#idk why i get irrationally mad when i see my clothes like this. like. it's SPECIFICALLY this situation
protect-namine · 1 year
I get so stressed out whenever my clothes aren't folded and ironed and just lying in a haphazard pile on the floor, but I also for the life of me CANNOT bring myself to fold and iron them. everyone has that one chore they hate doing over all the others, and this is mine
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autumnalsteahouse · 2 years
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thank you @ryesei for hosting such a lovely confession collab. This was super self indulgent with how reader was acting and ?? refreshing ??not writing smut. I am so sorry this was a few days late,, I started school,, but !! Nevertheless! Please enjoy this yummy confession and check out all the others <3! ((Big thank you to my friend lilly for helping make this as wonderful as it is))
pairing: gn! reader x Megumi Fushiguro
genre: rivals to lovers fluff ? idk but it’s sfw
word count: 1.6k+
warnings: mentions of blood & the infirmary, a few curse words
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“I'm really sick of you going easy on me.” They spat out, wiping blood from the corner of their mouth and staining the smooth skin of the back of their hand.
Tattered training clothes and a burning annoyed gaze was what Megumi was faced with; your eyes set ablaze with something that tempted him to go even easier on you just so you could be more upset. On the other hand, his pride was too hefty to allow that— after all, they were too strong to be this beat up- why weren’t they giving it their all?
“I’ll stop going easy when you stop slacking.”
As he anticipated, your eyes widened with disbelief, “what did you just say to me?”
This could go one of two ways, Megumi realized. Your reactions to him being blunt typically have been very predictable however, recently something has been off. You’ve been hesitant.
He should choose his next response carefully— but was that likely?
Either his blunt instigating will cause you to irrationally take out all your anger on him without a strategy or you could shut down. Either way, he hadn’t mentally prepared for both options, so he allowed himself to take the bait, letting the urge to get under your skin consume him— come what may.
“I said,” he broadened his stance, standing straight and rounding out his shoulders, “stop slacking and come at me like you mean it.”
There was a moment of complete stillness, the two of you just staring at each other.
Megumi had seen you mad multiple times, but this was new; You were scariest to him in this moment than ever before.
Usually full of expression, the empty deadpan stare you were sending him caused a chill to run down his spine.
“You know what Fushiguro, fuck you.” you calmly said; a complete contradiction to the influx of your cursed energy. It was almost overwhelming
There was only a flash of a moment before the gleam of something silver nearly swiped his cheek.
Too stunned to move, he only stood there as you flounced away, agile fury building up with each step.
Fushiguro Megumi has never seen you walk away from a fight.
He could have gone after you, he should have. Something was nagging at him to, and continued to nag at him throughout the day. It was finally at sunset when he decided the best corse of action would be to go for a walk and clear his head.
The sky was ablaze with a vibrant orange hue dotted with violent quilts of amber clouds shadowed by a deep navy.
As Megumi walked through the forest on the Jujutsu property, demon dog trotting by his side, he couldn’t help but think about you; where you were, how you were feeling, what you were thinking.
What could he have done to piss you off so much?
Everything was as normal as it could get between the two of you until maybe a week ago. The bickering was as it should be— light playful jabs with sometimes underlying truths. Missions were dealt with good open communication and teamwork— even with their last mission going a bit berzerk and him ending up in the healing ward— He was only knocked out for a day, nothing too serious; he’s been through worse.
Come to think of it, you’d usually visit him after something happens to get him in the infirmary, if only to spit out a smirk and say that you beat him even when being on the same side— and he with you.
But you weren’t there when he woke up this time.
He doesn’t even want to think about the heavy plop of realization that dropped in his chest when he didn’t see your obnoxious figure sitting at the edge of his bed. With the natural light from the window by his bedside making their hair glow a halo around their head. Soft hands intertwined by the same fingers that wield such a tough cursed technique. Pretty lips that always seem so tempting even when cut, healing, or healed—
Megumi had to physically shake his head to derail the thought; he looked down to find his demon dog already looking up at him, like it knew exactly what he was thinking.
“That… don’t-“ he began to stutter, completely unaware of his surroundings.
Your instantly recognizable voice greets him in the form of an innocent question, almost taunting him after such thoughts.
On reflex, his eyes are on you. It’s always been too easy to spot you no matter where the two of you are.
There you were, sitting on a curled tree stump, looking up at him with the biggest eyes he’s ever seen you make.
Without hesitation, he asks, “what happened earlier?”
Any sense of vulnerability you had left, your body becoming rigid and closed off, “Nothing. I just have a lot on my plate.”
“Bullshit, we all have a lot on our plate. Tell me what’s going on. We can’t sufficiently work like this if-“
“You’re being insensitive.” You snap back with a frosty bite, one that almost gave him whiplash after such a greeting.
“Well you’re not telling me anything and there’s clearly something wrong.”
“And what makes you think it’s your business, Fushiguro?”
“It’s my business if it’s affecting the way we’re fighting together!”
“We have been fighting perfectly fine!”
“You’ve been hesitant with your moves!”
It was a screaming match at this point and Megumi was only getting more upset. You have been more cautious with your moves— he’s been watching.
“Because I've been trying to make sure your stupid ass stays out of the infirmary!”
“What does it matter if i–”
“Because some people care about you and your wellbeing!”
“I didn't ask them to!”
“Well I can't help it anymore!”
The next sentence came out in a whisper, he wouldn’t have been able to catch it if your voice was any softer.
“I can't keep doing this.” you sigh, defeated.
He felt his heart beginning to knock at the base of his throat.
The tone of your voice became too vulnerable in a way he’s never heard before — it caused something heavy to swoop low in his gut.
He watched you fight this internal battle, unable to bring himself to speak— all the while, his demon dog actually went over to the distressed jujutsu sorcerer.
Megumi stilled as the canine nudged at your hands before your fingers raked through the soft fur.
“Fushi- Megumi,” his heart jumps, “I’ve hopelessly fallen in love with you.”
Mumbled and seemingly embarrassed, Megumi watched as you closed yourself off even more than before. All he could do was stare.
Megumi’s brain had shut down- head full of thoughts, so many he couldn’t grab onto a single one. He was feeling so many emotions and yet the only one he could even begin to describe was realization.
Everything began to fall into place as he watched you look up at him with the emptiest doe eyes he’s ever seen. Part of him aches because somehow he knew was at fault, but couldn’t say how.
“It’s fine if you don’t feel the same— you wanted to know what I had on my plate and that’s it. So with that I’m going to go. Let’s pretend like this never happened. I’ll be more… alert.. on missions.” You murmur, getting up and dusting off your behind, patting the head of the wolf goodbye.
Fushiguro simply stood there as you began to walk past, reliving the same mistake as earlier; still trying to attempt to swallow the massive pill of someone— specifically you— being in love with him. The same person who inspired him to get out of bed in the mornings, who pushed him to do better without even trying. The one who infuriatingly took up more space in his head than he’d like to admit.
It couldn’t be.
“How do you know?” His voice came out strained, he didn’t mean for it to but when you turned around he wished he could have taken his whole question back.
You looked so pained, and worse, your eyes sparkled with tears along your waterline.
“Because how could I not?” You cried, “it was so easy to.”
“What do you-“
“Megumi, I can’t have this conversation with you. Please. I need space.”
He could only get halfway through saying your name before you interrupted him yet again, “no.”
Your tone returned cold, but he wouldn’t let that stop him, not again.
You weren’t letting him speak; you’ve always been the type who is more for action anyways.
When he finally made up his mind, your back was to him, attempting another getaway.
“For just this once— would you please. just. Listen.” He huffed, jogging over to you and taking hold of your hand and just for a second, he had forgotten who you were.
Reflexes so quick, the loose grip on your wrist was easily deflected.
“Fushiguro! What more do you want from m—“
Your back hit the closest tree with a soft thump, Megumi’s hand cupping the back of your neck with fingers gracing the base of your head, lips clumsily on yours.
It was a little sloppy, he’ll admit; and he wouldn’t stop thinking about it. The thought began to fester in his head when he pulled away.
That was a bad first kiss. They deserved so much better than that. How could he fuck up something so important—
Within seconds, lips were pressed against his, this time with purpose and vigor- yet so soft and gentle in a way that was just so perfectly them, Megumi’s head was beginning to spin.
When you pulled away, he almost followed you— tipsy on only a peck, eager to follow the urge to get drunk— but before he could taste you once more, his knees almost gave out when you breathily repeated a phrase he said to you only hours ago, “come at me like you mean it.”
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angelichl · 5 years
warning signs for abusive relationships in your experience? i've been in a relationship for a few months now and i'm kind of concerned. it's nothing major like it's almost to the point where its just enough to be worried, he'll do things like consistently want to check my phone or know where I'm going and he often becomes frustrated when i deny him of those things. he's never been violent or overly aggressive but its just a bit worrying, i could just being paranoid but idk
i’m gonna start by saying if you’re thinking your relationship might be abusive, there’s a good chance it is. people in healthy relationships tend to not think/worry about these things. if your gut is telling you something is wrong, trust it - or at least ask a friend or family member for a second opinion.
one of the biggest warning signs for me is when my friends/family would be shocked when i told them things my abuser would do - things i thought were typical for relationships. having someone else appraise the situation from an outside perspective can give you some clarity - but be careful bc they might accuse you of overreacting, even if you aren’t.
my advice would be to communicate with him (if you feel safe enough to do that) and tell him you feel like it’s an invasion of privacy for him to check your phone and he should be able to trust you. and if he reacts badly to that, by becoming irrationally angry/upset/etc, and doesn’t listen to, understand, or respect your reasoning, it’s time to decide if this is a relationship you really want to be in.
here are some other things to pay attention to:
the big things: a.) your partner physically harms you or threatens to harm you (or your pets or the people you love, etc) b.) your partner tries to control your behavior c.) you are frightened of your partner / scared of how they may react to certain things
a few resources of warning signs: 1, 2, 3 - if any of these things are typical, reach out for help.
some things about my own experience: my relationship wasn’t violent until the very end where i was really trying to get away from him. i was in denial for so long, and then i was doubting it a lot when i started noticing the signs. it was a mess all over the place but the biggest thing was probably the verbal/emotional abuse. he would put me down every chance he got, insulting me and telling me i was stupid, ugly, incapable, that i was lucky he loved me bc no one else ever would. it was subtle at first but when we would fight, he would say it all clearly. he would embarrass/humiliate me in front of my friends, his friends, and even his parents. he would constantly compare me to this other girl, asking why i didn’t wear tight/revealing clothes like she did when he liked that so much. and when i wasn’t comfortable having sex he would say “but if i was dating her…” (fill in the blank).
the other part was him controlling me. he told me not to hang out with people and i did as he said bc i didn’t want to upset him. eventually i had ruined all my friendships by not responding to messages and etc. he checked my social media and got mad when certain guys would like my photos. he read my messages even when i begged him not to - he said he couldn’t trust me and he had to see for himself if i was being unfaithful to him. he demanded to know where i was at any given time and if i didn’t respond for even 15 minutes he would get so angry and upset and the next time i would talk to him he would be in hysterics, threatening to leave me, threatening to tell everyone “the truth” about me, threatening to harm himself (”i’ll kill myself if i can’t have you”), etc. 
the violence was casual at first- grabbing me too hard, pinching me, scratching me, shoving me, being a little too rough when we were intimate and not trying to change/fix anything even when i told him it hurt. it got a lot worse as time went on and kind of spiraled out of control. my main point about mentioning this is that you should really be wary if your partner ever hurts you intentionally, even if it’s just pinching you or elbowing you. because if you stay long enough, you’ll see it get worse.
lastly was the isolation. i didn’t realize it at first, but he kept me from my friends and family. he would constantly demand my time/attention and guilt me when i didn’t give it to him. i was cancelling plans all the time just to hang out with him, and then after a few months my friends stopped inviting me bc they knew i would say no, and i sort of lost touch with my family bc they didn’t like him and didn’t want me to be with him, and he hated them anyways.
i’m not sure if any of this is helpful, but i hope maybe it’ll help you see warning signs. i know from personal experience an abusive relationship can be a lot more dubious and subtle than the warning signs on a website. but if you’re noticing a few similarities, or even if you just have a bad feeling that something is wrong, listen to those warnings.
be smart about this and be strong. don’t let people push you around. find friends/family / people you can trust, and confide in them. let them help you. reach out to resources, tell authority figures, document any abuse.
sorry this is such a mess. hopefully this was helpful. if you ever want to talk, i’m here. wishing you the best.
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