ivegottale · 2 years
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The difference between a soulmate and a twin flame:
~Soulmate is someone you can be romantic with or be friends.
~Twin Flame is one soul spilt into two different physical bodies. They share the exact same feelings for each other because they are of one soul. A Twin flame is purely spiritual where the goal is your Twin. His goal is her and her goal is him.
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ivegottale · 2 years
If you are trying to get close with someone. Try this old time favorite.
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I say; I'm giving you 3 choices of
doing things.
• You can do it Fast
• You can do it Cheap
/or • You do it good
Now pick any two that you want.
If they answer: • Fast & Good
Comment: Well, it won't be Cheap
• Cheap & Good
Then it won't be Fast
• Fast & Cheap
Well then, it won't be good
So, what are you looking for?
Something with value?
/or Trying to solve a problem?
/or Want something Fast & Cheap?
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ivegottale · 2 years
Watch "His classmates reaction is EVERYTHING 😭 #shorts" on YouTube
Look the whole class is crying. 🤭
There's no crying in baseball......🥹 excuse me I have something in my eye.
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ivegottale · 2 years
Andrew Tate saids; "A broke man is comfortable being broke."
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Andrew Tate would have sleepless nights thinking about how does his circle of people afford Ferraris and he can't even pay rent. That he was very uncomfortable with what he had in his bank account. Now pay attention. A man that has been broke for years and years. Is comfortable being broke. What does this tell you? This is why I like this guy. He sugar coats nothing. Call him cocky, egotistic, a know-it-all....whatever. At least he puts it out there. His approach is brutal but then again nobody would be listening if he wasn't.
Rock on Mr. Tate III
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ivegottale · 2 years
African Wild Dogs
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My new neighbor "KAREN" wanted me to stop calling her crazy. My father always told me; "IF YOU THROW A ROCK INTO THE MIDDLE OF A WILD DOG PACK. THE ONE THAT HOLLERED THE LOUDEST IS THE ONE YOU HIT!
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ivegottale · 2 years
Lately I have been dating this really nice guy. It will be our fifth date together when he called and said he was taking the rest of the day off would I like to go with him to get a bite to eat. I said of course I would and he said he'd pick me up in 25 mins.
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I ran the brush through my hair, touched up my make-up, fresh'ned my mouth, walked through a fog of perfume and put on some lip stick. I was just changing my shoes when the doorbell rang. Grabbed my purse & keys and opened the door. He was smiling ear to ear. "Well, this is a nice surprise." and gave him a kiss. "Ready to go?" He asked. "I've got everything I need." He took me by the hand locked and closed my front door. We walked arm and arm to his car where he opened his car door for me than ran around the nose of his Jeep. Jumped in and we took off. We talked on the way as he told me about his day and this place he has been meaning to take me. We pulled in and parked right in front of the door. The valet handed him his ticket and we proceeded to enter the restaurant. "Everything you see under glass on this cart is their menu for today. Now they are known for their chilli. See anything you you like?". He asked. I answered; "Well if they are known for their chilli. I'll have the Chilli in a bread bowl.". "Great! That's what I'm gonna have as well.". He left our order with the concierge who turned his back, snapped his fingers for someone to lead us to our tsble. Once we sat down sipping some red wine he had brought to our table. I asked; "If the chilli is as good as you say. How much is a bowl and I'll pay to take some home for later.". His answer was; "What's the temperature of the day?". "Honey, did you not hear me just ask you a question?" "Yeah,. I heard you. What's the temperature of the day." He quickly noted. "No. I asked you how much is the Chilli so I could take some home for later.". "Yeah. I know.". Feeling a bit annoyed. I asked him again.". "Dale,. I could careless what the temperature of the day is. I asked how much was a bowl of chilli." "I know. What's the temperature of the day?". Biting my lip from getting the same question without an answer. I'm starting to fidget with my napkin and wine coaster. "Dale, why are you answering me with a question that has nothing to do with what I asked.". As he grabbed his fork because our waiter just tossed us our salad now served on the table.
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"You see that thermometer centered in the middle of the restaurant? That runs floor to ceiling? What's it say the temperature is?". Feeling just a bit uncomfortable from his lack of a straight answer. I figured I'll play along with his little game. In hopes to move forward. "It reads 80° degrees.". "That's how much the chilli is.". "Oh!". I said a little embarrassed. He smiled gave me a wink at the same time a gentle squeezed on my upper right thigh. We both had a good laugh. He had been teasing me this whole time. (because the chilli was only 80¢. There were no take-outs durning the Chilli special price time line.). The Chilli was really good AND...... I really had a good time.
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ivegottale · 2 years
Out of the corner of your eye should you get a glimpse of my reflection in a store front window. Don't bother to hale me down, holler my name while waving your arms in the air, frantically trying to get my attention..
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Don't run after me because I won't turn around. I won't stop and wait. Even though I can faintly hear a call of my name off in the distance; "Hey Cassie! Cassie wait! Cassie!" Soon behind you when I already have crossed the street. The bus marked for downtown will roll up between us. Just for a split second less than a blink of an eye. Looking at the clearing I'm gone as you sigh. You see I heard your tone of voice. As a matter of fact, I saw you first with your foot propped up on that bench. Next to "The Dancing Fountain of Water" the plaza is so famous for. Working your magic, pouring your fake self on some women 10 years or more our age. You haven't changed a bit and looking the same. I promised myself if ever given the chance to return you the favor. Even if I never saw you again. I would give it to you in heaven. All our years that you wasted on deliberate deceit. I ran against the street light and jumped into the first cab. Here's my rejection served to you on a silver platter. Now it's my turn to say; "I'M WHERE I WANT TO BE."
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ivegottale · 2 years
I bet you can't guess why we named her "Half 'n Half".
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ivegottale · 2 years
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Treat your men better. If you want a man to ask for your hand in marriage. You need to be excited for him when he tells you good news from his work day. Compliment him once in a while. Be his biggest fan. Now there are a lot of men to choose from. So, don't ever lay down with a man before you are at least 9 weeks into your relationship. If your man asks to borrow 💰💰money. Dump him! You're not married yet and that means you don't share each other's assets either.. Don't go for the guy that gives you butterflies 🦋. You shouldn't feel anxious with your man. Make sure he runs his fingers through your hair, holds your hand in public, and not afraid to be vulnerable around you. Don't let him move in & don't you move in with him. Not making an honest women out of you is just an excuse to leave you later for opportunity. Always use protection because you are probably not the only one he's dating. Don't do his laundry, cook all his meals, or let him borrow your car. A man that is really serious about being the head of his household and feels strongly that you are his "ONE". Will get a 💍 ring on that finger and hand you a key 🔑 to a new home. For there should be some kind of dowry for everyday you get up before him. Look good for him everyday, don't let yourself go 🏃, and be the glue to keeping it together because men want that ornament on their arm. Proud to introduce you to his friends and take you home to Mom......and never.....ever.....take each other for granted. Their are 5 stages in a relationship and you compromise everyday. Years down the line. There will be a stage you will say in your head; "Does he have to chew that loud?" Eventually, his chewing becomes cute, the kids are all grown up, and both of you have learned what buttons not to push. You get to grow old together. Sip'n sweet tea 🥤 in your chairs out on the porch and you both still hold a torch for each other. 🌹🌹🌹
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ivegottale · 2 years
Why Men
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Seriously, every womanizer, every guy juggling, every guy with 3 broads is only doing so out of fear. Fear of being crushed by a woman because one day, back in the day, they were not a player. They liked one girl, just one, and gave it up to her. That's right. They gave it all up to her. They were little romantics back then and the girl they loved, that girl they called "The One", something happened and they got rocked, crushed, and it destroyed the guy. When they got finished picking up all the little pieces that once was their heart. Do you know what they said after that, all of them said, every single man said to themselves that they would vow. That they would never give it up again. Now if you're talking about a real relationship with this person. Guys that have become Players break hearts occupationally because believe it or not. These "Cats" were the most beautiful and most romantic of all. You know what happened? They were the ones that got hurt the worst of all...
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ivegottale · 2 years
It was here,
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we had our first fight,
first time you held me tight,
looked into my eyes,
kissed me just right.
It was here,
day turned into night,
as the city lit up in lights,
it was quiet as mice,
it changed us the rest of our life
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ivegottale · 2 years
I would rush to you when you called. I paid and picked up your every fall. I cooked and cleaned and then you got mean and tried to blame me. It was my fault? It's all just an act to jet and bolt. To chase a taste of a new cult. If you think I'll just sit on your shelf. Waiting for you and I'll melt. Forget it. I' d be better off by myself.
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ivegottale · 2 years
A coward is someone who awakens your heart with no intentions of loving you.
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ivegottale · 2 years
Believing without any validation of proof. Believing without touch or physical presence. Believing because a very old book that was the first book and the only text book that existed for a very long time. Reads of a personal journey about believing. Even God himself would question his own faith.
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ivegottale · 2 years
You were my Zeus until you knocked out my tooth.
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ivegottale · 2 years
We use to get married to have sex. Now it's who was your first?We use to have sex with one. Now we stop having sex with everyone else. You can stop your thinking that there is "ONE" in your life. Now we have a multitude of "ONES" to choose from. You can't avoid the pain that comes with it. So be polite about it. Say thank you for everything they have done for you because you're leaving anyway.
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