#i've slept 7 hours and 54 minutes in the last 3 days
loveandleases · 2 months
Update Time
I just got back from a brief vacay on Sunday. I picked back up where I left off and now writing and proofing for the demo is done. I just need to port everything over to twine. Luckily I have large parts of it already ported, the ui, the stat bars, almost half the story itself. I want to post some of the side stories in as well, just for a little background, but that will be done after the demo is fully coded. It's a much larger beast than I anticipated, thankfully I type fast. I had expected the demo being between 30k-60k. It looks like after code it will come close to over 60k. If coding goes well then it should be out to beta this week. Now time for an energy drink, and go over my excel sheet to make sure all the variables are in order!
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