#icons orange is the new black
lovereist · 2 years
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hyeism · 2 years
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✪ ⏖ 🐈‍⬛ @baesol ( ◞◟) ⟢
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 5 months
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pushing-daises · 3 months
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Love Red! my favorite character
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k-yujin · 1 year
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◟    ➳  @y-ves ∿ (˶ ᵔ⤙ᵔ)
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◟   ➳   ⌒ 🍂 ∿ (˶  ᵔ⤙ᵔ)
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nakyoyo · 2 months
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 ˚ 𖨂  ⭐️👔  ✸(ꈍᵕꈍ)
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devoildrs · 3 months
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ㅤㅤ ..ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝓬.ㅤㅤㅤ🧶 *
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tecitopudin · 10 months
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mysweettaylor · 5 months
she's just a girl
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sirenwz · 1 year
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ꪒꪒ⠀ 𝗈𝗁 𝗆𝗒, 𝗈𝗁 𝗆𝗒 𝗀𝗈𝖽 ⠀( ܸ. .ܸ ) 예상했어 나⠀୨୧
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 1 year
First day
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Alex Vause x reader
!!TW: mention of murder and vague drug mention!!
Work count:: 1.2k (not proof read)
Alex POV: (Alex and Piper aren't together in this)
I walked into the cafeteria and joined the que to get lunch, another day of sloppy something, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Yum, I can't complain though because it's better than nothing and if I do complain Red will starve me out. Brushing off hat thought, I get my food and saunter over to a table with some of my friends on it, Morello, Chapman and Nicky.  I take a seat and listen in on their conversation. 
Nicky - "No c'mon, she's hot."
Piper - "I agree, I mean have you seen her. The eyes, hair the hair!" dragging out the r sound at the end as if to make a point.
Alex - "Who you talking about?"
Nicky - "That new girl that showed up in the van this morning, she's very good lookin' although she's been crying in the bathroom since she got here so maybe not the most stable girl in here."
Morello - "There's worse trust me, and besides why are you all getting so worked up about this? Yeah she's nice to look at but what if she has someone outside of here? You know, like a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone, she might even be married for all you know?"
Nicky - "Yeah but you said it, she's nice to look at tuts, she's gunna be getting looks from all over. If she stops crying of course."
At this point my interest was piqued and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so once I'd sat, had a tal and eaten my food I was going to go find this mystery girl and find out if they're actually telling the truth.
Y/n POV:
I can't believe I actually did that. I killed her. I killed my own mother. I keep telling myself it was the only way out but everytime I think about it the guilt and self resentment creeps back in. My mum had munchausen by proxy and she made me believe I was sick and could walk or do practically anything by myself. I really didn't see any other way out so, one night I just did it. Obviously I feel terrible and wish I'd never done it but, there really was no other way out. Anyway, it's done now and I'm in jail, thankfully not maximum security because people could see my side of the story and saw I wasn't just a cold-blooded killer. 
I've been at Litchfield a little over 5 hours now and as soon as I was allowed to go off and do my thing, I went straight for the bathroom and I've been crying ever since. Somehow, I managed to get the only stall with a door so thankfully people can't just watch me cry, hear me yes but watch, no.
All day people have been staring and I don't know why. Maybe they think I'm fucked up for what I did or something. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a soft knock on the door. 
Alex - "Hey, you okay in there? Stupid question I know because well, you're crying but I still feel like I have to ask."
I bite my lip and sigh before responding, I didn't expect anyone to actually care.
Y/n -  "Uhm- yeah, I guess I'm okay. Not my ideal situation but you know, life goes on."
Alex - "Yeah well you got that one right."
After that a not awkward but not totally comfortable silence fell over us. I slowly stood up and unlocked the door. I stepped out and tried to dry my face from the copious amount of tears I'd shead in the past hours of being here. Instantly this woman picked up on it and gently held my face in one hand and helped me wipe my tears with the other.
Alex - "You'll be okay, I'm going to be brutally honest with you, the first few days are actual hell, you'll miss everything and everyone but, I'll be here is you ever want to talk about it okay? Oh, and I'm Alex by the way, but everyone calls me Vause, it's my last name." 
I smiled at Alex and nodded my head a small thank you leaving my lips. She pulled me into her embrace and held me tight. 
Alex - "You know, they were right."
I was confused because I had not a single idea what she was going on about. So, I pulled my head slightly away from her shoulder and looked at her.
Y/n - "What do you mean? Who's right?"
Alex - "Oh just my friends, they said some stiff about how you were really good looking and what not."
You felt a blush creep across my face as you looked into her gorgeous green eyes only now just realising after looking a her properly just how beautiful she really was. A sly smirk found it's way onto her lips before she spoke again. 
Alex - "Hey, don't get all shy on me now."
A she said that her hand found it's way to my waist as she pulled me closer again. Whilst she trailed her other hand up my body and hooked a finger around my chin so I'd look her in the eyes.
Y/n - "You really mean it?"
Alex - "Of course I do, I mean I've known you what, like 2 minutes and I'm already calling you beautiful I think that speaks for itself ." 
I giggle a bit and looked down in an attempt to hide my flustered face yet again, knowing she was right. I looked her in the eyes again only to see her eyes had never left me and she had a wide smile of her face. 
Alex POV:
I looked down slightly because I was a bit taller than her and just marvelled at this gorgeous girl in front of me she had glowing y/h/c hair and shining y/e/c eyes, her smile could light up a room and her laugh was so fucking adorable. Normally, I'm not the one to fall over small stuff like this but she was different,  I don't know why, she just was.
She looked me back in the eyes and I couldn't help myself anymore, I leaned in and captured her lips in mine. They fit together like puzzle pieces. Her hand found their way into my hair while mine rested on the small of her back keeping her safe in my arms. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance and she happily agreed. She tugged on my hair a little so in return I grazed my teeth over her bottom lip and she let out a small breathy moan which was almost silent but, I could still hear it. We broke away for ir and as soon as we separated we crashed our lips back together hungrily. She was almost as addictive as some of the things women in the jail used to do. 
Just as things were getting heated someone burts into the bathroom.
We both untangled ourselves from each other and apologised. As he left I whispered in her ear. 
Y/n POV:
Alex - "He won't catch us tonight sweetheart don't worry. I'll have you all to myself, I'll make you feel better."
She then gave me a final eck on the lips and walked out the bathroom. Oh man, I was not going to get much sleep on my first night in prison.
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lovereist · 5 months
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✦ 𓐄 ˒ ˙ im a constant cannonball*◞
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roughandroudyways · 6 months
Nightmares - Janae Watson (Fluff)
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PAIRING: Janae Watson X Reader
| Janae Watson X Reader fluff, where they are absolute cuties!!
Since arriving a Litchfield, you just couldn’t sleep. Never truly being able to get some red, and, when you did eventually doze off, your mind was flooded with images you thought you’d forgotten, and you were awake as quick as you weren’t.
Tonight, though, was worse than usual. Having not slept an hour the night before, you were exhausted, not tired, mentally (and physically) drained. You felt like a little girl, wanting to be back at home, in your mom’s arms or even your own bed. You wanted the comfort of your mom again - or even another person.
Wrapped in these thoughts, you were just upsetting yourself, but not daring to cry in fear of waking someone else up.
You hadn’t known how much time had passed, as you attempted to sooth yourself, sitting up on your bed with your knees to your chest, staring out into the walkway. If you could, you’d wrap your blanket around you, put your head on your knees and try sleep again here, but you knew it was fruitless, so just sat there, unmoving.
That was, of course, until you heard a noise from the cube beside you. Beside you was Poussey and Janae - there were many nights, similar to you, Poussey got trapped in a bad dream, and you being up, resulted in being the one to pull her out of it.
So you waited, listening for another noise before standing up and making your way to the cube over.
You were surprised, though, finding the person with the nightmare not to be Poussey, but to be Janae - who was laying, asleep with an expression of discomfort, occasionally moving around her bed frame.
You quickly found yourself beside her, crouching ok the floor as you held her shoulder and shook it, “Janae?.. J, hey, wake up.”
This didn’t work, though, as you tried again, and again, a film of sweat now covering her skin as you placed your hand to her cold forehead. So, you left it there, occasionally running your hand soothingly down her face until her eyes began to open.
“Y/n?” She asked, obviously confused as she began to sit up, looking around in the darkness.
“Sorry,” you muttered, taking your hand away and bringing it back to your side, “I heard you and wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Janae nodded, staring at you thoughtfully before speaking again, “will you… stay with me?”
This caught you by surprise, but you nodded, taking a place beside her as she rested her head on your tank-top covered chest.
You felt warm, and hoped she couldn’t hear the pounding of your heart, however, within minutes, your eyelids began to feel heavy, feeling yourself drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, you found yourself in your own bed, being “woken up” by Janae who told you the guards will be coming around soon, with a smile on her face.
You smiled too.
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miniepsds · 18 days
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rules: don’t copy or use as a base, don't modify or share and don't claim as yours. give credits, use #miniepsds in your posts or tag the blog. If you adjust or use with another psd or if you use on other social media, still give credits. be an active editing blog to get the link and that gives credits.
dl: follow me + like or reblog and ask me (public) politely with the psd name. or buy on deviantart / payhip to support me.
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k-yujin · 1 year
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◟   ➳   ⌒ 🏏 ∿ (˶  ᵔ⤙ᵔ)
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◟   ➳   ⌒ 🎭 ∿ (˶  ᵔ⤙ᵔ)
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hyeism · 2 years
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✪ ⏖ 🫀 ( ◞◟) ⟢
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✪ ⏖ 🫀 @s-heon ( ◞◟) ⟢
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