#i. don't remember if claude had a nickname for edelgard like he does with dimitri so im making something up
claudebert "nurse me" bc I just know that between the two of them there has to be at least one or two times where they've ingested just a bit too much poison trying to build an immunity, and who better to care for you than the one who knows exactly what you're going through??
Okay but you are absolutely right??? Like who better to take care of you than the person who does the exact same thing (even if its for slightly different reasons)
i’m also. so sorry about how long this took to write sdklfjkldj you can carbon date how old this is
Leave a “Nurse Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about one character healing another.
Technically, Claude had absolutely nothing to do with this. He had only overheard about what happened from Teach. Although that was slightly inaccurate. It was more like Claude spotted an unconscious Hubert being carried off to the infirmary by Teach, and decided it would be in his best interests to follow.
Okay, maybe not “it was more like”, but instead, “that was what actually happened”.
So Claude followed Teach all the way to the infirmary, staying right outside the door and listening to Teach as they told Manuela that they’d found Hubert collapsed inside his room when they went to check on him after he never showed up to class.
It only took Manuela a couple minutes to declare that Hubert had been poisoned - and as soon as Manuela said that, Claude knew immediately what had happened. After all, Hubert wasn’t the only one in the monastery that dabbled with poisons. Claude would admit to poking his head into Hubert’s room every so often to see what the latter had been dabbling in as of late, and maybe get some ideas for his own projects. Not that Claude would ever fully step foot in Hubert’s room without double and triple checking every step he took; he knew a booby-trapped room when he saw one, and just knowing Hubert, there were probably several other traps set up.
All that aside, he ended up stepping out of the hallway, graciously offering to look after Hubert while Manuela looked for an antidote. Teach barely seemed phased to see him appear from the doorway, even as Manuela jumped in surprise. And after a long, long lecture about just watching Hubert long enough to prepare an antidote, and not doing anything else, she conceded in letting him watch over Hubert.
And now here he was, observing an unconscious Hubert as he rested on one of the infirmary’s cots. Not even five minutes into his watch, and Claude could see Hubert slowly waking up.
As soon as Hubert’s eyes were open, blearily glancing around the room before landing on Claude, he couldn’t help but tease him a little. “So, too big a dose, huh?"
The scowl on Hubert’s face, as well as his stubborn silence, told Claude loud and clear that he was definitely correct.
“C’mon Hubie, this isn’t your first go at doing things like this. I mean, the great Hubert von Vestra, accidentally poisoning himself because he wasn’t paying attention?” Claude kept his tone light and joking as he took the cloth that was on Hubert’s head, dipping it back in the basin and squeezing out the excess water before placing it back on Hubert’s head.
The look on Hubert’s face was stony. “Do not call me that.”
“Aww, but your classmates seem to be able to call you that!”
“Not by my choice.”
Claude chuckled a little, before letting out a little sigh. Hubert gave him a rather confused look.
“Seriously though, be careful. I mean, if something happens to you, who’s gonna be watching over Her Imperialness?” Claude meant for it to be teasing, but it ended up coming out a lot more concerned and worried than he intended. Something in Hubert’s expression seemed to soften at that, though it quickly smoothed over as he looked away.
“I don’t believe you have any right to be lecturing me about this. All that aside...I simply miscalculated. That’s all.” Hubert’s voice was quiet, though there was something just a little more...vulnerable, about it, than before.
Claude decided not to mention it. Hubert similarly stayed silent. They stayed in that comfortable silence for a few minutes, with Claude just sitting by Hubert’s bedside as Hubert lay there. Claude’s thoughts had begun to wander off - though not by much, as he still picked up on the mumbling Hubert had been doing.
"What was that? Sorry, could you repeat that? Didn't hear you."
He did, in fact, hear what Hubert said.
Hubert didn't seem to know this - or maybe he did - because he grimaced at that. His cheeks turned a little more red as well, which Claude suspected wasn't just because of the fever.
"I...simply said thank you." Hubert's voice was only marginally louder, but it was enough for Claude to smile.
(An almost genuine smile, something he didn't realize until later on.)
"No problem," Claude said easily, making a dismissive motion with his hand for emphasis. "Although, I do expect you to return the favor~"
He punctuated that last word with a wink, laughing a little internally when he saw how Hubert's face further reddened. Sure, he tried to hide it by turning his face away, but Claude still saw it before he could.
Honestly, Claude wasn't expecting a response. He would've been fine without one, either; he knew Hubert well enough to know he'd pretend this never happened, unless forced to by Edelgard (which basically meant having Hubert willing to owe you a favor was as likely reaching into the sky and grabbing moonlight with your bare hands).
So color him surprised when suddenly, Hubert spoke.
"Only because you helped me. I see no issue as long as your request is reasonable."
Claude stared, completely stunned into silence. After a moment of silence, Claude felt his expression shift into something alarmingly soft. Almost vulnerable.
"Yeah. I'll hold you to that."
(Not much later, when Claude has miscalculated a dose of his own and ended up bedridden, Hubert appeared to watch over him, claiming that this was him repaying the debt he owed. Even as Claude threw out the occasional flirt or tease from his bed, Hubert stayed.)
(Even if it didn't last, Hubert thought, it was...nice. To take care of someone he...he cared about. Like this.)
(He couldn't help but wish that he could be by Claude's side for more than just when he was ill.)
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