#iab software and applications
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anewsbuddy · 2 years ago
Why Montana's TikTok ban may not work | CNN Business
CNN  —  Montana has become the first US state to ban TikTok on all devices, even personal ones, triggering renewed doubts about the short-form video app’s future in the country. On Wednesday, the state’s governor, Greg Gianforte, signed a bill into law that would fine TikTok and online app stores for making the service available to state residents. It takes effect next year. The move goes a…
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reportwire · 2 years ago
Ransomware attack on US Marshals Service affects 'law enforcement sensitive information' | CNN Politics
CNN  —  A ransomware attack on the US Marshals Service has affected a computer system containing “law enforcement sensitive information,” including personal information belonging to targets of investigations, a US Marshals Service spokesperson said Monday evening. “The affected system contains law enforcement sensitive information, including returns from legal process, administrative…
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roamnook · 11 months ago
Atlassian Surpasses Expectations: Over 400 New Features Added. Stay informed with real-time service updates on our status page. Request ID: e8f653f925fe4fdcb65b2f55797bf123.
RoamNook: Bringing New Information to the Table
RoamNook: Bringing New Information to the Table
Welcome to RoamNook, your go-to source for innovative technology, IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing. With a focus on fueling digital growth, we are dedicated to providing our clients with cutting-edge solutions and comprehensive strategies to meet their unique business needs. In this blog post, we will dive into a plethora of key facts, hard information, numbers, and concrete data, highlighting the importance of staying informed and the real-world applications of this knowledge.
The Power of Facts and Data
Facts and data are the building blocks of informed decision making. In the competitive landscape of today's digital world, having access to accurate and up-to-date information can make all the difference. Let's delve into some polarizing, numerical, objective, and informative hard facts that will expand your knowledge and give you a deeper understanding of the industry.
Fact 1: Growing Importance of Digital Marketing
According to a recent study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), digital advertising spend reached an astounding $325 billion in 2020. This figure represents a 12% increase from the previous year, highlighting the growing importance of digital marketing in today's business environment. With more businesses recognizing the need to establish a strong online presence, the demand for effective digital marketing strategies is skyrocketing.
Real-world application: By investing in digital marketing, businesses can reach a wider audience, increase brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales. As a leading provider of digital marketing services, RoamNook can help businesses navigate the complex world of online advertising and leverage the power of data-driven strategies to achieve their marketing goals.
Fact 2: The Rise of Custom Software Development
In an era where off-the-shelf solutions no longer suffice, custom software development is gaining immense popularity. According to Gartner, the global custom software development market is projected to reach $26.9 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.1% from 2020 to 2025. This significant growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for tailored software solutions that cater to specific business requirements.
Real-world application: Custom software development empowers businesses to streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and gain a competitive edge. RoamNook specializes in delivering fully customized software solutions that align with the unique needs of each client. Our team of experienced developers leverages the latest technologies to create scalable, intuitive, and secure software applications that drive business growth.
Fact 3: The Importance of IT Consultation
In the rapidly evolving world of technology, businesses need expert guidance to navigate the complex IT landscape and make informed decisions. According to a survey conducted by Spiceworks, 77% of businesses reported using external IT consultants in 2020, demonstrating the value placed on professional advice and expertise.
Real-world application: IT consultation offers invaluable insights and recommendations to businesses, enabling them to optimize their technology infrastructure, mitigate risks, and capitalize on emerging trends. RoamNook's team of experienced IT consultants provides strategic guidance, assesses technological needs, and assists organizations in leveraging technology to achieve their business objectives.
Sponsoring RoamNook: Your Gateway to Digital Growth
At RoamNook, we are passionate about empowering businesses through innovative technology, custom software development, and digital marketing. Our services are designed to maximize your digital growth potential and ensure continued success in a highly competitive landscape.
Partnering with RoamNook means gaining access to a dedicated team of experts with a proven track record of delivering results. We leverage our technical prowess, industry knowledge, and data-driven strategies to propel your business forward. Whether you require a robust software solution, comprehensive digital marketing efforts, or strategic IT consultation, RoamNook has you covered.
In conclusion, staying informed through key facts, hard information, numbers, and concrete data is crucial for success in today's digital age. RoamNook stands ready to be your trusted partner, providing the expertise, technology, and guidance necessary to fuel your digital growth. Visit our website at https://www.roamnook.com to learn more and embark on a transformative journey with RoamNook today.
Source: https://www.atlassian.com/agile/scrum&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjT_ci23OiEAxXxD1kFHZMJBY0QFnoECAoQAg&usg=AOvVaw2hGy0dVnQe0eDdHrCWqz43
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b2bcybersecurity · 2 years ago
2022: Scanner entdecken 2,3 Millarden Sicherheitslücken
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Obwohl tausende Schwachstellen durch CVEs bekannt sind, wurden diese weltweit bei Unternehmen und Behörden 2,3 Milliarden-fach als Schwachstellen gefunden. Der 2023 TruRisk Research Report nimmt dabei die 163 kritischsten oder hochgefährlichsten Schwachstellen in den Fokus und wertet diese aus. In seinem 2023 TruRisk Research Report veröffentlicht Qualys interessante Auswertungen. Der Forschungsbericht gibt einen Überblick über bekannte Sicherheitslücken, die Qualys im Jahr 2022 weltweit bei Unternehmen und Behörden wiedergefunden hat – mehr als 2,3 Milliarden. Dabei unterstreichen die Untersuchungsergebnisse das Bild von opportunistischen Angreifern, die ihre Techniken laufend agil ändern, um Sicherheitslücken erfolgreich auszunutzen. Sicherheitslücken als Einfallstor Unternehmen und Behörden treiben zunehmend die digitale Transformation voran, um ihre Produktivität zu steigern und neue Software-Tools zur Unterstützung dieser Initiativen und Programme werden in schnellerem Tempo entwickelt als je zuvor. Mit dem rasanten technologischen Fortschritt steigt aber auch die Zahl der Software-Schwachstellen, die ein erhebliches Risiko für die IT-Umgebungen darstellen. Qualys engagiert sich dafür, Unternehmen bei der Verringerung ihrer Cyberrisiken zu helfen. Im Einklang damit hat die Qualys Threat Research Unit (TRU) die mehr als 13 Billionen Ereignisse, die die Qualys Cloud-Plattform verfolgt hat, eingehend untersucht. Die Auswertung der anonymisierten Erkennungsdaten ermöglicht Einblick in die Sicherheitslücken, die auf den Geräten gefunden wurden, die Sicherheit von Webanwendungen, Konfigurationsfehler bei lokal installierten Geräten und den Stand der Cloudsicherheit. Aus der Analyse dieser enormen Wissensbasis, gepaart mit dem einzigartigen Überblick der TRU über die Aktivitäten von Bedrohungsakteuren vor und nach der Ausnutzung, ergaben sich fünf „Risiko-Fakten“. Risiko-Fakt Nr. 1 Geschwindigkeit ist entscheidend, um die Gegner auszumanövrieren Schwachstellen, für die ein Angriffsweg entwickelt wurde, werden im Durchschnitt innerhalb von 30,6 Tagen gepatcht, wobei in diesem Zeitraum real nur 57,7 % der Lücken geschlossen werden. Die Angreifer brauchen dagegen im Durchschnitt nur 19,5 Tage, um eine Angriffsmöglichkeit für diese Schwachstellen zu entwickeln. Demnach haben die Angreifer 11,1 Tage Zeit, um die Sicherheitslücken auszunutzen, bevor die Unternehmen sie schließen. Risiko-Fakt Nr. 2 Automatisierung macht den Unterschied zwischen Erfolg und Misserfolg Wie die Untersuchung ergab, wurden Patches, die automatisch installiert werden konnten, um 45 % häufiger und 36 % schneller implementiert als manuell installierte Patches. Sicherheitslücken, bei denen ein automatisierter Patch angewendet werden konnte, wurden im Durchschnitt innerhalb von 25,5 Tagen beseitigt, während die Beseitigung bei manuell gepatchten Sicherheitslücken 39,8 Tage dauerte. Die Patch-Rate bei automatisierten Patches betrug 72,5 % gegenüber 49,8 % bei manuellen Patches. Risiko-Fakt Nr. 3 Initial Access Broker (IAB) greifen das an, was die Unternehmen ignorieren Ein wachsender Trend in der Bedrohungslandschaft sind sogenannte Initial Access Broker (Erstzugriffsvermittler, IAB), die gelegentlich auch als „Affiliates“ bezeichnet werden. Wie der Bericht zeigt, patchen Unternehmen Windows und Chrome mittlerweile schneller, was die Angreifer – und insbesondere die IAB – dazu zwingt, Sicherheitslücken jenseits der „Big Two“ auszunutzen. Die Durchschnittszeit für die Beseitigung von IAB-Schwachstellen beträgt 45,5 Tage, verglichen mit 17,4 Tagen bei Windows und Chrome. Auch die Patch-Raten sind bei IAB-Lücken niedriger: 68,3 % von ihnen werden gepatcht; bei Windows und Chrome sind es 82,9 %. Risiko-Fakt Nr. 4 Fehlkonfigurationen in Webanwendungen sind immer noch gang und gäbe In die Untersuchung flossen auch anonymisierte Erkennungen durch den Qualys Web Application Scanner ein, der im Jahr 2022 weltweit 370.000 Webanwendungen gescannt und die Daten mit den OWASP Top 10 korreliert hat. Die Scans förderten mehr als 25 Millionen Schwachstellen zutage, von denen 33 % in die OWASP-Kategorie A05: Fehlkonfiguration fielen. Diese Fehlkonfigurationen boten Angreifern Einfallstore, um Malware in rund 24.000 Webanwendungen einzuschleusen. Risiko-Fakt Nr. 5 Fehlkonfigurationen in Infrastrukturen öffnen Ransomware Tür und Tor Die TRU untersuchte alle Kontrollen, die bei mehr als 50 % der Scans ein Fail-Ergebnis erbracht hatten, sowie die MITRE ATT&CK-Techniken, die mit diesen spezifischen Kontrollen jeweils assoziiert sind. Im Hinblick auf Cloud-Fehlkonfigurationen waren die Kontrollen mit Fail-Ergebnis am häufigsten mit den folgenden drei MTRE ATT&CK-Techniken assoziiert: T1210: Exploitation of Remote Services (Ausnutzung von Remote-Diensten), 1485: Data Destruction (Datenvernichtung) und 1530: Data from Cloud Storage Object (Daten aus einem Cloud-Speicherobjekt). Dies zeigt, dass Cloud-Fehlkonfigurationen Unternehmen dem Risiko aussetzen, dass Dienste ausgenutzt und Daten verschlüsselt und ausgeschleust werden. Die drei Techniken entsprechen genau der heutigen Vorgehensweise von Ransomware. Scans auf diese Konfigurationsfehler hatten nur eine Erfolgsquote von 49,4 %; über die Hälfte wurden also nicht bestanden. Angreifer können diese Fehlkonfigurationen ausnutzen, um sich seitwärts durch eine Umgebung zu bewegen.   Über Qualys Qualys ist ein Pionier und führender Anbieter für disruptive, cloudbasierte IT-, Sicherheits- und Compliance-Lösungen. Das Unternehmen hat mehr als 10.000 aktive Kunden weltweit, darunter die Mehrzahl der Forbes Global 100- und Fortune 100-Firmen. Qualys hilft Unternehmen, ihre Sicherheits- und Compliance-Lösungen zu optimieren und in einer einzigen Plattform zu konsolidieren und dadurch höhere Agilität, bessere Geschäftsergebnisse und bedeutende Kostensenkungen zu erzielen.   Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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tiktokbots-blog · 5 years ago
THe Difference Between Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing
tiktok automationIt uses an range of digital stations such as SEO (search engine optimisation ), social websites and PPC (pay-per-click ) to lure audiences to your potential brand. Digital advertising utilizes net as the center medium of advertising that could be obtained using digital gadgets such as computers, notebooks, tablet computers and tablets.
Online advertising techniques like search engine optimization (SEM), e-mails form an essential component of digital advertising. What's more, in addition, it has non-internet channels such as short messaging service (SMS) and multimedia messaging service (MMS), callbacks, etc.) These different stations form an integrated portion of electronic advertising. Digital advertising is known as a BTL Below-The-Line advertising as it aims a much smaller and more focused group and operates on forming faithful clients and generating conversions.
SMO or (SMM), on the other hand, is a branch or subset of electronic advertising that excels in advertising utilizing social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. It makes using social media with the intention of promotion. Social networking is based heavily upon the interaction of their consumers, sharing info and forming a network of types and hence includes a'social' component to it. It uses the invention of artistic material that is presented so to lure the viewers towards your merchandise or services and generate a brand after.
In accordance with Zephoria Digital Marketing Consultants, you will find around 1.71 billion yearly active Facebook users globally. This usually means that mathematically Facebook is too large to ignore and thus, should be a very important part of your interpersonal networking marketing approaches. Online video intake on these platforms has been on a constant increase and can be the upcoming huge thing concerning advertising approaches. SMM can also be a BTL Below-The-Line advertising as it pertains to segregated groups shaped over shared interests on interpersonal networking platforms.
Firms seeking to tackle their advertising needs have to select between a digital advertising agency or a professional agency. If you're interested in somebody to plan out your complete advertising plan, then an electronic marketing and advertising agency could be a fantastic option. But if you're interested in somebody to only take care of the social networking facet of your plan, then you're far better off working with an expert agency.
With the intense popularity of electronic media, individuals are more prepared to integrate digital marketing in their everyday way of life. In accordance with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) report, the Internet advertising revenues in the United States reached a staggering $27.5 billion from the first half 2015. It has opened up many job opportunities . There's a high need; nonetheless, we encounter a dearth at the skilled work force as individuals are still coming to terms with the fast development of digital networking.
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To satisfy the rising requirements of gifted people, there are numerous online lessons in electronic advertising available. A quick Google search on this subject will enlist a plethora of institutes offering the mentioned classes. The classes run for numerous times where all of the associated subjects under the umbrella of electronic advertising are all addressed. Pupils gain invaluable insights to the topic that lets them carve a niche for themselves.
The electronic advertising class consists of fundamental comprehension of advertising and marketing concepts and basic understanding of analytical and statistical tools. They're also given detailed details regarding email advertising, SEO/SEM, pay-per-click, mobile advertising, online video amongst others.
Social networking marketing classes incorporate a comprehensive comprehension of the essentials of social networking, important social networking websites, social networking strategy and quantifying social websites. It features a look to the advantages and weaknesses of their social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., and delve deeper to the most recent trends surfacing on societal media.Social networking is a necessary portion of electronic media plan. SM platforms have been leveraged with the intention of advertising of a good or service since it gives a more interactive moderate open to get a two-way dialogue. Digital advertising is much more applicable concerning creating brand recognition, advertising or standing administration. Though they have distinct online software they serve the larger function of new advancement and client conversion to sales and leads. Consumers are becoming brand conscious of active involvement and many spoilt for choice with all the abundance of alternatives available on the market. Their share in the general advertising strategy has increased manifold making traditional approach techniques obsolete. The pace at which electronic media is progressing, it will not be far fetched to imagine that a near future where virtual reality has ever shrunk to each part of our presence. For more information click tiktok automation
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metanetag31me-blog · 6 years ago
History of This Online
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Metanet AG
In This paper that I will pay for the net's experimental infancy, the commercialization of the technology in the current, and what exactly the job that's occurring that will likely be the future of the net.
Metanet AG
Before I start talking about the World Wide Web, let me  Establish what's the world wide web, that governs it, and what's the financial effect of the technology. The world wide web consists of all computer networks which use IP protocol, which function to make a seamless network for their collective users. [3 Krol] This implies that national, commercial, and institutional networks all write portions of the world wide web. This system is connected to one another by telephone wires, cable lines, or satellite signals. These cables, cables, or signs are subsequently pipelined from server pc to host computer until your server server transmits the digital information in your PC. The governing body of the world wide web is your Internet Society (ISOC).  
This IAB board modulates the protocol criteria whereby the computers and software programs talk to one another. [6 ibid] Additionally they make the rules about the best way best to keep an eye on every 32-bit address amount employed by every computer online. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is the governing body that manages operational and near-tearm technical issues of the world wide web.
Together with all Conveniences, there's a cost to pay. Though info could be gotten from the web at no cost, everybody must cover their own access to it.  [8 ibid] As Ed Krol in stated from The Whole Internet User's Guide,"everybody pays for their role "
The World Wide Web, Exactly like the light bulb along with the plane, Started out as a thought. In August 1962, a researcher at MIT from the title of J.C.R. Licklider wrote a set of memos that outlined a"Galactic Network" of connected computers where everyone can quickly access data and applications from any website. [9 Leiner] Still another researcher in MIT, Leonard Kleinrock, published a newspaper in July 1961 that could make communication online more feasible. [10 ibid] Kleinrock's newspaper on the package switching theory persuaded MIT researcher Lawrence Roberts to put up an experiment which involved linking a TX-2 pc at MIT to some AN/FSQ-32 pc at System Development Corp. in Santa Monica, California. [11 ibid] This experiment caused the very first computer system ever built. [12 ibid] Back in 1966 Roberts took his personal computer network experience to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and immediately assemble a strategy for the"ARPANET". Throughout the execution of the program, Leonard Kleinrock's concept of packet switching has been put into practice from the creation of important elements called Interface Message Processors (IMPs).
The Impact of the development resulted in the meeting of the ARPANET. The first site selected to execute the ARPANET is the Network Measurement Center at UCLA. [14 ibid] It has been made possible by the setup of their initial IMP and the first host computer at UCLA in September 1969.   [17 Leiner] It's this ARPANET that grew into what we know as the world wide web.
Two Distinct improvements came  [19 ibid] These developments laid the groundwork for its commercialization of online technology. From the early 1980's, commercial developers of online technology were integrating TCP/IP in their products so as to network computers. [20 ibid] These industrial programmers were shown at a 1985 workshop arranged by Dan Lynch and IAB the way TCP/IP functioned and how it did not work. From September 1988, a trade show named Interop has been organized to demonstrate how well each programmer's internet product worked together with different programmers products. [21 ibid] This trade show was significant because exhibited net browsers, webpages, and other community interactive content developed by different businesses have the capacity to interact with one another.
Commercial supplier of Internet dial-up access. [22 Zakon] Other firms like CompuServe, Prodigy, America Online and many others soon followed. These solutions let anyone with a computer and a modem to get access to the net. Based on Vint Cerf, an online researcher currently at MCI WorldCom, the world wide web has grown to include several 5,000 networks in more than three dozen states, serving over 700,000 host computers used by 4 million individuals at the end of 1991.
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abunayeem · 3 years ago
Unlimited 5g hotspot plans – RAN Software
Unlimited 5g hotspot plans – RAN Software
Lockheed Martin has agreed to utilize 5G open RAN programming from Radisys to help relocatable 5G base stations utilized in military strategic organizations. It will be incorporated in Lockheed Martin’s “5G.MIL” items. The moniker identifies with programs the safeguard organization is seeking after as it hopes to use business 5G innovation to incorporate for versatile and interoperable organizations utilized by the military. Work that Radisys (which was procured by India’s Reliance Industries) and Lockheed Martin are teaming up on explicitly includes creating abilities for 5G-controlled remote transfer – known as coordinated admittance backhaul (IAB) – to help crucial interchanges for aviation and protection.
IAB utilizes 5G radios and range for backhaul between locales without requiring fiber to every one of them, making organizations more straightforward, particularly when a ton of transmission capacity is accessible, and more affordable. For the tactical it’s especially helpful for tasks where wired associations aren’t feasible to convey or excessively exorbitant and as an option in contrast to fiber so base stations can be all the more effectively moved in the field. “With key teammates, for example, Radisys, we can speed up advancement and arrangement of 5G.MIL organization abilities that benefit our protection and public safety clients,” said Dan Rice, VP of 5G.MIL Programs at Lockheed Martin, in an assertion. “Strong cross section interchanges make an organization impact that raises the prevention ability of U.S. what’s more alliance powers, while further developing war zone viability, should prevention fall flat.” The Connect 5G Software Suite from Radisys is agreeable with 3GPP Release 16, which tended to IAB. Lockheed Martin said the product conveys improved usefulness, limit, inclusion, inactivity, versatility and unwavering quality to deal with different 5G applications.
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daronheralqet42 · 3 years ago
Radisys Releases Advanced Release 16 Compliant 5G NR Software
Radisys Releases Advanced Release 16 Compliant 5G NR Software Radisys Corporation, a global leader of open telecom solutions, announced the availability of its Release 16 compliant 5G NR protocol software, which supports low latency use cases for 5G private networks. Radisys’ Connect RAN 5G solution, based on specifications from 3GPP, the Small Cell Forum, and the O-RAN Alliance, enables an elastic and agile 5G network tailored to meet the unique requirements of diverse 5G applications with minimized CAPEX, improved time-to-market, and shortened time-to-revenue. The new Release 16 compliant 5G NR protocol software delivers enhancements in functionality, capacity, coverage, latency, mobility, reliability, and ease of deployment.
Radisys’ Release 16 compliant protocol software unlocks the full potential of 5G NR, enabling operators to monetize their networks by supporting new use cases for industry verticals. It delivers new features, including URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications), TSN (Time Sensitive Network), NR Unlicensed, 5G Location and Positioning Services, and UE Radio Capability Signaling Optimization.
The upgraded protocol software, with new enhancements for beam management for 5G NR sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequency bands, MU-MIMO, New Radio Dual Connectivity (NR-DC), Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB), and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS), enables robust and efficient network capacity and coverage.
Radisys’ Connect RAN 5G Software recently won the Small Cell Forum Award for Outstanding Contribution to Small Cell Open RAN Platforms. The software is available pre-integrated and pre-validated on multiple industry-leading platforms to accelerate global 5G deployments.
Munish Chhabra, SVP and General Manager of Mobility Software and Services at Radisys said that they are excited to launch the new version of their Connect RAN 5G Software that is now compliant with the 3GPP Release 16 specification and Open RAN architectures, delivering the critical reliability and ultra-low latency needed for emerging Industry 4.0 use cases. Radisys continues to deliver standards-based 5G software early to market. Working closely with their partners, they remain in lockstep with the customers’ requirements for their 5G solutions and advance the 5G ecosystem.
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lindarifenews · 6 years ago
SearchCap: Bing Ads targets, Google AMA & Google Maps AR
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
Is Google Maps what augmented reality has been waiting for? Feb 11, 2019 by Greg Sterling
AR walking directions could be a breakthrough application for the industry.
Bing Ads multiple language targeting: What you need to know Feb 11, 2019 by Ginny Marvin
There are important nuances to ensuring your ads reach users in the languages they understand.
Bing Ads multiple language targeting: What you need to know Feb 11, 2019 by Ginny Marvin
There are important nuances to ensuring your ads reach users in the languages they understand.
Updated for 2019! ‘Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide’ Feb 11, 2019 by Digital Marketing Depot
MarTech Today’s “ Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” has been updated for 2019. Compiled from the latest research, this 61-page report is your source for the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the market for SEO software tools as seen by industry leaders, vendors and their customers. Also included are profiles of 18 leading […]
Back to basics: What does ‘long-tail’ keyword really mean? Feb 11, 2019 by Anthony Atkins
The definition of long-tail keywords is not synonymous with the number of words typed into the search query, but rather the search volume they produce. Here’s how it works.
Optimizing content for voice search and virtual assistants for a competitive edge Feb 11, 2019 by Damian Rollison
Learn from SMX West presenters about specific tactics SEOs can use to create content for voice and how to roll out voice search campaigns.
How Google will shift resources to media search and other tidbits from Gary Illyes’ AMA on Reddit Feb 11, 2019 by Barry Schwartz
The Google webmaster trends analyst also touched on topics like the possibility of an Indexing API, whether internal over-linking penalties exist and how the clustering of duplicate pages works.
How to choose a location data provider Feb 11, 2019 by Greg Sterling
More than 20 questions to ask location-intelligence companies.
3 easy internal linking strategies for keywords with different search volumes Feb 11, 2019 by Aleh Barysevich
Contributor Aleh Barysevich breaks down three strategies you can use to boost the effectiveness of your internal link building campaigns to fulfill specific SEO-related goals.
Recent Headlines From Marketing Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Internet Marketing:
IAB names direct-to-consumer brand to board seat for first time Feb 11, 2019 by Robin Kurzer
The trade group also unveiled research on direct-to-consumer brands’ impact on marketing, advertising and consumer engagements.
Know your options: Identity resolution beyond the walled gardens Feb 11, 2019 by Barry Levine
Bringing together the separate data sets for customers and prospects may be essential, but brands have differing needs — and therefore different solutions.
How to Prepare for a Successful Marketing Analytics Implementation Feb 11, 2019 by Digital Marketing Depot
Analytics are critical to fuel the success of your marketing investments. Whether you are taking a hard look at your current deployment, or a new deployment is in the works, this non-technical webinar highlights the 5 most common issues that can prevent you from realizing value from your analytics implementation. Join us to learn best […]
Cybersecurity for marketers: Teamwork is key to protect data Feb 11, 2019 by Sam Bocetta
Marketing teams should regularly reevaluate how they approach cybersecurity and work in tandem with their IT department, especially during third-party mergers and acquisitions.
Verizon Media survey on 5G: Consumers expect better AR and video Feb 8, 2019 by Barry Levine
Advertisers are anticipating new creative formats, better location-based targeting and better access to quality data.
Search News From Around The Web:
How to Get Backlinks Like a Boss, CanIRank Blog
Backlinks Filtering Options – video interview with Dixon Jones, Majestic Blog
Best practices for campaigns with multiple language targeting, Bing Ads Blog
Communicating to Clients & Stakeholders in a Constantly Changing SEO Landscape, Moz
GMB Clarifies Guidelines on Virtual Offices, Sterling Sky Inc
Google Opting Businesses Into Google Assistant Calls Over Duplex, Search Engine Roundtable
Google Posts Content Included In Google Local Listings, Search Engine Roundtable
How to Identify and Tackle Keyword Cannibalisation in 2019, Moz
The post SearchCap: Bing Ads targets, Google AMA & Google Maps AR appeared first on Search Engine Land.
SearchCap: Bing Ads targets, Google AMA & Google Maps AR published first on https://likesfollowersclub.tumblr.com/
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blog4todaycom · 2 years ago
Apple now lets developers charge as much as $10,000 for an app | CNN Business
Apple now lets developers charge as much as $10,000 for an app | CNN Business
CNN  —  If you were worried about how much money you could blow on apps before, buckle up. Apple (AAPL) on Tuesday said it is adding 700 new price points for apps in its App Store, starting as low as $0.29 and running all the way up to $10,000, though the very high-end is available “upon request” by developers only. The changes follow a $100 million settlement with developers in August 2021…
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andreacaskey · 6 years ago
SearchCap: Bing Ads targets, Google AMA & Google Maps AR
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
Is Google Maps what augmented reality has been waiting for? Feb 11, 2019 by Greg Sterling
AR walking directions could be a breakthrough application for the industry.
Bing Ads multiple language targeting: What you need to know Feb 11, 2019 by Ginny Marvin
There are important nuances to ensuring your ads reach users in the languages they understand.
Bing Ads multiple language targeting: What you need to know Feb 11, 2019 by Ginny Marvin
There are important nuances to ensuring your ads reach users in the languages they understand.
Updated for 2019! ‘Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide’ Feb 11, 2019 by Digital Marketing Depot
MarTech Today’s “ Enterprise SEO Platforms: A Marketer’s Guide” has been updated for 2019. Compiled from the latest research, this 61-page report is your source for the latest trends, opportunities and challenges facing the market for SEO software tools as seen by industry leaders, vendors and their customers. Also included are profiles of 18 leading […]
Back to basics: What does ‘long-tail’ keyword really mean? Feb 11, 2019 by Anthony Atkins
The definition of long-tail keywords is not synonymous with the number of words typed into the search query, but rather the search volume they produce. Here’s how it works.
Optimizing content for voice search and virtual assistants for a competitive edge Feb 11, 2019 by Damian Rollison
Learn from SMX West presenters about specific tactics SEOs can use to create content for voice and how to roll out voice search campaigns.
How Google will shift resources to media search and other tidbits from Gary Illyes’ AMA on Reddit Feb 11, 2019 by Barry Schwartz
The Google webmaster trends analyst also touched on topics like the possibility of an Indexing API, whether internal over-linking penalties exist and how the clustering of duplicate pages works.
How to choose a location data provider Feb 11, 2019 by Greg Sterling
More than 20 questions to ask location-intelligence companies.
3 easy internal linking strategies for keywords with different search volumes Feb 11, 2019 by Aleh Barysevich
Contributor Aleh Barysevich breaks down three strategies you can use to boost the effectiveness of your internal link building campaigns to fulfill specific SEO-related goals.
Recent Headlines From Marketing Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Internet Marketing:
IAB names direct-to-consumer brand to board seat for first time Feb 11, 2019 by Robin Kurzer
The trade group also unveiled research on direct-to-consumer brands’ impact on marketing, advertising and consumer engagements.
Know your options: Identity resolution beyond the walled gardens Feb 11, 2019 by Barry Levine
Bringing together the separate data sets for customers and prospects may be essential, but brands have differing needs — and therefore different solutions.
How to Prepare for a Successful Marketing Analytics Implementation Feb 11, 2019 by Digital Marketing Depot
Analytics are critical to fuel the success of your marketing investments. Whether you are taking a hard look at your current deployment, or a new deployment is in the works, this non-technical webinar highlights the 5 most common issues that can prevent you from realizing value from your analytics implementation. Join us to learn best […]
Cybersecurity for marketers: Teamwork is key to protect data Feb 11, 2019 by Sam Bocetta
Marketing teams should regularly reevaluate how they approach cybersecurity and work in tandem with their IT department, especially during third-party mergers and acquisitions.
Verizon Media survey on 5G: Consumers expect better AR and video Feb 8, 2019 by Barry Levine
Advertisers are anticipating new creative formats, better location-based targeting and better access to quality data.
Search News From Around The Web:
How to Get Backlinks Like a Boss, CanIRank Blog
Backlinks Filtering Options – video interview with Dixon Jones, Majestic Blog
Best practices for campaigns with multiple language targeting, Bing Ads Blog
Communicating to Clients & Stakeholders in a Constantly Changing SEO Landscape, Moz
GMB Clarifies Guidelines on Virtual Offices, Sterling Sky Inc
Google Opting Businesses Into Google Assistant Calls Over Duplex, Search Engine Roundtable
Google Posts Content Included In Google Local Listings, Search Engine Roundtable
How to Identify and Tackle Keyword Cannibalisation in 2019, Moz
The post SearchCap: Bing Ads targets, Google AMA & Google Maps AR appeared first on Search Engine Land.
SearchCap: Bing Ads targets, Google AMA & Google Maps AR published first on https://likesandfollowersclub.weebly.com/
0 notes
charlenejpatterson · 7 years ago
Marketing Day: Facebook reorganizes internal teams, video ads & IAB’s Newfronts
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
From Marketing Land:
Facebook reorganizes internal teams, moves existing executives into new leadership roles May 9, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues CEO Mark Zuckerberg has split Facebook’s product and engineering teams into three divisions.
Nanigans, releasing a survey showing that retargeting is ‘broken,’ pitches its solution May 9, 2018 by Barry Levine Both consumers and marketers are unhappy with follow-up ads, but the Boston-based firm contends that better measurement and prediction are the answers.
Two kinds of video ads help break through the dilemma of interruptive marketing May 9, 2018 by Barry Levine At an IAB breakfast last week, two firms presented documented examples of how marketers can avoid ad skipping and competition from second screens.
IAB’s Newfronts: Online program makers pitch action, cross-platform mini-brands and the shape of the new TV May 9, 2018 by Barry Levine YouTube is settling into its role as a star-maker, even as other program producers are booming with content ideas and social energy.
Beyond keywords: What really matters in SEO content May 9, 2018 by Jessica Foster Going beyond keywords to write high-quality content that attracts new customers and is SEO-friendly is the way to go, says contributor Jessica Foster. Here she shares eight ways to create content that satisfies people and engines.
Ask the SMXpert: Keyword research and copywriting May 9, 2018 by Debra Mastaler Contributor and SMXpert Christine Churchill answers keyword research and copywriting technique questions from attendees who participated in the SMX West 2018 Keyword Bootcamp.
Registration for MarTech is open! May 9, 2018 by Marketing Land Responsible for implementing marketing technology and operations that drive growth, profitability and extraordinary customer experiences? Then join us at The MarTech® Conference, October 1-3 in Boston. MarTech delivers a vendor-agnostic, graduate-level marketing, technology and management conference that will help you succeed in this software-powered marketing world.
Recent Headlines From MarTech Today, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Marketing Technology:
Fuel Cycle expands its audience research platform with launch of exchange for third-party tools May 9, 2018 by Barry Levine Described as the first of its kind, the Exchange integrates analytical and other third-party tools within the platform.
Online Marketing News From Around The Web:
“They genuinely wanted to listen”: Inside the Snapchat Creators Summit where 13 Snapchat users met the boss, Digiday
Apple cracking down on applications that send location data to third-parties, 9to5Mac
Consumer Attitudes Toward Data Privacy Survey 2018, Janrain
International Ecommerce Strategy: Enterprise Tools for Global Growth, Shopify
Jeff Zients Joins Facebook Board of Directors, Facebook Newsroom
Reach People in Emerging Markets with Mobile Video, Facebook Business
The Role of Automation in Digital Transformation, Marketo
What is Intelligent Content and How Can It Help Marketers?, CMS Wire
Why Brands Need to Take the Plunge Into VR Today, Content Marketing Institute
The post Marketing Day: Facebook reorganizes internal teams, video ads & IAB’s Newfronts appeared first on Marketing Land.
0 notes
douglassmiith · 5 years ago
CCPA enforcement begins now and most companies arent ready
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020 with a six-month enforcement grace period. That end date is now here.
The basics. As a refresher, CCPA explicitly applies to companies that qualify under one or more of the following statutory criteria:  
Have gross annual revenues in excess of $25 million;
Possess the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, households, or devices; or
Earn more than half of their annual revenue from selling consumers’ personal information
A number of categories of businesses are explicitly exempted from CCPA compliance, including certain industries covered by federal regulations. However, most publishers will need to be ready to enable U.S. consumers to opt-out of third-party data transfers and demonstrate compliance to regulators in the event of an investigation or complaint.
Attorney Aaron Tantleff, a partner at law firm Foley & Lardner, offers a sliver of hope that CCPA may not apply to everyone, while cautioning that the law has few geographic boundaries. “We have spoken with many clients that have called in a panic to discover that CCPA does not apply. The applicability of the CCPA, like the GDPR, is not limited to only those organizations based in California. It may apply to organizations that lack any physical presence in the State.”
Broad application to businesses globally. As a practical matter the statute will broadly apply to most commercial enterprises, whether or not they explicitly target California residents.  For example, an early analysis of the legislation by the IAPP says:
Companies may pass [the personal information of 50,000 consumers] threshold more quickly than anticipated because the scope of personal information is broad. Most companies operate websites and inevitably capture IP addresses. Notably, companies need to comply regardless of whether the website targeted businesses or individual customers in California given that the term “consumer” is defined to mean any “resident.” Even individual bloggers and relatively small businesses outside California may find it difficult to ensure that they do not receive personal information of more than 50,000 California resident visitors to their website annually, simply from having it be passively accessible from there, and, within California, most retailers, fitness studios, music venues and other businesses will meet this threshold.
Risks of non-compliance. The California Attorney general can impose financial penalties up to $2,500 for non-willful violations and $7,500 for intentional violations. But these numbers can multiple quickly if thousands or millions of users are implicated. In most cases there will be no liability where the violation is “cured” within 30 days of receiving notice. There is also a private or individual right of action when personal information is wrongfully disclosed under CCPA. (The first CCPA class action lawsuit [.pdf] was filed in February against Hanna Andersson and Salesforce.)
According a recent Ethyca survey of 218 general counsels of technology companies, 56% said they were “unprepared for new privacy regulations coming in around the globe,” which includes CCPA. During the months leading up to the enforcement deadline, 43% of respondents said they had deprioritized privacy preparedness because of COVID-19. The survey also found that lack of resources or cost was the greatest challenge in complying.
What to do now. “For businesses still looking to button up on compliance, the essential — and only — first step is to figure out the personal data you possess and where it lives,” says Cillian Kieran, CEO of Ethyca. “After you’ve built a data map that has a thorough and complete record of the data you hold, and where it lives, you can worry about putting the structures in place to address various compliance tasks. But it all starts with the map.”
Attorney Tantleff adds, “Document everything. By now, organizations should have a robust set of security measures in place. However, under the CCPA, an organization must demonstrate that it has implemented reasonable security measures designed to protect personal information based upon the nature and sensitivity of that information.”
According to Lisa Rapp, VP of Data Ethics at LiveRamp, “No company should try to do this on their own. The best thing to do is to obtain as much information as possible by reading what industry leaders are saying, staying up-to-date on the materials that groups like the IAPP and IAB are putting out, and reaching out to prominent law firms that deal with data privacy to gain their legal counsel and interpretations of the law.”
Julie Rubash, VP of Legal at Nativo, recommends that publishers read the Attorney General’s final regulations “to ensure that current [privacy] plans are in line with the Attorney General’s interpretation.” She adds that “Tools like the IAB CCPA Framework are a step in the right direction to prepare for an inquiry and limit revenue disruptions. Publishers that leverage the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework tool and sign the limited service provider agreement are unlikely to experience a significant impact to their business models.”
Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead at Bounteous, says, “Because CCPA takes a much broader view of personal data than Europe’s GDPR guidelines, most companies must undertake a significant internal inventory of any data that may be linked, directly or indirectly, with a consumer or household. Conducting such an inventory places a heavy burden on IT organizations, legal departments, and data analysts who may already be dedicated to other internal priorities. Overcoming this obstacle is one of the first steps towards compliance but is often the most challenging to coordinate and fully document.”
Matchett further explains, “If you are concerned that you may not have time to build a home-grown digital solution for this purpose, consider reaching out to third-party Cookie Consent Manager software companies that specialize in maintaining CCPA & GDPR ready solutions. Some common Consent Managers include TrustArc, OneTrust, and Quantcast, among others.”
Here comes CPRA. Even as many companies are struggling to comply with CCPA, a new November California ballot initiative could impose even tougher privacy rules if passed. According to the Future of Privacy Forum’s Katelyn Ringrose, “While companies may have begun, and in some cases, finalized strong compliance programs and efforts addressing the CCPA—the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), recently certified for the 2020 ballot, could have an enactment date as early as 2023, placing additional obligations on covered entities. The CPRA would create a sensitive data classification, place additional obligations on processors, and require the establishment of a California Privacy Protection Agency.”
Why we care. Large numbers of consumers have expressed concerns about how their data are being handled online. But there’s evidence that “privacy forward” companies are seeing both brand and financial benefits, in terms of greater consumer trust and even stronger revenue growth.
It’s foolish to delay taking the necessary steps to prioritize privacy and data security. As Tom O’Regan, CEO of Madison Logic put it, “Ultimately, complying with the CCPA controls will be far less expensive than penalties from non-compliance.”
Thursday’s Live with Search Engine Land will be a special CCPA and privacy discussion featuring Lisa Rapp, VP Data Ethics, LiveRamp, Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead, Bounteous, Katelyn Ringrose, attorney, Future of Privacy Forum.
It starts at 1:00 p.m. EDT and will allow up to 100 people into the meeting to experience the discussion live and ask questions. If you’re a digital marketer you can’t afford to miss this. Sign up here.
About The Author
Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land, a member of the programming team for SMX events and the VP, Market Insights at Uberall.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
Via http://www.scpie.org/ccpa-enforcement-begins-now-and-most-companies-arent-ready/
source https://scpie.weebly.com/blog/ccpa-enforcement-begins-now-and-most-companies-arent-ready
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 5 years ago
CCPA enforcement begins now and most companies aren’t ready
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020 with a six-month enforcement grace period. That end date is now here.
The basics. As a refresher, CCPA explicitly applies to companies that qualify under one or more of the following statutory criteria:  
Have gross annual revenues in excess of $25 million;
Possess the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, households, or devices; or
Earn more than half of their annual revenue from selling consumers’ personal information
A number of categories of businesses are explicitly exempted from CCPA compliance, including certain industries covered by federal regulations. However, most publishers will need to be ready to enable U.S. consumers to opt-out of third-party data transfers and demonstrate compliance to regulators in the event of an investigation or complaint.
Attorney Aaron Tantleff, a partner at law firm Foley & Lardner, offers a sliver of hope that CCPA may not apply to everyone, while cautioning that the law has few geographic boundaries. “We have spoken with many clients that have called in a panic to discover that CCPA does not apply. The applicability of the CCPA, like the GDPR, is not limited to only those organizations based in California. It may apply to organizations that lack any physical presence in the State.”
Broad application to businesses globally. As a practical matter the statute will broadly apply to most commercial enterprises, whether or not they explicitly target California residents.  For example, an early analysis of the legislation by the IAPP says:
Companies may pass [the personal information of 50,000 consumers] threshold more quickly than anticipated because the scope of personal information is broad. Most companies operate websites and inevitably capture IP addresses. Notably, companies need to comply regardless of whether the website targeted businesses or individual customers in California given that the term “consumer” is defined to mean any “resident.” Even individual bloggers and relatively small businesses outside California may find it difficult to ensure that they do not receive personal information of more than 50,000 California resident visitors to their website annually, simply from having it be passively accessible from there, and, within California, most retailers, fitness studios, music venues and other businesses will meet this threshold.
Risks of non-compliance. The California Attorney general can impose financial penalties up to $2,500 for non-willful violations and $7,500 for intentional violations. But these numbers can multiple quickly if thousands or millions of users are implicated. In most cases there will be no liability where the violation is “cured” within 30 days of receiving notice. There is also a private or individual right of action when personal information is wrongfully disclosed under CCPA. (The first CCPA class action lawsuit [.pdf] was filed in February against Hanna Andersson and Salesforce.)
According a recent Ethyca survey of 218 general counsels of technology companies, 56% said they were “unprepared for new privacy regulations coming in around the globe,” which includes CCPA. During the months leading up to the enforcement deadline, 43% of respondents said they had deprioritized privacy preparedness because of COVID-19. The survey also found that lack of resources or cost was the greatest challenge in complying.
What to do now. “For businesses still looking to button up on compliance, the essential — and only — first step is to figure out the personal data you possess and where it lives,” says Cillian Kieran, CEO of Ethyca. “After you’ve built a data map that has a thorough and complete record of the data you hold, and where it lives, you can worry about putting the structures in place to address various compliance tasks. But it all starts with the map.”
Attorney Tantleff adds, “Document everything. By now, organizations should have a robust set of security measures in place. However, under the CCPA, an organization must demonstrate that it has implemented reasonable security measures designed to protect personal information based upon the nature and sensitivity of that information.”
According to Lisa Rapp, VP of Data Ethics at LiveRamp, “No company should try to do this on their own. The best thing to do is to obtain as much information as possible by reading what industry leaders are saying, staying up-to-date on the materials that groups like the IAPP and IAB are putting out, and reaching out to prominent law firms that deal with data privacy to gain their legal counsel and interpretations of the law.”
Julie Rubash, VP of Legal at Nativo, recommends that publishers read the Attorney General’s final regulations “to ensure that current [privacy] plans are in line with the Attorney General’s interpretation.” She adds that “Tools like the IAB CCPA Framework are a step in the right direction to prepare for an inquiry and limit revenue disruptions. Publishers that leverage the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework tool and sign the limited service provider agreement are unlikely to experience a significant impact to their business models.”
Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead at Bounteous, says, “Because CCPA takes a much broader view of personal data than Europe’s GDPR guidelines, most companies must undertake a significant internal inventory of any data that may be linked, directly or indirectly, with a consumer or household. Conducting such an inventory places a heavy burden on IT organizations, legal departments, and data analysts who may already be dedicated to other internal priorities. Overcoming this obstacle is one of the first steps towards compliance but is often the most challenging to coordinate and fully document.”
Matchett further explains, “If you are concerned that you may not have time to build a home-grown digital solution for this purpose, consider reaching out to third-party Cookie Consent Manager software companies that specialize in maintaining CCPA & GDPR ready solutions. Some common Consent Managers include TrustArc, OneTrust, and Quantcast, among others.”
Here comes CPRA. Even as many companies are struggling to comply with CCPA, a new November California ballot initiative could impose even tougher privacy rules if passed. According to the Future of Privacy Forum’s Katelyn Ringrose, “While companies may have begun, and in some cases, finalized strong compliance programs and efforts addressing the CCPA—the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), recently certified for the 2020 ballot, could have an enactment date as early as 2023, placing additional obligations on covered entities. The CPRA would create a sensitive data classification, place additional obligations on processors, and require the establishment of a California Privacy Protection Agency.”
Why we care. Large numbers of consumers have expressed concerns about how their data are being handled online. But there’s evidence that “privacy forward” companies are seeing both brand and financial benefits, in terms of greater consumer trust and even stronger revenue growth.
It’s foolish to delay taking the necessary steps to prioritize privacy and data security. As Tom O’Regan, CEO of Madison Logic put it, “Ultimately, complying with the CCPA controls will be far less expensive than penalties from non-compliance.”
Thursday’s Live with Search Engine Land will be a special CCPA and privacy discussion featuring Lisa Rapp, VP Data Ethics, LiveRamp, Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead, Bounteous, Katelyn Ringrose, attorney, Future of Privacy Forum.
It starts at 1:00 p.m. EDT and will allow up to 100 people into the meeting to experience the discussion live and ask questions. If you’re a digital marketer you can’t afford to miss this. Sign up here.
About The Author
Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land, a member of the programming team for SMX events and the VP, Market Insights at Uberall.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/ccpa-enforcement-begins-now-and-most-companies-arent-ready/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/07/ccpa-enforcement-begins-now-and-most.html
0 notes
riichardwilson · 5 years ago
CCPA enforcement begins now and most companies aren’t ready
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020 with a six-month enforcement grace period. That end date is now here.
The basics. As a refresher, CCPA explicitly applies to companies that qualify under one or more of the following statutory criteria:  
Have gross annual revenues in excess of $25 million;
Possess the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, households, or devices; or
Earn more than half of their annual revenue from selling consumers’ personal information
A number of categories of businesses are explicitly exempted from CCPA compliance, including certain industries covered by federal regulations. However, most publishers will need to be ready to enable U.S. consumers to opt-out of third-party data transfers and demonstrate compliance to regulators in the event of an investigation or complaint.
Attorney Aaron Tantleff, a partner at law firm Foley & Lardner, offers a sliver of hope that CCPA may not apply to everyone, while cautioning that the law has few geographic boundaries. “We have spoken with many clients that have called in a panic to discover that CCPA does not apply. The applicability of the CCPA, like the GDPR, is not limited to only those organizations based in California. It may apply to organizations that lack any physical presence in the State.”
Broad application to businesses globally. As a practical matter the statute will broadly apply to most commercial enterprises, whether or not they explicitly target California residents.  For example, an early analysis of the legislation by the IAPP says:
Companies may pass [the personal information of 50,000 consumers] threshold more quickly than anticipated because the scope of personal information is broad. Most companies operate websites and inevitably capture IP addresses. Notably, companies need to comply regardless of whether the website targeted businesses or individual customers in California given that the term “consumer” is defined to mean any “resident.” Even individual bloggers and relatively small businesses outside California may find it difficult to ensure that they do not receive personal information of more than 50,000 California resident visitors to their website annually, simply from having it be passively accessible from there, and, within California, most retailers, fitness studios, music venues and other businesses will meet this threshold.
Risks of non-compliance. The California Attorney general can impose financial penalties up to $2,500 for non-willful violations and $7,500 for intentional violations. But these numbers can multiple quickly if thousands or millions of users are implicated. In most cases there will be no liability where the violation is “cured” within 30 days of receiving notice. There is also a private or individual right of action when personal information is wrongfully disclosed under CCPA. (The first CCPA class action lawsuit [.pdf] was filed in February against Hanna Andersson and Salesforce.)
According a recent Ethyca survey of 218 general counsels of technology companies, 56% said they were “unprepared for new privacy regulations coming in around the globe,” which includes CCPA. During the months leading up to the enforcement deadline, 43% of respondents said they had deprioritized privacy preparedness because of COVID-19. The survey also found that lack of resources or cost was the greatest challenge in complying.
What to do now. “For businesses still looking to button up on compliance, the essential — and only — first step is to figure out the personal data you possess and where it lives,” says Cillian Kieran, CEO of Ethyca. “After you’ve built a data map that has a thorough and complete record of the data you hold, and where it lives, you can worry about putting the structures in place to address various compliance tasks. But it all starts with the map.”
Attorney Tantleff adds, “Document everything. By now, organizations should have a robust set of security measures in place. However, under the CCPA, an organization must demonstrate that it has implemented reasonable security measures designed to protect personal information based upon the nature and sensitivity of that information.”
According to Lisa Rapp, VP of Data Ethics at LiveRamp, “No company should try to do this on their own. The best thing to do is to obtain as much information as possible by reading what industry leaders are saying, staying up-to-date on the materials that groups like the IAPP and IAB are putting out, and reaching out to prominent law firms that deal with data privacy to gain their legal counsel and interpretations of the law.”
Julie Rubash, VP of Legal at Nativo, recommends that publishers read the Attorney General’s final regulations “to ensure that current [privacy] plans are in line with the Attorney General’s interpretation.” She adds that “Tools like the IAB CCPA Framework are a step in the right direction to prepare for an inquiry and limit revenue disruptions. Publishers that leverage the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework tool and sign the limited service provider agreement are unlikely to experience a significant impact to their business models.”
Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead at Bounteous, says, “Because CCPA takes a much broader view of personal data than Europe’s GDPR guidelines, most companies must undertake a significant internal inventory of any data that may be linked, directly or indirectly, with a consumer or household. Conducting such an inventory places a heavy burden on IT organizations, legal departments, and data analysts who may already be dedicated to other internal priorities. Overcoming this obstacle is one of the first steps towards compliance but is often the most challenging to coordinate and fully document.”
Matchett further explains, “If you are concerned that you may not have time to build a home-grown digital solution for this purpose, consider reaching out to third-party Cookie Consent Manager software companies that specialize in maintaining CCPA & GDPR ready solutions. Some common Consent Managers include TrustArc, OneTrust, and Quantcast, among others.”
Here comes CPRA. Even as many companies are struggling to comply with CCPA, a new November California ballot initiative could impose even tougher privacy rules if passed. According to the Future of Privacy Forum’s Katelyn Ringrose, “While companies may have begun, and in some cases, finalized strong compliance programs and efforts addressing the CCPA—the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), recently certified for the 2020 ballot, could have an enactment date as early as 2023, placing additional obligations on covered entities. The CPRA would create a sensitive data classification, place additional obligations on processors, and require the establishment of a California Privacy Protection Agency.”
Why we care. Large numbers of consumers have expressed concerns about how their data are being handled online. But there’s evidence that “privacy forward” companies are seeing both brand and financial benefits, in terms of greater consumer trust and even stronger revenue growth.
It’s foolish to delay taking the necessary steps to prioritize privacy and data security. As Tom O’Regan, CEO of Madison Logic put it, “Ultimately, complying with the CCPA controls will be far less expensive than penalties from non-compliance.”
Thursday’s Live with Search Engine Land will be a special CCPA and privacy discussion featuring Lisa Rapp, VP Data Ethics, LiveRamp, Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead, Bounteous, Katelyn Ringrose, attorney, Future of Privacy Forum.
It starts at 1:00 p.m. EDT and will allow up to 100 people into the meeting to experience the discussion live and ask questions. If you’re a digital marketer you can’t afford to miss this. Sign up here.
About The Author
Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land, a member of the programming team for SMX events and the VP, Market Insights at Uberall.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/ccpa-enforcement-begins-now-and-most-companies-arent-ready/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/622497466550550528
0 notes
scpie · 5 years ago
CCPA enforcement begins now and most companies aren’t ready
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020 with a six-month enforcement grace period. That end date is now here.
The basics. As a refresher, CCPA explicitly applies to companies that qualify under one or more of the following statutory criteria:  
Have gross annual revenues in excess of $25 million;
Possess the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, households, or devices; or
Earn more than half of their annual revenue from selling consumers’ personal information
A number of categories of businesses are explicitly exempted from CCPA compliance, including certain industries covered by federal regulations. However, most publishers will need to be ready to enable U.S. consumers to opt-out of third-party data transfers and demonstrate compliance to regulators in the event of an investigation or complaint.
Attorney Aaron Tantleff, a partner at law firm Foley & Lardner, offers a sliver of hope that CCPA may not apply to everyone, while cautioning that the law has few geographic boundaries. “We have spoken with many clients that have called in a panic to discover that CCPA does not apply. The applicability of the CCPA, like the GDPR, is not limited to only those organizations based in California. It may apply to organizations that lack any physical presence in the State.”
Broad application to businesses globally. As a practical matter the statute will broadly apply to most commercial enterprises, whether or not they explicitly target California residents.  For example, an early analysis of the legislation by the IAPP says:
Companies may pass [the personal information of 50,000 consumers] threshold more quickly than anticipated because the scope of personal information is broad. Most companies operate websites and inevitably capture IP addresses. Notably, companies need to comply regardless of whether the website targeted businesses or individual customers in California given that the term “consumer” is defined to mean any “resident.” Even individual bloggers and relatively small businesses outside California may find it difficult to ensure that they do not receive personal information of more than 50,000 California resident visitors to their website annually, simply from having it be passively accessible from there, and, within California, most retailers, fitness studios, music venues and other businesses will meet this threshold.
Risks of non-compliance. The California Attorney general can impose financial penalties up to $2,500 for non-willful violations and $7,500 for intentional violations. But these numbers can multiple quickly if thousands or millions of users are implicated. In most cases there will be no liability where the violation is “cured” within 30 days of receiving notice. There is also a private or individual right of action when personal information is wrongfully disclosed under CCPA. (The first CCPA class action lawsuit [.pdf] was filed in February against Hanna Andersson and Salesforce.)
According a recent Ethyca survey of 218 general counsels of technology companies, 56% said they were “unprepared for new privacy regulations coming in around the globe,” which includes CCPA. During the months leading up to the enforcement deadline, 43% of respondents said they had deprioritized privacy preparedness because of COVID-19. The survey also found that lack of resources or cost was the greatest challenge in complying.
What to do now. “For businesses still looking to button up on compliance, the essential — and only — first step is to figure out the personal data you possess and where it lives,” says Cillian Kieran, CEO of Ethyca. “After you’ve built a data map that has a thorough and complete record of the data you hold, and where it lives, you can worry about putting the structures in place to address various compliance tasks. But it all starts with the map.”
Attorney Tantleff adds, “Document everything. By now, organizations should have a robust set of security measures in place. However, under the CCPA, an organization must demonstrate that it has implemented reasonable security measures designed to protect personal information based upon the nature and sensitivity of that information.”
According to Lisa Rapp, VP of Data Ethics at LiveRamp, “No company should try to do this on their own. The best thing to do is to obtain as much information as possible by reading what industry leaders are saying, staying up-to-date on the materials that groups like the IAPP and IAB are putting out, and reaching out to prominent law firms that deal with data privacy to gain their legal counsel and interpretations of the law.”
Julie Rubash, VP of Legal at Nativo, recommends that publishers read the Attorney General’s final regulations “to ensure that current [privacy] plans are in line with the Attorney General’s interpretation.” She adds that “Tools like the IAB CCPA Framework are a step in the right direction to prepare for an inquiry and limit revenue disruptions. Publishers that leverage the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework tool and sign the limited service provider agreement are unlikely to experience a significant impact to their business models.”
Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead at Bounteous, says, “Because CCPA takes a much broader view of personal data than Europe’s GDPR guidelines, most companies must undertake a significant internal inventory of any data that may be linked, directly or indirectly, with a consumer or household. Conducting such an inventory places a heavy burden on IT organizations, legal departments, and data analysts who may already be dedicated to other internal priorities. Overcoming this obstacle is one of the first steps towards compliance but is often the most challenging to coordinate and fully document.”
Matchett further explains, “If you are concerned that you may not have time to build a home-grown digital solution for this purpose, consider reaching out to third-party Cookie Consent Manager software companies that specialize in maintaining CCPA & GDPR ready solutions. Some common Consent Managers include TrustArc, OneTrust, and Quantcast, among others.”
Here comes CPRA. Even as many companies are struggling to comply with CCPA, a new November California ballot initiative could impose even tougher privacy rules if passed. According to the Future of Privacy Forum’s Katelyn Ringrose, “While companies may have begun, and in some cases, finalized strong compliance programs and efforts addressing the CCPA—the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), recently certified for the 2020 ballot, could have an enactment date as early as 2023, placing additional obligations on covered entities. The CPRA would create a sensitive data classification, place additional obligations on processors, and require the establishment of a California Privacy Protection Agency.”
Why we care. Large numbers of consumers have expressed concerns about how their data are being handled online. But there’s evidence that “privacy forward” companies are seeing both brand and financial benefits, in terms of greater consumer trust and even stronger revenue growth.
It’s foolish to delay taking the necessary steps to prioritize privacy and data security. As Tom O’Regan, CEO of Madison Logic put it, “Ultimately, complying with the CCPA controls will be far less expensive than penalties from non-compliance.”
Thursday’s Live with Search Engine Land will be a special CCPA and privacy discussion featuring Lisa Rapp, VP Data Ethics, LiveRamp, Abby Matchett, Enterprise Analytics Lead, Bounteous, Katelyn Ringrose, attorney, Future of Privacy Forum.
It starts at 1:00 p.m. EDT and will allow up to 100 people into the meeting to experience the discussion live and ask questions. If you’re a digital marketer you can’t afford to miss this. Sign up here.
About The Author
Greg Sterling is a Contributing Editor to Search Engine Land, a member of the programming team for SMX events and the VP, Market Insights at Uberall.
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source http://www.scpie.org/ccpa-enforcement-begins-now-and-most-companies-arent-ready/
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