#idk why i play into their game. i guess i just don't wanna bruise any feelings if i don't absolutely have to
britneyshakespeare · 2 years
You know what? Two personal posts in a row. Yesterday afternoon I was sent a message by this guy I'm in a Discord server w; I've only met him twice. The first time was only a month and a half ago at a big birthday party for my friend. The person who kinda organized and invited a lotta people to that event just invited like, a dozen or so randos that my friend didn't really know (some of them didn't know him at all) and this guy was one of em. Fine, whatever.
I've only met him twice, again, so I don't have a strong opinion of him, but I could tell pretty instantly upon meeting him that he thought I was attractive. I say this coldly and clinically because when you're aroace you know how to spot the WebMD Signs and Symptoms of a man thinking you're pretty very easily. I know because I am uncomfortable lol and there's a familiar set of behaviors. I didn't think much of it. But my friend has also brought up that this guy has said a handful of weird things to him, which is to me more concerning than someone thinking I'm cute.
But anyway the message he sent me. Right? It was asking me if I wanted to "get tacos tomorrow." I sent a screenshot to my friend and made a snarky little joke "hmmmmmm no" and I also said some elaborating on how, this was a topic I was telling him about the other day. Men will sometimes ask me on something that is clearly a date but not call it a date and it makes me uncomfortable because I'm like, now you're making me reject the very concept of spending time w you rather than giving me an easy out like "actually, no, I don't feel that way about you." It's to protect their egos ultimately.
But then right after I sent my friend that, I was like. WAIT A MINUTE LOL TOMORROW IS VALENTINE'S DAY. I thought something about it seemed completely random. I was like why do you wanna take me out for tacos on some fuckin Tuesday?
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lalka-laski · 3 years
Is there a bus stop near your house?: Yeah, right on the corner
Do you prefer red wine or white wine?: Dry whites & sweet reds
What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there?: I guess that must've been Rochester airport when I was coming home from New Orleans
Who do you live with?: Glenn
Do you read reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like?: Yeah, it's my go-to bedtime reading material. Some of my favorite subreddits are Askreddit (that's a given), AntiMLM, Glitch In The Matrix, and various music-related fandoms. I also recently got into Two Sentence Horror and the stories are DOPE
Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend?: You could sorta say I've broken up with a friend recently
What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside?: It was gorgeous and warm on my walk to work. I think it's started raining though.
Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently?: Mhm
Have you used a pen or pencil today? What did you write down?: Nope, not yet. But I will use a pen when it's time to write something
What does your last text message say and who is it from?: I don't feel like checking. I hate these questions for some reason.
Can you count how many times you’ve seen your favourite film?: No way. But it's gotta be at least 30, if I had to guess
When was the last time you ate marshmallows?: Couldn't tell ya
Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them?: I just can't get into them. I especially dislike the really conversational, unscripted ones.
How old will you be in the year 2030?: 38
How often does the kettle in your house get used?: About every other day, at least
Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from?: Extremely. I'm super pale and also anemic so double whammy.
What was the last thing you spent $150 or more on?: Rent
Do you prefer yes or no questions or more open-ended questions?: For surveys I prefer open-ended ones. When I get yes or no questions I try to elaborate even if it's a stretch. I just feel weird writing one-word answers, IDK!
What brand of toilet paper do you usually buy?: Cottonelle
If I knocked on your door right now, would you be acceptable dressed?: Well I'm at work now so yes
Why did you leave your last job?: It was just time to move on. I couldn't be a barista forever
What colour were the last socks you wore?: They're white
Are you studying currently? What level of education and what do you study?: Not currently. I have a BS in English & Creative Writing though Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying?: Absofuckinglutely not. I would never
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?: A stupid meme I saw. It's the dumbest ones that are the funniest
What’s your favourite scent of air freshener?: I don't use air fresheners sooo, beats me
How many weddings have you ever been to?: 5 or 6
Do you know anyone named Nora?: Yes, she's my angel
Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? I could DEFINITELY do with a pedi, and a mani wouldn't hurt either When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play?: I can't remember, which is sad because I love board games
Have you ever been to a festival for beer or other type of alcohol?: I've been to a Food and Wine festival if that's what you mean?
Do you own a record player and/or vinyls?: No. I really wanna get into collecting them though but I don't have the funds
When was the last time you went out for drinks?: Couple weeks ago Have you ever been to a strip club?: Yep
What’s your favourite kind of smoothie?: Strawberry banana I guess. I don't really drink smoothies
Do you know anyone with a ‘virtue name’? (Google it): Not in my close circle
Would you ever wear real authentic leather?: It's whatever to me. I used to have strong feelings on the matter but I just can't be bothered anymore. The truth is that actual leather is must more sustainable and environmentally friendly than "vegan leather" which is simply plastic
Have you taken out the trash today?: Nope, I should when I get home though How often do you wear make-up?: Only on special occasions now
What’s your opinion on The Simpsons?: It's a funny & well-written show, I'll give it that. I just don't watch it.
Do you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes?: It depends I guess
What’s your favourite brand of deodorant/antiperspirant?: I use Secret I think
Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce?: I live in America, of course I do
If you had the money, would you take taxis everywhere instead of driving?: I pretty much do that with Uber
Have you ever done a juice cleanse?: No, that's ridiculous
Do you have any friends who you can’t decide if they’re attractive or not?: I don't evaluate the attractiveness of my friends Is the inside of your fridge clean right now or does it need a clean out?: I actually just cleaned it out (that was part of my sober, productive weekend)
When was the last time you washed the dishes?: Yesterday
Are there any magazines that you read on a regular basis?: No, sadly. I used to be a magazine ADDICT, but I barely read any now
Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in?: Ehh, not really
What’s the first thing you tend to do when you have a headache?: Pop some Advil
Tell me about your responsibilities at work.: I went into detail about this in a previous survey and I just don't feel like retyping it all. Or talking about work
Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you?: Yeah, but I enjoy it. I find it soothing Have you ever had proper Canadian poutine with the squeaky cheese?: Yep
Do your parents know how to operate smartphones and/or computers?: Yes
How old are your parents, anyway?: In their mid-late 50s
Are you allergic to anything? What do you have to do to prevent them?: Not that I know of
What song is stuck in your head at the moment?: All Too Well (against my will)
Do you hate it when people try really hard, or do you kinda like it?: I guess it can be annoying. More just sad. Just be you
What’s your boss’ first name? Do you call him/her by that name?: I technically don't have one
When was the last time you wore a uniform of any kind? What colour was it? I haven't worn one since my Starbucks days. I wore a black polo & pants, and a green apron
Do you complete a survey before taking this one? Will you take one after?: Yep and yep. I've got a long morning ahead of me ha Have you ever lost enough weight to drop a dress size?: What?
What’s your favourite kind of bread?: Garlic
When was the last time you got pizza? What toppings did you get?: I had homemade pizza last Saturday with cheese (obv) and banana peppers
Do you own Monopoly? Is it the original or a special version?: Nope. I did as a kid though
What was the last thing you said out loud?: Probably "have a good day." That's always my answer to this question since I take these at work
You have to choose one: cats or dogs?: Cats
Would someone being either a cat or dog person effect you dating them?: Yeah, I don't really vibe with dog people
How do you travel to and from work?: I walk
Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why?: Card almost exclusively
Have you ever been to a stadium concert?: Yep
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Indie & Rio
Indie: are you done w him yet cos i have a question like Rio: Sorry Rio: Fire away Indie: serious how do i make it that good Indie: without meshing mckenna Rio: Honestly? You just find out with experience, what you do and don't like, then you have to ask for that Rio: then you ask them what they like and if they know you can do it Rio: most lads your age haven't got a clue but are easily pleased so Indie: 😒💔😒💔 Indie: not what I was hoping youd hit me w Indie: I dont have experience & he does Rio: Soz, if this was Cosmo I'd give you some weird ass tips involving household items but I ain't gonna do you like that Rio: You can get experience with yourself Indie: thats such a ma answer 😂 Rio: It's true tho babe 😂 Rio: Why, didn't you like it? Indie: i was shook i still am Rio: 'Course you were Rio: It's a big deal Indie: not too any other heads in these endz just this bitch here being cringe bout it Rio: Nah, people always lie about that shit Rio: whether it's under or over hyping Indie: we got both cos im amp and hes not bothered is that just how its destined or Rio: How you know that for sure? Indie: 👀 & 👂 Rio: There's so many answers that ain't that still though Rio: 'less I'm missing something Rio: he could be playing it cool 'cos he's as hyped, for example Rio: or just fucking hungover 'cos you know, ain't we all a bit Indie: nah cos last night isnt the only Rio: What you mean? Indie: since i gave him everything now he dont want it Indie: thats how it goes Indie: talking at new ones and bout his olds and how they be like im not there Rio: What a prick Rio: That's not on Indie: cos he dont wanna roll w no tourist which is how i am to this Rio: Nah, don't get it twisted, he don't wanna roll, period Rio: playing a numbers game like a typical teenage boy who's spent too much time alone in his room 🎮👌🍆 Rio: this isn't anything you did or didn't do, fuck that noise Indie: yeah cos i made the chase sick but then couldnt come through how he needed beyond that Indie: just school me and then Rio: Babe Rio: If he don't fuck with loyalty then he don't, that's on him not you Rio: doesn't mean you weren't good and even if you weren't, fuck getting better for a wasteman who ain't trying for you how you need it Indie: its what drew reckons too it aint just me chatting Indie: help me step my game up thats how you do Indie: he was with his previous for time i can make me stay for me too like Rio: What does he know, like Rio: I mean I can show you some things, yeah, but you gotta feel it and feel yourself, you know Indie: hes a lad & he knows the game, how they think & do idk he was on it with what he was saying i felt it Rio: You wanna get on a lad like your Dad Rio: they ain't all the same Indie: cos you landed mckenna & you outta that madness Indie: theyre the same for me Rio: I ain't saying a lot of 'em aren't shit, but like Rio: what about lads like your mates, they're all alright Rio: it ain't one extreme or the other Indie: to roll with if i was trying to link em theyd doing it exactly Indie: rudeboys my age want they want & get it how they do Rio: alright but idc 'bout them Rio: what do YOU want, Inds? Indie: I want him to feel for me how i do for him Indie: like he can do anything to me and wants to Rio: You reckon boys your age get it how they do Rio: so do like them Rio: how'd a fuckboy get your attention? Indie: it aint gonna go that way Indie: he scares me Indie: theres no power in it for me Rio: What scares you about it? Indie: im fallin all the time Indie: its deep and its heavy and its a total madness Rio: Oh baby Rio: If I had the answer to that shit, I'd be selling it for the 💸 and good of us all Indie: he makes me feel owned not like 💍 but 🤡 Indie: i cant do for him anything Indie: boys dont play me i play them 'cept now Rio: That is scary, no avoiding it Rio: Best you can do is front the bad bitch still, even when you ain't feeling it Indie: id let him put a baby in me when were olders and living that and he cant turn from edie for me Indie: what is that gonna be Indie: im just like my ma arent I Rio: Don't say it like a bad thing, your Ma was awesome Indie: nah Rio: She was though Indie: your ma can front it cos she got love for her Indie: if she was she'd be here Rio: nah, she don't get to be reduced to just how she died when her life was more than that Indie: she let him run her & i was never trying to be that but this is me younger and letting a boy play me Rio: You aren't that Rio: and I won't let that play out like that Indie: im over having my own back innit i wanted him to carry Rio: ain't a crime Rio: you got so many of us though, even if a boy does you dirty Rio: you ain't alone Indie: i feel it today Rio: I'm sorry Rio: Do you want to go somewhere with me Rio: I can get rid of Buster but I can't hang with Drew all day getting high, that's all Indie: idc bout mckenna but I want Drew to go Indie: theres a vibe Rio: We'll get rid of him Rio: or duck out home, he can sit here himself if he likes Indie: do you feel it or am i that faded on this 🚬 Rio: Nah, I do Rio: sure we didn't help, sorry again Indie: it's chill Indie: i would if i could Rio: gimme a sec to get decent and we'll bounce Indie: has he hated mckenna proper since the start or is it just since you two started riding each other? Rio: idk what else his reasoning would be tbh Rio: say what you like, he ain't that bad Indie: but he aint your hot half bro Indie: makes no sense Indie: you two can link up if you want Rio: you'd have to ask him, babe, but i wouldn't bother Rio: taking the moral highground on this one, i guess, idc Indie: is caleb home? he needs to cook for me cos mckenna is lax at providing Indie: that breakfast was dred Rio: i'll bell ahead and see if not we'll swing by the restaurant init Rio: did he try and make you eat something healthy? 😂 Indie: safe Indie: shouldve known not to trust a posh boy innit Indie: sneaky greens up in everything like Rio: gotta get those vitamins babe Rio: how cute Indie: youre so whipped for him i cant be listening to none of your words 😂 Rio: Shh 😜 Indie: tell yourself Indie: but nah cos its well too late Indie: 👀 & 👂 man Rio: Erm you keep them 👀 down, I know that door was closed Indie: you two are so amp for each other you aint always keepin it behind em Rio: I know, but it's hard 😩😂 Rio: Honestly, the fact only you and Drew know has me worried for this fam and their senses, like Indie: 😉😉 hes hard is how you mean Indie: standard Indie: might be a tourist still but i aint bait Rio: Don't be nasty 😏 Indie: tell him Indie: that boy so horny for you its a pure madness Rio: you been knew i'm peng gurl come on Indie: making me shook about myself Indie: its rude Rio: 💔 Rio: you ain't gotta be like me Indie: gurl please im not gonna seckle for less than Indie: youre goals Indie: 🔥🔥🔥 Rio: you're a babe Rio: need you about, only one Indie, like Rio: Mum enough for you? Indie: 😂 Indie: does that make mckenna my new daddy 😉 Rio: Watch it 😉 Indie: ✌ thats a yeah if i heard one ever Indie: ill get his take on my 🍒💔 Indie: but not over food like Rio: It's a gonna be a bit weird for us all if we both call him that but not trying to give you incentive biatch 😜 Rio: probably not in front of my actual da either, unless you want his input too Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: I aint trying to call nobody that Rio: Fair Rio: Can whack it out when you wanna throw subtle shade Indie: innit Indie: marko can dash me fore that word comes outta my mouth Rio: Deffo, you don't need to be on that hype Indie: he called me baby the other day boy please im grown Indie: stop playing Rio: 😂 Rio: See, boy got no clue Indie: him on that shelta and me on my 🍀 aint no wonder we got crossed wires bitch Rio: Sometimes it's better when you ain't know what they 🗣 Rio: Done that, or pretended I ain't fluent like 👋 Indie: innit tho Indie: me on your fams hype like im from there too sometimes Rio: Multilingual and ready to mingle 💃 Indie: bit late to switch that with him but Rio: You know, babe Rio: how you think I got stuck with him 🙄 nightmare, like Indie: fix my face? i gotta be fresh for all the 📷 imma lure this boy back w Indie: a bitch knows how to take a nude least Rio: 'Course Rio: but you best not be putting your face in no nudes Rio: you need denialabilty for so many reasons, main one being its technically CP Indie: no shit my face is for all the snaps to show what a sick time im having Indie: not missing him at all Indie: the nudes are for when he remembers hes missing me Rio: That's allowed then Rio: 👍 Rio: Proceed Indie: i gotta say if tho cos hes still giving me the most air ever Indie: 💔💔💔 Rio: You're gonna fake it so hard you'll actually get there, trust Indie: last nite was so bangin til she fucked it up for me Rio: I know, babe Indie: do you reckon he wouldve Indie: with her Rio: Nah Rio: I mean, idk the lad and he sounds like a bit of a twat but Rio: sure he ain't gonna do you like that Indie: shes got ways tho Rio: She just ain't afraid of anything Rio: it works in her favour sometimes, other times it don't Indie: im not scared of no thing either Rio: 'Course Rio: but you know Rio: Edie not in a good way Indie: yeah Indie: on the subject drew wont go Indie: aint about leaving him here around all our shit but not trying to stay Indie: reckons he needs to chat at you Rio: Right Rio: I'm coming 🙄 ffs man Indie: is mckenna coming home w us? Rio: Up to you, babe Indie: it aint vexing or hyping me either way Indie: if he wants to be schooled for what proper food is Rio: 😂 he's swearing down it was Nance's fault but idk Rio: either way, we got a date so I gotta kick Drew to the curb Indie: standard she does eat how a 🐰 do Indie: he aint done me dirty fore so daddy can have another shot at winning me Rio: I'll let him know, in roughly those words 😏 Indie: tell the boy he gotta get in my snaps 👌 Indie: make me 👑💖 Rio: Gurl, it's literally still a sore subject but we will brawl s2g 😂 Indie: jam mama Indie: not trying to co-ord these bruises Rio: 😘 Rio: Stay 'way from him fr then you get me 👀 Indie: he's just a peng piece of staging Indie: not trying to ride it Rio: s'all 💕 up in here Rio: will be when we've 👋 anyway Indie: i wanna get done again now im 🍒 popped but he can chill on it Indie: not my speed Indie: and I'm too 😍😍😍 Rio: You a fool Rio: but I love ya Indie: you've been chatting at the old man for long Indie: come through w you Indie: ✌✌ Rio: 🙄 no need to tell me, he's in a chatting mood Rio: aight Rio: coming
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