#idk why i'm focusing on eloise today
titanlights-moved · 4 years
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Two Sides
Eloise is much more in tune with her fairy side, as it encompasses more of her natural personality. She’s not the most tricky of fairies, opting more for kindness towards all in the ‘do no harm take no shit’ sort of way. However she knows how to defend herself against both fairies and vampires due to the familial struggles. It’s simply that she would rather take a pacifist route before resorting to violence. She does know some magic, is able to fly due to her wings, and can use glamours. However she doesn’t use any of those things much, especially the glamour. 
In terms of her vampiric side, she’s able to hide it most of the time. She doesn’t require nearly as much blood as full vampires do, but when she does require blood she goes into an almost paranoid state. Blood tastes awful to her and she despises the idea of hurting someone else for her own gain. Close friends who know her situation have offered to help. She always refuses. When she’s at her lowest point she will lash out at people and become more aggressive out of a need and desire for blood. However she’s still not one to be violent, so she will most likely punch a wall or table, anything not living. Her complexion does get paler like when someone is severely anemic, as her body sometimes starts using the blood within her to keep her alive and fed. (She technically needs less blood circulating because she’s technically half dead. Her body functions on lower amounts of resources than a full human or full fairy.)
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