block. i kinda love it did you know i loved mingi? yeah i do. he's cute and im weak for him. enjoy this &lt;3
ateez masterlist | navigation
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Why? Oh why did Mingi have to choose a STEM major? Why didn’t he go towards something that was a little easier or, failing that, at least a little more fun! Like music! He liked music. Why didn’t he go to a more artistic major? He could be learning about different types of harmonies or the life stories of his favorite composers or even the advent of the greatest musical genres. But no, instead he was stuck here in his small student flat, pulling his hair out trying to cram his brain with the reproductive system. Hunched over the thick and worn out second hand textbook.
“I can’t” he said, calling it quits, whipping his big glasses off his nose and throwing his hands in the air in a rather dramatic manner. Which made you chuckle.
Of all your tutees Mingi was easily your favourite. Sure he was one of the most difficult ones because studying didn’t come naturally to him but still he was very endearing. There was something in the way he looked at you with round eyes when he was confused or how his lips curled on his teeth and made an asymmetrical smile when got the right answer. Mingi was just cute without even trying, despite his towering height, his low gravelly voice and his eyes that turned sharp (maybe even cold) when he was focussing. He was just cute. He may look cold but as soon as you get to know him he turns out to be an endearing goofball.
He might even be the sole reason you kept on tutoring this year even with your thesis coming close to the deadline, the research for internships and the immense amount of reading your professors required.
“Yes, you can!” you said pointing at the schema on the yellowed page.
“No I can’t! I’m not book smart!” Mingi said again, this time a little more whiny. “How can I memorize that when I've never even seen this…” he gestured to the anatomical sketch of the female reproductive system. “In real life.” He exhaled, seemingly not conscious of what he had just admitted, taking his head in his big hands.
Your head was spinning with the unprompted confession. And you both sat there in silence for a couple of seconds. Mingi in oblivious desperation and you in speechless astonishment. 
But an idea sprouted in your mind. If this lack of practical experience was the reason behind Mingi’s memory troubles, you reckon nature gifted you with everything that was presented in this textbook. Maybe empirical science would help in this case. The least you could do was try, that was only your duty as a tutor. 
Mingi was startled when he felt you lift from under his bent elbows and close the heavy textbook, making him look up through his fingers. You sighed deeply before continuing softly.
“Mingi,” you started, a kind of heaviness about the voice Mingi never heard before, the contrast with your normal “patient teacher" tone made him finally realize what he had said to you in a fleeting moment of desperate academic honesty. 
Mingi started to stammer, his heart rate skyrocketing, his eyes darting to every corner of the room trying to come up with an excuse to why he still was a virgin loser or better yet a quick lie that would make him appear like a totally cool guy that definitely pulled girls, yes, multiple girls. But nothing came to mind and he was completely silenced when you laid your hand over his thick thigh. 
“Mingi…Do you want me to show you?” you said, barely above a whisper, you felt his thigh tense under your touch as Mingi looked back at you, mouth agape like a fish out of the water and round clueless eyes. So you cleared your throat and talked in a more assured tone. “If it can help you study, I'm willing to show you mine” you said in one breath.
Mingi was no longer agitated. He wasn’t wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans or stammering or looking everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Now, his eyes were locked with yours, and he was an immovable statue. But it was only because he was absolutely dumbfounded. He was stunned into silence, his thoughts weren’t coming through, they were completely silenced by your voice, this weird combination of words that made the sentence you just spoke infinitely reverberate in his blank mind until he faintly nodded, unable to form a coherent train of thought anymore.
You nodded and smiled softly at him. Mingi didn’t even return the smile he kept on staring in disbelief. Even when you got up and pulled your chair from under his desk and turned it so you would perfectly face him and even when your hands slipped under your pleated skirt and pulled down your underwear. You glanced over at him when you tossed to the side the crumpled up piece of white lace and you smirked when you saw him finally close his mouth to thickly swallow as his eyes zeroed in on the undergarment discarded on his bedroom floor.
Before his eyes snapped back to you when you seated yourself on this chair, your hips scooted to the front and your back comfortably leaned on the office chairback. His eyes followed your every move as you placed one foot on the edge of the desk and the other leg bent and hanging in the air. You took a deep breath before lifting your skirt.
Mingi thought he was going to pass out as he fumbled to put his glasses back on, not even trying to put them on straight on his nose. His face was burning hot and his heart was absolutely hammering against his ribs, and rattling in his ears. He felt the frantic muscle doped with adrenaline pumping blood not only to his brain, making him lightheaded but also to his groin. 
Mingi had never laid eyes on anything more beautiful ever. You were so perfect he couldn’t describe it but he didn't want to look anywhere else ever again he wanted to keep on staring you right between the legs until he eventually died from thirst, hunger or sleep deprivation. He wanted to keep looking forever and ever.
You cleared your throat once again and ignored both the tingle in your lower stomach as you felt Mingi’s scrutinizing gaze on your most private part and the tent he was visibly pitching his jeans by now.
“See here is the labia majora” you started, making your voice as steady as possible. You looked up at him but it seemed like you were speaking to a brick wall, Mingi was entranced and wasn’t listening to a single word you were saying.
“Mingi!” you called his name firmly and his eyes snapped to yours. “Focus!” you scolded him.
“Yeah… s-sorry” he apologized sheepishly, his cheeks and ears going to an even deeper shade of pink.
“As I was saying, this is the labia majora and here is the labia minora.” you said as neutrally as possible trying to overlook the need that was bubbling in the pit of your stomach the more Mingi looked at you.
“M-majora and minora” Mingi repeated as diligently as possible.
“Good! Let’s take a closer look” you said before spreading your lips with both hands, offering Mingi a breathtaking view on your entrance. 
Mingi had to repress a gasp. He felt himself twitch as he saw your pink hole being spread open, he could quite literally see inside you. And as you did so some translucent liquid oozed out of you. He was pretty sure that wasn’t part of the anatomical drawing that was in his textbook. He never saw that even in the porns he had watched. All he knew was that the sight made his cock jump inside his tight pants and he bit his lip to keep a low groan behind his teeth as his pants were rubbing on his sensitive cockhead.
“And here-”
“Ex-excuse me” Mingi interrupted you hesitantly, “what is this liquid?”
You did your best to overlook the excitement and arousal that came along with the exercise and the way Mingi was eyeing you down, devouring you with each look and trying so hard to keep his hands at his sides. But your body eventually betrayed you. 
“That’s a lubricating fluid that is secreted by the Skene glands to facilitate coitus,” you said as steadily as possible. “That happens when a woman is aroused.”
Those words hit Mingi like a truck launched at full speed on the highway. You were aroused? Like right now? You were enjoying showing yourself like this to him? You liked having him look at you? He was feeling dizzy. He couldn’t imagine you (even if he was in fact witnessing it with his very eyes) getting hot and bothered because of him. That was all a dream. It had to be.
“Aroused?” Mingi repeated, more to himself than anything as he fixed his askew glasses pushing them up the bridge of his nose absentmindedly.
“There are other signs too” 
Mingi’s ears perked up. 
“Other signs?” He swallowed thickly. “C-can you show me? P-please” The last word was soaked with desperation and dripping with such despair, he sounded like a parched man begging for the sip of water that was going to save his life and when his eyes met yours you realized he was also looking the part.
“O-okay” you said, failing to maintain the self assured tone.
“When a woman is aroused more blood is pumped to her private area which causes swelling and changes in color.” you said drawing a sharp gasp as your fingers dipped to your entrance to spread your wetness over your folds. “See, right now” you pulled on the skin of your pubic bone, pulling on the hood of your clit, uncovering the swollen bud. “My clitoris is swollen”
“Fuck” Mingi let the whispered curse slither thought his teeth as he looked at the swollen bundle of nerves being revealed to his very eyes. At this point he felt like his cock was going to rip through his jeans but still he behaved accordingly and refused to acknowledge the poor member's pleas for attention.
“I have a question.”
“Y-yes” you breathed out, spreading more arousal on your touched starved pussy.
“Is it true that girls get the most pleasure from their clit?” he stated in one surprisingly coherent sentence. 
“Yes” you replied simply, your breathing becoming uneven. 
“Can you show me that too?”
Mingi was ready to risk it all. At this point he wasn’t thinking about tomorrow anymore. To be exact he wasn’t thinking at all anymore. He only knew he liked looking at you. He wanted to keep looking. He wanted to see it all.
“Okay” you started. “I’ll show you how I make myself feel good”. Mingi thought he was going to explode, spontaneously combust in front of you as he heard those words coming from your mouth. 
You started to draw small and slow circles on your swollen clit and Mingi could tell the enigmatic little nub loved the attention because you elicited a moan that hit him right in the chest. A sound he will never forget. Nothing like the pornographic high pitched screeches he was used to. This one was lower, more sultry and slower. Like the sound caught in your throat but eventually made it out into the world against your will. And you bit your lip right after, your eyes growing heavier, hazier. You looked so beautiful.
He looked at you rubbing your pretty pussy and drawing out all these beautiful sounds out of yourself, more slick gushing out of you as your pretty pussy pulsed and tensed. He was mesmerized, completely entranced by you 
“Does it feel good?” he asked as his eyes went back up to your pretty face being contorted by intense pleasure. 
“Yes, it does. I like when you look at me” you confessed looking up at him with hooded eyes.
“Fuckkk” he sighed, his weeping cock twitching between his heavy thighs. “I like looking at you.”
You moaned again and picked up the pace, dipping to your entrance again to gather more wetness and dragging it up to your throbbing clit. The patterns you were drawing on your pussy were quicker and tighter, making you moan louder.
The squelching wet sounds erupting from the act made Mingi dizzy. How bad did he want to bend down and taste you, how bad did he want to get his tongue on your cunt, feel you throb under him as he lapped at you clit. He wanted to see you cum. He wanted to make you cum.
But he didn’t dare to touch you when you hadn’t asked. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he stuck to the script. He didn’t even succumb to the desire to take his own cock out to stroke it as he looked at you and to be completely honest he was scared to be distracted from the breathtaking show. Even for a single second he didn’t want to take his eyes off you.
“See how my pussy… mnph… is clenching?” you struggled to say, short of breath, your hand not slowing down. Mingi nodded quickly, his eyes darting from your cunt to your face back to your pussy. “That means I’m close to climax” Mingi’s eyes grew twice their size as he nodded again, expectantly. 
“When a woman orgasms… oh f-fuck… the vagina spasms” you said, inching dangerously close to your release. “if you want you can put a finger inside and feel it”
Mingi was not about to turn down such a generous proposition and nodded hastily. He hesitantly approached his hand, he didn’t really know what to do though so you took his wrist and guided his index through your fold, coating it in your juices and jolting at the contact before pushing his digit inside your tight heat with a low moan, it was just a finger but the stretch made it that much more pleasurable and you went back to rubbing your clit.
“Fuck… yess” you breathed. “Don’t move it”
Mingi couldn’t believe how warm and wet and tight you were, your pussy was lightly clenching around his finger everytime your fingers circled your clit.
“Do you feel it?” you asked, a little squeaky. Mingi nodded again.
“Yes. Y-you’re throbbing” he said peering at you over his large glasses you smiled.
“Yes it’s cause I’m very close” you kept on teasing your bundle of nerves. “Some women squirt when they orgasm” you started.
“Can you do that?” Mingi asked hurriedly, his eyebrows arching on his forehead, curious eyes close to bulge out.
“Fuckkk… Can I please drink it?” Mingi blurted. “Please I wanna taste it so bad” He couldn’t stop the question that burned his tongue. He had been curious about that ever since he first saw it in a porn video and to see you do that. He couldn’t let his chance pass.
Seeing him like this, begging you to have a taste of you almost had you crossing the line but you held on.
“Yes, come closer” Mingi threw himself on his knees without thinking twice. “Open your mouth baby” Mingi bent over you, opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, his dick twitching again at the novel term of endearment. You entangled your fingers in his soft locks of hair and pushed on his face until his lips were pressed against your folds, making him moan against your cunt, his finger still stuck inside your heat.
“Such a good boy. So eager to learn” you praised and Mingi started to instinctively buck his hips against nothing, the wet patch in his boxers growing larger with each pathetic and useless thrust.
“Fuck” he said, finally getting some of your juices in his mouth as your fingers rubbed your clit and occasionally brushed on his tongue. “Tho kood” he said, keeping his tongue out of his mouth, patiently waiting. 
“Fuck keep looking at me touching myself for you babyboy” you grunted, pulling on Mingi's soft hair. The dull pain made him whimper against your soaked little cunt, urging him to rutt his hips faster.
“Fuck I'm gonna… fuckkkk… m’cumming” you said, finally slipping over the edge as a powerful stream of translucent liquid spurted out of you making Mingi instantly wrap his lips around your folds and drink as much of it as he could as he continued to pathetically hump the air. The wave of intense pleasure radiated your whole body making you shake and moan under Mingi’s hungry lips, your cunt taking a vice grip onto Mingi’s finger. You continued to circle your clit until the pleasure wore off and you finally came down from your high, out of breath but utterly satisfied. 
When Mingi emerged from between your thighs he was disheveled, dazed. His face was a mess: his lips were swollen and his glasses were crooked and spotted with droplets of your release. He was completely dazzled but he looked content.
“Are you okay?” you asked hesitantly, closing your legs and flipping your skirt back, sitting back up straight.
“I came in my pants” Mingi declared, looking down at the dark blue wet patch on his jeans. “You looked so hot, you tasted so good… I- I-...and you called me a good boy… And I- lost it. I’m sorry I-” Mingi stammered again and you chuckled. You weren’t wrong about him. Mingi was definitely very cute.
“I hope you learned a lot today” you said, smiling warmly at him, and Mingi felt like his heart was going to fall out of his chest. How can you look so heavenly, so undoubtedly innocent when two seconds ago you were pulling his hair, shoving his face in your wet pussy and making his virgin ass cum without even touching him?
“Yes. I learned a lot. More than I ever hoped for”
“Maybe next time we can practice what you learned today. Okay?” you smiled again, but there was a mischievous glint in your innocent doe eyes.
“You mean we-” Mingi started but you cut him by jumping onto your feet, grabbing your purse and heading to the door of his room. On your way you bent down and picked up the white lace panties before throwing them at Mingi.
“That's a little gift for you” He caught the undergarment and looked up at you through his wet lenses just as confused as ever. Classic Mingi. “Use it as study material okay?” He nodded again, without saying a word and you headed out the door.
“Class dismissed”
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floriseu · 25 days
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𝖿𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗁  𝗌𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗐𝖻𝖾𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖾  `  𝗌  𝗌𝗆𝖾𝗅𝗅
𝗂𝗇   𝗍𝗁𝖾   𝗀𝖺𝗋𝖽𝖾𝗇    ────   꽃
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yeosbbm · 1 year
Mine, All Mine
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starring: idol! seonghwa x long distance gf! fem reader
genre: straight up smut, established relationship, possessiveness
summary: basically seonghwas been on tour and you finally see him and y’all SMASH !
warnings: barely any plot or dialogue, seonghwa is possessive, indirect dom - sub dynamic, breeding, face sitting, unprotected piv + riding, breast play, slight overstim
A/N: Something short and sweet also I opened up my request and ask question thing so if y’all have anything you’d like to ask/ask for y’all can go ahead and use it, also I might do a social/face reveal
You and Seonghwa haven’t seen each other in so long. So long being…three weeks. There are couples that go months apart even YEARS, but you know you weren’t the strongest soldier.
Since he’s been on tour you two have facetimed as often as possible, texting whenever you have the time to, send each other cute/funny vids you two like to cheer each other up about the separation. But there’s needs you two have that can only be resolved in person.
Physically…emotionally….sexually…I mean come on you two can only have phone sex for so many times.
However luckily…..you got a plane ticket to their next destination. As well as their managers agreeing with you tagging along as long as you don’t make a scene or attention to yourself whilst with them.
You joined the group with a team dinner at a restaurant. Sat next to Seonghwa you listen in and occasionally bring your own two cents into the conversation. However, there’s a problem in the mix. Seonghwa is already feeling so possessive and in need of your attention since it’s been so long, but Wooyoung and San haven’t made it better.
“You look absolutely gorgeous tonight by the way (y/n).” San says staring at your dress.
“Thank you San I appreciate it, Hwa bought me this dress.” You reply smiling at Seonghwa.
Wooyoung’s gaze is caught on your figure as well but he shifts his eyes to everyone else so he isn’t caught ogling.. “Yea she looks good enough to eat doesn’t she.”
Hongjoong steps on his foot under the table. “Manners Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung bites his lip avoiding yelping at the pain. “Yea my bad just got a little carried away.” He says strained.
San unfortunately adds fuel to the fire. “Just a shame you got to her first Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa gives a pained smile and sucks his teeth before his grip on your thigh tightens. Uh oh. While the guys are back chattering to each other about something he leans into your ear. “You really do look good enough to eat…wait till we get to the Hotel.”
You squeeze your thighs together and harshly swallow at his words. Despite what just left his mouth..Seonghwa is all smiles and giggling at the table.
After dinner, the group was doing a YouTube live in Hongjoong’s hotel room. Well, minus Seonghwa. The boys were talking about the performance as well as the sight seeing they’ve been doing during this time.
Then they notice the comments questioning Hwa’s absence.
Hongjoong adjusts his glasses before saying “Ooh concerning Seonghwa….we all went to a restaurant with our staff and he told us he didn’t feel well after eating so he’s currently resting in his hotel room.”
Yunho chimes in “Wish a speedy recovery for Seonghwa please !”
Little do they know….Seonghwa was really having you sit on his face. Making you press all your weight onto him, not letting you lift your hips up in the slightest.
His tongue made its way back in forth on your slit. Starting with it circling and lightly dipping into your drenched entrance while his tongue trails its way to your clit…flicking and rubbing the tip of his tongue right on your pearl. His arms are wrapped around your thighs holding you in place.
“So sweet for me baby…” He mumbles against your folds before fully bring his tongue into your hole. Rolling and waving it inside. This makes you tense in pleasure, your hips attempting to lift up to ease the intensity but his grip keeps it from happening. He needs to see you squirm more, he goes back to your clit and sucks and slurps at it with no mercy. Mindlessly you’re grinding across his mouth. “Hwa I’m so close..fuck please please please.”
You don’t know exactly what you’re pleading for knowing he won’t deny your release. Or maybe you were just pleading for the release itself “Cum for me…cover my face with it..make a mess .” You rock on his tongue quickly before your legs spasm. Moaning and letting out signs of relief. Naturally…your hips rise up…but to your surprise Seonghwa brings you right back down.
You gasp in shock feeling Hwa wriggle his tongue across your cunt again. Slightly nodding his head to add to the stimulation. “‘S so much Hwa.”
He smiles against your cunt before tongue fucking you. Soon he takes his thumb and relentlessly toys with your clit. You’re shaking, your abdomen tense. Seonghwa is just staring intently as you fall apart. Your hips try to lift but he’s pressing you farther into his mouth. You cum again,,legs now jelly,,,cunt throbbing especially with Seonghwa lightly licking the last bits of arousal you left behind for him. You’re minds in a haze, a stuck dumb state until you feel Seonghwa scoot up under you..
You can feel the hot oozing tip of his cock rub against your already sensitive heat. You rock your hips again, needing him to satiate the final bit of aroused ache residing in you. “Let me get a condom baby…unless you want it raw..” The thought of him fucking you raw has you both hungry for more. He already knows.
“You want me to stuff you full of me don’t you…” You need him now..he needs you just as much. “Please…please stuff me full.” He moans before fucking up into you, he lets you ride him as much as you please. “Get off on me, use me.” You’re bouncing up and down his dick chasing your own high. Seonghwa just as much,,, while he reaches up to grope your breast and teasing your nipples. But you can only ride for so long, soon he can feel you slow down losing your own energy to go up and down. “You need some help hm baby ?” You nod. He holds on and starts bucking his hips up into you. The impact of you two’s hips has you seeing stars. “So fucking pretty so mine…”
You can feel him bully his cock into you. He trails a hand up touching the marks he left on you earlier…sweet red and purple blotches. You’re so his. You’re consumed by him. “You’re mine…this pussy is mine..Fuck. Fuck. Your hearts mine.” You’re lost in ecstasy and the feeling of his cock filling you to the brim. “All yours..all….yours Hwa.” He smiles…proud that only he can see you like this and make you feel like this. “Nobody else can even get close to this….” You can feel your next orgasm building up in your stomach. “Only you..it’s only you.” He can feel his cock twitch, he’s on the same verge of cumming as you are. “Cum on my dick..let go so I can fuck my cum into you.”
You and him both whine and moan during your releases. You can feel his cum filling you up. Moments later he pulls out and his cum slowly making its way out until he lazily takes his fingers and fucks it deeper into you. You’re in subspace or something like it. Mind in a complete quiet state.
Seonghwa takes you into the hotel bathtub. He helps you wash up with the faintly fragrant hotel soap and dry off. He sits you on his hotel bed and helps you put on your sweet smelling lotion he loves and adores. Carefully rubbing it into your skin and massaging where you might be sore in the morning.
He helps you fix your hair while kissing your forehead..He lays in bed with you holding you close until you fall asleep. Once you finally drift off,, he heads to the bathroom to take his own shower that’s when he realizes a text from Hongjoong.
“Did you two forget I’m in the room next door you sick damn perverts.”
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over-driving · 6 months
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secret secret
you and jake have been secretly dating for over a year, that is until riki slipped up on a live.
sim jake x idol!fem!reader
wc: 281
warnings: idol life, secret relationship, riki called reader noona
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you and jake have have done a good job keeping your relationship a secret. that's quite a hard task when both of your lives are so public. there have been minor slip ups here and there within the year of you two dating but nothing to fully expose the relationship, thankfully.
right now, your group was preparing for a come back while enhypen was on tour. you finally got back to your dorm after an exhausting day when you got a notification that jake went live. he had told you a couple days ago about how he was doing a live with riki. you excitedly clicked the notification and started watching the live, desperately missing your boyfriend.
the live had gone on for almost an hour now. that's when riki picked up jake's phone to check the time, almost showing the camera jake's lockscreen of you and him. you could notice jake tense up slightly at the idea of thousands of fans so suddenly finding out about our relationship but he quickly calmed down. that was until you heard your name come out of riki's mouth through your phone.
"have you talked to y/n noona yet today?"
jake silently stared at riki with surprised, large eyes. your eyes were similar while looking at your phone screen. riki quickly realized his mistake and slapped a hand over his mouth while looking between jake and the camera.
this slip up was going to be hard to cover up
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requests are open !!
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