#idk i just feel like they should leave anima city like. i can't be the only one who gets segregation vibes ._.
lesbianazuna · 4 years
Considering the Mixed thoughts on the 2nd Half BMA, how would you have written it?
im gonna put this under a read more bc i have a lot of thoughts on this and ive never talked abt them before so i have a lot to say.
tbh the problem i have with the 2nd half of bna is that it doesn’t really do any of the things the 1st half set up for it to do? idk, like, i know a lot of people say it feels rushed, but i think it only feels rushed because (rather than complete the plot points they established in eps 1-6) the 2nd half of the show introduces an entirely different unrelated plot that really needed an entire season rather than half of one.
(bc there’s been no announcement for s2 and we have no reason to believe there’ll be one, im critiquing this as though the show’s over btw. also i’ll be calling the 1st half of the season “pt.1″ and the 2nd “pt.2″ from here on, just bc it’s easier).
one of the worst parts about pt.2 is definitely the entire alan situation. the big reveal that he’s a beastman was awful: most of pt.1 had been about how beastmen were being oppressed by humans and pt.2 completely dropping that plot line then going on to make the main oppressor in the show a member of the minority he was oppressing was... not a great look. it’s complicated, because there definitely is something to be said about “pick me” minorities, who would rather fit in with their oppressors than stand up for the people in their own community, but bna wasn’t trying to do that. even if they were trying to do that, because alan is the only villain (except maybe boris?), it creates a narrative that minorities are responsible for their own oppression. which is obviously not correct and could have been avoided if a) alan was a human or b) there were other human villains (and if they went down that route, i’d probably do it where alan is working with/for the humans and think’s because of that he’ll be safe, but they end of betraying him and treating him like they do the other beastmen when they don’t need him anymore). 
and it wasn’t even good storytelling, the reveal came out of nowhere, there was no buildup or foreshadowing or anything (there’s a difference between an unexpected plot twist and something that just doesn’t make sense) and it ruined all the “humans vs beastmen” conflict that pt.1 had set up without solving it or even acknowledging it at all. also, i didn’t think this had to be said, but introducing blood purity in the last 5 minutes of your show as a “funky little plot twist” is the worst thing ever??? wtf?????
also this post talks abt alan being in a giant robotic wolf for his fight with shirou which i think is a really cool idea.
honestly, the main plot point that gets dropped after pt.1 is the “human vs beastmen” thing (which is especially weird considering it’s like the whole focus of the first 4 or 5 episodes??? like. the entire show happens because of it? michiru goes to anima city bc of it, michiru meets shirou because of it, she befriends nina because of it, nazuna and the church of the silver wolf go to anima city because of it. like.. for all of pt.1, the entire plot revolves around the oppression of beastmen by humans then in pt.2 it’s only mentioned like once??). the only time it’s mentioned in pt.2 is when mayor rose gets trapped by the humans (and even that is brushed off as nothing). 
i think there should’ve been more time spent with humans: in ep1 they’re literally trying to kill michiru, in ep4 they lock nina in a fish tank and almost drown her, in ep1 they show clips of anti-beastmen riots and even the fact that anima city exists? obviously it’s supposed to be a safe place for beastmen but a) just separating humans and beastmen isn’t going to solve the problem and b) 😐 u know the humans’ probably only agreed to that so they wouldn’t have to interact with beastmen anymore. we’re shown beastmen being murdered and abused by humans on multiple occasions and the only “solution” we’re given in the end is nazuna becoming an idol and? ending violence against minorities by singing songs? (not even political songs). it just feels really disjointed that pt.1 is all about racism then in pt.2 it’s completely forgotten about for the sake of nirvasyl syndrome.
to be honest, i’d like to get rid of nirvasyl syndrome all together but it’s pretty important to most of pt.2, so i’d probably just change the way it’s executed. rather than give the minority characters a gene that turns them into bloodthirsty killing machines, i’d have sylvasta pharmaceuticals be involved with it. maybe when beastmen go to their hospital (considering it’s the biggest one in anime city, it’s safe to assume most if not all beastmen have been to it at least once), they’re given an injection that gives them nirvasyl syndrome (the capability to have it - they’d still have to get really angry or upset for it to kick in like in canon). or maybe the human government are involved with it somehow? idrk
tbh, i’d leave everything up until episode 9 the same, then i’d change nirvasyl syndrome to be a disease beastmen were unknowingly given by sylvasta pharmaceuticals (so everything with nazuna’s concert and shirou’s howl could still happen) and i’d make alan a human and give him a giant robot for his fight with shirou.
i’d also continue the humans mistreating beastmen plotline past episode 6 (human alan/sylvasta being responsible for nirvasyl obviously ties into that). becuase it’s only 12 episodes it would probably have to end in a “things are just starting to get better but we have hope for the future” type thing - maybe with getting rid of anima city?
i’d change it so anima city is marketed as a euptopia for beastmen to convince them to go, but once they get there they realise it isn’t as great as they thought (which is kinda canon already). although they’re safe from humans, they can’t leave and they’re not even completely safe (like in ep1 when those beastmen working for humans destroy the festival) (and the way they can’t even use phones to contact the rest of the world? u wouldn’t have to do much to make it feel like a prison).
near the end of the show, the human government starts betraying mayor rose and, even before that, it hasn’t been helping anima city out (sylvasta gives the city enough money to run), so i’d end the show with the beastmen breaking out of anima city to confront the humans and demand they be allowed back into the rest of society (which even adds the opportunity for a second season).
after sylvasta gave the beastmen nirvasyl, mayor rose realised that if they aren’t even safe in anima city, there’s no point being trapped in there (i’d probably add an episode or have the nirvasyl incident happen a little earlier/end faster tho, so there’s time for them leaving anima city to not be rushed)
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