#idk i feel like working is a safa environment for me and i'm lucky i found those people there
thundermilch · 7 years
2.30 am
I just came back from a local pub where I went after work with two girls that work with me. It was completely random and we did nothing special besides eating and talking but even though they don’t know me like I would usually like someone to know me before hanging out, they are really nice and even though they are a bit older I felt way more accepted than I thought I’d be. They’re nice idk, it was a good night. Actually when they asked me to go I was like starting to panic and I got anxiety and my stomac clenched and I was like “guys… i think i can’t eat..” and they were like dOESNT MATTER YOU COME WITH US WITHOUT EATING and idk it was very nice of them and completely new for me to be involved into someone else’s plans so easily and without feeling too awkward
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