#i've wanted to reread some of my old books soon and i fear i will Not be able to shut up once i actually reread some of
bugsbenefit · 2 years
no no i need to say this again, the Stephen King parallels have a grip on me i had a Stephen King phase for 3+ years and there's so much there in regards to ST
and it's not just the obvious books like IT, or how the Dark Tower series in general seems to play a bit into the supernatural lore of the show. it's especially how some of his older, and less well known books play Massive roles in the story of ST
for example, i always swore Carrie was used as an inspiration for the way powers work in ST, which s4 really proved to me was correct. it even extended to the way the show now incorporates religion into it's supernatural plot (which i might make a longer post on at some point tbh, there's a LOT in that book)
but also. what's not even up do debate for me at this point and even more on the nose than the Carrie and IT parallels combined: Firestarter literally features Hawkins lab and El 1.0. no question about it. it's literally the same. El's backstory, MKultra, the lab, and her powers. the parallels are SO extensive that it was basically irrefutably ObviousTM right after s1. s2 just hammered the final nail into the parallels. there's literally no way they didn't reference it intentionally
King ST parallels kill me dead everytime i think about them. i'm going more in depth on the actual storyline of Firestarter in a longer post in a few minutes, i'm almost done with that
but seriously, 16 year old me -> coming out of a 3 year Stephen King obsession in 2018 and starting to watch ST -> "hold the phone bro, no no wait, i think i've seen this film before... like. this film Exactly. like literally the exact same premise. like it's literally the exact S-"
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indira-korr · 1 year
9 People You Want to Get To Know Better
I was tagged by @elismor, @brokenphoenix99, and @marbled-polecat. I feel like one of you will regret this soon. The others already know I'm a freak :3
What song comes on and ALWAYS makes you think “Yes! That’s my jam!”
This is really difficult to answer. On the one hand, there’s so many, how do I even narrow it down? On the other, I don't actively listen to music much. This isn't a top 5, just stuff I found in my Spotify list and thought ... Yup, that's jammy to me :)
Almost anything by Queen
(Don’t Fear) The Reaper – Blue Öyster Cult
Black Horse and the Cherry tree – KT Tunstall
Come on Eileen – Save Ferris
Love is a battlefield – Pat Benatar
If you could only reread one book/series forever what would it be?
Also difficult. At the risk of outing myself in front of all my writer friends: I’m not much of a reader. 🫣 I'm either to exhausted to read or (if I do have some energy) too busy with writing or drawing or other things. Maybe Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and Silmarillion. There are so many details, there is something new to find each time.
If you could only rewatch one show forever what would it be?
The benefit of the goldfish memory is being able to watch something again and again and again without it getting boring. I did that a lot with Stargate. Back in the day, I even learned English and Spanish with that show. My fake astrophysics vocabulary is excellent, thanks to Carter.
Damn... now I also want to say Star Trek... Ugh... (And yes, I'm aware of the irony of being exclusively active in the Star Wars fandom but not mentioning it here😅 I should stop talking now.)
It's your fault! You wanted to get to know me! XD Apparently decision making and keeping things short are not my strong suits.
What did you do when AO3 was down?
I had visitors and hadn’t even noticed that it was down. I'm not much on AO3 lately, except when posting my own works or sometimes rereading lovely comments to make myself feel better when I'm sad or insecure about my works. The comments you guys leave me really make a difference on bad days. Thank you (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Me to self: Maybe I should print out my fics with comments. Just in case. Imagine 80-year old future-me finding that stuff in the attic. 🤔🥹
Imaginary grand kids looking at the smut: Grandma, WHAT THE FUCK?!
I have no idea who's been tagged in this already. No pressure tagging a few people I've seen around but don't really know well or at all: @frostbitebakery, @hawthornsword, @blirzy, @hellsbelle8675 , @itszerohz, @weatherbane. Feel free to run away screaming or say hi :)
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moranjpg · 2 years
list of books i want to reread in 2023
just like last year, i want to take time again to revisit some of my old favourite books and characters and relive some stories that i loved so much when i first read them alongside my suggested reading list 2023.
this list is compiled of some books that i already wanted to reread in 2022 but didnt get around to, but there's also some new ones that i'm feeling somewhat more drawn to this year! since i had some good experiences with this concept these last months, i'm going to assign seasons to some of these, because a few of them are intrinsically linked to certain weathers in my head and i often cannot start reading books in the wrong weather.
The Fever Series. I probably won't get around to all of them, but I'd like to read the first one during the late summer, perhaps carry it into early October with me.
Thirteen Storeys. Since Mr Sims had the grace to publish his new book on my very birthday, I'll try to get around to this one as soon as possible because I want to read it during the same time as his new one. And that's also as soon as possible.
Tschick - Why we took the car. I've been feeling this one recently! Probably because one of my favourite new Kraftklubs tracks is directly inspired by it. I'm planning to read it around February/March.
Trainspotting. I already started this one, but - blinded by the apparently humorous aspect of the second sequel that just came out - I seem to have forgotten just how dark this novel was. Good lord. I don't want to read this in winter, for fear I might become even more depressed. Perhaps late spring. Not later than early June though.
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acciocriativity · 4 years
Spark of Happiness ||Harry Potter
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Summary: You already went through a lot in your life, but while dating Draco the world you knew has changed dramatically and it seems like it couldn’t get any worse...
Word Count: 2,8k
A/N: Thanks for the request @loxbbg and sorry for tagging you, I just thought that you would like to, since I took a longer time than I promised. That’s my first time writing for Draco, so I don’t know if it’s what you wanted. Hope you’ll enjoy it!
Part II
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Like in all relationships, difficult moments always come up to test the couple, their trust, their love, and their future together.
It wasn't easy to get through the first two but we were still together at a nebulous time in the Wizarding World and in Draco's life.
I always knew about everything, the return of you-know-who, the nightmares and I thought that eventually, when this all came to an end, we could live a quiet life somewhere, preferably as far away as possible.
Draco agreed with me when we talked about it the other day but things were not going well, besides the daily stress at Hogwarts, the anticipation of the weight of the black mark on his forearm was taking him down bit by bit.
He was drowning, losing what little light I could see inside him, and even if I insisted to know more, he still had to keep too much inside himself. Partly because no one else could know and partly because he had trouble expressing himself. It was always like this, although I like to think that we were slowly getting better at it.
"Draco, can you come sit with me for a little while?", I said watching the blond try to concentrate on the book in front of him only to fail, for the 3rd time in a row. "I promise that page can wait about 10 minutes, it's a weekend". My heart sank in my chest as soon as he turned to look at me, the dark circles under his eyes even deeper than the day before. Another sleepless night.
I heard his defeated sigh and soon after felt the warmth of his body close to mine and his natural scent fill my lungs.
"Why are you up so early, love?", his arms passed around my waist and his head lay on my right shoulder. "More than anyone, you should rest, even if it is during the day."
"I just couldn't sleep anymore", his voice husky and faltered and automatically my hands went to his messy blond hair, stroking the strands carefully.
"You know I'm here to listen to you and I know these nightmares are getting worse, I won't say anything after listening if you prefer but I can't watch you like this anymore, not without doing something about it”.
We were silent for a few minutes, all that could be heard was our breathing and his tired sighs. I continued in that position, I tried to pass on as much reassurance as possible, because there was nothing else I could do if he wouldn't allow me.
"My mother sent me a letter, when I go back to Malfoy Manor, I will get the black mark", he didn't look me in the eye and I tried not to take it to heart.
"And when did you intend to tell me this? It's not more than two weeks until Christmas, is that why the nightmares are worse?", I felt my head spin and I had to close my eyes to concentrate again.
He nodded and again silence fell over the room, each lost in his own thoughts until I decided to speak again.
"You want to tell me about the nightmares? You don't have to go through this alone", my hands came out of his hair and went around his shoulder.
And he told me everything this time. The meeting room where the death eaters gathered, the place most of the dreams usually took place. While he felt the worst pain he had ever experienced, his father was standing with a proud expression beside his mother, who was paralyzed and you-know-who looked pleased, basking in the fear evident on his face.
The worst part was left for the end, where the reason for his entrance was revealed, which changed every day. In some he was supposed to be just a spy, in others he was supposed to kill someone or be killed, and it didn't stop there. He was supposed to prove his loyalty by killing a muggle in front of everyone there, who would serve as dinner for the snake named Nagini. He had no choice, he could have no compassion or he would be there with that woman.
"They were laughing like it was the most fun situation, they were all there, the Carrows, Lestrange, Avery…”, I felt a few tears wetting my blouse but he pretended he was fine and I preferred to pretend I believed him.
He kept talking more names with a tone of anger and disgust but I stopped paying attention to Avery, which was the last name on my old birth certificate before it changed to both my parents when I was adopted.
"Love? Y/N???", his grayish blue eyes were reddened, I could clearly see where the tears had run down his face. "Sorry love, I was just thinking...keep talking, it's good to get it all out at once."
After I heard everything, I kept my word and didn't say anything so instead, I let him finally relax in my arms.
"What were you thinking about earlier?", his eyes were already closed, exhaustion was winning the battle.
"I was thinking it would be a much better idea if we got some more sleep now, don't you agree?", he couldn't see my smile but I could see his and there was nothing in the world I wanted to see more often.
"Sounds like an excellent idea...", he wriggled a little until we were both comfortable in a position to sleep.
Later after lunch I began to notice the change in Draco's mood, he seemed equally tired as the few hours of sleep were not enough but somehow, he was glowing and I was loving it.
The next few days followed the same path until he decided to tell me why.
"Meet me at the Astronomy Tower in 10 minutes - D.M."
That was all it said on the note his owl came to hand me and I couldn't help but smile.It's not easy to be dating at Hogwarts, where there are students everywhere so we usually meet during the night in my dormitory or somewhere empty in the castle.
I waited a few minutes to make sure there was no one else in the Slytherin common hall and then started my way to the tower with the utmost care not to run into Filch or his cat and I was really close to being caught on the 7th floor.
"I thought you got lost along the way", he said without the humor I expected to find in his voice.
"I had an accident with Filch but I'm here now, so did something happen? You're so serious", I said approaching him by the window and leaning on the window sill by his side.
"Yeah, sort of, I've been thinking a lot the last few days about what's going to happen", he took a deep breath before continuing. "And this time is different, this time I might have a choice".
I opened my mouth but nothing came out, he didn't want to be like his parents, it's not a new thing but to really stand up to them?
"I'm putting together a plan, well I was. I need to know if you want to be in it with me", I could see my own reflection in his eyes.
"Of course, as long as we end up alive at the end. What's the plan?", he grinned and explained to me the little bit that was already right in his plan.
He wouldn't go to Malfoy Manor for Christmas, instead he would have to sell something to get enough money to rent a room, which isn't hard considering his shoes are worth more than all the Hogwarts school supplies tripled. I didn't have to check to know it's true.
"That's a good start but I don't think it will be necessary, what do you think about coming back with me for Christmas? My parents won't mind. They want to meet you and it would be harder to find you there", he was staring at me intensely but not saying anything, I started to think I had said something stupid. "Draco? It was just a suggestion...you don't have to come with me if you're not comfortable and...", he gave me a quick kiss and smiled at me.
"I'd love to go spend Christmas with your family, and then we can think about what to do after that", he said moving closer to me to the point where our lips touched.
I agreed with a small nod and we kissed again, this time for much longer. The weather was perfect, the cold wind contrasting with my warm skin from the blond's touches, for me we could stay there forever.
A week later, another letter arrived for Draco during our breakfast in the Great Hall and his expression changed as soon as he picked up the paper.
"Draco?", he didn't answer me and continued reading and rereading non-stop with the most grim expression I have ever seen on his face. "Draco, can you talk to me?", I whispered and even with him beside me, I couldn't read a whole sentence.
He simply got up and left in a hurry, I wasn't going to stay and pretend that everything was fine. I didn't bother to make an excuse, since most of the table stopped to pay attention to what was going on, I walked out a little behind him and it wasn't hard to catch up.
"Draco! What the hell are you doing? We were going to work it out together, you don't have to run from me like you do the others", I said approaching in the middle of the empty hallway. "You're still not going to talk to me?", I said with my arms crossed zero percent intimidated by his angry expression.
"And for what? You can't do anything for me now. The plan has failed, they're going to ask the principal to send me home tomorrow", he started pacing back and forth, his hands clenched tightly, fear and despair formed a powerful alliance inside him
I had no idea what to say, what could be said to make this better? His steps became harder against the ground and I was sure that at some point something would be broken if we continued there.
"Come on love, let's skip class today. Let's think of another plan, you won't become one of them, I promise", I held his tense arm and guided him quickly into the dungeon.
"You can't promise that, how can you be so sure?", I could see a glimmer of hope that I wasn't going to let go."Because I will do whatever it takes to make sure it doesn't happen, okay?", I slid my hand down his arm until I found his.
It was a long day, we barely slept that night as we were both unsure if our idea would work out or not.
The next morning I awoke to an unusual movement downstairs, the clock I had been given by my parents showed a little over five in the morning. My friends didn't even move in their beds as I walked closer to the door to hear what was being said and I didn't recognize those voices.
"I will call him Mr. Malfoy, please settle down", was Professor Snape's voice and after that silence came.
Damn it, there wouldn't be time to escape as we had planned. I took a deep breath and started to think, I wouldn't stay here, I had to do something, I had to think but the sound of my own heart was getting in the way. I hadn't noticed that I was shaking until I took a step back to my bed, my legs had almost gone weak.
A few nerve-wracking minutes later, as if I had drawn it to me from thinking about him so much, I heard Draco's voice in my hallway moving closer to my room.
"She won't mind, I'm sure", I could hear clearly through the door and I was sure that if it had been any other student, not only would he not have made it upstairs but he would also have gotten the scolding of the century.
The door was opened and the first thing Draco did was to quickly push me back near the bed before Snape appeared inside the room as well.
"Miss Lewis, you may also go with Mr. Malfoy, your Christmas break will also be early. Your parents will be waiting in the Great Hall Mr. Malfoy", and he stood there until Draco left the room but he didn't leave before giving me a quick hug.
"Wait for me in the common hall", he left unaware that his voice had made me shakier than I already was.
"They let you leave early because the Malfoys asked? That's so unfair", the girls were all awake. "Will you two be quiet? I still want to get some sleep before breakfast time", the second one said, still covered up.
After that complaint, they went to sleep while I took a shower and tried to process what had just happened and what was going to happen. I got dressed in one of my warmest clothing, I grabbed my suitcase that was already packed and went downstairs, it wasn't even past six in the morning, no one but my boyfriend was there and I barely set foot on the floor when he ran up to me.
"We don't have much time, we'll have to go with them but I'll make sure we get out before the meeting starts. It won't take more than 5 minutes", he hugged me tightly and I smiled as soon as the strong smell of his cologne hit me, I rested my chin on his shoulder and we stood like that for a few minutes.
"We'll be fine, the end of our plan still works", I spoke softly and I could notice the skin on his neck got goosebumps."I'm just going to let it go because it's not the time for that sir”, I said with a grin across my face.
"I have no idea what you are talking about, miss. We better go soon, the faster we go, the faster this is over", he kissed me before we walked hand in hand down the halls.
“Draco, why didn't you let us know your girlfriend was coming to visit us for Christmas earlier?”, his mother was the first to speak as soon as we approached them, her tone was nice but her smile trembled.
As soon as we started our relationship we talked it over and thought it would be best not to mention to his parents that I came from a muggle foster family. We knew it would be impossible to keep this secret since his parents are quite "protective", so he only mentioned me when he had no other choice.
I already knew that there would be one reason for them to be polite to me, I had not been judged on whether I was appropriate or not yet. They weren't giving me the benefit of the doubt, they were giving it to Draco's choices.
"I must have forgotten but it doesn't make that much difference, does it?", he said calmly and I pretended I hadn't seen his father's expression harden.
"We shall be going, I can't waste any more time here”, the disgusted tone in his voice left me more surprised than anything else.
Since no one can apparate on the grounds of Hogwarts, we walked to Hogsmeade in awkward silence. His parents walked imposingly in front of us and we were right behind them holding hands, only communicating by glances. Once we got far enough, we stopped on the dusty road at the entrance to the small village.
"Alright you two, Draco you know how it works, dear, have you ever apparated before?", she was kind enough to ask me. "No Mrs. Malfoy, I have never apparated".
"The first time is complicated but you'll be fine”, she held her husband's arm and in one second we were standing in the middle of the road and the next we weren't.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
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The People We Keep
The People We Keep by Allison Larkin
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Thanks to the publisher for providing me with this ARC on NetGalley.
I've seen this book described as "raw, surprising, and ultimately uplifting" and I agree with most of that.
Here's the spoiler-free premise: In November of 1994, sixteen-year-old April steals her neighbor's car and sneaks out to play at an open mic. She soon gets an opportunity for a standing gig, but after an argument with her father -- who has left her alone in a motorhome while he lives a new life with another woman -- April takes off. She lands in Ithaca where she manages to get a job at a coffeehouse and a new boyfriend. However, her relationships come to an abrupt end when she takes off for fear of all her secrets coming to light. A few years later, April seems to be living the life she wanted: travelling often and playing her music in bars, sometimes to large crowds and for good money. Other times just for meals or coffee. No stranger to dangerous and unpleasant situations, April reluctantly takes a last-minute slot that literally changes her life. But, if something is too good to be true, it probably is. As April tries to manage her life of perpetual heartbreak, she finally learns what -- and who -- matters the most.
Let me start by saying that this is a good story, and well-written, but I just didn't love it. Maybe I just wasn't in the mood for such a sad and frustrating book and need to reread it someday, but also, I think I was expecting a story about April's ascent to stardom. And mostly, I honestly just didn't like April. I had to constantly remind myself that she was 16 and this was 1994 but I found her to be extremely naïve for someone who had been on her own for so long. While I didn't agree with every choice she made, some of them were just downright poor decisions. And even when she'd learned from them, she ignored the safeguards she'd put in place as a result. I did like most of the other characters though. (Mini spoiler: I thought that Adam was weird from the start, Carly was a mess but a great friend for April, and I loved Ethan and Robert!)
In terms of pacing, I thought it was a pretty slow build, but I just kept reading to see what would happen next, if things would ever turn around. I admit that I was often on the edge of my proverbial seat, mostly with worry that something awful was about to happen to April.
I thought April was really lucky to have found as many decent people as she had given her way of life, and I did feel bad for her always experiencing so much hardship. I was very frustrated with her when things didn't work out like they were supposed to -- which was often. I appreciated her journey -- it was indeed "raw" and "surprising" -- but I didn't see it as "ultimately uplifting" even with the end, which didn't provide much closure. I personally would have wanted to see how things worked out after the story's end rather than getting every detail leading up to that point. It ends with April at 19; I wanted to see April as a more mature adult who had learned to love and be loved. It just seemed like this should have been part of a larger story about April's life.
I do want to read more of Larkin's work, and I recommend this book for people who like literary fiction and/or don't mind a sad story.
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museme87 · 7 years
Since I'm Jonrya trash for life too I've found your tumblr(I'm Mirealona). So, the numbers are 47, 76, 93 and 100. (Frankly speaking I would send you much more) BUT I just don't wanna be too bothersome aaaand I take my leave now :)
A ficlet for 93: “I like it when you smile.” 
(I’ll tag you when I finish the others!) 
With a heavy sigh, Jon puts down a piece of parchmentreporting the current contents of the Night’s Watch stores. He had never beenparticularly good with sums, but he need not be to know that they did not haveenough to make it long into Winter. He wishes for counsel from men who hadserved the Watch longer than he has, who had weathered winters and come outstronger for it—men like Lord Commander Mormont or Maester Aemon. He missesSam, who would no doubt be able to find him books on the matter no sooner thanhe requested it of him. Fleetingly Jon thinks of his father; Ned Stark hadtaught him much of lordship, but he had been a greenboy back then who had notlistened as closely as he might have. Then Jon remembers the men who are here with him now—his brothers—and thinksto call upon the stewards once again on the morrow for their wisdom on suchmatters.
After stretching to ease the aching muscles of his back,Jon reaches for a stack of letters to reread and draft his responses. He nosooner unfolds one when the door of his chamber opens and his sister slipsthrough, shutting it behind her.
Arya has not long been with him at the Wall. Though herarrival had been a spark amidst the cold, Jon cannot say he is glad to have herhere among the men. She had refused him when he had offered her lodgings inMole’s Town. He did not want to part fromher, but he caught the Brothers leering at her as many do when any woman stepsfoot in Castle Black. That Arya had somehow bloomed into a beauty in the yearsthey had been lost to one another only added to his worry for her. His fearsdid not abate after she beat a man bloody for touching her waist, and Jonbegins to think that nothing will ease this sickness in his stomach. Though shehas proven she can handle herself, Jon still feels responsible for her thoughhe will never say so to her face.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
She looks up at him from where she unlaces her boots,having already discarded her cloak on a nearby chair. Her gaze stirs somethinginside of him, something that Jon is none too proud of.
“Some. Your men must know every song in the Seven Kingdomsabout bedding wenches. I think they mean to make me slick and hungry.”
It should not surprise him, the way she talks. She’s beenaround the small folk of Westeros and beyond by her telling. Once not long agoshe had even admitted to him that she’d begun training as a courtesan, but hehad stopped her. Jon had not wanted to know how far that had gone. Before, he mighthave attributed it to her being his little sister; now, he thinks it morejealousy.
The way she moves around him sets him on edge. There is aheaviness between them, thick with unspoken want. Oh, they have acted on it forcertain. An emotional reunion spun into frantic need behind closed doors. Hesaw himself in her, laid bare. Her lady mother may have had a chance to tameher back then with time and patience, but Arya has been gifted to the wild nowby Old and New Gods alike. Shame may roil in her belly when they touch, but Jonthinks she no longer cares. Much and more has been taken from them both, andArya will not bear it any longer. She had started by taking him back. Though hehad begged his vows, her eyes—their eyes,the same gray of the North—pleaded with him until he could not tell her no.
Jon does not stop her as she climbs onto him in his chair.Her look troubles him as she settles onto his lap. Once he would have knownwhat ailed her as if he too had suffered it. Questions plague him—what happened to you out there, little sister?Tell it to me true as you always have. Jon does not ask though, not yet. Instead,he strokes her pale cheek with his thumb before he brings it to her plump,lower lip.
“I miss your smile.”
It occurs to him too late that he should not say such athing, that it might make her feel as if he only wants his little sister back. Whilehe longs to see her lips pull upward in joy, he will take whatever Arya hasbeen given him. During his time Beyond the Wall, he had thought he would neversee her again. That she is here with him and warm beneath his skin is a greatergift than he could ever have asked for.  
Arya presses her lips against the pad of this thumb, thenopens her mouth to capture it between her teeth. She gives a little squeezebefore releasing him, and Jon’s heart skips as one corner of her mouth twitchesupward.
“I only bite now.”
They say he is a somber, brooding man, but it’s not sowhen he is with Arya. The feel of her teeth lingering on his skin makes himgrin. The Arya of his childhood always claimed to be a wolf, acted the part, andhad even bitten Robb once when he’d attempted to return her to Septa Mordane athis lady mother’s behest. Her playfulness now reminds him of then.
Perhaps his smile encourages her. Perhaps it reminds hertoo of better, unburdened days. Jon does not quite know what it stirs in her,but she leans down to capture his lips. It is hard and urgent, and the heatbetween her legs brings his own urgency to bear on him. His lip is soon caughtbetween her teeth, and she is none too gentle this time.
Little wolf.
Gods how you’vegrown.
As he rises from the chair, her legs wrap around him, herlips and teeth still greedy. A fleeting thought reminds him that there should be great shame in this. He shouldfeel disgust instead of the painful hardness tight in his breeches. He mighthave, once, if it had not been for time, for distance, for death itself. Theirreunion ought to be an impossible thing, yet they are in one another’s arms.That first time, it had not been close enough, not with the clothes betweenthem. They had both needed more, not flesh against flesh, but joined togetheras one. The Gods had treated them cruelly, had stripped them of nearlyeverything.
You owe us yourforgiveness in this, Jon thinks as he lays Arya on his bed. The North remembers, and this debt you will pay.
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