#i've posted so much satisfaction-related stuff lately i'm very happy
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theserpentsadvocate · 7 months ago
Aaaaah, I love stuff like this, thank you!
Tagged by: @copperarsenite
Tagging: @feeisamarshmallow @allonsymiddleearth @iceberg-hootenanny (and basically anyone who wants to, honestly)
rules: post the first lines of up to 10 of your last fics/chapters posted on ao3 or your wips and try to draw some conclusions.
I'm going with fics in general, not chapters (because otherwise it would be entirely Satisfaction), and probably sticking to VM fic because all the Tolkien stuff I've posted recently has been crossposting. So last five posted and last five WIPs worked on. :)
(Also, warning that the second-last sentence has a racial slur (used by a character.))
Veronica’s dad was the sheriff, so she was usually pretty scrupulous about not breaking the law. 
Flipping the Script
All Jade wanted was to get her mother’s car and drop it off with enough time to get to the library before it closed, and since the library was open late on Thursdays and she’d stopped to pick it up at 4 PM, it hadn’t seemed that difficult.
Unexpected Dividends
It was probably weird to run a to-do list for your boss in your head, but Eli had been doing it since his second month on the job, because Fred was competent, and reasonably organized, and obviously he was a hell of a mechanic, but his ability to prioritize was a little bit whacked out.
The Most Important Part
“Hot date?”
The Art of Starting Over
It turned out that calling your sort-of boyfriend after a whole week and a half of radio silence was daunting.
Choices (upcoming post S4 oneshot)
Jade grew up in San Diego.
Hunger Games AU for 'X universes Veronica didn't grow up in'
I didn’t sleep well, the night before the Reaping.
untitled WIP (zombie non-AU, post-S4)
Veronica made it home for the end of the world.
Carmen for 'Would've, Could've, Should've' (pending oneshot series)
Yesterday, Carter Phelps shoved Carmen into the stair railing and called her a wetback, like her parents swam all the way here from Venezuela.
Circle of Magic AU for 'X universes Veronica didn't grow up in'
The first time the Guard caught Weevil breaking into a rich man’s house, they tattooed an X on the web of skin between his thumb and first finger and threw him into a cell for the night.
So for the obvious – I favour third person (which I knew), and I’m a bit heavier on female POVs than I anticipated (which I’m pleased with, actually). Also Jade's very prominent, and since I’m already 50% of the Jade/Eli tag on AO3, that doesn’t exactly shock me.
(It’s not immediately obvious for all of them, but every single one of these is Weevil-heavy, which is the most unshocking thing possible. I think I have exactly one VM fic in progress where he’s not central to the entire premise, and even there he’s still majorly present.)
Other than that, the closest thing to a trend that I can pick up is that apparently I like opening sentences that feel either dynamic or relatable? Satisfaction and the post-canon zombie fic both have the more classic hook of raising questions about what’s going on, and most of the JEC fics as well as Carmen’s WCS entry are an attempt to jump you right into the characters’ heads or at least their social reality. Whereas the fusion AUs seem to establish their crossover-fandom immediately (THG with an immediate reference to a well known part of that universe, and COM by heavily echoing Briar’s introductory sentence). I don’t know if I did it on purpose, but I like it, so I’ll have to see how much/if that holds true for the other ones in the series. (The BTVS and Animorphs ones are harder, because they involve discovering something, but the summary of the latter will definitely start with My name is Veronica…, and the 1-800-WHERE-R-U one starts with a direct shout-out.)
Anyway! I’d be interested to know if there’s anything that strikes you. :)
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