#i've talked to him about the smoking issue multiple times and each time he's like “so sorry!!!!”
phildumphy · 7 months
me @ my next-door neighbor last night: please could you try not to smoke in the balcony right next to my window, I can smell it all and I'm allergic
my neighbor: oh I'm so sorry!! I know I'm a big smoker, really so sorry! I will smoke inside with the window open
my neighbor, tonight: *smokes in the balcony right next to my window while on the phone*
0 notes
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🌼 ― creative headcanons
🎙️ ― great to talk to
📚 ― nice threads to read
🎀 ― all-around kind person
🥇 ― well-developed oc
😍 ― admiring from afar
📌 ― a staple on the dash
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
Yeah fuck you, ilu bitch (:<
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
── For this I've decided to talk a little about @bells-of-black-sunday because he deserves it and also because his blog is just generally an all around treat that excels in multiple areas!
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
── While they've recently gone dash-only, their carrd (or one of three - he's working on more because he's insane) is wonderfully put together, and so is his pinned post!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
── Spük has a really amazing way of writing Tarhos and Danny in ways that both treat them as humans but also does not dance around the atrocities both of these characters have done. Both of these characters are expanded upon in a realistic way that fits both of their personalities. It also ties together loose strings for their lore - particularly in regards to Danny's lack of mother and Tarhos' complicated relationship with violence.
💻 ― excellent writing
── This goes without saying, if you're on my blog you've seen Spük's writing at least a few times a week LOL - his writing is really inspirational to me and is a big part of the reason I write so much. He has a very blunt way of writing which I appreciate, but there's a good bit of prose sprinkled throughout that really makes it enjoyable and easily understood for me and my dyslexic ass.
🌼 ― creative headcanons
── THISSSSS!!! Spük and I talk so much about their muses and headcanons about their lore and each one is like a gourmet meal served on a silver platter for me. This semi - relates to the point I made above about how he can tie together loose lore really well, Danny's lack of mother turning into abandonment issues and Tarhos' violence being a coping mechanism because its the only constant in his life? MAN - GOOOOOD fucking food all around. Don't even get me started on Karthus - LJFDGNFK HE'S SO ... SO ... Look I just love the entire idea of corruption through religion -- also modern verse being this bored asf British Ghost who smokes weed is the funniest shit to me idc.
🎙️ ― great to talk to/🎀 ― all-around kind person
── We legit talk from morning to night about everything, not only as a writer but as a person Spük has a wonderful personality. He's very kind and genuinely one of the most understanding, sweet people I've been lucky to meet. He's always eager to help flesh out other people's muses and plot too! I definitely recommend speaking to him ooc - he's just such a sweetie pie.
📚 ― nice threads to read
── Spük puts so much effort into each piece of writing he does, and it really shines through in how his long - form threads read and connect together. I won't lie and say that I don't ocassionally re-read our threads and kick my feet like a schoolgirl but thats besides the point. Each interaction on his blog is thought out beautifully and carefully, and they genuinely have some wild twists and turns throughout.
🥇 ― well-developed oc
── He has quite a few OCs on his blog, but Aita and Yijun are so wildly creative to me and they're both such deep, yet funny, characters. Aita's story is such a relatable tale for many of us, and I feel connected to him in how he feels in relation to his family and life's pressures. He just feels like a very realistic train-crash of emotions that have gathered up over time and I genuinely hope he can heal. Yijun on the other hand is a bitch and I also love them - the idea of turning a demon into a snake oil salesman that uses TikTok and social media as a way to form a pseudo cult is so fucking SMART and such an innovative way to explore demonic intentions. Plus he's just so ... mean? It's comical how bitchy he is - plus his relationship with Abel!!! AAAA!
😍 ― admiring from afar
── Not me peepin his blog daily for any missed updates -
📌 ― a staple on the dash
── Probably embarrassing to say but Spük is one of the first people I look for on my dash, they're such a huge part of it and I'm so invested in everything they make that I can't really imagine it without them on it. At that rate I'll just delete - NJKDHKJG this is a joke obviously but I really cannot picture the dash without him on it. He's so sweet, caring, has great writing and amazing art - how could I NOT want to see him popping up on my homepage everday? His content is a BUFFET.
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 10
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.  
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually) 
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally. 
Series masterlist
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Sofía was in a meeting with Chris's publicist, his assistant, and lawyer as they all went through the contract along with the brewery lawyers.
"My client had already told me to give whatever your asking," The lawyer spoke and Chris's publicist kept eyeing her. "so, this is more a formality."
"We already discussed it, just a photoshoot. We're going with the social media route of promoting." Sofia explained and the lawyer nod a few times, she was on the last page of the contract.
Sofía looked at his publicist and the woman kept looking at her phone and then back at her, multiple times like she was trying to figure something out.
What the fuck? Sofia kept thinking and she heard Chris's voice carrying from the other side of the co conference room. He had arrived a while back but Ron and his kid were giving him a tour of the brewery that was barely getting it together. Nothing was set up but the skeleton was there and Chris was delighted.
They still haven't really seen each other, until this very moment, the first thing he did was stare at her, puppy eyes and everything and Sofia was acting like she was already over it, guess Chris wasn't the only actor in the room.
Of course, Ron started his usual little speech as they signed the contracts, even cracked the champagne at nine o'clock. The photoshoot was going to be after lunch as the crew gets the things together—Ron had really splurged on the production, he really took it to himself on how much money he was saving.
Sofía could see from the corner of her eyes as Chris was discussing something with his publicist, she kept discreetly pointing in her direction as Chris looked something on her phone. He kept shaking his head no, getting quickly irritated.
When they both turned around to look at her, she quickly looked at the other way—attention back whatever she was doing.
"Sof," Chris called her, voice soft. She looked up and he was right there with his publicist. "I need to show you something."
"What is it?" She asked and the woman asked if they could speak somewhere else. "Yeah, the office." Sofia leads the way.
"Thanks for the privacy," The woman said, and Sofia nod. "I don't care what you two are doing but I do care about this," She said showing her the paparazzi pictures of Chris and her when she arrived at the stupid party yesterday. Sofia could practically remember everything they talked on that brief moment, her full face was on display.
"Oh," Sofia explained and blinked a few times. "Well, shit,"
"And you didn't have anything to do with it?"
"Megan." Chris cut her off and the girl just rolled her eyes.
"He's insisting that you didn't but I gotta ask, I'm just trying to protect Chris's privacy."
"Megan, come on," Chris interrupted her.
"Wait. Are you asking me if I staged this?"
"Did you?"
"Sofi, I know you didn't, you don't have to answer, look Megan—
" It's okay and no, I didn't. Chris you know I would never," Sofia said looking at him, whatever what had gone down last night she would never break his trust like that, she loved and value their friendship to do something like this.
"Yes, I know," He touched her arm, looking at her apologetic. "I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this, I was sure there was no one."
" I'm glad you weren't, I just have to ask. The pictures are already out and you guys were on the street there's not much we can do." Megan explained. "For now you're the 'mystery woman' but I'm sure with time they'll find out who are you." She locks her phone and put it in her purse and looked at Chris.
"Okay, I'll deal with it when it has to deal with it, I'm cool with it." Sofia shrugged and Chris stared at her.
"This doesn't bother you?" Chris asked.
"It bothers me for you because I know you're a very private person but no worries for me, I'm pretty much obscure on social media, all I do is tweet about how much I hate Donald Trump and re-tweet dogs pics."
"She does," Chris nods and she shrugged again.
"Okay," Megan said looking down at he phone again. "Do you wanna release a statement or…?"
"I prefer not brought more attention to it, I'll leave it like this," Chris said and sigh, looking a little bit defeated.
Megan, the publicist, finished up the talk and quickly excuse herself, leaving them alone in the office.
"We should probably," Sofia said looking at her watch and tried to walk past him but of course Chris wasn't going to just let her.
"Can we talk?" He asked and she sighs.
"Chris, it's really okay,"
"No, it's not. I'm sorry I disrespect you,"
"You obviously still had things to figure out and I just don't wanna be in the middle of that. We are friends, if you need to vent with me I'm here, always." Sofia explained, leaning against the desk with her arms folded against her chest.
"Sof, I already figured it out," Chris said walking up to her. "I don't, I don't want anything with her. It's done -
" Yeah, her tongue down your throat last night didn't necessarily say 'I'm done with her',"
" Shit. I know, can we call it a lapse in judgment? " Chris made a face, he truly didn't know how to salvage this. Sofia was difficult and stubborn and he had fucked up.
"Call it whatever you want," She shrugged and sigh deeply.
"Hey," Chris said grabbing her hands as she kept looking anywhere else but him. "Hey, look at me," She did and closed her eyes.
Don't Sofia, don't don't. She kept thinking because he was so fucking attractive, she just wanted to kiss him all the time.
"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. I was a complete asshole and I shouldn't even try to explain, I fucked up it was my fault."
"Yeah," She pouted.
"But, I did figure it out—" Sofia was about to interrupt him again but he was quicker. "I know it didn't seem like it, but I did."
"I wanna be with you, Sof. I don't wanna be just friends—
"Are you fucking with me?" She squints her eyes at him and scoffed." I'm going just to pretend you didn't say anything because I like my job." Sofia muttered and walked out of the office.
"Jesus Christ," Chris muttered, running his hands over his beard and sigh.
Christofer Robert Evans was relentless, couldn't take no for an answer and Sofia was about to snap at everyone at any giving moment. Between Chris trying to make a truce, Ron losing his shit constantly, his fucking son and friends that were fucking around the brewery, and on top of everything Amanda kept blowing her phone.
"Sofia," Ron called her and she walked up to him and his son that was chatting with Chris.
"What's up?" She said walking up to her and he took her to aside.
"I'm going to send you back to Boston for a while," He said and Sofia was about to cry.
"Oh God, thank you I fucking hate this place so much." She said making a face and Ron laughed at her expression.
"I know, I can see the amount of pressure that I've been putting you into this last couple of days and you did more than deliver. You deserve a little break,"
"Oh, man. Thank you," She sighed with relief. "Everything here it's pretty much set up, the machines are getting installed this week, everything with the bank it's already resolved, permits too. Thanks to Chris's lawyers, contractors are coming at the end of the month… I mean everything it's on track, at least for a week." She explained pulling out her cellphone and Ron was amazed.
"You pulled this off in a couple of days, I'm never letting you go, that's for sure," Ron said and made a gesture. "So, he likes you." He pointed at Chris with his mouth and Sofia roll her eyes. "And I thought you were only into Chicks."
"That's why your wife loves me so much and I have a weakness for pretty white dudes, it's pretty unhealthy if you asked me." She said with a smile looking at Chris for a moment. "it's complicated right now."
"Shit I bet, guess he's really into you by doing all this pro-bono. So, I'm going to be absolutely a greedy selfish man and said to trap this one." He said pointing at his finger and Sofia let out a laugh.
"No way, man." She shook her head. "Let's focus on beer and stop talking about my non-existent love life, after crazy bitch Tiffany. I'm done,"
"Yeah, and I thought my ex-wife was crazy, you definitely got it worse," He put a hand on her shoulder and murmur. "Good rebound, uh?" He pointed at Chris.
"Ay por Dios, Ron." She rolled her eyes and he laughed, walking away toward his son and started saying their goodbyes to a Chris.
"Ah, men. Listen, just be patient with her," Ron said to Chris while they shake hands. "She seems tough but she's all fragile inside, treat her right." The men said as he put another hand on his, squeezing a little bit.
Chris got the point right away.
"Yes, sir."
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