#idk i'm kinda self conscious about my ocs at the moment but ive also been thinking about them So Much
shadowglens · 1 year
isadora visits her father's grave, despite the fact that she told herself she'd never set foot within neverwinter again, because she's not really sure what else to do in the wake of learning he died. the dirt is still freshly-churned, his body barley cooled six feet under - she missed the funeral by two days. astarion goes with her, because of course he does, wrapped head-to-toe in armour to save his skin from crumbling to dust under the blaring sun. on their way back to the tavern where they'd rented a room for the night, isa unconsciously finds herself walking by her childhood home, with the arched doorway and her father's merchant symbol engraved on the front steps. too late, she realises. too late, and her mother is opening the front door.
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