#idc what kind i just need to see them in the same room together interacting in some way
r0zzk1ll · 1 month
"this man, is weird.. CRAZY weird.." "he was always very bright.."
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#i think abt this soo often u have no idea#no one understands them like i do.. sighh..#platonic or romantic idc There is something Happening there#this also implies that sammy doesn't hate norman/displays some form of positive feeling towards him#bc it's shown in canon that he doesn't rlly like many ppl in the studio#and despite sammy's descent into insanity norman still appreciated him for who he was#they way norman talks abt sammy in his first audio log feels so personal too#probably kicked his feet and giggled abt him idk man#like okaayy what u kno abt him pooks... something u wanna tell me.. twirls my hair/..#IM SO ILL OH MY GODDDDDDDD#CAN ANYONE HEAR ME#i could go on a full 2 hour youtube rant abt how tragic they are#both together and as separate people#and dont even get me STARTED on the reason for norman's heart obsession while in the cycle and why he collects them#UGGHHHHHHHH KICKS THE WALL PUNCHES THE FLOOR I HATE THE FLOOR#been mentally ill about them since 2017 ❤ we up#at least until my pea sized 8 yr old child brain found out normmy was a thing#finding that shitty ms paint ship art changed my life..#theyre literally my og otp 5eva nothing will top them ever#smushing their faces together like barbies type shit#i do wish they had some kind of interaction actual gameplay wise in batim (or even batdr)#idc what kind i just need to see them in the same room together interacting in some way#batim#bendy and the ink machine#normmy#sammy lawrence#norman polk#norman x sammy#rosey rambles#I LOVE DOOMED YAOI
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lowtaperfeyd · 6 months
lady Jessica x fem reader fluff pleeeease preferably before arrakis but idc
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Lady Jessica x reader
author's note: I did combine two requests together due to their similarities. Bare with me when it comes down to writing fluff tho...
warnings: normal dune things.
wc: 996
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It wasn’t a surprise to the residents of Castle Caladan to see Lady Jessica and her lady-in-waiting, (Y/N), walking around the luscious gardens of the castle late in the afternoon. Them arm in arm strolling past yellow, red, and orange flowers blooming in the cool air of Caladan, talking incoherently. 
“Do you really think Paul is the Kwisatz Haderach?” (Y/N) questioned, knowing the plot that the sisterhood had been planning, “It’s a generation too early.”
“I do.” Lady Jessica responded, “He’s shown the signs. The reverend mother Mohiam is visiting later before we leave. She’s skeptical as well.” She added, poking a bit of fun at her partner. 
“And if he fails the test?” (Y/N) asked, “Not saying he will or not.”
“Then I would be wrong.” Lady Jessica utter quietly. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you doubt yourself about this.” (Y/N) chuckled, “and you using ‘wrong’ and ‘I’ in the same sentence. But if you are right about him, which you most definitely are, then he’ll be fine.” “That’s easier said than done.” she chortled 
“You’ve taught him everything he needs to know.” 
“That’s very kind of you to say.” Jessica said as she looked at (Y/N). 
“You’re welcome.” (Y/N) added while turning her head to look at the woman beside her. 
As they continued to walk around the garden, they spoke about what needed to be done on Arrakis, what needed to be brought, and what needed to be gotten rid of. It was rather domestic they way they mentally sorted through silverware and bits and pieces of furniture like an old married couple. Their lighthearted arguments of whether or not the ornate chess table needed to come along. 
“You cannot just leave a gift behind on a planet we’ll never go to again.” Lady Jessica declared. 
“A gift that was given almost a hundred years ago, my lady.” (Y/N) retorted, “and besides when have you or anyone here last used it?” 
  “The point still stands, maybe even more so.” 
As well as soft affection to each other too. 
Other people in the castle also noticed these interactions as well. Gurney Halleck once spotted Lady Jessica with her head on (Y/N)’s shoulder as they were furiously arguing about whether or not Paul should learn universal history or mathematics first. Lady Jessica’s augment won with the fact that Paul would one day be duke. And dukes need to know what caused several wars which spanned centuries. Duncan Idaho was privy to see them argue with each other too. He saw them in the expansive library debating Bene Gesserit tactics and plans, while their knees ever so slightly tapped each other, more than once and in while. 
Everything changed once they got to Arrakis though. There were no afternoon walks because of the scorching sun, there were no more arguments on what should stay or go because there was nothing to leave, and there were no more soft moments spent that lingered because they didn’t have that time anymore. Only after the battle at the Arrakeen, traversing the desert to find safety, and finally meeting the Fremen would provide some form of sanctuary. 
In Sietch Tabr, (Y/N) and Jessica were in a tiny bedroom they were given. Both of them had their hair messy and tangled, eyes set back into their faces with new purple eye bags now making their appearance. (Y/N) was walking pacing around their room, back and forth like a fish in a pond back home. Lady Jessica sat on the bed with her hands gently tucked onto her lap and one leg over the other. 
“You’re tired, aren’t you?” Lady Jessica asked. 
“We all are,” (Y/N) remarked, “my tiredness doesn’t sum to the tiredness of the people and group.” As she continued pacing. 
Lady Jessica moved back onto the bed so she was sitting in the middle of it. She crossed her legs over each other. 
“Come here.” She said, “rest, even if it’s only for a minute.” 
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks. She looked over to where the red headed woman was sitting. Her features lit up by the soft, golden light that seeped through thin cracks in the rocks. Her beauty was a thing that would always be captured in (Y/N)’s mind. 
“Alright,” The woman whispered as she walked over to the bed. She sat on the bed and slid back until she could comfortably lay her head on Lady Jessica’s lap. (Y/N) took her hands and laid them on her stomach as the red head started to smooth her hand over (Y/N)’s head. 
“What do you make of some of the Fremen calling Paul the ‘Lisan Al-Gaib’?” (Y/N) commented. 
“I think it gives us an opportunity to give the people what they want and have been waiting for.” Jessica shared, “They, also, need a new reverend mother.” “Does this mean you’ll drink the water of life?” 
“I’m not sure yet,” she swallowed, “I haven’t given it much thought yet.” 
“You’ll need to go to the south, Paul will need to go too if you do decide to drink it.” (Y/N) whispered, “You’ll need to go either way after becoming reverend mother.” 
“I know.” Jessica sighed out as she continued to brush her hand over her head, “But all that can wait for tomorrow, rest.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes would soon begin to fall as they got more and more heavy. The soothing nature of Jessica touching her head made her feel calmer than she had felt in days. Her muscles slowly began to relax and her head didn’t feel as tight and weighted as before. It didn’t take long before her eyes were fully closed and she was asleep, asking in the presence of Jessica and the love that was between the two. But the last thing she felt was Jessica pressing a tiny kiss to her forehead.
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bella-caecilia · 3 years
Silver 😍
Thank you for the prompt! I tried to include as many symbols as possible but I chose object of all desires as the main theme. It turned fluffier than I intended (maybe too fluffy but… meh idc) and for all the suckers for angst out there, angsty drabbles will come as well 😉 This drabble is set somewhere in series 1.
Silver – Object of all Desires
The remaining hours and minutes of the day trickled by as the family spent the moments after dinner in the drawing room together. Today it was just Robert, Cora, and the girls. That didn’t mean there was more peace in the room than with Mama and Mrs Crawley present because Mary and Edith managed to perform arguments nearly as full of blows as the elder ladies.
Robert leaned his weight more fully against the mantelpiece. With his right hand, he swirled the amber liquid in his tumbler. His eyes only shortly locked with the lulling warm colour of his drink before they sought the enchanting vision across the room again. Cora sat calmly on the edge of a settee, her shoulders and back portraying a straight posture with seemingly effortless grace. Her soft gaze wandered through the room, her expression relaxed, unbothered by the hostile jabs between her daughters. For a moment it seemed to Robert as if Cora didn’t belong in the setting around her. Her sparkling gown reflected the lights from the chandeliers and highlighted her porcelain taint. Her mind was far away, her expression one of tranquil absence. Only her celestial appearance was placed in the room.
Her gaze went to the dark windows. With something like longing, she observed the dark gardens, bathed in the light of the waxing moon. Robert could easily picture how she wandered the grounds in her thoughts as an attempt to escape the disharmonic family evening. He did not begrudge her. Robert knew that Cora’s thoughts were always with her daughters, lately even more so. It occupied her – as it probably should – to ensure them a promising future, to find them cordial matches. But it wasn’t easy he knew, and Cora took this task very serious, in a different way, though, than Mama had done. Cora’s commitment was not mainly based on the obligation to secure the family’s decency (as was Mama’s main driving force) but on a simple power that stood behind nearly all her actions, and it was love. Simply love. Robert had needed a while to understand that her pure kind of love was a heaven-sent gift, not something foreign and improper. It was an unbelievable strength that he wouldn’t underestimate this easily again. But Cora’s love toward all people made matchmaking for their daughters a very absorbing task for her. To see her being able to tune out for a change was reassuring for Robert. She needed that pause once in a while.
“I think everyone might look for something else,” Sybil’s voice reached his ears. “It isn’t wrong if Mary wants something else from marriage than you, Edith,” she tried mediating her sisters’ argument.
Edith turned her face away but Robert could see her annoyed and resigned expression. She wasn’t entirely defeated but it was Edith’s way of miffed and hurt resilience that wasn’t particularly nice to witness. Somehow, it made people look away.
“I think I’ve had enough straining company today,” Mary declared. Her straight shoulders and slightly snobbish look build a tight wall like a Mary-own armour around her. She smoothed her skirts as she got up from the sofa and turned to Cora to nod at her, bidding her good night, but Cora was distracted. Distracted by the tranquillity of the night outside.
“Good night, Mama,” Mary said. Cora’s head turned around slowly, and it took a moment until a soft smile appeared on her features after her daughter’s words had sunken in.
“Good night, my dear.”
Sybil’s look sought Edith who still sat huffily in the corner of the settee.
“Well,” Sybil looked between the three remaining possible conversation partners. Apparently, all not very promising prospects. “I think I’ll call it a night too,” she concluded. “What about you, Edith?”
Edith got up without words, and the girls left the room one after the other.
“Good night!” Robert called after them and sat down his glass on the cold mantelpiece.
When the sound of the departing steps of three pairs of ladies’ heels was swallowed by the closing door, Cora rose from the settee and went to the high windows. She was seeking the direct light of the moon as if she was pulled there by a string. Robert followed her slowly because she exerted the same force on him as the moon did on her. Cora mesmerised him. Somehow, this night in particular. He felt a little silly that he couldn’t take his eyes off his wife. He knew her by heart. How could there be something that he hadn’t seen until now? But here she was, wandering in front of him wordlessly from window to window, in and out of the silvery light, and every time the moon illuminated her again it highlighted another part of her. Once it was the gentle slope of her nose, another time it was the fine hair in the back of her neck. And always, the light was captured and reflected by her glittery gown. Robert wouldn’t have said it was a silver gown when Cora had come down for dinner wearing this dress but it certainly was silver now. He couldn’t even tell if she had worn it already some time, and he wouldn’t even have said that it was a particularly pretty gown. An ideal dress for a simple dinner with family. But in the moonlight, it was transformed, and it shone, and it flowed around Cora’s curves nicely, and it lured him into Cora’s immediate vicinity.
When Cora halted and turned a little, Robert’s thoughts returned to reality, at least a little. He now saw where Cora had guided them. He didn’t know if it was her intention to bring him here as well, maybe she was still as absentminded as he was until now. She stood in front of the double-doored floor level windows that served as an exit to the gardens. Only slowly Cora’s hand found its way onto the brass door handle where it rested for a moment.
“Let’s go outside for a moment,” Robert proposed in a soft tone.
Cora turned to him, ripped from her thoughts. The look on her face showed that it hadn’t been her real intention to leave the house. She really had just been dreaming, wandering in the garden in her mind, just as Robert pictured her doing it several minutes ago.
The surprised look on her face turned into a gleaming smile. The corner of her mouth only twitched ever so slightly but the brimming of her eyes held all the more joy.
“Would you really like to?” Cora asked quietly. She provided him with an inquisitive look. She knew very well that Robert wasn’t up to adventures in the evening when they weren’t up in her room already. Nightly strolls through dark rooms or moonlit gardens were usually put off as hokum by him when it came up as a rare suggestion from her. Going out into the gardens was something they had done on long ball nights when they had been exhausted from all the social interactions and the dancing, and when they sought some time alone. Going out when they were at home was something Robert saw no sense in. ‘We could very well just go upstairs if we want to be alone, Cora,’ he had argued. And enjoying the outdoors, as had been her next argument, could be much better done by daylight, he had said.
So, Cora was all the more astonished when Robert answered without as much hesitation, “Of course, I’d like to.”
He reached out his arm and put his hand on hers on the door handle. Gently he pressed onto the back of her slender hand. Robert could watch Cora hold her breath while he slowly moved their hands to turn the handle and open the door. Her eyes didn’t leave his and her body was tensed in anticipation. At this moment Robert got the thrill of taking night walks. Maybe it was the intense presence of the nearly full moon that bathed everything in a supernal way, maybe it was Cora’s very own radiance. Robert enjoyed it one way or the other.
A fresh breeze met them when the crack of the door grew wider.
“It’s a beautiful night,” Cora whispered as she half-stepped outside with her covered hand still on the handle. Robert followed close behind her.
“It sure is,” he breathed into her ear, being close behind her back. He only shortly saw the silvery leaves of the box hedges in front of them when his gaze was pulled to the bobbing fine curls in the back of her neck. They had adopted a light silver sheen as well. The finest of hairs even seemed to have shining transparency, as if the light of the moon had sucked all its chocolate colour from it and had furnished it with its magical silver essence.
Cora walked into the gardens and her treads got lighter with every single step into the shiny coated green. But as soon as Robert lost her contact, because her hand slipped so easily from his, his heartbeat climbed and the gentle wind made him freeze and shiver. He hurried to follow her. She seemed determined to keep walking but her wandering look revealed that she had no specific plan.
With quick strides, Robert caught up to her. “Give me your hand, Cora,” he said in a hushed voice. He didn’t dare to speak in a louder tone. It seemed unbefitting for the bewitched situation. Cora looked at him over her shoulder, and her hand found his waiting one assuredly. Her soft grin was warm despite the cold light and it seemed to transport gratitude she had when it came to him initiating a display of affection. Whenever he showed his softer side, Cora was grateful, and Robert thought she shouldn’t have to be. She deserved all the affection and loving in the world. She should never think otherwise. Her conscious gratitude showed that it wasn’t self-evident. He squeezed her hand to ban any uncertainty at least for this moment. He hoped he would be able to continue being worthy for her overflowing love and, God, her radiant, seraphic self.
Cora pulled him through hedges here and onto tight paths there, and then they reached a tiny pond. It was a pond Robert regularly forgot existed. It wasn’t exactly spectacular. Only one single fish of the prior population the gardener had placed there had survived. It was a plump and ponderous companion. Its greenish-grey scales seemed dull at day. Now Cora approached the small body of water until her shins touched the edge of the pond so that she could kneel on it if she wanted to.
“Look at him, Robert,” she whispered. They were silent for a while. Only the gentle sounds of the wind caressed their ears. “That is his hour. It’s his time to shine.” She pointed to the fish as if he was a long-known fellow, as if she knew him. And the fish really shone. Like a magical creature, it made its sluggish rounds in the circular pond. It reflected the shimmering light at least as much as the slightly moved surface of the cold water. It was impressive but it was not for long Robert’s focus.
“No,” he replied lowly. “It’s yours. Your time to shine. You’re radiant, Cora.”
“Robert,” she breathed. Her eyes flickered over his face. Her cheeks darkened a little, as much as Robert could tell. “Something has gotten into you tonight.”
“I blame it on you.” His thumb caressed the back of her hand. “You’re charming me tonight with your spell.”
Cora chuckled. She shook her head in adoration. “I hope it isn’t only for tonight,” she teased.
“No, it’s not,” he said, and his free hand encircled her waist. “This spell has been over me for a very long time you have to know,” he explained.
“I see,” she nodded conspiratorially. One of her hands came to rest on the row of buttons on his upper chest. “If Carson gave you something special for a drink tonight, I’ll ask him to do it more often in the future.” Cora tipped her head to the side, and Robert could watch the long expanse of her neck exposed to the smooth light. Slowly he moved his head forward.
“That won’t be necessary. I have no doubt I’ll stay intoxicated long enough…” he whispered against the sensitive skin of her neck. His lips slowly descended onto the warm skin. He gave it a very light kiss before he exerted the ever so gentle suck on her skin. “… if you allow me to drink the alluring scent of your skin, my darling.” Cora sighed and closed her eyes. This was answer enough for Robert. He buried his face in the crook of her neck. He started planting a few kisses there but soon he found himself just breathing in her sweet warmth. Their joined hands were pressed between their bodies, Cora’s other hand hold onto Robert’s dress shirt and her head rested against his temple. The couple took their time relishing their nearness. And Robert didn’t exactly feel like doing more. Not out here in the light of the observant celestial body above them. In the warmth of her room, Robert could show Cora more of his affection, other aspects of it. But now their close embrace was enough.
A low splash reminded them of the presence of the fish and of their surroundings.
“I don’t want it to be over,” Cora whispered as quietly as the wind. Robert could only catch her words because his head was just beside her lips.
“Shh,” he tried to soothe her.
Even if this moment of pure magic was momentary – it had been their young years that had consisted of so much of this magic – and if tomorrow the daily life with its struggles and triviality would return, this moment right now would be relished fully. Robert felt that it wasn’t a temporary glare, it was real magic. He just had to look at Cora to know.
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willowistic22 · 4 years
August - Javid
Ship : Javid
Genre : Angst
Song : August - Taylor Swift
Warnings : fighting (arguing), slap, cursing, if there’s more feel free to remind me to tag it :)
A/N : so long overdue i am sorry but school is a bitch quote me in that one idc lol. Anyways, this is an almost 5 k words of angsty javid songfic (thank you @nowisthetimetocarrythebanner for helping me choose which ship to write first :)) Hope yall like it and not get tired of me being a huge swiftie hehe
Salt air
And the rust on your door
This isn’t what he’s used to. Davey always tells his parents if he’ll be going out no matter what, even if he knows they wouldn’t like it because Davey will always find a way to get around their disapproval. This is out of his disciplined nature, and he knows it. Yet, he’s so drawn to this idea. Of course he’s drawn to this idea if it isn’t Jackie boy’s idea.
The moment he heard a tapping noise coming from his window, his mind is no longer in between the words of the book his father had lent him for the night. He saw the boy’s figure waving frantically on the rusty fire escape and he knows it only leads to a bizarre idea Davey will end up regretting.
I never needed anything more
“This better be worth it,”
Oh, but it’s always worth it. It’s Jack for crying out loud. When will it not be worth it for Davey when it’s Jack knocking on his window?
He folds the corner of the page and closes the book. Tossing the book on the rickety bed that he and Les share and takes a few steps across his packed bedroom to get to his window.
He slides the window open. The gust of the summer night wind instantly entering his room, along with the remaining sounds that can be heard down in the streets. But his focus is all on the boy that came to visit him. Crooked smile, dirty coarse cheeks, ruffled dark brown hair, and a lighter shade of brown in his twinkling eyes.
Of "Are you sure?"
“What if we get caught?”
“We won’t”
“You don’t know that”
“Well, we will if ya keep standin’ around in the middle of the street like that!”
“Jack, I’m serious!”
“And so am I, Dave!”
The nickname. It caught Davey off guard. It instantly stops his jabbering. He hasn’t heard that name in awhile, Davey forgot the effect it has on him. A fast heart rate, stiffen posture, and an uncontrollable mind.
Jack being Jack, took his silence as compliance. He continues to lead him in Ms. Medda’s theatre through the back door. Ms. Medda wouldn’t mind Jack sneaking around the theatre for whatever reason. But he’s still frowned upon by the bulls, which would mean their shady looking actions would be a reason to capture him.
Davey is still standing in front of the doorway in the alleyway, whilst Jack is already a few feet ahead of him inside. Jack turns around to see if he was following and walks back to the door to convince him one last time. 
He gives him his hand and voices out gently, “It’ll be fun. I promise”
And just like that, Davey is lured in his schemes once again. He reluctantly places his hand in Jack’s palm, which was instantly pulled through the door and into the backstage of Ms. Medda’s theatre.
“Never have I ever before”
Ms. Medda couldn’t be found as the two bolts passed the people working backstage. She’s performing with the rest of the Bowery Beauties. Jack’s been hearing Ms. Medda and the other performers practice this new song and was told that it’s being performed in front of an audience for the first time tonight.
Jack pulls Davey up to the scaffolding backstage so they can have a better view of the performance and a place to sit down peacefully. They let their legs dangle freely under the railings since no one will be able to see it. As Jack expected, Davey was captivated. As he puts his hands on the railing and leans forward for a clearer view, his green eyes twinkle like the stars and his smile as pure as gold. He usually hides his emotions well, but this time it was obvious this was his first time watching a performance in a theatre.
“You do this often, huh?” Davey said, eyes still glued down to the stage.
“Yeah, I’se like to sneak out after puttin’ the littles to sleep,” Jack answered. A moment of silence followed. Then Jack flips his head to gaze back at Davey and says, “It’s just the first time I brought someone with me”
Davey twists his head to face Jack. He sees the boy staring back, but he can’t decipher what about this stare that made it different from the other times they’ve shared a gaze like this. A weird feeling settles in Davey’s stomach. The feeling heats his cheeks and he knows it’s a blush.
The sudden sound of applause pulled them away from their made up universe. A standing ovation full of cheers and whistles. Jack twirls his head first, clapping softly to the feathery and glimmering ladies bowing towards the audience.
Davey’s composure hasn’t returned yet, he couldn’t find the strength to clap. He can only gaze down upon the bowing and try to decipher what had happened.
And when he least expected, Jack places a hand on the railing right next to Davey’s. His pinky slowly brushes over Davey’s. He keeps his hands absolutely still, stiffening up his whole left arm as their pinky intertwine. All while avoiding each other’s gaze in hopes to not ruin this little moment they’re sharing.
Oh, God, not again…
Your back
Beneath the sun
There’s this love hate relationship he has with Jack Kelly. The obvious reason is that the good person and amazing leader side he has is hidden under all the stupidity and spontaneous decisions that mostly leads to a catastrophe. Sure, he’s a figure to look up to for younger newsies taking on the world. But when he gets some space to do something self-indulgent, it can get a bit out of hand.
And then there’s also the not-so obvious reasons. The gentleness, the vulnerability, the oddly intense moments, the small kind gestures, all of which only Davey gets to see. He turns into a nervous wreck but seems to be addicted for more. It’s a different treatment from his other newsie friends, even a different kind of gentleness the littles receive.
When these moments first started happening, Davey thought this was a gateway to project his real feelings towards the boy. And every time after they have those special private moments together, Jack always pretends it never happens the next time they meet each other. It confuses Davey to no end. One moment they’re alone on the fire escape sharing deep secrets they’ve never told anyone before, soaking up whatever’s left of the sun before it sets. The next moment, they’re just ‘your super close pals being normal pals’.
He still hasn’t fully decided what to feel about this game he’s playing with Jack. It’s obviously dangerous, physically and emotionally. But it’s the only soft interactions Davey has ever gotten from Jack. He’s been aching for it the moment he fell for him back when the Manhattan newsies dragged him to strike.
So here he is now, standing in the circulation gate with his stack of paper in one hand and Les’ hand in the other. Ready to play along with whatever game Jack has in store for the two today. He hasn’t seen him this morning, and maybe it’s better that way.
Wishing I could write my name on it
Davey watches Les run across the circulation gates towards where his own newsie friends were waiting for him before they can start marching towards their usual selling spot. He smiles and waves back at the ten year old who seems to already be having too much fun with his friends to notice.
“They grow up so fast, huh?”
Davey twists his head around towards the source of the voice. The same boy from last night stands in front of him, proudly wearing a smirk while carrying his stack of paper.
“Well, it’s bound to happen one way or another” Davey replied, somehow being able to keep his cool.
Jack lingers in his green eyes for a moment. Davey can sense there’s a hidden meaning behind his gaze. And if his gut serves him right, it’s the same kind from last night.
Wait, what’s he doing?
He’d usually initiate the play pretend game early in the morning. But asking Davey to sell with him? That’s not pretending. Even if that game is still on his agenda for today, selling together would only make things harder.
Could it be an idiotic move for Davey to accept this invitation? Most likely. But with that offer on the table, it sparks a small flame in Davey’s curiosity. He wants to know what Jack has in mind for them.
Will you call when you're back at school?
After the two were done selling, Davey thought they were going to Jacobi’s to meet up with the rest of the newsies. But Jack turns out to have a different plan of his own. One which, like most of his other plans, brought fear upon Davey.
He led the two back to Medda’s theatre, where everyone was working backstage. They’re too busy to notice two rapscallion looking teens sneaking in the theatre.
“Jack, where are we going?” Davey finally asked as Jack continued to drag him towards the rows of seats in front of the grand stage.
They stop once they arrive in front of two specific chairs on the very last row. Jack takes a seat on one and puts his newsie bag on his lap. Davey can see a shape forming in it, despite knowing Jack had sold all of his paper earlier.
“Come on, sit down with me” Jack said, patting the empty seat next to him. Davey froze for a second, eyeing Jack skeptically. He rolls his eye with a little chuckle before pulling out the item hidden in his bag, revealing a sandwich he bought from Jacobi’s, “I got us lunch. So come sit down!”
Despite complying to the invite, Davey can’t figure out what were his intentions behind this plan. They sit in silence for the first few seconds, taking a few bites in their own respective sandwiches while staring at the stage being redecorated for tonight’s show.
“I wanted to ask somethin’… but… wasn’t sure if you’se okay talkin’ about it in front of the others…” Jack started out slowly without meeting Davey’s eyes.
At this point, Davey’s heartbeat was getting faster and louder. He so badly wants to hide his face in his hands, but his muscles have frozen in place. He keeps control of his eyes from moving, not wanting to take one glimpse at Jack to avoid a long drawn out stare.
“What is it?” Davey’s lips seem to have a mind of his own, growing impatient at the excessive silence. He mentally slaps it from thinking it was a good idea to make any sort of move.
In the corner of his eyes, he can see Jack turning his head to face Davey. Though he still doesn’t dare to look back.
“Are ya still gonna come by the lodge once you’se back to school?”
A silent sigh of relief escaped his lips, though it did kind of hurt when the question wasn’t what he expected. Nonetheless, he answers, “Well, not as often as now. But I’ll definitely come back every now and again”
August is ending and all the newsies knows Davey and Les are bound to go back to school. They’ve grown comfortable with the brothers, so it’ll definitely feel weird not having them around as often.
Never in his wildest dreams would Davey expect Jack asking about that topic. But going out of his way to drag him all the way here? And buying the two lunch while he’s at it? There has to be more than that, right?
I remember thinking I had you
“Are you gonna miss me?” Davey rounds up the last bit of courage in him to ask.
He hears Jack scoff and can feel the eye roll directed towards him, “Keep dreamin’, Dave!”
He finds the strength to look back towards Jack. Seeing the brunet cracking up a laugh through his smile, he laughs along with him.
Their sandwiches are now left as crumbs, but they didn’t bother walking out of the theatre. They were too entertained with their conversation. Davey noticed how quiet they’re being, despite being too far from anyone to hear what stupid nonsense spilled out of their mouths. There’s also that oddly intense feeling between their breaths, giving all their stupid nonsense a double meaning to it.
As time passes on, things start to escalate even further. It could be just Davey, but there’s something about the way Jack looks at him. His brown eyes look more cheerful and his smile is wider. Unprompted hand touches, so soft and slow yet utterly meaningless. There was no reason for Jack’s hand to dance around the palm of Davey’s. Nor was there a reason for said hand to travel to playfully touch his cheeks. And could their heads be slowly gravitating towards each other? Or could that just be Davey’s head playing tricks with all of this happening to him?
“So… will you be able to run the lodge without my help?” Davey asked, filling in the little silence settling between the two after a fit of giggles turned into a lingering gaze.
“I’se ran the lodge just fine before you and Les showed up,” Jack started, “ I’ll be fine without you!”
“Sure glad I won’t be missed” Davey joked, turning his head down to his hands on his laps.
“What? No! That ain’t what I meant!”
He reaches over to grab his hands gently, causing the taller boy to go beet red. He draws reassuring circles on the back of Davey’s hand, the goosebumps returning once again as he watches it unfold on top of his lap.
“We’ll be fine, but we’se gonna miss you guys,” Jack said.
The hand reaches up to Davey’s chin, forcing him to properly face Jack. His green eyes grew wide at the sight of the brunet boy staring longingly at Davey. He was for certain that their heads are slowly gravitating towards each other. With every inch closer, his heartbeat grows louder and faster. He couldn’t bear to keep his eyes open the moment he could feel Jack’s hot breath dancing on his face. His lips, already parted and so ready to be able to welcome Jack’s—
The door right beside them swung open, causing the two boys to jump and return back to their respectful seats.
“Funny seeing you boys here!” A femenine voice rang through their ears, high and pitchy but with a friendly tone. 
They turn their heads towards the sound. There stood a tall figure. Head full of long red curls and clever light brown eyes darting between the two. Cheeks with some freckles animated to form a smirk on the pearl white face.
“And you have a proper excuse to be here, Kath?” Jack challenged her, “I’se sure you’se smart enough to know the first show of the day doesn’t start till later in the evenin’”
Jack’s smile was no longer centralized towards Davey again. He gets himself lost in Kathrine as she makes her way towards the stage with her notepad and pencil, brushing his witty remarks off with a little eyeroll.
Davey watches as he smiles at Kathrine’s presence and remembers the reality. He shifts back in his seat, trying his absolute best to make sure Jack doesn’t hear his heart breaking. That would be embarrassing if he found out Davey thought this wasn’t a game after all.
Back when we were still changing for the better
He quickly departs from the scene, not wanting to meet Jack’s face as he gets up from his seat. He left the theatre quickly, recollecting himself with a deep breath as he made his walk.
Davey repeatedly beat himself up for being such an idiot. There’s been multiple times that happened. When he thought something was going to be different between the two, something around them would remind them that it’s all just a game. It isn’t different than those previous times and will never be different. It’s just a concept Davey still needs to get used to.
Wanting was enough
For me, it was enough
Oh, how badly he longed for the feeling. The feeling to be held by him. The feeling to share a loving kiss. To share more little moments with him. With that infuriating and equally charming Jack Kelly.
Davey would scream in his head, over and over again, how that’s not possible. He isn’t meant to love and be loved by Jack. His heart was already reserved for Kathrine. He knew that from the moment he saw the way Jack acts around her. He could see hearts in his eyes, a brighter smile, and maybe a cockier manner.
When Jack was around him, it felt just like that but slightly different. Jack would be more gentle, tamed, and shier. Davey made up so many excuses in his head for that contrasting behavior, all of which benefits his own feelings. Though, he’s smarter than to think that is what’s actually going on. So he’d usually proceed to make up more excuses of how happy he is that Jack found Kathrine. It did sort of help him through this wave of sadness. Without it, Davey might not be able to blend himself with the crowd of people rushing up and down the sidewalk.
Cancel plans just in case you'd call
And say "Meet me behind the mall"
The sound of his name made him look back. His heart starts beating faster when he saw it was Jack Kelly. He shouldn’t be standing still like this, waiting for Jack to catch up to him. It’s obvious Jack has his heart for someone else. Davey can’t keep waiting for him to keep up and chase after him only to be tossed to the side once he’s bored with the little game they’re playing.
Jack stops in front of him, crouching down with both hands on his knees. He takes a moment to catch his breath before properly standing up to flash his slightly red and sweaty face.
“You forgot your bag,” Jack said, pulling out a dirty newsie bag out of his own and presenting it to him.
He didn’t realize it wasn’t strapped around his torso like usual till now. He takes it from Jack’s hand and chuckles out through his small smile, “Thanks, Jack”
Davey awkwardly turns around, back to focusing on his trek. Before he took a step further, something grabbed his arm from behind and stopped him.
Before he knows it, Davey finds himself in an alleyway. Backed up against the wall by Jack, uncertainty makes up the lines and curves of his face. But Davey isn’t focused on his face. Rather, the lips that had crashed onto him with no warning.
So much for summer love, and saying “Us”
A few days have passed and Davey could still feel the feeling of those lips against his own. How it remained frozen for a moment when they first connected, but soon moved together once they’ve registered to what’s happening. It creates a sweet feeling that makes the two tremble in each other's grasps. He couldn’t describe what Jack tastes like, mainly because he was too focused on the feeling caused by the movement, but it was addicting and he wants more of it.
The feeling buzzed through him for the rest of the day till the next morning. Sarah and Les noticed it and kept on bugging their brother to spill, but nothing worked. Davey was still feeling the high of it after a few days but was able to ground his feelings so it won’t show up to the surface all that much.
Though, he’s still unsure if he should make a move. Jack somehow acted a bit stranger than usual. The ‘pretending that nothing happened’ game was on again, but this time he was more distant than usual. While the others were smiling and properly greeted Davey and Les when they arrived at the circulation gate, Jack just waved and quickly got himself busy on his own.
'Cause you weren't mine to lose
After a long day of selling, Davey sits down on one of the empty chairs at Jacobi’s for some lunch. His rousing newsie friends filling in the, once peaceful, deli with their chattering and laughter. Davey stays silent while Crutchie, Finch, and Specs talk about their day.
In storms, Race comes running in followed by Albert and takes up the last two chairs on their table. Their energy contrasts with the previous four, but they’re always welcome with their stupid grins.
“You’se two are excited” Crutchie commented after putting down his glass of water, “What happened?”
“You’se guys would never believe what just happened!” Race started, followed by a fit of laughter with Albert. Confused glances were shared between the other four. Upon seeing this, Race and Albert stopped to tell the story.
But I can see us
Lost in the memory
Race was wrong. Davey would absolutely believe what just happened. Though, he wishes he didn’t believe it. Or that it was just a lie. Whatever he can say that can dismiss what Race and Albert just told him. Because Jack kissed Kathrine and Davey can’t believe it’s true to save his poor heart.
He didn’t want to make it noticeable that he was storming out of Jacobi’s, but he desperately needed to see Jack again. His heart is fully shattered this time, he can’t take it any longer. Davey waited for a few minutes before he walked out, trying his absolute best to not let his shattered heart appear to the surface.
August slipped away into a moment in time
It didn’t take long for him to reach the lodge, Albert and Race had briefly mentioned from his story where Jack was. For the most part, Davey had ground his emotions. The sorrowful note in his heart, and just a little bit of anger, was hidden in front of his friends to avoid any questions. But the further away he got from them, the more of his emotions started to seep out of his skin.
He steps into the completely empty lodge. If Jack isn’t found inside, he’d probably be up on the roof. Davey walks up the rusty fire escape. He pops his head up and sees Jack sitting on the other side of the roof, to what Davey suspects to be, sketching something on a piece of paper with the way his back is bent forwards.
Davey is completely perplexed, seeing Jack going about his day as if he didn’t do anything. The lines on his face are drawn by anger, green eyes glowing with fire, hand forming into a fist that’s ready to strike.
He makes Jack notice his presence by purposely stomping loudly as he steps on the roof. Jack turns around from his drawing. Once he noticed it was Davey, he put his drawing down and stood up with a bright and innocent face to greet his friend, a huge contrast to Davey’s. Jack takes a few steps closer to him but still left a good amount of space between the two.
'Cause it was never mine
He didn’t act up towards that nickname. He simply walks past Jack and purposely bumps their shoulder in a fit of rage. It was Jack’s turn to be perplexed.
He takes a moment before he turns around to hear why Davey was here. Jack got a vague answer when he was met by a strong slap to the face from Davey.
“Do I mean nothing to you?!”
Jack stands completely still in front of Davey, rage visibly coursing through his veins. Jack was left speechless from that unprompted slap. The pain still stinging on his cheek as it slowly turns redder and redder as the second passes.
He looks down to his feet, propping his hands on his hips before looking back up to Jack. Davey’s green eyes now slowly overflowing with water and holding a sob in his throat.
“Why’dju do it?” Davey’s voice cracked a bit at the end, “Why did you set me up in this... game?”
Davey lets one sob escape his lips but holds back the rest in his throat. He blinks a few of the tears away and looks back to where Jack’s face slowly starts to crumble now that he knows what’s this all about.
“Kelly, why did you kiss me?!” Davey raised his voice a bit.
Jack looks at him with wide eyes. Fear in his gaze upon seeing this side of Davey for the first time. He can’t find the answers to those questions. Not even the words to excuse himself.
Davey wraps his arms around his torso to find some form of comfort in this situation. He turns to look past him because looking at him in the eye hurts.
“I don’t get it….Y-you held my hand, you shared secrets, you showed me remarkable things…” Davey went on, the memories flashing in his head like a movie, “... But then after a few days you act like you don’t even know me!”
Jack watches as Davey tries to hold himself together to continue. He watches as his heart crumbles in front of him. The sound ringing in his ears is painful, knowing that it was coming from Davey. And even worse: Jack was the reason.
Davey turns his head to face Jack again.
“Was it stupid of me to fall for you? Was it... stupid of me that when you started doing all of that…” Davey started, voice reflecting the state of his aching heart, “I thought that maybe... you actually returned my feelings?”
“No” Jack simply answered after taking some time to ponder over it.
“But you also kissed Kathrine” Davey brought up what Race and Albert said earlier, “I even heard… you’re going on a date together…”
“Davey… where’dju even get that from?” Jack asked.
“Race and Albert. Sounds like you’re pretty open about it…”
Jack couldn’t move a muscle. His brain fully blanks as it drives Jack’s focus all onto the sobbing boy in front of him.
Back when I was living for the hope of it all
“I should’ve known…” Davey breathes out, dropping his head to the floor, “I should’ve fucking known…”
“No… No, don’t say that” Jack takes a few steps closer, desperately reaching his hands towards him. But Davey violently steps away. Jack knows it means he’s close enough, so he drops his hands to his side again.
“I shouldn’tve hoped for much...” Davey continued, a little raise to his tone but laced with suffering, “I knew from the start you wouldn’t care…”
“Davey, wait! It’s not what you think!”, Jack tries to get closer but ends up stepping backwards as Davey forces him to back away.
“Oh, is it?!” Davey challenged. His face, now shattered in pieces by the tears he could no longer hold back, “Did you fucking forget all those stupid moments you spent with me?! Making me think I actually mean something to you?!”
“Of course you mean somethin’ to me!” Jack stops Davey from pushing him even further, standing his ground with his feet and words. Or whatever it is he can come up in his brain in this heated situation, “I-it’s just… it’s… I don’t know, okay?”
Davey recollects himself as best as he can, furiously sniffing his nose while wiping the tears off his cheeks and eyes. He slows his breathing down while cynically staring at Jack. He slowly makes his way towards the brunet, keeping just an inch of space between their faces.
“Then let’s find out”
His warm breath linger in the limited space between them. The two boys lock their eyes in an intense stare. Davey parts his lips slightly open, testing Jack’s words by pushing him to act up.
Davey aches for another kiss, but he only lets his head tilt to the side while he waits for Jack. But Jack didn’t move. No muscle in him acted up to what he said. He just stood there, staring. Once again making Davey look like an idiot.
He purses his lips, another drop of water falling down his cheek. Davey turns on his heel and walks away from the scene.
“No, wait, I can explain!” Jack chased after the boy, grabbing his arm and twirling him to get them to face each other once again. But Davey’s face is now in pieces, as he barely can hold it in any longer the moment he turned his face away from Jack.
“Let go, Jack,” His voice was shaky and breathy, “Please… I can’t do this anymore…”
The sound of his pressed down sob down his throat broke Jack’s heart even further. He loosens his grip from the boy, letting his hands slide down his sides. He watches as Davey sniffles and wipes his eyes with his sleeves.
“Take care, Jackie,” Davey said before turning around and walking away.
Watching Davey walk away like that left Jack speechless and heartbroken. A wave of guilt and regret rises from his stomach towards his eyes. It wells up with water, watching one of the most important people in his life walk away.
As Davey exits the empty lodging house, he takes in every detail of the house. Whether it’s a crack on the wall, a rust on the bunk bed, or even the precious little trinkets his friends left lying around, Davey examines it till it’s embedded in his brain. After this day, he might not have the strength to come back. Ever.
29 notes · View notes
Liam & Edie
Liam: [alright so she’s gonna get there super early so the first question is do we want any kind of interaction with his poor mother first or do we save that for later]
Edie: [In my head it’s literally early enough that she could still be asleep but also if it’s the week ‘cos summer, she COULD be going to work, unless she does a moomin and takes it off, so I’m easy with either]
Liam: [yeah I was thinking like it’s technically day 5 but it’s early enough of an arrival you could call it day 4 because we’re extra, so she probably would be asleep but equally, she could’ve woken up early to say happy bday and all that before she has to go to work because I feel like she’d wanna take the day off but he’d be essentially like nah don’t I’ll see you later 1. Because Edie is coming and 2. Because fuck birthdays anyway even before we knew that was a thing that’d be happening]
Liam: [maybe it’s like she was gonna go in and wake him up but surprise we’re already up and chilling in our dead sister’s room and surprise x2 Edie is already here hello]
Edie: [your poor mother, so shooketh, so not prepared for this, at least Edie will be being polite to you because we wanna make a good first impression and we’re not a dick but we are still weird and here at like the arse crack of dawn so hi]
Liam: [at least for our plot purposes she’ll be too caught unawares to spoil the bday secret because up til now his phone wouldn’t be popping off too hard as it’s early and normal people are asleep]
Edie: [can we just take a moment to think about the fact this is the first time actually meeting each other]
Liam: [it blows my mind when I do think about it, honestly, I need to know all about her lewk please because we know how excited you’d be about this gal]
Edie: [I will have to find one because yes, you’ve gotta do your most to be cute]
Liam: [I care very much what colour your hair is and how hard you’re serving even though I know damn well all you’ve done so far is sit on his sister’s floor and talk and talk and TALK because not an exaggeration at all to say he wants to know everything about her, that’s his intense brand]
Liam: [but also what time does the sun come up in late August? Would that be too early to say she arrived before then so they can watch it together like they did the comet]
Edie: [we know we’d show up whenever, try and stop us famalam, so yes that’s definitely a thing we can say happens, I hope you live near-ish though or what time are you setting off from yours hen]
Liam: [ngl if she showed up at 3 or 4am I wouldn’t be surprised and he wouldn’t mind so fill your boots kids, we can totally say he lives close because that isn’t something we’ve given an Ali kid before and like I can see his parents being like the country air and peace and quiet etc will totally help our dying child, as if this is victorian times or whatever]
Edie: [tbf cities are grubby i’m sorrrrrrrrryyy anyway, love that for you, you can live on a busy bit of the countryside, a nice cul-de-sac mayhaps, at least you won’t get murdered lurking in the dark]
Liam: [get on zoopla and find us a cute gaff boo]
Edie: [heheheheh, okay so we know how we’re starting our day, what’s next]
Liam: [I think we’ve just gotta run this and see what pops up as we’re pondering cos y’all are wild could be anything going on, bye to his mum go get ready for work and then go gal you can do some bday cliches when you get back at like 4, Edie’ll know by then, so once his mum has swiftly excited just 👀 because even if you’ve got no feelings it’s super cute that she wants to make a good impression]
Edie: [just smiley blush like what, not commenting on his ma yet ‘cos she didn’t have time to really make an impression so we don’t need to do that ‘can’t have her changing her mind about loving the idea already’]
Liam: [get a bit closer to her so you can look at her even more intensely because she’s being even cuter with her lil blush and smile moment and this was such a good idea thank god ‘don’t change yours either’]
Edie: [just shaking our head hardcore ‘cos can’t speak suddenly]
Liam: [‘she’s not Lexie levels but still off putting, I know’ soz to his poor mum for vaguely giving a shit haha]
Edie: [‘you’ve not met mine’ like probably has on the low but shh the point is we know what all mums are like, in one way or another, ‘yet’ very much implying we cannot be put off tah]
Liam: [‘can I?’ has only just met you and wants to meet your mum, what boy in what universe would ever want that 🚩]
Edie: [my boo says run she says no, nod as enthusiastically purely ‘cos he wants to and we will not be saying no to anything]
Liam: [get even closer to her obvs because she just keeps being adorable with her enthusiasm and he’s obvs about it, just gonna be 👀 a mm away from her face in a sec]
Edie: [at least you can gently pull on the necklace he should be wearing ‘cos sent in the post]
Liam: [and you can kiss better wherever she got hers from even though it’s gonna be healed by now like she made you do at the time]
Edie: [genuinely wasn’t trying to be that bitch but I just googled where heals fastest when cut ‘cos that bitch and he didn’t want pain and bloody drama so and it literally said the mouth LMAO soz Liam I don’t make the rules-]
Liam: [soz not soz that you’re having your first kiss then lads]
Edie: [it’s kinda sweet that you aren’t like, actually kissing, if you know what I mean, like it’s about something else]
Liam: [it’s very pure and very your energy as a couple]
Edie: [you’ll be dying girl but that’s a moment]
Liam: [he genuinely would ask her if she/that was okay because we know she’s not had a boyfriend before because Rio would not stop hammering that point home]
Edie: [we’re so obviously more than okay but likewise not trying to be like OTT and put pressure on him because we’ve been told what Lexie was like, just smile and nod]
Liam: [pull her to her feet and to your room because we’ve not been in there yet but y’all are gonna find this robot dog]
Edie: [get to go through all his childhood things lowkey love that for yous just asking all the questions]
Liam: [and we’re definitely giving it to you which is another moment because he loved it]
Edie: [we’ve gotta pimp that pup up somehow, which is within your wheelhouse deffo ‘what’s he called?’]
Liam: [‘Chip’ and a face like yeah I know I was a kid byeee]
Edie: [just loving on it like a real dog, ‘I fucked with the beast’ ‘cos of course you did lmao]
Liam: [he’s as amused as I was when I read that because of course she did is right, clearly gonna put that film on for her]
Edie: [love that childlike energy for you too, definitely raiding for the good snacks even though it’s so early because why not sugar rush]
Liam: [same because we all know he didn’t get a chill childhood, at least there would be great snacks in because it being his bday and his mum hoping she can rock a birthday tea vibe on the low]
Edie: [sneaky bday energy, god bless, just find out what each others faves are]
Liam: [taking so many cute pics and vids during all this, be jealous everyone]
Edie: [I do have cute bed ones so have a duvet day until the notifs come in]
Liam: [gives him a reason for his phone to be blowing up but that’s not why we’re doing it, he’s just obsessed with the bae’s happiness]
Edie: [I can send them to you if you like]
Liam: [please do]
Edie: [at least you can take his phone under the assumption of taking a picture of him because he’s taken loads of you]
Liam: [and he’s not gonna stop you because he’s not stupid enough to have anything incriminating about stalking your sister on there and obvs isn’t thinking about it being his bday]
Edie: [awkward when you don’t wanna be like oh it’s your birthday but you can’t not be like that because then you’d be acting weird, just pull up whoever’s said happy bday latest like hey but soft]
Liam: [such a genuine shrug like oh yeah that idc]
Edie: [‘why didn’t you tell me?’ but without the 🥺 tone, genuine asking]
Liam: [‘I didn’t want you to know’ true but then you realise how it sounds so ‘it’s pressure on you and it don’t matter to me’]
Edie: [when there is nothing you can say to that but ‘fair enough’ because it is and we’re not gonna force it into a Big Thing ™ ‘we’re still having fun though’ because y’all are that’s facts]
Liam: [‘I can’t remember a birthday this about me’ because we can’t say he’s never had a fun bday ever but he’s never been the centre of attention ‘it is enough, and fun, having you here’]
Edie: [‘that is pressure… without anyone else taking any of the focus at all’ ‘cos we have plenty of siblings so we know what he’s saying, nothing is entirely about you when there’s other kids to still care about, make the robo dog kiss his cheek ‘it can be as fun as you like, and we can stay in all day, or go out too, it’s all up to you’]
Liam: [kiss her on the cheek thank you boy because she’s being a babe]
Edie: [🥰 look as we get up ‘what’s your favourite breakfast?’ like let’s go make that happen]
Liam: [I’m gonna say his fave is a full english/irish because when does anyone ever have the time or energy for all that faff so we can make you feel special here boy]
Edie: [giving you 2 options like we can make it here for you and that could include a shop dash to get all the bits which would be cute OR we can go to a cafe and get it and dine and dash which would also be cute]
Liam: [under duress I am voting for dine and dash because it feels very them and we’ll have loads of time to be domestic when they’re squatting in the holiday cottage etc]
Edie: [then let’s ride lads, the greasiest spoon we can find please]
Liam: [forever a mood]
Edie: [have a cute handhold as you walk, also enjoy the height difference imagine]
Liam: [don’t even I can’t fathom how tall he is, it’s crazy]
Edie: [love that you’re taller than our dad, taller than Buster, flex on ‘em babe you got that reach, it’s very much that picture of ariana and pete ‘cos that’s about y’alls heights lol]
Liam: [not to be that bitch but you would feel so safe and protected like I do get it]
Edie: [and I’m sorry but if you’re even a slightly curvier gal you can’t be with a small lad you feel like you’ll break them lmao]
Liam: [so many gals salty as hell at you rn Edie so soz]
Edie: [you love to see it, don’t get too close or we will fuck you up hens]
Liam: [I’m trying to think if there’s anything else cool they could do while they’re out cos I wanna keep the vibe chill but]
Edie: [we could go to the beach today, or we could find another thing for the ‘main event’ without being like this is what you’re doing for your bday highkey, perhaps something typical childhood birthday like bowling or laser tag that kind of energy]
Liam: [sadly you’re too much a giant to sneak into soft play]
Edie: [yes they usually have an age limit of 10-12 if memory serves and there’s no believing that lmao, although we could force the twins to go at a later date and go in with them]
Liam: [we’ll definitely give you another chance to go]
Edie: [okay so getting a bouncy castle to just put up and then we’re also having jelly and ice cream]
Liam: [green jelly is the best so you can pop off with 👽]
Edie: [i’m gonna try to find vibes deffo]
Liam: [actually love that you’ve gone from hanging out in his house to hanging out in a field and it’s the best birthday he’s had probably ever]
Liam: [kinda wanna let y’all have your first kiss on the bouncy castle but kinda have had that ruined for us by skins]
Edie: [#reclaimit and like, as much as y’all just having a good ass time getting to know each other, the casual tension still]
Liam: [it’s very much NOT a platonic good time and we all know it]
Edie: [we are not here to deny what’s here tah]
Liam: [only question is how far we’re taking it because y’all could hook up on it but you could also not]
Edie: [hmm, on the one hand, we absolutely would ‘cos wanna but on the other, I can see y’all making a slightly bigger thing out of it without you know, lighting candles lol, but you get me]
Liam: [same actually because you’re very romantic]
Edie: [right? Like it’ll deffo be in your way still but it’s your first time both of yas so you can make a thing of it if you bloody well like]
Liam: [and no shade to anyone because I’m not saying they should but not enough of our ships do make it a thing™️ because they just carried away by their feels and hormones lol, he has that degree of restraint, albeit for a sad reason so you might as well use it]
Edie: [no wonder you get so caught up in this babe, casual fairytale]
Liam: [me too gurl, me too, casually too invested in this doomed couple nbd]
Edie: [so sad, soz guys we’re rude]
Liam: [anything else cute we wanna do before your mum gets back and makes you do the cliche bday cake moment and you can get the bae to blow out your candles with you because have all the wishes my love]
Edie: [I think this gives us a good framework for how it’s gonna go, lots of cuteness, doing the least but making it the most]
Liam: [thank god it’s still summer so nobody can force you back home because you’ll both be gutted]
Edie: [fight us fam we clearly aren’t going anywhere, I like to think you got something for his mum whilst out even though it’s probably a bottle of wine neither of you can buy so bit cheeky but still cute]
Liam: [that’s adorable af, his mum can’t be mad we know she knows him and his sister did a lot worse, even if she doesn’t know it all but what does make me laugh is that she’d blatantly not let Edie stay the night because of how obvs underage she is and it’s like oh hun we’ve had many many opportunities to hook up all day but sure]
Edie: [love when parents draw that line, like this is why teens hook up in cars and anywhere else they can, also tis possible in daylight but god bless you for trying hun]
Liam: [so many parents do and there’s literally so many worse things he could be doing and in Liam’s case has done but pop off]
Edie: [oh when this baby is announced lmao sozzzzzzz]
Liam: [she’s gonna be UPSET, but in the now you can walk her home and that’s always cute af]
Edie: [so gentlemanly, also gonna bring you in impromptu to meet Ali like hello mother]
Liam: [the levels he’d just wanna stay because technically not breaking the rules to be over at the cali gaff but contrary to what I just said about baby Libi he doesn’t actually wanna upset his mum so he wouldn’t]
Edie: [we’ll let you be good today, of all days, let me post my ting and know the last pic is like now in a miss you already way]
Liam: [I’m cackling imagining Grace appearing like the extra child she is]
Edie: [curtain-twitching like a baby nosy hoe, I lol]
Liam: [thank god Lexie isn’t really crazy or you’d have to look out for her being at the window too]
Edie: [we ain’t afraid of you it’s definitely the other way round rn]
Liam: [hilarious considering how pure you’ve been all day]
Edie: tell me when you get home
Liam: I don’t want to get home
Edie: If you go somewhere I have to come
Liam: I know 😇 I promise
Liam: I’ll come back for you when it’s a new day
Edie: I’m not wishing this one away, I didn’t
Edie: I don’t want it to end
Liam: me either, but no spoilers or the wish will glitch and we won’t get what we did ask for
Edie: 😶
Edie: and we’ve got to follow the rules or you’ll turn into a 🎃 tonight
Liam: a massive me sized 🎃 do you think or one you could carry round
Edie: I could live in a you sized 🎃 but I’m not sure how comfortable that would be for you
Edie: but what if I dropped you if you were normal sized 😭
Liam: I’ve seen you on a bouncy castle, you’re not clumsy
Edie: despite your best attempts to floor me
Liam: you gave as good
Edie: yeah
Edie: I hope so
Liam: there was no cracking under the pressure
Edie: then you’ll have me back
Edie: and kiss me again
Liam: we can go back for as long as it stays up, then I’ll kiss you somewhere else
Edie: please
Edie: and you felt it
Edie: the kiss, it was more than nothing
Liam: I wouldn't have done it if it was nothing, how I know you feel is important and I'm not gonna hurt you
Edie: I know
Edie: I trust you
Edie: I’m just being annoying trying to make you say it
Liam: you couldn’t annoy me if you was trying, I’m on too big of a high from meeting you
Edie: I had the best day
Liam: I’ve gotta say thanks for today, meaning tomorrow’ll have an edge on it for being all about what you wanna do instead of me getting older
Edie: you don’t
Edie: it was mutual
Edie: you even let me help you blow out your candles
Liam: if I didn’t it’s 🎂 wasted you gave me the best 🎁 by being there, right before you were I still thought you might not show
Edie: a tiny part of me wasn’t sure
Edie: what if it messed everything we’d built up
Edie: but it didn’t
Liam: yeah, that was on my mind too, I’m either too much or not enough when I can’t moderate it how I do online, faker than my 🦎🧠 has got me used to acting, and found out for it sooner
Liam: but it wasn’t like that today
Edie: it’s easier when you can code the best response
Edie: put whatever skin on it works best in that moment
Edie: but this was better than anything I’ve made or seen in cyberspace so far
Liam: your fave 🤖 is a compliment I'll take any time, like
Edie: don’t tell Chip
Liam: he’s got more to rub in my face, he got to stay, I wouldn’t start it
Edie: [pic of him tucked up casually]
Edie: bit smug, tbh
Liam: in the world we just woke him up from I could be 💔😭 he’ll have to try harder now
Edie: [a pic of him up on her titties like mr steal yo gurl]
Edie: 😱😱
Edie: I’m gonna need to train him
Liam: I remember him as naughtier than me
Edie: checks out
Edie: you’re very 😇
Liam: if it was up to him you’d be sleeping on the bouncy castle together, however many rules it breaks
Edie: I think it’d be cosy
Edie: tomorrow though, we can have a nap
Liam: waiting until my ma falls asleep and I can sneak out, it’d be tomorrow
Edie: it’s not breaking the rules, if you’re sure
Edie: you can leave a note for when she wakes up
Liam: if you are, we’re doing what you want
Edie: obviously I want to
Liam: have to keep you up half the night first
Edie: you’d already done that without trying
Edie: but I’m not turning down more
Liam: me or the beast 😏
Edie: I’m not saying you’re covered in brown fur
Edie: but you are that big so
Edie: little column A little column B 😏
Liam: I’ll check the coat cupboard, might get me closer to ticking both boxes for you
Edie: 😂
Edie: you tick every box, you don’t need to kidnap my dad to make that happen
Liam: don’t be so quick to say no to something I know you’d like
Edie: 😍 okay, only if we see him on the way
Edie: tomorrow ain’t about him
Liam: 🎼
Liam: I should’ve got you to sing something other than happy birthday, lock my ma in as part of your fan club
Edie: karaoke night 👩‍🎤👨‍🎤
Liam: she’d have your arm off, to take you up on the idea and to take the 🎤 off you for her turn
Edie: I’ll bring the machine and plenty of 90s bops
Liam: what would your first pick be
Edie: 🤔
Edie: I’d have to pick My Heart Will Go On to win your ma over, obviously
Edie: assuming she’s not fuming I’ve stolen it
Liam: too 😤 at the ending as if everyone don’t know the boat sinks and loads of people die
Liam: go for the Whitney song, the film’s got a lower body count
Edie: just poor Whit IRL
Edie: 😎 he’s no beast but
Liam: you don’t want no posh 🤴 sort over a handworking lad who keeps coming through for you, I keep saying you’re smart
Edie: makes my motives sound a bit evil
Edie: nothing but true ❤️ works remember
Liam: but you wouldn’t fall in love with someone you’ve got nothing in common with, there’d be no connection
Edie: true
Liam: I’d never call out your motives as evil, even a bit
Edie: you can if I am ever 👻👺🧙‍♀️🧟‍♀️🧛‍♀️👹💀 to you
Liam: that’s more far fetched than you and 🤴
Edie: who did you have a crush on as a kid
Liam: 🧚
Edie: Good choice
Liam: - as many points off as deserved for Lexie and I’ve still got proven good taste
Edie: I get it
Edie: I can see the appeal
Liam: being able to fly is enough of one
Edie: She looks like she might 🎯 a bitch for you but she’s the Wendy really
Liam: there's no appeal to Lex and no need to try and find it
Edie: 🏹🏹🏹💘
Edie: She’s 💀 to us
Liam: and soon to the rest of her mates including your sister
Edie: I hadn’t thought about her all day
Edie: Or anyone else
Edie: just you
Liam: you don't have to think about her ever again
Edie: I won’t show up and 😭 at her ⚰️🪦 when we bury her
Edie: We’ve got plans
Liam: I only mentioned her at all as a - bc you're such a massive + but I probably should've said that without her name being dropped in
Edie: nah, not even mentioning her is gonna affect how +++ this all is
Liam: it makes me seem like I've got her on my mind though and I don't want you to think I do
Edie: you can tell me what really is then
Edie: even if that’s tinkerbell
Edie: or that fry-up still
Liam: you are, and when my ma is gonna go the fuck to bed so I can kiss you again
Edie: I can feel the 👻 of you, your lips touching mine and where your hands were and where I wanted them to be next
Edie: it’s making me wish I were 🧚 so I could find a drowsiness potion to give her or just sprinkle some pixie dust on you so you could fly in my window right now
Edie: weren’t my 🎂 wish though, no spoilers ever 🤐
Edie: I could kiss you all night
Edie: And all day
Edie: But I have got other things we can do, even though it’s my day tomorrow, can’t be that selfish
Liam: not kissing all day or all night if that’s what you’ve decided but long enough for my hands to go where you wanted them next, yeah? i’d say it’d more be selfish if you didn’t share the complete thought with me
Edie: You don’t know exactly what I want?
Edie: It felt like you knew to me
Liam: it sounds better if I say I don’t and get it right instead of saying I do and getting it wrong
Edie: You haven’t got any of this wrong, trust me
Liam: honestly didn’t feel like I had but my instincts ain’t as easy to trust as you are
Edie: I promise I’ll tell you if you ever do
Edie: but you aren’t going to
Liam: that’s the connection I was going on about before, useful for the beginning, middle and the happy ending
Edie: You’re better than any lad in any film
Liam: you’re all I wanna see on film
Edie: bring a 📹
Liam: look for the ⏺️ light flashing in your window
Edie: like a 🌠
Liam: and ⏰ which won’t trigger 🚨 before we can get you out
Edie: I have had previous experience sneaking out, even if not to meet boys
Edie: that bit, I can do
Liam: there’s shit you can’t do, don’t believe that bit for a sec
Edie: 😏 you know
Edie: as my sister tried to make me sound like a total child
Liam: she knows you different to me, you’re a separate person to her than how you exist when we’re together
Edie: yeah
Edie: that’s how she likes to keep us, still about 7 in her head
Liam: my sister went the other way, she wasn’t waiting round for me to grow up when she could tell me to hurry up and do x z or z thing with her
Edie: it’s cool, that she didn’t treat you like an incapable kid
Edie: better, anyway, right?
Liam: but sometimes I wish she’d let me be one, it don’t matter, you can’t turn round like not today I wanna go to the park with my mates, not with lads I already knew were gonna be gone long before her, not to do fuck all instead of a crazy scheme
Edie: being ‘grown’ is only fun if it’s how you wanna do it, that’s definitely the main draw of not being a kid, doing exactly what you want and when
Edie: less shine if it isn’t your scheme
Liam: I think it’d be 🌟✨ to be looked after, but I get it’d fade for me if I had a sister like yours
Edie: you already charmed her, she’ll extend the courtesy to you now too I bet
Liam: it’s too late for me to start living like that
Edie: not if you want it
Edie: we can do it
Liam: I ain’t had a family in so long, I dunno if I could do it
Edie: we don’t need mine
Edie: we can have our own
Liam: can we
Edie: yes
Edie: and we can do anything and everything you missed out on
Liam: what happens if nothing changes and I’m stuck as a 🤖
Edie: if that happens then a baby won’t
Liam: and you’ll have to leave
Edie: no
Liam: I’m not taking no for an answer or asking anyone to love me if I can’t love them back
Edie: I can do it
Liam: your ++++ can’t make up for such a massive - in me
Edie: don’t give in yet
Edie: we have nothing but time
Liam: I’m saying it before I give in to you and believe we can do this
Edie: okay
Edie: I am listening
Liam: I’m not dying, I don’t get to be as selfish as my sister and I wanna care more than my parents
Edie: I love that about you
Edie: not enough people give a shit about anyone who isn’t themselves
Edie: or act like they’re a saint if the list includes the person they’re fucking too
Liam: we can’t do things just to try and force me to feel, even though I want to
Edie: it’s up to you
Edie: all of it
Edie: I don’t want to force you to do anything
Liam: it’s not, it’s equally up to you
Edie: Kinda
Edie: but I already feel things for you
Liam: I’m not gonna let your feelings force you to do anything same as you’re not gonna let what I don’t do it for me
Edie: I won’t let this fail
Liam: me either
Edie: does 16 feel any different
Liam: only bc of how I celebrated it
Edie: well I like that 🥰
Edie: I’m getting you a gift, just give me time
Liam: you’ve given me loads of 🎁🎁
Edie: nothing I could tie up with a bow
Liam: you could do a 🎀 in your hair before you come out, but it probably won’t help with your sister thinking you’re a kid still
Edie: 🤞 she shouldn’t be seeing me
Liam: or the 📹 footage of you 👧🏼
Edie: not for her 👀
Edie: or anyone else’s if we decide
Liam: if they’ve not had their fix of you today that’s their 💔
Edie: I’m for you
Liam: I’m buzzing not to be afraid of that, maybe normal is overrated this time
Edie: maybe it’s just scary
Liam: you’re not
Edie: 👺
Liam: you’re 🔥 people are scared of it but it’s not about you, it’s a them thing
Edie: I could cry
Edie: again
Edie: I’ll burn it all down
Liam: you’ve been crying
Edie: only happy crying
Liam: you nearly did force a fear response there for a sec
Edie: I didn’t mean to baby
Liam: I know, it was a me thing too
Edie: how’d it feel though, as it nearly happened
Liam: I was about to leave and make sure you were alright, I forgot about happy crying
Edie: 🚨🚨🚨
Edie: I can’t remember the last time I felt that, actually
Liam: it’s the kind of day for it, I can’t remember spending this much time with someone and thinking it wasn’t enough
Edie: Me either
Edie: I usually zone out after a sentence or two
Edie: it’s enough to know we have nothing worth discussing
Edie: sounds fake, how hard I’ve gone here, but I never care enough
Liam: it’d sound fake how hard I relate to not giving a fuck about anyone or anything in years before this
Edie: people reckon it’d be freeing, not relating, not being connected to anyone else
Edie: and I guess it is
Edie: but it’s boring before it’s anything else
Liam: and I’d come across as certifiably crazy if I tried to explain what walking round as me with everyone else seeming so unreal was like
Edie: people are idiots
Edie: they wouldn’t take the time to get it
Edie: just take it as a 🔫 admission or some shit
Liam: they’d only take the time to feel bad for me, I’m down for no more of that as long as I live
Edie: fuck that shit
Liam: yeah
Edie: when school starts, we’re gonna fuck shit up
Edie: without a 🔫
Liam: we should go in the night before
Edie: dedicated 😍
Liam: not saying I’ve got my ear to my ma’s door at the minute bc that’d be weird but I am, yeah
Edie: if you want something to listen to
Edie: [a song that’s clearly about today]
Liam: if you wanna hear a review I’m gonna need longer than it clearly took you to write that
Liam: I seriously don’t know what to say
Edie: it’d sound pretentious to say I think in lyrics but there’s always a tune in my head so
Edie: when you’re as inspiring as you are
Liam: when I can finally get out of here I know exactly what to do, putting words to my reaction to you being everything you are can wait
Edie: I’ll do my best to wait
Edie: but that sounds 🥴
Liam: I’m not waiting, I’ll make sure she don’t hear me go
Edie: I believe in you 😶
Liam: [obvs do that and show up to her window because we all know you can and it wouldn’t take you very long]
Edie: [question is are you ground floor music room or your room and Billie better be asleep lmao]
Liam: [how do you want it boo cos both are moods]
Edie: [I say go for your room so you have to climb and you have to control your excitement ‘til you too are out of the window]
Liam: [soz that he is gonna kiss you literally immediately though like as he’s coming through the window so you really are gonna have to control your excitement gal and also your volume]
Edie: [good luck with that sweetie, love this for you two]
Liam: [just fully making out rn nbd]
Edie: [sorry we must literally]
Liam: [do leave before you wake Billie up though lads]
Edie: [you gotta because we do not have that much chill to get any further than this]
Liam: [it’s been an overwhelming af day we’ll allow the lack of chill and get you away from the fam]
Edie: [run babies run, we’re so 😍]
Liam: [get back to the bouncy castle because y’all are 10000% those bitches who would legit kiss for hours just for the joy of it]
Edie: [you’ll be dying but in the best way]
Liam: [like who else is gonna be fully savouring this bit for what it is and how it feels in its own right, we know it’s you]
Edie: [you’ve been feeling fuck all, you deserve it, we will be putting across as much]
Liam: [and she’s never felt like this before either so we don’t need to be rushing anything rn or ever]
Edie: [exactly, ugh, so cute, you definitely brought a blanket before you ran]
Liam: [the adorable snuggles you can have bye]
Edie: [‘this was the best day ever’ so sincerely]
Liam: [just nod because we very much agree to a speechless level]
Edie: [sing to him IRL but not in a cringe way lol, a chill one]
Liam: [that is everything though]
Edie: [just that happy soz]
Liam: [not at all soz]
Edie: [what a time, deffo think one of you should get in a bit of trouble for being out right now, even if they can’t find you ‘til they do, like either his mum or someone in cali gaff wakes up like hello?]
Liam: [maybe his mum because it do be her rule and she do be extra rn in terms of her emotions and realistically even if Billie did wake up she’s not gonna dob you in]
Edie: [seems legit, how would he wanna deal, ‘cos his phone can be blowing up as soon as she realises]
Liam: [sadly he’s probably gonna have to go back because he’s not ever a fuck you mum kinda bitch, unlike 99% of the other characters lol, but he’d be leaving it as long as he could]
Edie: [we understand even if this back and forth is a trip, the bouncy castle was nearby so you’re fine]
Liam: [it would be very obvious at least that he does NOT want to go, so he’s not just messing you about intentionally gal]
Edie: [whatever we might be thinking, we know it’s not that energy like you’re not a fuckboy tah everyone]
Liam: [when your mum is overprotective as hell but you’re still gonna die soz hun]
Edie: [it’s very rude to everyone you included hun]
Liam: [and you can’t even talk to the bae cos she’s gonna be popping off at you for ages]
Edie: [we can skip but I’ll just do some immediate afters from her first]
Edie: sorry sorry sorry
Edie: hope you don’t get in so much shit we can’t meet up later
Edie: just tell me when you can
Liam: I won’t, I’ll talk her round, don’t worry
Liam: when she lets me talk
Edie: does she hate me
Liam: I didn’t tell her I was with you, she’s only 😡 at me
Edie: what did you say that she believed
Liam: my mates were 🥺 bc I’d been with you all day
Edie: fair play, boys are clingy like that
Liam: she’s have an unhappy cry and we’ll move past it
Edie: should I have told you no?
Liam: you didn’t know she was gonna find out, I should’ve
Edie: I didn’t want to, I didn’t want you to want to either
Edie: but I feel bad if I make her cry
Liam: it isn’t really about me not being here, it’s about my sister not, this is what she gets like every year
Edie: yeah, of course
Edie: it’s not about us
Edie: be nice if there was something we could do now but I know that’s probably not the case either
Liam: she’ll feel better after she’s shouted at me
Edie: 🔇
Liam: [a gap while that’s going on, such fun I’m sure]
Liam: it’s sorted
Edie: you okay?
Liam: if you can’t hurt me, she ain’t gonna
Edie: are you tired though
Edie: as it’s my day, I can make you have a nap, if you need it
Liam: you’re gonna make me 😴 when there’s 0 limits on what we could do
Liam: serious
Edie: if that’s a challenge to make you 😴 with everything we’re GONNA do
Edie: then challenge accepted
Liam: how much of a challenge are you gonna make it for me to find out what that everything is
Edie: as much of a challenge to be fun
Edie: can’t have you getting bored as well as 😴
Liam: it’ll be a fun challenge too proving I’m not tired or bored
Edie: well, when we can go out again at more sociable hours
Edie: you can start with this [clue] to come find me and prove it
Liam: ok but until then [so many pictures of people with their eyes crossed out from whatever his mum has to read and deface or like their entire photo album tbh because MISS YOU SO SO MUCH] you can have this
Edie: we need a 🏠 of our own
Edie: missing you is so
Edie: intense
Liam: I'll start hunting for a not too trashed empty round and about we can stay in until the holiday cottages clear out
Edie: how’d you guess
Edie: I told you I’d stay busy
Edie: you still have to find me so not a total fail on my behalf
Liam: I didn't, I promise, we must just think really alike and want the same things
Liam: when did you even do this
Edie: sitting still is not a speciality
Edie: and i’ve got a lapel mic so I could record and 🚴‍♀️
Edie: clearly need a go-pro for streaming purposes but you would’ve been 😱 to see that sudden POV change
Liam: I ain't scratched the surface of what you're capable of, have I
Edie: 🤔
Edie: keep going and find out, I reckon
Liam: 😏
Edie: [selfie like 😁]
Liam: I dunno how I'm gonna get used to looking at your 😁 face all the time when we live together, something else to find out
Edie: I could get a 🤡 mask
Liam: we both know the smile underneath is more deadly to me
Edie: you’re deadly and you could kill me
Edie: but I promised
Liam: and you’d never break a promise to me
Edie: never ever
Edie: you’ve got the blood to prove it
Liam: when can I solve the first clue
Edie: is your mum going to work today?
Liam: unless she pulls a sickie
Edie: whenever she’s up for the day, you can go
Edie: even if she’s not mad at me, I don’t want her to be mad at you
Liam: if I leave then, you’ve gotta go sleep for a while now
Edie: I don’t know if I can
Edie: my 🧠 & 💗 are vibrating, that’s what it feels like
Liam: yeah, meaning the comedown is gonna hurt when it does catch up to you and I don’t want you to
Edie: I’ll sleep with you
Liam: my nightmares’ll wake you up
Edie: then I can protect you
Liam: not from what’s already happened
Edie: but from getting stuck there
Liam: seeing me like that is gonna be
Liam: you won’t like it
Edie: I know but I can’t help if I don’t see it
Edie: all of it
Liam: alright, I did say it was a good thing you don’t close your eyes to what everyone else does
Edie: [👀 pic always]
Edie: If you go to sleep, I’ll feel it and I will too
Edie: then I can come find you
Liam: I’ll do it if you sing to me again
Edie: [call so you can do that and both have some sleep]
Liam: [love that for you, keep being adorable forever please lads]
Edie: [so that was my main vibe for today ‘cos she did say she’d look, it should be crappy though and not the one that you find that you actually love straight away so you don’t need to stay here, but you can spend the day there]
Liam: [and you can have fun fucking it up at the end cos you’re not gonna stay]
Edie: [exactly, a more genuine squat vibe this time, so you can get all the creepy shots and footage, as well as just causing some genuine carnage]
Liam: [I’ll see if one of the million pics I have of him holding a camera has the right energy and send it to you]
Edie: [woopwoop, likewise, a more 😈 day but definitely still cute]
Liam: [can’t not be cute ever]
Edie: [tried to fight it but we can’t]
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tsukishitstain · 4 years
i would like to request a matchup if that’s okay :)) i’m shido (she/her, aLmoST 18), i’m bisexual and i’m a HUGE intp (kenma and tsukki kinnie ouch), pisces sun aqua moon!! i enjoy being alone, napping, smelling good (idk why i’m weird), working out, and listening to music. i have five siblings so the being alone part doesn’t work out much lol. i’m a barista at a downtown coffee house, i love using sarcasm and reaction pics to EVERYTHING, huge dogs (i love all animals but irish wolfhounds are my fav), scary awesome storms, and cooking spicy food (i’m vegan.) i’m about 5’5, lean build with a little bit of muscle, hair dyed black green and purple, and blue-green eyes!!! my style is generally black or other dark colors. i go between wearing oversized mens clothes to wearing short skirts and knee socks, but either way its usually black. i laugh really easily and typically come off as intimidating and reserved, but when it comes to romantic partners i LOVE to care for them and show affection (verbal reassurance, playing with their hair, love letters, cuddling and back rubs, baking for them, spending $$$ on gifts or making them, planning dates and trips). my love language is a mix of physical touch and quality time. i tend to be attracted to people who like to learn, aren’t too emotional, (this is shallow sorry) have dark hair, and won’t be upset that i need alone time. (also men who are passionate and talented and PROUD OF THEMSELVES FOR THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS WITHOUT BEING COCKY are sexy-) big turn offs for me are being super clingy, ANY kind of manipulative behavior, conforming to the opinions of others, and (this sounds rude i’m sorry) not being intelligent. also if they try to tell me what to do i’ll slap them <3 my ideal first date would be at home, either watching a horror movie, building a fort to nap in, or making dinner!!! i am so so sorry if this was too much or if your matchups are closed, thank you for reading all this junk!!! take care of yourself :)
omg you sound so cool we would literally be besties irl lol i had so much fun writing this!! and thank you for including so much info!! (also that last part was so sweet of you omg!!! i am taking care of myself and i hope you are too!!!) ok let’s get into it, i talk too damn much lmao
i match you with
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Ushijima Wakatoshi !!!
i usually match introverts with extroverts but y’all are so compatible WHERE DO I EVEN START
how you’d meet
i’m taking advantage of the fact that you work at a coffee house (i’m a sucker for the cliche barista x character trope what can i say)
anyways you two go to school together and you know of each other but y’all don’t really interact
until he goes to a coffee shop and recognizes you
he wasn’t big on coffee...until now
and it’s okay that you come off as intimidating because it’s impossible to intimidate this man
the first time y’all talk is kinda anti climatic for the both of you
y’all are just like “don’t we go to the same school? oh cool haha anyways what can i get for you today?”
but secretly after that first interaction butterflies are forming for both of y’all
he finds himself going to get coffee more often than usual and still you two don’t really interact that much, so he’s not really sure how to approach you again yet
y’all have probably talked a few times at the shop and it’s only ever small talk like
but when he’s out jogging after school to get some fresh air and clear his mind, he sees you jogging around the same corner
his heart is beating so fast!! this is his opportunity
he goes up to you and is like “what a fortunate coincidence to see you outside of work, maybe we can make it happen again? would you like to hang out sometime?”
relationship dynamics
ok so with two introverts in this relationship, things are steady but not boring!! don’t confuse the two
you’re the slightly chaotic one in the pairing and because he’s kind of dense sometimes, you find his reactions to be hilarious
you two respect each other so much like the respect he has for you and vice versa is incredible
you would literally never have to deal with him crossing any boundaries you have
he’d never be manipulative or controlling when it comes to you
also he’s dense but not dumb!!! you two could hold intellectual conversations often and every time you have one of these conversations, you’re reminded of just how smart he actually is
he also loves the deep convos y’all have because he’s always learning something new (and so are you)! he loves hearing you express your perspective on things
and since the both of you are introverts, y’all understand that you both need alone time occasionally
he’s not clingy at all and whenever you need alone time he’d probably just busy himself with work
possible relationship issues
ok so there are a few conflicts that could potentially arise
let’s start with something light hearted!!!
as we all know, he can be dense at times so your sarcasm might not always reach him
and while dense ≠ dumb, i feel like sometimes it might be a turn off for you when he’s dense to the point where he looks dumb (sorry that’s kinda mean to say about him lol)
another thing that i feel like could be an issue (albeit not a huge one) is your love language
you love to give gifts but i feel like there might be times you feel underappreciated because of his reactions :/
like say it’s his birthday; you spent months planning something and spent your entire paycheck to buy it, you’d expect him to have some type of positive reaction to it, right?
well when he receives the gift, he just says “thank you” with a blank expression while opening it and gives you a kiss on the forehead afterwards
like it’s not a big deal that his reactions are anti climatic at first, but after a while it might make you feel as though your energy and efforts aren’t being reciprocated
what he loves about you
he LOVES the fact that you like to work out
this is so cliche but idc yall would totally go on gym
dates and get brunch together afterwards (how cute is that omg!!!)
omg something cute that he absolutely adores about you is the way you smell
if you’re the type of person who loves to try out new lotion or perfume scents (even something as insignificant as hand sanitizer) he’s the first to notice
like if before you two are eating lunch and you offer him some of the hand sanitizer you carry around he’d be like “oh is that a new scent?”
or when y’all are cuddling and he can smell the lotion on your skin
he’s obsessed!! every time y’all cuddle you notice he’s always inhaling your scent
he loves that it’s so easy to make you laugh!!! sometimes he might not understand what he did to make you laugh or why it’s funny, but he’s just happy you're laughing
hearing your laughter literally makes his heart warm and if you’re quick enough, you can spot his face that’s adorned with eye crinkles and a soft smile
when you’re in a goofy mood you’d laugh at everything he does because he’s so funny without even realizing it
oh and good thing you like wearing oversized clothes because ushi loves seeing you in his stuff
doesn’t matter if it’s just you wearing his shirt to bed, he loves it
he would especially love coming home after practice to see you in the kitchen making dinner or just lounging on the couch in the living room with his clothes on
you would look so ridiculous(ly adorable) in his clothes, he can’t help but to laugh when he sees you sometimes
oh and another thing!!! back rubs!!!
sometimes he practices to the point where he overworks himself not only mentally but also physically so it’s not surprising that he always has sore muscles in one place or another
your back rubs would be on his mind as he pushes himself in the gym!!!
“one more rep then i get to come home to her back rubs” is what he tells himself (too cute my heart is bursting!!!)
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a/n #2: haha i wrote so much but you gave me so much to work with so i had a lot to cover (which is a good thing btw) i know i already said this in the first a/n but i literally love that you included so much info!! usually people are hesitant to send a lot of info bc they feel like they’re rambling but those are the best requests tho because the more you ramble the more i know about you and the more i can write!!
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hakuoki-dreams · 5 years
WOW YOUR BLOG IS SO GOOD!!! Yo I'm suffering for real right now. Do you mind writing some headcanons for how Souma, Miki, Iba & Kimigiku (If that's too many just Souma please!) take care of their fem!S/Os when she's on her period (Historical or Modern IDC). I need some comfort right now. T~T THANKS AND KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK! 💙💙💙💙
Girl I bumped you to the top of my list because periods! Can go fuck themselves!! Right to hell!!! How dare you not be pregnant, right?! HERE’S YOUR CARE PACKAGE 💙
He is concerned for you, but also scared, because much about women’s bodies is still a frightening mystery to him.
Inwardly he’ll think it’s kind of metal that you deal with blood on a monthly basis. It’ll dawn on him that you’ve seen blood more often in everyday life than he’ll probably ever see as a samurai. Thankfully he’ll have the good sense not to say any of this out loud
If you’re very emotional or have bad PMS, he won’t know what it’s about. Will assume he did or said something offensive until you explain it to him
Then he’ll get upset at the world in general for being so unfair to you and will probably rage a little at this problem you’re expected to deal with just because of your gender
Eventually Souma will turn into his tenaciously helpful self. He’ll ask a lot of questions
‘Sweets, how are you doing?’
Two minutes later:
‘How are you doing *now*?’
It gets a little overwhelming, but he’s just eager to help you feel better in any way he can. You have to give him tasks to do for you, or you’ll both go damn crazy. Would love to be sent on errands to fetch you tea or find your favorite comfort food. You won’t lift a finger if he has anything to say about it
If you get sad or just lonely for him, he’ll hop right in bed beside you to wrap you up in cuddles and stay there as long as he can. He will put lots of kisses on your cheeks and hair, give you back scratches or back rubs when you’re sore, and will generally try to take your mind off things.
The whole issue is still kind of strange and unfamiliar to him, but he’ll quickly get over it in order to be strong and take care of you.
He knows the general summary of what happens to women every month, not many of the emotional details
In his past he’s been a bit of a cad and only interacted with women when it was convenient for him or he got horny. So now that he’s got an actual girlfriend, being expected to help take care of you during this time will kind of throw him
He might act stiff and put off at first, but the genuine discomfort on your face will manage to melt his black heart
This is still Saburo we’re talking about though. He won’t be very gracious as he orders you to sit up so he can rub your shoulders, but he’ll do a thorough job of it
Will have a few good tricks up his sleeve. This man knows a good soak can cure almost anything, so he’ll probably bring you to a secluded onsen or convince his brother to lend him his estate’s private bath for a night.
He’ll do everything for you: getting the water to the right temperature and adding some salts or oils for your aches and pains, as you sit and watch quietly. Then he’ll help you in and leave you to your alone time, since he knows you’ll probably relax better without him in the room
Won’t be good at talking you through any sad feelings you’re dealing with, but he’ll be excellent at holding you. You’ll get to use his chest as a pillow for as long as you want.
If you get teary-eyed, Miki will sigh at you outwardly but be a little crushed on the inside. He’ll wrap you up tighter and tell you not to get so worked up over some stupid fucking hormones, they’ll pass in a few days. Realizes that was probably the wrong thing to say and holds you tighter still. He wouldn’t want to let you out of his arms while you were so sad
Would be more sensitive to your emotions after this and will be better prepared to care for you the next month
Hachiro doesn’t know all the practical details, but he’s aware that it’s often an emotionally uncomfortable time
He’ll be very grown-up and mature when talking with you about it. Definitely will make sure you have everything you need and assure you that you can come to him for anything without feeling embarrassed
He’s so direct with it all that it nearly embarrasses you anyway
Would want to know what things help make you feel better. If you wanted to be alone, he’d kiss your forehead and let you be. If you wanted his company, he’d hang out in the same room or very gladly hold you while you each read a book or chatted together.
He’s got a sweet tooth himself, so if you asked for something sweet, he’d know where to get you the best small delicacies and present you with a plate of them. Castella for days
His instinct is to lavish you with any care you’ll accept, but if you asked for some quiet time, he’d absolutely understand and make sure no one else bothered you for a while
If you had bad cramps or were in pain, he’d get a little upset at the feeling of being helpless to soothe them. But he’d definitely bring you a couple types of medicine with some water or tea. Anything that seemed to work, he’d stock up on for later just in case
Would also be very understanding about your mood swings, listening and taking your feelings seriously without dismissing them as hormones (take note MIKI)
Kiku knows the struggle and it is very real
You’d be able to rage about every single shitty detail; the inconvenient blood stains, the bloating, the living-in-bed for a while just because standing up and walking around is awkward on heavy days. She’d listen to them all and shake her head along with you
This lady is excellent at caring for you. She’s got a lot of tricks up her sleeve and is ready to help with everything.
Definitely has a preferred medicine for muscle pain, and she’ll remind you to take some daily. She’d also teach you some favorite gentle stretching poses that she uses in her shinobi training, to help keep your muscles loose
Would probably encourage you to get out and take walks with her if you felt up for it. She’d always be sure to stay close to home though, out of consideration for you in case you need to head back.
If you didn’t know already, she’d explain how masturbating is sometimes the quickest way to lessen the cramps for a while. Would be totally willing to help you out, if you were open to that, and wouldn’t have a single qualm if it might make you feel better.
If there were months where your cycles overlapped at all, you’d have a perversely fun time together. Just spending a day lying around, feeding each other snacks, taking turns making tea, gossiping about anything that comes to mind, and cursing menstrual cycles to hell and back
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lokiarsene · 5 years
More PQ2 liveblog thoughts–this time with no salt!
Ryuji acknowledging that what Kamoshida did wasn’t just physical abuse, and that what he put Ann through was even worse than that, was really refreshing to see, especially since the base game did very little to actually show Ryuji understand and acknowledge and care about Ann’s feelings and what she suffered. Any hope of development he had once Kamoshida was apprehended just went out the window, so kudos, PQ2.
Akechi telling Ryuji and Ann, who are particularly vocal about how much they hate Kamoshida (with good reason!) that he understands how they feel is…. painful. Very painful. Especially since what set them off is how absurd it is to think of a whole city built around the idea that Kamoshida is a hero. Of course Akechi would understand how that feels: the entire country of Japan thinks his piece of shit father is a good man.
I painted a tile red by accident, and Ann chimed in by saying it was a nice color. Of COURSE she’d like the color red. ;_;
I can’t believe I forgot this, but the contrast of Akechi having Bless/Light skills, and Joker having Curse/Dark? I love it. I love it a LOT. To me this is the most clear sign that Akechi really did have the capacity for goodness in him, that if he hadn’t been mistreated and deprived, he’d be the true hero his childhood self clearly wished he could be (see also: Robin Hood). And with that line of thinking, I find it equally fascinating that Ren’s innate talent is Curse/Dark.
I don’t pay much attention to the P5 fandom, but from what little I’ve glimpsed, people seem to have this misconception that Ren is some uwu cinnamon roll, when this is so damn far from the truth I really wonder if these people like,,, actually,,, paid attention to the game they were playing. Ren’s ultimate persona is Satanael. It shoots the Demiurge in the fucking face. His whole shtick is a gentleman rebel intent on purging corruption and impurity from society, and he does this while being affiliated with Dark himself. I think a lot of people, even some Akeshu shippers, may overlook Ren’s own capacity for darkness and controlled viciousness in the name of justice. People who evade the law must be dragged screaming back to the rule of law. There’s a reason why his dynamic with Akechi is as compelling as it is, and it’s because they are absolute equals, cordial rivals with similar powers, motivations, and yes, even inclinations.
I’m just saying, if people are able to see Akechi’s potential for being different/better than what he was, then the same can be said for Ren in the reverse. And by some accounts he really is quite questionable, though I’ve previously discussed the moral ambiguity of forcing a conscience onto the minds/hearts of people instead of allowing them to go to it willingly. Personally I stand with Akechi on the matter–FORCING change on someone, no matter how corrupt they are, is a problem unto itself. But I also agree with Akechi in that some people are so corrupt they just need a good killin’ though, so… y'know. Grain of salt and all.
All-Out Attacks in this are ALSO adorable. God I’m enjoying the look/style of this so much more than I did Q1, weirdly enough.
Boy I did not in any way at all miss Justine and… what’s the other one. Christine? Something? Oh no, it’s Caroline. Whatever. I didn’t miss them, and they are by far the lamest of the Velvet Room attendants. Anyone have any ideas as to why Ren’s VR attendants would be children? Because as far as I know in the other games, except for 2, the VR attendants were some reflection of the Wild Card user themselves. The VR attendant was either someone who would be their peer, someone they could learn from, or, with Yu and Margaret, a guiding figure, stern but helpful. And then Marie showed up so… whatever, I guess. I guess Yu learned how to listen to terrible poetry from a tsundere goth or something? Not sure.
I haven’t quite figured out how/why Justine and Caroline–and then Lavenza–can in any way relate to Ren, and part of me wants to say they were actually meant to be Akechi’s VR attendants if he were a true Wild Card user. Children with two different personalities with a strong sense of justice that doesn’t yield no matter what? That fits Akechi quite well. Those attendants then merging into a gentle but determined, soft-spoken girl who only wishes to find the truth and reveal it? That fits Akechi too. It reflects a gentleness/softness, a purity that he lost too soon.
When I put it that way, I can kinda see how they would fit with Ren, who is also seeking the truth because of his muddled memories (which is so convoluted, oh my god, don’t get me started), but they make so much more sense if I think of them as leftovers that were meant to go to Akechi first. But since Akechi isn’t a Wild Card user…. womp womp.
Mona’s outburst that Ryuji should respect Justine and Caroline, then backpedaling to say no, he doesn’t know them, but [respecting them] “just feels right” is………….. really interesting. He says they have something “unwavering” within them, and when they look at him, he gets the feeling he just has to listen to them–“there’s something deep in my core, this feeling that screams ‘I have to do what they say!’ wells up inside me.” IN TER EST ING.
And FINALLY your whole crew can join you in the Velvet Room! Takes me back to P2 days.
Akechi: “Still, two Personas at the same time? I’m impressed. My hat’s off to you, Ren.” FDJSKLFDSLK AKECHI YOU BRILLIANT MOTHERFUCKER
And Justine/Caroline speculate that the power of the Wild Card is changing to adapt, since “another with the power of the wild card is here as well.” I’m guessing that refers to the P3 or P4 protag?
After playing other JRPGs, I realized something about the Persona series that stands out and that I really enjoy: how talkative your teammates are. They encourage you, cheer you on, compliment you for an attack, express fear if you’re hurt; they thank you for the help you give them, they comment on how much health or SP they lose–it all feels that much more engaging and exciting.  Plus it’s a small but really special way to show off their personalities and just how they work together as a team.
This is the kinda fanservice I live for, idc. The kind of fanservice that is fun and harmless, that just makes the story exciting. Because who doesn’t love a good crossover?
Oh my god hearing the P3 music again makes me want to tear up. Y'all don’t know how special P3 is to me ;_; It means so… so so so much. And seeing her again, and hearing this music, just fills my heart with so much painjoy that I want to cry.
As a side note, I’m really touched to see Akechi interacting with others that aren’t in the PT. He is genuinely kind to them–a pleasant boy indeed.
“I watch the news pretty regularly, too.” Considering how many times you can check the TV in the dorm in P3, and that SEES would keep an eye on the Apathy Syndrome cases, she’s not lying. Good on Atlus for putting that in there.
Watching Minako bond with Futaba over headphones, and be so kind and friendly, just… warms my heart. THAT’S the P3 protag I know and love.
Justine and Caroline confirm that the other Wild Card user they sensed was Minako, which I suppose makes it canon (sorta?) that Akechi is not a Wild Card user, and that his two Persona are likely a special case, caused by the severe split in his motives and in his heart thanks to Shido.
Persona fusion in this is really cute! Justine and Caroline slowly merge the film, do a dance, and butterfly wings sprout from their backs!
“But nothing’s certain in this world, and this problem isn’t going to solve itself.” I FUCKING LOVE YOU, MINAKO.
Watching Futaba struggle but still go through with trying to reach out to Hikari, to explain how difficult it was for her to socialize and share her time with others, also makes me look at P5 in a nicer light. I really did think Futaba had one of the better S-Links, it’s just that pedophilia bullshit that was a GIANT RED FLAG distracting me from the rest of it. If her S-Link had something like this instead–Futaba finds a girl who is like her, and wants to help her since she understands exactly how she feels, but she wants Ren’s help/advice with it–I would have been much happier.
Her Japanese voice is adorable by the way–so bright and friendly and warm.
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ladysophiebeckett · 7 years
im gonna talk about the royals again, so like blacklist my ass idc. 
i was thinking about s2 and s3 in regards to wilhelmina and liam’s interactions. it’s basically a polo match meetcute. and afterwards, bc they run in the same social circles, they keep running into each other so you think ‘oh these two are going to be a thing’ and that’s kind of what we all wanted. (but then the dominique plot kicks and liam gets distracted). 
there is an obvious attraction between them but liam doesn’t pursue her---if anything wilhelmina is the one doing the (gentle) pursuing. i think we can all agree that wilhelmina, for the most part, has good intentions. she’s not a ‘crown chaser’, okay she’s not gemma (miss her tho tbh)--but she is pro monarchy and she does see liam’s potential---she’s the one to give him the push that he can still change things from the inside, illegitimate son or not (bc remember she was staring the # campaign with the general knowledge that he was not Simon’s son). 
by the end of s2 it looks like they both have kind of reached an understanding---there’s mutual attraction but liam is not in the best headspace for a relationship but wilhelmina makes it clear she’s not gonna be ‘just another girl’ that he just sleeps with and forgets about (2x06) and he tells her he would never be the guy to stand her up (lies). they’re in a limbo of ‘not just friends’ on to maybe becoming something else, so wilhelmina thinks. 
s3 wilhelmina kind tip toes around, dropping hints to liam like ‘is it okay to accept your mothers’ job offer? i dont want it to get in the way of our friendship’--looking for a sign fm him but he gives her his blessing. which can be seen as a positive for wilhelmina bc it means ‘oh he does want me in his life’ but it was actually kind of a negative bc this is when he begins to really distance himself fm her and only coming to her when he needs comfort.  
madden showing an interest in her doesn’t negatively affect liam---he doesn’t try that hard to push them together but he’s certainly not against it. when he mentions madden to wilhelmina, wilhelmina is expecting The Sign that he wants to finally pursue her but it’s the opposite. and you can see that the entire conversation hurts wilhelmina tho she tries to hide it. 
when liam very hesitantly tells her he’s going to see someone, a girl he is seeing (kathryn)--it shows that he knew it would hurt wilhelmina, therefore he knew that she was waiting for him, he knew that she still had lingering feelings for him. 
when she finds out on her own that the woman he’s seeing is kathryn---she keeps it to herself and only mentioning it to him when he’s mad at her for (doing her job) having posted a picture of kathryn and robert. meaning that what her hurts the most, what offends her the most--is the realization that this man does not even see her as a friend---yes there’s the part where she had feelings for him but she swallows that up and moves forward anyway--that this person does not even view her as a friend, an equal. it’s only when he needs her that he remembers her. and upon that realization she calls him out on it and while she’s at it, she throws the s2 elephant of unspoken flirtation and mutual attraction in the room and what does he do? claim it doesn’t exist. that he never asked her to wait for him. and that kills whatever lingering feelings she had for him. 
for liam that 3x08 scene was a fight, for wilhelmina it was the end. in 3x09 he tries to get her back for reasons of pure self interest (he needs a distraction and emotional comfort) but she shuts it down. the thing about wilhelmina, up until this point, is that she is not vindictive. she still believes in liam and lets him know that. but then she makes it clear she wants nothing else to do with him. the friendship she thought she had with him, is over. its done. and this was completely liam’s own doing. nobody secretly instigated this. there was no manipulation. no one took anything fm anyone. 
which brings me to robert. 
the end of s3 puts robert and wilhelmina in similar places, in that they’ve both been hurt by liam in some way or form. bc of s2, we kind of thought liam and wilhelmina were The Pairing---but they never really got together, the last minute inclusion of kathyrn stops that fm happening. which makes me think that wilhelmina is\was always intended to be with robert. 
wilhelmina’s backstory hinges on the fact that her mother chose love over power. in the pilot (i think) liam laments about having to choose between them, questions--’is it possible to have both?’(or something to that extent). 
wilhelmina hasn’t decided anything--but she will be made to choose between love or power and who’s to say that she will not get both in robert? 
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Q19. What do you think of Diane and Barbara?
55 out of 58 respondents answered this question.
You can read all answers under the cut.
- Interesting, would love to see more exploration of their dynamic. - I'd love to see them interact more like that one scene where they talked about kids, I really liked that. - Fireworks baby! Fireworks - Interested to see this developed further. Barbara seems to see Diane as a huge threat. While I'd like to see that explored in s2, I hope ultimately they become allies and trust each other. Women don't need to compete against each other to be successful. - A realistic portrayal of how female dynamics in the workplace can be - I need more scenes! idc what happens, either if they're gonna be butting heads, or joining forces, just give me more! - Mmmm complicated - Ugh I hate Barbara. - I feel like Barbara is a tad jealous of Diane and how powerful she's realizing her to be. - Barbara is definitely wary of Diane, but I loved their conversation in 1x04 about children, it was one of my favourite scenes of the whole season - I hope they aren't always at odds. I hope they become friends. - Barbara's too wary of Diane - I adored how candid they were at the end of episode 4, but it's clear there is a power struggle there - It seems interesting, I hope they do more with their dynamic. - I think they're an interesting pairing. I'd love to see their dynamic played out more in season two. One of my favorite scenes was the discussion they had about children after the embryo case. - The new Diane and Alicia - I think Barbara feels threatened by Diana and Adrian's relationship. - need more of them - They should be friends not rivals!!!!! It upsets me that TGF has the same issue with women friends dynamics as TGW did. Don't go there show! Jealousy is not  a requirement for friendships between women!!! - They would make a great team - Barbara shouldn't feel so threatened, but I get where she's coming from. After their talk in 0104 I thought they could be friends. I hope we'll see more of those two together. - I don't see the point of that animosity - I love them both. I want to see them together more, working with and against each other. - Barbara seems suspicious of Diane. She seems to view her as a potential threat. I think they'll turn that around though. - I want more Barara and more exploration of their tension as well. - I like their dynamic and I think again it should be more developped - I like them both and I'd like both to have more screen time/revealing character moments - I think the scene with Diane and Barbara was very well executed and it was very touching, I enjoyed it. - Really interesting dynamic. Great scene between them in 104. - Would like to see more from these two - I'm curious about their relationship. I hope it doesn't turn into a rivalry because neither character deserves that kind of writing. - I would like to see them talk more or drink sometime again together. - Eh - The relationship has possibilities, unfortunately they weren't given nearly enough time onscreen together! Would love to see more of them to really make up my mind. - A little bit of tension between them I can feel. I think we will see more of them in ss2. - Great dynamics - I think it has a lot of fascinating potential. I'm really interested to see some of their further interactions. I particularly enjoyed their interaction towards the middle, Maybe the end of the season, when they discussed their decision not to have children and how they felt about it now. I'd like to see more of those sorts of conversations. - To me this is the most intriguing relationship on the show. I love their dynamics and want to see a lot more of it. - Hard to tell, I only hope they won’t become enemies - I love them so much, I hope they'll become more than friends - I like them - I think that should be explore in the next season - Can be great at a court room together - Friendly rivals - More screentime required for Barbara - Just friends - Probably the relationship with more potential? I need more of this. More of Barbara in general. - Interesting relationship - Underdeveloped. Need to find common personal grounds - I see a Diane and Alicia type of relationship forming but right now I think Barbara is intimitated by Diane - I don't think Barbara should be presented as jealous but I like their relationship - They didn`t get enough screen time together. I picked up that there was tension between them. - Almost cut from the same cloth although Barbara needs a hell of an improvement re: screen time to establish that. - I like their contentious dynamic and I want Season 2 to discover more of it (more than the awkward moments and Barbara side-eyeing Diane all the time) I'd like some sort of confrontation that comes from the two of them having to work together in close quarters for some emergent reason. That'd be fun. - I like them, I'm kinda still on the edge about Barbara
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