#idk if i'm going to upload my cover to yt but if i do i want to do one of those gameplay pvs
autistickaitovocaloid · 9 months
Sad thing I realised last night is I can't use the custom module I wanted for making the pv for my cover because 2nd/ex mods aren't compatible with the first pjd to my knowledge.
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tbhstudying · 4 years
hi! i'm starting a blog and a ytb channel and I'm thinking about starting a small business along with it, what advices would you have to be successful in it and maybe make it a full time job? I've been following you for a while I absolutely love you and your content you're very inspiring thank you :))
honestly idk how helpful it’ll be bc i def don’t see my yt as a full-time job if u know what i mean? i see it more of a hobby rather than a job + i wouldn’t even make minimum wage off it :(  here’s what i’ve got tho
the financial side of things
you likely won’t be making money off the first day or the first month or maybe even the first year. yt has a minimum sub count before you can monetize and a minimum revenue before they pay you, and that’s before you even begin to make enough money to cover minimum wage or basic living expenses. like, i don’t want to sound mean or discourage people from making yt channels, but absolutely do not approach it with the expectation that you’re going to make yourself rich with it. you’re only going to disappoint yourself. i think i got paid after like 2 or 3 years lol 
keep very good track of your paychecks and expenses for taxes + be very, very aware of the tax requirements for 1. youtube and 2. your small business. if you don’t keep good records, you’re going to have a hellish time later on, and if you don’t file taxes at all, you’re going to have the IRS hunting you down like a wild tiger in the wilderness.
you’re also going to have to learn how to budget very well, especially if you plan on making this a full-time job. money from social media work is sporadic. some months will be good, other months will be bad. make sure you’re going to be able to pay the basic expenses like food, rent, bills, etc. try not to get into credit card debt that you can’t pay off. 
^^ actually, this bit is p applicable to anyone. 
if ur just starting out, u don’t need to invest in the most expensive stuff. invest in better equipment when you have the 1. skills developed for it and 2. when you have the following for it. i still use my iphone to film tbh.
the other side of things
i have no idea what you plan to be doing for your blog or your youtube or your business, but whatever it is, figure out a consistent style and niche for yourself, upload consistently, and take advantage of the algorithms.
i kinda just dick around with this honestly bc this is my hobby rather than a business, but if i were to rly convert my thing into a business, i’d probably focus more on consistent branding and consistent production and perhaps even look into management. 
anyhow there’s that, hope it helped?
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