#i've never written horror before so feel free to hit me with your feedback
muffindaddystyles · 4 years
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"I know ye' love 'em." He smiles and you didn't know how to response. He hugs you closer to him. For some odd reasons you let him. Inhaling, the rose scent that was kissed to the nape of his neck. He takes you to His rooms. Situating you on his bed. Sitting beside you and taking your hand warning them up. You puts your head on his shoulder and he glances down at you, leaning closer your mushk attracting him. Your enchantness calling him closer but this's not who he's. He retreats back smooching a wet kiss to your forehead.
Authors Note; Everything written down below is based on fictional fantasies. In no case it's related to real life, in my sheer excitement I've perfectly imagined Harry as the prince of all of our hearts. To give your imaginations a roller coaster I've created a moodboard, I'd love!! if you'll give your feedbacks (it means alot to me) and appreciate it. All my love, Moji! Part 2
Amber scent of soil beneath the cream skin of soles, clouds flourished to baby blues then rolled the cotton ruffles of the flimsy gown with themselves. A choir of tinsy emblem sparrows sang songs dancing in the rhythm sat on the branch of oak. Snowflaked downey petals of jasmine perked up at the sweet cooe and they caressed themselves to the tips of your soft fingers as you greeted them in the early morning dew. A basket on your hip, collecting fresh jasmines and the pastel cotton gown of yours sticking to your thighs with each step and pluck.
The tangerine sun winks at you from the tea fields far and kisses your skin shying away when you shushed it to be busy in your work. Then you were done with delicate flowers pilled in a basket and your under skirt poofed when you flopped onto the mother earth, laughing to yourself causing the furry rabbits to gallop to their nearest shelter.
The cackles resonated to your cottage and your curious tumbirous little sister with doe eyes that of yours and gorgeous hair that of your mother, flights like a dove to where you're sprawled upon.
"Ani's coming back home." She informs you sitting beside you and the happy news of your father's return to village from a business trip to another village makes your spine erect in excitement. The crown of jasmines you were intervining together falling in your lap and when you ask her again she bobbed her little head in utter vigour, you wrap your arms around her petite tiny figure spinning her around making her squeal.
The longing of your Anni's affection and the yearn of his embrace will soon vanish to joy and warmth after four months of departure.
The wind bubbled to the paths of Clisora a city where springs are luxurious with the bustling trade market of satins and silks. Winters warmed up with down town inns and brothels, summers for enjoying the heat of the weather and the berries riped to core. The nation men are happy and thriving even though their King's the cruelest person alive. But, it doesn't matter to them. The whispers of Castles are none of their business.
His own son's loathes him for their father killed his own brothers for the sake of throne.
In the middle of frozeness the heavy thuds of footsteps startled Harry in his chambers, silken beige sheets damp under his neck and he cranes it with horror as the ginormous wretched shadows lurked in the corridors of his rooms. He throws his brocatelle robe on his bare upper body, stepping outside he follows the thumps of devil and his stomach eats his heart alive when he sees the sight of his older brother's rooms.
The executioners leaving his room with none sympathy because a King's command could never be denied upon. Harry's older brother lifeless with ring marks of noose around his neck his only fault was that he exposed his father's evilness to the inner courts.
To that day, everything crumpled to Harry's feet. The darkness follows him around even to the gardens, the memories of his little self fighting with a wooden sword with his Api his big brother never allowed him to sleep.
His GrandMother the Royal highness and the Lady of Castle that has an eye on every chore going inside the high walls, notices the sadness of her only grandSon gifting him presents from the all corners of the world.
Nothing lulled Harry's heart to tranquility till the evening of ending winters when his grandmother calls him to her spacious chamber to show him new sea of life saving luxurious gifts, in the last corner his eyes fell over the painting framed with golden carving.
She knew it was a cupid arrow straight to his heart. He couldn't resist but to give a smile to her and the night servants placed the painting in his rooms.
He stares at the beauty hidden in every splotch of paint, the young girl portrayed on it seeming as if made of milk, Harry stares right into her soft irises and his heart gives a pump of warm blood seeing her cherry lips. The jasmine crown on her shiny hair gives a blooming fragrance to Harry every night he sleeps and the lamb in her embrace makes Harry smile to her with closed eyes.
"She makes m' heart 't peace." He told his Highness truly and she squeezed his hand feeling good to see his grandson himself again.
"M' lion. M' s'happy to see you happy again. Her name's Y/N. She lives in the village of Serene the potraitist of Royal family went there and found 'er tradin' jasmines."
The Royal Mother gets what she wants. She can do anything for her power, the King's sick and Harry's her only puppet left. She'd use him to every finest. She's in so wrong though, Harry moist his tongue with her name testing how it feels coming from the core of his heart.
How she's like to touch in real? Is she like confettie berries that leaves stains at the tips? What's her voice like when she speaks? I'm sure it's honey dripping and succulent with kindness. Harry thinks, palms flat under his head and his book of poetry open on his chest. Stars tinkling from his golden window pane and a future of millions suns waiting for him.
You sniffle with blood pumping into fearful vessels of your heart. Tucking your little sister under your armpit you promised her you wouldn't let a finger harm her as the loud heartbreaking screams feebled to the wooden cabinet you're hiding in.
Everything happened in the blink of eye. Momenta ago you were into your Anni's arms when a ship halted at the port and it was a chaos where ever they stepped leading them to your home, for you. Your mother fell to the feet of those black leather dressed merciless men but they stepped on her pure gowns approaching for Anni.
"Where's Y/N? We know she's hidin' somewhere in thy boundary." You stomach eats your heart alive from a revelation of your name from a stranger's tongue. "'M not goin' to tell ye'." Anni grits with rage while your mother sobs loudly the jasmines in her hair dying out of sadness.
The leader of those cruel men shoves your anni past, "too late for that." He retorts evily and you shrink back trying to protect your little sister Alexa. Prayers on your lips, mercy in your tears and before it reached to skys a grime hand snatches your arm yanking you out painfully.
Your glass features dulls into pity and you flinches harshly when he grabbed your jaw snapping it to meet his eyes.
"What's in ye' that's not in other girls?" He grumbles and when father shouts to leave his daughter they trap him back. "Please, leave me." You beg with innocent frightened eyes.
"Royal Highness's, order." He tuts with none sympathy. You try to escape free from his strong hold but he throws you at his shoulder taking you with him.
You kicked and screamed asking for your Anni as he runs behind you trying to save his precious stone, his moon, and his beat of heart but it's in-vain. You watch your parents falling helplessly to the land you've played upon for years in traumatic shock and confusion. Your heart as if none existed, as if it bursted to stardust.
You stir from your darkness into real word. It was a dream, oh goodness it was. Your soul consoles you but the reality lies in the other hemispheres as you found yourself away from your loved ones. Mother, Anni and Alexa. Nobody's with you and it's just rotting walls, a beacon of disappointment and a wrap of dirtinnes around your body.
It's an alehouse. When you descended downstairs your abductors were there with hall full of other manwhores. Getting themselves entertained from women in veils and some of them naked. You jump on the opportunity and try to run when a men puts his sword on your throat. You knock his shins and taking his sword in your control making him lurk on it's tip.
"Help me!! These bloody men abducted me under duress." You crane your head in every direction when the hall boomed with laughter. There's no escape now, it's their territory, their men everywhere. Your're alone with none of yours in a city of pitiless people. The sword clashes to floor ripping past through the wooden planks but the sound echoed from your heart, silver of it reflecting you.
Everyone's rude here. They gave you a bath with a bunch of other girls and when you tried to put them into their places they'd bark a warning. You're like everyone else. But, the high salt marble walls of Palace, crystal diamond chandliers, sapphire velvet gold carved giant doors, hundreds of maids, cooks and the luxuries of this cold hearted Palace doesn't faltters you like them. Every minute in these walls where you can't see stars and blue skies is an agony for you. Home's waiting for you. Your mother singing your lullaby thinking you might come. You've lost count of the days and weeks.
You sleep with other concubines in the attic, while everyone giggles and gossips you write letters to your home before going to bed which's just a flimsy mattress on the wooden board. The butler in charge lined you all up ordering the coffiure to dress the new lassies. Satins and chiffona feels weird on your skin compared to the soft cotton gowns used to wear.
"Bow!" She barks hitting her thick jewel covered stick to floor. She shoves your head a little down to make you bow properly and what comes from inside the Royal's bedroom chambers throws you into fits of laughter.
A white Persian cat. Bow my arse. You cursed under your breath.
Sheba digs her nails into your forearm hissing loudly, "behave else I'll throw you in dungeons."
With eyes down you all entered inside the Royal Highness Rooms. She's sitting with high chin onto the lush divans, she sips her morning tea as everyone pays her their services.
You free yourself from Sheba's tight eye watch and falls to Mother Highness feet tugging at her gowns.
"Leave meh' for God's sake. I don't wan' to be here, please send me back home." You keep your head lowered and the Highness gestures the maids to stop when the approached to pull you back, "Forgive us our Highness, she's a hussy with a tongue of witch." Instead, you're bold and unfearful. The Highnes takes your chin and makes you look at her.
"My child. This's your home now. And if the nature wishes you'll have a bright future in this Palace." Anger boils in your veins. Hurt you looked at her in accuse yanking the hem of her gowns and standing your grounds.
"Ye'll are brutal creatures, whom fear their weakness!!! These crowns of yours 'ere made t' fall one day."
"Woman!" Sheba yells in warning pulling you back harshly as everyone gawks you, when the Highness leaves her seat the intimidating aura of her makes you shrink back a little.
"The escape out of this Palace's just death, you've options. Live how we say or get thrown into the sea." You huff with stinging eyes and just like that you're escorted out of the chambers.
In the dim lights of night lamps you were writing another letter to Alexa when one of the maidens Lezabel entered into the attic with chin held high and every other lassie ran towards her ushering her to plush pillows.
"How was Your Highness's t'night? 'M sure he's handsome that of jammist of jams." They whisper ask her with gloating hearts and Lezabel looks at you in jealousy, burning heart knowing you're special for the prince. Lezabel just came from Prince rooms in the wee hours of night, she saw your portrait in his room. Prince didn't liked her being nosy and disrespectful to his space so he asked servants to escort her out.
"What's the Prince like?" You ask her too in curiosity and she laughs loudly leaning on her elbows. "He's old and fat with beard that of south long, when you look in his eyes you turn into stone. He eats the hearts of young girls like an ugly lion." Everyone suppresses their giggles knowing she's lying and that Prince's the cherriest of shining moon. You gasp praying to good that time never comes when you'll have to face him.
Laila's leading you to another task handing you the Highness's cat and you smile down at her scratching her back as Laila talks. Suddenly someone calls her leaving you and Nilo alone.
You groan when Nilo gallops from your arms and climbs up the ridged stone wall when you efforts to get her back gripping the edge of stone, the wall grinds against the floor. You gasp in astonishment when it rotates to other side, stepping inside you were exposed to the mesmerising sight of garden with that of sky. There's wild turquoise sea under the white cemented broad railings of the balcony.
Jasmine scent sings your freedom after days of darkness, your head slowly rakes upto the vine and you chase after it. You settle your feet carefully climbing up each branch of vine lifting up your gowns. Goosebumps appearing on your bare thighs and a shiver shots in your spine as you tried to get a good hold on the other next branch.
Harry's behind you with a suppressed smile hands folded at back as he watches a girl trying to climb up a vine without a particular reason but he doesn't know, he doesn't know you're trying to escape. His lips parts as your foot slips and before you were about to fall he catches you securing your head protectively tumbling to ground with you beneath his taught chest.
He stares you. It couldn't be real? Could it? Those mahogany eyes and shine of pearls in them. Those cherry lips and plump cheeks of baby. She's not real but another dream of his heart and soul. His jade irises flickers between yours and you stare him back in confusion, he's pretty with a carved jaw, heart-shaped toffee lips, stardust eyes and chestnut curls tickling his high cheekbones.
"What are ye' doin' here?" His voice that of honey dripping and you grunt shoving him off of you covering your legs with your gown and standing up asking him angrily, "are you goin' to tell them?" He's still in awe of your beauty. You're way more gorgeous than that of portraits, he can't belive his lover, his soulmate's one feet away from him.
You walk towards the balcony looking down the sea waves as ever beautiful that of crystal "who?" He asks with puppy eyes and you turn sharply to his front, "Sheba, and other witches." . "will you tell 'em?." He shakes his head in denial with soft eyes and furrowed brows, his heart racing fast and nerves jittery.
"What's behind this wall? Can I escape?"
"Why d'ye want t' escape?" He asks with a loom of sadness in his chest. She hurriedly paces back to him.
"Because of Prince. They took me by force!" Harry's still in utter bewilderment, "Ugly and fat, Prince."
"Ugly and fat?" Harry whispers to himself frowning awfully. "They'll feed me to him."
"He eats the heart of young girls." She says in fright and despair. If Harry could touch her he'd have consoled her in his arms long ago.
"There's a girl who survived, she didn't look him in eyes. He smelled her and went away?" She's uncertain with eyes looking dead straight into Harry's for the very first time and it slashed his breath away. Your eyes like a walk in garden of heaven, the summer river of black-mud and moss of skies.
You again rushed to the balcony, "don't ever look down there." Harry tells you caringly joining you at the higher deck "you'll fall in the waves."
"Then tell me what should I do? Help me." If Harry could he'd, but this Palace's not even his's.
"I think s' ye' should go, if they knew you disappeared they'll put you in a bag and throw you in sea." This would never happen in his presence. When he's alive he wouldn't let a soul touch you but he's saying this to protect you for the time being.
Tears brinks in your eyeline. Your bottom lip wobbling and Harry's thumb itches to caress it and kiss it, "A bag?...and sea? No!" You cry sitting on the small stair step. A sigh left Harry's chest and he sits beside you under the flower and grapevine. "I want to go back to my mother, father and Alexa."
"Don't be scared..." He reassures you placing his hand on your shoulder the first skin to skin touch blossoming his soul, "no one can hurt ye' while I exist, Y/N." You pushes your head away from your arm peering up at him with teary eyes. Then in an instant pushing his hand away terrified, "How did you know meh' name?" His eyes widen but he overcomes his panic blurting quickly.
"Didn't ye' say about Sheba? She told me..." He quirks up a smile gazing down then to her with a scrunch of his nose, "...she told me a lupus monsterous lupus came to Palace."
You scoff with raised brows, "she's the monsterous ones!" Harry chuckles gingerly.
"'M tryin' to protect myself." Harry wishes he could be able too protect his flower, his lover from the shadows of this helll. You turn closer to him whining with sadness, "save me, please. They'll take me again." Harry gazes her moon like face with pain and helplessness. "It's hell here."
He takes her pudding hands in his's looking at her sincerely and bringing her to feet with him, "I'll help you. But, now ye' should go....there are alot of girls we'll find a way befo' your turn." You retorts but still agrees not knowing how your trust and faith in him grew in just a first meet.
"What's ye'r name?" You ask him and he smiles circling the hilt of your thumb, "Leo." He lies. You beam back taking his name.
"Why're ye' goin' to help me, Leo?" He gives a lopsided smile that covets dimples into his creamy cheeks.
"Becaus I also want to run away from this Palace..." You gasp. "Did they took you here unwillingly too?" When your train of questions took a depart he spoke in a serious voice with a tinge of gentleness he only holds for you.
"Go back to attic, I'll find you again." With sad eyes you leave him and he grinned to himself foolishly, butterflies swooning around his ribcages and the noor inside the shell of his skin glowing after ages. Only for you. Just because of you.
King's at the dying bed and the Highness knows that he's a few days guest. You're an enthronment gift from Higness to Prince when he'll be throned, their plans were to beautify you in luxuries and get you laid with him on daily nights till he becomes the King and the old one dies. Then use you to make the Prince their puppet so that the control of Country that's in Highnesses's hold never floods away from her.
Unfortunately, he has seen you already and asked His Highness about you explaining that you refreshed his heart and satisfied him like a beacon he was always waiting for, so she ordered that tonight it's your turn to go to his rooms.
They weave your hair with tongs, strokes your neck with mushk and reddened your lips with cherry balm, dressing you in teal gowns and pushing the string of your corsets like you're a rag doll. Tears falls down into the valley of your chest as your reflection strikes in the mirror.
Time slows down, the jasmines burns into ashes and the pearls hides into depth of oceans as they walked you towards a long corridor with lanterns and curtains of sheer chiffon along way.
"C'mon lady..." The servant guides you not caring of your tears, the sadness and the misery on your features, "..we're at the golden pathway right now."
"Pathway of strength, power, love and happiness..." You hiccup with weekend knees, "to the gardens of paradise and the exists to the sea of hells..." Your mind gives you a courageous push and you turned to go back.
"Leave me! I don't want this!" But, Sheba grabs your jaw and yanks you to her.
"What do you want then, death?" She glares.
"Either, sleep with with our Prince t'night or get buried into grave." She gives her a warned grime smile wiping your tears and patting your hair.
The lullaby of your mother lulls you and it filled your heart with more tears.
I sigh but you don't hear me.....My pearl......
The sheer long sleeves of your dress wooshed when the doors to the rooms opened slowly.
I cry but you don't pity me. I cry but you don't pity me......Come my daughter, love me back....
You strolled inside the luxurious bedrooms with blurred vision turning your back to face the bed away from the Prince sranding at the breezy balcony outside.
Swing the child for me, my daughter....
The lullaby resonates to end and you fall on your knees lowering your head down and promising to never look up at him. Your head dizzy, lower lip shaking out of fear and chest heaving with ragged breaths.
You try not to shut your eyes tight when the footsteps slowly approached you and when a long calloused hand came down for you, thumb taking your chin lovingly to make you look up at him you grab it and bite it with ever force of canines.
"Ow!" Harry grumbles gaining your attention and your heart falls in your tummy at the person infront of you.
"You?" Surprise, betrayal and bunch of lies. Harry closes his eyelids smiling gingerly and wetting his lips. Then everything from the past came crashing on you and it lowers your blood rush holding your vision.
You fainted falling into Harry's arms and he picked you bridal style laying you on the bed kissing your forehead, he frowns perpetually stroking your hair and regretting the descions of his life, not knowing when the sleep invaded his senses. If he had not been a promised this would have never happened to you.
You woke up as if the sun that of paradise, sheets cool and bed that of silkworms but then you glances to your left sitting up with a gasp. Pulling your hair away from between unconscious Harry's fingers carefully. Finding your shoes when your eyes fell over a painting, you pushed away the piece of clothe on it startling when a hoarse voice came filled your ears.
"Did you like it?" You frown in offend facing him boldly.
"Did I like it?! Did I like it?!" You hits his chest with hard blows and with your shoes.
"I saw it at Highnesses's suite." He murmurs in apology.
"And there you gave orders to bring me!" You yelled not fearful that he's a Prince of the land you're at. "What am I?" "Am I a sheep or a horse?" "Am I olives or eggs?" You hold your tears and the screams.
"Talk to me! I said talk to me!!" You sobbed shouting at him blowing him with shoves and atlast he raised his voice speaking with gentleness at end.
"I didn't gave orders to bring ye'. I didn't even know you were comin', ye' 'ere a gift from Highnesses."
You stare him in disbelief, "a gift!?" ""M not a gift but a human!" "I've a family just like you."
He thins his lips, expression becoming taught as he listens you, eyes piercing fiercely.
"You're such an oppressor, you'll become an oppressing ruler!" You said furious at him. The words were like a on arrow ripping his heart because this's what he always feared of; to become like his dad.
"I'll run away from here, I promise." You throw the painting to floor striding away from him when he grabbed your elbow pulling you infuriatedly towards himself.
"Nobody can run away from this Palace." You huff yanking yourself away and leaving his rooms.
Lezabel sits proudly on the plush pillows with her stuff scattered around and she calls you from far, "what?" You grunt. "Help me to move this stuff to special lady rooms."
"Help yourself." Your roll your eyes walking away and she follows you, "and why in the burnin' hell you can't help me?" She might burst from the way she can't fist you.
"Because nobody could ever force me to do anything." You say with chin raised and when she muttered something bad about you under her breath you lost it, "by the way weren't you cryin' last night, you came back in the wee of night. What happened Prince didn't liked sleeping with you?" You smirk at your blow and every lassie started whispering to eachother.
"No...She's lying because she's jealous. I came in the morning." She throws dagger at you but you didn't wavered.
"We'll ask Sheba then."
She remarks at this cockily, ".....don't even try young lady our Prince wouldn't even look at ye'r face." She hits your shoulder and you tighten your lips into a pout standing back tall again.
"I don't even like your Prince, he's a weak oppressor. He'll get nothing in the future!" You were in the middle of your burst when she slapped you hard across your cheek. In defence you knocked her down straddling her torso and hitting her equally. A jasmine picker young girl who was famous for her sweetness, politeness and kindness halted at this corridor of life just because of the vilness of her arounds.
When Harry's Mother the Second Highnesses asked for explanations you just shrugged and Lezabel rambled, "she made me an enemy because I entered seclusion at night, she even mocked me."
"She's lying!" You said loudly. "I did nothing, she attacked me!"
"Shut up, Lady!" "Don't speak without me' permission."
Mother favours Lezabel because she's chosen by her. She nods for her to speak.
"'M not pissed because she mocked me but for about things she said about our prince."
"Throw her in dungeon fo' she'd taste the punishment." Mother Highnesses commands to servants and you groan trying to get rid of their painful hold on you as they dragged you outside. "Don't!!" You scream digging the heels of your feet against the stoney floor to stop them but their power's a thunder storm to your blue rains.
"Please, I promise I didn't started it!" You thrash as they push you inside the pitch dark dungeon slamming the heavy wooden door at your face leaving you crying and begging.
Your head points in every direction afraid of calignosity and you shrink into a corner sobbing loudly, crouching your knees closer to your chest.
Your mind drifting to stardusts, and golden nebulas as your breath turned shallow to stillness, to numbness. Your body giving up, bowing to the visciousness of these walls at your last breath.
The sheer curtains blows letting the cool zephyr to caress Harry's curls. He's sitting at the oak desk which has his brother's poem carved on it in golden letters. He's carving a Red Beryl . A precious stone digged out from the springs. The stone reminds him of you, just like a pomegranate. Sour as if the blood dripping from the sword and sweet as the honey apple tarts.
He frowns when a particular breeze distress his heart and his sixth sense feels something's not right. He calls the servant and asks them for you.
"My Prince. She....Mother—" The servant hesitates not meet Harry's eyes. Harry stands up alert, his jaw set tight as he towers the poor lad.
"Mother Highnesses sent her to dungeons." One sentence's what it took for Harry to flee in resentment. He enters his mother rooms without a knock and she raises her chin smiling looking at her cub. "Ye' know mother she's meh lover, how could ye d'that t' meh?" He asks with dissapointed eyes. "You know that your grandmother and that girl's trying to trap, don't you?" But, he leaves her because you need him more than than the petty explanation.
The lullaby of your mother rings in your ears. A mellow light crooning you to sleep as if your soul's touching the sky. After so long you see stary night doomed with lush tress around.
A cough escapes your lungs and you raise your arm to touch that sky, to grab those stars.
How many stars are there in sky?
....My pearl.....
...And they shine one by one.....They shine one by one.
How many times my eyes has seen this?
.....My pearl.....
"Our Father in sky. My Mary. Why did you leave me alone?" You inhale a long puff of breath. Staring at imagination infront of you but in reality it's just darkness. "Mother, Anni. My heart my soul m' sendin' this message by clouds and air that're passin' above." Your eyes shines and skin glows when the moon glimmered at you.
"Prayin' to God that the letters, I sent ye' arrivez t' ye. They took me away from ye'. And they brought me here to Clisora. Caged me in a palace full of luxuries and magnificence. M' only wish's to come back to you in our island our courtyard. Under me's soil of kindness over my head trees of olives, skies full of pearls." You inhale the jasmine scent in your weak state.
"Father m' anni if couldn't come back to ye', death's m' only escape. I don't want to keep your hopes then remember me in your prayers, I love ye' with my whole dying soul." Your brows furrowing tensely when Harry's face glimpsed infront of you. Your clogged lungs nourishing with some oxygen and you gasp loudly hunching in Harry's arms.
"Y/N!" He taps your cheek trying to bring you to life. His heart at brink of devastation. He himself took you from the dungeon to his garden.
You're in his arms. He's peering down at you worriedly cradling your face in his large soft palms.
"'S okay...." He breaths out when you snap your eyes fearfully to your surroundings. Jasmines around you, vineyard infront of you and the cast pearled sky atop your head. It's the same garden where he met you for the very first time.
"...take a deep breath fo' me." He takes a glass of water helping you sit up. When you whine with the pain in your sides he massaged them, putting your head on his shoulder. His chest against your back as he stroked your hair soothingly. His cheek pressed to yours and he deliberately puts his chin atop your head.
"I thought that I died...n' that I went to heaven. I smelled jasmine everywhere.." He chuckles softly fonding the apples of your cheek, "because I brought it fo' ye', look." You see and it's jasmine plants with pink roses everywhere. They seem like they've been planted recently.
"I know ye' love 'em." He smiles and you didn't know how to response. He hugs you closer to him. For some odd reasons you let him. Inhaling, the rose scent that was kissed to the nape of his neck.
He takes you to His rooms. Situating you on his bed. Sitting beside you and taking your hand warning them up. You puts your head on his shoulder and he glances down at you, leaning closer your mushk attracting him. Your enchantness calling him closer but this's not who he's. He retreats back smooching a wet kiss to your forehead.
You don't realise when you sleep in his arms as he scoots you to the pillows not moving too much letting you lay on his chest.
When you wake up you quickly untangle yourself from him. Stopping to look at his work desk. It's mesmerising with stones you've never seen in life before. A Gold ring with Red Beryl coveted in it catches your attention and you startle when Harry pops out of nowhere.
"These are beautiful." You tells him honestly. "Is it?" He asks back in small voice and you nod giving him a gorgeous smile in return. It's weird you aren't hating him at all.
"This's ones fo' ye'. Reminds meh of ye'." He picks up the tantalising red ring facing you.
"I don't want it, Harry. I want home." He sighs closing his eyes and putting the ring back.
"If I'll become a King. I promise to free ye', Y/N. Till then past's a bad memory fo' ye'." Harry doesn't know that he has to keep his promise as his enthronment days are very near.
Enemies are plotting King's and His death. Bribing the army that they rebel against the Royals.
Laila's taking you to Prince and you shove her to a corner. "Laila, help me escape the palace, please I beg you." She looks at you like you're crazy. "They'll cut our heads." You offer her a bracelet. The only thing you've of your parents.
"There's a secret canal way that leads to back gates of Castle. I could only show you the way." You nod grinning widely, unfortunately the canal lead to one of the higher chief's offices and they caught you.
The chief being a betrayer and rebel thought you were eavesdropping of the plot he was discussing. He knocked you down. Thanks to goodness Laila saved you taking you to nurses.
When you came back to consciousness Harry was there. With others around your bed and that chief too. You stares him in fear.
"Who did this t' ye', Y/N?" He turns his torso to you hands on his widespread knees.
You gulped a lump of tears down your throat. You don't know why but it's hurting you to hurt him?
"I tried to escape." His face falls at that. Monotonous as He turns his back to you. Everyone leaves the room making your anxiety peak up.
"Harry..." You whisper with tears falling. You tried to make him look towards you by grabbing his face but he stood up causing to slip shut your eyes.
The next morning, he wakes up to another girl as you're standing with the Highnesses at the balcony from where his's could be seen.
He's gazing down at you with stern expression going back inside with his chest hurting.
"He don't wants to see me. He's mad at me." You say and Highnesses squeezes your shoulder.
"Our grand son's like this. His anger will soon evaporate. You need to acknowledge he loves you alot."
He's standing at the high balcony from where the whole city's under his single glance. He drives his eyes away from there towards you, scrutinizing every detail of you he's in love with.
He's wearing a sapphire gown over the frilled blouse, his hickory curls shining under the moonlight and when he speaks his maroon lips dripped with cherriness.
"Harry." You keep your eyes away from his piercing ones.
"Dont be afraid. 'M not mad." He tells you with gentleness in his harsh voice.
"To show ye' the city." He takes your hand guiding you to him. "Why?"
"To show how quite it's when it's asleep, but it could swallow ye' alive at ye'r one wrong move." He's trying to put some senses in you. He knows you're about to escape. He wants you to wait. He wants to protect you. He loves you. He'd never want anything bad happen to you. Even though he wants to be selfish and keep you to him he can't, he'd have to let you go. At last this's what love's about, that of suffering and agony.
"We can go check it out sometimes. The city becomes yours when you love it."
"I don't lie Harry, I told you from the very beginning I don't want to be here."
You soon changed the topic brushing your fingers at his knuckles taking him by surprise.
"What bout ye'? "You're not happy either." "You're just like me." He sighs letting his forehead fall against yours.
"It's meh life. 'M destined fo' what 'm." You give him a sympathetic smile. Harry felt warm. He never had someone to pity his life everyone glorified him. Now, it feels better.
"Ye' care bout me?"
"I do." You confess and he smiles kissing your temple with affection.
But something turned inside you making you bitter, "I'm your slave, your property I'm supposed to take care of you, right?." His heart pangs at this. He puts his hands on your shoulder speaking to you with ever love.
"Did I hurt ye'? Was I ever bad to you?" You shake your head in opposition. God what's wrong with me. You thought as his jade irirses remain fixated at your face.
"Did I somehow hurt ye' meh, love?"
"You don't get it. You're not the reason of my sadness." You lean against the railing.
"You're a good person, Harry." You continue with dissapointed pout of your lips. "'S just there are so many girls here they all want you."
He instantly grabs her chin. "But what matters is who I want." You roll your eyes.
"Ye' want all of 'em. There's one every night in your bed, leave me." You mutter walking away from him when he catches your wrist, pulling you back and holding both of your wrists drawing circles on them.
"Y're queen of my heart. The soul of me' body. I find ye' in the sky I wake up to and the stars I sleep to. Y're dream of me heart, the beautiful places I've never visited, Y/N." He leans closer to you and you close your eyes anticipating for a kiss but instead he presses his lips against your temple.
His eyes widens when you slip your arms from his armpits wrapping them around his shoulders to hug him. He sways along you inhaling in your pomegranate fragrance until the sun rises to hues of tangerine.
You're at the secret garden again. The day's pretty bright today. Harry's at the balcony, hands at his folds peeking far to his sight.
"Do you fear death, Harry?" You join him.
"I was never afraid of death. Death was always closer to me like a companion of mine but this life frightens me, Y/N." It's the way he always let his vulnerable side expose to you without any restriction. You raise your hand to caress his cheek hesitating midway and Harry gave you a shy smile clearing his throat.
"But ye' tiny creature gives me hope and light." You fake offend putting your hands on your hips. "'M not tiny!." He cackles loudly. The genuine belly ache one, with his head falling back. There was a weird feeling in your stomach watching him laugh this hard for the first time.
When he heaves his chest loudly moisturizing his lips, craning his jaw to other side you peer him for long minutes before turning it back to you gently and Harry's heart did a little dance when your fingers touched him.
You tip toes. Closing your eyes and attaching your lips to his's. Everything around you vanished to sweet cotton candy. He cups your face in his clammy palms inserting his tongue inside your mouth and you moan biting his bottom lip with sccachirness. He pulls away at the brink of running out of oxygen. Both, of you smiling like fool's gold.
"'M afraid 'm fallin' for ye' Harry." You rub your palms up and down his chest, he slips his hand intervining with yours kissing the insides of it, "meh too, meh too"
A royal party was held at castle. Everyone danced, cheered and drank their arses off. Harry's eyes remained at you as you stood in the far corner not allowed to join. Adorned in red satin gown with work of gold wire and jewelled flowers on it. Layers of clothes and cane cane underneath, heavily embroidered corset pushed so far making your breasts appear plump than they already are, your gorgeous hair beautified with a precious headband of red velvets and sapphire stones around. Highnesses gifted you this dress to look pretty for Harry, ordering hairstylist to put curls in your hair and cherry balmness to your lips.
When the Princess of some state came to dance with Harry it caused something to twist in your tummy. It's jealously boiling inside you. Harry smirks whispering something in princess ear that caused her to laugh and you grunted under your breath balling your fists. It's an alluring sight for him. He wishes he wakes upto it daily.
You gesture him with your brows to meet you and He gave you a lopsided smile with mischief in his eyes.
When he stepped in corridors cooing your name climbing up the stairs. His finger tips brushing agaisnt the each wall kissed your presence.
Then two delicate hands pulled him to a side making him squeak dramatically and leading you inside his rooms carefully.
"Ye' mad woman!" You roll your eyes. Smashing your lips against his's catching him by surprise for thousandth time. He kisses you back with same passion, yearn and vigour saturating the thread like distance between you by taking you from hips.
He seals your squeal as you both toppled back to plush floor pillows. He rakes his hands down your calves locking them around his waist. You take his face kissing him with tongue and he fondled your sides caringly.
He moans into your mouth wrapping a hand around your throat and deepening the kiss. Everything feels so hot like burning maroons and you grind your pelvis against his hard on crotch.
"Want ye'." You whine slipping your fingers in his silk curls as he sucked a spot under your ear. He pushes himself back from the crook of your neck tucking wild errands of your tresses back.
"Ye' want meh, sweet girl?" He whispers with sweetest voice continuously petting your head, "I do, Harry. Only you." Harry's so happy he have no words to describe, but his actions would.
He fondles your chin and all you could do's stare his lips, "Tell meh darlin', wha' do yeh wan' from meh?" Your breaths mingling as he grazed his delicate fingers down between the valley of your chest. He maintains an eye contact with you like a prying loin as he glided down your core leaving kisses over your clothes.
When he subduedly pushes your skirts up your bended knees you scrunch upto find his head hovering over your centre, "what're ye' doin'?" You ask him out of breath and he chafed the flesh of your inner thighs mildly.
"Lovin' on meh pretty girl with meh mouth first." Whatever, it's his words coiled knots in your stomach causing you to clench your thighs together but he tutted spreading them wide.
Cool air hits against your dripping cunt when he gets rid of your cotton knickers. He wets his lips, admiring you for moments seeping in the way your pussy lips shining with arousal fluttered with anticipation.
"'S pretty. Love fo' meh?" You bob your head gasping loudly when he traced gentle patterns to your mound. He lowers himself down halting midway, "look meh, darlin'." He tries to gain your attention by tugging your hand intervining his fingers with yours and he climbs back to smauch a kiss to your lips, giving a long wet wipe to your cupid bow. He boops your nose when you giggle gasping in the middle when he pinched your hip-bones.
"I wan' your eyes on meh, when I lick your sweet cunt." The drift of his voice to sterness made him appear intimidating and you gulp nodding.
Your spine arched beautifully when his warm tongue gave an agonisingly tender swipe from your slit to clitoris. He licks like a hungry kitten, small but rapid that causes you to curl your toes in pleasure. You meander your fingers in his wild curls pulling them harshly that made him groan into your pussy.
"Harry..." You moan when he nibbles at your glistening pussy lips, nudging your clitoris with his perfect nose that shooted zaps of pleasure to your spine. "Mhmph, s' fuckin' peachy." He murmurs sucking and taking your nub between his lips to pull it meeting your gaze.
Your head falls back the instant his emarld eyes glimmered at you. The corners of his mouth fully covered with your arousal and wetness.
You lost it when he inserted his tongue inside you, your walls clenching around the soft muscle as it poked in different directions. The tip of his tongue massaging your sweet spot again and again. He gropes your thighs tightly imprinting the rash of his hands when you thrashed in his hold while he laps at you.
"'M gonna...ah!" You yell almost crushing his head and grinding yourself against his mouth. You gushed. Your pleasure coming in waves upon waves dripping down your slit and coating Harry's lips. Your eyes fluttering like butterfly to come to the sight of him atop yours. He's grinning down at you with his cheeky dimples showing and you poke them with your shivering finger.
You kiss him with parted mouth. This time it's slow, sweet and soft. A kiss that melts you in spot, that causes you to desire for more. Your fingers fumbled with his trousers and he helped you shimming them down his ankles.
He lays you down on his bed. Getting you naked not forgetting to love on you how you deserve. Kissing your bare shoulders, your neck and breasts in the process. He kisses your forehead, the apple of you cheeks and your lips at last.
You whimper when he collects your moisture, sushing you with his delicate lips he uses your wetness to tug at his cock. His bulbous head three shades crimsoned of his heart-shaped lips. Both of you moan together in ecastasy when he with ever softness stroked his head in between your pussy lips, flickering your clit with it.
"Take meh hand, darlin'." He winds his fingers with yours pressing them into velvet sheets, your breath hitches when the tip of his cock brushed agaisnt your hole.
"'M bout to get in yeh'." He tells you temple resting against yours and you gave him a wavering smile pecking the corners of his lips.
You give a kitten cry when he buries himself deep inside you slowly taking care of your comfort, "I know. I know, petal." He swiped the sheen away from your hairline staying still as you bolted your eyes shut clamping around him tight. He grunts in pain his back getting pooled in sweat against your palms, but he doesn't care. For you he could bare any misery.
"Relax. Jus' take a breath fo' me, yeah darlin'?" He takes your bottom lip sucking it tenderly as you milked and nourished his cock buried deep inside you. "Y're doin' s' good baby', s' good fo' meh."
His care. Affection. His gentleness for you building three words in you and you were about to say them with ever love for him.
"I...You can move." He plants a small kiss to your hair. Burrowing his head in between your breasts moving with slow thrusts of his hips, you whine and when he gave a particular hard thrust. When he stops immediately looking for any sign of distress on your face you lulled his beautiful face to kiss him. He smiles against your lips, your noses doing eskimo kisses. He's doesn't want to rush. He want to make love with you. Give you all his lovin' he ever had.
"Feels so warm around me cock. Feels s' fuckin' good."
Soon pain faded to tingling of rapture and you locked your elbows around his neck meeting his slow thrusts.
You swirled his curl around your finger adoring his heavenly features. His brows kinking together as he felt blissful pleasure building inside his spine. The bridge of his nose crimson and his cheeks flushed. He held you tight to his chest coming in inside you in spurts of thickness coating your walls and some of it oozing out of your cunt.
He has never felt this ecastic. In the arms of his love. His life. The reason of his presence. Coming out of his headspace he pulled back carefully with his hand pressing on your tummy, when you whine from the soreness he kisses your outer thighs.
"Dear Lord." You moan at the top of your lungs when he kissed your pussy. He tastes himself and you on his tongue as he cleaned and licked you, knowing you couldn't come on your first he took care of you with his luscious sexy mouth. Making you cum for him twice. He has never heard such a pretty noise that of your little saccharine moans and whimpers.
Your head rests on his bare chest. Calves tangled and silk sheets on your hips as he ran his thumb in soothing patterns over your shoulder blade.
"I love you, Y/N. 'Ve never loved someone this much." You smile up at him pecking the underside of his chin with loud smooching noises and his giggles rumbles through his ribcages making you sigh dreamily. He was drowning into slumber and you stared up at the renaissance painting blinking when the realization dawned upon you. What 'm doin'? Is this even right? Your self questioning came to a drastic stop when the room echoed with a knock. You draped a His silk robes over your naked figure popping your head from the creak of door.
"Laila?" You squint and she nodded vigorously gesturing you to come outside.
"I've found a new tunnel that really leads to the back gates of Castle, we need to slide outta here before midnight at that time the duties of guards changes." She whisper yelled. You look at her in shock and uncertainty, until nodding in agreement at last. Quickly rushing in back to put on your clothes halting in tracks when Harry's little breaths reaches your heart you lowers down to plant a kiss to his forehead, frowning at the fact he's burning giving half of your heart to him you exited his rooms because whatever's your descion pain's written in your destination. Putting on a the hood of your magenda velvet coat, you snatches a lantern running away from the indoors pushing the heavy oak doors as you reach to gate Laila stops you to give a hug. "Take care of yourself." You sighed with your heart shattering to pieces.
"Take care of Harry, fo' me, laila." Saying this you rushed away into the meadows pondering over the 'I love you' you've rested on your lips.
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lilmisslibra · 4 years
There is a pond behind my house...
I went Outside™ today, and it inspired me to write some SoFLo horror
There is a pond behind my house. Man-made, I presume, as is the rest of my gated neighborhood. As is the rest of Florida, a synthetic fantasy on built upon the bones of an unforgiving land. Oh, don’t let the palm trees and theme parks fool you; Florida was not made for humans to survive on. Consider the beaches, with the sun beating down on your burning skin, the waves of the Atlantic crashing ruthlessly against the scorching sand. Consider the riptides, hiding in calm waters to pull you under the surf and whisk you out to sea. Consider the swamps, with snakes and alligators hiding in the tall grass, with mosquitos the size of small birds, tenaciously determined to drink your blood. Consider the hurricanes that come so reliably every year to tear down all that has been built before. This land was not meant for us.
There is a pond behind my house. I’ve never explored it, for fear of what might be lurking within its depths. I hear the neighborhood kids playing down there sometimes. At least, I hear their screams. Are those delighted or terrified screams? And why don’t I ever see the children who produce the screams?
There is a pond behind my house, beyond the fence placed to keep a healthy distance between us and other creatures. Behind the bushes that rustle with signs of life from other animals. Animals like geckos and rabbits and squirrels. There are plenty of those in my neighborhood. At least, there were. It seems like lately I’ve seen fewer and fewer small animals, and I don’t hear the frogs croaking in the night anymore. There is a stillness that becomes as stifling as the humidity, especially when I no longer hear the disembodied screams.
There is a pond behind my house, and I would not go there if I were you. I would not slip on a pair of boots to protect my feet from snake bites, and I would not shower myself in bug spray. I would not step in the rough bahia grass – the only kind that grows in the South Florida sand – and tiptoe through the reeds at the edge of the lawn. I would not wade into the muddy waters, avoiding the fish that have been placed there for catch-and-release – assuming there were any fish left – to look for the source of all this missing life. There are no alligators in the pond, or so they tell me. Or maybe there’s just no alligators left.
There is a pond behind my house, and you could call it tranquil, or you could call it unnerving. It’s all up to your interpretation. Afterall, Florida is the world’s largest tourist trap.
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