#idk i can't figure out her angle bc sometimes it seems she wants it to be more but yeah its kind of a mix so who knows
mayasdeluca · 2 years
It’s funny how Ali posts more family content on her main IG page but mostly posts/reposts stories that are about the team (f the US NT. Their fans really need to be taken down a peg or three). Ash posts less on her main, but can drop like 5 IG stories out of nowhere of the fam. I don’t know what I was expecting when I clicked on Ali’s stories today, but not that many 😂
Yeah! It's interesting to see how they both handle their accounts differently these days. Never would've guessed Ali would be the one to post more family content on her page than Ash but here we are I guess lol. I love that Ali chooses to do that though because she's come a long way! I definitely didn't expect so many Gotham posts but of course she's classy and is congratulating the NT even if they screwed her over...though I'm sure she's mainly happy for her teammates more than anything.
I think she really wants a Gotham win bad tonight though and I don't blame her. She's been doing the most and trying her best to make things happen and no one is helping her. It would be nice if they joined in tonight because if they don't pull out a win tonight I really don't know when they will.
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Fandom Character Ask: Um, Sylvie (? Loki's Lady), The 13th Doctor, anddd Newt Geiszler?
• First impression
I loved her the moment I saw her and have never gone back
• Impression now
too many thoughts head full, I cannot adequately summarize how much I love Sylvie, she's probably in my top 10 favorite characters from anything ever.
no but really, I was never particularly invested in the MCU or Loki as a character before the Loki show, and Sylvie is a big part of what piqued my interest and got me so into it. the writing is SO GOOD and her character arc is super dynamic and compelling, not to mention her relationship and something-that-might-be-called-love with Loki?? there is just so much honestly and I love her.
I have a THING for characters who have identity struggles and the like, and Sylvie is definitely that. she's so broken and lonely and uncertain in so many ways and her motivations and development so far are so compelling, I can't really... explain all the angles tbh?? but yeah, like I said: I loved Sylvie right off the bat and haven't gone back on that. she's very special to me.
• Favorite moment
[spoilers I guess, idk if you've watched the show] in episode 5 when she pruned herself without fully knowing if it would kill her or not, just on the chance she could find Loki, bc she didn't want to be without him. there's... a lot to that tbh, but a big part of it is how she's afraid to die, and she doesn't trust the person who told her it might work, but even above all that she doesn't want to be alone anymore and Loki is the first person in so long who's cared about her and so she does this thing that we've seen causes a lot of pain, and she risks killing herself, bc she doesn't know if she can go on alone anymore and APPARENTLY that's worth the risk to herself and her mission — which has all but crumbled since she found out that she'd been believing a lie about who was behind the TVA, anyway. so really, at that point, she has nothing left to lose. it hits very hard
• Idea for a story
uhh... anything where Sylvie gets a hug (preferably from Loki) tbh... bc what is fanfiction if not long-winded excuses for characters to hug?
I do have a couple of pet story concepts, mostly whump and hurt/comfort stuff that I probably will never write lol. maybe sometime I'll be willing to take prompts again and I'll have an excuse to write some of the random stuff I think up 😂
• Unpopular opinion
anything I say is unpopular to the antis, so like... idk lol.
• Favorite relationship
oh Sylki of course, like, OF COURSE
• Favorite headcanon
well, it's actually arguably canon based on all the evidence, but I hold to my belief that Sylvie's love language is touch. she seems to communicate with touching fairly frequently and touch from others (Loki, basically) affects her kind of a lot? like she's clearly very very touch-starved and she wants the physical contact, and I definitely hc that it's her love language too (and so does a lot of the fandom, from what I've seen).
Thirteenth Doctor:
• First impression
so, my first impression of her was actually from @fortes-fortuna-iogurtum texting me about her and trying to explain her accent so I could help figure out what it was (bc I hadn't watched DW yet, and neither of us had watched enough British TV to recognize the regional accents yet) 😂
• Impression now
admittedly some of the writing could be better, but Thirteen is actually a very compelling character in her own right and ESPECIALLY within her role as the Doctor. also, I adore her
• Favorite moment
in Fugitive of the Judoon when they're in a chapel building and the Judoon are causing trouble, Thirteen stops at one point and tells them "We're in a place of worship, show some respect!" and that's my favorite thing tbh, especially bc DW is generally an extremely secular show
• Idea for a story
post-Spyfall fic where the Master has left a voicemail for Thirteen in her TARDIS and she's really angry at him and almost deletes it but decides to listen to it anyway both bc she wants to know why he did what he did and bc she kinda wants MORE reason to be mad at him, anyway it's basically just Thirteen alone with the TARDIS listening to a voicemail from the Master and being angsty
• Unpopular opinion
probably not unpopular but she doesn't deserve all the negativity and criticism she gets from some people in the fandom. like, yeah a lot of the criticism of her era as a whole are definitely valid and it's ok to have differing opinions, but idk it just kinda bothers me when people aren't willing to see much if any good at all in her character and stories??
• Favorite relationship
I LOVE her friendship with Ryan, especially thanks to @picnokinesis writing about them so much, but I'm also really really fond of the dynamic between Thirteen and Graham??? bc he's SUCH a grandpa and the weird, semi-almost-distant-but-not-really companionship they have is one of my favorite things.
• Favorite headcanon
ummmm... idk if I have one tbh. I had (past tense, since Flux invalidated it) a headcanon regarding some of the revelations in The Timeless Children, but that was about lore and history more than Thirteen herself.
• First impression
"a child? a feral baby child? :D"
• Impression now
he's one of those characters who I love dearly and I affectionately refer to him as "Noot Noot" and occasionally "my baby!!!" but if I were in a room with him I would probably Vibe Check him. he kinda needs it tbh.
• Favorite moment
maybe the "you'd do that for me? ...you'd do that with me?" moment, bc it's such a definite shift in his character development
• Idea for a story
dhsjdbsjs i have no idea other than the one-sentence prompts for you AUs lol
• Unpopular opinion
for as much as I love him he's not actually as wonderful a boi as a lot of the fandom seems to like to think of him as?? he's... actually really aggravating and pretty self-centered and arrogant a lot of times and like... I love him, I do, but he's downright ANNOYING honestly. like I said, I'm tempted to smack him.
• Favorite relationship
his friendship/partnership with Hermann. I love how DIFFERENT they are and how they *don't* think along the same wavelength (their drift compatibility is SO DIFFERENT from Maleigh) but they're still compatible and they work together so well despite everything??? idk i just think they're neat
• Favorite headcanon
ohhh hm, idk. I mean I'm pretty sure just based on canon they Newt has ADHD, and in pretty sure that's a fairly widely held headcanon?
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